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251ate together for the good of thosewho love God, those who are theones called according to his purpose."1 Cor . 2 :9 "But just as it iswritten : `Eye has not seen andear has not heard, neither havethere been conceived in the heartof man the things which God hasprepared for those who lovehim .Jas. 1 :12 "Happy is the manthat keeps on enduring, trial, becauseon becoming approved hewill receive the crown of life,which Jehovah promised to thosewho continue loving him ."Jas. 2 :5 "Listen, my belovedbrothers . God chose the ones whoare poor respecting the world tobe rich in faith and heirs of thekingdom which he promised tothose who love him, did he not?"Implanted in the OriginalHuman PairGen . 1 :26, 27 "And God said,Let us make man in our image,after our likeness : . . . And Godcreated man in his own image,in the image of God created hehim ; male and female created hethem ."Love Is a Fruitage of God's SpiritGal . 5:22, 23 "On the otherhand, the fruitage of the spiritis love, joy, peace, longsuffering,kindness, goodness, faith, mildness,self-control ."Love Has to Be Cultivated2 Pet. 1 :5-7 "Yes, for this veryreason, by your contributing inresponse all painstaking effort,supply to your faith virtue, toyour virtue knowledge, to yourknowledge self-control, to yourself-control endurance, to yourendurance godly devotion, to yourgodly devotion brotherly affection,to your brotherly affection love ."1 Tim. 6 :11 "Pursue righteousness,godly devotion, faith, love,endurance, mildness of temper ."1 Cor. 14 :1 "Pursue love ."Col . 3 :14 "But, besides all thesethings, clothe yourselves withLovelove, for it is a perfect bond ofunion."2 Tim . 2 :22 "So flee from thedesires incidental to youth, butpursue righteousness, faith, love .peace, along with these who callupon the Lord out of a cleanheart ."1 Pet . 4 :3 "Above all things,have intense love for one another .because love covers a multitude ofsins .'Christ the Channel ThroughWhich God's Love Is Expressedto UsRom . 8 :38, 39 "For I am convincedthat neither death nor lifenor angels nor governments northings here nor things to comenor powers nor height nor dept .nor any other creation will beable to separate us from God'slove that is in Christ Jesus ourLord ."Eph. 2 :7 "That in the comingsystems of things there mightbe demonstrated the surpassin °riches of his undeserved kindnessin his graciousness toward us inunion with Christ Jesus ."John 14 :21 "in turn, he thatloves me will be loved by myFather, and I will love him andwill plainly show myself to him."Love Expresses Itself in ActionJohn 3:16 "For God loved theworld so much that lie gave hisonly-begotten Son, in order thateveryone exercising faith in hinmight not be destroyed but haveeverlasting life ."John 14 :21 "He that hasmy commandments and observethem, that one is he who lovesme1 John 5 :3 "For this is whatthe love of God means, that weobserve his commandments ; andyet his commandments are notburdensome ."2 John 6 "And this is whatlove means, that we go on walkingaccording to his commandments. This is the commandmentjust as you people have heard

