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10 5it is written, "It is Jehovah yourGod you must worship, and it isto him alone you must rendersacred service ." ' Then the Devilleft him, and, look! angels cameand began to minister to him ."Eph . 6 :14-18 "Stand firm, therefore,with your loins girded aboutwith truth, and having on thebreastplate of righteousness, andwith your feet shod with theequipment of the good news ofpeace . Above all things, take upthe large shield of faith, withwhich you will be able to quenchall the wicked one's burning missiles. Also accept the helmet ofsalvation, and the sword of thespirit, that is, God's word, whilewith every form of prayer andsupplication you carry on prayeron every occasion in spirit ."Satan Is Restrained by God'sAngels from DestroyingGod's ServantsPs. 34 :7 "The angel of Jehovahencampeth round about themthat fear him, and delivereththem ."Ps . 91 :11, 12 "He will give hisangels charge over thee, to keepthee in all thy ways. They shallbear thee up in their hands, lestthou dash thy foot against astone ."Matt. 18 :10 "Keep watchingthat you men do not despise oneof these little ones, for I tell youthat their angels in heaven alwayshave access to my Fatherwho is in heaven ."Heb. 1 :14 "Are they [angels]not all spirits for public service,sent forth to minister for thosewho are going to inherit salvation?"2 Ki. 6 :16, 17 "He answered,Fear not ; for they that are withus are more than they that arewith them . And Elisha prayed,and said, Jehovah, I pray thee,open his eyes, that he may see .And Jehovah opened the eyes ofthe young man ; and he saw : and,behold, the mountain was full ofDevil and Demonshorses and chariots of fire roundabout Elisha ."Satan Has Never Been God overThose Serving JehovahLuke 20 :36-38 "He calls Jehovah`the God of Abraham andGod of Isaac and God of Jacob' .He is a God, not of the dead, butof the living, for they are allliving from his standpoint ."Heb . 11 :32, 16 "The time willfail me if I go on to relate aboutGideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah,David as well as Samueland the other prophets . HenceGod is not ashamed of them, tobe called upon as their God, forhe has made a city ready forthem."Those Maintaining Integrity andWho Prove Satan a Liar Rewardedwith Everlasting Life2 Tim . 4 :7, 8 "I have foughtthe right fight, I have run thecourse to the finish, I have observedthe faith. From this timeon there is reserved for me thecrown of righteousness, which theLord, the righteous judge, willgive me as a reward in that day,yet not only to me, but also to allthose who have loved his manifestation."Rev . 2 :10 "Prove yourself faithfuleven with the danger ofdeath, and I will give you thecrown of life ."1 Pet . 4 :14, 19 "If you are beingreproached for the name ofChrist, you are happy, becausethe spirit of glory, even thespirit of God, is resting uponyou. So, then, also let those whoare suffering in harmony with thewill of God keep on commendingtheir souls to a faithful Creatorwhile they are doing good ."Matt. 25 :46 "And these [thegoats] will depart into everlastingcutting-off, but the righteousones [the sheep] into everlastinglife ."

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