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133setting things straight, for discipliningin righteousness, that theman of God may be fully competent,completely equipped forevery good work ."1 Tim . 4 :2 "By the hypocrisy ofmen who speak lies, marked intheir conscience as with a brandingiron ."Violation of Conscience MeansGod's DisfavorActs 24 :16 "In this respect, indeed,I am exercising myself continuallyto have a consciousnessof committing no offense againstGod and men ."1 Tim . 1 :19 "Holding faith anda good conscience, which somehave thrust aside and have experiencedshipwreck concerningtheir faith ."Christians Respect Consciencesof Others1 Cor . 8 :7-12 "But keep watchingthat this authority of yoursdoes not somehow become astumblingblock to those who areweak. For if anyone should seeyou with your knowledge recliningat a meal in an idol temple, willnot the conscience of that onewho is weak be emboldened tothe point of eating foods offeredto idols? Really, by your knowledge,the man that is weak isbeing ruined, your brother forwhose sake Christ died . But whenyou people thus sin against yourbrothers and wound their consciencethat is weak, you are sinningagainst Christ ."1 Cor . 10 :27-29 "If anyone ofthe unbelievers invites you andyou wish to go, proceed to eateverything that is set before you,making no inquiry on account ofyour conscience. But if anyoneshould say to you : 'This is somethingoffered to a god,' do noteat on account of the one thatdisclosed it and on account ofconscience. 'Conscience,' I say,not yours, but that of the otherperson ."Friendship with the WorldChristians Stand Among Nationsas Ambassadors2 Cor . 5:20 "We are thereforeambassadors substituting forChrist, as though God were makingentreaty through us . As substitutesfor Christ we beg : 'Becomereconciled to God .' "Eph . 6 :19, 20 "The good news,for which I am acting as an ambassadorin chains ."Phil. 3 :20 "As for us, our citizenshipexists in the heavens ."Christians Neutral, Do Not Interferewith World's Conflicts,Schemes or Politics2 Tim . 2 :3, 4 "As a right kindof soldier of Christ Jesus takeyour part in suffering evil . Noman serving as a soldier involveshimself in the commercial businessesof life, in order that hemay meet the approval of theone who enrolled him as asoldier."John 6 :15 "Therefore Jesus,realizing they were about to comeand seize him to make him king,withdrew again into the mountainall alone ."John 18 :36 "Jesus answered :'My kingdom is no part of thisworld . If my kingdom were partof this world, my attendantswould have fought that I shouldnot be delivered up to the Jews .But, as it is, my kingdom is notfrom this source .'"1 Tim . 5 :22 "Never lay yourhands hastily upon any man ; neitherbe a sharer in the sins ofothers ; preserve yourself pure."1 Cor . 14 :8 "For, truly, if thebugle sounds an indistinct call,who will get ready for battle?"God's Law to Israelite NationExempted MinistersNum. 1 :47-54 "For Jehovahspake unto Moses, saying, Onlythe tribe of Levi thou shalt notnumber, neither shalt thou takethe sum of them among thechildren of Israel ; but appointthou the Levites over the tabernacleof the testimony, and over

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