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1 1 7Gen . 5 :5, 20, 27 ; 9 :29 "All thedays that Adam lived were ninehundred and thirty years : . . . andall the days of Jared were ninehundred sixty and two years : . . .and all the days of Methuselahwere nine hundred sixty and nineyears : . . . And all the days ofNoah were nine hundred and fiftyyears ."Only One Human Pair CreatedActs 17 :26 "He made out ofone man every nation of men, todwell upon the entire surface ofthe earth ."Gen . 3 :20 "The man called hiswife's name Eve ; because she wasthe mother of all living ."Gen . 5 :4 "The days of Adamafter he begat Seth were eighthundred years : and he begat sonsand daughters ."No Evolution in MankindGen . 5 :3 "Adam lived a hundredand thirty years, and begata son in his own likeness, afterhis image ; and called his nameSeth ."Gift of Perfect Language Givento Man by God-Not EvolvedGen . 2 :19, 20 "Out of theground Jehovah God formed everybeast of the field, and every birdof the heavens ; and broughtthem unto the man to see whathe would call them : and whatsoeverthe man called every livingcreature, that was the namethereof . And the man gave namesto all cattle, and to the birds ofthe heavens, and to every beastof the field."Jas. 1 :17 "Every good gift andevery perfect present is fromabove, for it comes down fromthe Father of the celestial lights,and with him there is not a variationof the turning of the shadow."Man Degraded Rather thanEvolving HigherDeut . 32 :5 "They have dealtcorruptly with him, they are nothis children, it is their blemish ;Evolutionthey are a perverse and crookedgeneration ."Eccl . 7 :29 "Behold, this onlyhave I found : that God mademan upright ; but they havesought out many inventions ."Ps . 90 :10 "The days of ouryears are threescore years andten, or even by reason of strengthfourscore years ; yet is their pridebut labor and sorrow ; for it issoon gone, and we fly away ."Because of Forsaking JehovahMan's Mind Went Wrong,Brought Death to OrganismJohn 17 :3 "This means everlastinglife, their taking in knowledgeof you, the only true God,and of the one whom you sentforth, Jesus Christ ."Jas . 1 :14, 15 "But each one istried by being drawn out andenticed by his own desire . Thenthe desire, when it has becomefertile, gives birth to sin ; in turn,sin, when it has been accomplished,brings forth death ."Hos. 4 :6 "My people are destroyedfor lack of knowledge ."Earth's Production Degraded byMan's AbusesGen. 13 :10 "And Lot lifted uphis eyes, and beheld all the Plainof the Jordan, that it was wellwatered every where, before Jehovahdestroyed Sodom and Gomorrah,like the garden of Jehovah,like the land of Egypt,as thou goest unto oar ."Num . 13 :23 "And they cameunto the valley of Eshcol, and cutdown from thence a branch withone cluster of grapes, and theybare it upon a staff between two ;they brought also of the pomegranates,and of the figs,"Rev. 11 :18 "Bring to ruin thoseruining the earth ."Isa . 14 :17 "That made theworld as a wilderness, and overthrewthe cities thereof ; that letnot loose his prisoners to theirhome ."Ps. 67:6 "The earth hathyielded its increase ."

EvolutionChildren Affected by Corruptnessof Adam Their FatherMatt. 7 :17, 18 "Likewise everygood tree produces fine fruit, butevery rotten tree produces badfruit ; a good tree cannot bearbad fruit, neither can a rottentree produce fine fruit ."Matt. 12 :33 "Either you peoplemake the tree fine and its fruitfine or make the tree rotten andits fruit rotten ; for by its fruitthe tree is known ."Lam . 5 :7 "Our fathers sinned,and are not ; and we have bornetheir iniquities ."Jer. 31 :29, 30 "In those daysthey shall say no more, Thefathers have eaten sour grapes,and the children's teeth are seton edge . But every one shall diefor his own iniquity : every manthat eateth the sour grapes, histeeth shall be set on edge ."Ps. 51 :5 "Behold, I was broughtforth in iniquity ; and in sin didmy mother conceive me ."Deformities the Result of Man'sImperfectly Functioning BodyLev. 21 :17-23; 22 :23 "Whosoeverhe be of thy seed throughouttheir generations that hath ablemish, let him not approachto offer the bread of his God .For whatsoever man he be thathath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame,or he that hath a flat nose, oranything superfluous, or a manthat is broken-footed, or brokenhanded,or crook-backed, or adwarf, or that hath a blemish inhis eye, or is scurvy, or scabbed,or hath his stones broken ; noman of the seed of Aaron thepriest, that hath a blemish, shallcome nigh to offer the offeringsof Jehovah made by fire : he hatha blemish ; he shall not come nighto offer the bread of his God . Heshall eat the bread of his God .both of the most holy, and of theholy : only he shall not go in untothe veil, nor come nigh unto thealtar, because he hath a blemish ;that he profane not my sanc-118tuaries : . . . Either a bullock or alamb that hath anything superfluousor lacking in his parts, thatmayest thou offer for a freewilloffering; but for a vow it shallnot be accepted ."Sickness, Infirmity, Not NaturalGen . 3 :16-19 "Unto the womanhe said, I will greatly multiplythy pain and thy conception ; inpain thou shalt bring forth children; . . . And unto Adam he said,. . .cursed is the ground for thysake ; in toil shalt thou eat of itall the days of thy life ; thornsalso and thistles shall it bringforth to thee ; and thou shalteat the herb of the field ; in thesweat of thy face shalt thou eatbread, till thou return unto theground ."Matt . 8 :17 "He himself took oursicknesses and carried our diseases."Luke 5 :23 "Which is easier, tosay, `Your sins are forgiven you,'or to say, `Get up and walk'?""Brute-Type" Men Found AreResult of Degradation, FalseReligion ; God's ServantsWere Never SuchGen. 6 :12 "And God saw theearth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corruptedtheir way upon the earth ."Job 2 :3 "Jehovah said untoSatan, Hast thou considered myservant Job? for there is nonelike him in the earth, a perfectand an upright man, one thatfeareth God, and turneth awayfrom evil ."Jer. 2 :21 "Yet I had plantedthee a noble vine, wholly a rightseed : how then art thou turnedinto the degenerate branches ofa foreign vine unto me?"Prov. 28 :18 "Whoso walketh uprightlyshall be delivered ; but hethat is perverse in his ways shallfall at once ."Gen . 6 :9-12 "Noah was a righteousman, and perfect in hisgenerations : Noah walked with

