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IncarnationDEFINITIONIncarnation is a clothing, or state of being clothed, with flesh ;taking on, or being manifested in . a body of flesh . Scripturally, itdescribes the condition of angels appearing to mankind on earth .False religion claims it is the "union of Christ's divinity with hishumanity" .Angels in Noah's Day Took On of God was waiting in Noah'sFlesh and Bore Children days ."Contrary to God's Will Holy Angels Appeared in FleshGen . 6 :1-5 "And it came to to Man at God's Commandpass, when men began to multiplyon the face of the ground,Gen . 19 :1-5, 15, 16 "And theand daughters were born untotwo angels came to Sodom atthem, that the sons of God sawevenSodom; and Lot sat in the gate ofthe daughters of men that they: and Lot saw them, andwere fair ; and they took themrose up to meet them ; and hebowed himself with his face towives of all that they chose . . . . the earth ; and he said, BeholdThe Nephilim were in the earth now, my lords, turn aside, I prayin those days, and also after that,when the sons of God came inyou, into your servant's house,unto the daughters of men, and theyand tarrylayalldown,nightthe. . .men. Butofbeforethethey bare children to them : thesame were the mighty men thatcity . . . called unto Lot, and saidwere of old, the men of renown .unto him, Where are the menAnd Jehovah saw that the wickthatcame in to thee this night?"edness of man was great in theLuke 1 :26-28 "The angel Ga-earth, and that every imaginationbriel was sent forth from God toof the thoughts of his heart wasa city of Galilee named Nazareth,only evil continually ."to a virgin promised in marriageto a man named Joseph of Da-Were Sentenced by God and vid's house ; and the name of thePower of Incarnation virgin was Mary . And when heTaken Awaywent in before her he said : `Good2 Pet . 2 :4 "God did not hold day, highly favored one, Jehovahback from punishing the angels is with you .'"that sinned, but, by throwing John the Baptist Not an Incarnatheminto Tartarus, delivered tion of Elijahhem to pits of dense darknessto be reserved for judgment ."Matt . 17 :10-13 "The disciplesput the question to him : `Why,Jude 6 "And the angels that then, do the scribes say thatdid not keep their original posi- Elijah must come first?' In retionbut forsook their own proper ply he said : ` . . . I say to you thatdwelling-place he has reserved Elijah has already come and theywith eternal bonds under dense did not recognize him but diddarkness for the judgment of the with him the things they wanted .great day .". 'Then the disciples perceived1 Pet . 3 :19, 20 "He went his that he spoke to them aboutway and preached to the spirits John the Baptist."in prison, which had once been Matt . 11 :11-14 "Truly I say todisobedient when the patience you people, Among those born of179

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