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1 85continue with him . However, hedid not let him, but said to him :`Go home to your relatives, andreport to them all the thingsJehovah has done for you andthe mercy he had on you .' Andhe went away and started to proclaimin the Decapolis all thethings Jesus did for him, and allthe people began to wonder ."Jesus not at that time buildingcongregations; commissioned followersonly to preach, going intosynagogues and private homesLuke 4 :15, 16 "Also he began toteach in their synagogues, beingheld in honor by all . However,he came to Nazareth, where hehad been reared, and accordingto his custom on the sabbath dayhe entered into the synagogue,and he stood up to read aloud ."Matt. 10 :1, 5-7, 12-14 "So hesummoned his twelve disciplesand gave them authority over uncleanspirits, in order to expelthese and to cure every kind ofdisease and every kind of ailment. These twelve Jesus sentforth, giving them these orders :'Do not go off into the road ofthe nations, and do not enterinto a Samaritan city ; but, instead,go continually to the lostsheep of the house of Israel . Asyou go, preach, saying, "The kingdomof the heavens has drawnnear." When you are enteringinto the house, greet the household; and if the house is deserving,let the peace you wishit come upon it ; but if it is notdeserving, let the peace from youreturn upon you. Wherever anyonedoes not take you in or listento your words, on going out ofthat house or that city shake thedust off your feet .' "Luke 10 :1, 2, 16 "After thesethings the Master designated seventyothers and sent them forthby twos in advance of him intoevery city and place to whichhe himself was going to come .Then he began to say to them :`The harvest, indeed, is great,Interfaithbut the workers are few. Thereforebeg the Master of the harvestto send out workers into hisharvest . He that listens to youlistens to me too . And he thatdisregards you disregards me too .Moreover, he that disregards medisregards also him that sent meforth .' "Jesus Did Not Accept and Overlook"Differences" as Petty, butThoroughly Condemned TemMatt . 23 :1-3, 23, 24, 33 "ThenJesus spoke to the crowds andto his disciples, saying : `Thescribes and the Pharisees haveseated themselves in the seat ofMoses. Therefore all the thingsthey tell you, do and observe, butdo not do according to theirdeeds, for they say but do notperform . Woe to you, scribes andPharisees, hypocrites! because yougive the tenth of the mint andthe dill and the cummin, but youhave disregarded the weightiermatters of the Law, namely,judgment and mercy and faithfulness.These things it was bindingto do, yet not to disregardthe other things. Blind guides,who strain out the gnat but gulpdown the camel! Serpents, offspringof vipers, how are you toflee from the judgment of Gehenna?'"Jesus Would Not Recognize ReligiousLeaders as "Brothers"John 8 :42-44 "Jesus said tothem : 'If God were your Father,you would love me, for from GodI came forth and am here . Neitherhave I come of my owninitiative at all, but that Onesent me forth. Why is it youdo not know what I am speaking?Because you cannot listen to myword . You are from your fatherthe Devil and you wish to do thedesires of your father.'"Heb . 12 :4-11 "It is for disciplineyou are enduring . God is dealingwith you as with sons . For whatson is he that a father does notdiscipline? But if you are with-

