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11them . And God blessed them :and God said unto them . . . .have dominion over the fish ofthe sea, and over the birds ofthe heavens, and over everyliving thing that moveth uponthe earth ."Jer . 27 :6 "And now have I givenall these lands into the hand ofNebuchadnezzar the king ofBabylon, my servant ; and thebeasts of the field also have Igiven him to serve him ."Animals Made Subject to Manto Provide Him with Food andClothingGen. 9 :2-4 "And the fear of youand the dread of you shall beupon every beast of the earth,and upon every bird of the heavens; with all wherewith theground teemeth, and all thefishes of the sea, into your handare they delivered . Every movingthing that liveth shall be foodfor you ; as the green herb haveI given you all. But flesh withthe life thereof, which is theblood thereof, shall ye not eat ."Lev. 11:2, 9 "Speak unto thechildren of Israel, saying, Theseare the living things which yemay eat among all the beaststhat are on the earth . These mayye eat of all that are in thewaters : whatsoever hath fins andscales in the waters, in the seas,and in the rivers, that may yeeat."Gen . 3 :21 "And Jehovah Godmade for Adam and for his wifecoats of skins, and clothed them ."Prov. 27 :26, 27 "The lambs arefor thy clothing, and the goatsare the price of the field ; andthere will be goats' milk enoughfor thy food, for the food of thyhousehold, and maintenance forthy maidens."Num. 14 :8 "If Jehovah delightin us, then he will bring us intothis land, and give it unto us -a land which floweth with milkand honey ."Mark 1 :6 "Now John wasclothed with camel's hair andAnimal Worshipwith a leather girdle around hisloins, and was living on insectlocusts and wild honey ."Acts 10 :10-13 "[Peter] beheldheaven opened and some sortof vessel descending like a greatlinen sheet being let down byits four extremities upon theearth, and in it there were allkinds of four-footed creaturesand creeping things of the earthand birds of heaven . And avoice came to him : `Rise, Peter,slaughter and eat!'"Under Mosaic Law Vicious AnimalsWere to Be Killed, ShowingTheir SubjectionEx. 21 :28, 35 "And if an oxgore a man or a woman to death,the ox shall be surely stoned, andits flesh shall not be eaten ; butthe owner of the ox shall be quit .And if one man's ox hurtanother's, so that it dieth, thenthey shall sell the live ox, anddivide the price of it ; and thedead also they shall divide ."Animals Were Created "AfterTheir Kind" and Are ConsideredSouls ; Hence, Not Inhabited by"Soul" as a TransmigrationGen . 1 :20-25 "And God said,Let the waters swarm withswarms of living creatures["soul," Ro], and let birds flyabove the earth in the open firmamentof heaven . And Godcreated the great sea-monsters .and every living creature ["soul,"Ro] that moveth, wherewith thewaters swarmed, after their kind,and every winged bird after itskind : and God saw that it wasgood. And God blessed them,saying, Be fruitful, and multiply. . on the earth . And there wasevening and there was morning,a fifth day . And God said, Letthe earth bring forth living creatures["soul," Ro] after theirkind, cattle, and creeping things,and beasts of the earth aftertheir kind : . . . and the cattle aftertheir kind, and everythingthat creepeth upon the ground

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