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21dead will be raised up incorruptible,and we shall be changed ."1 Thess. 4 :15, 16 "We the livingwho survive to the presence ofthe Lord shall in no way precedethose who have fallen asleep indeath, because the Lord himselfwill descend from heaven with acommanding call, with an archangel'svoice and with God'strumpet, and those who are deadin union with Christ will risefirst."2 Thess. 2 :1-3 "However, brothers,respecting the presence ofour Lord Jesus Christ and ourbeing gathered together to him,we request of you not to bequickly shaken from your reasonnor to be excited either throughan inspired expression or througha verbal message or through aletter as though from us, to theeffect that the day of Jehovahis here . Let no one seduce you inany manner, because it will notcome unless the falling awaycomes first and the man of lawlessnessgets revealed, the sonof destruction ."Acts 17 :31 "He has set a dayin which he purposes to judgethe inhabited earth in righteousnessby a man whom he hasappointed, and he has furnisheda guarantee to all men in thathe has resurrected him from thedead."Peter Did Not Rule over theChristian CongregationGal. 2 :9 "James and Cephasand John, the ones who seemedto be pillars, gave me and Barnabasthe right hand of joint participation."Matt . 23 :8-10 "But you, do notyou be called 'Rabbi', for one isyour teacher, whereas all you arebrothers. Moreover, do not callanyone your father on earth, forOne is your Father, the heavenlyOne . Neither be called 'leaders',for your Leader is one, theChrist ."Acts 15 :13-23, 28 "After theyquit speaking James answered,saying : '. . . Symeon has relatedApostolic Successionthoroughly how God for the firsttime turned his attention to thenations . . . Hence my decisionis not to trouble those from thenations who are turning to God,' Then the apostles and theolder men together with thewhole congregation favored sendingchosen men from amongthem . . they wrote : ' . . . theholy spirit and we ourselves havefavored adding no further burdento you, except these necessarythings .' "Infallibility Not Granted to AnyImperfect Man ; PeterNo ExceptionMatt. 14:29-31 "Peter, gettingdown off the boat, walked overthe waters and went toward Jesus.But looking at the windstorm,he got afraid and, afterstarting to sink, he cried out :'Master, save me!' Immediatelystretching out his hand Jesuscaught hold of him and said tohim : 'You with little faith, whydid you give way to doubt?'"Matt. 16 :22, 23 "Peter took himaside and commenced raisingstrong objections to him, saying :'Be kind to yourself, Master ; youwill not have this destiny at all .'But, turning his back, he said toPeter : 'Get behind me, Satan!You are a stumblingblock to me,because you think, not God'sthoughts, but those of men .' "John 18 :10, 11 "Then SimonPeter, as he had a sword, drewit and struck the slave of thehigh priest and cut his right earoff. The name of the slave wasMalchus . Jesus, however, said toPeter : 'Put the sword into itssheath. The cup that the Fatherhas given me, should I not by allmeans drink it?'"Luke 22 :31-34 "'Simon, Simon,look! Satan has demanded tohave you men to sift you aswheat . But I have made supplicationfor you that your faithmay not give out ; and you, whenonce you have returned, give supportto your brothers .' Then hesaid to him : 'Master, I am ready

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