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COPYRIGHT, 1953byWATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETYAll scriptures, except otherwise indicated,quoted in this book fromthe Hebrew Scriptures, Genesis toMalachi, are from the AmericanStandard Version (AS) . The GreekScriptures, Matthew to Revelation,are quoted from the New WorldTranslation of the Christian GreekScriptures (NW) . Quotations fromany other versions are identifiedby symbols below .AT - An American TranslationAV -Authorized VersionCB Catholic Biblical Assn . ver .Da J . N . Darby's versionDyCatholic Douay versionLeIsaac Leeser's versionLXX The Septuagint VersionMo James Moffatt's versionRo - J . B . Rotherham's versionPUBLISHERSWATCHTOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY, INC.International Bible Students AssociationBrooklyn, New York, U . S . A.Made in the United States of America

CONTENT SPageAncestor Worship 9Animal Worship 10Antichrist . . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . 14Apostolic Succession 16Armageddon 24Baptism . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . 27BibleBlood Transfusion 47Born Again 48Caesar's Things to Caesar 50Caste System 54Charitable Works 57Communism 61Confession 67Congregation of God 70Creation 78Cross 83Death 86Dedication 91Devil and Demons 97Earth and Its Destiny 108Evolution 112Faith 119Freedom ---°-- 122Friendship with the World 126Gifts from God 135Healing 144Heavens 150Hell 154Holidays . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 165Honorary Titles 171Idolatry 172Incarnation 179Interfaith 181

CONTENTSPageJehovah 188Jehovah's Witnesses 193Jesus Christ . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 207Jews' Return to Palestine 210Judgment Days 219Kingdom 226Law 237Life 242Love 250Marriage 253Mass 257Minister of God 263New-World Living 272Prayer 280Purgatory 286Races of Mankind 290Ransom 293Religion 296Repentance 307Resurrection 311Return of Christ 319Sabbath 324Salvation 330Sign of Last Days 337Sin 344Soul 349Spirit 357Spiritism ____ 366Superior Authorities 369Ten "Lost Tribes" -- 373Tithing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 376Tongues, Speaking in 380Transmigration 383Trinity 386World Distress 390Worship of Mary 398

FOREWORDMEN want to know the reason why things are asthey are . Why is the world so full of confusedideas and shifting patterns? There are so many differentbeliefs, so many different religions, and all of themhave their followers who advocate their particularfaith with greater or less zeal . What should one believein these days? Who is right?Sound advice is, "Make sure of all things ." Thatmeans, Go to the highest authority you can find . Thehighest authority is the Holy Bible, Jehovah's Word .God's only-begotten Son said to him : "Your word istruth ." (John 17 :17) But Jehovah's advice goes evenfarther . This book of highest authority does not askus to accept just one statement of truth, and thatblindly ; but rather God's prophet says : "Come now,and let us reason together, saith Jehovah ." (Isaiah1 : 18) That is it! Think the answer out, search for it inthe Scriptures, as the early Christians did . "They receivedthe word with the greatest readiness of mind,carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whetherthese things were so ." (Acts 17 :11) If these earlyChristians were eager to check the Scriptures to findout why things were as they were, then certainly weshould be just as diligent in our search for the truth .Do not just take someone's word for it, but "makesure of all things ; hold fast to what is right" . (1 Thessalonians5 :21) The apostle Paul said that . But now listento what John says : "Do not believe every inspiredexpression, but test the inspired expressions to seewhether they originate with God, because many falseprophets have gone forth into the world ." (1 John 4 :1)This book will help you to run to and fro through theHoly Scriptures, to do what these apostles say . The5

8 FOREWORDrounded-out coverage by answering the outstandingquestions and objections on each of these themes justby using scriptures from the Bible . This publicationis not a commentary on the Bible, but it brings togetherthe many scriptures having to do with the themeunder discussion. It will prove to be a convenient Bibleaid to you .This book does not take the place of the Bible nordoes it try to limit the application of the texts citedto the various themes under which they appear . Butthe purpose of the book is to put pure Bible truth intothe mind of the teacher and to let the Bible speak foritself. It should help the user to be more effective inhis use of the Bible in every feature of his preachingactivity.Door-to-Door Witnessing : The apostles preached "publiclyand from house to house" . (Acts 20 :20) As you do that,carry this handy book with you . It will not take you long toget acquainted with the seventy themes . Hundreds of differentquestions can very easily be answered by you as yougo about preaching the good news of the Kingdom just bybeing acquainted with these themes . You always want togive a Scriptural answer . With the aid of this small handbookyour presentation of the truth from house to housewill always be fresh, versatile and adaptable . If an argumentarises on any Bible question, you can always turn to "Subjectsfor Study" on page 406 and you will be able to find justthe scriptures you need . You will find "Make Sure of AllThings" a ready aid in "announcing Jehovah's kingdom" .Back-Calls : When you meet an interested person at hishome, make another visit soon . Call back, because your logical,coherent conversation is needed to arouse interest inthe truth and to lead the interested person into a deeperconsideration of the Bible truths with the help of WatchTower publications based on these truths . On these revisitswhen presenting the publications of the Watch Tower Societyto the people and showing the need of reading them,it is necessary for you first to clear out objections that existin the mind of the person before it is possible to start a Biblestudy . Do not push such questions aside, but answer them(Continued on page 404)

Ancestor WorshipDEFINITIONThe practice (ceremonially or otherwise) of honor, veneration andworship of dead ancestors, either individually or collectively, in thebelief that they are conscious in an invisible realm and can assistor hinder and are therefore to be kept appeased . A false practice.ORIGINOf non-Biblical origin. A pagan, heathenish practice .Due Respect for Living ParentsProperDeut . 5 :16 "Honor thy fatherand thy mother, as Jehovah thyGod commanded thee ; that thydays may be long, and that itmay go well with thee, in theland which Jehovah thy Godgiveth thee."Luke 18:18-20 "A certain rulerquestioned him, saying : `GoodTeacher, by doing what shall Iinherit everlasting life?' Jesussaid to him : ` . . . You know thecommandments : " . . . Honor yourfather and mother ." ' "Prov . 23 :22 "Hearken unto thyfather that begat thee, and despisenot thy mother when sheis old ."Ex . 21 :17 "And he that cursethhis father or his mother, shallsurely be put to death ."Also : Lev . 20 :9 ; Deut . 27 :16 ;Prov. 1 :8, 9 ; 19 :26 ; 20 :20 ; Jer .35 :6-8, 18 ; 1 Tim . 5 :8 .Obedience to God Before Thatto ParentsEph . 6:1-4 "Children, be obedientto your parents in unionwith the Lord, for this is righteous: `Honor your father andmother' ; which is the first commandwith a promise : `That itmay go well with you and youmay endure a long time on theearth .' And you, fathers, do notbe irritating your children, butgo on bringing them up in thediscipline and authoritative adviceof Jehovah ."9Acts 5 :29 "We must obey Godas ruler rather than men ."Matt . 10 :35 "I came to causedivision, with a man against hisfather, and a daughter againsther mother, and a young wifeagainst her mother-in-law ."Matt. 19 :29 "Everyone that hasleft . . . father or mother . . . forthe sake of my name will receivemany times more and will inheriteverlasting life ."Ancestors Not Conscious, Unableto HelpPs. 49 :10, 17-19 "Wise men die ;the fool and the brutish alikeperish, and leave their wealthto others. For when he dieth heshall carry nothing away ; hisglory shall not descend after him .Though while he lived he blessedhis soul (and men praise thee,when thou doest well to thyself) .He shall go to the generation ofhis fathers ; they shall never seethe light."John 3:13 "No man has ascendedinto heaven but he thatdescended from heaven, the Sonof man ."Acts 2 :29, 34 "It is allowable tospeak with freeness of speech toyou concerning the family headDavid, that he both deceased andwas buried and his tomb isamong us to this day . ActuallyDavid did not ascend to theheavens ."Eccl . 9 :5, 10 "For the livingknow that they shall die : but thedead know not anything, . . . for

Animal Worshipthere is no work, nor device, norknowledge, nor wisdom, in Sheol["the grave" AV], whither thougoest."Job 14:1, 2, 21 "Man, that isborn of a woman, is of few days,and full of trouble. He comethforth like a flower, and is cutdown : he fleeth also as a shadow,and continueth not . His sonscome to honor, and he knowethit not ; and they are brought low,but he perceiveth it not of them ."Condemned as Creature WorshipRom . 1:25 "Who exchanged thetruth of God for the lie andvenerated and rendered sacredservice to the creation ratherthan the One who created, who isblessed forever."Animal WorshipDEFINITIONThe form or practice of rendering, ceremonially or otherwise,honor or reverence to various forms of animal life or to man-maderepresentations, or thereby attributing to them human or superhumanpowers, abilities or inclinations . A false practice .10Matt. 10 :37 "He that hasgreater affection for father ormother than for me is not worthyof me."Worship Due JehovahMatt . 4 :10 "For it is written, `Itis Jehovah your God you mustworship, and it is to him aloneyou must render sacred service .' "John 4 :23, 24 "The hour iscoming, and it is now, when thegenuine worshipers will worshipthe Father with spirit and truth,for, indeed, the Father is lookingfor such kind to worship him .God is a Spirit, and those worshipinghim must worship withspirit and truth ."ORIGINFrom when Eve acted on the lie spoken through a serpent andonward, <strong>org</strong>anized false religions before and after the Flood haveheld animals as symbolically representing certain heroes or gods.In the first world empire, Egypt, "animal gods" were worshiped ingreat numbers. Modern Hinduism holds a sacred regard for certainanimals.Man's Superiority to Animals bird of the heavens ; and broughtClearly Established in Scriptures them unto the man to see whatJob 35 :11 "Who teacheth us he would call them : and whatsoeverthe man called every livingmore than the beasts of theearth, and maketh us wiser than creature, that was the namethe birds of the heavens?"thereof. And the man gave namesJob 18:3 "Wherefore are we to all cattle, and to the birds ofcounted as beasts, and are become the heavens, and to every beastunclean in your sight?"of the field ; but for man therewas not found a help meet forMan Given Dominion over the him ."AnimalsGen . 1 :27, 28 "And God cre-Gen . 2 :19, 20 "And out of the ated man in his own image, inground Jehovah God formed the image of God created he him ;every beast of the field, and every male and female created he

11them . And God blessed them :and God said unto them . . . .have dominion over the fish ofthe sea, and over the birds ofthe heavens, and over everyliving thing that moveth uponthe earth ."Jer . 27 :6 "And now have I givenall these lands into the hand ofNebuchadnezzar the king ofBabylon, my servant ; and thebeasts of the field also have Igiven him to serve him ."Animals Made Subject to Manto Provide Him with Food andClothingGen. 9 :2-4 "And the fear of youand the dread of you shall beupon every beast of the earth,and upon every bird of the heavens; with all wherewith theground teemeth, and all thefishes of the sea, into your handare they delivered . Every movingthing that liveth shall be foodfor you ; as the green herb haveI given you all. But flesh withthe life thereof, which is theblood thereof, shall ye not eat ."Lev. 11:2, 9 "Speak unto thechildren of Israel, saying, Theseare the living things which yemay eat among all the beaststhat are on the earth . These mayye eat of all that are in thewaters : whatsoever hath fins andscales in the waters, in the seas,and in the rivers, that may yeeat."Gen . 3 :21 "And Jehovah Godmade for Adam and for his wifecoats of skins, and clothed them ."Prov. 27 :26, 27 "The lambs arefor thy clothing, and the goatsare the price of the field ; andthere will be goats' milk enoughfor thy food, for the food of thyhousehold, and maintenance forthy maidens."Num. 14 :8 "If Jehovah delightin us, then he will bring us intothis land, and give it unto us -a land which floweth with milkand honey ."Mark 1 :6 "Now John wasclothed with camel's hair andAnimal Worshipwith a leather girdle around hisloins, and was living on insectlocusts and wild honey ."Acts 10 :10-13 "[Peter] beheldheaven opened and some sortof vessel descending like a greatlinen sheet being let down byits four extremities upon theearth, and in it there were allkinds of four-footed creaturesand creeping things of the earthand birds of heaven . And avoice came to him : `Rise, Peter,slaughter and eat!'"Under Mosaic Law Vicious AnimalsWere to Be Killed, ShowingTheir SubjectionEx. 21 :28, 35 "And if an oxgore a man or a woman to death,the ox shall be surely stoned, andits flesh shall not be eaten ; butthe owner of the ox shall be quit .And if one man's ox hurtanother's, so that it dieth, thenthey shall sell the live ox, anddivide the price of it ; and thedead also they shall divide ."Animals Were Created "AfterTheir Kind" and Are ConsideredSouls ; Hence, Not Inhabited by"Soul" as a TransmigrationGen . 1 :20-25 "And God said,Let the waters swarm withswarms of living creatures["soul," Ro], and let birds flyabove the earth in the open firmamentof heaven . And Godcreated the great sea-monsters .and every living creature ["soul,"Ro] that moveth, wherewith thewaters swarmed, after their kind,and every winged bird after itskind : and God saw that it wasgood. And God blessed them,saying, Be fruitful, and multiply. . on the earth . And there wasevening and there was morning,a fifth day . And God said, Letthe earth bring forth living creatures["soul," Ro] after theirkind, cattle, and creeping things,and beasts of the earth aftertheir kind : . . . and the cattle aftertheir kind, and everythingthat creepeth upon the ground

Animal Worshipafter its kind : and God saw thatit was good ."Num . 31 :28 "And levy a tributeunto Jehovah of the men of warthat went out to battle : one soulof five hundred, both of the persons,and of the oxen, and ofthe asses, and of the flocks ."1 Cor . 15 :39 "Not all flesh isthe same flesh, but there is one ofmankind, and there is anotherflesh of cattle, and another fleshof birds, and another of fish ."Jehovah Established His Superiorityin Contest with "AnimalGods" of Egypt by SendingPlagues in Moses' DayAgainst the frog-goddess, HeqtEx. 8 :1-7 "And Jehovah spakeunto Moses, Go in unto Pharaoh,and say unto him, Thus saith Jehovah,Let my people go, that theymay serve me . And if thou refuseto let them go, behold, Iwill smite all thy borders withfrogs : and the river shall swarmwith frogs, which shall go up andcome into thy house, and intothy bedchamber, and upon thybed, and into the house of thyservants, and upon thy people,and into thine ovens, and intothy kneading-troughs : . AndAaron stretched out his handover the waters of Egypt ; andthe frogs came up, and coveredthe land of Egypt ."Against the ichneumon flygoddess,Wad jetEx. 8 :20-24 "And Jehovah saidbehold, I will send swarmsof flies upon thee, and upon thyservants, and upon thy people,and into thy houses : and thehouses of the Egyptians shall befull of swarms of flies, and alsothe ground whereon they are ."Against the cow-goddess, Hathor,and Apis the bullEx. 9 :1-7 "Behold, the handof Jehovah is upon thy cattlewhich are in the field, upon thehorses, upon the asses, upon thecamels, upon the herds, and uponthe flocks : there shall be a very12grievous murrain . . . . and all thecattle of Egypt died ."Against Amon-Ra (symbolized bya male sheep)Ex . 11:4, 5; 12 :29 "And Mosessaid, Thus saith Jehovah, Aboutmidnight will I go out into themidst of Egypt : and all the firstbornin the land of Egypt shalldie, from the first-born of Pharaohthat sitteth upon his throne,even unto the first-born of themaid-servant that is behind themill ; and all the first-born ofcattle." "And it came to pass atmidnight, that Jehovah smote allthe first-born in the land ofEgypt, from the first-born ofPharaoh that sat on his throneunto the first-born of the captivethat was in the dungeon ; andall the first-born of cattle ."Making Images of Animals WasForbidden Under Mosaic LawDeut . 4 :15-18 "Take ye thereforegood heed unto yourselves ;for ye saw no manner of formon the day that Jehovah spakeunto you in Horeb out of themidst of the fire ; lest ye corruptyourselves, and make you agraven image in the form of anyfigure, the likeness of male or female,the likeness of any beastthat is on the earth, the likenessof any winged bird that flieth inthe heavens, the likeness of anythingthat creepeth on theground, the likeness of any fishthat is in the water under theearth ."When Degraded, Man Describedas on Level with BeastPs . 73 :22 "So brutish was 1,and ignorant ; I was as a beastbefore thee ."Dan. 5 :20, 21 "But when hisheart was lifted up, and his spiritwas hardened so that he dealtproudly, he was deposed fromhis kingly throne, and they tookhis glory from him : and he wasdriven from the sons of men, andhis heart was made like thebeasts', and his dwelling was

13with the wild asses ; he was fedwith grass like oxen, and hisbody was wet with the dew ofheaven ; until he knew that theMost High God ruleth in thekingdom of men ."Titus 1 :12 "A certain one ofthem, their own prophet, said :`Cretans are always liars, injuriouswild-beasts, unemployedgluttons.'"2 Pet. 2 :12 "But these men, likeunreasoning animals born naturallyto be caught and destroyed,will, in the things ofwhich they are ignorant andspeak abusively, even suffer destructionin their own course ofdestruction ."Jude 10 "Yet these men arespeaking abusively of all thethings they really do not know,but all the things they do understandnaturally like the unreasoninganimals, in thesethings they go on corruptingthemselves."Death Equalizes Men and Beasts(Except Man Is Promised aResurrection)Eccl. 3 :18-20 "I said in myheart, It is because of the sonsof men, that God may provethem, and that they may seethat they themselves are but asbeasts . For that which befalleththe sons of men befalleth beasts ;even one thing befalleth them :as the one dieth, so dieth theother ; yea, they have all onebreath ; and man hath no preeminenceabove the beasts : forall is vanity . All go unto oneplace ; all are of the dust, and allturn to dust again ."Animals Perish at Death ; NoAfterlifePs. 49:12, 17, 20 "But manbeing in honor abideth not : heis like the beasts that perish. Forwhen he dieth he shall carrynothing away ; his glory shall notdescend after him. Man that isAnimal Worshipin honor, and understandeth not,is like the beasts that perish ."2 Pet. 2:12 "But these men,like unreasoning animals bornnaturally to be caught and destroyed."Man Forbidden to Have UncleanRelations with Any AnimalEx . 22 :19 "Whosoever liethwith a beast shall surely be putto death ."Lev. 11 :43 "Ye shall not makeyourselves abominable with anycreeping thing that creepeth,neither shall ye make yourselvesunclean with them, that yeshould be defiled thereby ."Lev . 20 :15, 16 "And if a manlie with a beast, he shall surelybe put to death : and ye shallslay the beast . And if a womanapproach unto any beast, andlie down thereto, thou shalt killthe woman, and the beast : theyshall surely be put to death :their blood shall be upon them ."Animal Worship Turns AttentionAway from the CreatorRom . 1 :21-25 "Because, althoughthey knew God, they didnot glorify him as God nor didthey thank him, but they becameempty-headed in their reasoningsand their unintelligentheart became darkened . Althoughasserting they were wise, theybecame foolish and turned theglory of the incorruptible Godinto something like the image ofcorruptible man and of birds andfour-footed creatures and creepingthings . Therefore God inkeeping with the desires of theirhearts gave them up to uncleanness,that their bodies mightbe dishonored among them, eventhose who exchanged the truth ofGod for the lie and veneratedand rendered sacred service tothe creation rather than the Onewho created, who is blessed forever."

