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201Acts 8 :25 "Therefore, when they[Peter and John] had given thewitness thoroughly and had spokenthe word of Jehovah theyturned back to Jerusalem, andthey went declaring the goodnews to many villages of the Samaritans."Acts 10 :42 "Also he ordered usto preach to the people and togive a thorough witness that thisis the One decreed by God tobe judge of the living and thedead ."Acts 20 :20 "While I did nothold back from telling you any ofthe things that were profitablenor from teaching you publiclyand from house to house ."1 Cor . 9 :16 "If, now, I am declaringthe good news, it is noreason for me to boast, for necessityis laid upon me . Really,woe is me if I did not declarethe good news!"Making decisions, issuing counselon doctrinal mattersActs 15:6-31 "And the apostlesand the older men gathered togetherto see about this affair .. . . 'For the holy spirit and weourselves have favored adding nofurther burden to you, exceptthese necessary things, to keepyourselves free from things sacrificedto idols and from bloodand from things killed withoutdraining their blood and fromfornication . If you carefully keepyourselves from these things, youwill prosper . Good health toyou!' "1 Corinthians, chapter 7, andother written admonition by theapostles and their associates .Reproving, correcting, settlingdisputes on <strong>org</strong>anizationalmatters, directing conductof <strong>org</strong>anization1 Tim . 5 :19-22 "Do not admitan accusation against an olderman, except only on the evidenceof two or three witnesses . Reprovebefore all onlookers personswho practice sin, that the restJehovah's Witnessesalso may have fear . . . . Never layyour hands hastily upon any man ;neither be a sharer in the sinsof others ; preserve yourself pure ."1 Pet. 2 :13, 15-17 "For theLord's sake subject yourselves toevery human creation : whetherto a king as being superior orto governors as being sent byhim to inflict punishment on evildoersbut to praise doers of good.For so the will of God is, thatby doing good you may muzzle theignorant talk of the unreasonablemen . Be as free people, and yetholding your freedom, not as ablind for moral badness, but asslaves of God . Honor men of allkinds, have love for the wholeassociation of brothers, be in fearof God, have honor for the king ."Jas. 2 :1-4 "My brothers, youare not holding the faith of ourLord Jesus Christ, our glory, withacts of favoritism, are you? For,if a man with gold rings on hisfingers and in splendid clothingenters into your assembly, but apoor man in filthy clothing alsoenters, yet you look with favorupon the one wearing the splendidclothing and say : 'You takethis seat here in an honorableplace,' and you say to the poorone : 'You keep standing,' or 'Takethat seat there beside my footstool,'you have class distinctionsamong yourselves and you havebecome judges rendering corruptdecisions, is that not so?"Gal . 2 :11-14 "However, whenCephas came to Antioch, I resistedhim face to face, becausehe stood condemned . For beforethe arrival of certain men fromJames he used to eat with peopleof the nations ; but when theyarrived, he went to withdrawingand separating himself, in fearof those of the circumcised class.The rest of the Jews also joinedhim in putting on this pretense,so that even Barnabas was ledalong with them in their pretense .But when I saw they were notwalking straight according to thetruth of the good news, I said

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