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233all government and all authorityand power . For he must rule asking until God has put all enemiesunder his feet . As the lastenemy, death is to be destroyed ."The Kingdom Is Not Static, butBrings Unheard-of Increases ofBlessings to All EternityIsa. 9 :7 "Of the increase of hisgovernment and of peace thereshall be no end, upon the throneof David, and upon his kingdom,to establish it, and to uphold itwith justice and with righteousnessfrom henceforth even forever. The zeal of Jehovah of hostswill perform this ."1 Cor . 2 :9 "Eye has not seenand ear has not heard, neitherhave there been conceived in theheart of man the things whichGod has prepared for those wholove him ."1 Ki . 10 :7 "Howbeit I believednot the words, until I came, andmine eyes had seen it : and, behold,the half was not told me ;thy wisdom and prosperity exceedthe fame which I heard ."Ps. 145 :16 "Thou openest thyhand, and satisfiest the desire ofevery living thing ."Isa . 25 :6 "And in this mountainwill Jehovah of hosts make untoall peoples a feast of fat things,a feast of wines on the lees, offat things full of marrow, ofwines on the lees well refined ."Prov . 29 :2 (mar .) "When therighteous are in authority, thepeople rejoice ."Kingdom Preached as Present inthe Person of Jesus Christ theKing-designate While He Wason EarthMatt . 3 :1, 2 "In those days Johnthe Baptist came preaching inthe wilderness of Judea, saying :'Repent, for the kingdom of theheavens has drawn near .'"Matt . 4 :17 "From that time onJesus commenced preaching andsaying : 'Repent, for the kingdomof the heavens has drawn near.'"Luke 17 :21 "Look! the kingdomof God is in your midst ."KingdomMatt . 10:7 "As you go, preach,saying, 'The kingdom of the heavenshas drawn near .' "Luke 10 :8-11 "Also, whereveryou enter into a city and theyreceive you, eat the things set beforeyou, and cure the sick onesin it, and go on telling them :'The kingdom of God has comenear to you . . . . keep this in mind,that the kingdom of God hascome near .'"Message of Kingdom as PresentNot Preached from Jesus' DeathUntil A.D. 1914Acts 3 :19-21 "Repent, therefore,and turn around so as to get yoursins blotted out, that seasons ofrefreshing may come from theperson of Jehovah and that hemay send forth the Christ appointedfor you, Jesus, whomheaven, indeed, must containwithin itself until the times ofrestoration of all things of whichGod spoke through the mouth ofhis holy prophets of old time."Rev. 12:10 "And I heard a loudvoice in heaven say : 'Now havecome to pass the salvation andthe power and the kingdom of ourGod and the authority of hisChrist, because the accuser of ourbrothers has been hurled down,who accuses them day and nightbefore our God!'"Matt . 24 :3-14 "While he wassitting upon the mount of Olives,the disciples approached him privately,saying : 'Tell us, Whenwill these things be, and whatwill be the sign of your presenceand of the consummation of thesystem of things?' And in answerJesus said to them : ' . . . Andthis good news of the kingdomwill be preached in all the inhabitedearth for the purpose of awitness to all the nations, andthen the accomplished end willcome .'"Christ King of Christian CongregationSince First PresenceActs 15:14-18 "Symeon has relatedthoroughly how God for