Interfaithout the discipline of which allhave become partakers, you arereally illegitimate children, andnot sons . Furthermore, we used tohave fathers who were of ourflesh to discipline us and we usedto give them respect. Shall wenot much more subject ourselvesto the Father of our spirituallife and live?"Early Christians Resisted Effortsof "Interfaith" by Emperor2 Cor . 6 :14-18 "Do not becomeunevenly yoked with unbelievers .For what partnership do righteousnessand lawlessness have?Or what fellowship does lighthave with darkness? Further,what harmony is there betweenChrist and Belial? Or what portiondoes a faithful person havewith an unbeliever? And whatagreement does God's templehave with idols? For we are thetemple of the living God ; justas God said : `I shall reside amongthem and walk among them, andI shall be their God, and theywill be my people .' `Therefore getout from among them, and separateyourselves,' says Jehovah,`and quit touching the uncleanthing,' `and I will take you in .''And I shall be a father to you,and you will be sons and daughtersto me,' says Jehovah theAlmighty .""Many Roads, One Destiny" aFalse Religious PrincipleProved disastrous to those nottrue Christians, white sincereconverts took right courseActs 19 :13-20 "But certain onesof the traveling Jews who practicedthe casting out of demonsalso undertook to name the nameof the Lord Jesus over those havingthe wicked spirits, saying : `Isolemnly charge you by Jesuswhom Paul preaches .' Now therewere seven sons of a certainSceva, a Jewish chief priest, doingthis . But in answer the wickedspirit said to them : 'I know Jesusand I am acquainted with Paul ;186but who are you?' With that theman in whom the wicked spiritwas leaped upon them, got themastery of the two of them, andprevailed against them, so thatthey fled naked and woundedout of that house . This becameknown to all, both the Jews andthe Greeks that dwelt in Ephesus,and a fear fell upon themall, and the name of the LordJesus went on being magnified .And many of those who had becomebelievers would come andconfess and report their practicesopenly . Indeed, quite a number ofthose who practiced magical artsbrought their books together andburned them up before everybody.And they calculated togetherthe prices of them andfound them worth fifty thousandpieces of silver. Thus in a mightyway the word of Jehovah keptgrowing and prevailing ."Merely taking name of God notsufficient for approvalMatt. 7 :20-23 "Really, then, bytheir fruits you will recognizethose men . Not everyone sayingto me, `Master, Master,' will enterinto the kingdom of the heavens,but the one doing the will ofmy Father who is in the heavenswill . Many will say to me in thatday, `Master, Master, did we notprophesy in your name, and expeldemons in your name, andperform many powerful works inyour name?' And yet then I willconfess to them : I never knewyou at all . Get away from me,you workers of lawlessness ."Matt . 25 :40, 45 "And in replythe king will say to them : `TrulyI say to you, to the extent thatyou did it to one of the leastof these my brothers, you did itto me .' Then he will answer themwith the words : `Truly I say toyou, To the extent that you didnot do it to one of these leastones, you did not do it to me .'"Matt . 12 :30 "He that is not onmy side is against me, and he

Interfaithout the discipline of which allhave become partakers, you arereally illegitimate children, andnot sons . Furthermore, we used tohave fathers who were of ourflesh to discipline us and we usedto give them respect. Shall wenot much more subject ourselvesto the Father of our spirituallife and live?"Early Christians Resisted Effortsof "Interfaith" by Emperor2 Cor . 6 :14-18 "Do not becomeunevenly yoked with unbelievers .For what partnership do righteousnessand lawlessness have?Or what fellowship does lighthave with darkness? Further,what harmony is there betweenChrist and Belial? Or what portiondoes a faithful person havewith an unbeliever? And whatagreement does God's templehave with idols? For we are thetemple of the living God ; justas God said : `I shall reside amongthem and walk among them, andI shall be their God, and theywill be my people .' `Therefore getout from among them, and separateyourselves,' says Jehovah,`and quit touching the uncleanthing,' `and I will take you in .''And I shall be a father to you,and you will be sons and daughtersto me,' says Jehovah theAlmighty .""Many Roads, One Destiny" aFalse Religious PrincipleProved disastrous to those nottrue Christians, white sincereconverts took right courseActs 19 :13-20 "But certain onesof the traveling Jews who practicedthe casting out of demonsalso undertook to name the nameof the Lord Jesus over those havingthe wicked spirits, saying : `Isolemnly charge you by Jesuswhom Paul preaches .' Now therewere seven sons of a certainSceva, a Jewish chief priest, doingthis . But in answer the wickedspirit said to them : 'I know Jesusand I am acquainted with Paul ;186but who are you?' With that theman in whom the wicked spiritwas leaped upon them, got themastery of the two of them, andprevailed against them, so thatthey fled naked and woundedout of that house . This becameknown to all, both the Jews andthe Greeks that dwelt in Ephesus,and a fear fell upon themall, and the name of the LordJesus went on being magnified .And many of those who had becomebelievers would come andconfess and report their practicesopenly . Indeed, quite a number ofthose who practiced magical artsbrought their books together andburned them up before everybody.And they calculated togetherthe prices of them andfound them worth fifty thousandpieces of silver. Thus in a mightyway the word of Jehovah keptgrowing and prevailing ."Merely taking name of God notsufficient for approvalMatt. 7 :20-23 "Really, then, bytheir fruits you will recognizethose men . Not everyone sayingto me, `Master, Master,' will enterinto the kingdom of the heavens,but the one doing the will ofmy Father who is in the heavenswill . Many will say to me in thatday, `Master, Master, did we notprophesy in your name, and expeldemons in your name, andperform many powerful works inyour name?' And yet then I willconfess to them : I never knewyou at all . Get away from me,you workers of lawlessness ."Matt . 25 :40, 45 "And in replythe king will say to them : `TrulyI say to you, to the extent thatyou did it to one of the leastof these my brothers, you did itto me .' Then he will answer themwith the words : `Truly I say toyou, To the extent that you didnot do it to one of these leastones, you did not do it to me .'"Matt . 12 :30 "He that is not onmy side is against me, and he

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