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Interfaithter Milcom the abomination ofthe Ammonites . And Solomon didthat which was evil in the sightof Jehovah, and went not fullyafter Jehovah, as did David hisfather . Then did Solomon build ahigh place for Chemosh theabomination of Moab, in themount that is before Jerusalem,and for Molech the abominationof the children of Ammon . Andso did he for all his foreignwives, who burnt incense and sacrificedunto their gods . And Jehovahwas angry with Solomon,because his heart was turnedaway from Jehovah, the God ofIsrael, who had appeared untohim twice, and had commandedhim concerning this thing, thathe would not go after other gods :but he kept not that which Jehovahcommanded . Wherefore Jehovahsaid unto Solomon, Forasmuchas this is done of thee, andthou hast not kept my covenantand my statutes, which I havecommanded thee, I will surelyrend the kingdom from thee, andwill give it to thy servant ."As a "Jealous God" He ExactsExclusive DevotionDeut . 6 :5 "And thou shalt loveJehovah thy God with all thyheart, and with all thy soul, andwith all thy might ."Ps. 119 :113 "I hate them thatare of a double mind ; but thylaw do I love ."Ex . 20 :5 "Thou shalt not bowdown thyself unto them, norserve them ; for I Jehovah thyGod am a jealous God ."Indifferent Compromise Is"Fence-straddling"Rev. 3 :15, 16 "I know yourdeeds, that you are neither coldnor hot . I wish you were cold orelse hot . So, because you are lukewarmand neither hot nor cold,I am going to vomit you out ofmy mouth."184Uniting for a Common PurposeBrought No Real Unity to ReligiousSects of JewsActs 23 :6-10 "Now when Paultook note that the one part wasof Sadducees but the other ofPharisees, he proceeded to cryout in the Sanhedrin : 'Brothers,I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees.Over the hope of resurrectionof the dead I am beingjudged .' Because he said this adissension arose between thePharisees and Sadducees, andthe multitude was split. For Sadduceessay there is neither resurrectionnor angel nor spirit, butthe Pharisees publicly declarethem all. So there broke out aloud screaming, and some of thescribes of the party of the Phariseesrose and began contendingfiercely, saying : 'We find nothingwrong in this man ; but if aspirit or an angel spoke to him,- .'Now when the dissension grewgreat, the military commander becameafraid that Paul would bepulled to pieces by them, and commandedthe force of soldiers togo down and snatch him fromtheir midst and bring him intothe soldiers' quarters ."Jesus' Permitting Separate Worksin His Name Before PentecostNot Advocating Separate ReligiousOrganizationsMark 9:38-40 "John said tohim : 'Teacher, we saw a certainman expelling demons by the useof your name and we tried to preventhim, because he was not accompanyingus.' But Jesus said :'Do not try to prevent him, forthere is no one that will do apowerful work on the basis of myname that will quickly be ableto revile me ; for he that is notagainst us is for us.'"Not all believers in Jesus workedalong with apostlesMark 5:18-20 "Now as he wasboarding the boat the man thathad been demon-possessed beganentreating him for permission to

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