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243 Life(spirit) that originates with God, activating a physical or spiritualbody.Divine : Life of the highest order, like that of the Divine Being,Jehovah God himself, Reserved only for Christ Jesus and his 144,000Kingdom ruling associates .-Acts 17 :29 ; 1 John 3 :1-3 .Immortality: Deathlessness, that is, the life principle of the personpossessing it cannot be taken away by anyone except the Almightyhimself . Dependent only upon Jehovah, but not on any created thing .Incorruptibility : Referring to the <strong>org</strong>anism that cannot deteriorate,or be hurt or injured by any except Jehovah God .Incorruptibility and immortality are inseparably linked with theKingdom . No others besides the Kingdom members in heaven receivethese qualities of life .Everlasting life : Life in a perfect <strong>org</strong>anism, fleshly for humanswho gain life on earth, spiritual for faithful angels who continue tolive in heaven . No other creature can justly take such gift away. Godthrough his <strong>org</strong>anization protects the life of such individual for alleternity . Such a person, by his very creation, is dependent upon food,subject to God's laws governing created things .Jehovah Has Immortal Life, Incorruptibility; Therefore Life life and breath and all things .he himself gives to all personsHas Always Existed And he made out of one man1 Tim . 1 :17 "Now to the King every nation of men, to dwell uponthe entire surface of the earth,of eternity, incorruptible, invisible,the only God, be honor and and he decreed the appointedglory for ever and ever . Amen ." seasons and the set limits of thePs. 90 :2 "Before the mountains dwelling of men . Seeing, therefore,that we are the progeny ofwere brought forth, or ever thouhadst formed the earth and the God, we ought not to imagineworld, even from everlasting to that the Divine Being is likeeverlasting, thou art God ."gold or silver or stone, like somethingsculptured by the art andJer. 10:10 "But Jehovah is thetrue God ; he is the living God, the contrivance of man ."and an everlasting King : at his Ps . 104:29, 30 "Thou takestwrath the earth trembleth, and away their breath, they die, andthe nations are not able to abide return to their dust . Thou sendesthis indignation."forth thy spirit, they are created ."Jehovah the Source and Giver Job 12 :9, 10 "Who knoweth notof Life.that the hand of Jehovah . . .in whose hand is the soul of everyPs . 36 :9 "For with thee is the living thing, and the breath offountain of life : in thy light shall all mankind?"we see light ."Jas. 1 :17 "Every good gift andLife Comes to Obedient MankindThrough Christ Jesusevery perfect present is fromabove, for it comes down from 1 John 2 :2 "And he is a propitiatorysacrifice for our sins,the Father of the celestial lights,and with him there is not a yet not for ours only but also forvariation of the turning of the the whole world's ."shadow ."John 3 :16 "For God loved theActs 17 :25, 26, 29 "Neither is he world so :much that he gave hisattended to by human hands as only-begotten Son, in order thatif he needed anything, because everyone exercising faith in him

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