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Evolutionafar off : and they shall beat theirswords into plowshares, and theirspears into pruning-hooks ; nationshall not lift up sword againstnation, neither shall they learnwar any more . But they shall sitevery man under his vine andunder his fig-tree ; and none shallmake them afraid : for the mouthof Jehovah of hosts hath spokenit ."Final Testing and God's DeclaringRighteous of FaithfulCome at End of 1,000-YearReignRev. 20 :5, 7-10 "(The rest ofthe dead did not come to lifeuntil the thousand years wereended .) This is the first resurrection. Now as soon as the thousandyears have been ended, Satanwill be let loose out of hisprison, and he will go out to misleadthose nations in the fourquarters of the earth, Gog andMagog, to gather them togetherfor the war . The number of theseis as the sand of the sea . Andthey advanced over the breadthof the earth and encircled thecamp of the holy ones and thebeloved city . But fire came downout of heaven and devoured them .And the Devil who was misleadingthem was hurled into thelake of fire and sulphur, whereboth the wild beast and the falseprophet already were ; and theyEvolutionDEFINITIONThe teaching that life spontaneously sprang from inanimate matterand that the higher life forms came about by gradual (or sudden)changes in lower <strong>org</strong>anism ; that this accounts for not only thevarieties, but also for the different "kinds" . No Creator exists, accordingto this theory . Some evolutionists believe God created someprimitive forms, but evolution, as above described, brought aboutchanges that led to the present-day higher forms ; this denies specialcreation of the various "kinds" ."Kind" : A family or group of living creatures or things that areinterfertile among themselves, but not fertile with others outside112will be tormented day and nightfor ever and ever."God's Original Purpose withEarth FulfilledRev . 21 :1-4 "And I saw a newheaven and a new earth, for theformer heaven and the formerearth had passed away, and thesea is no more . I saw also theholy city, New Jerusalem, comingdown out of heaven from Godand prepared as a bride adornedfor her husband . With that Iheard a loud voice from thethrone say : 'Look! the tent ofGod is with humankind, and hewill reside with them, and theywill be his peoples . And God himselfwill be with them. And hewill wipe out every tear fromtheir eyes, and death will be nomore, neither will mourning noroutcry nor pain be any more . Theformer things have passed away .'"1 Cor . 15 :25, 26, 28 "For hemust rule as king until God hasput all enemies under his feet .As the last enemy, death is tobe destroyed . But when all thingswill have been subjected to him,then the Son himself will alsosubject himself to the one whosubjected all things to him, thatGod may be all things to everyone."See "Creation", "Kingdom,""Judgment Days ."

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