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Apostolic Successionto march with you both intoprison and into death.' But hesaid : `I tell you, Peter, A cockwill not crow today until youhave three times denied knowingme .' "Luke 22 :60-62 "But Peter said :'Man, I do not know what youare saying .' And instantly, whilehe was yet speaking, a cockcrowed . And the Master turnedand looked upon Peter, and Peterrecalled the utterance of the Masterwhen he said to him : `Beforea cock crows today you will disownme three times.' And hewent outside and wept bitterly ."Gal. 2 :11-14 "However, whenCephas came to Antioch, I resistedhim face to face, becausehe stood condemned . For beforethe arrival of certain men fromJames he used to eat with peopleof the nations ; but when theyarrived, he went to withdrawingand separating himself, in fearof those of the circumcised class .But when I saw they werenot walking straight according tothe truth of the good news, Isaid to Cephas before them all :'If you, though you are a Jew,live as the nations do, and not asJews do, how is it that you arecompelling people of the nationsto live according to Jewish practice?'"John 20 :6-9 "Simon Peter .entered into the memorial tomb .. For they did not yet discernthe scripture that he must risefrom the dead ."Christ Holds Keys of Death andHell (Hades)Rev . 1 :18 "1 became dead, but,look! I am living for ever andever, and I have the keys ofdeath and of Hades ."John 11 :25, 26 "Jesus said toher : `I am the resurrection andthe life . He that exercises faithin me, even though he dies, willcome to life, and everyone thatis living and exercises faith inme will never die at all."'John 14 :6 "Jesus said to him :'I am the way and the truth and22the life. No one comes to theFather except through me .' "John 17 :2 "You have given himauthority over all flesh, that, asregards the whole number whichyou have given him, he may givethem everlasting life ."1 John 5 :11 "And this is thewitness given, that God gave useverlasting life, and this life isin his Son."Key of Hades (Gravedom) CompletesUse When All DeservingOnes Resurrected During 1,000-Year ReignJohn 5 :28, 29 "The hour iscoming in which all those in thememorial tombs will hear hisvoice and come out, those whodid good things to a resurrectionof life, those who practiced vilethings to a resurrection of judgment."Rev. 20 :13, 14 "And the seagave up those dead in it, anddeath and Hades gave up thosedead in them, and they werejudged individually according totheir deeds . And death and Hadeswere hurled into the lake of fire .This means the second death, thelake of fire ."Key of Death Completes UseWhen Every Trace and Effect ofAdamic Death Is Removed fromDeserving Ones (Toward End of1,000-Year Reign)See Revelation 20 :13, 14, above.Rev. 21 :4 "And he will wipe outevery tear from their eyes, anddeath will be no more, neitherwill mourning nor outcry norpain be any more . The formerthing's have passed away . -I Cor . 15 :25, 26 "He must ruleas king until God has put allenemies under his feet . As thelast enemy, death is to be destroyed."No Record Peter Was Ever inRome ; He Preached Mainly toJews and Did Travel to Babylon,a Seat of Jewish CultureGal . 2:7-9 "On the contrary,when they saw that I had en-

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