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15 3that are now are stored up forfire and are being reserved to theday of judgment and of destructionof the ungodly men ."Eph . 6 :12 "Because we have afight, not against blood and flesh,but against the governments, .against the world-rulers of this .darkness, against the wicked spiritforces in the heavenly places."Mark 13 :31 "Heaven and earthwill pass away, but my words willnot pass away ."Isa . 50 :3 "I clothe the heavenswith blackness, and I make sackcloththeir covering ."Began with re<strong>org</strong>anization afterFlood ; destroyed at ArmageddonHeb . 1 :10, 11 "And : `You, 0Lord, founded the earth at thebeginning, and the heavens areworks of your hands . They willperish, but you are to remaincontinually; and they will allgrow old like an outer garment.'"Rev . 12 :3 "And another signwas seen in heaven, and look! agreat fiery-colored dragon, withseven heads and ten horns andupon its heads seven diadems ."Isa. 34 :4 "And all the host ofheaven shall be dissolved, and theheavens shall be rolled togetheras a scroll ; and all their hostshall fade away, as the leaf fadethfrom off the vine, and as afading leaf from the fig-tree ."2 Pet. 3 :10 "Yet Jehovah's daywill come as a thief, in whichthe heavens will pass away witha hissing noise."Rev . 20 :11 "And I saw a greatwhite throne and the one seatedon it . From before him the earthand the heaven fled away, andno place was found for them ."(7) The Physical UniverseGen . 1 :1 "In the beginning Godcreated the heavens and theearth ."Gen . 22 :17 "I will multiply thyseed as the stars of the heavens ."Isa . 40 :12 "Who hath measuredthe waters in the hollow of hishand, and meted out heaven withthe span."HeavensPs. 19 :1 "The heavens declarethe glory of God ; and the firmamentshoweth his handiwork ."(8) Earth's Atmosphere "the Sky"Gen. 1 :6-8 "And God said, Letthere be a firmament in the midstof the waters, and let it dividethe waters from the waters . AndGod made the firmament, and dividedthe waters which were underthe firmament from the waterswhich were above the firmament: and it was so . And Godcalled the firmament Heaven .And there was evening and therewas morning, a second day ."Gen . 7 :11 "In the six hundredthyear of Noah's life, in the secondmonth, on the seventeenth day ofthe month, on the same daywere all the fountains of thegreat deep broken up, and thewindows of heaven were opened ."2 Ki . 2 :1, 11 "And it came topass, when Jehovah would takeup Elijah by a whirlwind intoheaven, that Elijah went withElisha from Gilgal . And it cameto pass, as they still went on,and talked, that, behold, thereappeared a chariot of fire, andhorses of fire, which parted themboth asunder ; and Elijah wentup by a whirlwind into heaven ."Luke 17 :24 "For even as thelightning, by its flashing, shinesfrom one part under heaven toanother part under heaven, sothe son of man will be ."Deut . 1 :28 "Whither are wegoing up? our brethren havemade our heart to melt, saying,The people are greater and tallerthan we ; the cities are greatand fortified up to heaven ; andmoreover we have seen the sonsof the Anakim there ."(9) The Remnant's Position ofGlorified Kingdom MinistryRev. 11 :12 "And they heard aloud voice out of heaven say tothem : `Come on up here .' Andthey went up into heaven in thecloud, and their enemies beheldthem ."

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