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219 Judgment Daysand the spiritual lives of right- of a new covenant, and the bloodeous ones who have been made of sprinkling which speaks in aperfect, and Jesus the mediator better way than Abel's blood ."judgment DaysDEFINITIONJudgment Days are periods of time during which the SupremeCourt in heaven sits to render judgment . The heavenly court is madeup of the Supreme Judge, Jehovah God, and his associate Judge,Jesus Christ . (Isa . 33 :22) Judgment means the act of determiningwhat is conformable to law, or, Scripturally, God's expressed will .Judgments with God are righteous and according to his own highstandards of justice . Once pronounced they are never subject to reversal. They can be either judgments of divine favor or judgments ofdivine condemnation . The resulting favor or condemnation may extendindividually or to an entire family, community or nation, dependingon the nature of the offenses . In all judgment periods, past, presentand future, the death sentence always means everlasting destructionwith no hope of resurrection .Jehovah's Judgments Are Righteousand Occasions to RejoicePs. 96 :10-13 "Say among thenations, Jehovah reigneth : theworld also is established that itcannot be moved : he will judgethe peoples with equity . Let theheavens be glad, and let the earthrejoice . . . . He will judge the worldwith righteousness, and the peopleswith his truth ."Isa . 26 :9 "With my soul haveI desired thee in the night ; yea,with my spirit within me will Iseek thee earnestly : for when thyjudgments are in the earth, theinhabitants of the world learnrighteousness ."Rom. 11:33 "Oh the depth ofGod's riches and wisdom andknowledge! How unsearchable hisjudgments are and past tracingout his ways are!"Edenic Judgment Day (c .4025B .C .) Brought Condemnation toAdam and Eve and Disabilitiesto Their OffspringGen . 3:8-21 "And unto Adamhe said, Because thou hast hearkenedunto the voice of my wife,and hast eaten of the tree, ofwhich I commanded thee, saying,Thou shalt not eat of it : cursedis the ground for thy sake ; intoil shalt thou eat of it all thedays of thy life ; thorns also andthistles shall it bring forth tothee ; and thou shalt eat the herbof the field ; in the sweat of thyface shalt thou eat bread, tillthou return unto the ground ; . . .for dust thou art, and unto dustshalt thou return ."1 Tim . 2 :14 "Also Adam was notdeceived, but the woman wasthoroughly deceived and came tobe in transgression ."Rom . 5 :12, 16 "That is why,just as through one man sin enteredinto the world and deaththrough sin, and thus deathspread to all men because theyhad all sinned- . . . For the judgmentresulted in condemnationfrom one trespass ."Judgment of Noah's Day (Ending2370 B .C .) a Pattern ofEnd of WorldLuke 17 :26, 27 "Moreover, justas it occurred in the days ofNoah, so it will be also in thedays of the Son of man : they

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