AntichristDEFINITIONAny <strong>org</strong>anization or individual that is against Christ or Christianity .Specifically, an <strong>org</strong>anization or arrangement claiming to serve Godbut actually being against Christ and his kingdom .Satan's Organization Babylon sion, but test the inspired expres-Brings Forth Antichrists sions to see whether they origi-Matt. 13 :27, 28, 38, 39 " `Master,nate with God, because manydid you not sow seed of a rightfalse prophets have gone forthkind in your field? How, then,into the world. You gain thedoes it come to have weeds?' . . , knowledge of the inspired expres-,The field is the world; as for sion from God by this : Every intheright kind of seed, these are spired expression that confessesthe sons of the kingdom ; but the Jesus Christ as having come inweeds are the sons of the wicked the flesh originates with God, butone, and the enemy that sowed every inspired expression thatthem is the Devil .'"does not confess Jesus does notoriginate with God . Furthermore,Antichrists Are False Prophets this is the antichrist's inspiredMatt. 24 :11, 24 "And many false expression which you have heardprophets will arise and mislead was coming, and now it is alreadymany . For false Christs and in the world."false prophets will arise and will 2 John 7 "The reason why isgive great signs and wonders so that many deceivers have goneas to mislead, if possible, even forth into the world, persons notthe chosen ones ."confessing Jesus Christ as com-Do Not Fulfill Requirements ofing in the flesh. This is the de-True Prophetsceiver and the antichrist ."Deut . 18 :20-22 "But the proph-1 John 2:22 "Who is the liar ifet, that shall speak a word preitis not the one that denies thatsumptuously in my name, which Jesus is the Christ? This is theI have not commanded him to antichrist, the one that deniesspeak, or that shall speak in the the Father and the Son ."name of other gods, that sameprophet shall die . And if thou "say in thy heart, How shall we Collective Clergyof Christendomknow the word which Jehovah 2 Thess. 2 :3, 4, 9 "Let no onehath not spoken? when the seduce you in any manner, beprophetspeaketh in the name of cause it will not come unless theJehovah, if the thing follow not,nor come to pass, that is thefalling away comes first and thething which Jehovah hath not man of lawlessness gets revealed,spoken : the prophet hath spoken the son of destruction . He is setit presumptuously, thou shalt not in opposition and lifts himself upbe afraid of him ."over everyone who is called `god'Antichrists Say Christ Was God or an object of reverence, so thatincarnate ; Deny Christ Actually he sits down in the temple ofCame to Earth as a Perfect Man The God, publicly showing himofFleshself to be a god. But the lawless1 John 4 :1-3 "Beloved ones, do one's presence is according to thenot believe every inspired expres- operation of Satan with every14

15powerful work and lying signsand wonders."Jer. 23 :11, 21, 22 "For bothprophet and priest are profane ;yea, in my house have I foundtheir wickedness, saith Jehovah.I sent not these prophets, yetthey ran : I spake not unto them,yet they prophesied . But if theyhad stood in my council, thenhad they caused my people tohear my words, and had turnedthem from their evil way, andfrom the evil of their doings ."Clergy Seek Power, and Honorof This World1 Cor . 4:8 "You men alreadyhave your fill, do you? You arerich already, are you? You havebegun ruling as kings withoutus, have you? And I wish indeedthat you had begun ruling askings, that we also might rulewith you as kings."Jas . 4 :4 "Adulteresses, do younot know that the friendship withthe world is enmity with God?Whoever, therefore, wants to bea friend of the world is constitutinghimself an enemy ofGod .""Evil Slave"Matt. 24 :48-51 "But if th evilslave should say in his heart,'My master is delaying,' andshould start to beat his fellowslaves and should eat and drinkwith the confirmed drunkards,the master of that slave will comeon a day that he does not expectand in an hour that he does notknow, and will punish him withthe greatest severity and will assignhim his part with the hypocrites.There is where his weepingand the gnashing of his teethv,111 be ."I John 2 :18, 19 "Young children,it is the last hour, and, justa ., you have heard that antichristis coming, even now there havecome to be many antichrists ;from which fact we gain theknowledge that it is the lasthour . They went out from us,but they were not of our kind ;Antichristfor if they had been of our kind,they would have remained withus . But they went out that itmight be shown up that not ahare of our kind ."Pagan ReligionsEph . 2 :12 "That you were atthat particular time withoutChrist, alienated from the stateof Israel and strangers to thecovenants of the promise, andyou had no hope and were withoutGod in the world."1 Cor. 10 :20, 21 "The thingswhich the nations sacrifice theysacrifice to demons, and not toGod, and I do not want you tobecome sharers with the demons .You cannot be drinking the cupof Jehovah and the cup of demons; you cannot be partakingof 'the table of Jehovah' and thetable of demons ."Communist Red ReligionIncluded Among ManyAntichristsRev . 19 :18, 19 "'That you mayeat the fleshy parts of kings andthe fleshy parts of military commandersand the fleshy parts ofstrong men and the fleshy partsof horses and of those mountedupon them, and the fleshy partsof all, of freemen as well as ofslaves and of small ones andgreat.' And I saw the wild beastand the kings of the earth andtheir armies gathered together towage the war with the one seatedon the horse and with his army."Ps . 14 :1 "The fool hath said inhis heart, There is no God. Theyare corrupt, they have doneabominable works ; there is nonethat doeth good ."Culmination of Antichrist Effortin Supporting U .N .Rev . 17 :3-8, 18 "And I caughtsight of a woman sitting upona scarlet-colored wild beast thatwas full of blasphemous namesand that had seven heads andten horns . And the woman wasarrayed in purple and scarlet,and was adorned with gold andprecious stone and pearls and had

Apostolic Successionin her hand a golden cup thatwas full of disgusting things andthe unclean things of her fornication. And upon her foreheadwas written a name, a mystery,'Babylon the Great, the motherof the harlots and of the disgustingthings of the earth .' . . .The wild beast that you sawwas, but is not, and yet is destinedto ascend out of the abyss,and it is to go off into destruction. And when they see how thewild beast was, but is not, andyet will be present, those whodwell on the earth will wonderadmiringly, but their names havenot been written upon the scrollof life from the world's foundation. And the woman that yousaw means the great city thathas a kingdom over the kingsof the earth ."16Antichrists to Be ForeverDestroyed at ArmageddonRev. 17 :16 "And the ten hornsthat you saw, and the wild beast,these will hate the harlot andwill make her devastated andnaked, and will eat up her fleshyparts and will completely burnher with fire ."2 Thess . 2 :8 "Then, indeed, thelawless one will be revealed,whom the Lord Jesus will annihilateby the spirit of his mouthand bring to nothing by themanifestation of his presence ."Matt . 7 :22, 23 "Many will sayto me in that day : 'Master, Master,did we not prophesy in yourname, and expel demons in yourname, and perform many powerfulworks in your name?' Andyet then I will confess to them :I never knew you at all. Get awayfrom me, you workers of lawlessness."See "Religion".Apostolic SuccessionDEFINITIONThe doctrine that the twelve apostles have successors to whomauthority is passed by divine appointment . In the Roman CatholicChurch, the pope is said to be one of an unbroken line of successorsof Peter, and bearer of the keys of heaven passed on from Peter(who the church claims was chief of the apostles and the first pope) .A false doctrine.ORIGINEstablished in the Roman Catholic Church in the Nicene Creed,A .D . 325 and 381, in the words, "I believe one holy catholic andapostolic Church ." Reaffirmed by the Council of Trent in the sixteenthcentury .Matthew 16 :18 Misapplied ; ChristIs the "Rock", Not PeterMatt . 16 :18 "Also I say to you,You are Peter [Gr ., Petros ; Syriac,ke'pha, "a stone," in the masculinegender in both languages],and on this rock-mass [Gr ., petra; Syriac, ke'pha, "a rockmass,"in feminine gender andwith a feminine demonstrativepronoun (this) In both languages]I will build my congregation,and the gates of Hadeswill not overpower it ."1 Cor. 10 :4 "They used to drinkfrom the spiritual rock-masswhich followed them, and thatrock-mass meant the Christ ."Eph . 2 :20, 21 "You have beenbuilt up upon the foundation of

17the apostles and prophets, whileChrist Jesus himself is the foundationcornerstone . In unionwith him the whole building,being harmoniously joined together,is growing into a holy templefor Jehovah ."Matt . 21 :42 "Jesus said tothem : 'Did you never read in theScriptures, "The stone that thebuilders rejected is the one thathas become the chief cornerstone .From Jehovah this has come topass and it is marvelous inour eyes"?'" (See Isaiah 28 :16 :Psalm 118 :22, 23 .)Acts 4 :8-12 "Then Peter, filledwith holy spirit, said to them :. in the name of Jesus Christthe Nazarene, whom you impaledbut whom God raised up fromthe dead, by this one does thisman stand here sound in frontof you . This is "the stone whichwas treated by you builders asof no account that has becomechief cornerstone" . Furthermore,there is no salvation in anyoneelse .' "Rom . 9 :33 "Look! I am layingin ion a stone of stumbling anda rock-mass of offense, but hethat rests his faith on it will notcome to disappointment ."John 21 :15-17 Misapplied; NotOnly Peter, but All DisciplesMust Feed Christ's SheepActs 20 :28 "Pay attention toyourselves and to all the flock,among which the holy spirit hasappointed you overseers, to shepherdthe congregation of God,which he purchased with theblood of his own [Son] ."1 Pet. 5 :1-4 "To the older menamong you I give this exhortation,for I, too, am an older manlike them . . . Shepherd the flockof God in your care, not undercompulsion, but willingly, neitherfor love of dishonest gain, . . .butbecoming examples to the flock .And when the chief shepherd hasbeen made manifest, you will receivethe unfadable crown ofglory."Apostolic SuccessionPeter Is Merely One of the Stonesin the Spiritual Temple1 Pet . 2 :4-8 "Coming to himas to a living stone, rejected, it istrue, by men, but chosen, precious,with God, you yourselvesalso as living stones are beingbuilt up a spiritual house for thepurpose of a holy priesthood, tooffer up spiritual sacrifices acceptableto God through JesusChrist . . . It is to you, therefore,that he is precious, becauseyou are believers ; but to thosenot believing, 'the identical stonethat the builders rejected hasbecome the chief cornerstone,'and 'a stone of stumbling and arock-mass of offense' ."Only the Twelve Apostles ofJesus Christ in the Foundationof the Christian Congregation :They Have No SuccessorsNames of the twelve:Matt. 10 :1-4 ; Gal . 1 :1 ; 1 Cor .9:1 ; 2 Cor . 12 :12 "First, Simon,the one called 'Peter', and Andrewhis brother ; and James theson of ebedee and John hisbrother ; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew thetax collector ; James the son ofAlphaeus, and Thaddaeus ; Simonthe Cananaean, and JudasIscariot, who later betrayed him .""Paul, an apostle, neither frommen nor through a man, butthrough Jesus Christ and Godthe father .""Am I not free? Am I not anapostle? Have I not seen Jesusour Lord?""Indeed, the signs of an apostlewere produced among you by allendurance, and by signs andwonders and powerful works ."Rev . 21 :14 "The wall of thecity also had twelve foundationstones, and on them the twelvenames of the twelve apostles ofthe Lamb."Matt . 19 :28 "Jesus said tothem : 'Truly I say to you, Inthe re-creation, when the Son of

Apostolic Successionman sits down upon his gloriousthrone, you who have followedme will also yourselves sit upontwelve thrones, judging the twelvetribes of Israel .' "Christ the Ever-living Head ofthe Christian Congregation ; NoEarthly Head NeededCol. 1 :18 "He is the head ofthe body, the congregation ."Eph . 1:22, 23 "He also subjectedall things under his feet, andmade him head over all thingsto the congregation, which is hisbody, the fullness of him whofills up all things in all ."Eph . 4 :15 ; 5 :23, 24 "Speakingthe truth, let us by love grow upin all things into him who is thehead, Christ." "A husband ishead of his wife as the Christalso is head of the congregation,he being a savior of this body . . . .the congregation is in subjectionto the Christ ."ech. 4 :7 "He shall bring forththe top stone with shoutings ofGrace, grace, unto it ."How Gates of Hell (Hades) DoNot Prevail Against theChristian Congregation1 Cor. 15 :54-57 "When thiswhich is corruptible puts on incorruptionand this which is mortalputs on immortality, then thesaying will take place that iswritten : 'Death is swallowed upforever .' 'Death, where is yourvictory? Death, where is yoursting?' . . But thanks to God .for he gives us the victorythrough our Lord Jesus Christ!"Hos . 13 :14 "I will ransom themfrom the power of Sheol ; I willredeem them from death : 0death, where are thy plagues?0 Sheol, where is thy destruction?"John 6:39 "This is the will ofhim that sent me, that I shouldlose nothing out of all that hehas given me but that I shouldresurrect it at the last day ."John 10 :27-29 "My sheep listento my voice, and I know them,and they follow me . And I give18them everlasting life, and theywill by no means ever be destroyed,and no one will snatchthem out of my hand . What myFather has given me is somethinggreater than all other things, andno one can snatch them out ofthe hand of the Father ."John 17 :12 "I have kept them,and not one of them is destroyedexcept the son of destruction ."John 11:26 "He that exercisesfaith in me, even though he dies,will come to life ."1 Cor . 15 :42-44 "So also is theresurrection of the dead. It issown in corruption, it is raisedup in incorruption . It is sown indishonor, it is raised up in glory .It is sown in weakness, it israised up in power . It is sowna physical body, it is raised up aspiritual body ."2 Cor . 4 :14 "Knowing that hewho raised Jesus up will raise usup also together with Jesus andwill present us together withyou ."Rev. 2 :10 "Prove yourselffaithful even with the danger ofdeath, and I will give you thecrown of life ."1 Thess . 4 :16 "The Lord himselfwill descend from heavenwith a commanding call, with anarchangel's voice and with God'strumpet, and those who are deadin union with Christ will risefirst ."Keys of HeavenGiven to Peter to use, but theiruse directed by heavenMatt . 16 :19 "I will give youthe keys of the kingdom of theheavens, and whatever you maybind on earth will have beenbound [margin, "be the thing alreadybound"] in the heavens, andwhatever you may loose on earthwill have been loosed [margin,"be the thing already loosed"] inthe heavens ."Matt . 18 :18 "Truly I say to youmen, Whatever things you maybind on earth will have beenbound in heaven and whatever

19things you may loose on earthwill have been loosed in heaven ."Keys represent unlocking ofknowledge of opportunity ofentering kingdom of heavenLuke 11 :52 "Woe to you whoare versed in the Law, becauseyou took away the key of knowledge; you yourselves did not goin, and those going in you hindered!"2 Tim. 1:10 "Our Savior, ChristJesus, who has abolished deathbut has shed light upon life andincorruption through the goodnews ."1 Pet . 1 :3, 4 "Blessed be theGod and Father of our Lord JesusChrist, for according to hisgreat mercy he gave us a newbirth to a living hope through theresurrection of Jesus Christ fromthe dead, to an incorruptible andundefiled and unfading inheritance. It is being reserved in theheavens for you ."Col . 1 :26, 27 "The sacred secretwhich was concealed from thepast systems of things and fromthe past generations . But nowit has been made manifest to hisholy ones, to whom God has beenpleased to make known what arethe glorious riches of this sacredsecret among the nations . It isChrist in union with you, thehope of his glory ."1 Tim. 3 :16 "Indeed, the sacredsecret of this godly devotion isadmittedly great : 'He was mademanifest in flesh, was declaredrighteous in spirit, appeared toangels, was preached aboutamong nations, was believed uponin the world, was received upin glory .'"Rom . 1 :16 "I am not ashamedof the good news ; it is, in fact,God's power for salvation toeveryone having faith, to theJew first as well as to the Greek ."Heaven directs use of first keytoward Jews, Pentecost,A .D . 33Acts 2 :1, 2, 38, 39, 41 "Nowwhile the day of the feast of Pen-Apostolic Successiontecost was in progress they wereall together at the same place,and . . . Peter said to them : 'Repent,and let each one of you bebaptized in the name of JesusChrist for f<strong>org</strong>iveness of your sins,and you will receive the free giftof the holy spirit . For the promiseis to you and to your children andto all those afar off, just as manyas Jehovah our God may call tohim .' Therefore those who embracedhis word heartily werebaptized, and on that day aboutthree thousand souls wereadded ."Time: (Dan. 9 :24-27) 6921weeks of years (4861, years) fromrebuilding of Jerusalem's wallsunder Nehemiah, in the fall of455 B.C . (September 17-18), tospring, A .D . 33 .Heaven directs use of secondkey toward Gentiles,fall, A.D. 36Acts 10 :9-35, 44-48 "Peter . . .fell into a trance . . . Peter said :`Not at all, Lord, because I havenever eaten anything at all defiledand unclean .' And the voicespoke again to him, the secondtime : `You stop calling defiledthe things God has cleansed .' . . .the spirit said : `Look! three menare seeking you .' . . . They said :`Cornelius, an army officer, . . .was given divine instructions bya holy angel to send for you tocome to his house and to hear thethings you have to say.' . . .Corneliussaid : ' . . . a man in brightraiment stood before me andsaid : "Cornelius, your prayer hasbeen favorably heard and yourgifts of mercy have been rememberedbefore God. Send, therefore,to Joppa and call for Simonwho is surnamed Peter."' . . . Atthis Peter opened his mouth andsaid : `For a certainty I perceivethat God is not partial, but inevery nation the man that fearshim and works righteousness isacceptable to him.' While Peterwas yet speaking about thesematters the holy spirit fell uponall those hearing the word . And

Apostolic Successionthe faithful ones that had comewith Peter who were of thosecircumcised were amazed, becausethe free gift of the holyspirit was being poured out alsoupon people of the nations . . . .Then Peter responded : 'Can anyoneforbid water so that thesemight not be baptized who havereceived the holy spirit even aswe have?' With that he commandedthem to be baptized inthe name of Jesus Christ ."Acts 11 :15-18 "But when Istarted to speak the holy spiritfell upon them just as it didalso upon us originally . At this Icalled to mind the saying of theLord, how he used to say : 'John,on the one hand, baptized withwater, but you will be baptizedin holy spirit .' If, therefore, Godgave the same free gift to themas he also did to us who havebelieved upon the Lord JesusChrist, who was I that I shouldbe able to hinder God?"Acts 15 :7 "Peter rose and saidto them : 'Brothers, you well knowthat from early days God madethe choice among you thatthrough my mouth people of thenations should hear the word ofthe good news and believe .' "Eph . 3 :5, 6 "In other generationsthis secret was not madeknown to the sons of men as ithas now been revealed to hisholy apostles and prophets byspirit, namely, that people of thenations should be joint heirs andfellow members of the body andpartakers with us of the promisein union with Christ Jesusthrough the good news."Time: End of 70th week ofspecial favor to the Jews, whichextended from fall of A.D . 29,at Jesus' baptism, to fall of A .D .36 (490 years from fall of 455B.C .) .-See Daniel 9 :24-27 .Keys not passed on; door stillopen to Jews and GentilesRev. 3 :7 "These are the thingshe says who is holy, who is true,who has the key of David, whoopens so that no one will shut,20and shuts so that no one opens ."Acts 14 :27 "When they had arrivedand had gathered the congregationtogether, they proceededto recount the manythings God had done by meansof them and that he had openedto the nations the door to faith."Keys had no further use byPeter; not Peter, but God andChrist judge who is worthy toenter KingdomMatt . 20 :23 "He said to them :'You will indeed drink my cup,but this sitting down at my righthand and at my left is not mineto give, but it belongs to thosefor whom it has been preparedby my Father .'"2 Tim . 4:1 "I earnestly beg youbefore God and Christ Jesus,who is destined to judge theliving and the dead, and by hismanifestation and his kingdom ."Heb . 12 :23 "The congregationof the firstborn who have beenenrolled in the heavens, andGod the Judge of all."1 Pet. 4 :5 "These people willrender an account to the oneready to judge those living andthose dead ."1 Cor. 12 :18 "But now Godhas set the members in the body,each one of them, just as hepleased."None of the apostles (includingPeter, the supposed "gatekeeper")were in heavenprior to Christ's secondcoming in Kingdompower2 Tim . 4 :8 "There is reservedfor me the crown of righteousness,which the Lord, the righteousjudge, will give me as a rewardin that day, yet not onlyto me, but also to all those whohave loved his manifestation ."1 Cor . 15 :51, 52 "Look! I tellyou a sacred secret : We shallnot all fall asleep in death, butwe shall all be changed, in a moment,in the twinkling of aneye, during the last trumpet . Forthe trumpet will sound, and the

21dead will be raised up incorruptible,and we shall be changed ."1 Thess. 4 :15, 16 "We the livingwho survive to the presence ofthe Lord shall in no way precedethose who have fallen asleep indeath, because the Lord himselfwill descend from heaven with acommanding call, with an archangel'svoice and with God'strumpet, and those who are deadin union with Christ will risefirst."2 Thess. 2 :1-3 "However, brothers,respecting the presence ofour Lord Jesus Christ and ourbeing gathered together to him,we request of you not to bequickly shaken from your reasonnor to be excited either throughan inspired expression or througha verbal message or through aletter as though from us, to theeffect that the day of Jehovahis here . Let no one seduce you inany manner, because it will notcome unless the falling awaycomes first and the man of lawlessnessgets revealed, the sonof destruction ."Acts 17 :31 "He has set a dayin which he purposes to judgethe inhabited earth in righteousnessby a man whom he hasappointed, and he has furnisheda guarantee to all men in thathe has resurrected him from thedead."Peter Did Not Rule over theChristian CongregationGal. 2 :9 "James and Cephasand John, the ones who seemedto be pillars, gave me and Barnabasthe right hand of joint participation."Matt . 23 :8-10 "But you, do notyou be called 'Rabbi', for one isyour teacher, whereas all you arebrothers. Moreover, do not callanyone your father on earth, forOne is your Father, the heavenlyOne . Neither be called 'leaders',for your Leader is one, theChrist ."Acts 15 :13-23, 28 "After theyquit speaking James answered,saying : '. . . Symeon has relatedApostolic Successionthoroughly how God for the firsttime turned his attention to thenations . . . Hence my decisionis not to trouble those from thenations who are turning to God,' Then the apostles and theolder men together with thewhole congregation favored sendingchosen men from amongthem . . they wrote : ' . . . theholy spirit and we ourselves havefavored adding no further burdento you, except these necessarythings .' "Infallibility Not Granted to AnyImperfect Man ; PeterNo ExceptionMatt. 14:29-31 "Peter, gettingdown off the boat, walked overthe waters and went toward Jesus.But looking at the windstorm,he got afraid and, afterstarting to sink, he cried out :'Master, save me!' Immediatelystretching out his hand Jesuscaught hold of him and said tohim : 'You with little faith, whydid you give way to doubt?'"Matt. 16 :22, 23 "Peter took himaside and commenced raisingstrong objections to him, saying :'Be kind to yourself, Master ; youwill not have this destiny at all .'But, turning his back, he said toPeter : 'Get behind me, Satan!You are a stumblingblock to me,because you think, not God'sthoughts, but those of men .' "John 18 :10, 11 "Then SimonPeter, as he had a sword, drewit and struck the slave of thehigh priest and cut his right earoff. The name of the slave wasMalchus . Jesus, however, said toPeter : 'Put the sword into itssheath. The cup that the Fatherhas given me, should I not by allmeans drink it?'"Luke 22 :31-34 "'Simon, Simon,look! Satan has demanded tohave you men to sift you aswheat . But I have made supplicationfor you that your faithmay not give out ; and you, whenonce you have returned, give supportto your brothers .' Then hesaid to him : 'Master, I am ready

