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1 03of men, and giveth it to whomsoeverhe will ."Rev . 12 :4, 5, 7, 9 "And thedragon kept standing before thewoman who was about to givebirth, that, when she did givebirth, it might devour her child .And she gave birth to a son, amale, who is destined to shepherdall the nations with an iron rod .And her child was caught awayto God and to his throne . Andwar broke out in heaven : Michaeland his angels battled with thedragon . . . . So down the greatdragon was hurled ."Jesus' Earthly Course FullyProved Satan a Liar andBrought a Judgment ofCondemnation onSatan's WorldJohn 12 :31 "Now there is ajudging of this world ; now theruler of this world will be castout ."John 14 :30 "The ruler of theworld is coming. And yet he hasno hold on me."John 16 :33 "Cheer up! I haveconquered the world."Luke 10 :18 "He said to them :'I began to behold Satan alreadyfallen like lightning from heaven.'' ,Cast Down from Heaven to Earthby the King Christ Jesus,A .D . 1914-1918, Satan's ActivitiesAre Now Confinedto EarthRev . 12 :9-17 "So down the greatdragon was hurled, the originalserpent, the one called Devil andSatan, who is misleading the entireinhabited earth ; he washurled down to the earth, andhis angels were hurled down withhim . And I heard a loud voice inheaven say : 'Now have come topass the salvation and the powerand the kingdom of our God andthe authority of his Christ,' . . .Now when the dragon saw itwas hurled down to the earth, itpersecuted the woman that gavebirth to the male child . . . . Andthe dragon . . . went off to wageDevil and Demonswar with the remaining ones ofher seed, who observe the commandmentsof God and have thework of bearing witness to Jesus ."Rev . 18:2 "She has fallen!Babylon the great has fallen, andshe has become a dwelling-placeof demons and a lurking-place ofevery unclean exhalation and alurking-place of every uncleanand hated bird!"Satan Causes Earth's PresentDistress ; He Gathers Nationsto Final Battle AgainstGodRev. 12 :12 "On this account beglad, you heavens and you whoreside in them! Woe for the earthand for the sea, because the Devilhas come down to you, havinggreat anger, knowing he has ashort period of time ."Rev. 16 :13-16 "I saw three uncleaninspired expressions thatlooked like frogs come out of themouth of the dragon and out ofthe mouth of the wild beast andout of the mouth of the falseprophet. They are, in fact, expressionsinspired by demons andperform signs, and they go forthto the kings of the entire inhabitedearth, to gather them togetherto the war of the greatday of God the Almighty . . . . Andthey gathered them together tothe place that is called in HebrewHar-Magedon ."Taunt Song Against Satan NowApplies in Fullest Sense, ReachesCrescendo at ArmageddonIsa . 14:4-20 "Sheol from beneathis moved for thee to meetthee at thy coming ; . . . Thy pompis brought down to Sheol, . , . Howart thou fallen from heaven, 0day-star, son of the morning!how art thou cut down to theground, . . . thou shalt be broughtdown to Sheol, to the uttermostparts of the pit . . . . Thou art castforth away from thy sepulchrelike an abominable branch,clothed with the slain, that arethrust through with the sword,that go down to the stones of the

Devil and Demonspit ; as a dead body trodden underfoot. Thou shalt not be joinedwith them in burial ."Will Be Cast into Abyss ofDeathlike Inactivity After HisOrganization Is Destroyedat ArmageddonRev . 19 :19-20 :3 "The wild beast. . . and . . . the false prophet . . .both were hurled into the fierylake that burns with sulphur . Butthe rest were killed off with thelong sword of the one seated onthe horse . . . And I saw an angelcoming down out of heaven withthe key of the abyss and a greatchain in his hand . And he seizedthe dragon, the original serpent,who is the Devil and Satan, andbound him for a thousand years .And he hurled him into the abyssand shut it and sealed it overhim, that he might not misleadthe nations any more until thethousand years were ended ."Rom . 16 :20 "The God who givespeace will crush Satan underyour feet shortly ."Jer . 25 :15-26 "Take this cup ofthe wine of wrath at my hand,and cause all the nations, towhom I send thee, to drink it .and the king of Sheshachshall drink after them ."Dan . 2 :34, 35 "Thou sawesttill that a stone was cut out withouthands, which smote the imageupon its feet that were of ironand clay, and brake them inpieces . Then was the iron, theclay, the brass, the silver, andthe gold, broken in pieces together,and became like the chaffof the summer threshing-floors ;and the wind carried them away,so that no place was found forthem : and the stone that smotethe image became a great mountain,and filled the whole earth ."All Traces of Satan's WorksErased Forever from Universeby Christ JesusHeb. 2 :14 "Therefore, since the`young children' are sharers ofblood and flesh, he also similarly104partook of the same things, thatthrough his death he might destroythe one having the meansto cause death, that is, the Devil ."1 John 3 :8 "For this purposethe Son of God was made manifest,namely, to break up theworks of the Devil ."1 Cor. 15 :24-27 "Next, the accomplishedend, when he handsover the kingdom to his God andFather, when he has destroyed allgovernment and all authority andpower . For lie must rule as kinguntil God has put all enemiesunder his feet . As the last enemy,death is to be destroyed .For God `subjected all things underhis feet' ."Satan Resuscitated at the End of1,000 Years of Christ's PeacefulReign, Then Eternally Destroyedin Final Vindication of God'sSovereign SupremacyRev . 20 :3, 7-10 "Now as soon asthe thousand years have beenended, Satan will be let looseout of his prison, and he willgo out to mislead those nationsin the four quarters of the earth,Gog and Magog, to gather themtogether for the war . . . . But firecame down out of heaven and devouredthem . And the Devil whowas misleading them was hurledinto the lake of fire and sulphur,where both the wild beast andthe false prophet already were ;and they will be tormented dayand night for ever and ever ."Truth and Spirit of God withService and Prayer the ProtectionAgainst SatanPs. 91 :4 "His truth is a shieldand a buckler ."Jas . 4 :7 "Subject yourselves,therefore, to God ; but oppose theDevil, and he will flee from you ."John 8 :32 "The truth will setyou free ."Acts 26 :18 "To open their eyes,to turn them from darkness tolight and from the authority ofSatan to God ."Matt. 4 :10, 11 "Then Jesus saidto him : 'Go away, Satan! For

