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235in pieces and consume all thesekingdoms, and it shall stand forever ."Dan . 7:14 "And there was givenhim dominion, and glory, and akingdom, that all the peoples, nations,and languages should servehim : his dominion is an everlastingdominion, which shall notpass away, and his kingdom thatwhich shall not be destroyed ."See "Return of Christ", "Signof Last Days."Now Established in Full Power,but Permits Enemies to Exist fora While During Day of Judgmentof NationsPs . 110 :2 "Jehovah will sendforth the rod of thy strengthout of ion : rule thou in themidst of thine enemies ."Rev. 12 :10, 12 "And I heard aloud voice in heaven say : `Nowhave come to pass the salvationand the power and the kingdomof our God and the authority ofhis Christ, because the accuserof our brothers has been hurleddown, who accuses them day andnight before our God! On thisaccount be glad, you heavens andyou who reside in them! Woe forthe earth and for the sea, becausethe Devil has come downto you, having great anger, knowinghe has a short period oftime.'"The Good News Now to BePreached Is That of Jehovah'sEstablished KingdomMatt . 24 :14 "And this goodnews of the kingdom will bepreached in all the inhabitedearth for the purpose of a witnessto all the nations, and thenthe accomplished end will come ."Rev. 14 :6, 7 "I saw anotherangel flying in midheaven, and hehad everlasting good news to declareas glad tidings to those whodwell on the earth, and to everynation and tribe and tongue andpeople, saying in a loud voice :`Fear God and give him glory,Kingdombecause the hour of the judgmentby him has arrived .'"Kingdom Soon to "Come" in DestructiveFury Against Satan'sOrganization at ArmageddonMatt . 6 :10 "Let your kingdomcome . Let your will come to pass,as in heaven, also upon earth ."Dan . 2 :34, 35 "Thou sawest tillthat a stone was cut out withouthands, which smote the imageupon its feet that were of ironand clay, and brake them inpieces . Then was the iron, theclay, the brass, the silver, andthe gold, broken in pieces together,and became like the chaffof the summer threshing-floors ;and the wind carried them away,so that no place was found forthem : and the stone that smotethe image became a great mountain,and filled the whole earth ."Battle of Armageddon to BeFought over the KingdomIssueRev . 16 :14-16 "They are, infact, expressions inspired by demonsand perform signs, andthey go forth to the kings of theentire inhabited earth, to gatherthem together to the war of thegreat day of God the Almighty .. . . And they gathered them togetherto the place that is calledin Hebrew Har-Magedon ."Matt. 24:9 "Then people willdeliver you up to tribulation andwill kill you, and you will behated by all the nations on accountof my name ."Ps . 83 :17, 18 "Let them be putto shame and dismayed for ever ;yea, let them be confounded andperish ; that they may know thatthou alone, whose name is Jehovah,art the Most High over allthe earth ."All Selected for Kingdom MustDie in Order to Enter It1 Cor . 15 :36-38, 50-53 "You unreasonableperson! What you sowis not made alive unless first itdies ; and as for what you sow,

Kingdomyou sow, not the body that willdevelop, but a bare grain, itmay be, of wheat or any one ofthe rest ; but God gives it a bodyjust as it has pleased him, andto each of the seeds its own body .However, this I say, brothers,that flesh and blood cannotinherit God's kingdom, neitherdoes corruption inherit incorruption. Look! I tell you a sacredsecret : We shall not all fallasleep in death, but we shall allbe changed, in a moment, in thetwinkling of an eye, during thelast trumpet . For the trumpetwill sound, and the dead will beraised up incorruptible, and weshall be changed. For this whichis corruptible must put on incorruption,and this which ismortal must put on immortality ."Kingdom Heirs Enter into JointParticipation in Kingdom WhenResurrected to Heaven1 Cor . 15 :40-44, 48, 49 "Andthere are heavenly bodies, andearthly bodies ; but the glory ofthe heavenly bodies is one kind,and that of the earthly bodiesis a different kind . The gloryof the sun is one kind, and theglory of the moon is another,and the glory of the stars isanother ; in fact, star differs fromstar in glory . . . . As the one madeof dust is, so those made of dustare also ; and as the heavenly oneis, so those who are heavenly arealso . And just as we have bornethe image of the one made ofdust, we shall bear also the imageof the heavenly one ."Rev. 20 :6 "Happy and holy isanyone having part in the firstresurrection ; over these the seconddeath has no authority, butthey will be priests of God andof the Christ, and will rule askings with him for the thousandyears ."Col. 1 :5 "Because of the hopethat is being reserved for you inthe heavens . This hope you heardof before by the telling of thetruth of that good news ."236Phil . 3 :20 "As for us, our citizenshipexists in the heavens,from which place also we areeagerly waiting for a savior, theLord Jesus Christ ."Integrity of Those Entering theKingdom Must Be Testedto the LimitRev. 2 :10 "Prove yourself faithfuleven with the danger ofdeath, and I will give you thecrown of life."Matt . 24 :13 "But he that hasendured to the finish is the onethat will be saved."2 Tim . 2 :12 "If we go on enduring,we shall also rule togetheras kings ; if we deny, healso will deny us ."Christendom Is Not God'sKingdom Through ChristJer. 25 :29 "Lo, I begin to workevil at the city which is calledby my name ."Ps . 2:2-6 "The kings of theearth set themselves, and therulers take counsel together,against Jehovah, and against hisanointed, saying, Let us breaktheir bonds asunder, and castaway their cords from us . Hethat sitteth in the heavens willlaugh : the Lord will have themin derision . Then will he speakunto them in his wrath, and vexthem in his sore displeasure : yetI have set my king upon my holyhill of ion ."Matt . 7 :21-23 "Not everyone sayingto me, `Master, Master,' willenter into the kingdom of theheavens, but the one doing thewill of my Father who is in theheavens will. Many will say tome in that day : `Master, Master,did we not prophesy in yourname, and expel demons in yourname, and perform many powerfulworks in your name?' And yetthen I will confess to them : Inever knew you at all . Get awayfrom me, you workers of lawlessness."

