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Friendship with the WorldFreedom from past record of sinJer . 31 :34 "For I will f<strong>org</strong>ivetheir iniquity, and their sin willI remember no more ."1 John 2 :2 "And he [ChristJesus] is a propitiatory sacrificefor our sins, yet not for ours onlybut also for the whole world's ."126Freedom of education for lifeRev . 22 :17 "And let anyonethirsting come ; let anyone thatwishes take life's water free ."Isa . 55 :1 "Ho, everyone thatthirsteth, come ye to the waters,and he that hath no money ;come ye, buy, and eat ."Friendship with the WorldDEFINITIONLove of the present evil system of things ruled by Satan the Devilthe world, composed of a "heavens"-the demons ; an "earth"-thevisible <strong>org</strong>anization of false religion, politics, commerce) . Taking partin and supporting its political, commercial and false religious schemesor participating in its debauchery, reveling and inordinate pleasures .The person who takes a course parallel to the ways of this world,though he may claim to be Christian, is showing love for and friendshipwith this world .This World Consists of Demon"Heavens" and Wicked Visible"Earth"2 Pet. 3 :7 "The heavens andthe earth that are now are storedup for fire and are being reservedto the day of judgment and ofdestruction of the ungodly men ."This World Is Controlled bySatanMatt. 4 :8, 9 "Again the Deviltook him along to an unusuallyhigh mountain, and showed himall the kingdoms of the worldand their glory, and he said tohim : `All these things I will giveyou if you fall down and do anact of worship to me .' "2 Cor . 4 :4 "The god of thissystem of things has blinded theminds of the unbelievers, that theillumination of the glorious goodnews about the Christ, who is theimage of God, might not shinethrough ."1 John 5 :19 "The whole worldis lying in the power of thewicked one."Ps. 96 :5 "For all the gods ofthe peoples are idols ; but Jehovahmade the heavens."Eph . 6 :12 "Because we have afight, not against blood and flesh,but against the governments,against the authorities, againstthe world-rulers of this darkness,against the wicked spirit forcesin the heavenly places ."Things This World LovesJer . 5 :30, 31 "A wonderful andhorrible thing is come to pass inthe land : the prophets prophesyfalsely, and the priests bear ruleby their means ; and my peoplelove to have it so : and what willye do in the end thereof?"1 John 2 :16 "Because everythingin the world-the desire ofthe flesh and the desire of theeyes and the showy display ofone's means of life-does notoriginate with the Father, butoriginates with the world ."Luke 12 :29, 30 "So quit seekingwhat you might eat and what youmight drink, and quit being inanxious suspense, for all these arethe things the nations of theworld are eagerly pursuing ."Rev . 18 :3, 23 " `For because ofthe passion-arousing wine of herfornication all the nations have

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