Devil and Demonspit ; as a dead body trodden underfoot. Thou shalt not be joinedwith them in burial ."Will Be Cast into Abyss ofDeathlike Inactivity After HisOrganization Is Destroyedat ArmageddonRev . 19 :19-20 :3 "The wild beast. . . and . . . the false prophet . . .both were hurled into the fierylake that burns with sulphur . Butthe rest were killed off with thelong sword of the one seated onthe horse . . . And I saw an angelcoming down out of heaven withthe key of the abyss and a greatchain in his hand . And he seizedthe dragon, the original serpent,who is the Devil and Satan, andbound him for a thousand years .And he hurled him into the abyssand shut it and sealed it overhim, that he might not misleadthe nations any more until thethousand years were ended ."Rom . 16 :20 "The God who givespeace will crush Satan underyour feet shortly ."Jer . 25 :15-26 "Take this cup ofthe wine of wrath at my hand,and cause all the nations, towhom I send thee, to drink it .and the king of Sheshachshall drink after them ."Dan . 2 :34, 35 "Thou sawesttill that a stone was cut out withouthands, which smote the imageupon its feet that were of ironand clay, and brake them inpieces . Then was the iron, theclay, the brass, the silver, andthe gold, broken in pieces together,and became like the chaffof the summer threshing-floors ;and the wind carried them away,so that no place was found forthem : and the stone that smotethe image became a great mountain,and filled the whole earth ."All Traces of Satan's WorksErased Forever from Universeby Christ JesusHeb. 2 :14 "Therefore, since the`young children' are sharers ofblood and flesh, he also similarly104partook of the same things, thatthrough his death he might destroythe one having the meansto cause death, that is, the Devil ."1 John 3 :8 "For this purposethe Son of God was made manifest,namely, to break up theworks of the Devil ."1 Cor. 15 :24-27 "Next, the accomplishedend, when he handsover the kingdom to his God andFather, when he has destroyed allgovernment and all authority andpower . For lie must rule as kinguntil God has put all enemiesunder his feet . As the last enemy,death is to be destroyed .For God `subjected all things underhis feet' ."Satan Resuscitated at the End of1,000 Years of Christ's PeacefulReign, Then Eternally Destroyedin Final Vindication of God'sSovereign SupremacyRev . 20 :3, 7-10 "Now as soon asthe thousand years have beenended, Satan will be let looseout of his prison, and he willgo out to mislead those nationsin the four quarters of the earth,Gog and Magog, to gather themtogether for the war . . . . But firecame down out of heaven and devouredthem . And the Devil whowas misleading them was hurledinto the lake of fire and sulphur,where both the wild beast andthe false prophet already were ;and they will be tormented dayand night for ever and ever ."Truth and Spirit of God withService and Prayer the ProtectionAgainst SatanPs. 91 :4 "His truth is a shieldand a buckler ."Jas . 4 :7 "Subject yourselves,therefore, to God ; but oppose theDevil, and he will flee from you ."John 8 :32 "The truth will setyou free ."Acts 26 :18 "To open their eyes,to turn them from darkness tolight and from the authority ofSatan to God ."Matt. 4 :10, 11 "Then Jesus saidto him : 'Go away, Satan! For

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