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HolidaysDEFINITIONA day or days fixed by law, custom or religion [holydays] on whichordinary business is suspended or certain things are done or abstainedfrom, in commemoration of some event or in honor of some person .Christians Not Commanded to draining their blood and fromObserve Any Holidayfornication . If you carefully keepRom . 14 :4-6 "Who are you to yourselves from these things, youjudge the house servant of will prosper ."another? To his own master he Rom . 1 :25 "Even those who exchangedthe truth of God forstands or falls. Indeed, he willbe made to stand, for Jehovah the lie and venerated and renderedsacred service to the crea-can make him stand. One manjudges one day as above another ; tion rather than the One whoanother man judges one day as created ."all others ; let each man be fullyconvinced in his own mind . . . .Christians Should Praise God,Also he who eats eats to Jehovah,Give Thanks Every Dayfor he gives thanks to God ; and Heb . 13 :15 "Through him let ushe who does not eat does not eat always offer to God a sacrifice ofto Jehovah, and yet gives thanks praise, that is, the fruit of lipsto God ."which make public declaration toGal. 4 :9-11 "But now that you his name."have come to know God, or rather Acts 2 :46, 47 "And day afternow that you have come to be day they were in constant attendanceat the temple with oneknown by God, how is it that youare turning back again to the accord, and they took their mealsweak and inadequate elementary in private homes and partook ofthings and want to be slaves to nourishment with great rejoicingthem over again? You are scrupulouslyobserving days and God and finding acceptance withand sincerity of heart, praisingmonths and seasons and years . I all the people ."fear for you, that somehow I have Rev . 7 :9, 10, 15 "After thesetoiled to no purpose respecting things I saw, and, look! a greatyou. ,,crowd, which no man was ableCol . 2 :16, 17 "Therefore let no to number, out of all nations andman judge you in eating and tribes and peoples and tongues,drinking or in respect of a feast standing before the throne andday or of an observance of the before the Lamb, dressed in whitenew moon or of a sabbath, for robes, and there were palmthose things are a shadow of the branches in their hands . Andthings to come, but the reality they keep on crying with a loudbelongs to the Christ ."voice, saying : `Salvation we oweActs 15 :28, 29 "For the holy to our God, who is seated on thespirit and we ourselves have favoredadding no further burden tothrone, and to the Lamb .' `Thatyou, except these necessary things, is why they are before the throneto keep yourselves free from things of God, and they are renderingsacrificed to idols and from blood him sacred service day and nightand from things killed without in his temple .'"165

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