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15powerful work and lying signsand wonders."Jer. 23 :11, 21, 22 "For bothprophet and priest are profane ;yea, in my house have I foundtheir wickedness, saith Jehovah.I sent not these prophets, yetthey ran : I spake not unto them,yet they prophesied . But if theyhad stood in my council, thenhad they caused my people tohear my words, and had turnedthem from their evil way, andfrom the evil of their doings ."Clergy Seek Power, and Honorof This World1 Cor . 4:8 "You men alreadyhave your fill, do you? You arerich already, are you? You havebegun ruling as kings withoutus, have you? And I wish indeedthat you had begun ruling askings, that we also might rulewith you as kings."Jas . 4 :4 "Adulteresses, do younot know that the friendship withthe world is enmity with God?Whoever, therefore, wants to bea friend of the world is constitutinghimself an enemy ofGod .""Evil Slave"Matt. 24 :48-51 "But if th evilslave should say in his heart,'My master is delaying,' andshould start to beat his fellowslaves and should eat and drinkwith the confirmed drunkards,the master of that slave will comeon a day that he does not expectand in an hour that he does notknow, and will punish him withthe greatest severity and will assignhim his part with the hypocrites.There is where his weepingand the gnashing of his teethv,111 be ."I John 2 :18, 19 "Young children,it is the last hour, and, justa ., you have heard that antichristis coming, even now there havecome to be many antichrists ;from which fact we gain theknowledge that it is the lasthour . They went out from us,but they were not of our kind ;Antichristfor if they had been of our kind,they would have remained withus . But they went out that itmight be shown up that not ahare of our kind ."Pagan ReligionsEph . 2 :12 "That you were atthat particular time withoutChrist, alienated from the stateof Israel and strangers to thecovenants of the promise, andyou had no hope and were withoutGod in the world."1 Cor. 10 :20, 21 "The thingswhich the nations sacrifice theysacrifice to demons, and not toGod, and I do not want you tobecome sharers with the demons .You cannot be drinking the cupof Jehovah and the cup of demons; you cannot be partakingof 'the table of Jehovah' and thetable of demons ."Communist Red ReligionIncluded Among ManyAntichristsRev . 19 :18, 19 "'That you mayeat the fleshy parts of kings andthe fleshy parts of military commandersand the fleshy parts ofstrong men and the fleshy partsof horses and of those mountedupon them, and the fleshy partsof all, of freemen as well as ofslaves and of small ones andgreat.' And I saw the wild beastand the kings of the earth andtheir armies gathered together towage the war with the one seatedon the horse and with his army."Ps . 14 :1 "The fool hath said inhis heart, There is no God. Theyare corrupt, they have doneabominable works ; there is nonethat doeth good ."Culmination of Antichrist Effortin Supporting U .N .Rev . 17 :3-8, 18 "And I caughtsight of a woman sitting upona scarlet-colored wild beast thatwas full of blasphemous namesand that had seven heads andten horns . And the woman wasarrayed in purple and scarlet,and was adorned with gold andprecious stone and pearls and had

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