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17the apostles and prophets, whileChrist Jesus himself is the foundationcornerstone . In unionwith him the whole building,being harmoniously joined together,is growing into a holy templefor Jehovah ."Matt . 21 :42 "Jesus said tothem : 'Did you never read in theScriptures, "The stone that thebuilders rejected is the one thathas become the chief cornerstone .From Jehovah this has come topass and it is marvelous inour eyes"?'" (See Isaiah 28 :16 :Psalm 118 :22, 23 .)Acts 4 :8-12 "Then Peter, filledwith holy spirit, said to them :. in the name of Jesus Christthe Nazarene, whom you impaledbut whom God raised up fromthe dead, by this one does thisman stand here sound in frontof you . This is "the stone whichwas treated by you builders asof no account that has becomechief cornerstone" . Furthermore,there is no salvation in anyoneelse .' "Rom . 9 :33 "Look! I am layingin ion a stone of stumbling anda rock-mass of offense, but hethat rests his faith on it will notcome to disappointment ."John 21 :15-17 Misapplied; NotOnly Peter, but All DisciplesMust Feed Christ's SheepActs 20 :28 "Pay attention toyourselves and to all the flock,among which the holy spirit hasappointed you overseers, to shepherdthe congregation of God,which he purchased with theblood of his own [Son] ."1 Pet. 5 :1-4 "To the older menamong you I give this exhortation,for I, too, am an older manlike them . . . Shepherd the flockof God in your care, not undercompulsion, but willingly, neitherfor love of dishonest gain, . . .butbecoming examples to the flock .And when the chief shepherd hasbeen made manifest, you will receivethe unfadable crown ofglory."Apostolic SuccessionPeter Is Merely One of the Stonesin the Spiritual Temple1 Pet . 2 :4-8 "Coming to himas to a living stone, rejected, it istrue, by men, but chosen, precious,with God, you yourselvesalso as living stones are beingbuilt up a spiritual house for thepurpose of a holy priesthood, tooffer up spiritual sacrifices acceptableto God through JesusChrist . . . It is to you, therefore,that he is precious, becauseyou are believers ; but to thosenot believing, 'the identical stonethat the builders rejected hasbecome the chief cornerstone,'and 'a stone of stumbling and arock-mass of offense' ."Only the Twelve Apostles ofJesus Christ in the Foundationof the Christian Congregation :They Have No SuccessorsNames of the twelve:Matt. 10 :1-4 ; Gal . 1 :1 ; 1 Cor .9:1 ; 2 Cor . 12 :12 "First, Simon,the one called 'Peter', and Andrewhis brother ; and James theson of ebedee and John hisbrother ; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew thetax collector ; James the son ofAlphaeus, and Thaddaeus ; Simonthe Cananaean, and JudasIscariot, who later betrayed him .""Paul, an apostle, neither frommen nor through a man, butthrough Jesus Christ and Godthe father .""Am I not free? Am I not anapostle? Have I not seen Jesusour Lord?""Indeed, the signs of an apostlewere produced among you by allendurance, and by signs andwonders and powerful works ."Rev . 21 :14 "The wall of thecity also had twelve foundationstones, and on them the twelvenames of the twelve apostles ofthe Lamb."Matt . 19 :28 "Jesus said tothem : 'Truly I say to you, Inthe re-creation, when the Son of

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