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Healingbution to each one respectivelyjust as it wills . And God has setthe respective ones in the congregation,first, apostles ; second,prophets ; third, teachers ; thenpowerful works ; then gifts ofhealings ; helpful services, abilitiesto direct, different tongues . NotHealingDEFINITIONThe restoration of the spiritually or physically sick ones to goodhealth . A special gift of the holy spirit given by Jehovah God tocertain ones before Christ and also in the early congregation thatenabled the gifted one to perform miraculous cures of physical sicknessand even raise the dead . It was used as a sign of God's powerusually performed on those outside the congregation . Like all specialgifts of the spirit from and after Pentecost, A .D . 33, it was administeredby Jesus Christ through the twelve apostles or in their presence .At the apostles' death it was impossible to pass on this specialgift to others, and it therefore ceased .Jehovah God Has Power to MakeSick and to HealDeut. 28 :27, 35 "Jehovah willsmite thee with the boil of Egypt,and with the emerods, and withthe scurvy, and with the itch,whereof thou canst not be healed .Jehovah will smite thee in theknees, and in the legs, with asore boil, whereof thou canst notbe healed, from the sole of thyfoot unto the crown of thy head ."Ex . 15 :23-26 "And when theycame to Marah, they could notdrink of the waters of Marah,for they were bitter : . . . And hecried unto Jehovah ; and Jehovahshowed him a tree, and he castit into the waters, and the waterswere made sweet. . . . and he said,If thou wilt diligently hearken tothe voice of Jehovah thy God,and wilt do that which is rightin his eyes, and wilt give ear tohis commandments, and keep allhis statutes, I will put none ofthe diseases upon thee, which Ihave put upon the Egyptians : forI am Jehovah that healeth thee ."144all are apostles, are they? Not allare prophets, are they? Not allare teachers, are they? Not allperform powerful works, do they?Not all have gifts of healings,do they? Not all speak in tongues,do they? Not all are translators,are they?"Power Given to Christ Jesus toHeal During First AdventMatt. 9 :35 "And yet Jesus setout on a tour of all the citiesand villages, teaching in theirsynagogues and preaching thegood news of the kingdom andcuring every kind of disease andevery kind of ailment ."Acts 10:38 "Jesus who wasfrom Nazareth, how God anointedhim with holy spirit and power,and he went through the landdoing good and healing all thoseoppressed by the Devil, becauseGod was with him ."Matt . 11 :5 "The blind are seeingagain, and the lame are walkingabout, the lepers are beingcleansed and the deaf are hearing,and the dead are beingraised up, and the poor are havingthe good news declared tothem."Jesus Gave Gift of Healing Firstto Twelve Apostles, Later toSeventy Other DisciplesMatt . 10:1-8 "So he summonedhis twelve disciples and gave

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