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Jehovahthat I should be equal to him?saith the Holy One."Deut . 4 :15, 16 "Take ye thereforegood heed unto yourselves ;for ye saw no manner of formon the day that Jehovah spakeunto you in Horeb out of themidst of the fire ; lest you corruptyourselves, and make you agraven image in the form of anyfigure ."Num . 4 :5, 6 "When the campsetteth forward, Aaron shall goin, and his sons, and they shalltake down the veil of the screen,and cover the ark of the testimonywith it, and shall putthereon a covering of sealskin,and shall spread over it a clothall of blue ."Knows Everything About HisCreationHeb . 4:13 "There is not a creationthat is not manifest to hissight, but all things are nakedand openly exposed to the eyesof him with whom we have anaccounting ."Rom . 14 :12 "Each of us willrender an account for himself toGod."God of the Free and the OnlyLiberator2 Cor . 3 :17 "Now Jehovah isthe spirit ; and where the spiritof Jehovah is, there is freedom ."John 8 :31-38 "Jesus went on tosay to the Jews that had believedhim : 'If you remain in myword, you are really my disciples,and you will know the truth, andthe truth will set you free . . . .Therefore if the Son sets youfree, you will be actually free . . . .What things I have seen withnay Father I speak .'"Rom. 8 :21 "The creation itselfTiso will be set free from enslavementto corruption and have theglorious freedom of the childrenof God,"Jas. 1 :25 "He who peers intothe perfect law that belongs tofreedom and who persists in it,this man . . . will be happy."190Isa . 58 :6 "Is not this the fastthat I have chosen : to loose thebonds of wickedness, to undo thebands of the yoke, and to let theoppressed go free, and that yebreak every yoke?"Isa. 61 :1-3 "The spirit of theLord Jehovah is upon me ; becauseJehovah hath anointed me. he hath sent me . . . to proclaimliberty to the captives, andthe opening of the prison to themthat are bound ."Also : Luke 4 :18 .Isa . 49:9, AV "Say to the prisoners,Go forth ."Isa. 42 :7 "To open the blindeyes, to bring out the prisonersfrom the dungeon, and them thatsit in darkness out of the prisonhouse."Obedience the Governing Principleof His OrganizationRom . 13 :1 "Let every soul be insubjection to the superior authorities,for there is no authority exceptby God ; the existing authoritiesstand placed in their relativepositions by God ."Acts 3 :23 "Indeed, any soulthat does not listen to thatProphet will be completely destroyedfrom among the people ."1 Sam . 15 :22, 23 "Hath Jehovahas great delight in burntofferingsand sacrifices, as in obeyingthe voice of Jehovah? Behold, toobey is better than sacrifice, andto hearken than the fat of rams .For rebellion is as the sin ofwitchcraft, and stubbornness isas idolatry and teraphim ."Acts 5 :29 "Peter and the otherapostles said : 'We must obey Godas ruler rather than men .' "2 Thess . 1 :8 "He [Jesus] bringsdue punishment upon those whodo not know God and those whodo not obey the good news aboutour Lord Jesus ."1 Pet. 4 :17, 18 "What will thecomplete end be of those who arenot obedient . . . if the righteousman is being saved with difficulty,where will the ungodly man andthe sinner make a showing?"

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