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Interfaith 182unite in order to accomplish a common purpose . A false, misleadingconception .ORIGINEffort was made to integrate false worship early in man's apostasy .Nimrod tried to unite men in a common cause as opposed to Noah'scommission from God to establish seventy patriarchal family unitsas a token fulfillment of the procreation mandate .Jehovah God Would Not SanctionInterfaith by Accepting BothCain's and Abel's WorshipGen . 4 :3-7 "And in process oftime it came to pass, that Cainbrought of the fruit of the groundan offering unto Jehovah . AndAbel, he also brought of thefirstlings of his flock and of thefat thereof . And Jehovah hadrespect unto Abel and to his offering: but unto Cain and to hisoffering he had not respect . AndCain was very wroth, and hiscountenance fell. And Jehovahsaid unto Cain, Why art thouwroth? and why is thy countenancefallen? If thou doest well,shall it not be lifted up? and ifthou doest not well, sin touchethat the door ; and unto thee shallbe its desire ; but do thou ruleover it ."Heb . 9:22 "Yes, nearly all thingsare cleansed with blood accordingto the Law, and unless blood ispoured out no f<strong>org</strong>iveness takesplace ."Cain Showed Religious Intoleranceby Murdering AbelGen . 4 :8 "And Cain told Abelhis brother. And it came to pass,when they were in the field, thatCain rose up against Abel hisbrother, and slew him ."1 John 3 :11, 12 "For this is themessage which you have heardfrom the beginning, that weshould have love for one another ;not like Cain, who originatedwith the wicked one and slaughteredhis brother. And for thesake of what did he slaughterhim? Because his own works werewicked, but those of his brotherwere righteous ."Jehovah God's Opposition to InterfaithDemonstrated in DeliveringTrue Worshipers fromDemon-worshiping EgyptEx . 8 :25, 26 "And Pharaohcalled for Moses and for Aaron,and said, Go ye, sacrifice toyour God in the land . And Mosessaid, It is not meet so to do ; forwe shall sacrifice the abominationof the Egyptians to Jehovahour God : lo, shall we sacrifice theabomination of the Egyptians beforetheir eyes, and will they notstone us?"Against the Nile godEx. 7:16-18 "And thou shalt sayunto him, Jehovah, the God ofthe Hebrews, hath sent me untothee, saying, Let my people go,that they may serve me in thewilderness : and, behold, hithertothou hast not hearkened . Thussaith Jehovah, In this thou shaltknow that I am Jehovah : behold,I will smite with the rod that isin my hand upon the waterswhich are in the river, and theyshall be turned to blood . And thefish that are in the river shalldie, and the river shall becomefoul ; and the Egyptians shallloathe to drink water from theriver ."Against Imhotep, god ofmedicineEx . 9 :1-3 "Then Jehovah saidunto Moses, Go in unto Pharaoh,and tell him, Thus saith Jehovah,the God of the Hebrews, Let mypeople go, that they may serveme . For if thou refuse to let themgo, and wilt hold them still, behold,the hand of Jehovah is uponthy cattle which are in the field,

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