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175evil in the sight of Jehovah thyGod, to provoke him to anger ; Icall heaven and earth to witnessagainst you this day, that ye shallsoon utterly perish from off theland . . . And Jehovah will scatteryou among the peoples, and yeshall be left few in numberamong the nations ."Jer. 22 :8, 9 "And many nationsshall pass by this city, and theyshall say every man to his neighbor,Wherefore hath Jehovahdone thus unto this great city?Then they shall answer, Becausethey forsook the covenant of Jehovahtheir God, and worshippedother gods, and served them ."Willful Rebellion and Stubbornnessof Religious Leaders in Jesus'Day Was Idolatry ThatBrought Such DesolationMatt . 15 :1-3, 7-9 "Then therecame to Jesus from JerusalemPharisees and scribes, saying :`Why is it your disciples overstepthe tradition of the men of formertimes?' . . . In reply he said tothem : `Why is it you also overstepthe commandment of Godbecause of your tradition? Youhypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesiedabout you, when he said :"This people honors me with theirlips, yet their hearts are far removedfrom me . It is in vainthat they keep paying respect tome, because they teach commandsof men as doctrines." ' "Matt. 23 :37, 38 "Jerusalem, Jerusalem,the killer of the prophetsand stoner of those sent forthto her,-how often I wanted togather your children together, theway a hen gathers her chicks togetherunder her wings! But youpeople did not want it . Look!your house is abandoned to you ."Idolatry Specifically Forbiddento Christians1 Cor. 10 :7, 14 "Neither becomeidolaters, as some of them did ;just as it is written : `The peoplesat down to eat and drink, andthey rose up to revel boisterous-Idolatryly .' Therefore, my beloved ones,flee from idolatry ."Acts 17 :29 "Seeing, therefore,that we are the progeny of God,we ought not to imagine that theDivine Being is like gold or silveror stone, like something sculpturedby the art and contrivanceof man ."1 John 5 :21 "Little children,guard yourselves from idols ."Those Practicing Are a Reproachto God and Make Liarsof ThemselvesRom . 1 :22, 23, 25 "Although assertingthey were wise, they becamefoolish and turned the gloryof the incorruptible God intosomething like the image of corruptibleman and of birds andfour-footed creatures and creepingthings . Even those who exchangedthe truth of God for thelie and venerated and renderedsacred service to the creationrather than the One who created,who is blessed forever ."Meat Sacrificed to Idols CouldBe Eaten, After Its DedicatedPurpose Had Been Fulfilled ; butThis Authority Must NotBe Abused1 Cor. 8:4, 7-10, 13 "Now concerningthe eating of foods offeredto idols, we know that anidol is nothing in the world andthat there is no God but one .Nevertheless, there is not thisknowledge in all persons ; butsome, being accustomed until nowto the idol, eat food as somethingsacrificed to an idol, and theirconscience, as it is weak, becomesvile . But food will not commendus to God ; if we do noteat, we do not fall short, and,if we eat, we have no credit toourselves . But keep watching thatthis authority of yours does notsomehow become a stumblingblockto those who are weak . Forif anyone should see you withyour knowledge reclining at ameal in an idol temple, will notthe conscience of that one who

Idolatryis weak be emboldened to thepoint of eating foods offered toidols? Therefore, if food makesmy brother stumble, I will neveragain eat flesh at all, that I maynot make my brother stumble ."1 Cor. 10 :25-29, 31, 32 "Everythingthat is sold in a meatmarket keep eating, making noinquiry on account of your conscience,for `the earth belongs toJehovah, and so does its fullness' .If anyone of the unbelievers invitesyou and you wish to go, proceedto eat everything that is setbefore you, making no inquiry onaccount of your conscience. Butif anyone should say to you : `Thisis something offered to a god,'do not eat on account of the onethat disclosed it and on accountof conscience. `Conscience,' I say,not yours, but that of the otherperson . . . . Therefore, whether youare eating or drinking or doinganything else, do all things forGod's glory. Keep from becomingcauses for stumbling ."1 Tim . 4 :4, 5 "The reason forthis is that every creation of Godis right and nothing is to be rejectedif it is received withthanksgiving, for it is sanctifiedthrough God's word and prayerover it ."Example Taken from David'sEating of Showbread on theSabbath After Its Use in Sacrificeto Jehovah Was Completed,Considered CommonLev . 24 :5-8 "And thou shalttake fine flour, and bake twelvecakes thereof : . . . And thou shaltset them in two rows, six on arow, upon the pure table beforeJehovah . . . . Every sabbath day heshall set it in order before Jehovahcontinually ."1 Sam . 21 :2-6 (footnote) "AndDavid said unto Ahimelech thepriest . . . . Now therefore what isunder thy hand? give me fiveloaves of bread in my hand, orwhatsoever there is present . Andthe priest answered David, andsaid, There is no common bread176under my hand, but there is holybread ; if only the young menhave kept themselves from women .And David answered the priest,and said unto him, Of a truthwomen have been kept from usabout these three days ; when Icame out, the vessels of the youngmen were holy, [and it may beused as common bread ; and especiallysince to-day it will beholy in respect of their vessels] .So the priest gave him holy bread ;for there was no bread there butthe showbread, that was takenfrom before Jehovah, to put hotbread in the day when it wastaken away."Worship of State Powers aDefinite Form of IdolatryRev . 13 :14, 15 "It tells thosewho dwell on the earth to makean image to the wild beast thathad the sword-stroke and yet revived. And there was granted itto give breath to the image ofthe wild beast, so that the imageof the wild beast should bothspeak and cause to be killed allthose who would not in any wayworship the image of the wildbeast ."Rev. 14 :9, 10 "If anyone worshipsthe wild beast and its image,and receives a mark on his foreheador upon his hand, he willalso drink of the wine of theanger of God that is poured outundiluted into the cup of hiswrath ."Rev. 17 :11 "And the wild beastthat was but is not, it is alsoitself an eighth king, but owes itsexistence to the seven, and it goesoff into destruction."Saluting Flags (Which OftenBear Likenesses) AlsoCondemnedActs 7 :43 "But it was the tentof Moloch and the star of thegod Rephan that you took up, thefigures which you made to worshipthem . Consequently, I willdeport you beyond Babylon ."Amos 5 :26 "Yea, ye have bornethe tabernacle of your king and

