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Lifethrough these you may becomesharers in divine nature, escapingfrom the corruption that isin the world through lust ."1 Cor . 15 :40-50 "And thereare heavenly bodies, and earthlybodies ; but the glory of the heavenlybodies is one kind, and thatof the earthly bodies is a differentkind . . . . So also is the resurrectionof the dead . It is sown incorruption, it is raised up in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor,it is raised up in glory . It issown in weakness, it is raised upin power . It is sown a physicalbody, it is raised up a spiritualbody. . . . we shall bear also theimage of the heavenly one . However,this I say, brothers, thatflesh and blood cannot inheritGod's kingdom, neither does corruptioninherit incorruption ."Life in Spirit Organism forAngelsHeb. 2 :6, 14, 16 " `What is manso that you are mindful of him,or the son of man so that youlook after him?' Therefore, sincethe `young children' are sharersof blood and flesh, he also similarlypartook of the same things .. For he is really not assistingangels at all, but he is assistingAbraham's seed ."Heb . 1 :4, 5 "He has becomebetter than the angels to the extentthat he has inherited a namemore excellent than theirs. Forexample, to which one of theangels did he ever say : `You aremy Son ; today I have becomeyour Father'?""Human Nature" for Those Livingon Earth1 Cor . 15 :45-49 "'The first manAdam became a living soul .' . . .the first is, not that which isspiritual, but that which is physical. . . . The first man is out ofthe earth and made of dust . . . .As the one made of dust is, sothose made of dust are also ; . . .we have borne the image of theone made of dust ."248Resurrection Change to ImmortalLife for 144,0001 Cor. 15 :51, 52 "Look! I tellyou a sacred secret : We shall notall fall asleep in death, but weshall all be changed, in a moment,in the twinkling of aneye, during the last trumpet . Forthe trumpet will sound, and thedead will be raised up incorruptible,and we shall be changed ."1 Thess . 4 :16 "Those who aredead in union with Christ willrise first."Some Living May Never DieJohn 11 :26 "He that exercisesfaith in me, even though he dies,will come to life, and everyonethat is living and exercises faithin me will never die at all ."Resurrection Provides Opportunityfor Life for OthersJohn 5 :28, 29 "The hour iscoming in which all those inthe memorial tombs will hear hisvoice and come out, those whodid good things to a resurrectionof life, those who practiced vilethings to a resurrection of judgment."Acts 24 :15 "There is going tobe a resurrection of both therighteous and the unrighteous ."Everlasting Life Granted toTested Persons on EarthAfter the End of Christ's1,000-Year ReignRev. 20 :5, 7-12 "(The rest ofthe dead did not come to lifeuntil the thousand years wereended .) . . . Now as soon as thethousand years have been ended,Satan will be let loose out of hisprison, and he will go out tomislead those nations in the fourquarters of the earth, Gog andMagog, to gather them togetherfor the war . The number of theseis as the sand of the sea . . . . AndI saw the dead, the great and thesmall, standing before the throne,and scrolls were opened. Butanother scroll was opened ; it isthe scroll of life . And the dead

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