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1 1 5Lev . 11 :13-22, 29 "The eagle,and the gier-eagle, and the ospray,and the kite, and the falconafter its kind, every raven afterits kind, and the ostrich, and thenight-hawk, and the sea-mew,and the hawk after its kind, andthe little owl, and the cormorant,and the great owl, and the hornedowl, and the pelican, and vulture,and the stork, the heron afterits kind, and the hoopoe, and thebat . . . . even these of them ye mayeat : the locust after its kind, . . .and the cricket after its kind,and the grasshopper after itskind. And these are they whichare unclean unto you among thecreeping things that creep uponthe earth : the weasel, and themouse, and the great lizard afterits kind ."Each Organ of Body Designed,Created Directly in First Man,Passed On by HeredityPs. 139 :16 "Thine eyes did seemine unformed substance ; and inthy book they were all written."Prov. 20 :12 "The hearing ear,and the seeing eye, Jehovah hathmade even both of them ."Ps. 94 :9 "He that planted theear, shall he not hear? He thatformed the eye, shall he notsee?"Varieties the Result of QualitiesWithin Genetic Cellsof Created Kind"The number of distinct types(gene combinations) grows tomore than a thousand when parentsdiffer in 10 genes, to morethan a million with 20, and tomore than a billion with 30 genedifferences . With 31 gene differencesit becomes about equal tothe total number of humans nowliving in the world, which is estimatedas close to 2,200 millions .With still greater numbers ofgene differences the numbers ofpossible gene combinations becomeimmense. With about 250genes the number of theoreticallypossible gene combinations is ofEvolutionthe same order as that of theelectrons and protons in the universeas estimated by some physicists. . . . How many genes thereare in man is unknown, but itwould seem reasonable to believethat man has at least as manyas the vinegar-fly, Drosophila . Tobe sure, the number of genes isnot precisely known even in thatinsect, which has been studiedmore than any other animal ; butit is estimated that a Drosophilahas several thousands, perhapsas many as ten thousand genesin each sex cell . . . . The varietywhich is characteristic of all humangroups is due to gene mutationand to recombination ."-L . C .Dunn and Th . Dobzhansky, Heredity,Race and Society, pp . 52,53, 61 .Kinds of Plants and Trees Sprangfrom Directly Created SeedGen . 1 :11, 12 "God said, Let theearth put forth grass, herbs yieldingseed, and fruit-trees bearingfruit after their kind, whereinis the seed thereof, upon theearth : and it was so . And theearth brought forth grass, herbsyielding seed after their kind,the trees bearing fruit, whereinis the seed thereof, after theirkind : and God saw that it wasgood ."Each Living Thing Created toFit the Element in Which ItLives, Not Evolved to FitGen . 1 :20, 24 "God said, Letthe waters swarm with swarmsof living creatures, and let birdsfly above the earth in the openfirmament of heaven . And Godsaid, Let the earth bring forthliving creatures after their kind,cattle, and creeping things, andbeasts of the earth after theirkind : and it was so ."Harmony, Balance in Nature,Provisions for Life of All, theWork of Supreme DesignerMatt . 6 :26-29 "Observe intentlythe birds of heaven, because they

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