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177the shrine of your images, thestar of your god, which ye madeto yourselves ."Job 31 :26-28 "If I have beheldthe sun when it shined, or themoon walking in brightness, andmy heart hath been secretly enticed,and my mouth hath kissedmy hand : this also were an iniquityto be punished by thejudges ; for I should have deniedthe God that is above ."1 Ki . 19 :18 "Yet will I leaveme seven thousand in Israel, allthe knees which have not bowedunto Baal, and every mouthwhich hath not kissed him ."Hos . 13 :2 "And now they sinmore and more, and have madethem molten images of their silver,even idols according to theirown understanding, all of themthe work of the craftsmen : theysay of them, Let the men thatsacrifice kiss the calves ."Refusal of Faithful Jews to WorshipState Symbol Was Approvedby GodDan . 3:1, 4-6, 8, 9, 12, 19, 20,26-28 "Nebuchadnezzar the kingmade an image of gold . . . . Thenthe herald cried aloud, To youit is commanded, 0 peoples, nations,and languages, that at whattime ye hear the sound of . . . allkinds of music, ye fall down andworship the golden image thatNebuchadnezzar the king hath setup ; and whoso falleth not downand worshippeth shall the samehour be cast into the midst of aburning fiery furnace . Whereforeat that time, certain Chaldeanscame near, and brought accusationagainst the Jews . They answeredand said to Nebuchadnezzarthe king. . . . There are certainJews whom thou hast appointedover the affairs of the provinceof Babylon : Shadrach, Meshach,and Abed-nego ; these men, 0king, have not regarded thee :they serve not thy gods, nor worshipthe golden image which thouhast set up . Then was Nebuchadnezzarfull of fury . . . . And heIdolatrycommanded certain mighty menthat were in his army to bindShadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,and to cast them into theburning fiery furnace . Then Nebuchadnezzarcame near to themouth of the burning fiery furnace: he spake and said, Shadrach,Meshach, and Abed-nego,ye servants of the Most High God,come forth, and come hither.Then Shadrach, Meshach, andAbed-nego came forth out of themidst of the fire. . . . the fire hadno power upon their bodies, norwas the hair of their head singed,neither were their hosen changed,nor had the smell of fire passedon them . Nebuchadnezzar spakeand said, Blessed be the God ofShadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,who hath sent his angel,and delivered his servants thattrusted in him, and have changedthe king's word."Salvation Comes Only from JehovahThrough ChristActs 4 :12 "Furthermore, thereis no salvation in anyone else,for there is not another nameunder heaven that has been givenamong men by which we must getsaved ."See also "Caesar's Things toCaesar" ."Relative" Worship Not AllowedIsa . 42 :8 "I am Jehovah, that ismy name ; and my glory will Inot give to another, neither mypraise unto graven images ."2 Cor . 4 :18 "While we keep oureyes, not on the things seen, buton the things unseen . For thethings seen are temporary, butthe things unseen are everlasting."Is contrary to Christian principleof worship2 Cor . 5 :7 "For we are walkingby faith, not by sight ."Rom. 8 :24, 25 "For we weresaved in this hope ; but hope thatis seen is not hope, for when aman sees a thing, does he hopefor it? But if we hope for what

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