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1 57Actual Individual Burial Places,Graves or Tombs, Referred to byDifferent Original LanguageWords, Just as Individual Locationsin the "Land ofthe Living" Are Indicatedby Names of Placesor CitiesKeber (Hebrew), burying placeor grave (English)Gen . 23 :4 "I am a stranger anda sojourner with you : give me apossession of a burying-placewith you, that I may bury mydead out of my sight ."Judg . 16 :31 "Then his brethrenand all the house of his fathercame down, and took him, andbrought him up, and buried himbetween orah and Eshtaol in theburying-place of Manoah hisfather . And he judged Israeltwenty years ."See also : Ex. 14 :11 ; Num. 19 :16 .K'boorah (Hebrew), grave, buryingplace, sepulchre (English)Gen . 35 :20 "And Jacob set upa pillar upon her grave : the sameis the Pillar of Rachel's graveunto this day."Deut . 34 :6 "And he buried himin the valley in the land of Moabover against Beth-peor : but noman knoweth of his sepulchreunto this day ."See also : Gen . 47 :30 ; 1 Sam.10 :2.Ga-dish' (Hebrew),tomb (English)Job 21 :32 "Yet shall he beborne to the grave, and men shallkeep watch over the tomb ."Taphos (Greek), grave (English)Matt. 23 :27 "Woe to you, scribesand Pharisees, hypocrites! becauseyou resemble whitewashedgraves, which outwardly indeedappear beautiful but inside arefull of dead men's bones andof every kind of uncleanness ."Matt . 27 :64 "Therefore commandthe grave to be made secureuntil the third day, that hisdisciples may never come andHellsteal him and say to the people,'He was raised up from the dead!'and this last imposture will beworse than the first ."Mnema (Greek), tomb (English)Mark 5 :3 "He had his hauntamong the tombs, and up to thattime absolutely nobody was ableto bind him fast even with achain ."Luke 23 :53 "And he took itdown and wrapped it up in finelinen, and he laid him in a tombcarved in the rock and in whichno man had yet lain ."Acts 2 :29 "Brothers, it is allowableto speak with freeness ofspeech to you concerning thefamily head David, that he bothdeceased and was buried and histomb is among us to this day ."See also : Acts 7 :16 ; Rev . 11 :9 .Mnemeion (Greek), memorialtomb (English)Matt . 28 :8 "So, quickly leavingthe memorial tomb, with fear andgreat joy, they ran to report tohis disciples ."John 5 :28, 29 "Do not marvelat this, because the hour is comingin which all those in the memorialtombs will hear his voiceand come out ."See also : Matt. 8 :28 ; Luke11 :44 ; John 19 :41 .Adam Was Not Sent to "EternalTorment" but to UnconsciousAnnihilation in Dust of theGround . Thus, No "Pain ofLoss" Is Possible, and "Separationfrom God" Is NotRealizedGen . 3 :3-5, 17, 19 "Of the fruitof the tree which is in the midstof the garden, God hath said, Yeshall not eat of it, neither shallye touch it, lest ye die . And theserpent said unto the woman, Yeshall not surely die : for God dothknow that in the day ye eatthereof, then your eyes shall beopened, and ye shall be as God,knowing good and evil . And untoAdam he [Jehovah] said, Because

Hellthou hast hearkened unto thevoice of thy wife, and hast eatenof the tree, of which I commandedthee, saying, Thou shaltnot eat of it : cursed is the groundfor thy sake ; . . . in the sweat ofthy face shalt thou eat bread, tillthou return unto the ground ; forout of it wast thou taken : fordust thou art, and unto dust shaltthou return ."Gen. 5:5 "And all the days thatAdam lived were nine hundredand thirty years : and he died ."Rom . 6 :23 "For the wages sinpays is death ."Ps . 6 :5 "For in death there isno remembrance of thee : inSheol ["the grave," AV ; "hell,"Dy at Ps . 6 :6] who shall givethee thanks?"Eccl . 9:5, 10 "For the livingknow that they shall die : butthe dead know not anything, neitherhave they any more a reward; for the memory of themis forgotten . Whatsoever thy handfindeth to do, do it with thymight ; for there is no work, nordevice, nor knowledge, nor wisdom,in Sheol ["the grave," AV ;"hell," Dy], whither thou goest ."Always Associated with Deathand the Dead, Not Life andthe Living2 Sam. 22 :5, 6 "For the wavesof death compassed me ; thefloods of ungodliness made meafraid : the cords of Sheol ["hell,"AV ; Dy] were round about me ;the snares of death came uponme . ,,Prov . 5 :5 "Her feet go down todeath ; her steps take hold onSheol ["hell," AV ; Dy] ."Prov . 7 :27 "Her house is theway to Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy],going down to the chambers ofdeath ."Prov . 9:18 "But he knowethnot that the dead are there ; thather guests are in the depths ofSheol ["hell," AV ; Dy] ."Hab. 2 :5 "Yea, moreover, wineis treacherous, a haughty man,that keepeth not at home ; who158enlargeth his desire as Sheol["hell," AV ; Dy], and he is asdeath, and cannot be satisfied."Rev. 20 :13 "And the sea gaveup those dead in it, and deathand Hades ["hell," AV ; Dy] gaveup those dead in them ."Before Jesus All Spoken of asGoing to Same Place ofUnconsciousnessEccl . 3 :19-21 "For that whichbefalleth the sons of men befallethbeasts ; even one thingbefalleth them : as the one dieth,so dieth the other ; yea, they haveall one breath ; and man hath nopre-eminence above the beasts :for all is vanity . All go unto oneplace ; all are of the dust, andall turn to dust again . Who knoweththe spirit of man, whetherit goeth upward, and the spiritof the beast, whether it goethdownward to the earth?"Ps . 31 :17 "Let me not be putto shame, 0 Jehovah ; for I havecalled upon thee : let the wickedbe put to shame, let them besilent in Sheol ["the grave," AV ;"hell," Dy at Ps . 30 :18] ."Ps. 49 :14 "They are appointedas a flock for Sheol ["the grave,"AV ; "hell," Dy at Ps . 48 :15] ;death shall be their shepherd :and the upright shall have dominionover them in the morning ;and their beauty shall be forSheol ["the grave," AV ; "hell,"Dy] to consume, that there be nohabitation for it ."Ps. 141 :7 "As when one plowethand cleaveth the earth, our bonesare scattered at the mouth ofSheol ["grave's," AV ; "hell,"Dy] ."Good as Well as Bad PeopleGo to HellJonah 2 :2 "1 called by reasonof mine affliction unto Jehovah,and he-answered me ; out of thebelly of Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy]cried I, and thou heardest myvoice."Job 14 :13 "Oh that thou wouldesthide me in Sheol ["the grave,"AV ; "hell," Dy], that thou would-

