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13 9be? If it were all hearing, wherewould the smelling be? But nowGod has set the members in thebody, each one of them, just ashe pleased . If they were all onemember, where would the bodybe? But now they are many members,yet one body . The eye cannotsay to the hand : 'I have noneed of you' ; or, again, the headcannot say to the feet : `I haveno need of you.' But much ratheris it the case that the membersof the body which seem to beweaker are necessary, and theparts of the body which we thinkto be less honorable, these we surroundwith more abundant honor,and so our unseemly parts havethe more abundant comeliness,whereas our comely parts do notneed anything. Nevertheless, Godcompounded the body, giving honormore abundant to the partwhich had a lack, so that thereshould be no division in the body,but that its members should havethe same care for one another ."Ministry of Prophesying byHouse-to-House WorkActs 20 :20 "I did not hold backfrom telling you any of the thingsthat were profitable nor fromteaching you publicly and fromhouse to house ."Rev. 3:20 "Look! I am standingat the door and knocking ."Matt. 10 :12-14 "When you areentering into the house, greet thehousehold ; and if the house isdeserving, let the peace you wishit come upon it ; but if it is notdeserving, let the peace fromyou return upon you . Whereveranyone does not take you in orlisten to your words, on goingout of that house or that cityshake the dust off your feet ."By Return Calls and HomeBible StudiesActs 15 :36 "Now after somedays Paul said to Barnabas :`Above all things, let us returnand visit the brothers in everyone of the cities in which we pub-Gifts from Godlished the word of Jehovah tosee how they are .'"1 Cor . 3 :6-8 "I planted, Apolloswatered, but God kept making itgrow . . . . Now he that plants andhe that waters are one, but eachperson will receive his own rewardaccording to his own labor."Also : Matt . 13 :3-23 .Prov. 11 :25 "The liberal soulshall be made fat ; and he thatwatereth shall be watered alsohimself ."John 21 :15-17 "He said to him :`Feed my young lambs Shepherdmy little sheep Feed mylittle sheep .'"Gal . 6 :6 "Moreover, let anyonewho is being orally taught theword share in all good things withthe one who gives such oralteaching ."Also : Acts 17 :11 ; Rev. 3 :20 .By Street WorkActs 17 :17 "Consequently hebegan to reason in the synagoguewith the Jews and the otherpeople who worshiped God andevery day in the market-placewith those who happened to beon hand."Also : Jer. 17 :19 ; Ezekiel 4 .In Your Own Home and EveryOther PlaceActs 28 :30, 31 "So he remainedfor an entire two years in hisown hired house, and he wouldkindly receive all those who camein to him, preaching the kingdomof God to them and teachingthe things concerning the LordJesus Christ with the greatestfreeness of speech, without hindrance."Acts 16 :25, 32 "About the middleof the night Paul and Silaswere praying and praising Godwith song ; yes, the prisoners werehearing them . And they spoke theword of Jehovah to him togetherwith all those in his house ."Phil . 1 :13, 14 "My prison bondshave become public knowledge inassociation with Christ among ailthe praetorian guard and all the

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