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HellSheol, Hades Translated "Hell","Grave," "Pit," "Death" ; MeanGravedom or Common Grave,Without Pain or PleasureJob 7 :9 "As the cloud is consumedand vanisheth away, so hethat goeth down to Sheol["grave," AV ; "hell," Dy] shallcome up no more ."Job 17 :13-16 "If I look forSheol ["the grave," AV; "hell,"Dy] as my house ; if I have spreadmy couch in the darkness ; if Ihave said to corruption, Thou artmy father ; to the worm, Thouart my mother, and my sister ;where then is my hope? And asfor my hope, who shall see it?It shall go down to the bars ofSheol ["the pit," AV ; "the deepestpit," Dy], when once there isrest in the dust ."Job 24 :19, 20 "Drought andheat consume the snow waters : sodoth Sheol ["the grave," AV]those that have sinned. Thewomb shall f<strong>org</strong>et him ; the wormshall feed sweetly on him ; heshall be no more remembered ;and unrighteousness shall bebroken as a tree." [Dy reads :"Let him pass from the snowwaters to excessive heat : and hissin even to hell . Let mercy f<strong>org</strong>ethim : may worms be his sweetness.Let him be remembered nomore, but be broken in piecesas an unfruitful tree ."]Amos 9 :2 "Though they diginto Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy],thence shall my hand take them."Job 14 :13 "Oh that thouwouldest hide me in Sheol ["thegrave," AV ; "hell," Dy], that thouwouldest keep me secret, untilthy wrath be past, that thouwouldest appoint me a set time,and remember me!"Hos . 13 :14 "I will ransomthem from the power of Sheol["the grave," AV ; "death," Dy] ;I will redeem them from death156[also AV and Dy] : 0 death, whereare thy plagues? 0 Sheol ["grave,"AV ; "hell," Dy], where is thydestruction?"Num . 16 :30-33 "But if Jehovahmake a new thing, and the groundopen its mouth, and swallow themup, with all that appertain untothem, and they go down aliveinto Sheol ["the pit," AV ; "hell,"Dy] ; . . . So they, and all that appertainedto them, went downalive into Sheol ["the pit," AV ;"hell," Dy] : and the earth closedupon them, and they perished ."Rev. 1 :18 "I became dead, but,look! I am living for ever andever, and I have the keys of deathand of Hades ["hell," AV; Dy] ."Rev. 6 :8 "And I saw, and, look!a pale horse, and the one seatedupon it had the name Death .And Hades ["hell," AV ; Dy] wasclosely following him . And authoritywas given them . . . to kill."Nonexistence in the Land of theDead or Gravedom (Sheol-Hades) Contrasted to FullExistence in "Land ofthe Living"Isa. 38 :10, 11 "I said, in thenoontide of my days I shall gointo the gates of Sheol : I amdeprived of the residue of myyears . I said, I shall not see Jehovah,even Jehovah in the landof the living : I shall behold manno more with the inhabitants ofthe world ."Ps . 52 :5 "God will likewise destroythee for ever ; he will takethee up, and pluck thee out ofthy tent, and root thee out ofthe land of the living ."Ps. 116 :9 "I will walk beforeJehovah in the land of theliving ."See also : Job 28 :13 ; Ps . 27 :13 ;Ps . 142 :5 ; Isa . 53 :8 ; Jer . 11 :19 ;Ezek . 26 :20 ; 32 :23-26 .

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