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1 23after our likeness : and let themhave dominion over the fish ofthe sea, and over the birds of theheavens, and over the cattle, andover all the earth, and overevery creeping thing that creepethupon the earth . . . . and Godsaid unto them, Be fruitful, andmultiply, and replenish the earth,and subdue it ; and have dominionover the fish of the sea, andover the birds of the heavens, andover every living thing thatmoveth upon the earth. And Godsaid, Behold, I have given youevery herb yielding seed, whichis upon the face of all the earth,and every tree, in which is thefruit of a tree yielding seed ; toyou it shall be for food : and toevery beast of the earth, and toevery bird of the heavens, andto everything that creepeth uponthe earth, wherein there is life,I have given every green herbfor food : and it was so ."Perfect Man's Original FreedomRelative. Restricted by Lawfor Man's GoodGen . 2 :16, 17 "And JehovahGod commanded the man, saying,Of every tree of the garden thoumayest freely eat : but of the treeof the knowledge of good andevil, thou shalt not eat of it : forin the day that thou eatestthereof thou shalt surely die ."Man Loses Original Freedom,Enters Slavery of Sin and Death.He Went Beyond the Bounds ofHis Safe FreedomGen . 3:11, 12, 17-19 "Hast thoueaten of the tree, whereof I commandedthee that thou shouldestnot eat? And the man said, Thewoman whom thou gayest to bewith me, she gave me of thetree, and I did eat . And untoAdam he said, Because thou hasthearkened unto the voice of thywife, and hast eaten of the tree,of which I commanded thee, saving,Thou shalt not eat of it :cursed is the ground for thy sake ;in toil shalt thou eat of it allFreedomthe days of thy life ; thorns alsoand thistles shall it bring forthto thee ; and thou shalt eat theherb of the field ; in the sweatof thy face shalt thou eat bread,till thou return unto the ground ;for out of it wast thou taken :for dust thou art, and unto dustshalt thou return ."Rom. 5 :12 "Just as through oneman sin entered into the worldand death through sin, and thusdeath spread to all men becausethey had all sinned ."Also : Rom . 6 :16 .Faithful Mankind Promised Restorationof Original Safe Freedomin a JubileeRom . 8 :21 "The creation itselfalso will be set free from enslavementto corruption and have theglorious freedom of the childrenof God ."Lev . 25 :10 "And ye shall hallowthe fiftieth year, and proclaimliberty throughout the land untoall the inhabitants thereof : itshall be a jubilee unto you ; andye shall return every man untohis possession, and ye shall returnevery man unto his family ."Isa . 49:8, 9 "Thus saith Jehovah,In an acceptable time haveI answered thee, and in a dayof salvation have I helped thee ;and I will preserve thee, and givethee for a covenant of the people,to raise up the land, to makethem inherit the desolate heritages; saying to them that arebound, Go forth ; to them thatare in darkness, Show yourselves .They shall feed in the ways, andon all bare heights shall be theirpasture ."Mosaic Law Foreshadows Redemptionfrom Slavery bya Near KinsmanLev . 25 :47, 48 "And if a strangeror sojourner with thee be waxedrich, and thy brother be waxedpoor beside him, and sell himselfunto the stranger . . . after that heis sold he may be redeemed ; oneof his brethren may redeem him ."

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