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213written may be fulfilled . . . . andthey will fall by the edge of thesword and be led captive into allthe nations, and Jerusalem willbe trampled on by the nations,until the appointed times of thenations are fulfilled ."Second Restoration, According toPattern of First, Not Fulfilled inModern Israeli Government1 Cor. 10 :11 "Now these thingswent on befalling them as examplesand they were written for awarning to us upon whom the accomplishedends of the systemsof things have arrived ."Rom . 15 :4 "For all the thingsthat were written aforetime werewritten for our instruction, thatthrough our endurance andthrough the comfort from theScriptures we might have hope ."Repossessed land not uninhabitedas in 537 B. C .Jer . 33 :10, 12 "Thus saith Jehovah: Yet again there shall beheard in this place, whereof yesay, It is waste, without man andwithout beast, even in the citiesof Judah, and in the streets ofJerusalem, that are desolate, withoutman and without inhabitantand without beast . Thus saithJehovah of hosts : Yet again shallthere be in this place, which iswaste, without man and withoutbeast, and in all the cities thereof,a habitation of shepherdscausing their flocks to lie down ."Jer . 32 :43 "And fields shall bebought in this land, whereof yesay, It is desolate, without manor beast ; it is given into the handof the Chaldeans ."No modern government took thelead to decree or financerehabilitation movementEzra 6 :3-5 "In the first year ofCyrus the king, Cyrus the kingmade a decree : Concerning thehouse of God at Jerusalem, letthe house be builded, the placewhere they offer sacrifices, and letthe foundations thereof be stronglylaid ; the height thereof three-Jews' Return to Palestinescore cubits, and the breadththereof threescore cubits ; withthree courses of great stones, anda course of new timber : and letthe expenses be given out of theking's house. And also let thegold and silver vessels of thehouse of God, which Nebuchadnezzartook forth out of the templewhich is at Jerusalem, andbrought unto Babylon, be restored,and brought again untothe temple which is at Jerusalem,every one to its place ; and thoushalt put them in the house ofGod."Ezra 6 :8-12 "Moreover I make adecree what ye shall do to theseelders of the Jews for the buildingof this house of God : thatof the king's goods, even of thetribute beyond the River, expensesbe given with all diligenceunto these men, that they be nothindered. And that which theyhave need of, both young bullocks,and rams, and lambs, for burntofferingsto the God of heaven ;also wheat, salt, wine, and oil,according to the word of thepriests that are at Jerusalem, letit be given them day by daywithout fail ; that they may offersacrifices of sweet savor unto theGod of heaven, and pray for thelife of the king, and of his sons .. I Darius have made a decree ;let it be done with all diligence ."Ezra 7 :1-6, 10-15 "Now afterthese things, in the reign of Artaxerxesking of Persia, Ezra theson of Seraiah . . . went up fromBabylon. And he was a readyscribe in the law of Moses, whichJehovah, the God of Israel, hadgiven ; and the king granted himall his request, according to thehand of Jehovah his God uponhim . For Ezra had set his heartto seek the law of Jehovah, andto do it, and to teach in Israelstatutes and ordinances. Now thisis the copy of the letter that theking Artaxerxes gave unto Ezrathe priest . . . . I make a decree,that all they of the people of Israel,and their priests and the