EvolutionChildren Affected by Corruptnessof Adam Their FatherMatt. 7 :17, 18 "Likewise everygood tree produces fine fruit, butevery rotten tree produces badfruit ; a good tree cannot bearbad fruit, neither can a rottentree produce fine fruit ."Matt. 12 :33 "Either you peoplemake the tree fine and its fruitfine or make the tree rotten andits fruit rotten ; for by its fruitthe tree is known ."Lam . 5 :7 "Our fathers sinned,and are not ; and we have bornetheir iniquities ."Jer. 31 :29, 30 "In those daysthey shall say no more, Thefathers have eaten sour grapes,and the children's teeth are seton edge . But every one shall diefor his own iniquity : every manthat eateth the sour grapes, histeeth shall be set on edge ."Ps. 51 :5 "Behold, I was broughtforth in iniquity ; and in sin didmy mother conceive me ."Deformities the Result of Man'sImperfectly Functioning BodyLev. 21 :17-23; 22 :23 "Whosoeverhe be of thy seed throughouttheir generations that hath ablemish, let him not approachto offer the bread of his God .For whatsoever man he be thathath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame,or he that hath a flat nose, oranything superfluous, or a manthat is broken-footed, or brokenhanded,or crook-backed, or adwarf, or that hath a blemish inhis eye, or is scurvy, or scabbed,or hath his stones broken ; noman of the seed of Aaron thepriest, that hath a blemish, shallcome nigh to offer the offeringsof Jehovah made by fire : he hatha blemish ; he shall not come nighto offer the bread of his God . Heshall eat the bread of his God .both of the most holy, and of theholy : only he shall not go in untothe veil, nor come nigh unto thealtar, because he hath a blemish ;that he profane not my sanc-118tuaries : . . . Either a bullock or alamb that hath anything superfluousor lacking in his parts, thatmayest thou offer for a freewilloffering; but for a vow it shallnot be accepted ."Sickness, Infirmity, Not NaturalGen . 3 :16-19 "Unto the womanhe said, I will greatly multiplythy pain and thy conception ; inpain thou shalt bring forth children; . . . And unto Adam he said,. . .cursed is the ground for thysake ; in toil shalt thou eat of itall the days of thy life ; thornsalso and thistles shall it bringforth to thee ; and thou shalteat the herb of the field ; in thesweat of thy face shalt thou eatbread, till thou return unto theground ."Matt . 8 :17 "He himself took oursicknesses and carried our diseases."Luke 5 :23 "Which is easier, tosay, `Your sins are f<strong>org</strong>iven you,'or to say, `Get up and walk'?""Brute-Type" Men Found AreResult of Degradation, FalseReligion ; God's ServantsWere Never SuchGen. 6 :12 "And God saw theearth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corruptedtheir way upon the earth ."Job 2 :3 "Jehovah said untoSatan, Hast thou considered myservant Job? for there is nonelike him in the earth, a perfectand an upright man, one thatfeareth God, and turneth awayfrom evil ."Jer. 2 :21 "Yet I had plantedthee a noble vine, wholly a rightseed : how then art thou turnedinto the degenerate branches ofa foreign vine unto me?"Prov. 28 :18 "Whoso walketh uprightlyshall be delivered ; but hethat is perverse in his ways shallfall at once ."Gen . 6 :9-12 "Noah was a righteousman, and perfect in hisgenerations : Noah walked with

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