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Law 238law, a moral law, written by Him, and (2) Moses' law, a ceremoniallaw, written by him . It is unscripturally claimed that the ceremoniallaw was abolished, but not the moral law contained in the TenCommandments . According to the Scriptures, the entire Law covenant,namely, the Ten Commandments as well as all sacrificial and ceremonialfeatures pertaining to the law, was fulfilled by Jesus Christand abolished by being nailed to Christ's torture stake A .D . 33 .Christians are therefore not under any part of the law, including theTen Commandments .Law Given Only to Nation of ly f<strong>org</strong>ave us all our trespassesIsrael, Thereby Separating Them and blotted out the handwrittenPs . 147 :19, 20 "He showeth his document against us which conwordunto Jacob, his statutes and sisted of decrees and which washis ordinances unto Israel . He in opposition to us, and He hashath not dealt so with any na- taken it out of the way by nailtion; and as for his ordinances, ing it to the torture stake."they have not known them ." Paul Showed Law Jehovah Abol-Deut. 4 :8 "And what great ished Was God's Law (Includingnation is there, that hath statutes "Sabbath Sign") Which Hadand ordinances so righteous as all Separated Jews from Gentilesthis law, which I set before you Eph. 2 :11-16 "Therefore keepthis day?"bearing in mind that formerlyEx . 31 :16, 17 "Wherefore the you were people of the nations aschildren of Israel shall keep the to flesh ; `uncircumcision' you weresabbath, to observe the sabbath called by that which is calledthroughout their generations, for 'circumcision' made in the flesha perpetual covenant . It is a sign with hands-that you were atbetween me and the children of that particular time withoutIsrael for ever ."Christ, alienated from the stateMoses Served as Mediator of Israel and strangers to theJohn 1 :17 "Because the law covenants of the promise, andwas given through Moses, the un- you had no hope and were withdeservedkindness and the truth out God in the world . But nowcame to be through Jesus Christ ." in union with Christ Jesus youLaw to Serve Only Until Messiah who were once far off have comeShould Cometo be near by the blood of theGal. 3:19, 24 "Why, then, the Christ . For he is our peace, heLaw? It was added to make who made the two parties onetransgressions manifest, until the and destroyed the wall in betweenseed should arrive to whom the that fenced them off . By meanspromise had been made, and it of his flesh he abolished thewas transmitted through angels hatred, the Law of commandbythe hand of a mediator . Consequently,, the Law has become ments consisting in decrees, thatour tutor leading to Christ, that he might create the two peopleswe might be declared righteous in union with himself into onedue to faith ."new man and make peace, andJehovah Nailed Law to Jesus' that he might fully reconcile bothTorture Stake, Putting It peoples in one body to GodOut of Waythrough the torture stake, be-Col. 2 :13, 14 "God made you cause he had killed off the hatredalive together with him . He kind- by means of himself ."

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