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Jehovah's Witnessesfor you, Jesus, whom heaven, indeed,must contain within itselfuntil the times of restoration ofall things of which God spokethrough the mouth of his holyprophets ."Matt . 24:31 "And he will sendforth his angels with a greattrumpet-sound and they willgather his chosen ones togetherfrom the four winds, from oneextremity of the heavens to theirother extremity ."Isa . 60 :17 "For brass I willbring gold, and for iron I willbring silver, and for wood brass,and for stones iron . I will alsomake thy officers peace, and thineexactors righteousness ."Isa . 32 :1 "Behold, a king shallreign in righteousness, and princesshall rule in justice."Eph . 4 :11-13 "He gave some asapostles, . . . prophets, . missionaries. . . . for the building upof the body of the Christ, untilwe all attain to the oneness inthe faith . . . to a full-grownman."Anointed Remnant of Christ'sBody Compose "Faithful andDiscreet Slave"Matt . 24 :45-47 "Who really isthe faithful and discreet slavewhom his master appointed overhis domestics to give them theirfood at the proper time? Happyis that slave if his master on arrivingfinds him doing so . TrulyI say to you that he will appointhim over all his belongings ."Acts 2 :17 "'And in the lastdays,' God says, 'I shall poursome of my spirit out upon everykind of flesh, and your sons andyour daughters will prophesy andyour young men will see visionsand your old men will dreamdreams .'"1 Thess . 4 :16, 17 "Those whoare dead in union with Christwill rise first. Afterward we theliving who are surviving will to-200gether with them be caught awayin clouds to meet the Lord in theair ; and thus we shall always bewith the Lord ."Receive Counsel on OrganizationThrough Representative Membersof "Slave" Class, a "VisibleGoverning Body"-ItsAuthority and DutiesActs 2 :42 "And they continueddevoting themselves to the teachingof the apostles ."Acts 16 :4, 5 "Now as they traveledon through the cities theywould deliver to those there forobservance the decrees that hadbeen decided upon by the apostlesand older men who were in Jerusalem. Therefore, indeed, the congregationscontinued to be madefirm in the faith and to increasein number from day to day ."2 Cor. 11 :28 "Besides thosethings of an external kind, thereis what rushes in on me fromday to day, the anxiety for allthe congregations ."Heb . 13 :17 "Be obedient tothose who are governing you andbe submissive, for they are keepingwatch over your souls asthose who will render an account,that they may do this with joyand not with sighing, for thiswould be damaging to you ."1 Tim . 6 :17 "Give orders tothose who are rich in the presentsystem of things not to be arrogant,and to rest their hope, noton uncertain riches, but on God,who furnishes us all things richlyfor our enjoyment ."Taking the lead in actualpreaching workActs 6 :2, 4 "So the twelve calledthe multitude of the disciples tothem and said : 'It is not pleasingfor us to abandon the word ofGod to distribute food to tables .. but we shall devote ourselvesto prayer and to the ministry ofthe word.'"

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