Kingdomyou sow, not the body that willdevelop, but a bare grain, itmay be, of wheat or any one ofthe rest ; but God gives it a bodyjust as it has pleased him, andto each of the seeds its own body .However, this I say, brothers,that flesh and blood cannotinherit God's kingdom, neitherdoes corruption inherit incorruption. Look! I tell you a sacredsecret : We shall not all fallasleep in death, but we shall allbe changed, in a moment, in thetwinkling of an eye, during thelast trumpet . For the trumpetwill sound, and the dead will beraised up incorruptible, and weshall be changed. For this whichis corruptible must put on incorruption,and this which ismortal must put on immortality ."Kingdom Heirs Enter into JointParticipation in Kingdom WhenResurrected to Heaven1 Cor . 15 :40-44, 48, 49 "Andthere are heavenly bodies, andearthly bodies ; but the glory ofthe heavenly bodies is one kind,and that of the earthly bodiesis a different kind . The gloryof the sun is one kind, and theglory of the moon is another,and the glory of the stars isanother ; in fact, star differs fromstar in glory . . . . As the one madeof dust is, so those made of dustare also ; and as the heavenly oneis, so those who are heavenly arealso . And just as we have bornethe image of the one made ofdust, we shall bear also the imageof the heavenly one ."Rev. 20 :6 "Happy and holy isanyone having part in the firstresurrection ; over these the seconddeath has no authority, butthey will be priests of God andof the Christ, and will rule askings with him for the thousandyears ."Col. 1 :5 "Because of the hopethat is being reserved for you inthe heavens . This hope you heardof before by the telling of thetruth of that good news ."236Phil . 3 :20 "As for us, our citizenshipexists in the heavens,from which place also we areeagerly waiting for a savior, theLord Jesus Christ ."Integrity of Those Entering theKingdom Must Be Testedto the LimitRev. 2 :10 "Prove yourself faithfuleven with the danger ofdeath, and I will give you thecrown of life."Matt . 24 :13 "But he that hasendured to the finish is the onethat will be saved."2 Tim . 2 :12 "If we go on enduring,we shall also rule togetheras kings ; if we deny, healso will deny us ."Christendom Is Not God'sKingdom Through ChristJer. 25 :29 "Lo, I begin to workevil at the city which is calledby my name ."Ps . 2:2-6 "The kings of theearth set themselves, and therulers take counsel together,against Jehovah, and against hisanointed, saying, Let us breaktheir bonds asunder, and castaway their cords from us . Hethat sitteth in the heavens willlaugh : the Lord will have themin derision . Then will he speakunto them in his wrath, and vexthem in his sore displeasure : yetI have set my king upon my holyhill of ion ."Matt . 7 :21-23 "Not everyone sayingto me, `Master, Master,' willenter into the kingdom of theheavens, but the one doing thewill of my Father who is in theheavens will. Many will say tome in that day : `Master, Master,did we not prophesy in yourname, and expel demons in yourname, and perform many powerfulworks in your name?' And yetthen I will confess to them : Inever knew you at all . Get awayfrom me, you workers of lawlessness."

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