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229Luke 12 :32 "Have no fear, littleflock, because your Father hasapproved of giving you the kingdom."Isa . 66 :1 "Thus saith Jehovah,Heaven is my throne, and theearth is my footstool ."Those Associate Kings Are theFootstep Followers of Christ,Taken from Among MenRev . 5 :9, 10 "And they sing anew song, saying : 'You are worthyto take the scroll and openits seals, because you were slaughteredand with your blood youbought persons for God out ofevery tribe and tongue and peopleand nation, and you madethem to be a kingdom and prieststo our God, and they will rule askings over the earth.' "Rev . 14:4, 5 "These are the onesthat did not defile themselveswith women ; in fact, they are virgins. These are the ones thatkeep following the Lamb no mat-,ter where he goes . These werepurchased from among mankindas a firstfruits to God and to theLamb, and no falsehood wasfound in their mouths ; they arewithout blemish ."1 Pet . 1 :4 "To an incorruptibleand undefiled and unfading inheritance. It is reserved in theheavens for you ."1 Pet. 2 :4, 5 "Coming to him asto a living stone, rejected, it istrue, by men, but chosen, precious,with God, you yourselvesalso as living stones are beingbuilt up a spiritual house for thepurpose of a holy priesthood, tooffer up spiritual sacrifices acceptableto God through JesusChrist ."Jas . 2 :5 "Listen, my belovedbrothers . God chose the ones whoare poor respecting the world tobe rich in faith and heirs of thekingdom which he promised tothose who love him, did he not?"2 Tim . 2 :12 "If we go on enduring,we shall also rule togetheras kings ; if we deny, he also willdeny us."KingdomRev . 20 :4, 6 "And I saw thrones,and there were those who satdown on them, and power ofjudging was given them. Yes, Isaw the souls of those executedwith the ax for the witness theybore to Jesus and for speakingabout God, and those who hadworshiped neither the wild beastnor its image and who had notreceived the mark upon theirforehead and upon their hand .And they came to life and ruledas kings with the Christ for athousand years . Happy and holyis anyone having part in the firstresurrection ; over these the seconddeath has no authority, butthey will . . . rule as kings withhim for the thousand years ."Is a Theocratic GovernmentIsa . 33 :22 "For Jehovah is ourjudge, Jehovah is our lawgiver,Jehovah is our king ; he willsave us ."Dan . 2 :44 "And in the days ofthose kings shall the God ofheaven set up a kingdom whichshall never be destroyed, nor shallthe sovereignty thereof be leftto another people ; but it shallbreak in pieces and consume allthese kingdoms, and it shall standfor ever ."Kingdom Is the Capital or RulingOrganization Over God'sEntire UniverseHeb . 1 :6 "But when he againbrings his Firstborn into the inhabitedearth, he says : `And letall God's angels worship him .'"Heb . 12 :22-24 "But you haveapproached a mount ion and acity of the living God, heavenlyJerusalem, and myriads of angels,in general assembly, and the congregationof the firstborn whohave been enrolled in the heavens,and God the Judge of all, andthe spiritual lives of righteousones who have been made perfect,and Jesus the mediator ofa new covenant, and the bloodof sprinkling which speaks in abetter way than Abel's blood ."

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