Apostolic Successionto march with you both intoprison and into death.' But hesaid : `I tell you, Peter, A cockwill not crow today until youhave three times denied knowingme .' "Luke 22 :60-62 "But Peter said :'Man, I do not know what youare saying .' And instantly, whilehe was yet speaking, a cockcrowed . And the Master turnedand looked upon Peter, and Peterrecalled the utterance of the Masterwhen he said to him : `Beforea cock crows today you will disownme three times.' And hewent outside and wept bitterly ."Gal. 2 :11-14 "However, whenCephas came to Antioch, I resistedhim face to face, becausehe stood condemned . For beforethe arrival of certain men fromJames he used to eat with peopleof the nations ; but when theyarrived, he went to withdrawingand separating himself, in fearof those of the circumcised class .But when I saw they werenot walking straight according tothe truth of the good news, Isaid to Cephas before them all :'If you, though you are a Jew,live as the nations do, and not asJews do, how is it that you arecompelling people of the nationsto live according to Jewish practice?'"John 20 :6-9 "Simon Peter .entered into the memorial tomb .. For they did not yet discernthe scripture that he must risefrom the dead ."Christ Holds Keys of Death andHell (Hades)Rev . 1 :18 "1 became dead, but,look! I am living for ever andever, and I have the keys ofdeath and of Hades ."John 11 :25, 26 "Jesus said toher : `I am the resurrection andthe life . He that exercises faithin me, even though he dies, willcome to life, and everyone thatis living and exercises faith inme will never die at all."'John 14 :6 "Jesus said to him :'I am the way and the truth and22the life. No one comes to theFather except through me .' "John 17 :2 "You have given himauthority over all flesh, that, asregards the whole number whichyou have given him, he may givethem everlasting life ."1 John 5 :11 "And this is thewitness given, that God gave useverlasting life, and this life isin his Son."Key of Hades (Gravedom) CompletesUse When All DeservingOnes Resurrected During 1,000-Year ReignJohn 5 :28, 29 "The hour iscoming in which all those in thememorial tombs will hear hisvoice and come out, those whodid good things to a resurrectionof life, those who practiced vilethings to a resurrection of judgment."Rev. 20 :13, 14 "And the seagave up those dead in it, anddeath and Hades gave up thosedead in them, and they werejudged individually according totheir deeds . And death and Hadeswere hurled into the lake of fire .This means the second death, thelake of fire ."Key of Death Completes UseWhen Every Trace and Effect ofAdamic Death Is Removed fromDeserving Ones (Toward End of1,000-Year Reign)See Revelation 20 :13, 14, above.Rev. 21 :4 "And he will wipe outevery tear from their eyes, anddeath will be no more, neitherwill mourning nor outcry norpain be any more . The formerthing's have passed away . -I Cor . 15 :25, 26 "He must ruleas king until God has put allenemies under his feet . As thelast enemy, death is to be destroyed."No Record Peter Was Ever inRome ; He Preached Mainly toJews and Did Travel to Babylon,a Seat of Jewish CultureGal . 2:7-9 "On the contrary,when they saw that I had en-

23trusted to me the good news forthose who are uncircumcised, justas Peter had it for those whoare circumcised-for He who gavePeter powers necessary for anapostleship to those who are circumcisedgave powers also to mefor those who are of the nations ;yes, when they came to knowthe undeserved kindness whichwas given me, James and Cephasand John, the ones who seemedto be pillars, gave me and Barnabasthe right hand of joint participation,that we should go tothe nations, but they to thosewho are circumcised ."1 Pet. 5 :13 "She who is inBabylon, a chosen one like you,sends you her greetings ."Peter Was MarriedMark 1 :30 "Now Simon's mother-in-lawwas lying down sickwith a fever ."Luke 4:38 "Now Simon's mother-in-lawwas afflicted with a highfever ."1 Cor. 9:5 "We have authorityto lead about a sister as a wife,even as the rest of the apostlesand the Lord's brothers and Cephas,do we not?"Apostles Had Power to TransmitGifts of Holy Spirit; Not AllPopes Claim ThisActs 8 :14-17 "When the apostlesin Jerusalem heard that Samariahad accepted the word ofGod, they dispatched Peter andJohn to them . . . . Then they wentto laying their hands upon them,and they began to receive holyspirit ."Acts 10 :44-46 "While Peter wasyet speaking about these mattersthe holy spirit fell upon all thosehearing the word. . . . For theyheard them speaking with tonguesand glorifying God."Acts 19 :6 "And when Paul laidhis hands upon them, the holyspirit came upon them, and theybegan speaking with tongues andprophesying ."Apostolic SuccessionPeter Had Gift of DiscerningSpirits, Healing, F<strong>org</strong>iving Sins,Expelling Demons, Raising theDead ; Not All Popes Claim AllThese PowersActs 5 :1-11 "However, a certainman, Ananias by name, togetherwith Sapphira his wife, sold apossession and secretly held backsome of the price, his wife alsoknowing about it, . But Petersaid : `Ananias, to what end hasSatan emboldened you to playfalse to the holy spirit and tohold back secretly some of theprice of the field? . . . You haveplayed false, not to men, but toGod .' . Peter said to her [Ananias'wife] : `Why was it agreedupon between you two to make atest of the spirit of Jehovah?Look! the feet of those whoburied your husband are at thedoor, and they will carry youout .' Instantly she fell down athis feet and expired ."John 20 :22, 23 "And after hesaid this he [Jesus] blew uponthem and said to them : `Receiveholy spirit . If you f<strong>org</strong>ive thesins of any persons, they standf<strong>org</strong>iven to them ; if you retainthose of any persons, they standretained .'"Matt . 10:1 "So he summonedhis twelve disciples and gavethem authority over uncleanspirits, in order to expel theseand to cure every kind of diseaseand every kind of ailment ."Mark 3 :14-16 "And he formeda group of twelve, whom he alsonamed `apostles', that they mightcontinue with him and that hemight send them out to preachand to have authority to expelthe demons . And the group oftwelve that he formed were Simon,to whom he also gave thesurname `Peter' ."Acts 9 :36-41 "But in Joppathere was a certain disciplenamed Tabitha, which, whentranslated, means Dorcas . . . . shehappened to fall sick and die .. But Peter put everybody outsideand, bending his knees, he

Armageddonprayed, and, turning to the body,he said : `Tabitha, rise!' Sheopened her eyes and, as shecaught sight of Peter, she satupActs 3 :6-8 "Peter said : `Silverand gold I do not possess, butwhat I do have is what I giveyou : In the name of Jesus Christthe Nazarene, walk!' With thathe took hold of him by theright hand and raised him up .Instantly the soles of his feet andhis ankle bones were made firm,and, leaping up, he stood up andbegan walking, and he enteredwith them into the temple, walkingand leaping and praisingGod."144,000 as Kings and PriestsRule from Heaven During the1,000 Years ; Not on Earth fromTime of Pentecost1 Cor. 4 :8 "You men alreadyhave your fill, do you? You arerich already, are you? You havebegun ruling as kings without us,have you? And I wish indeedthat you had begun ruling askings, that we also might rulewith you as kings ."2 Tim. 4 :1 "I earnestly beg youbefore God and Christ Jesus, whois destined to judge the livingand the dead, and by his manifestationand his kingdom ."Line-up of SidesRev. 16:14, 16 "They are, infact, expressions inspired by demonsand perform signs, andthey go forth to the kings ofthe entire inhabited earth, togather them together to the warArmageddonDEFINITION(Literally : "The mountain of the assembly of [God's] troops .")The battle of Jehovah God Almighty in which his executive officerChrist Jesus leads invisible forces of righteousness to destroy Satanand his demonic and human <strong>org</strong>anization, eliminating wickednessfrom the universe and vindicating Jehovah's universal sovereignty .24Rev. 1 :1 ; 5 :9, 10 "The revelationby Jesus Christ, which Godgave him, to show his slaves thethings that must shortly takeplace.""And they sing a new song,saying : `. . . with your blood youbought persons for God out ofevery tribe and tongue and peopleand nation, and you made themto be a kingdom and priests toour God, and they will rule askings over the earth .'"Rev . 20 :4-6 "And I saw thrones,and there were those who satdown on them, and power ofjudging was given them . . . . Andthey came to life and ruled askings with the Christ for a thousandyears. . . . and will rule askings with him for the thousandyears ."2 Tim . 2 :12 "If we go on enduring,we_ shall also rule togetheras kings ; if we deny, healso will deny us ."Rom. 5 :17 "For if by the trespassof the one man death ruledas king through that one, muchmore will those who receive theabundance of the undeservedkindness and of the free gift ofrighteousness rule as kings inlife through the one person, JesusChrist ."of the great day of God the Almighty. And they gathered themtogether to the place that iscalled in Hebrew Har-Magedon ."Rev. 19:19 "And I saw the wildbeast and the kings of the earthand their armies gathered togetherto wage the war with the

25one seated on the horse and withhis army ."Christians Have No Part inSlaying WorkEph. 6 :12 "Because we have afight, not against blood and flesh,but against the governments,against the authorities, againstthe world-rulers of this darkness,against the wicked spirit forcesin the heavenly places ."2 Cor. 10:3, 4 "For though wewalk in the flesh, we do not wagewarfare according to what we arein the flesh . For the weapons ofour warfare are not fleshly, butpowerful by God for overturningstrongly entrenched things ."2 Chron . 20 :15, 17 "The battleis not yours, but God's . Ye shallnot need to fight in this battle :set yourselves, stand ye still, andsee the salvation of Jehovah withyou."Rom. 12 :19 "Do not avengeyourselves, beloved, but yieldplace to the wrath ; for it iswritten : 'Vengeance is mine, Iwill repay, says Jehovah.'"Also : Rev. 2 :26, 27 ; 19 :13-15 ;Ezek . 9 :2, 4, 5 .Description of Old World'sAccomplished EndJer. 25 :29-33 "I will call for asword upon all the inhabitantsof the earth, saith Jehovah ofhosts . . . . for Jehovah hath acontroversy with the nations ; . . .And the slain of Jehovah shall beat that day from one end of theearth even unto the other end ofthe earth : they shall not be lamented,neither gathered, norburied ; they shall be dung uponthe face of the ground ."Isa . 34 :1-9 "Jehovah hath indignationagainst all the nations,and wrath against all their host :he hath utterly destroyed them,he hath delivered them to theslaughter "eph. 1:14, 17, 18 "The greatday of Jehovah is near, . themighty man crieth there bitterly .. . . their blood shall be pouredArmageddonout as dust, and their flesh asdung . Neither their silver northeir gold shall be able to deliverthem in the day of Jehovah'swrath ; but the whole land shallbe devoured by the fire of hisjealousy : for he will make anend, yea, a terrible end, of allthem that dwell in the land ."War of Supernatural Forceseph. 3 :8 "Wait ye for me,saith Jehovah, until the day thatI rise up to the prey ; for mydetermination is to gather thenations, that I may assemble thekingdoms, to pour upon themmine indignation, even all myfierce anger ; for all the earthshall be devoured with the fireof my jealousy ."Jude 14, 15 "Look! Jehovahcame with his holy myriads, toexecute judgment against all andto convict all the ungodly concerningall their ungodly deedsthat they did in an ungodly wayand concerning all the shockingthings that ungodly sinners spokeagainst him."Isa . 66:15, 16 "Behold, Jehovahwill come with fire, and hischariots shall be like the whirlwind; to render his anger withfierceness, and his rebuke withflames of fire. For by fire willJehovah execute judgment, andby his sword, upon all flesh ; andthe slain of Jehovah shall bemany ."ech. 14 :3, 12 "Then shall Jehovahgo forth, and fight againstthose nations, as when he foughtin the day of battle . And thisshall be the plague wherewithJehovah will smite all the peoplesthat have warred against Jerusalem: their flesh shall consumeaway while they stand upon theirfeet, and their eyes shall consumeaway in their sockets, andtheir tongue shall consume awayin their mouth."Ps . 46 :1-3, 8-10 "Come, beholdthe works of Jehovah, what desolationshe hath made in the earth .He maketh wars to cease unto

Armageddonthe end of the earth ; he breakeththe bow, and cutteth the spearin sunder ; he burneth the chariotsin the fire ."Hab . 3:2, 11, 12 "O Jehovah,revive thy work in the midst ofthe years ; in the midst of theyears make it known ; in wrathremember mercy . The sun andmoon stood still in their habitation,at the light of thine arrowsas they went, at the shining ofthy glittering spear. Thou didstmarch through the land in indignation; thou didst thresh thenations in anger ."Also : Ps . 110 :5, 6 ; Matt . 24 :20,21, 35 . 36 ; Joel 3 :9-14 .Order of FallRev. 17 :12, 16 ; 19 :19-20 :3 "Andthe ten horns . . . and the wildbeast, these will hate the harlotand will make her devastated andnaked . . . . And the wild beastwas caught, and . . . the falseprophet . . . both were hurled intothe fiery lake . . . But the restwere killed off with the longsword of the one seated on thehorse . And I saw an angeland he seized . Satan,And he hurled him into theabyss."Comes Suddenly, Unexpectedly2 Pet. 3 :10 "Yet Jehovah's daywill come as a thief, in whichthe heavens will pass away witha hissing noise, but the elementsbeing intensely hot will be dissolved,and earth and the worksin it will be discovered ."Isa . 28 :21 "For Jehovah willrise up as in mount Perazim, hewill be wroth as in the valley ofGibeon ; that he may do his work,his strange work, and bring topass his act, his strange act ."Luke 21 :34, 35 "Pay attentionto yourselves that your heartsnever become weighed down withovereating and heavy drinkingand anxieties of life, and suddenlythat day be instantly uponyou as a snare . For it will comein upon all those dwelling uponthe face of all the earth ."261 Thess. 5:3 "Whenever it isthat they are saying, `Peace andsecurity!' then sudden destructionis to be instantly upon themjust as the pang of distress upona pregnant woman, and they willby no means escape ."Comes After Earth-wideWarning CampaignMatt . 24:14 "This good news ofthe kingdom will be preached inall the inhabited earth for thepurpose of a witness to all thenations, and then the accomplishedend will come."Ezek . 9 :2, 4-6 "And behold, sixmen came from the way of theupper gate, which lieth towardthe north, every man with hisslaughter weapon in his hand ;and one man in the midst ofthem clothed in linen, with awriter's inkhorn by his side . AndJehovah said unto him, Gothrough the midst of the city,and set a mark upon theforeheads of the men that sighand that cry over all the abominationsthat are done in themidst thereof . And to the othershe said . . . Go ye through thecity after him, and smite : letnot your eye spare, neither haveye pity ; slay utterly the old man,the young man and the virgin,and little children and women ;but come not near any man uponwhom is the mark ."Isa . 6 :9, 11 "And he said, Go,and tell this people, . Thensaid I, Lord, how long? And heanswered, Until cities be wastewithout inhabitant, and houseswithout man, and the land becomeutterly waste."Survivors1 Thess . 5 :4 "But you, brothers,you are not in darkness, so thatthat day should overtake you asit would thieves ."eph . 2:2, 3 "Before the decreebring forth, before the day passas the chaff, before the fierceanger of Jehovah come upon you,before the day of Jehovah's angercome upon you . Seek ye Jehovah,

Baptism2 Pet. 2 :5 "He brought a delugeupon a world of ungodly people ."Men Authorized to PerformThree witnesses corroborate:JOHN :John 1 :32, 33 "John [the Baptizer]also bore witness, saying :. the very One who sent meto baptize in water said to me,"Whoever it is upon whom yousee the spirit coming down andremaining, this is the one thatbaptizes in holy spirit,' - 'JESUS and JEHOVAH GOD :Matt. 3 :15-17 "Jesus said tohim : 'Let it be, this time, forin that way it is suitable for usto carry out all that is righteous .'the heavens were opened up,and he saw descending like adove God's spirit coming uponhim . Look! also, there was a voicefrom the heavens that said : 'Thisis my Son, the beloved, whom Ihave approved .'"An Elementary ChristianDoctrineHeb . 6:1, 2 "For this reason,now that we have left theelementary doctrine about theChrist, let us press on to maturity,not laying a foundation again,namely, repentance from deadworks, and faith toward God, theteaching on baptisms."Entire Nation of Israel Dedicatedto Jehovah by Baptism intoMoses at Red Sea1 Cor . 10 :1, 2 "Our forefathersall got baptized into Mosesby means of the cloud and ofthe sea ."1 Chron . 17 :21, 22 "What onenation in the earth is like thypeople Israel, whom God wentto redeem unto himself for apeople, . . out of Egypt? Forthy people Israel didst thou makethine own people for ever ; andthou, Jehovah, becamest theirGod ."Ex. 19 :8 "All the people answeredtogether, and said, All28that Jehovah hath spoken we willdo ."Dent . 5 :29 "Oh . . . that theywould fear me, and keep all mycommandments always, that itmight be well with them, andwith their children for ever!"John the Baptist Baptized OnlyJews and ProselytesMal . 4:5, 6 "I will send you Elijahthe prophet before the greatand terrible day of Jehovah come .And he shall turn the heart ofthe fathers to the children, andthe heart of the children to theirfathers ."Luke 1 :16, 17, 76, 77 "Many ofthe sons of Israel will he turnback to Jehovah their God . Alsohe will go before him with Elijah'sspirit and power, to turnback the hearts of fathers tochildren and the disobedient onesto the practical wisdom of righteousones, to get ready for Jehovaha prepared people."Matt. 11 :14 "This [John theBaptist] is Elijah who is destinedto come ."Also : Matt. 17 :12, 13 .Acts 13 :24 "John, in advanceof the entry of that One, hadpreached publicly to all the peopleof Israel the baptism of thoserepenting."John's Baptism an Admission of,Repentance for, Sins by NaturalJews Against the Law Covenantand a Preparing of Them forJesus as Greater Mosesand LeaderMatt . 3 :8 "So then producefruit that befits repentance ."Acts 19 :4 "John baptized withthe baptism of those repenting,telling the people to believe inthe one coming after him, thatis, in Jesus."Rom . 10 :4 "Christ is the accomplishedend of the Law, sothat everyone exercising faithmay have righteousness ."Gal. 3 :24 "The Law has becomeour tutor leading to Christ."

29Acts 3:22, 23 "In fact, Mosessaid : `Jehovah God will producefor you from among your brothersa prophet like me. You mustlisten to him according to all thethings he speaks to you .'"Jesus' Own Baptism New,DifferentHeb . 7 :26 "Such a high priestas this was suitable for us, oneof loving-kindness, guileless, undefiled,separated from the sinners,and become higher than theheavens ."1 Pet. 2 :22 "He committed nosin, nor was deceit found in hismouth."Luke 3:21 "Jesus also was baptizedand, as he was praying, theheaven was opened up."Jesus' Baptism His Full Dedicationto Do Newly Revealed Willof God, Fulfill Types andShadows of LawHeb . 10 :5-9 "When he comesinto the world he says : `You didnot desire sacrifice and offering,but you prepared a body for me .. Look! I am come (in theroll of the book it is written aboutme) to do your will, 0 God .'He does away with what isfirst that he may establish whatis second ."Matt . 5:17 "Do not think Icame to destroy the Law or theProphets. I came, not to destroy,but to fulfill ."Col. 2:17 "Those things are ashadow of the things to come,but the reality belongs to theChrist ."John's Baptizing Continued inHarmony with That of Jesus'Disciples Until John's DeathMatt. 11 :12 "From the days ofJohn the Baptist until now thekingdom of the heavens is thegoal toward which men press,and those pressing forward areseizing it."Luke 7 :26-30 "'What did yougo out to see? A prophet? Yes,I tell you, and far more than aprophet.' . . . (And all the peo-Baptismple and the tax collectors, whenthey heard this, declared God tobe righteous, and were baptizedwith the baptism of John . Butthe Pharisees and those versedin the law disregarded the counselof God to them and were notbaptized by him .) ."John 3 :27, 30 "John said,' . . .That one must go on increasing,but I must go on decreasing .'"Jesus Directed Baptism andCommanded Continuance of ItJohn 3 :26; 4:1 "They came toJohn and said to him : `Rabbi,the man that was with you acrossthe Jordan, to whom you haveborne witness, see, this one isbaptizing and all are going tohim.' Now, the Master becameaware that the Pharisees hadheard that Jesus was making andbaptizing more disciples thanJohn ."Matt . 28 :19, 20 "Go thereforeand make disciples of people ofall the nations, baptizing themin the name of the Father and ofthe Son and of the holy spirit ."Baptism by Jesus' Disciples UntilA.D. 36-for Jews, Related Samaritansand Proselytes OnlyActs 2 :37, 38, 41 "Peter said tothem : 'Repent, and let each oneof you be baptized in the nameof Jesus Christ for f<strong>org</strong>ivenessof your sins, . . .' Therefore thosewho embraced his word heartilywere baptized ."Acts 9 :18 "He [Saul] recoveredsight, and he rose and was baptized."Acts 22 :16 "Rise, get baptizedand wash your sins away by yourcalling upon his name ."Acts 8 :27, 35, 36, 38 "Philipopened his mouth and, startingwith this Scripture, he declaredto him the good news aboutJesus . Now as they were travelingover the road, they came to acertain body of water, and theeunuch said : 'Look! a body ofwater ; what prevents me fromgetting baptized?' . and he baptizedhim."