Idolatryis weak be emboldened to thepoint of eating foods offered toidols? Therefore, if food makesmy brother stumble, I will neveragain eat flesh at all, that I maynot make my brother stumble ."1 Cor. 10 :25-29, 31, 32 "Everythingthat is sold in a meatmarket keep eating, making noinquiry on account of your conscience,for `the earth belongs toJehovah, and so does its fullness' .If anyone of the unbelievers invitesyou and you wish to go, proceedto eat everything that is setbefore you, making no inquiry onaccount of your conscience. Butif anyone should say to you : `Thisis something offered to a god,'do not eat on account of the onethat disclosed it and on accountof conscience. `Conscience,' I say,not yours, but that of the otherperson . . . . Therefore, whether youare eating or drinking or doinganything else, do all things forGod's glory. Keep from becomingcauses for stumbling ."1 Tim . 4 :4, 5 "The reason forthis is that every creation of Godis right and nothing is to be rejectedif it is received withthanksgiving, for it is sanctifiedthrough God's word and prayerover it ."Example Taken from David'sEating of Showbread on theSabbath After Its Use in Sacrificeto Jehovah Was Completed,Considered CommonLev . 24 :5-8 "And thou shalttake fine flour, and bake twelvecakes thereof : . . . And thou shaltset them in two rows, six on arow, upon the pure table beforeJehovah . . . . Every sabbath day heshall set it in order before Jehovahcontinually ."1 Sam . 21 :2-6 (footnote) "AndDavid said unto Ahimelech thepriest . . . . Now therefore what isunder thy hand? give me fiveloaves of bread in my hand, orwhatsoever there is present . Andthe priest answered David, andsaid, There is no common bread176under my hand, but there is holybread ; if only the young menhave kept themselves from women .And David answered the priest,and said unto him, Of a truthwomen have been kept from usabout these three days ; when Icame out, the vessels of the youngmen were holy, [and it may beused as common bread ; and especiallysince to-day it will beholy in respect of their vessels] .So the priest gave him holy bread ;for there was no bread there butthe showbread, that was takenfrom before Jehovah, to put hotbread in the day when it wastaken away."Worship of State Powers aDefinite Form of IdolatryRev . 13 :14, 15 "It tells thosewho dwell on the earth to makean image to the wild beast thathad the sword-stroke and yet revived. And there was granted itto give breath to the image ofthe wild beast, so that the imageof the wild beast should bothspeak and cause to be killed allthose who would not in any wayworship the image of the wildbeast ."Rev. 14 :9, 10 "If anyone worshipsthe wild beast and its image,and receives a mark on his foreheador upon his hand, he willalso drink of the wine of theanger of God that is poured outundiluted into the cup of hiswrath ."Rev. 17 :11 "And the wild beastthat was but is not, it is alsoitself an eighth king, but owes itsexistence to the seven, and it goesoff into destruction."Saluting Flags (Which OftenBear Likenesses) AlsoCondemnedActs 7 :43 "But it was the tentof Moloch and the star of thegod Rephan that you took up, thefigures which you made to worshipthem . Consequently, I willdeport you beyond Babylon ."Amos 5 :26 "Yea, ye have bornethe tabernacle of your king and

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