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IdolatryNo Image of God PossibleDeut. 4 :15-19 "Take ye thereforegood heed unto yourselves ;for ye saw no manner of form onthe day that Jehovah spake untoyou in Horeb out of the midstof the fire ; lest ye corrupt yourselves,and make you a gravenimage in the form of any figure,the likeness of male or female,the likeness of any beast that ison the earth, the likeness of anywinged bird that flieth in theheavens, the likeness of anythingthat creepeth on the ground, thelikeness of any fish that is inthe water under the earth ; andlest thou lift up thine eyes untoheaven, and when thou seest thesun and the moon and the stars,even all the host of heaven, thoube drawn away and worship them,and serve them ."Law Served as a SafeguardAgainst Idolatry ofSurrounding NationsDeut . 29 :14-18 "Neither withyou only do I make this covenantand this oath, but with him thatstandeth here with us this daybefore Jehovah our God, and alsowith him that is not here withus this day (for ye know how wedwelt in the land of Egypt, andhow we came through the midstof the nations through which yepassed ; and ye have seen theirabominations, and their idols,wood and stone, silver and gold,which were among them) ; lestthere should be among you man,or woman, or family, or tribe,whose heart turneth away thisday from Jehovah our God, to goto serve the gods of those nations."Stubbornness and RebellionAgainst God Is Self-Worshipand Idolatry1 Sam. 15 :22-24, 30 "Behold, toobey is better than sacrifice, andto hearken than the fat oframs . For rebellion is as the sinof witchcraft [Heb ., "divination" ;footnote], and stubbornness is as174idolatry and teraphim . . AndSaul said unto Samuel, I havesinned ; . . . yet honor me now, Ipray thee, before the elders ofmy people, and before Israel, andturn again with me, that I mayworship Jehovah thy God ."Practice of Idolatry BroughtPunishment from God -Lev . 26 :1, 27, 28, 30 "Ye shallmake you no idols, neither shallye rear you up a graven image,or a pillar, neither shall ye placeany figured stone in your land,to bow down unto it : for I amJehovah your God. And if ye willnot for all this hearken unto me,but walk contrary unto me ; thenI will walk contrary unto you inwrath ; and 1 also will chastiseyou seven times for your sins .And I will destroy your highplaces, and cut down your sunimages,and cast your dead bodiesupon the bodies of your idols ; andmy soul shall abhor you ."Judg. 2 :11-15 "And the childrenof Israel did that which wasevil in the sight of Jehovah, andserved the Baalim ; . . . and followedother gods, of the gods ofthe peoples that were round aboutthem, and bowed themselvesdown unto them : . . . And the angerof Jehovah was kindledagainst Israel, and he deliveredthem into the hands of spoilersthat despoiled them ; and he soldthem into the hands of theirenemies round about, so that theycould not any longer stand beforetheir enemies . Whithersoever theywent out, the hand of Jehovahwas against them for evil, as Jehovahhad spoken, and as Jehovahhad sworn unto them ."Finally Brought Complete Rejectionof Nation of IsraelDent . 4 :25-27 "When thou shaltbeget children, and children'schildren, and ye shall have beenlong in the land, and shall corruptyourselves, and make a gravenimage in the form of anything,and shall do that which is

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