BaptismAfter A .D . 36 Jews and UncircumcisedGentiles on Same BasisDan. 9:24-27 "Seventy weeks[455 B .C .-A.D. 36] are decreedupon thy people and upon thyholy city . . . . And he shall makea firm covenant with many forone week [A .D . 29-36] ."Acts 10:45, 47, 48 "The faithfulones that had come withPeter who were of those circumcisedwere amazed, becausethe free gift of the holy spiritwas being poured out also uponpeople of the nations . Then Peterresponded : 'Can anyone forbidwater so that these might notbe baptized who have receivedthe holy spirit even as we have?'With that he commanded themto be baptized in the name ofJesus Christ."Acts 18 :25, 26 "This man [Apollos]. went to speaking andteaching with some correctnessthe things about Jesus, but beingacquainted with only the baptismof John . . . Priscilla and Aquila. . expounded the way of Godmore correctly to him ."Acts 19 :2-6 "They said to him :`Why, we have never heardwhether there is a holy spirit .'And he said : 'In what, then,were you baptized?' They said :'In John's baptism.' Paul said :'John baptized with the baptismof those repenting, telling thepeople to believe in the onecoming after him, that is, inJesus .' On hearing this, they gotbaptized in the name of the LordJesus. And when Paul laid hishands upon them, the holy spiritcame upon them ."Acts 15 :7-9 "Peter . . . said tothem : `Brothers, you well knowthat from early days God madethe choice among you thatthrough my mouth people of thenations should hear the word ofthe good news and believe ; . . .And he made no distinction atl1 between us and them, butpurified their hearts by faith .' "30Repentance Must Precede, butSins Not Washed Awayby BaptismActs 17 :30 "God . . . now . . .is telling mankind that theyshould all everywhere repent ."Acts 20:21 "I thoroughly borewitness both to Jews and toGreeks about repentance towardGod and faith in our Lord Jesus ."Acts 26 :20 "I went bringing themessage that they should repentand turn to God by doing worksthat befit repentance ."1 Pet. 3 :21 "That which correspondsto this is also now savingyou, namely, baptism, (not theputting away of the filth of theflesh, but the request made toGod for a good conscience,)through the resurrection of JesusChrist."Heb . 6 :1, 2 "Let us press on tomaturity, not laying a foundationagain, namely, repentance fromdead works, and faith towardGod, the teaching on baptisms ."Immersion Symbolizes CompleteDedication, as DidJesus' Baptism1 Pet . 2 :21 "In fact, to thiscourse you were called, becauseeven Christ suffered for you,leaving you a model for you tofollow his steps closely ."Matt. 16:24 "Then Jesus said tohis disciples : `If anyone wants tocome after me, let him disownhimself and pick up his torturestake and follow me continually.' "Luke 9 :23 "If anyone wants tocome after me, let him disownhimself and pick up his torturestake day after day and followme continually."A Necessary Step of Obediencefor All Christians, Including theOther SheepMatt . 3 :15 "Jesus said to him :'Let it be, this time, for in thatway it is suitable for us to carryout all that is righteous .'"Mic . 4 :1-5 "Many nations shallgo and say, Come ye, and letus go up to the mountain of

31Jehovah, and to the house of theGod of Jacob ; and he will teachus of his ways, and we will walkin his paths."1 Pet. 3 :20 "In Noah's days,. a few people, that is, eightsouls, were carried safely throughthe water."Gen . 6 :18 ; 7 :7, 13 "I will establishmy covenant with thee : andthou shalt come into the ark,thou, and thy sons, and thy wife,and thy sons' wives with thee. . . .In the selfsame day enteredNoah, and Shem, and Ham, andJapheth, the sons of Noah, andNoah's wife, and the three wivesof his sons with them, into theark."1 Cor. 10 :1, 2 "All passedthrough the sea and all gotbaptized into Moses by means ofthe cloud and of the sea ."Ex . 12 :37, 38 "The children ofIsrael journeyed . . . And a mixedmultitude went up also withthem ."In the Name (Recognizing theOffice, Authority) of the FatherPs. 83 :18 "Thou alone, whosename is Jehovah, art the MostHigh over all the earth."Ps . 36:9 "With thee is the fountainof life."Heb . 10:7 "I am come . . . todo your will, 0 God ."1 Pet . 3 :21 "That which correspondsto this is also now savingyou, namely, baptism, (notthe putting away of the filth ofthe flesh, but the request made toGod for a good conscience,)through the resurrection of JesusChrist."Heb . 11 :6 "He that approachesGod must believe that he is andthat he becomes the rewarder ofthose earnestly seeking him ."John 5 :43 "I have come in thename of my Father."John 10:25 "Jesus answeredthem : . The works which Iam doing in the name of myFather, these bear witness aboutme.' "Luke 11:2 "Father, let yourname be sanctified."BaptismIn the Name (Recognizing theOffice, Authority) of the SonIsa . 55:4 "Behold, I have givenhim for a witness to the peoples,a leader and commander to thepeoples ."Phil. 2 :9-11 "God exalted himto a superior position and kindlygave him the name that is aboveevery other name, so that in thename of Jesus every knee shouldbend of those in heaven andthose on earth and those underthe ground, and every tongueshould openly confess that JesusChrist is Lord to the glory ofGod the Father."Rev. 19 :16 "He has a namewritten, King of kings and Lordof lords ."Heb . 5 :9, 10 "He became responsiblefor everlasting salvationto all those obeying him, becausehe has been specifically called byGod a high priest after the likenessof Melchizedek."Isa . 9:6 "His name shall becalled Wonderful, Counsellor,Mighty God, Everlasting Father,Prince of Peace ."John 4 :42 "This man is for acertainty the savior of the world."1 John 2 :2 "He is a propitiatorysacrifice for our sins, yet notfor ours only but also for thewhole world's."In the Name (Recognizing theFunction and Purpose) of theHoly SpiritEph. 5:18 "Keep getting filledwith spirit ."Gal . 5 :16, 18 "Keep walking byspirit and you will carry out nofleshly desire at all . Furthermore,if you are being led by spirit, youare not under law ."Gal . 6 :8 "He who is sowing witha view to the spirit will reapeverlasting life from the spirit ."2 Pet . 1 :21 "Prophecy was atno time brought by man's will,but men spoke from God as theywere borne along by holy spirit ."John 6 :63 "It is the spirit thatis life-giving ; the flesh is of nouse at all . The sayings that I

Baptismhave spoken to you are spirit andare life."1 John 5:6 "The spirit is thetruth."Eph. 6 :17 "Accept . . . the swordof the spirit, that is, God's Word ."Not in the Name of the OneBaptizing nor of Any Manor OrganizationJohn 4 :2 "Jesus himself did nobaptizing but his disciples did ."1 Cor . 1 :13-15 "Does the Christexist divided? Paul was not impaledfor you, was he? Or wereyou baptized in the name ofPaul? I am thankful I baptizednone of you except Crispus andGaius, so that no one may saythat you were baptized in myname ."Acts 10 :47, 48 "Then Peter responded: 'Can anyone forbid waterso that these might not bebaptized who have received theholy spirit even as we have?' Withthat he commanded them to bebaptized in the name of JesusChrist ."Not to Be Urged on Anyone-Must Be a Freewill Decision1 Cor . 1 :17 "For Christ dispatchedme, not to go baptizing,but to go declaring the good news,not with wisdom of speech, thatthe torture stake of the Christshould not be made useless ."Acts 8 :36-38 "Now as they weretraveling over the road, theycame to a certain body of water,and the eunuch said : 'Look! abody of water ; what prevents mefrom getting baptized?' With thathe commanded the chariot tohalt, and they both went downinto the water, both Philip andthe eunuch, and he baptized him ."John 17 :3 "This means everlastinglife, their taking in knowledgeof you, the only true God,and of the one whom you sentforth, Jesus Christ."Infant Baptism UnscripturalRom . 10 :13, 14 "'Anyone thatcalls upon the name of Jehovahwill be saved .' However, how will32they call upon him in whom theyhave not put faith? How, inturn, will they put faith in himof whom they have not heard?"Heb. 11 :1, 6 "Faith is the assuredexpectation of things hopedfor, the evident demonstration ofrealities though not beheld . . . .Moreover, without faith it is impossibleto win his good pleasure,for he that approaches God mustbelieve that he is and that hebecomes the rewarder of thoseearnestly seeking him ."Matt. 13 :15 "They have shuttheir eyes ; that they might neversee with their eyes and hear withtheir ears and get the sense of itwith their hearts and turn back .and I heal them ."Acts 3 :19 "Repent, therefore,and turn around so as to get yoursins blotted out ."Ps. 51 :5 "Behold, I was broughtforth in iniquity ; and in sindid my mother conceive me ."1 Cor. 14:20 "Brothers, do notbecome young children in powersof understanding, but be babes asto evil ; yet become full-grown inpowers of understanding ."Baptism Must Be Followed byWorks of FaithMatt. 4 :17 "From that time on,Jesus commenced preaching andsaying : 'Repent, for the kingdomof the heavens has drawn near.'"Isa . 61 :1, 2 "The spirit of theLord Jehovah is upon me ; becauseJehovah hath anointed meto preach good tidings unto themeek ; he hath sent me to bindup the broken-hearted, to proclaimliberty to the captives, andthe opening of the prison to themthat are bound ; to proclaim theyear of Jehovah's favor, and theday of vengeance of our God ; tocomfort all that mourn ."Eccl . 5 :4, 5 "When thou vowesta vow unto God, defer not topay it ; for he hath no pleasurein fools : pay that which thouvowest . Better is it that thoushouldest not vow, than that thoushouldest vow and not pay ."

Not Direct33Heb . 6 :1, 2 "Now that we haveleft the elementary doctrineabout the Christ, let us press onto maturity, not laying a foundationagain ."Luke 9 :62 "Jesus said to him :"No man that has put his handto a plow and looks at the thingsbehind is well fitted for the kingdomof God.' "Heb . 10 :38 "'But my righteousone will live by reason of faith,'and, 'if he shrinks back, my soulhas no pleasure in him .' "2 Cer. 6 :1 "Working togetherwith him, we also entreat you notto accept the undeserved kindnessof God and miss its purpose ."Ps . 116 :13, 14 "I will take thecup of salvation, and call uponthe name of Jehovah . I will paymy vows unto Jehovah, yea, inthe presence of all his people ."Dedicated Ones Baptized for Protectioninto the (Within the NewSystem of Things) Greater Noah(Christ) and Who Is Also theGreater MosesHeb. 11 :7 "By faith Noah, afterbeing given divine warning ofthings not yet beheld, showedgodly fear and constructed an arkfor the saving of his household,and through this faith he condemnedthe world, and he becamean heir of the righteousnesswhich is according to faith ."eph . 2 :2, 3 "Before the decreebring forth, before the day passas the chaff, before the fierceanger of Jehovah come upon you .before the day of Jehovah's angercome upon you . Seek ye Jehovah,all ye meek of the earth, thathave kept his ordinances ; seekrighteousness . seek meekness : itmay be ye will be hid in the dayof Jehovah's anger ."Isa . 26 :20 "Come, my people,enter thou into thy chambers,and shut thy doors about thee :hide thyself for a little moment,until the indignation be overpast."1 Pet . 3 :20, 21 "The ark . . . inwhich . . .eight souls, were car-Baptismried safely through the water .That which corresponds to thisis also now saving you, namely,baptism ."Heb . 3 :4-6 "Of course, everyhouse is constructed by someone,but he that constructed all thingsis God . And Moses as an attendantwas faithful in all the houseof that one as a testimony of thethings that were to be spokenafterwards, but Christ was faithfulas a Son over the house ofthat one ."Baptism with Holy Spirit-GodFirst Baptizes His High PriestMatt . 3:13-17 "After being baptizedJesus immediately came upfrom the water ; and, look! theheavens were opened up, and hesaw descending like a dove God'sspirit coming upon him ."Luke 4:18 "Jehovah's spirit isupon me, because he anointedme ."Acts 10 :38 "Jesus who was fromNazareth, how God anointed himwith holy spirit and power, andhe went through the land doinggood and healing all those oppressedby the Devil ."Isa . 42 :1 "Behold, my servant,whom I uphold ; my chosen, inwhom my soul delighteth : I haveput my spirit upon him ; he willbring forth justice to the Gentiles."Ps. 133 :2 "It is like the preciousoil upon the head, that ran downupon the beard, even Aaron'sbeard ; that came down upon theskirt of his garments ."Spirit Baptism for Body Members (Underpriests)from God, but Through ChristActs 1 :5 "John, indeed, baptizedwith water, but you will bebaptized in holy spirit not manydays after this ."Acts 2 :1-4, 32, 33 "Now whilethe day of the feast of Pentecostwas in progress they were alltogether at the same place, andsuddenly there occurred fromheaven a noise just like that of arushing stiff breeze, and it filled

Baptismthe whole house in which theywere sitting . . . and they allbecame filled with holy spirit . . . .'This Jesus - . because he wasexalted to the right hand of Godand received the promised holyspirit from the Father, he haspoured out this which you seeand hear.' "John 14 :16, 17 "I will requestthe Father and he will give youanother helper to be with youforever, the spirit of the truth ."John 15 :26 "When the helperarrives that I will send you fromthe Father, the spirit of the truthwhich proceeds from the Father,that one will bear witness aboutme ."John 16 :7, 13 "If I do not goaway, the helper will by no meanscome to you ; but if I do go myway, I will send him to you ."2 Cor . 1 :21 "But he who guaranteesthat you and we belong toChrist and he who has anointedus is God ."Baptism into Body of Christ for144,000 Only, Done by BaptizingThem with Holy SpiritGal . 3 :27, 28 "All of you whowere baptized into Christ haveput on Christ . . for you areall one in union with Christ Jesus."Eph. 4 :4, 5 "One body there is,and one spirit, even as you werecalled in the one hope to whichyou were called ; one Lord, onefaith, one baptism ."I Cor . 12 :13 "For truly by onespirit we were all baptized intoone body, whether Jews orGreeks, whether slaves or free,and we were all made to drinkone spirit ."1 John 2 :20, 27 "You have ananointing from the holy one ; allof you have knowledge. And asfor you, the anointing that you receivedfrom him remains in you,and you do not need anyone tobe teaching you ; but, as theanointing from him is teachingyou about all things, and is trueand is no lie, and just as it has34taught you, remain in union withhim."Baptized into Christ's DeathDestiny of the 144,000Rom . 6 :3, 4 "Do you not knowthat all of us who were baptizedinto Christ Jesus were baptizedinto his death? Therefore wewere buried with him throughour baptism into his death, inorder that, just as Christ wasraised up from the dead throughthe glory of the Father, we alsoshould likewise walk in a newnessof life ."Col . 2 :12 "You were buried withhim in his baptism, and by relationshipwith him you were alsoraised up together through yourfaith in the operation of God .who raised him up from thedead ."Luke 12 :50 "Indeed, I have abaptism with which to be baptized,and how I am being distresseduntil it is finished!"Mark 10 :38, 39 "'Are you ableto drink the cup which I amdrinking, or to be baptized withthe baptism with which I ambeing baptized?' They said to him :`We are able .' At that Jesus saidto them : `The cup I am drinkingyou will drink, and with the baptismwith which I am beingbaptized you will be baptized .' "Phil . 3 :10 "So as to know himand the power of his resurrectionand a sharing in his sufferings,submitting myself to his kind ofdeath ."1 Cor. 15:29 "Otherwise, whatwill they do who are being baptizedfor the purpose of beingdead ones? If the dead are notto be raised up at all, why arethey also being baptized for thepurpose of being such?"2 Tim. 2 :11 "Certainly if wedied together, we shall also livetogether ."Baptism with Fire (to Destruction)Not the Baptism withHoly SpiritJoel 2:28-31 "And it shall cometo pass afterward, that I will pour

35out my spirit upon all flesh ; andyour sons and your daughters shallprophesy, your old men shalldream dreams, your young menshall see visions : and also uponthe servants and upon the handmaidsin those days will I pourout my spirit . And I will showwonders in the heavens and inthe earth : blood, and fire, andpillars of smoke . The sun shall beturned into darkness, and themoon into blood, before the greatand terrible day of Jehovahcometh ."2 Thess. 1 :6-9 "It is righteouson God's part to repay tribulationto those who make tribulationfor you, but, to you who suffertribulation, relief along withus at the revelation of the LordJesus from heaven with hispowerful angels in a flaming fire,as he brings due punishment uponthose who do not know Godand those who do not obey thegood news about our Lord Jesus ."Luke 3 :16, 17 "He will baptizeyou people with holy spirit andfire . . the chaff he will burnup with fire that cannot be putout ."Dan. 9 :26, 27 "And the peopleof the prince that shall comeshall destroy the city and thesanctuary ; and the end thereofshall be with a flood, and evenunto the end shall be war ; desolationsare determined . . andeven unto the full end, and thatdetermined, shall wrath be pouredout upon the desolate ."Isa . 1 :9 "Except Jehovah ofhosts had left unto us a verysmall remnant, we should havebeen as Sodom, we should havebeen like unto Gomorrah ."Baptism into Destruction forGod's Enemies at Armageddonand at End of 1,000-YearRule of ChristMatt . 13 :30 "In the harvestseason I will tell the reapers,First collect the weeds and bindthem in bundles to burn themup, then go to gathering thewheat into my storehouse ."BaptismMal . 4 :1 "For, behold, the daycometh, it burneth as a furnace ;and all the proud, and all thatwork wickedness, shall be stubble ;and the day that cometh shallburn them up, saith Jehovah ofhosts, that it shall leave themneither root nor branch ."eph . 3 :8 "All the earth shallbe devoured with the fire of myjealousy ."Jude 7 "Sodom and Gomorrahand the cities about them, afterthey in the same manner as theforegoing ones had committedfornication excessively and goneout after flesh for unnatural use,are placed before us as a warningexample by undergoing the judicialpunishment of everlastingfire ."Rev . 19 :20 "The wild beast wascaught, and along with it thefalse prophet that performed infront of it the signs with whichhe misled those who received themark of the wild beast and thosewho render worship to its image .While still alive, they both werehurled into the fiery lake thatburns with sulphur ."Rev. 20 :7-10, 14, 15 "As soonas the thousand years have beenended, Satan will . go out tomislead . . . And they advancedand encircled the camp ofthe holy ones and the belovedcity. But fire came down out ofheaven and devoured them. Andthe Devil who was misleadingthem was hurled into the lake offire and sulphur, where both thewild beast and the false prophetalready were ; and they will betormented day and night for everand ever . And death and Hadeswere hurled into the lake of fire .This means the second death, thelake of fire . Furthermore, whoeverwas not found written in thebook of life was hurled into thelake of fire ."Heb. 12 :29 "For our God is alsoa consuming fire."2 Pet . 3 :6, 7 "The world of thattime suffered destruction when itwas deluged with water . But by

Biblethe same word the heavens andthe earth that are now are storedup for fire and are being reservedto the day of judgment and ofdestruction of the ungodly men ."Luke 17 :26-30 "Just as it occurredin the days of Noah, soit will be also in the days of theSon of man : . . and the floodarrived and destroyed them all .Likewise, just as it occurred inthe days of Lot : . it rainedfire and sulphur from heaven anddestroyed them all ."36Ex. 14 :26-28 "Jehovah overthrewthe Egyptians in the midstof the sea . And the waters returned,and covered the chariots,and the horsemen, even all thehost of Pharaoh that went inafter them into the sea ; thereremained not so much as oneof them ."Rev . 11 :8 "The great city whichis in a spiritual sense calledSodom and Egypt, where theirLord was also impaled ."BibleDEFINITIONThe Bible is Jehovah God's written word to mankind, revealinghimself and expressing his purpose . Jehovah, as the Author, inspiredat least thirty-five different faithful men to write . Although the completeBible is itself one book it is actually a library of sixty-six books,thirty-nine having been originally written in Hebrew and Aramaicand properly designated collectively the Hebrew-Aramaic Scriptures,and the other twenty-seven having been originally written in Greekand properly designated collectively the Christian Greek Scriptures .The writing of the entire Bible covered the period from 1513 B .C. toA.D. 98 or 99. The English word Bible is from the Greek word,bibli'a, meaning "papyrus scrolls, rolls, volumes, books" or, literally,"small papyri or booklets."Jehovah God's So-called "Bookof Nature" Declares His Majestyand Creative PowerPs . 19 :1, 2 "The heavens declarethe glory of God ; and thefirmament showeth his handiwork. Day unto day utterethspeech, and night unto nightshoweth knowledge ."Ps . 111 :2-6 "The works of Jehovahare great, sought out of allthem that have pleasure therein. His work is honor and majesty; and his righteousness endurethfor ever . He hath madehis wonderful works to be remembered: . . . He hath showed hispeople the power of his works,in giving them the heritage ofthe nations."Roan. 1 :20 "For his invisiblequalities are clearly seen fromthe world's creation onward, becausethey are understood by thethings made, even his eternalpower and Godship, so that theyare inexcusable."God's Works Not CompletelyRevealed by So-called "Bookof Nature"Eccl . 3 :11 "Man cannot find outthe work that God hath donefrom the beginning even to theend . "EccL 11 :5 "As thou knowestnot what is the way of the wind,nor how the bones do grow in thewomb of her that is with child ;even so thou knowest not thework of God who doeth all ."

3 7Jehovah Reveals Himself andHis Purpose Through HisWritten Word2 Tim . 3 :16, 17 "All Scriptureis inspired of God and beneficialfor teaching, for reproving, forsetting things straight, for discipliningin righteousness, thatthe man of God may be fullycompetent, completely equippedfor every good work ."Rom . 15 :4 "For all the thingsthat were written aforetime werewritten for our instruction, thatthrough our endurance andthrough the comfort from theScriptures we might have hope ."1 Cor, 10 :11 "Now these things,vent on befalling them as examplesand they were written fora warning to us upon whom theaccomplished ends of the systemsof things have arrived ."Rom . 16 :25, 26 "Now to himwho can make you firm in accordwith the good news I declare andthe preaching of Jesus Christ, accordingto the revelation of thesacred secret which has been concealedfor long-lasting times buthas now been made manifest andhas been made known throughthe prophetic scriptures amongall the nations in accord with thecommand of the everlasting Godto promote obedience by faith ."As Author of Bible . God Contributedto Its Writing HimselfEx. 24 :12 "And Jehovah saidunto Moses, Come up to me intothe mount, and be there : and Iwill give thee the tables of stone,and the law and the commandment,which I have written, thatthou mayest teach them ."Ex . 31 :18 "And he gave untoMoses . when he had made anend of communing with him uponmount Sinai, the two tablesof the testimony, tables of stone,written with the finger of God ."Not of Human Origination2 Pet . 1:20, 21 "No prophecyof Scripture springs from anyprivate release . For prophecy wasBibleat no time brought by man's will,but men spoke from God as theywere borne along by holy spirit ."Acts 3 :21 "The times of restorationof all things of which Godspoke through the mouth of hisholy prophets of old time ."God Used Faithful Men from AllWalks of Life to WritePrinceEx. 2 :10 "And the child grey .,and she brought him unto Pharaoh'sdaughter, and he becameher son . And she called his nameMoses ."Ex . 17 :14 "And Jehovah saidunto Moses, Write this for a memorialin a book ."Deut . 31 :24 "And it came topass, when Moses had made anend of writing the words of thislaw in a book, until they werefinished ."GeneralJosh . 1 :10, 11, 16 "Then Joshuacommanded the officers of thepeople, saying, . . , within threedays ye are to pass over thisJordan, to go in to possess theland, . . . And they answered Joshua,saying, All that thou hastcommanded us we will do, andwhithersoever thou sendest us wewill go."Josh . 24 :26 "And Joshua wrotethese words in the book of thelaw of God."Judge1 Sam . 3 :20 ; 7 :15 "And all Israelfrom Dan even to Beer-shebaknew that Samuel was establishedto be a prophet of Jehovah. And Samuel judged Israelall the days of his life ."1 Sam. 10 :25 "Then Samueltold the people the manner of thekingdom, and wrote it in a boon,and laid it up before Jehovah ."King2 Sam. 5:3, 4 "And theyanointed David king over Israel,David was thirty years old whenhe began to reign, and he reignedforty years ."