Jews' Return to PalestineLevites, in my realm, that areminded of their own free will togo to Jerusalem, go with thee . . . .and to carry the silver and gold,which the king and his counsellorshave freely offered unto theGod of Israel, whose habitationis in Jerusalem ."Neh . 2 :5-8 "And I said unto theking, If it please the king, and ifthy servant have found favor inthy sight, that thou wouldestsend me unto Judah, unto thecity of my father's sepulchres,that I may build it . And theking said unto me (the queen alsositting by him), For how longshall thy journey be? and whenwilt thou return? So it pleasedthe king to send me ; and I sethim a time . Moreover I said untothe king, If it please the king,let letters be given me to thegovernors beyond the River, thatthey may let me pass throughtill I come unto Judah ; and aletter unto Asaph the keeper ofthe king's forest, that he maygive me timber to make beamsfor the gates of the castle whichappertaineth to the house, andfor the wall of the city, and forthe house that I shall enter into .And the king granted me, accordingto the good hand of myGod upon me ."Modern repatriation not to rebuildtemple . (Old temple sitenow occupied by Moslemmosque)Ezra 1 :1-5 "Jehovah stirred upthe spirit of Cyrus king of Persia,so that he made a proclamationthroughout all his kingdom, andput it also in writing, saying,Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia,All the kingdoms of the earthhath Jehovah, the God of heaven,given me ; and he hath chargedme to build him a house in Jerusalem,which is in Judah. Whosoeverthere is among you of allhis people, his God be with himand let him go up to Jerusalem,which is in Judah, and build thehouse of Jehovah, the God of Is-214rael (he is God), which is inJerusalem . . . . Then rose up theheads of fathers' houses of Judahand Benjamin, and the priests,and the Levites, even all whosespirit God had stirred to go upto build the house of Jehovahwhich is in Jerusalem ."Ezra 6 :14, 15 "And the eldersof the Jews builded and prospered,through the prophesying ofHaggai the prophet and echariahthe son of Iddo . And theybuilded and finished it, accordingto the commandment of the Godof Israel, and according to the decreeof Cyrus, and Darius, andArtaxerxes king of Persia . Andthis house was finished on thethird day of the month Adar,which was in the sixth year ofthe reign of Darius the king."True worship not restored evenaccording to Moses' lawEzra 3 :1-3 "And when the seventhmonth was come, and thechildren of Israel were in thecities, the people gathered themselvestogether as one man toJerusalem. . . . and builded the altarof the God of Israel, to offerburnt-offerings thereon, as it iswritten in the law of Moses theman of God. And they set thealtar upon its base ; for fear wasupon them because of the peoplesof the countries : and theyoffered burnt-offerings thereonunto Jehovah, even burnt-offeringsmorning and evening ."True priesthood could not be restoredtoday since genealogiesdestroyedEzra 6 :18-20 "And they set thepriests in their divisions, and theLevites in their courses, for theservice of God, which is at Jerusalem; as it is written in the bookof Moses . And the children of thecaptivity kept the passover uponthe fourteenth day of the firstmonth . For the priests and theLevites had purified themselvestogether ; all of them were pure :and they killed the passover for

213written may be fulfilled . . . . andthey will fall by the edge of thesword and be led captive into allthe nations, and Jerusalem willbe trampled on by the nations,until the appointed times of thenations are fulfilled ."Second Restoration, According toPattern of First, Not Fulfilled inModern Israeli Government1 Cor. 10 :11 "Now these thingswent on befalling them as examplesand they were written for awarning to us upon whom the accomplishedends of the systemsof things have arrived ."Rom . 15 :4 "For all the thingsthat were written aforetime werewritten for our instruction, thatthrough our endurance andthrough the comfort from theScriptures we might have hope ."Repossessed land not uninhabitedas in 537 B. C .Jer . 33 :10, 12 "Thus saith Jehovah: Yet again there shall beheard in this place, whereof yesay, It is waste, without man andwithout beast, even in the citiesof Judah, and in the streets ofJerusalem, that are desolate, withoutman and without inhabitantand without beast . Thus saithJehovah of hosts : Yet again shallthere be in this place, which iswaste, without man and withoutbeast, and in all the cities thereof,a habitation of shepherdscausing their flocks to lie down ."Jer . 32 :43 "And fields shall bebought in this land, whereof yesay, It is desolate, without manor beast ; it is given into the handof the Chaldeans ."No modern government took thelead to decree or financerehabilitation movementEzra 6 :3-5 "In the first year ofCyrus the king, Cyrus the kingmade a decree : Concerning thehouse of God at Jerusalem, letthe house be builded, the placewhere they offer sacrifices, and letthe foundations thereof be stronglylaid ; the height thereof three-Jews' Return to Palestinescore cubits, and the breadththereof threescore cubits ; withthree courses of great stones, anda course of new timber : and letthe expenses be given out of theking's house. And also let thegold and silver vessels of thehouse of God, which Nebuchadnezzartook forth out of the templewhich is at Jerusalem, andbrought unto Babylon, be restored,and brought again untothe temple which is at Jerusalem,every one to its place ; and thoushalt put them in the house ofGod."Ezra 6 :8-12 "Moreover I make adecree what ye shall do to theseelders of the Jews for the buildingof this house of God : thatof the king's goods, even of thetribute beyond the River, expensesbe given with all diligenceunto these men, that they be nothindered. And that which theyhave need of, both young bullocks,and rams, and lambs, for burntofferingsto the God of heaven ;also wheat, salt, wine, and oil,according to the word of thepriests that are at Jerusalem, letit be given them day by daywithout fail ; that they may offersacrifices of sweet savor unto theGod of heaven, and pray for thelife of the king, and of his sons .. I Darius have made a decree ;let it be done with all diligence ."Ezra 7 :1-6, 10-15 "Now afterthese things, in the reign of Artaxerxesking of Persia, Ezra theson of Seraiah . . . went up fromBabylon. And he was a readyscribe in the law of Moses, whichJehovah, the God of Israel, hadgiven ; and the king granted himall his request, according to thehand of Jehovah his God uponhim . For Ezra had set his heartto seek the law of Jehovah, andto do it, and to teach in Israelstatutes and ordinances. Now thisis the copy of the letter that theking Artaxerxes gave unto Ezrathe priest . . . . I make a decree,that all they of the people of Israel,and their priests and the

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