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Earth and Its DestinyNot a complete end was made;a remnant was sparedJer . 4 :23-28 "I beheld the earth,and, lo, it was waste and void ;and the heavens, and they hadno light . . . . I beheld, and, lo, therewas no man, and all the birds ofthe heavens were fled . I beheld,and, 10, the fruitful field wasa wilderness, and all the citiesthereof were broken down at thepresence of Jehovah, and beforehis fierce anger . For thus saithJehovah, The whole land shallbe a desolation ; yet will I notmake a full end . For this shallthe earth mourn ."Ezek . 6 :8 "Yet will I leave aremnant, in that ye shall havesome that escape the swordamong the nations ."Never a depopulated earth, assome other sheep of the Lordwill be spared throughArmageddonJohn 10 :16 "And I have othersheep, which are not of this fold ;those also I must bring, and theywill listen to my voice, and theywill become one flock, one shepherd."Matt . 24:37-39 "For just as thedays of Noah were, so the presenceof the Son of man will be .For as people were in those daysbefore the flood, eating anddrinking, marrying and givingin marriage, until the day thatNoah entered into the ark ; andthey took no note until the floodcame and swept them all away,so the presence of the Son of manwill be ."1 Pet. 3 :20 "In Noah's days, . . .a few people, that is, eight souls,were carried safely through thewater ."Survivors of This World's Endto Form Nucleus of "New Earth"of a New-World Society asSubjects of Kingdom2 Pet . 3:13 "But there are newheavens and a new earth that weare awaiting according to his110promise, and in these righteousnessis to dwell ."Isa . 66 :22 "For as the newheavens and the new earth,which I will make, shall remainbefore me, saith Jehovah, so shallyour seed and your name remain."Some, with Faithful Men of Old,to Represent on Earth Christ'sReign from HeavenIsa . 32 :1 "Behold, a king shallreign in righteousness, andprinces shall rule in justice ."Ps. 45 :16 "Instead of thy fathersshall be thy children, whomthou shalt make princes in allthe earth."Only Footstep Followers of ChristWill Reign 1,000 Years with Himas "New Heavens"1 Cor. 6 :2, 3 "Or do you notknow that the holy ones willjudge the world? And if the worldis to be judged by you, are youunfit to try very trivial matters?Do you not know that we shalljudge angels? Why, then, notthings of this life?"Rev. 20 :4 "And I saw thrones,and there were those who satdown on them, and power ofjudging was given them . Yes, Isaw the souls of those executedwith the ax for the witness theybore to Jesus and for speakingabout God, and those who hadworshiped neither the wild beastnor its image and who had notreceived the mark upon theirforehead and upon their hand .And they came to life and ruledas kings with the Christ for athousand years ."Isa . 65 :17 "For, behold, I createnew heavens and a new earth ;and the former things shall notbe remembered, nor come intomind ."Procreation Mandate to Be Restatedto Armageddon SurvivorsGen. 9 :1 "And God blessedNoah and his sons, and saidunto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,and replenish the earth ."

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