39LawyerActs 21 :40 ; 22 :1-4 "Paul . . . addressedthem in the Hebrewlanguage, saying : ' . . . I am a Jew,born in Tarsus of Cilicia, buteducated in this city at the feetof Gamaliel ["a Law teacher,"Acts 5 :34], instructed accordingto the strictness of the ancestralLaw .'"PhysicianCol . 4:14 "Luke the belovedphysician sends you his greetings ."Luke 1 :3 "I resolved also, becauseI have traced all thingsfrom the start with accuracy, towrite them in logical order toyou ."InspirationAll writers were inspired ormoved by God's activeforce to write2 Tim . 3 :16 "All Scripture isinspired of God and beneficialfor teaching, for reproving, forsetting things straight, for discipliningin righteousness ."2 Pet. 1 :21 "For prophecy wasat no time brought by man's will,but men spoke from God as theywere borne along by holy spirit ."Acts 28 :25 "Paul made this onecomment : `The holy spirit aptlyspoke through Isaiah the prophetto your forefathers .' "Inspired means "God-breathed"John 20 :22 "And after he saidthis he blew upon them and saidto them : 'Receive holy spirit .'"Moses wrote many words asdictated directly by angelsNum . 12 :6-8 "If there be aprophet among you, I Jehovahwill make myself known untohim in a vision, I will speak withhim in a dream . My servantMoses is not so ; he is faithfulin all my house : with him willI speak mouth to mouth, evenmanifestly, and not in darkspeeches ."Deut. 31 :14, 19, 22 "And Jehovahsaid unto Moses, . . . NowBibletherefore write ye this song foryou, and teach thou it the childrenof Israel : . . . So Moses wrotethis song the same day, andtaught it the children of Israel ."I For text of song see Deuteronomy31 :30 ; 32 :1-43 .]Many received visions or pictorialrevelations while awake2 Sam . 7 :17 "According to allthese words, and according to allthis vision, so did Nathan speakunto David ."2 Chron . 32 :32 "Now the restof the acts of Hezekiah, and hisgood deeds, behold, they arewritten in the vision of Isaiahthe prophet ."Hab . 2 :2 "And Jehovah answeredme, and said, Write thevision, and make it plain upontablets ."Also : Isa. 1 :1 ; Ezek . 1 :1 ; Dan .8 :1, 2 ; Obad . 1 ; Nah . 1 :1 .Others received dreams or pictorialrevelations while asleepDan . 7 :1, 2, 7 "Daniel had adream and visions of his headupon his bed : then he wrote thedream and told the sum of thematters . Daniel spake and said I saw in my vision by night . . . .After this I saw in the nightvisions."Meaning not always understoodby writersDan . 12 :8 "And I heard, but Iunderstood not ."I Pet. 1 :10-12 "Concerning thisvery salvation a diligent inquiryand a careful search were madeby the prophets who prophesiedabout the undeserved kindnessmeant for you . They kept on investigatingwhat particular seasonor what kind of season thespirit in them was indicating . . .It was revealed to them that, notto themselves, but to you, theywere ministering the things whichhave now been announced to you. . .Into these very things angelsare desiring to peer."

BibleMoses, Under Inspiration, CompiledGenesis Largely from 11Previously Written Documents ofClay or Stone . Each Has a "Colophon"at End of Document IdentifyingWriter. The Writer GaveContemporaneous Accounts .Document No. 1, Gen . 1 :1 to 2:4 ;written by Adam .Gen . 2 :4, Da "These are the historiesof the heavens and theearth, when they were created,in the day that Jehovah Elohimmade earth and heavens ."Document No. 2, Gen . 2:5 to 5 :2.Gen . 5 :1, 2, Da "This is thebook of Adam's generations ["history"; see footnote in Da] . In theday that God created man, in thelikeness of God made he him."Document No. 3, Gen . 5:3 to 6 :9.Gen . 6 :9, Da "This is the historyof Noah ."Document No . 4, Gen . 6:9 to 10 :1 .Gen. 10:1, Da "And these arethe generations ["history" ; seeGenesis 5 :1, footnote] of the sonsof Noah : Shem, Ham, and Japheth."Document No . 5, Gen . 10 :2to 11 :10 .Gen. 11 :10, Da "These are thegenerations ["history" ; see Genesis5 :1, footnote] of Shem."Document No. 6, Gen . 11 :10-27 .Gen. 11 :27, Da "And these arethe generations ["history" ; seeGenesis 5 :1, footnote] of Terah ."Document No . 7, Gen . 11 :27to 25 :12 .Gen . 25:12, Da "And these arethe generations ["history" ; seeGenesis 5 :1, footnote] of Ishmael,Abraham's son ."Document No. 8, Gen . 25 :13-19 .Gen . 25 :19, Da "And these arethe generations ["history" ; seeGenesis 5 :1, footnote] of Isaac,Abraham's son ."Document No . 9, Gen . 25 :19to 36 :1.Gen . 36 :1, Da "And these arethe generations ["history" ; see40Genesis 5 :1, footnote] of Esau,that is Edom ."Document No. 10, Gen . 36 :2-9 .Gen . 36 :9, Da "And these arethe generations ["history" ; seeGenesis 5 :1, footnote] of Esau, thefather of Edom, in mount Seir ."Document No . 11, Gen. 36:10to 37 :2.Gen . 37 :2, Da "These are thegenerations ["history" ; see Genesis5 :1, footnote] of Jacob."Interpretation Must Come fromGodGen . 40 :8 "And Joseph saidunto them, Do not interpretationsbelong to God?"Dan. 2 :27, 28 "Daniel answeredbefore the king, and said, The secretwhich the king hath demandedcan neither wise men,enchanters, magicians, nor soothsayers,show unto the king ; butthere is a God in heaven thatrevealeth secrets, and he hathmade known to the king Nebuchadnezzarwhat shall be in thelatter days ."Understood Only in God'sDue TimeHab . 2 :2, 3 "And Jehovah answeredme, and said, Write thevision, and make it plain upontablets, that he may run thatreadeth it . For the vision is yetfor the appointed time, and ithasteth toward the end, andshall not lie : though it tarry,wait for it ; because it will surelycome, it will not delay ."Dan. 12 :9, 10 "And he said,Go thy way, Daniel ; for thewords are shut up and sealedtill the time of the end . . . . andnone of the wicked shall understand; but they that are wiseshall understand ."Transmission and PreservationJehovah God has preserved hisown Word accuratelyisa . 40 :8 "The grass withereth,the flower fadeth ; but the wordof our God shall stand forever ."

411 Pet . 1 :25 "'The word spokenby Jehovah endures forever .' Well,this is the `word spoken', thiswhich has been declared to youas good news ."Kept by side of ark of covenantfrom time of writingDent . 31 :26 "Take this book ofthe law, and put it by the sideof the ark of the covenant ofJehovah your God, that it may bethere for a witness against thee ."1 Sam . 10:25 "Then Samueltold the people the manner ofthe kingdom, and wrote it in abook, and laid it up beforeJehovah ."Used by priests to teach duringreign of Jehoshaphat2 Chron. 17 :9 "And they taughtin Judah, having the book of thelaw of Jehovah with them ; andthey went about throughout allthe cities of Judah, and taughtamong the people."Book "found" in temple duringKing Josiah's reign, 642 B .C.2 Ki . 22 :3, 8, 10 "In the eighteenthyear of king Josiah, .Hilkiah the high priest said untoShaphan the scribe, I have foundthe book of the law in the houseof Jehovah . . . . And Shaphan thescribe told the king, saying, Hilkiahthe priest hath deliveredme a book. And Shaphan readit before the king ."Preserved during exile, beginning607 B .C.Dan . 9 :2 "In the first year ofhis [Darius'] reign, I. Daniel, understoodby the books the numberof the years whereof the wordof Jehovah came to jeremiah theprophet, for the accomplishing ofthe desolations of Jerusalem, evenseventy years ."Ezra read law to returnedexiles after 537 B.C .Neh. 8 :8 "And they read in thebook, in the law of God, distinctly; and they gave the sense, sothat they understood the reading. °BibleUsed by Jesus and disciplesLuke 4 :17-21 "So the scroll ofthe prophet Isaiah was handedhim, and he opened the scrolland found the place where it waswritten . . . . With that he rolledup the scroll, handed it back tothe attendant and sat down ; . . .Then he started to say to them :'Today this scripture that youjust heard is fulfilled .'"2 Pet. 3 :15, 16 "Paul accordingto the wisdom given him alsowrote you, speaking about thesethings as he does also in all hisother letters. In them, however,are some things hard to understand,the meaning of which theuntaught and unsteady are twisting,as they do also the rest ofthe Scriptures, to their own destruction."Preserved also through translationsto carry out earth-widepreaching commissionMatt. 28 :19, 20 "Go thereforeand make disciples of people ofall the nations, baptizing them inthe name of the Father and ofthe Son and of the holy spirit,teaching them to observe all thethings I have commanded you ."Acts 1 :8 "But you will receivepower when the holy spirit arrivesupon you, and you will bewitnesses of me both in Jerusalemand in all Judea and Samariaand to the most distantpart of the earth."Versus TraditionGod's Word not to be set asidefor man's traditionMatt. 15 :1-9 "Then there cameto Jesus from Jerusalem Phariseesand scribes, saying : `Why isit your disciples overstep the traditionof the men of formertimes?' . . . In reply he said tothem : `Why is it you also overstepthe commandment of Godbecause of your tradition? . . . youhave made the word of God invalidbecause of your tradition .You hypocrites, Isaiah aptlyprophesied about you, when he

Biblesaid : "This people honors mewith their lips, yet their heartsare far removed from me . It isin vain that they keep payingrespect to me, because they teachcommands of men as doctrines." ' " [See Isaiah 29 :13 .]No truth in teachings of menwhen opposed to BibleIsa . 8 :19, 20 "And when theyshall say unto you, Seek untothem that have familiar spiritsand unto the wizards, that chirpand that mutter : should not apeople seek unto their God? onbehalf of the living should theyseek unto the dead? To the lawand to the testimony! if theyspeak not according to this word,surely there is no morning forthem ."Adding to God's Word forbiddenDeut. 4 :2 "Ye shall not addunto the word which I commandyou, neither shall ye diminishfrom it, that ye may keep thecommandments of Jehovah yourGod which I command you ."Prov . 30:5, 6 "Every word ofGod is tried : he is a shield untothem that take refuge in him .Add thou not unto his words, lesthe reprove thee, and thou befound a liar ."Jesus used written word torefute false interpretationby Satan .Matt . 4 :4, 7, 10 "In reply hesaid : 'It is written, "Man mustlive, not on bread alone, but onevery utterance coming forththrough Jehovah's mouth ." ' Jesussaid to him : 'Again it iswritten, "You must not put Jehovahyour God to the test ."'Then Jesus said to him : 'Goaway, Satan! For it is written,"It is Jehovah your God you mustworship, and it is to him aloneyou must render sacred service." 7 "See : Deut . 8 :3 ; 6 :16 ; 6 :13 .42Jesus advised religious leadersto believe God's written wordJohn 5 :39, 46, 47 "You aresearching the Scriptures, becauseyou think that by means of themyou will have everlasting life ;and these are the very ones thatbear witness about me . In fact, ifyou believed Moses you wouldbelieve me, for that one wroteabout me . But if you do not believethe writings of that one,how will you believe my sayings?"See : Gen. 3 :15 ; 12 :7 ; 49 :10 ;Deut . 18 :15 .Jesus gave life to uphold truthof ScripturesLuke 22 :37 "For I tell youthat this which is written mustbe accomplished in me, namely,`And he was reckoned with lawlessones .' For that which concernsme is having an accomplishment."See : Isa . 53 :12 .Jesus magnified God's writtenword above rabbinic schoolsLuke 24:27, 44, 45 "And commencingat Moses and all theProphets he interpreted to themthings pertaining to himself in allthe Scriptures . He now said tothem : `These are my wordswhich I spoke to you while I wasyet with you, that all the thingswritten in the law of Moses andin the Prophets and Psalms aboutme must be fulfilled.' Then heopened up their minds fully tograsp the meaning of the Scriptures."Matt. 16 :6, 12 "Jesus said tothem : 'Be on the alert and watchout for the yeast of the Phariseesand Sadducees .' Then theygrasped that he said to watch out. . . for the teaching of the Phariseesand Sadducees."Followers of tradition becomepersecutors of Jesus'true followersGal . 1 :13, 14 "You, of course,heard about my conduct formerlyin Judaism, that to the point

4 3of excess I kept on persecutingthe congregation of God anddevastating it, and I was makinggreater progress in Judaism thanmany of my own age in myrace, as I was far more zealousfor the traditions of my fathers ."Paul warned against religioustraditionCol . 2 :8 "Look out : perhapsthere may be some man that willcarry you off as his prey throughthe philosophy and empty deceptionaccording to the tradition ofmen, according to the elementarythings of the world and not accordingto Christ ."Gal. 1 :7-9 "There are certainones who are disturbing you andwanting to pervert the good newsabout the Christ . However, evenif we or an angel out of heavenwere to declare to you as goodnews something beyond what wedeclared to you as good news,let him be accursed. As we havesaid above, I also now say again,Whoever it is that is declaringto you as good news somethingbeyond what you accepted, lethim be accursed ."Christians commended for verifyingthrough Scriptures Paul'steachingActs 17 :10, 11 "Immediately bynight the brothers sent both Pauland Silas out to Beroea, andthese, following their arrival,went into the synagogue of theJews . Now the latter were morenoble-minded than those inThessalonica, for they receivedthe word with the greatest readinessof mind, carefully examiningthe Scriptures daily as to whetherthese things were so."Peter always turned hearersand readers to God'swritten word1 Pet . 1 :25 "'The word spokenby Jehovah endures forever.' Well,this is the `word spoken', thiswhich has been declared to youas good news ."2 Pet. 1 :19 ; 2 :1 ; 3 :1, 2 "Consequently,we have the propheticBibleword made more firm, and youare doing well in paying attentionto it as to a lamp shining in adark place, until day dawns anda daystar rises, in your hearts .""However, there also came to befalse prophets among the people,as there will also be false teachersamong you . These very ones willquietly bring in destructive sectsand will disown even the ownerthat bought them, bringing speedydestruction upon themselves ." "Iam arousing your clear thinkingfaculties by way of a reminder,that you should remember thewords previously spoken by theholy prophets and the commandmentof the Lord and Saviorthrough your apostles ."True Science :Bible in harmony with truescience1 Tim . 6 :20, 21 "0 Timothy .guard what is laid up in trustwith you, turning away from theempty speeches that violate whatis holy and from the contradictionsof the falsely called 'knowledge'. For making a show ofsuch knowledge some have deviatedfrom the faith. May theundeserved kindness be with youpeople ."Titus 1 :9 "Holding firmly tothe faithful word as respects hisart of teaching, that he may beable both to exhort by the teachingthat is healthful and to reprovethose who contradict ."Mentioned earth suspendedin spareJob 26 :7 "He stretcheth outthe north over empty space, andhangeth the earth upon nothing ."Showed the earth is roundProv . 8 :27-29 "When he establishedthe heavens, I was there :when he set a circle upon theface of the deep, when he madefirm the skies above, when thefountains of the deep becamestrong, when he gave to the seaits bound, that the waters should

Biblenot transgress his commandment,when he marked out the foundationsof the earth ."Isa . 40 :22 "It is he that sittethabove the circle of the earth ."Spoke of man's circulatorysystemEccl. 12 :5-7 "Man goeth to hiseverlasting home, and the mournersgo about the streets : beforethe silver cord is loosed, or thegolden bowl is broken, or thepitcher is broken at the fountain,or the wheel broken at the cistern,and the dust returneth tothe earth as it was, and the spiritreturneth unto God who gaveit."See also "Creation" and "Evolution".Identifying of diseases-quarantiningLev . 15 :3 "And this shall behis uncleanness in his issue :whether his flesh run with hisissue, or his flesh be stoppedfrom his issue, it is his uncleanness."Lev. 13 :9-11 "When the plagueof leprosy is in a man, then heshall be brought unto the priest ;and the priest shall look ; and,behold, if there be a white risingin the skin, and it have turnedthe hair white, and there bequick raw flesh in the rising, . . .the priest shall pronounce himunclean."Lev. 13:21, AT "But if thepriest, upon looking at it, findsno white hair on it, and it isnot deeper than the skin, but hasbecome dim, the priest shallquarantine him for seven days ."M att . 4 :24 "And the reportbout him went out into all ofSyria ; and they brought him allthe ailing ones afflicted with variousdiseases and severe complaints,demon-possessed and lunaticand paralyzed persons, andlie cured them ."True chemical knowledgeGlass : Job 28 :17 "Gold and:'lass cannot equal it, neither44shall it be exchanged for jewelsof fine gold."Acid-Base Reactions : Prov .25 :20 "As one that taketh off agarment in cold weather, and asvinegar upon soda, so is he thatsingeth songs to a heavy heart ."Source of Iron and Copper :Job 28:2 "Iron is taken out of theearth, and copper is molten outof the stone ."Metallurgy: Ezek . 22 :18 "Thehouse of Israel is become drossunto me : all of them are brassand tin and iron and lead, inthe midst of the furnace ; theyare the dross of silver ."AuthenticityGod's Word is true and exposescontradictors as liarsJohn 17 :1, 17 "Jesus spoke thesethings, . Sanctify them bymeans of the truth ; your wordis truth."Ps . 119 :142 "Thy righteousnessis an everlasting righteousness,and thy law is truth ."Rom. 3:4 "Let God be foundtrue, though every man be founda liar, even as it is written : `Thatyou might be vindicated in yourwords and might win when youare being judged."'Prov . 30:5, 6 "Every word ofGod is tried : he is a shield untothem that take refuge in him .Add thou not unto his words,lest he reprove thee, and thoube found a liar ."Writers spoke with completecandor exposing own faultsNebu. 20 :12 "And Jehovah saidunto Moses and Aaron, Becauseye believed not in me, to sanctifyme in the eyes of the childrenof Israel, therefore ye shall notbring this assembly into the landwhich I have given them ."Deut . 31 :25-27 "Moses commanded. . . saying . . . . For I knowthy rebellion, and thy stiff neck :behold, while I am yet alive withyou this day, ye have been rebelliousagainst Jehovah ; andhow much more after my death?"

4 5Jonah 1 :1-3 "Now the word ofJehovah came unto Jonah . .Arise, go to Nineveh, that greatcity, and cry against it ; . . . ButJonah rose up to flee unto Tarshishfrom the presence of Jehovah."Matt . 26 :73-75 "After a littlewhile those standing around cameup and said to Peter : `Certainlyyou also are one of them, for, infact, your dialect gives you away .'Then he started to curse andswear : `I do not know the man!'And immediately a cock crowed .And Peter called to mind thesaying Jesus spoke, namely : 'Beforea cock crows, you will disownme three times .' And hewent outside and wept bitterly ."No attempt made to deceiveor coerceJosh . 24 :15 "And if it seem evilunto you to serve Jehovah, chooseyou this day whom ye will serve ;whether the gods which yourfathers served that were beyondthe River, or the gods of theAmorites, in whose land ye dwell :but as for me and my house, wewill serve Jehovah ."No effort made to forceacceptanceEzek. 3 :11 "And go, get thee tothem of the captivity, unto thechildren of thy people, and speakunto them, and tell them, Thussaith the Lord Jehovah ; whetherthey will hear, or whether theywill forbear ."No effort made to glorify menIsa . 40 :22, 23 "It is he thatsitteth above the circle of theearth, and the inhabitants thereofare as grasshoppers ; . . . thatbringeth princes to nothing ; thatmaketh the judges of the earthas vanity ."Ps . 113 :3-6 "From the rising ofthe sun unto the going down ofthe same Jehovah's name is to bepraised . Jehovah is high aboveall nations, and his glory abovethe heavens . Who is like untoJehovah our God, that hath hisseat on high, that humbleth him-Bibleself to behold the things that arein heaven and in the earth?"Contemporaries accepted accountof miracles recordedas truthfulEx . 15 :1-18 "Then sang Mosesand the children of Israel thissong unto Jehovah, and spake,saying, I will sing unto Jehovah,for he hath triumphed gloriously: . . . Pharaoh's chariots and hishost hath he cast into the sea ;and his chosen captains are sunkin the Red Sea . . The floodsstood upright as a heap : the deepswere congealed in the heart ofthe sea . The enemy said, I willpursue, I will overtake, I will dividethe spoil ; . . . Thou didst blowwith thy wind, the sea coveredthem : they sank as lead in themighty waters ."Bible's revelation of God impossiblefor imperfect man (especiallyan impostor) to inventRom . 11 :33, 34 "Oh the depthof God's riches and wisdom andknowledge! How unsearchable hisjudgments are and past tracingout his ways are! For `who hascome to know Jehovah's mind,or who has become his counselor?'"Deut. 32:4 "The Rock, his workis perfect ; for all his ways arejustice : a God of faithfulnessand without iniquity, just andright is he ."Isa. 55 :8, 9 "For my thoughtsare not your thoughts, neitherare your ways my ways, saithJehovah . For as the heavens arehigher than the earth, so alemy ways higher than your ways .,and my thoughts than yourthoughts ."Answers problems of life in allgenerations with perfectsolutionJohn 4 :14 "Whoever drinksfrom the water that I will givehim will never get thirsty at all,but the water that I will givehim will become in him a fountainof water bubbling up to imparteverlasting life ."

