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221now you say, "We see ." Your sinremains.'"Heb . 9 :26 "He has manifestedhimself once for all time at theconsummation of the systems ofthings to put sin away throughthe sacrifice of himself ."Matt . 23 :33 "Serpents, offspringof vipers, how are you to fleefrom the judgment of Gehenna?"Acts 13 :45-48 "Paul and Barnabassaid : 'It was necessary forthe word of God to be spokenfirst to you . Since you are thrustingit away from you and do notjudge yourselves worthy of everlastinglife, look! we turn to thenations . In fact, Jehovah has laidcommandment upon us in thesewords, "I have appointed you aslight of nations, for you to bea salvation to the most distantpart of the earth ." ' "Christ Jesus Thoroughly Qualifiedas JudgeJohn 5 :21, 22, 26-30 "For justas the Father raises the dead upand makes them alive, so the Sonalso makes those alive whom hewants to . For the Father judgesno one at all, but he has committedall the judging to the Son.. And he has given him authorityto do judging, because Son ofman he is. . . . I cannot do a singlething of my own initiative ; justas I hear, I judge, and the judgmentthat I render is righteous,because I seek not my own willbut the will of him that sentme ."Acts 10 :42 "Also he ordered usto preach to the people and togive a thorough witness that thisis the One decreed by God to bejudge of the living and the dead ."Isa . 11 :1-4 "And there shallcome forth a shoot out of thestock of Jesse, and a branch outof his roots shall bear fruit . Andthe spirit of Jehovah shall restupon him . . . . the spirit of knowledgeand of the fear of Jehovah. And his delight shall be inthe fear of Jehovah ; and he shallnot judge after the sight of hisJudgment Dayseyes, neither decide after thehearing of his ears ; but withrighteousness shall he judge thepoor, and decide with equity forthe meek of the earth ; and heshall smite the earth with therod of his mouth ; and with thebreath of his lips shall he slaythe wicked ."Also : Matt . 12 :18-21 ; John8 :16 .Jesus' Death of Integrity BroughtDivine Condemnation to Satanand His Old WorldJohn 14:30 "I shall not speakmuch with you any more, forthe ruler of the world is coming. And yet he has no hold onme."John 16 :11 "Concerning judgment,because the ruler of thisworld has been judged."John 12 :31-33 "Now there isa judging of this world ; now theruler of this world will be castout . And yet I, if I am lifted upfrom the earth . . . . This he wasreally saying to signify what sortof death he was about to die ."1 Cor. 11 :32 "When we arejudged, we are disciplined by Jehovah,that we may not becomecondemned with the world ."144,000 Associate JudgesAfter 19181 Cor. 6 :2 "Do you not knowthat the holy ones will judge theworld?"Rev. 20 :4 "And I saw thrones,and there were those who satdown on them, and power ofjudging was given them. . . . Andthey came to life and ruled askings with the Christ for a thousandyears ."Judgment Day for God's House,Spiritual Israel, BeginsA . D . 19181 Pet . 4:17, 18 "For it is theappointed time for the judgmentto start with the house of God .

Judgment DaysNow if it starts first with us,what will the complete end be ofthose who are not obedient to thegood news of God? 'And if therighteous man is being saved withdifficulty, where will the ungodlyman and the sinner make ashowing?'"2 Tim. 4:6-8 "I have fought theright fight, I have run the courseto the finish, I have observed thefaith . From this time on there isreserved for me the crown ofrighteousness, which the Lord,the righteous judge, will give meas a reward in that day, yet notonly to me, but also to all thosewho have loved his manifestation."1 John 4:17 "This is how lovehas been made perfect with us,that we may have freeness ofspeech in the day of judgment,because, just as that one is, soare we ourselves in this world ."Also: Ps . 50 :3-6 ; Mal . 3 :1-6 ;Rom. 2 :2-11 ; 1 Cor . 4 :2-5 ; Rev .11 :15-19 .Judgment Day for the Peoplesof the Nations Since 1918Matt. 24 :14, 21, 22 "And thisgood news of the kingdom willbe preached in all the inhabitedearth for the purpose of a witnessto all the nations, and thenthe accomplished end will come."John 3 :19 "Now this is the basisfor judgment, that the light hascome into the world ."Luke 19 :40 "I tell you, If theseremained silent, the stones wouldcry out ."Isa. 55 :11 "So shall my wordbe that goeth forth out of mymouth : it shall not return untome void, but it shall accomplishthat which I please, and it shallprosper in the thing whereto Isent it."eph . 3 :8, 9 "Therefore waitye for me, saith Jehovah, untilthe day that I rise up tothe prey ; for my determination is222to gather the nations, that I mayassemble the kingdoms, to pourupon them mine indignation,even all my fierce anger ; for allthe earth shall be devoured withthe fire of my jealousy ."Matt . 25 :31, 32, 46 "When theSon of man arrives in his gloryand all the angels with him,then he will sit down on hisglorious throne . And all the nationswill be gathered before him,and he will separate people onefrom another, just as a shepherdseparates the sheep from thegoats . And these will depart intoeverlasting cutting-off, but therighteous ones into everlastinglife ."Also : Ezek. 9 :4-6 ; Joel 3 :9-13 ;Acts 24 :25 .Judgment of Condemnation Enforcedat Armageddon, Resultingin Annihilation1 Tim . 5 :24 "The sins of somemen are publicly manifest, leadingimmediately to judgment, butas for other men their sins alsobecome manifest later ."Matt . 12 :31, 32 "On this accountI say to you, Every kind of sinand blasphemy will be forgivenmen, but the blasphemy againstthe spirit will not be forgiven . Forexample, whoever speaks a wordagainst the Son of man, it will beforgiven him ; but whoever speaksagainst the holy spirit, it willnot be forgiven him, no, not inthe present system of things norin that to come ."Num . 35 :31 "Moreover ye shalltake no ransom for the life of amurderer, that is guilty of death ;but he shall surely be put todeath.'Ps . 145:20 "Jehovah preservethall them that love him ; but allthe wicked will he destroy ."Prov. 10 :7 "The memory of therighteous is blessed ; but the nameof the wicked shall rot ."Jer . 51 :57 "And they shall sleepa perpetual sleep, and not wake,

