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2 1 5all the children of the captivity,and for their brethren the priests,and for themselves ."Also : Ezra 8 :15-30 .Rejection of Jesus by Nation ofNatural Jews Alienated Themfrom God . Only a RemnantAcceptedMatt . 21 :5, 9, 15, 42 "Tell thedaughter of ion, 'Look! yourKing is coming to you, mildtempered,and mounted upon anass, yes, upon a colt, the offspringof a beast of burden .' Asfor the crowds, those going aheadof him and those following keptcrying out : 'Save, we pray, theSon of David! Blessed is he thatcomes in Jehovah's name! Savehim, we pray, in the heightsabove!' When the chief priestsand the scribes saw the marvelousthings he did and the boysthat were crying out in the templeand saying, 'Save, we pray,the Son of David!' they becameindignant . . . . Jesus said to them :'Did you never read in the Scriptures,"The stone that the buildersrejected is the one that has becomethe chief cornerstone. FromJehovah this has come to passand it is marvelous in oureyes"?'' ,Matt. 27 :22, 24, 25 "Pilate saidto them : 'What, then, shall I dowith Jesus the so-called "Christ"?'They all said : 'Let him be impaled!'Seeing that it did no goodbut, rather, an uproar was arising,Pilate took water and washedhis hands before the crowd, saying: 'I am innocent of the bloodof this man . You must see to it .'At that all the people said inanswer : 'His blood come uponus and upon our children .'"Rom. 11 :7, 8 "The very thingIsrael is earnestly seeking he didnot obtain, but the ones chosenobtained it . The rest had theirsensibilities blunted ; just as it iswritten : 'God has given them aspirit of stupor, eyes so as notto see and ears so as not to hear,down to this very day .'"Jews' Return to PalestineJesus Entered God's IrrevocableDivorce Decree Against NationMatt . 23 :37-39 "Jerusalem, Jerusalem,the killer of the prophetsand stoner of those sent forthto her,-how often I wanted togather your children together .the way a hen gathers her chickstogether under her wings! Butyou people did not want it . Look!your house is abandoned to you .For I say to you, You will by nomeans see me from henceforthuntil you say, 'Blessed is he thatcomes in Jehovah's name!'"Deut . 24 :1-4 "When a man taketha wife, and marrieth her .then it shall be, if she find nofavor in his eyes, because he hathfound some unseemly thing inher, that he shall write her abill of divorcement, and give itin her hand, and send her outof his house . And when she isdeparted out of his house, shemay go and be another man'swife . And if the latter husbandhate her, and write her a bill ofdivorcement, and give it in herhand, and send her out of hishouse ; or if the latter husbanddie, who took her to be his wife ;her former husband, who senther away, may not take her againto be his wife, after that she isdefiled ; for that is abominationbefore Jehovah : and thou shaltnot cause the land to sin, whichJehovah thy God giveth thee foran inheritance ."No Sign to Be Given FaithlessNation Except Resurrection ofJesus . (Sign Already Rejectedfor Centuries)Matt . 16 :1-4 "Here the Phariseesand Sadducees approachedhim and, to tempt him, theyasked him to display to them asign from heaven . In reply hesaid to them : ' . . . You know howto interpret the appearance of thesky, but the signs of the timesyou cannot interpret . A wickedand adulterous generation keepson seeking for a sign, but no signwill be given it except the sign