Hellthou hast hearkened unto thevoice of thy wife, and hast eatenof the tree, of which I commandedthee, saying, Thou shaltnot eat of it : cursed is the groundfor thy sake ; . . . in the sweat ofthy face shalt thou eat bread, tillthou return unto the ground ; forout of it wast thou taken : fordust thou art, and unto dust shaltthou return ."Gen. 5:5 "And all the days thatAdam lived were nine hundredand thirty years : and he died ."Rom . 6 :23 "For the wages sinpays is death ."Ps . 6 :5 "For in death there isno remembrance of thee : inSheol ["the grave," AV ; "hell,"Dy at Ps . 6 :6] who shall givethee thanks?"Eccl . 9:5, 10 "For the livingknow that they shall die : butthe dead know not anything, neitherhave they any more a reward; for the memory of themis f<strong>org</strong>otten . Whatsoever thy handfindeth to do, do it with thymight ; for there is no work, nordevice, nor knowledge, nor wisdom,in Sheol ["the grave," AV ;"hell," Dy], whither thou goest ."Always Associated with Deathand the Dead, Not Life andthe Living2 Sam. 22 :5, 6 "For the wavesof death compassed me ; thefloods of ungodliness made meafraid : the cords of Sheol ["hell,"AV ; Dy] were round about me ;the snares of death came uponme . ,,Prov . 5 :5 "Her feet go down todeath ; her steps take hold onSheol ["hell," AV ; Dy] ."Prov . 7 :27 "Her house is theway to Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy],going down to the chambers ofdeath ."Prov . 9:18 "But he knowethnot that the dead are there ; thather guests are in the depths ofSheol ["hell," AV ; Dy] ."Hab. 2 :5 "Yea, moreover, wineis treacherous, a haughty man,that keepeth not at home ; who158enlargeth his desire as Sheol["hell," AV ; Dy], and he is asdeath, and cannot be satisfied."Rev. 20 :13 "And the sea gaveup those dead in it, and deathand Hades ["hell," AV ; Dy] gaveup those dead in them ."Before Jesus All Spoken of asGoing to Same Place ofUnconsciousnessEccl . 3 :19-21 "For that whichbefalleth the sons of men befallethbeasts ; even one thingbefalleth them : as the one dieth,so dieth the other ; yea, they haveall one breath ; and man hath nopre-eminence above the beasts :for all is vanity . All go unto oneplace ; all are of the dust, andall turn to dust again . Who knoweththe spirit of man, whetherit goeth upward, and the spiritof the beast, whether it goethdownward to the earth?"Ps . 31 :17 "Let me not be putto shame, 0 Jehovah ; for I havecalled upon thee : let the wickedbe put to shame, let them besilent in Sheol ["the grave," AV ;"hell," Dy at Ps . 30 :18] ."Ps. 49 :14 "They are appointedas a flock for Sheol ["the grave,"AV ; "hell," Dy at Ps . 48 :15] ;death shall be their shepherd :and the upright shall have dominionover them in the morning ;and their beauty shall be forSheol ["the grave," AV ; "hell,"Dy] to consume, that there be nohabitation for it ."Ps. 141 :7 "As when one plowethand cleaveth the earth, our bonesare scattered at the mouth ofSheol ["grave's," AV ; "hell,"Dy] ."Good as Well as Bad PeopleGo to HellJonah 2 :2 "1 called by reasonof mine affliction unto Jehovah,and he-answered me ; out of thebelly of Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy]cried I, and thou heardest myvoice."Job 14 :13 "Oh that thou wouldesthide me in Sheol ["the grave,"AV ; "hell," Dy], that thou would-

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