BibleJohn 6:35 "Jesus said to them :'I am the bread of life . He thatcomes to me will not get hungryat all, and he that exercises faithin me will never get thirsty atall .' "2 Tim. 3 :15-17 "From infancyyou have known the holy writingswhich are able to make you wisefor salvation through the faith inconnection with Christ Jesus . AllScripture is inspired of God andbeneficial for teaching, for reproving,for setting thingsstraight, for disciplining in righteousness,that the man of Godmay be fully competent, completelyequipped for every good work ."Writers not fanatics-gavelogical reasons for faithIsa . 1 :18-20 "Come now, andlet us reason together, saith Jehovah: though your sins be asscarlet, they shall be as whiteas snow ; though they be redlike crimson, they shall be aswool . If ye be willing and obedient,ye shall eat the good ofthe land : but if ye refuse andrebel, ye shall be devoured withthe sword ; for the mouth of Jehovahhath spoken it ."Men cannot foretell events butGod canProv . 27 :1 "Boast not thyself oftomorrow ; for thou knowest notwhat .a day may bring forth ."Isa . 46 :9, 10 "I am God, . . . declaringthe end from the beginning,and from ancient timesthings that are not yet done ."John 14 :29 "So now I havetold you before it occurs, in orderthat, when it does occur, youmay believe ."Prophecies of Bible proved true-hence from GodProphecy : Mic. 5 :2 "But thou,Bethlehem . . . . out of thee shallone come forth unto me that isto be ruler in Israel ."Fulfillment: Matt. 2 :1-6 "AfterJesus had been born in Bethlehem. . . They said to him : 'InBethlehem of Judea ; for this is46how it has been written throughthe prophet .' "Prophecy : Isa . 7:14 "Thereforethe Lord himself will give you asign : behold, a virgin shall conceive,and bear a son, and shallcall his name Immanuel."Fulfillment : Matt. 1 :20-23 "'Joseph,son of David, do not beafraid to take Mary your wifehome, for that which has beenbegotten in her is by holy spirit .She will give birth to a son, andyou must call his name "Jesus",'. All this actually came aboutfor that to be fulfilled which wasspoken by Jehovah through hisprophet, saying, `Look! the virginwill become pregnant and willgive birth to a son, and they willcall his name "Immanuel",' whichmeans, when translated, `With usis God .'Prophecy : Ps . 69:4 "They thathate me without a cause are morethan the hairs of my head : theythat would cut me off, being mineenemies wrongfully, are mighty :that which I took not away Ihave to restore ."Fulfillment : John 15 :24, 25"Now they have both seen andhated me as well as my Father .But the result is that the wordwritten in their Law is fulfilled ."Prophecy : Ps . 22 :16 "For dogshave compassed me : a companyof evil-doers have inclosed me ;they pierced my hands and myfeet ."Fulfillment: Luke 23 :33 "Andwhen they got to the place called'The Skull', there they impaledhim and the evildoers, one onhis right and one on his left ."Prophecy : Ps . 16 :10 "For thouwilt not leave my soul to Sheol ;neither wilt thou suffer thy holyone to see corruption ."Fulfillment : Acts 2 :29-31 "David. . . saw beforehand and spokeconcerning the resurrection of theChrist, that neither was he forsakenin Hades nor did his fleshsee corruption ."

Blood TransfusionDEFINITIONTransferring blood from the veins or arteries of one person toanother . As in intravenous feeding, it is a feeding upon blood .An unscriptural practice .2369 B .C., Prohibition upon All shall any stranger that sojournethamong you eat blood .'NationsGen . 9 :3-5 "Every moving thing Blood Not to Be Storedthat liveth shall be food for you ; Dent . 12 :16 "Ye shall not eatas the green herb have I given the blood ; thou shalt pour ityou all . But flesh with the life out upon the earth as water ."thereof, which is the blood thereof,shall ye not eat. And surely there be of the children of Is-Lev . 17 :13 "Whatsoever manyour blood, the blood of your rael, or of the strangers that sojournamong them, who taketh inlives, will I require ; at the handof every beast will I require it : hunting any beast or bird thatand at the hand of man, even may be eaten ; he shall pour outat the hand of every man's brother,will I require the life of with dust ."the blood thereof . and cover itman ."Also : Deut . 12 :24 .1513 B .C., Prohibition Enjoined Blood Sacred, Only for Altar Useupon JewsLev . 17 :11 "The life of theLev . 17 :14 "For as to the life flesh is in the blood ; and I haveof all flesh, the blood thereof is given it to you upon the altarall one with the life thereof : to make atonement for your souls :therefore I said unto the childrenof Israel, Ye shall eat the atonement by reason of the life ."for it is the blood that makethblood of no manner of flesh ; for Deut. 12 :27 "Thou shalt offerthe life of all flesh is the blood thy burnt-offerings, the flesh andthereof : whosoever eateth it shall the blood, upon the altar of Jehovahthy God ; and the bloodbe cut off ."of thy sacrifices shall be pouredA .D . 49, Prohibition Enjoined out upon the altar of Jehovahupon Christiansthy God ; and thou shalt eat theActs 15 :28, 29 "For the holy flesh ."spirit and we ourselves have Pictured Christ's Atoning Bloodfavored adding no further burdento you, except these necessarythings, to keep yourselves things are cleansed with bloodHeb. 9 :22, 14 "Yes, nearly allfree from things sacrificed to idolsaccording to the Law, and unlessand from blood and from thingsblood is poured out no f<strong>org</strong>ivenesstakes place . How much morekilled without draining theirblood and from fornication . If will the blood of the Christ, whoyou carefully keep yourselves from through an everlasting spirit offeredhimself without blemish tothese things, you will prosper ."Also : Acts 21 :25 .God, cleanse our consciences fromdead works that we may renderPrinciple of Lifesacred service to the living God?"Lev . 17 :11, 12 "The life of the Eph . 1 :7 "By means of him weflesh is in the blood ; . . . No soul have the release by ransomof you shall eat blood, neither through the blood of that one .47

Born Againyes, the f<strong>org</strong>iveness of our trespasses,according to the riches ofhis undeserved kindness ."John 6 :53, 54 "Accordingly Jesussaid to them : `Most truly Isay to you, Unless you eat theflesh of the Son of man anddrink his blood, you have no lifein you. He that feeds on my fleshand drinks my blood has everlastinglife, and I shall resurrecthim at the last day .'"Esteeming Christ's Blood LightlyHeb . 10 :29 "Of how much moresevere a punishment, do youthink_, will the man be countedworthy who has trampled uponthe Son of God and who hasesteemed as of ordinary valuethe blood of the covenant bywhich he was sanctified, and whohas outraged the spirit of undeservedkindness with contempt?"1 John 1 :7 "However, if we arewalking in the light as he himselfis in the light, we do havepartnership with one another andthe blood of Jesus his Soncleanses us from all sin."Attempt at Lifesaving with BloodWrongI Chron . 11 :17-19 "David wouldnot drink [the water] thereof,but poured it out unto Jehovah,and said, My God forbid it me,Born AgainDEFINITION"Born again" means a birthlike realization of prospects and hopesfor spirit life by resurrection to heaven . Such a realization is broughtabout through the water of God's truth in the Bible and God'sholy spirit, his active force .ORIGINBegan, as a begetting for the Kingdom, with Christ Jesus after hisbaptism of dedication A .D . 29 . (Matt . 3 :16, 17) Later he receivedhis spirit <strong>org</strong>anism when resurrected as the first ripe fruits of theKingdom A .D . 33 .-i Pet. 3 :18, 19 .Produced by Water and Spirit cannot enter into the kingdom ofJohn 3 :5, 6 "Unless anyone is God ."born from water and spirit, he Jas. 1 :18 "He brought us forth48that I should do this : shall Idrink the blood of these menthat have put their lives injeopardy? for with the jeopardyof their lives they brought it .Therefore he would not drinkit .'Involves Any Form of BloodLev. 7 :26, 27 "Ye shall eat nomanner of blood, whether it beof bird or of beast, . . . Whosoeverit be that eateth any blood, thatsoul shall be cut off from hispeople ."Lev . 17 :10 "Whatsoever nIanthere be of the house of Israel,or of the strangers that sojournamong them, that eateth anymanner of blood, I will set myface against that soul that eatethblood, and will cut him off fromamong his people ."Ps. 16 :4 "Their drink-offeringsof blood will I not offer ."Vaccination or Inoculation NotFeeding on Blood ; Not Connectedwith Sex RelationsLev. 18 :22, 23 "Thou shalt notlie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination . And thoushalt not lie with any beast todefile thyself therewith ; neithershall any woman stand before abeast, to lie down thereto : it isconfusion ."

y the word of truth, for us to bea certain flrstfruits of his creatures."491 Pet. 1 :23 "For you have beengiven a new birth, not by corruptible,but by incorruptible reproductiveseed ."Their Father Jehovah GodJohn 1 :12, 13 "As many as didreceive him, to them he gaveauthority to become God's children,because they were exercisingfaith in his name ; andthey were born not from bloodor from a fleshly will or fromman's will, but from God ."Rom . 8 :16, 17 "The spirit itselfbears witness with our spiritthat we are God's children . If,then, we are children, we are alsoheirs : heirs indeed of God, butjoint heirs with Christ, providedwe suffer together that we mayalso be glorified together ."Their Mother God's Organizationin HeavenG al. 4 :22-26 "Abraham acquiredtwo sons, one by the servantgirl and one by the freewoman ; but the one by the servantgirl was actually born in themanner of flesh, the other by thefree woman through a promise .These things stand as a symbolicdrama ; for these women meantwo covenants . . . . Hagar . . , correspondswith Jerusalem today,or she is in slavery with herchildren . But the Jerusalemabove is free, and she is ourmother ."Also : Isa . 54 :5 ; Heb . 12 :22 ;Phil. 3 :20 .Christ and 144,000 SpiritualBrothersJohn 3 :6 "What has been bornfrom the flesh is flesh, and whathas been born from the spirit isspirit ."Rev . 14 :1 "And I saw, and look!the Lamb standing upon themount ion, and with him a hundredand forty-four thousandhaving his name and the nameBorn Againof his Father written on theirforeheads ."1 John 3 :2 "Beloved ones, nowwe are children of God, but asyet it has not been made manifestwhat we shall be. We doknow that whenever he is mademanifest we shall be like him,because we shall see him just aS, .g is ."Spiritual Sonship FruitageGal . 5 :22, 23 "The fruitage ofthe spirit is love, joy, peace,longsuffering, kindness, goodness,faith, mildness, self-control ."1 John 3 :9 "Everyone who hasbeen born from God does notpractice sin, because His reproductiveseed remains in such one,and he cannot keep sinning, becausehe has been born fromGod."1 John 2 :29 "If you know thathe is righteous, you gain theknowledge kthat everyone whopractices righteousness has beenborn from him ."Their New CourseTitus 3:5-7 "He saved usthrough the bath that broughtus to life and through the makingof us new by holy spirit. Thisspirit he poured out richly uponus through Jesus Christ our Savior,that, after being declaredrighteous by virtue of the undeservedkindness of that one, wemight become heirs according toa hope of everlasting life."1 Pet . 3 :18, 21 "Even Christdied once for all time concerningsins . a righteous person for unrighteousones, that he might leadyou to God, he being put to deathin the flesh, but being made alivein the spirit . . . this is also nowsaving you, namely, baptism, (notthe putting away of the filth ofthe flesh, but the request made toGod for a good conscience,)through the resurrection of JesusChrist ."Col . 3 :9, 10 "Strip off the oldpersonality with its practices, andclothe yourselves with the neh,personality which through ac-

Caesar's Things to Caesarcurate knowledge is being renewedaccording to the image ofthe one who created it ."Also : Gal . 6 :8-10 .Their Heavenly Hopes1 Pet. 1 :3 "Blessed be the Godand Father of our Lord JesusChrist, for according to his greatmercy he gave us a new birthto a living hope through the resurrectionof Jesus Christ fromthe dead."2 Pet . 1 :4 "He has freely givenus the precious and very grandpromises, that through these youmay become sharers in divinenature ."Eph . 2 :4-6 "God . made usalive together with the Christ,even when we were dead in trespasses-byundeserved kindnessyou have been saved-and heraised us up together and seatedus together in the heavenly placesin union with Christ Jesus."1 Cor. 15 :46-49 "Nevertheless,the first is, not that which isspiritual, but that which is physical,afterward that which isspiritual . The first man is out ofthe earth and made of dust ; thesecond man is out of heaven . . . .And just as we have borne theimage of the one made of dust,we shall bear also the image ofthe heavenly one."Also : Eph. 1 :13, 14 ; Phil . 3 :21,22 ; Rom . 8 :29 .50These Make Up the Kingdom ofHeavenJohn 3 :3 "Unless anyone isborn again, he cannot see thekingdom of God ."1 Cor . 15 :50, 53 "However, thisI say, brothers, that flesh andblood cannot inherit God's kingdom,neither does corruption inheritincorruption. For this whichis corruptible must put on incorruption,and this which is mortalmust put on immortality ."2 Cor. 5 :17 "Consequently, ifanyone is in union with Christ,he is a new creation ; the oldthings passed away, look! newthings have come into existence ."Rom . 6 :4, 5 "Therefore we wereburied with him through ourbaptism into his death, in orderthat, just as Christ was raisedup from the dead through theglory of the Father, we alsoshould likewise walk in a newnessof life . For if we have becomeunited with him in the likenessof his death, we shall certainlyalso be united with him inthe likeness of his resurrection ."Matt . 19 :28 "In the re-creation[mar., "rebirth"] when the Sonof man sits down upon his gloriousthrone, you who have followedme will also yourselves situpon twelve thrones, judging thetwelve tribes of Israel ."Caesar's Things to CaesarDEFINITIONIn the Bible "Caesar" refers to the secular ruler or worldlygovernment . "Pay back Caesar's things to Caesar ." (Mark 12 :17)This sound legal doctrine, pronounced by Jesus, grants that the"Caesar' government ., may set upon their Christian inferiors orsubjects certain duties, but draws a clear line at which these dutiesto the state end . Beyond that line commence the Christian's dutiesexclusively toward his God, for Jesus completed the legal pronouncementby saying, "Pay back . . . God's things to God ."Due Respect for Worldly Rulers first of all that supplications .Properprayers, intercessions, offerings of1 Tim . 2 :1-4 "I therefore exhort thanks, be made concerning all

51kinds of men, concerning kingsand all those who are in highstation, in order that we may goon leading a calm and quiet lifewith full godly devotion and seriousness."Acts 26 :25 "Paul said : 'I amnot going mad, Your ExcellencyFestus, but I am uttering sayingsof truth and of soundness ofmind.'"Ezra 6 :6-10 "That they may offersacrifices of sweet savor untothe God of heaven, and pray forthe life of the king, and of hissons ."Dan . 6 :21, 22 "Then said Danielunto the king, 0 king, live forever. . . . innocency was found inme ; and also before thee, 0 king,have I done no hurt."Gen. 47 :7 "And Joseph broughtin Jacob his father, and sethim before Pharaoh : and Jacobblessed Pharaoh ."Acts 23 :5 "Paul said : `Brothers,I did not know he was high priest.For it is written, "You must notspeak injuriously of a ruler ofyour people." ' "Tribute Tax for Services RenderedShould Be PaidMatt . 22 :15-21 "Then the Phariseeswent their way and tookcounsel together in order to traphim in his speech. So they dispatchedto him their disciples togetherwith party followers ofHerod, saying : `Teacher, we knowyou are truthful and teach theway of God in truth, and you donot care for anybody, for youdo not look upon men's outwardappearance . Tell us, therefore,What do you think? Is it lawfulto pay tribute to Caesar or not?'But Jesus, knowing their wickedness,said : `Why do you put meto the test, hypocrites? Show methe tribute coin .' They broughthim a denarius . And he said tothem : `Whose image and inscriptionis this?' They said : `Caesar's .'Then he said to them : `Pay back,therefore, Caesar's things to Caesar,but God's things to God .' "Caesar's Things to CaesarMatt . 11 :19 "The Son of mandid come eating and drinking,still people say : `Look! a mangluttonous and given to drinkingwine, a friend of tax collectorsand sinners .' All the same, wisdomis vindicated by its works ."Rom . 13 :7 "Render to all theirdues, to him who calls for tribute,the tribute ; to him who calls fortax, the tax ; to him who callsfor fear, such fear ; to him whocalls for honor, such honor ."Marriage Requirements of theLaw Conformed ToHeb. 13 :4 "Let marriage be honorableamong all, and the marriagebed be without defilement,for God will judge fornicatorsand adulterers ."Gen. 24 :51, 53, 64, 65 . 67 "Behold,Rebekah is before thee, takeher, and go, and let her be thymaster's son's wife, as Jehovahhath spoken . And the servantbrought forth jewels of silver, andjewels of gold, and raiment, andgave them to Rebekah : he gavealso to her brother and to hermother precious things . And Rebekahlifted up her eyes, andwhen she saw Isaac, she alightedfrom the camel . . . . and she tookher veil, and covered herself . AndIsaac brought her into his motherSarah's tent, and took Rebekah,and she became his wife."1 Pet. 3 :1, 2 "In like manner .you wives, be in subjection toyour own husbands, in order that .if any are not obedient to theword, they may be won withouta word through the conduct oftheir wives, because of havingbeen eyewitnesses of your chasteconduct together with deep respect."Col . 3 :18-21 "You wives, be insubjection to your h usbands . a sit is becoming in the Lord . Youhusbands, keep on loving yourwives and do not be bitterly angrywith them . You children, beobedient to your parents in everything,for this is well-pleasing inthe Lord . You fathers, do not beexasperating your children, so

Caesar's Things to Caesarthat they do not become downhearted."2 Pet . 2:2, 3 "Furthermore,many will turn out of the wayand follow their acts of loose conduct,and on account of thesethe way of the truth will bespoken of abusively . Also withcovetousness they will exploit youwith counterfeit words . But as forthem, the judgment of ancienttimes is not moving slowly, andthe destruction of them is notslumbering."1 Tim . 3 :2, 4 "The overseershould therefore be irreprehensible. a husband of one wife, moderatein habits, sound in mind,orderly, a lover of strangers, qualifiedto teach, a man presidingover his own household in a rightmanner, having children in subsectionwith all seriousness ."Legal Social DistinctionsAcceptedEph . 6 :5 "You slaves, be obedientto those who are your mastersin a fleshly sense, with fearand trembling in the sincerity ofyour hearts, as to the Christ ."1 Tim . 6 :1, 2 "Let as many asare slaves under a yoke keep onconsidering their owners worthyof full honor, that the name ofGod and the teaching may neverbe spoken of injuriously . Moreover,let those having believingowners not look down on them,because they are brothers . Onthe contrary, let them the morereadily be slaves, because thosereceiving the benefit of their goodservice are believers and beloved."Titus 2 :9, 10 "Let slaves be insubjection to their owners in allthings, and please them well, nottalking back, not committing;,heft, but exhibiting good fidelityto the full, so that they mayadorn the teaching of our Savior,God, in all things . -I Pet . 2 :18 "Let house servantsbe in subjection to their ownerswith the full measure of fear, notonly to the good and reasonable,but also toplease ."those difficult to52Required RegistrationsComplied WithLuke 2:1-5 "Now in those daysa decree went forth from CaesarAugustus for all the inhabitedearth to be registered ; (this firstregistration took place when Quiriniuswas governor of Syria ;)and all people went traveling to beregistered, each one to his owncity. Of course, Joseph also wentup from Galilee, out of the cityof Nazareth, into Judea, to David'scity which is called Bethlehem,because of his being a memberof the house and family ofDavid, to get registered withMary."Working in Government's EmployNot ProhibitedNeh . 2 :1, 2 "Now I was cupbearerto the king . And it cameto pass in the month Nisan, inthe twentieth year of Artaxerxesthe king, when wine was beforehim, that I took up the wine, andgave it unto the king . Now I hadnot been beforetime sad in hispresence . And the king said untome, Why is thy countenance sad,seeing thou art not sick? this isnothing else but sorrow of heart .Then I was very sore afraid ."Dan . 3 :12 "There are certainJews whom thou hast appointedover the affairs of the provinceof Babylon : Shadrach, Meshach,and Abed-nego ; these men, 0king, have not regarded thee :they serve not thy gods, nor worshipthe golden image which thouhast set up ."Dan . 6 :28, 2 "So this Danielprospered in the reign of Darius .and in the reign of Cyrus thePersian . . . . over them three presidents,of whom Daniel was one ."Gen . 41:39-43 "And Pharaohsaid unto Joseph, Forasmuch asGod hath showed thee all this,there is none so discreet andwise as thou : thou shalt be overmy house, and according unto thyword shall all my people be ruled :only in the throne will I begreater than thou . And Pharaoh

53said unto Joseph, See, I have setthee over all the land of Egypt .And Pharaoh took off his signetring from his hand, and put itupon Joseph's hand, and arrayedhim in vestures of fine linen, andput a gold chain about his neck ;and he made him to ride in thesecond chariot which he had ; andthey cried before him, Bow theknee : and he set him over allthe land of Egypt ."Esther 8 :1-15 ; 10:2, 3 "And Mordecaicame before the king ; .And the king took off his ring,which he had taken from Haman,and gave it unto Mordecai . .And Mordecai went forth fromthe presence of the king in royalapparel of blue and white, andwith a great crown of gold, andwith a robe of fine linen andpurple ." "And all the acts of hispower and of his might, and thefull account of the greatness ofMordecai, whereunto the king advancedhim, are they not writtenin the book of the chronicles ofthe kings of Media and Persia?For Mordecai the Jew was nextunto king Ahasuerus, and greatamong the Jews ."Christians Keep Laws of Caesarfor Conscience' SakeRom. 13 :5, 6, 8 "There is thereforecompelling reason for you tobe in subjection, not only on accountof that wrath but also onaccount of your conscience. Forthat is why you are also payingtribute ; . . . Do not be owing anybodya single thing, except to loveone another ; for he that loves hisfellow man has fulfilled the law ."Acts 24 :16 "In this respect, indeed,I am exercising myself continuallyto have a consciousnessof committing no offense againstGod and men ."Titus 2:6-8 "Likewise keep onexhorting the younger men to besound in mind, in all thingsshowing yourself an example ofright works, showing uncorruptnessin your teaching, seriousness,wholesome speech which cannotCaesar's Things to Caesarbe condemned, so that the manon the opposing side may getashamed, having nothing vile tosay about us ."1 Pet . 3:16, 17 "Hold a goodconscience, so that in the particularin which you are spokenagainst they may get ashamedwho are speaking slightingly ofyour good conduct in connectionwith Christ . For it is better tosuffer because you are doing good,if the will of God wishes it, thanbecause you are doing evil ."1 Pet . 4 :15 "However. let noneof you suffer as a murderer or athief or an evildoer or as a busybodyin other people's matters ."1 Tim . 3 :2, 7 "The overseershould therefore be irreprehensible,. . . Moreover . he should alsohave a favorable testimony frompeople on the outside, in orderthat he might not fall into reproachand a snare of the Devil ."Man's Life, Worship and AllegianceNot for Caesar to Require; These Belong to GodMatt . 22 :21 "Then he said tothem : 'Pay back, therefore, Caesar'sthings to Caesar, but God'sthings to God .'"Ps . 66 :8, 9 "Oh bless our God,ye peoples, and make the voiceof his praise to be heard ; whoholdeth our soul in life, and sufferethnot our feet to be moved ."Luke 4 :8 "In reply Jesus saidto him : 'It is written, "It isJehovah your God you mustworship, and it is to him aloneyou must render sacred service ."'"isa . 8 :13 "Jehovah of hosts, himshall ye sanctify : and let him beyour fear, and let him be youdread ."Luke 12 :4, 5 "Moreover I sayto you, my friends, Do not fearthose who kill the body and afterthis are not able to do anythingmore. But I will indicate to youwhom to fear : Fear him who afterkilling has authority to throwinto Gehenna . Yes, I tell you,fear this One."

