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241Lev . 6 :18, 22 "Every maleamong the children of Aaronshall eat of it, as his portion forever ['d-lam'] throughout yourgenerations, from the offerings ofJehovah made by fire : . . . Andthe anointed priest that shall bein his stead from among hissons shall offer it : by a statutefor ever ['o-lam'] it shall be whollyburnt unto Jehovah ."Paul Shows Priesthood and SacrificesDefinitely Ended, HenceTen Commandments AlsoHeb . 7 :11, 12, 18, 19 "If, then,perfection were really throughthe Levitical priesthood, (for withit as a feature the people weregiven the Law,) what furtherneed would there be for anotherpriest to arise . . . ?For since thepriesthood is being changed, therecomes to be of necessity a changealso of the law . Certainly, then,there occurs a setting aside of thepreceding commandment on accountof its weakness and ineffectiveness. For the Law madenothing perfect, but the bringingin besides of a better hope did,through which we are drawingnear to God."Law Covenant Replaced by NewCovenant Mediated by ChristJesus Through His Sacrifice2 Cor . 3 :5, 6, 12-14 "Our beingadequately qualified issues fromGod, who has indeed adequatelyqualified us to be ministers of anew covenant, not of a writtencode, but of spirit ; for the writtencode condemns to death, butthe spirit makes alive . Therefore,as we have such a hope, we areusing great freeness of speech,and not doing as when Moseswould put a veil upon his face,that the sons of Israel might notgaze intently at the end of thatwhich was to be done away with .But their mental perceptionswere dulled. For to this presentday the same veil remains unliftedat the reading of the oldcovenant, because it is done awaywith by means of Christ ."LawHeb . 8 :6, 13 "But now Jesushas obtained a more excellentpublic service, so that he is alsothe mediator of a correspondinglybetter covenant, which hasbeen legally established uponbetter promises . In his saying 'anew covenant' he has made theformer one obsolete . Now thatwhich is made obsolete and growingold is near to vanishingaway ."Christians Still Live by PrinciplesEmbodied in LawMatt . 5 :21, 22 "You heard thatit was said to those of ancienttimes, 'You must not murder .'. . . However, I say to you thateveryone who continues angrywith his brother will be accountableto the court of justice ; butwhoever addresses his brotherwith an unspeakable word of contemptwill be accountable to theSupreme Court ; whereas whoeversays, 'You despicable fool!'will be liable to the fiery Gehenna."Matt. 5 :27, 28 "You heard thatit was said, 'You must not commitadultery.' But I say to youthat everyone that keeps on lookingat a woman so as to have apassion for her has already committedadultery with her in hisheart ."Matt . 5 :43-47 "You heard thatit was said : 'You must love yourneighbor and hate your enemy .'However, I say to you : Continueto love your enemies and to prayfor those persecuting you. . . . Forif you love those loving you, whatreward do you have? are not alsothe tax collectors doing the samething? And if you greet yourbrothers only, what extraordinarything are you doing? Are not alsothe people of the nations doingthe same thing?"Force That Moves to ObedienceIs Righteous Active Force of God ;More Powerful than Sanctions ofthe Law2 Cor . 3 :15-18 "In fact, downtill today whenever Moses is read,

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