Lovefrom the beginning, that youshould go on walking in it ."Description of Love ; How It Acts1 Cor . 13 :4-7 "Love is longsufferingand obliging. Love isnot jealous, it does not brag,does not get puffed up, does notbehave indecently, does not lookfor its own interests, does notbecome provoked. It does not keepaccount of the injury . It does notrejoice over unrighteousness, butrejoices with the truth . It bearsall things, believes all things,hopes all things, endures allthings ."1 Cor. 8 :1 "Knowledge puffs up,but love builds up ."Love Is Not Sentimentality ; IncludesDiscipline, CorrectionMatt. 10:37 "He that hasgreater affection for father ormother than for me is not worthyof me ; and he that has greateraffection for son or daughterthan for me is not worthy of me."Prov . 3 :12 "For whom Jehovahloveth he reproveth ; even as afather the son in whom he delighteth."Prov. 13 :24 "He that sparethhis rod hateth his son ; but hethat loveth him chasteneth himbetimes ."Heb. 12 :6 "For whom Jehovahloves he disciplines, in fact hescourges everyone whom he receivesas a son ."Ps. 141 :5 "Let the righteoussmite me, it shall be a kindness ;and let him reprove me, it shallbe as oil upon the head ; let notmy head refuse it ."Love Seeks the Welfare of AllPersons, Especially God'sPeopleLuke 6 :27 "But I say to youwho are listening, Continue tolove your enemies, to do good tothose hating you ."John 21 :15-17 "When, now,they had breakfasted, Jesus saidto Simon Peter : 'Simon son ofJohn, do you love me more thanthese?' He said to him : 'Yes, Mas-252ter, you know I have affectionfor you .' He said to him : 'Feedmy young lambs .' Again he saidto him, a second time : 'Simonson of John, do you love me?'He said to him : 'Yes, Master, youknow I have affection for you .'He said to him : 'Shepherd mylittle sheep.' He said to him thethird time : 'Simon son of John,do you have affection for me?'Peter became grieved that he saidto him the third time : 'Do youhave affection for me?' So he saidto him : 'Master, you know allthings ; you are aware that Ihave affection for you .' Jesus saidto him : 'Feed my little sheep .' "Those Having Love HateUnrighteousnessPs . 97 :10 "0 ye that love Jehovah,hate evil."Ps . 119 :163 "I hate and abhorfalsehood ; but thy law do I love ."To Know God Is to Love, Imitate,Obey HimJohn 17 :3 "This means everlastinglife, their taking in knowledgeof you, the only true God,and of the one whom you sentforth, Jesus Christ ."1 John 4 :7, 8, 16 "Beloved ones,let us continue loving one another,because love is from God, andeveryone who loves has been bornfrom God and gains the knowledgeof God . He that does notlove has not come to know God,because God is love . And we ourselveshave come to know andhave believed the love God hasin our case . God is love, and hethat remains in love remains inunion with God and God remainsin union with him ."All-essential to GainingEternal Life1 Cor . 13 :1-3 "If I speak in thetongues of men and of angelsbut do not have love, I have becomea sounding piece of brassor a clashing cymbal . And if Ihave the gift of prophesying andunderstand all the sacred secretsand all knowledge, and if I have

251ate together for the good of thosewho love God, those who are theones called according to his purpose."1 Cor . 2 :9 "But just as it iswritten : `Eye has not seen andear has not heard, neither havethere been conceived in the heartof man the things which God hasprepared for those who lovehim .Jas. 1 :12 "Happy is the manthat keeps on enduring, trial, becauseon becoming approved hewill receive the crown of life,which Jehovah promised to thosewho continue loving him ."Jas. 2 :5 "Listen, my belovedbrothers . God chose the ones whoare poor respecting the world tobe rich in faith and heirs of thekingdom which he promised tothose who love him, did he not?"Implanted in the OriginalHuman PairGen . 1 :26, 27 "And God said,Let us make man in our image,after our likeness : . . . And Godcreated man in his own image,in the image of God created hehim ; male and female created hethem ."Love Is a Fruitage of God's SpiritGal . 5:22, 23 "On the otherhand, the fruitage of the spiritis love, joy, peace, longsuffering,kindness, goodness, faith, mildness,self-control ."Love Has to Be Cultivated2 Pet. 1 :5-7 "Yes, for this veryreason, by your contributing inresponse all painstaking effort,supply to your faith virtue, toyour virtue knowledge, to yourknowledge self-control, to yourself-control endurance, to yourendurance godly devotion, to yourgodly devotion brotherly affection,to your brotherly affection love ."1 Tim. 6 :11 "Pursue righteousness,godly devotion, faith, love,endurance, mildness of temper ."1 Cor. 14 :1 "Pursue love ."Col . 3 :14 "But, besides all thesethings, clothe yourselves withLovelove, for it is a perfect bond ofunion."2 Tim . 2 :22 "So flee from thedesires incidental to youth, butpursue righteousness, faith, love .peace, along with these who callupon the Lord out of a cleanheart ."1 Pet . 4 :3 "Above all things,have intense love for one another .because love covers a multitude ofsins .'Christ the Channel ThroughWhich God's Love Is Expressedto UsRom . 8 :38, 39 "For I am convincedthat neither death nor lifenor angels nor governments northings here nor things to comenor powers nor height nor dept .nor any other creation will beable to separate us from God'slove that is in Christ Jesus ourLord ."Eph. 2 :7 "That in the comingsystems of things there mightbe demonstrated the surpassin °riches of his undeserved kindnessin his graciousness toward us inunion with Christ Jesus ."John 14 :21 "in turn, he thatloves me will be loved by myFather, and I will love him andwill plainly show myself to him."Love Expresses Itself in ActionJohn 3:16 "For God loved theworld so much that lie gave hisonly-begotten Son, in order thateveryone exercising faith in hinmight not be destroyed but haveeverlasting life ."John 14 :21 "He that hasmy commandments and observethem, that one is he who lovesme1 John 5 :3 "For this is whatthe love of God means, that weobserve his commandments ; andyet his commandments are notburdensome ."2 John 6 "And this is whatlove means, that we go on walkingaccording to his commandments. This is the commandmentjust as you people have heard

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