Kingdomthe first time turned his attentionto the nations to take out ofthem a people for his name . Andwith this the words of the Prophetsagree, just as it is written,'After these things I shall returnand rebuild the royal palace ofDavid that has fallen down, andI shall rebuild its ruins and erectit again, in order that those whoremain of the men may earnestlyseek Jehovah, together withpeople of all the nations, peoplewho are called by my name, saysJehovah, who is doing these thingswhich he has known from ofold .' "Col . 1 :13 "He delivered us fromthe authority of the darkness andtransplanted us into the kingdomof the Son of his love."1 Pet . 2 :17 "Honor men of allkinds, have love for the wholeassociation of brothers, be infear of God, have honor for theking ."Kingdom in Sovereign PowerNot Established at Pentecost,A.D . 33Acts 2 :19, 20 "And I will producewonders in heaven aboveand signs on earth below, bloodand fire and smoke mist ; the sunwill be turned into darkness andthe moon into blood before thegreat and illustrious day of Jehovaharrives ."1 Cor. 4 :8 "You men alreadyhave your fill, do you? You arerich already, are you? You havebegun ruling as kings without us,have you? And I wish indeedthat you had begun ruling askings, that we also might rulewith you as kings."2 Thess . 2 :1-3 "However, brothers,respecting the presence ofour Lord Jesus Christ and ourbeing gathered together to him,we request of you not to bequickly shaken from your reasonnor to be excited either throughan inspired expression or througha verbal message or through aletter as though from us, to theeffect that the day of Jehovah is234here . Let no one seduce you inany manner, because it will notcome unless the falling awaycomes first and the man of lawlessnessgets revealed, the sonof destruction ."Christ Waited to Receive theKingdomHeb . 10 :12, 13 "But this manoffered one sacrifice for sins perpetuallyand sat down at theright hand of God, from then onawaiting until his enemies shouldbe made a stool for his feet ."Ps. 110 :1 "Jehovah saith untomy Lord, Sit thou at my righthand, until I make thine enemiesthy footstool ."Luke 19 :11, 12 "While theywere listening to these things hespoke in addition an illustration,because he was near Jerusalemand they were imagining that thekingdom of God was going todisplay itself instantly . Thereforehe said : 'A certain man of noblebirth traveled to a distant landto secure kingly power for himselfand to return .'"Became King of World at Timeof His Second Presence, A .D . 19142 Tim . 4 :1 "I earnestly begyou before God and Christ Jesus,who is destined to judge the livingand the dead, and by hismanifestation and his kingdom ."Rev . 11 :15 "And the seventhangel blew his trumpet . And loudvoices occurred in heaven saying :`The kingdom of the world hasbecome the kingdom of our Lordand of his Christ, and he willrule as king for ever and ever . , 11Rev . 12 :5 "And she gave birthto a son, a male, who is destinedto shepherd all the nations withan iron rod . And her child wascaught away to God and to histhrone ."Dan . 2 :44 "And in the days ofthose kings shall the God ofheaven set up a kingdom whichshall never be destroyed, nor shallthe sovereignty thereof be left toanother people ; but it shall break

Kingdomthe first time turned his attentionto the nations to take out ofthem a people for his name . Andwith this the words of the Prophetsagree, just as it is written,'After these things I shall returnand rebuild the royal palace ofDavid that has fallen down, andI shall rebuild its ruins and erectit again, in order that those whoremain of the men may earnestlyseek Jehovah, together withpeople of all the nations, peoplewho are called by my name, saysJehovah, who is doing these thingswhich he has known from ofold .' "Col . 1 :13 "He delivered us fromthe authority of the darkness andtransplanted us into the kingdomof the Son of his love."1 Pet . 2 :17 "Honor men of allkinds, have love for the wholeassociation of brothers, be infear of God, have honor for theking ."Kingdom in Sovereign PowerNot Established at Pentecost,A.D . 33Acts 2 :19, 20 "And I will producewonders in heaven aboveand signs on earth below, bloodand fire and smoke mist ; the sunwill be turned into darkness andthe moon into blood before thegreat and illustrious day of Jehovaharrives ."1 Cor. 4 :8 "You men alreadyhave your fill, do you? You arerich already, are you? You havebegun ruling as kings without us,have you? And I wish indeedthat you had begun ruling askings, that we also might rulewith you as kings."2 Thess . 2 :1-3 "However, brothers,respecting the presence ofour Lord Jesus Christ and ourbeing gathered together to him,we request of you not to bequickly shaken from your reasonnor to be excited either throughan inspired expression or througha verbal message or through aletter as though from us, to theeffect that the day of Jehovah is234here . Let no one seduce you inany manner, because it will notcome unless the falling awaycomes first and the man of lawlessnessgets revealed, the sonof destruction ."Christ Waited to Receive theKingdomHeb . 10 :12, 13 "But this manoffered one sacrifice for sins perpetuallyand sat down at theright hand of God, from then onawaiting until his enemies shouldbe made a stool for his feet ."Ps. 110 :1 "Jehovah saith untomy Lord, Sit thou at my righthand, until I make thine enemiesthy footstool ."Luke 19 :11, 12 "While theywere listening to these things hespoke in addition an illustration,because he was near Jerusalemand they were imagining that thekingdom of God was going todisplay itself instantly . Thereforehe said : 'A certain man of noblebirth traveled to a distant landto secure kingly power for himselfand to return .'"Became King of World at Timeof His Second Presence, A .D . 19142 Tim . 4 :1 "I earnestly begyou before God and Christ Jesus,who is destined to judge the livingand the dead, and by hismanifestation and his kingdom ."Rev . 11 :15 "And the seventhangel blew his trumpet . And loudvoices occurred in heaven saying :`The kingdom of the world hasbecome the kingdom of our Lordand of his Christ, and he willrule as king for ever and ever . , 11Rev . 12 :5 "And she gave birthto a son, a male, who is destinedto shepherd all the nations withan iron rod . And her child wascaught away to God and to histhrone ."Dan . 2 :44 "And in the days ofthose kings shall the God ofheaven set up a kingdom whichshall never be destroyed, nor shallthe sovereignty thereof be left toanother people ; but it shall break

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