Jews' Return to Palestineof Jonah .' With that he wentaway, leaving them behind ."Matt. 12 :38-42 "Then as an answerto him some of the scribesand Pharisees said : 'Teacher, wewant to see a sign from you .'In reply he said to them : 'Awicked and adulterous generationkeeps on seeking for a sign, butno sign will be given it except thesign of Jonah the prophet . Forjust as Jonah was in the belly ofthe huge fish three days andthree nights, so the Son of manwill be in the heart of the earththree days and three nights . Menof Nineveh will rise up in thejudgment with this generationand will condemn it ; because theyrepented at what Jonah preached,but, look! something more thanJonah is here . The queen of thesouth will be raised up in thejudgment with this generationand will condemn it ; because shecame from the ends of the earthto hear the wisdom of Solomon,but, look! something more thanSolomon is here .' "Only Sign Jesus Promised forSecond Restoration Period AlsoRejected by ModernNatural IsraelMatt. 24 :30 "And then the signof the Son of man will appearin heaven, and then all the tribesof the earth will go to wailing andthey will see the Son of man comingon the clouds of heaven withpower and great glory ."Rev. 12 :1-5 "And a great signwas seen in heaven, a woman arrayedwith the sun, and themoon was beneath her feet, andon her head was a crown of twelvestars, and she was pregnant . . . .And she gave birth to a son, amale, who is destined to shepherdall the nations with an iron rod .And her child was caught awayto God and to his throne ."See "Sign of Last Days" .216Modern Israeli Government HasMade League with World GovernmentsContrary to God'sCommandmentsDeut . 7 :2 "And when Jehovahthy God shall deliver them up beforethee, and thou shalt smitethem ; then thou shalt utterlydestroy them : thou shalt makeno covenant with them, nor showmercy unto them ."Judg. 2 :1, 2 "And the angel ofJehovah . . . said, I made you togo up out of Egypt, and havebrought you unto the land whichI sware unto your fathers ; and Isaid, I will never break my covenantwith you : and ye shallmake no covenant with the inhabitantsof this land : ye shallbreak down their altars ."Isa. 52 :11 "Depart ye, departye, go ye out from thence, touchno unclean thing ; go ye out ofthe midst of her ; cleanse yourselves,ye that bear the vessels ofJehovah ."Isa. 31 :1 "Woe to them thatgo down to Egypt for help, andrely on horses, and trust in chariotsbecause they are many, andin horsemen because they arevery strong, but they look not untothe Holy One of Israel, neitherseek Jehovah!"Isa. 30 :1 "Woe to the rebelliouschildren, saith Jehovah, that takecounsel, but not of me ; and thatmake a league, but not of myspirit, that they may add sin tosin ."Jas . 4:4 "Adulteresses, do younot know that the friendship withthe world is enmity with God?Whoever, therefore, wants to bea friend of the world is constitutinghimself an enemy of God ."True Nation of Restoration Is"New Nation" Founded onNew CovenantJer. 31 :31-34 "Behold, the dayscome, saith Jehovah, that I willmake a new covenant with thehouse of Israel, and with thehouse of Judah : not according tothe covenant that I made with

Jews' Return to Palestineof Jonah .' With that he wentaway, leaving them behind ."Matt. 12 :38-42 "Then as an answerto him some of the scribesand Pharisees said : 'Teacher, wewant to see a sign from you .'In reply he said to them : 'Awicked and adulterous generationkeeps on seeking for a sign, butno sign will be given it except thesign of Jonah the prophet . Forjust as Jonah was in the belly ofthe huge fish three days andthree nights, so the Son of manwill be in the heart of the earththree days and three nights . Menof Nineveh will rise up in thejudgment with this generationand will condemn it ; because theyrepented at what Jonah preached,but, look! something more thanJonah is here . The queen of thesouth will be raised up in thejudgment with this generationand will condemn it ; because shecame from the ends of the earthto hear the wisdom of Solomon,but, look! something more thanSolomon is here .' "Only Sign Jesus Promised forSecond Restoration Period AlsoRejected by ModernNatural IsraelMatt. 24 :30 "And then the signof the Son of man will appearin heaven, and then all the tribesof the earth will go to wailing andthey will see the Son of man comingon the clouds of heaven withpower and great glory ."Rev. 12 :1-5 "And a great signwas seen in heaven, a woman arrayedwith the sun, and themoon was beneath her feet, andon her head was a crown of twelvestars, and she was pregnant . . . .And she gave birth to a son, amale, who is destined to shepherdall the nations with an iron rod .And her child was caught awayto God and to his throne ."See "Sign of Last Days" .216Modern Israeli Government HasMade League with World GovernmentsContrary to God'sCommandmentsDeut . 7 :2 "And when Jehovahthy God shall deliver them up beforethee, and thou shalt smitethem ; then thou shalt utterlydestroy them : thou shalt makeno covenant with them, nor showmercy unto them ."Judg. 2 :1, 2 "And the angel ofJehovah . . . said, I made you togo up out of Egypt, and havebrought you unto the land whichI sware unto your fathers ; and Isaid, I will never break my covenantwith you : and ye shallmake no covenant with the inhabitantsof this land : ye shallbreak down their altars ."Isa. 52 :11 "Depart ye, departye, go ye out from thence, touchno unclean thing ; go ye out ofthe midst of her ; cleanse yourselves,ye that bear the vessels ofJehovah ."Isa. 31 :1 "Woe to them thatgo down to Egypt for help, andrely on horses, and trust in chariotsbecause they are many, andin horsemen because they arevery strong, but they look not untothe Holy One of Israel, neitherseek Jehovah!"Isa. 30 :1 "Woe to the rebelliouschildren, saith Jehovah, that takecounsel, but not of me ; and thatmake a league, but not of myspirit, that they may add sin tosin ."Jas . 4:4 "Adulteresses, do younot know that the friendship withthe world is enmity with God?Whoever, therefore, wants to bea friend of the world is constitutinghimself an enemy of God ."True Nation of Restoration Is"New Nation" Founded onNew CovenantJer. 31 :31-34 "Behold, the dayscome, saith Jehovah, that I willmake a new covenant with thehouse of Israel, and with thehouse of Judah : not according tothe covenant that I made with

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