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Friendship with the Worldoperates in the sons of disobedience.Yes, among them we allat one time conducted ourselvesin harmony with the desires ofour flesh, doing the things theflesh and the thoughts willed, andwe were naturally children ofwrath even as the rest."Jesus' Course Brought Judgmentof Condemnation on This WorldJohn 12 :31 "Now there is ajudging of this world ; now theruler of this world will be castout ."John 16:11 "The ruler of thisworld has been judged ."Christian Must Overcome ThisWorld by Maintaining Integrityto GodJohn 16 :33 "In the world youwill have tribulation, but cheerup! I have conquered the world ."Rev . 2 :7 "To him that conquersI will grant to eat of the tree oflife, which is in the paradise ofGod ."1 John 5 :4, 5 "Because everythingthat has been born fromGod conquers the world. And thisis the conquest that has conqueredthe world, our faith . Whois the one that conquers theworld but he who has faith thatJesus is the Son of God?"Christian Must Be No Part ofThis WorldJohn 15:19 "If you were partof the world, the world would befond of what is its own . Nowbecause you are no part of theworld, but I have chosen you outof the world, on this account theworld hates you ."John 17 :16 "They are no partof the world just as I am no partof the world ."Rev . 18 :4 "Get out of her, mypeople, if you do not want toshare with her in her sins, andif you do not want to receivepart of her plagues ."Gal . 1 :4 "He gave himself forour sins that he might take usout for himself from the present130wicked system of things accordingto the will of our God andFather."God's Spirit Causes Christians toMaintain Integrity to God inThis WorldJohn 14 :17 ; 16 :8 "The spirit ofthe truth, which the world cannotreceive, because it neither beholdsit nor knows it . You knowit, because it remains with youand is in you." "And when thatone arrives he will give the worldconvincing evidence concerningsin and concerning righteousnessand concerning judgment ."Christian Must Love, Be Kindand Friendly to All Livingin the WorldGal . 6 :10 "Really, then, as longas we have time favorable for it,let us work what is good towardall, but especially toward thoserelated to us in the faith ."Luke 6 :27-36 "But I say to youwho are listening, Continue tolove your enemies, to do good tothose hating you, to bless thosecursing you, to pray for those whodo you injury . . . . Also just as youwant men to do to you, do thesame way to them . And if youlove those loving you, of whatcredit is it to you? For even thesinners love those loving them .And if you do good to those doinggood to you, really of what creditis it to you? Even the sinnersdo the same . . . . To the contrary,continue to love your enemies andto do good and to lend withoutinterest, not hoping for anythingback, and your reward will begreat, and you will be sons of theMost High, because he is kindtoward the unthankful andwicked . Continue becoming compassionate,just as your Father iscompassionate."1 Cor . 9 :22, 23 "To the weakI became weak, that I might gainthe weak . I have become allthings to people of all kinds, thatI might by all means save some .But I do all things for the sake

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