Caste SystemDEFINITIONThe principle or system of social divisions or classes of societyin any community . Also the dividing of society into selfishly exclusivegroups of persons (cliques), or according to supposed social rank asof persons having the same status or as possessing common characteristics(classes) . A false, hypocritical practice .ORIGINRuling and priestly classes were <strong>org</strong>anized at Babel following theFlood and dynasties developed soon thereafter as a subversion ofthe patriarchal family divisions authorized by Jehovah .God Made Man to Live Together Egypt's "Master Race" Programas Families Without Distinctions Resulted in Their RuinActs 17 :26, 27 "And he made Ex . 1 :8-22 "Now there arose aout of one man every nation of new king over Egypt, who knewmen, to dwell upon the entire not Joseph . And he said unto hissurface of the earth, and he people, Behold, the people of thedecreed the appointed seasons and children of Israel are more andthe set limits of the dwelling of mightier than we : come, let usmen, for them to seek God, if deal wisely with them, lest theythey might grope for him and multiply, and it come to pass,really find him ."that, when there falleth out any1 Cor . 15 :39 "Not all flesh is war, they also join themselves unthesame flesh, but there is one to our enemies, and fight againstof mankind, and there is another us, and get them up out offlesh of cattle, and another flesh the land . Therefore they did setof birds, and another of fish ." over them taskmasters to afflictGen . 10 :1, 5 "Now these are them . . . But the more they afthegenerations of the sons of flicted them, the more they multi-Noah, namely, of Shem, Ham and plied . . . And Pharaoh charged allJapheth : and unto them were his people, saying, Every son thatsons born after the flood . Of is born ye shall cast into thethese were the isles of the na- river, and every daughter ye shalltions divided in their lands, every save alive ."one after his tongue, after their Ex . 9 :13, 15, 16 "And Jehovahfamilies, in their nations ."said unto Moses, Rise up earlyNum. 1 :18 "And they assem- in the morning, and stand beforebled all the congregation together Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thuson the first day of the second saith Jehovah, the God of themonth ; and they declared their Hebrews, Let my people go, thatpedigrees after their families, by they may serve me . For now Itheir fathers' houses."had put forth my hand, andPs . 107 :41 "Yet setteth he the smitten thee and thy people withneedy on high from affliction, and pestilence, and thou hadst beenmaketh him families like a flock ." cut off from the earth : but inActs 10 :34, 35 "For a certainty very deed for this cause have II perceive that God is not partial, made thee to stand, to show theebut in every nation the man that my power, and that my namefears him and works righteous- may be declared throughout allness is acceptable to him ." the earth ."54

55Ex. 15 :1, 4 "Then sang Mosesand the children of Israel thissong unto Jehovah, and spake,saying, I will sing unto Jehovah,for he hath triumphed gloriously :the horse and his rider hath hethrown into the sea. Pharaoh'schariots and his host hath hecast into the sea ; and his chosencaptains are sunk in the RedSea."Israel's Favor with God Not forRace Superiority but ObedienceDeut . 7 :7, 8 "Jehovah did notset his love upon you, nor chooseyou, because ye were more innumber than any people ; for yewere the fewest of all peoples :but because Jehovah loveth you,and because he would keep theoath which he sware unto yourfathers, hath Jehovah broughtyou out with a mighty hand, andredeemed you out of the house ofbondage, from the hand of Pharaohking of Egypt ."Num . 14 :11, 12, 20, 23 "AndJehovah said unto Moses, Howlong will this people despise me?and how long will they not believein me, for all the signswhich I have wrought amongthem? I will smite them withthe pestilence, and disinheritthem, and will make of thee anation greater and mightier thanthey . And Jehovah said, I havepardoned according to thy word :surely they shall not see theland which I sware unto theirfathers, neither shall any of themthat despised me see it ."Ps . 106 :8 "Nevertheless he savedthem for his name's sake, thathe might make his mighty powerto be known ."Priesthood and Tribal Divisionsof Israel Not Class DistinctionJer . 31 :1 "At that time, saithJehovah, will I be the God of allthe families of Israel, and theyshall be my people ."Num . 3:40, 41, 45 "And Jehovahsaid unto Moses, Number allthe first-born males of the childrenof Israel from a month oldCaste Systemand upward, and take the numberof their names. And thoushalt take the Levites for me (Iam Jehovah) instead of all thefirst-born among the children ofIsrael ; . . . Take the Levites insteadof all the first-born amongthe children of Israel, and thecattle of the Levites instead oftheir cattle ; and the Levites shallbe mine : I am Jehovah ."Ex . 19 :5, 6 "Then ye shall bemine own possession from amongall peoples : for all the earth ismine : and ye shall be unto me akingdom of priests, and a holynation . These are the wordswhich thou shalt speak unto thechildren of Israel ."Job 34:19 "That respecteth notthe persons of princes, nor regardeththe rich more than thepoor ; for they all are the workof his hands."Complete Separations in IsraelAllowed Only from OpposersDeut. 7:1-3 "When Jehovah thyGod shall bring thee into theland whither thou goest to possessit, and shall cast out manynations before thee, . . . and whenJehovah thy God shall deliverthem up before thee, and thoushalt smite them ; then thou shaltutterly destroy them : thou shaltmake no covenant with them .nor show mercy unto them :neither shalt thou make marriageswith them ."Lev . 19 :33, 34 "And if a strangersojourn with thee in yourland, ye shall not do him wrong .The stranger that sojournethwith you shall be unto you as thehome-born among you, and thoushalt love him as thyself ; forye were sojourners in the landof Egypt : I am Jehovah yourGod ."Num. 15 :15, 16 "For the assembly,there shall be one statutefor you, and for the stranger thatsojourneth with you, a statutefor ever throughout your generations: as ye are, so shall the sojournerbe before Jehovah . Onelaw and one ordinance shall be

Caste Systemfor you, and for the strangerthat sojourneth with you ."Deut. 10:17 "For Jehovah yourGod, he is God of gods, andLord of lords, the great God, themighty, and the terrible, who regardethnot persons, nor takethreward."Particular Family ConnectionsDo Not Bring SalvationJohn 8 :33 "[The Jews] repliedto him : 'We are Abraham's offspringand never have we beenslaves to anybody . How is it yousay, "You will become free"?'"1 Tim . 1 :4 "Nor to pay attentionto false stories and to genealogieswhich end up in nothing,but which furnish questions forresearch rather than a dispensingof anything by God in connectionwith faith."Titus 3:9 "But shun foolishquestionings and genealogies . . .for they are unprofitable and futile."Clergy as an Elevated Class NotAuthorized for ChristiansJohn 13 :34, 35 "I am givingyou a new commandment, thatyou love one another ; just as Ihave loved you, that you alsolove one another . By this all willknow that you are my disciples,if you have love among yourselves."Matt. 23 :8, 10-12 "But you, donot you be called 'Rabbi', for oneis your teacher, whereas all youare brothers . Neither be called'leaders', for your Leader is one,the Christ . But the greatest oneamong you must be your minister .Whoever exalts himself will behumbled, and whoever humbleshimself will be exalted ."1 Pet. 5 :2, 3 "Shepherd theflock of God in your care, notunder compulsion, but willingly,neither for love of dishonest gain,,but eagerly, neither as lording itover those who are God's inheritance,but becoming examplesto the flock ."Matt. 20:25-28 "But Jesus, callingthem to him, said : 'You know56that the rulers of the nationslord it over them and the greatmen wield authority over them .This is not the arrangementamong you ; but whoever wantsto become great among you mustbe your minister, and whoeverwants to be first among you mustbe your slave. Just as the Son ofman came, not to be ministeredto, but to minister .'' ,Cliques and Classes in ChristianCongregation Forbidden1 Cor. 1 :10-13 "Now I exhortyou, brothers, through the nameof our Lord Jesus Christ thatyou should all speak in agreement,and that there should riotbe divisions among you, but thatyou may be fitly united in thesame mind and in the same lineof thought. For the disclosurewas made to me about you, mybrothers, by those of the houseof Chloe, that dissensions existamong you . What I mean is this,that each one of you says : 'I belongto Paul,' 'But I to Apollos,''But I to Cephas,' 'But I toChrist .' Does the Christ exist divided?Paul was not impaled foryou, was he? Or were you baptizedin the name of Paul?"1 Tim . 6 :17, 18 "Give ordersto those who are rich in the presentsystem of things not to bearrogant, and to rest their hope,not on uncertain riches, but onGod, who furnishes us all thingsrichly for our enjoyment ; to workat good, to be rich in right works,to be liberal, ready to share."Jas . 3 :16, 17 "For where jealousyand contentiousness are,there disorder and every vile thingare . But the wisdom from aboveis first of all chat then peaceable,reasonable, ready to obey .full of mercy and good fruits, notmaking partial distinctions, nothypocritical ."I Pet. 5 :5 "In like manner, youyounger men, be in subjection tothe older men. But all of you girdyourselves with humility of mindtoward one another, because God

a4opposes the haughty ones, but hegives undeserved kindness to thehumble ones."Gal . 3 :28 "There is neither Jewnor Greek, there is neither slavenor freeman, there is neither malenor female ; for you are all onein union with Christ Jesus ."Jas. 2 :1-9 "My brothers, youare not holding the faith of ourLord Jesus Christ, our glory, withacts of favoritism, are you? For,if a man with gold rings on hisfingers and in splendid clothingenters into your assembly, but apoor man in filthy clothing alsoenters, yet you look with favorupon the one wearing the splendidclothing and say : `You takethis seat here in an honorableplace,' and you say to the poorone : `You keep standing,' or,`Take that seat there beside myfootstool,' you have class distinctionsamong yourselves and youhave become judges renderingcorrupt decisions, is that not so?. But if you continue showingfavoritism, you are working asin, for you are reproved by thelaw as transgressors ."Christians Not Social Reformers,but Are Godly ExamplesEph. 6 :5-9 "You slaves, beobedient to those who are yourmasters in a fleshly sense, withfear and trembling in the sincerityof your hearts, as to theChrist, not by way of eyeserviceas men-pleasers, but as Christ'sslaves, doing the will of Godwhole-souled . Be slaves with goodCharitable Worksinclinations, as to Jehovah, andnot to men, for you know thateach one, whatever good he maydo, will receive this back fromJehovah, whether he be slave orfreeman . You masters, too, keepdoing the same things to them,letting up on the threatening, foryou know that the Master of boththem and you is in the heavens,and there is no partiality withhim ."Rom . 16 :17, 18, 20 "Now I exhortyou, brothers, to keep youreye on those who create divisionsand causes for stumbling contraryto the teaching which youhave learned, and avoid them .For men of that kind are slaves .not of our Lord Christ, but oftheir own bellies, and by smoothtalk and complimentary speech ,they seduce the hearts of guilelessones . For his part, the Godwho gives peace will crush Satanunder your feet shortly."1 Tim . 6:1, 2, 6 "Let as manyas are slaves under a yoke keepon considering their ownersworthy of full honor, that thename of God and the teachingmay never be spoken of injuriously. Moreover, let those havingbelieving owners not look downon them, because they are brothers.On the contrary, let them themore readily be slaves, becausethose receiving the benefit of theirgood service are believers and beloved.To be sure, it is a meansof great gain, this godly devotionalong with self-sufficiency ."Charitable WorksDEFINITIONGifts of mercy, or help and assistance for the welfare of otherstoward Jehovah God, publicly or privately, either individually or inan <strong>org</strong>anized way. Will gain God's favor .Jehovah the Greatest Giver1 Chron. 29:11-14 "All that isin the heavens and in the earthis thine ; . . . for all things comeof thee, and of thine own havewe given thee ."

Charitable WorksJohn 3 :16, 17 "God loved theworld so much that he gave hisonly-begotten Son ."Rom . 11 :35 "Who has firstgiven to him, so that it mustbe repaid to him?"2 Cor . 9 :15 "Thanks be to Godfor his indescribable free gift ."Rom . 6 :23 "The gift God givesis everlasting life by Christ Jesusour Lord ."Acts 17 :25 "Neither is he attendedto by human hands as ifhe needed anything, because hehimself gives to all persons lifeand breath and all things ."Also : Eph . 2 :4, 8 ; 4 :7, 8 ; Ps.136 :25 .Give Freely, Without Show,to Honor GodMatt . 6 :1-4 "Take good care notto practice your righteousness infront of men in order to be observedby them ; otherwise youwill have no reward with yourFather who is in the heavens .Hence when you start makinggifts of mercy, do not blow atrumpet ahead of you, just as thehypocrites do . But you, whenmaking gifts of mercy, do not letyour left hand know what yourright is doing, that your gifts ofmercy may be in secret ; thenyour Father who is looking on insecret will repay you ."Matt . 5 :46 "If you love thoseloving you, what reward do youhave? are not also the tax collectorsdoing the same thing?"Also: Mark 12 :38-40 ; Luke5 :12-14 ; 8 :49-56 : 20 :46, 47 .Gifts Selfishly Given Bring NoFavor from GodMark 7 :11 "But you men say,'If a man says to his father orhis mother, "Whatever I have bywhich you may get help fromme is corban, (that is, a giftdedicated to God,) " you men nolonger let him do a single thingfor his father or his mother .' andthus you shove the word of Godaside for your tradition whichyou handed down."58Acts 5 :1-5 "A certain man,Ananias by name, together withSapphira his wife, sold a possessionand secretly held back someof the price, his wife also knowingabout it, and he brought just apart and deposited it at the feetof the apostles . But Peter said :`Ananias, to what end has Satanemboldened you to play falseto the holy spirit and to holdback secretly some of the priceof the field? . . . You have playedfalse, not to men, but to God .'On hearing these words Ananiasfell down and expired ."John 12 :4-6 "Judas Iscariot,one of his disciples, who wasabout to betray him, said : 'Whywas it this perfumed oil was notsold for three hundred denariiand given to poor people?' Hesaid this, though, not because hewas concerned about the poor,but because he was a thief andhad the money-box and used tocarry off the monies put in it ."Organized Giving Voluntary, butDirected by Congregation'sGoverning Body1 Cor . 16 :1-4 "Concerning thecollection which is for the holyones, just as I gave orders tothe congregations of Galatia, dothat way also yourselves. Everyfirst day of the week let eachof you at his own house setsomething aside in store as hemay be prospering, so that whenI arrive collections will not takeplace then . But when I get there,whatever men you approve of byletters, these I shall send to carryyour kind gift to Jerusalem ."2 Cor. 9 :5, 7 "I thought it necessaryto encourage the brothersto come to you in advance andto get ready in advance yourbountiful gift previously promised,that thus this might beready as a bountiful gift and notas something extorted. Let eachone do just as he has resolved inhis heart, not grudgingly or undercompulsion, for God loves acheerful giver ."

59Acts 24 :17 "So after quite anumber of years I arrived tobring gifts of mercy to my nation,and offerings ."Rom. 15 :25-28 "Those in Macedoniaand Achaia have beenpleased to share up their thingsby a contribution to the poor ofthe holy ones in Jerusalem. True,they have been pleased to doso, and yet they were debtors tothem ; for if the nations haveshared in their spiritual things,they also owe it to minister publiclyto these with things for thephysical body ."Acts 4 :34, 35 "In fact, therewas not one in need among them,for all those who were possessorsof fields or houses would sellthem and bring the values of thethings sold and they would depositthem at the feet of theapostles . In turn, distributionwould be made to each one justas he would have the need ."Also : Acts 6 :1-6 ; Gal . 2 :10 .Christians' Special Responsibilityto Their Brothersand Families2 Cor . 8 :1-15 "This led us toencourage Titus that, just as hehad been the one to initiate itamong you, so too he shouldcomplete this same kind givingon your part . . . . that by meansof an equalizing your surplusjust now might offset their deficiency,in order that their surplusmight also come to offsetyour deficiency, that an equalizingmight take place.".Jas . 2 :15 "If a brother or asister is in a naked state andlacking the food sufficient for theday, yet a certain one of you saysto them, 'Go in peace, keep warmand well fed,' but you do not givethem the necessities for theirbody, of what benefit is it?"Matt. 25 :34-40 "Then the kingwill say to those on his right :`Come, you who have my Father'sblessing, inherit the kingdom preparedfor you from the world'sfoundation . For I became hungryCharitable Worksand you gave me something toeat, I got thirsty and you gaveme something to drink . I was astranger and you received mehospitably ; naked, and youclothed me . I fell sick and youlooked after me . I was in prisonand you came to me To theextent that you did it to oneof the least of these my brothers,you did it to me.'"Acts 2 :44, 45 "All those whobecame believers were together inhaving all things in common, andthey went to selling their possessionsand properties and to distributingthe proceeds to all justas anyone would have the need ."1 Tim . 5 :8 "Certainly if anyonedoes not provide for those . . .who are members of his household,he has disowned the faithand is worse than a person withoutfaith ."Also : 1 Cor . 9 :1, 2, 11 .Giving Spiritual Things MoreImportant than MaterialLuke 10 :38-42 "Mary . satdown at the feet of the Masterand kept listening to his word .Martha, on the other hand, wasdistracted with attending to manyduties . . . . In answer the Mastersaid to her : `Martha, Martha .you are anxious and disturbedabout many things . A few things,though, are needed, or just one .For her part, Mary chose thegood portion, and it will not betaken away from her .'"John 6 :26, 27 "Jesus . . . said :`Most truly I say to you, You arelooking for me, not because yousaw signs, but because you atefrom the loaves and were satisfied. Work, not for the food thatperishes, but for the food thatremains for life everlasting .' "Eccl . 7 :12 "For wisdom is adefence, even as money is a defence; but the excellency ofknowledge is, that wisdom preserveththe life of him that hathit."Amos 8 :11 "Behold, the dayscome, saith the Lord Jehovah,

Charitable Worksthat I will send a famine in theland, not a famine of bread, nora thirst for water, but of hearingthe words of Jehovah ."Acts 3 :2-8 "When he caughtsight of Peter and John . . . hebegan requesting to get gifts ofmercy . . However, Peter said :`Silver and gold I do not possess,but what I do have is what I giveyou : In the name of Jesus Christthe Nazarene, walk!'"Matt . 5 :3, 6 "Happy are thosewho arc conscious of their spiritualneed, since the kingdom ofthe heavens belongs to them .Happy are those hungering andthirsting for righteousness, sincethey will be filled ."To Get Life, Everything Must BeGiven in Wholehearted Devotionto Jehovah1 Cor . 13 :3 "If I give all mybelongings to feed others, and ifI hand over my body, that Imay boast, but do not have love,I am not profited at all ."Luke 18 :18-24 "A certain ruler. . .said : 'All these [commandments]I have kept from youthon .' . . . Jesus said to him : `Thereis yet one thing wanting aboutyou : Sell all the things you haveand distribute to poor people andyou will have treasure in theheavens ; and come be my follower.'"Luke 21 :1-4 "Now as he lookedup he saw the rich dropping theirgifts into the treasury chests .Then he saw a certain needywidow drop two small coins ofvery little value there, and hesaid : 'I tell you truthfully, Thiswidow, although poor, dropped inmore than them all . For all thesedropped in gifts out of theirsurplus, but this woman out ofher want dropped in all themeans of living she had.' "Luke 12 :33 "Sell the things belongingto you and give them60as gifts of mercy . Make pursesfor yourselves that do not wearout, a never-failing treasure inthe heavens, where a thief doesnot get near nor moth consumes ."Matt . 9 :13 "Go, then, and learnwhat this means, 'I want mercy,and not sacrifice."'1 Sam . 15:22 "Behold, to obeyis better than sacrifice ."Prov . 23 :26 "My son, give methy heart."Prov . 21 :3 "To do righteousnessand justice is more acceptableto Jehovah than sacrifice ."Heb . 13 :15, 16 "Through himlet us always offer to God a sacrificeof praise, that is, the fruitof lips which make public declarationto his name. Moreover, donot f<strong>org</strong>et the doing of good andthe sharing of things with others,for with such sacrifices God iswell pleased."Also : Acts 10 :2, 4, 31 ; 1 Pet .2 :5 ; Matt . 19 :21 .The World's SacrificesCondemned1 Cor . 10 :20 "The things whichthe nations sacrifice they sacrificeto demons, and not to God ."Prov . 15 :8 "The sacrifice of thewicked is an abomination to Jehovah."Also : Jer. 5 :26, 28 ; Isa . 1 :4,16, 17 ; ech . 7 :9-11 .True Religion Shows Concernfor the PoorJas . 1 :26, 27 "If any manseems to himself to be a formalworshiper and yet does not bridlehis tongue, but goes on deceivinghis own heart, this man's formof worship is futile . The form ofworship that is clean and undefiledfrom the standpoint of ourGod and Father is this : to carefor orphans and widows in theirtribulation, and to keep oneselfwithout spot from the world ."Also : Jas. 2 :1-9 . 14-17 .

