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Ancestor WorshipDEFINITIONThe practice (ceremonially or otherwise) of honor, veneration andworship of dead ancestors, either individually or collectively, in thebelief that they are conscious in an invisible realm and can assistor hinder and are therefore to be kept appeased . A false practice.ORIGINOf non-Biblical origin. A pagan, heathenish practice .Due Respect for Living ParentsProperDeut . 5 :16 "Honor thy fatherand thy mother, as Jehovah thyGod commanded thee ; that thydays may be long, and that itmay go well with thee, in theland which Jehovah thy Godgiveth thee."Luke 18:18-20 "A certain rulerquestioned him, saying : `GoodTeacher, by doing what shall Iinherit everlasting life?' Jesussaid to him : ` . . . You know thecommandments : " . . . Honor yourfather and mother ." ' "Prov . 23 :22 "Hearken unto thyfather that begat thee, and despisenot thy mother when sheis old ."Ex . 21 :17 "And he that cursethhis father or his mother, shallsurely be put to death ."Also : Lev . 20 :9 ; Deut . 27 :16 ;Prov. 1 :8, 9 ; 19 :26 ; 20 :20 ; Jer .35 :6-8, 18 ; 1 Tim . 5 :8 .Obedience to God Before Thatto ParentsEph . 6:1-4 "Children, be obedientto your parents in unionwith the Lord, for this is righteous: `Honor your father andmother' ; which is the first commandwith a promise : `That itmay go well with you and youmay endure a long time on theearth .' And you, fathers, do notbe irritating your children, butgo on bringing them up in thediscipline and authoritative adviceof Jehovah ."9Acts 5 :29 "We must obey Godas ruler rather than men ."Matt . 10 :35 "I came to causedivision, with a man against hisfather, and a daughter againsther mother, and a young wifeagainst her mother-in-law ."Matt. 19 :29 "Everyone that hasleft . . . father or mother . . . forthe sake of my name will receivemany times more and will inheriteverlasting life ."Ancestors Not Conscious, Unableto HelpPs. 49 :10, 17-19 "Wise men die ;the fool and the brutish alikeperish, and leave their wealthto others. For when he dieth heshall carry nothing away ; hisglory shall not descend after him .Though while he lived he blessedhis soul (and men praise thee,when thou doest well to thyself) .He shall go to the generation ofhis fathers ; they shall never seethe light."John 3:13 "No man has ascendedinto heaven but he thatdescended from heaven, the Sonof man ."Acts 2 :29, 34 "It is allowable tospeak with freeness of speech toyou concerning the family headDavid, that he both deceased andwas buried and his tomb isamong us to this day . ActuallyDavid did not ascend to theheavens ."Eccl . 9 :5, 10 "For the livingknow that they shall die : but thedead know not anything, . . . for

Animal Worshipthere is no work, nor device, norknowledge, nor wisdom, in Sheol["the grave" AV], whither thougoest."Job 14:1, 2, 21 "Man, that isborn of a woman, is of few days,and full of trouble. He comethforth like a flower, and is cutdown : he fleeth also as a shadow,and continueth not . His sonscome to honor, and he knowethit not ; and they are brought low,but he perceiveth it not of them ."Condemned as Creature WorshipRom . 1:25 "Who exchanged thetruth of God for the lie andvenerated and rendered sacredservice to the creation ratherthan the One who created, who isblessed forever."Animal WorshipDEFINITIONThe form or practice of rendering, ceremonially or otherwise,honor or reverence to various forms of animal life or to man-maderepresentations, or thereby attributing to them human or superhumanpowers, abilities or inclinations . A false practice .10Matt. 10 :37 "He that hasgreater affection for father ormother than for me is not worthyof me."Worship Due JehovahMatt . 4 :10 "For it is written, `Itis Jehovah your God you mustworship, and it is to him aloneyou must render sacred service .' "John 4 :23, 24 "The hour iscoming, and it is now, when thegenuine worshipers will worshipthe Father with spirit and truth,for, indeed, the Father is lookingfor such kind to worship him .God is a Spirit, and those worshipinghim must worship withspirit and truth ."ORIGINFrom when Eve acted on the lie spoken through a serpent andonward, organized false religions before and after the Flood haveheld animals as symbolically representing certain heroes or gods.In the first world empire, Egypt, "animal gods" were worshiped ingreat numbers. Modern Hinduism holds a sacred regard for certainanimals.Man's Superiority to Animals bird of the heavens ; and broughtClearly Established in Scriptures them unto the man to see whatJob 35 :11 "Who teacheth us he would call them : and whatsoeverthe man called every livingmore than the beasts of theearth, and maketh us wiser than creature, that was the namethe birds of the heavens?"thereof. And the man gave namesJob 18:3 "Wherefore are we to all cattle, and to the birds ofcounted as beasts, and are become the heavens, and to every beastunclean in your sight?"of the field ; but for man therewas not found a help meet forMan Given Dominion over the him ."AnimalsGen . 1 :27, 28 "And God cre-Gen . 2 :19, 20 "And out of the ated man in his own image, inground Jehovah God formed the image of God created he him ;every beast of the field, and every male and female created he

Animal Worshipthere is no work, nor device, norknowledge, nor wisdom, in Sheol["the grave" AV], whither thougoest."Job 14:1, 2, 21 "Man, that isborn of a woman, is of few days,and full of trouble. He comethforth like a flower, and is cutdown : he fleeth also as a shadow,and continueth not . His sonscome to honor, and he knowethit not ; and they are brought low,but he perceiveth it not of them ."Condemned as Creature WorshipRom . 1:25 "Who exchanged thetruth of God for the lie andvenerated and rendered sacredservice to the creation ratherthan the One who created, who isblessed forever."Animal WorshipDEFINITIONThe form or practice of rendering, ceremonially or otherwise,honor or reverence to various forms of animal life or to man-maderepresentations, or thereby attributing to them human or superhumanpowers, abilities or inclinations . A false practice .10Matt. 10 :37 "He that hasgreater affection for father ormother than for me is not worthyof me."Worship Due JehovahMatt . 4 :10 "For it is written, `Itis Jehovah your God you mustworship, and it is to him aloneyou must render sacred service .' "John 4 :23, 24 "The hour iscoming, and it is now, when thegenuine worshipers will worshipthe Father with spirit and truth,for, indeed, the Father is lookingfor such kind to worship him .God is a Spirit, and those worshipinghim must worship withspirit and truth ."ORIGINFrom when Eve acted on the lie spoken through a serpent andonward, <strong>org</strong>anized false religions before and after the Flood haveheld animals as symbolically representing certain heroes or gods.In the first world empire, Egypt, "animal gods" were worshiped ingreat numbers. Modern Hinduism holds a sacred regard for certainanimals.Man's Superiority to Animals bird of the heavens ; and broughtClearly Established in Scriptures them unto the man to see whatJob 35 :11 "Who teacheth us he would call them : and whatsoeverthe man called every livingmore than the beasts of theearth, and maketh us wiser than creature, that was the namethe birds of the heavens?"thereof. And the man gave namesJob 18:3 "Wherefore are we to all cattle, and to the birds ofcounted as beasts, and are become the heavens, and to every beastunclean in your sight?"of the field ; but for man therewas not found a help meet forMan Given Dominion over the him ."AnimalsGen . 1 :27, 28 "And God cre-Gen . 2 :19, 20 "And out of the ated man in his own image, inground Jehovah God formed the image of God created he him ;every beast of the field, and every male and female created he

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