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111Matt . 24 :37 "For just as thedays of Noah were, so the presenceof the Son of man will be."Literal Earth to Be Brought UnderSubjection as a ParadiseBefore Resurrection BeginsPs . 67 :6, 7 "The earth hathyielded its increase : God, evenour own God, will bless us. . . .and all the ends of the earthshall fear him ."Isa . 35 :1, 2, 7 "The wildernessand the dry land shall be glad ;and the desert shall rejoice, andblossom as the rose . It shall blossomabundantly, and rejoice evenwith joy and singing ; the gloryof Lebanon shall be given unto it,the excellency of Carmel andSharon : they shall see the gloryof Jehovah, the excellency of ourGod. And the glowing sand shallbecome a pool, and the thirstyground springs of water : in thehabitation of jackals, where theylay, shall be grass with reeds andrushes ."Isa . 55 :13 "Instead of the thornshall come up the fir-tree ; andinstead of the brier shall come upthe myrtle-tree : and it shall beto Jehovah for a name, for aneverlasting sign that shall not becut off ."Luke 23 :42, 43 "And he wenton to say : `Jesus, remember mewhen you get into your kingdom .'And he said to him : `Truly I tellyou today, You will be with mein Paradise .'"God Will Resurrect Many WhoWill Be Trained and Tested asto His WillJohn 5 :28, 29 "Do not marvel atthis, because the hour is comingin which all those in the memorialtombs will hear his voiceand come out, those who didgood things to a resurrection oflife, those who practiced vilethings to a resurrection of judgment."Isa . 65 :20 "There shall be nomore thence an infant of days,nor an old man that hath notfilled his days ; for the child shallEarth and Its Destinydie a hundred years old, and thesinner being a hundred years oldshall be accursed ."Rev . 20 :12-15 "And I saw thedead, the great and the small,standing before the throne, andscrolls were opened . But anotherscroll was opened ; it is the scrollof life . And the dead were judgedout of those things written in thescrolls according to their deeds .And the sea gave up those deadin it, and death and Hades gaveup those dead in them, and theywere judged individually accordingto their deeds . And death andHades were hurled into the lakeof fire . This means the seconddeath, the lake of fire . Furthermore,whoever was not foundwritten in the book of life washurled into the lake of fire ."See "Resurrection", "JudgmentDays ."Man's Dominion over Animalsto Be RestoredIsa. 11 :6-9 "And the wolf shalldwell with the lamb, and theleopard shall lie down with thekid ; and the calf and the younglion and the fatling together ;and a little child shall lead them .And the cow and the bear shallfeed ; their young ones shall liedown together ; and the lion shalleat straw like the ox . And thesucking child shall play on thehole of the asp, and the weanedchild shall put his hand on theadder's den . They shall not hurtnor destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be fullof the knowledge of Jehovah, asthe waters cover the sea ."Perfect Health Will BeMankind'sIsa . 33 :24 "And the inhabitantshall not say, I am sick : the peoplethat dwell therein shall bef<strong>org</strong>iven their iniquity ."Peace and ProsperityWill PrevailMic . 4 :3, 4 "And he will judgebetween many peoples, and willdecide concerning strong nations

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