Judgment DaysNow if it starts first with us,what will the complete end be ofthose who are not obedient to thegood news of God? 'And if therighteous man is being saved withdifficulty, where will the ungodlyman and the sinner make ashowing?'"2 Tim. 4:6-8 "I have fought theright fight, I have run the courseto the finish, I have observed thefaith . From this time on there isreserved for me the crown ofrighteousness, which the Lord,the righteous judge, will give meas a reward in that day, yet notonly to me, but also to all thosewho have loved his manifestation."1 John 4:17 "This is how lovehas been made perfect with us,that we may have freeness ofspeech in the day of judgment,because, just as that one is, soare we ourselves in this world ."Also: Ps . 50 :3-6 ; Mal . 3 :1-6 ;Rom. 2 :2-11 ; 1 Cor . 4 :2-5 ; Rev .11 :15-19 .Judgment Day for the Peoplesof the Nations Since 1918Matt. 24 :14, 21, 22 "And thisgood news of the kingdom willbe preached in all the inhabitedearth for the purpose of a witnessto all the nations, and thenthe accomplished end will come."John 3 :19 "Now this is the basisfor judgment, that the light hascome into the world ."Luke 19 :40 "I tell you, If theseremained silent, the stones wouldcry out ."Isa. 55 :11 "So shall my wordbe that goeth forth out of mymouth : it shall not return untome void, but it shall accomplishthat which I please, and it shallprosper in the thing whereto Isent it."eph . 3 :8, 9 "Therefore waitye for me, saith Jehovah, untilthe day that I rise up tothe prey ; for my determination is222to gather the nations, that I mayassemble the kingdoms, to pourupon them mine indignation,even all my fierce anger ; for allthe earth shall be devoured withthe fire of my jealousy ."Matt . 25 :31, 32, 46 "When theSon of man arrives in his gloryand all the angels with him,then he will sit down on hisglorious throne . And all the nationswill be gathered before him,and he will separate people onefrom another, just as a shepherdseparates the sheep from thegoats . And these will depart intoeverlasting cutting-off, but therighteous ones into everlastinglife ."Also : Ezek. 9 :4-6 ; Joel 3 :9-13 ;Acts 24 :25 .Judgment of Condemnation Enforcedat Armageddon, Resultingin Annihilation1 Tim . 5 :24 "The sins of somemen are publicly manifest, leadingimmediately to judgment, butas for other men their sins alsobecome manifest later ."Matt . 12 :31, 32 "On this accountI say to you, Every kind of sinand blasphemy will be f<strong>org</strong>ivenmen, but the blasphemy againstthe spirit will not be f<strong>org</strong>iven . Forexample, whoever speaks a wordagainst the Son of man, it will bef<strong>org</strong>iven him ; but whoever speaksagainst the holy spirit, it willnot be f<strong>org</strong>iven him, no, not inthe present system of things norin that to come ."Num . 35 :31 "Moreover ye shalltake no ransom for the life of amurderer, that is guilty of death ;but he shall surely be put todeath.'Ps . 145:20 "Jehovah preservethall them that love him ; but allthe wicked will he destroy ."Prov. 10 :7 "The memory of therighteous is blessed ; but the nameof the wicked shall rot ."Jer . 51 :57 "And they shall sleepa perpetual sleep, and not wake,

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