CommunismDEFINITIONA theory or system of social <strong>org</strong>anization based on the holding of allproperty in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the communityas a whole or to the state . In practice today, it is a systemin which all economic, educational, religious and political activity isconducted or directed by a totalitarian state dominated by a singleand self-perpetuating political party . The state as the superior tendsto make its subjects as inferiors totally dependent upon the state .Although claiming to be godless, in some instances screened religionsare permitted to operate subservient to the state . Communismitself has become and constitutes a false religion preached aroundthe world, for the reason that it arrogates to itself authorities belongingto God and causes the people to look to the state for salvationand to worship it, instead of God .The Earth Is Jehovah's andRightful Ruling AuthorityComes Only from HimRom. 13 :1 "Let every soul be insubjection to the superior authorities,for there is no authority exceptby God ; the existing authoritiesstand placed in their relativepositions by God ."1 Cor . 10 :26 "The earth belongsto Jehovah, and so does its fullness."Ps . 24 :1-4 "The earth is Jehovah's,and the fulness thereof ;the world, and they that dwelltherein . . .Who shall ascend intothe hill of Jehovah? and whoshall stand in his holy place? Hethat bath clean hands, and apure heart ; who hath not liftedup his soul unto falsehood, andhath not sworn deceitfully ."Dan . 4 :25, 26, 32, 34, 35 "TheMost High ruleth in the kingdomof men, and giveth it to whomsoeverhe will . . . . His dominion isan everlasting dominion, and hiskingdom from generation to generation; and all the inhabitantsof the earth are reputed as nothing; and he doeth according tohis will in the army of heaven,and among the inhabitants of theearth ; and none can stay hishand, or say unto him, Whatdoest thou?"Isa . 33:22 "For Jehovah is ourjudge, Jehovah is our lawgiver .Jehovah is our king ; he will saveus ."Ezek. 21 :27 "I will overturn,overturn, overturn it : this alsoshall be no more, until he comewhose right it is ; and I will giveit him."Ps . 75 :7 "God is the judge : heputteth down one, and lifteth upanother ."He Is Possessor of All Things :Those Living Under His GovernmentHold Possessions in TrustGen . 14:19, 22 "And he [Melchizedek]blessed him, and said .Blessed be Abram of God Most .High, possessor of heaven andearth . And Abram said to theking of Sodom, I have lifted upmy hand unto Jehovah, God MostHigh, possessor of heaven andearth ."Ps . 2 :7, 8 "Jehovah said untome, Thou art my son ; this dayhave I begotten thee . Ask of me,and I will give thee the nationsfor thine inheritance, and theuttermost parts of the earth forthy possession ."61

Communism1 Cor . 15 :28 "But when allthings will have been subjected tohim, then the Son himself willalso subject himself to the onewho subjected all things to him,that God may be all things toeveryone ."Only the Meek, Mild-temperedWill Inherit or Live on the EarthMatt . 5 :5 "Happy are the mildtemperedones, since they willinherit the earth ."Ps . 37 :11 "The meek shall inheritthe land, and shall delightthemselves in the abundance ofpeace ."Political Governments ReceiveTheir Power and Authorityfrom Satan the Devil,the DragonMatt. 4 :8-10 "Again the Deviltook him along to an unusuallyhigh mountain, and showed himall the kingdoms of the worldand their glory, and he said tohim : `All these things I will giveyou if you fall down and do anact of worship to me.' Then Jesussaid to him : 'Go away, Satan!for it is written . "It is Jehovahyour God you must worship,and it is to him alone youmust render sacred service." ' "2 Cor . 4 :4 "The god of thissystem of things has blinded theminds of the unbelievers ."I John 5 :19 "The whole worldis lying in the power of thewicked one ."Rev . 13 :2 "Now the wild beastthat I saw was like a leopard,but its feet were as those of abear, and its mouth was as alion's mouth . And the dragongave the beast its power and itsthrone and great authority ."Godless Persons Are FoolsPs . 14 :1 "The fool hath saidin his heart, There is no God .They are corrupt, they have doneabominable works ; there is nonethat doeth good ."Ps. 10 :4 "The wicked, in thepride of his countenance, saith,62He will not require it . All histhoughts are, There is no God ."Ps. 53 :1 "The fool hath saidin his heart, There is no God .Corrupt are they, and have doneabominable iniquity ; there isnone that doeth good."Visible Creation Gives PlentifulEvidence of GodRom . 1 :18-28 "For God's wrathis being revealed from heavenagainst all ungodliness and unrighteousnessof men who aresuppressing the truth in an unrighteousway, because what maybe known about God is manifestamong them, for God made itmanifest to them . For his invisiblequalities are clearly seen fromthe world's creation onward, becausethey are understood by thethings made, even his eternalpower and Godship, so that theyare inexcusable ; because, althoughthey knew God, they didnot glorify him as God nor didthey thank him, but they becameempty-headed in their reasoningsand their unintelligent heart becamedarkened . Although assertingthey were wise, they becamefoolish and turned the gloryof the incorruptible God intosomething like the image of corruptibleman and of birds andfour-footed creatures and creepingthings. . . . even those who exchangedthe truth of God for thelie and venerated and renderedsacred service to the creationrather than the One who created. . . God gave them up to a disapprovedmental state."Ps . 19 :1-6 "The heavens declarethe glory of God ; and the firmamentshoweth his handiwork .Day unto day uttereth speech,and night unto night showethknowledge . There is no speech norlanguage ; their voice is notheard."Man Cannot Even Understandor Control What He SeesPs . 139 :14 "I will give thanksunto thee ; for 1 am fearfullyand wonderfully made : wonder-

6 3ful are thy works ; and that mysoul knoweth right well ."Eccl . 3 :11 "He hath made everythingbeautiful in its time : alsohe hath set eternity in theirheart, yet so that man cannotfind out the work that God hathdone from the beginning even tothe end ."Eccl . 8 :17 "Then I beheld allthe work of God, that man cannotfind out the work that isdone under the sun : because howevermuch a man labor to seekit out, yet he shall not find it ;yea moreover, though a wise manthink to know it, yet shall henot be able to find it ."1 Cor . 8 :2 "If anyone thinks hehas acquired knowledge of something,he does not yet know itjust as he ought to know it ."Manifestly the Creator Is AboveFinding Out by His CreationRom . 11 :33-36 "Oh the depthof God's riches and wisdom andknowledge! How unsearchable hisjudgments are and past tracingout his ways are! For `who hascome to know Jehovah's mind, orwho has become his counselor?'Or, `Who has first given to him,so that it must be repaid to him?'Because from him and by himand for him are all things ."Isa . 55 :9 "For as the heavensare higher than the earth, so aremy ways higher than your ways,and my thoughts than yourthoughts."Ps . 8 :3, 4 "When I considerthy heavens, the work of thyfingers, the moon and the stars,which thou hast ordained ; what isman, that thou art mindful ofhim? and the son of man, thatthou visitest him?"Job 9 :10 "[God] that doethgreat things past finding out, yea,marvellous things without number."See also : Job, chapters 38-41 .Man Cannot Govern Himself orHis Fellow ManJer. 10 :23 "0 Jehovah, I knowthat the way of man is not inCommunismhimself ; it is not in man thatwalketh to direct his steps ."Jer . 17 :9 "The heart is deceitfulabove all things, and it is exceedinglycorrupt : who can knowit?"Eccl . 8 :9 "There is a timewherein one man hath powerover another to his hurt ."Prov. 14 :12 "There is a waythat seemeth right unto a man ;but the end thereof are the waysof death."Ps . 37 :23, 31 "A man's goingsare established of Jehovah ; andhe delighteth in his way . The lawof his God is in his heart ; noneof his steps shall slide."Prov. 16:9 "A man's heart devisethhis way ; but Jehovah directethhis steps ."Prov. 21 :29 "A wicked manhardeneth his face ; but as forthe upright, he establisheth hisways ."Communism Cannot Bring PeaceIsa . 9 :6, 7 "The governmentshall be upon his [Christ's]shoulder : and his name shall becalled Wonderful, Counsellor,Mighty God . Everlasting Father .Prince of Peace . Of the increaseof his government and of peacethere shall be no end, . . . forever ."Isa . 48 :22 "There is no peace .saith Jehovah, to the wicked ."Isa . 33 :7 "The ambassadors ofpeace weep bitterly."Worship of State or Ruler as Godand Owner Brings DestructionJohn 10 :34-36 "Jesus answeredthem : 'Is it not written in yourLaw, "I said : You are gods"? Ifhe called "gods" those againstwhom the word of God came, . . .do you say to me . . . "You blaspheme,"because I said, I amGod's Son?'"Ps. 82 :1-7 "God standeth in thecongregation of God ; he judgethamong the gods . How long willye judge unjustly, and respect thepersons of the wicked? . . .I said .Ye are gods, and all of you sonsof the Most High . Nevertheless ye

Communismshall die like men, and fall likeone of the princes ."eph. 2 :11 "Jehovah will beterrible unto them ; for he willfamish all the gods of the earth ;and men shall worship him ."eph . 1 :4, 5 "I will cut off . . .them that worship the host ofheaven upon the housetops ; andthem that worship, that swearto Jehovah and swear by Malcam["their king," mar.] ."Gen. 11 :4, 8 "And they said,Come, let us build us a city, anda tower, whoFe top may reachunto heaven, and let us make usname ; . . . So Jehovah scatteredhem,"Communism Will Suffer Destructionfor FightingJehovah's WitnessesRuin . 13 :2, 3 "He who rangeshimself up against the authorityhas taken a stand against thearrangement of God ; those whohave taken a stand against it willreceive judgment to themselves ."Ps . 83:2-5, 17 "Lo, thine enemiesmake a tumult ; and theythat hate thee have lifted up thehead . They take crafty counselagainst thy people, and consulttogether against thy hidden ones .They have said, Come, and letus cut them off from being anation ; . . . Let them be put toshame and dismayed for ever ;yea, let them be confounded andperish."Ps. 2 :1-12 "The kings of theearth set themselves, and therulers take counsel togetheragainst Jehovah, and against hisanointed, . . . He that sitteth in,.he heavens will laugh : the Lord:Till have them in derision . . . ."Thou shalt break them with a rodof iron : thou shalt dash them inpieces like a potter's vessel ."ech . 2 :8 "For thus saith Jehovahof hosts : After glory hath hesent me unto the nations which"plundered you ; tor he that touchethyou toucheth the apple of hiseye ."Jer. 25:29 . 31 "For, lo, I begino work evil at the city which is64called by my name ; and shouldye be utterly unpunished? Yeshall not be unpunished ; for Iwill call for a sword upon all theinhabitants of the earth, saithJehovah of hosts. A noise shallcome even to the end of theearth ; for Jehovah hath a controversywith the nations ; he willenter into judgment with allflesh : as for the wicked, he willgive them to the sword, saith'Jehovah ."Matt . 25 :45, 46 "Then he willanswer them with the words :'Truly I say to you, To the extentthat you did not do it to oneof these least ones, you did notdo it to me .' And these will departinto everlasting cutting-off ."Rev. 12 :5 "And she gave birthto a son, a male, who is destinedto shepherd all the nations withan iron rod."Acts 3 :23 "Indeed, any soulthat does not listen to that Prophetwill be completely destroyedfrom among the people."Ps . 110 :5, 6 "The Lord at thyright hand will strike throughkings in the day of his wrath .He will judge among the nations,he will fill the places with deadbodies ; he will strike through thehead in many countries ."Clergy Are Mainly Responsiblefor the Hold Communism Has onPeoples of Christendom byFailure to Teach TruthJer. 23 :21, 22 "I sent not theseprophets, yet they ran : I spakenot unto them, yet they prophesied.But if they had stood in mycouncil, then had they causedmy people to hear my words, andhad turned them from their evilway, and from the evil of theirdoings ."Jer. 5 :31 "The prophets proph- ,esy falsely, and the priests bearrule by their means ; and my peoplelove to have it so : and whatwill ye do in the end thereof?"Jer. 6 :13 "For from the leastof them even unto the greatestof them every one is given to

6 5covetousness ; and from the propheteven unto the priest every onedealeth falsely ."Amos 8 :11 "Behold, the dayscome, saith the Lord Jehovah,that I will send a famine in theland, not a famine of bread, nora thirst for water, but of hearingthe words of Jehovah."Claim Based on Acts 2 :44, ThatEarly Christian CongregationWas Communistic,Is FalseEach had full control over hisprivate possessionsActs 2 :44, 45 "All those whobecame believers were together inhaving all things in common, andthey went to selling their possessionsand properties and todistributing the proceeds to alljust as anyone would have theneed."Acts 5 :3, 4 "Peter said, 'Ananias,to what end has Satan emboldenedyou to play false to theholy spirit and to hold back secretlysome of the price of thefield? As long as it remained withyou did it not remain yours, andafter it was sold did it not continuein your control?' "Voluntary gifts of love and mercywere made, and governingbody helped administerActs 24 :17 "So after quite anumber of years I arrived tobring gifts of mercy to my nation,and offerings ."Acts 11 :29, 30 "So those of thedisciples determined, each ofthem according as anyone couldafford it, to send a relief ministrationto the brothers dwellingin Judea ; and this they did, dispatchingit to the older men bythe hand of Barnabas and Saul ."2 Cor . 9 :5-13 "Therefore Ithought it necessary to encouragethe brothers to come to you inadvance and to get ready in advanceyour bountiful gift previouslypromised, that thus thismight be ready as a bountifulgift and not as something ex-Communismtorted. . . . Let each one do justas he has resolved in his heart,not grudgingly or under compulsion,for God loves a cheerfulgiver . God, moreover, is able tomake all his undeserved kindnessabound toward you, that, whileyou always have full self-sufficiencyin everything, you mayhave plenty for every good work ..you are generous in your contributionto them and to all ."Each responsible to provide forhis own household1 Tim. 5 :8 "Certainly if anyonedoes not provide for those whoare his own, and especially forthose who are members of hishousehold, he has disowned thefaith and is worse than a personwithout faith ."Some had a trade that theypracticed to meet their ownobligationsActs 18 :2-4 "He found a certainJew named Aquila, a native ofPontus who had recently comefrom Italy, and Priscilla his wile,because of the fact that Claudiushad ordered all the Jews to departfrom Rome . So he went tothem and on account of beingof the same trade he stayed attheir home, and they worked, forthey were tentmakers by trade .However, he would give a talk inthe synagogue every sabbath andwould win over Jews and Greeks ."Christians recognize ownershiprights of others, do not covet ordemand a share of another'spropertyEx . 20 :17 "Thou shalt not covetthy neighbor's house, thou shaltnot covet thy neighbor's wife, norhis man-servant, nor his maidservant,nor his ox, nor his ass,nor anything that is thy neighbor's."Rom . 7 :7 "I would not haveknown covetousness if the Lawhad not said, 'You must notcovet .' "Acts 20 :33, 34 "1 [the apostlePaul] have coveted no man's sil-

Communismver or gold or apparel. You yourselvesknow that these handshave attended to the needs of meand of those with me ."Col. 3 :5 "Deaden, therefore,your body members which areupon the earth as respects fornication,uncleanness, sexual appetite,hurtful desire, and covetousness,which is idolatry ."1 Cor . 13:4, 5 "Love is notjealous . . . . does not look for itsown interests ."Luke 3 :12-14 "But even tax collectorscame to be baptized andthey said to him [John] : 'Teacher,what shall we do?' He said tothem : 'Do not demand anythingmore than the tax-rate.' Alsothose in military service wouldask him : `What shall we alsodo?' And he said to them : 'Donot harass anybody or accuseanybody falsely, but be satisfiedwith your provisions .'"1 Pet . 4 :15 "However, let noneof you suffer as a murderer ora thief or an evildoer or as abusybody in other people's matters."Christians Recognize, Do Not Tryto overthrow Duly ConstitutedGovernments and Laws, butRecognize God as SupremeMatt . 22 :21 "Pay back, therefore,Caesar's things to Caesar,but God's things to God ."Rom. 13 :5-8 "There is thereforecompelling reason for you tobe in subjection, not only on accountof that wrath but alsoon account of your conscience .For that is why you are alsopaying tribute ; . . . Render to alltheir dues, to him who calls fortribute, the tribute ; to him whocalls for tax, the tax ; to himwho calls for fear, such fear ; tohim who calls for honor, suchhonor. Do not be owing anybodya single thing, except to love oneanother ."Eph . 6 :5-9 "You slaves, be obedientto those who are your mastersin a fleshly sense, with fearand trembling in the sincerity of66your hearts, as to the Christ, notby way of eyeservice as menpleasers,but as Christ's slaves,doing the will of God wholesouled.Be slaves with good inclinations,as to Jehovah, andnot to men, for you know thateach one, whatever good he maydo, will receive this back fromJehovah, whether he be slave orfreeman. You masters, too, keepdoing the same things to them,letting up on the threatening, foryou know that the Master of boththem and you is in the heavens,and there is no partiality withhim ."1 Cor. 7 :20, 21 "In whateverstate each one was called, let himremain in it . Were you called aslave? Do not let it worry you ;but if you can also become free,rather seize the opportunity ."1 Pet. 2 :18 "Let house servantsbe in subjection to their ownerswith the full measure of fear,not only to the good and reasonable,but also to those difficultto please."Philem . 15, 16 "Perhaps reallyon this account he [Onesimus theslave] broke away for an hour,that you may have him backforever, no longer as a slave butas more than a slave, as a brotherbeloved."Christians Exercise God-givenParental Rights; Do Not TurnChildren Over to the State orPut It FirstEph. 6 :1-4 "Children, be obedientto your parents in unionwith the Lord, for this is righteous: `Honor your father andmother' ; which is the first commandwith a promise : `That itmay go well with you and youmay endure a long time on theearth .' And you, fathers, do notbe irritating your children, but goon bringing them up in the disciplineand authoritative adviceof Jehovah,"Prov . 22 :6 "Train up a childin the way he should go, and evenwhen he is old he will not departfrom it ."

6 72 Tim . 1 :5 ; 3 :15 "For I recollectthe faith which is in you withoutany hypocrisy, and which dweltfirst in your grandmother Loisand your mother Eunice, butwhich I am confident is also inyou . And that from infancy youhave known the holy writingswhich are able to make you wisefor salvation through the faith inconnection with Christ Jesus ."Gen . 18 :19 "For I have knownhim [Abraham], to the end thathe may command his childrenConfessionand his household after him, thatthey may keep the way of Jehovah,to do righteousness andjustice."Deut. 6 :6, 7 "And these words,which I command thee this day,shall be upon thy heart ; andthou shalt teach them diligentlyunto thy children, and shalt talkof them when thou sittest in thyhouse, and when thou walkest bythe way, and when thou liestdown, and when thou risest up ."ConfessionDEFINITION(1) A personal admission of sins before God, with true repentance,asking for f<strong>org</strong>iveness from God through his Mediator and HighPriest, Jesus Christ .(2) A public proclamation of God's purposes as revealed in theBible, confessing or admitting one's dedication to do God's will,and telling of God's provisions for vindication of His name andsalvation of men through Jesus Christ .(3) A personal admission to other Christians of our sins, in orderthat we may have their Christian, Scriptural counsel, help andprayers, that we may remain spiritually healthy and in harmonywith the Christian congregation .(4) A false understanding-"The Sacrament of Penance- . . . Thiswhole procedure is usually called, from one of its parts, 'confession' ;. . it is a judicial process in which the penitent is at once the accuser,the person accused, and the witness, while the priest pronouncesjudgment and sentence . . . . the confession is made not in the secrecyof the penitent's heart nor to a layman as friend and advocate,nor to a representative of human authority, but to a duly ordainedpriest with requisite jurisdiction and with the 'power of the keys', i .e .,the power to f<strong>org</strong>ive sins which Christ granted to his church ."-The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1911, Vol . XI, pages 618, 619 .ORIGINTrue confession originated with righteous Abel, who admitted hissins and made a sacrificial offering to God, properly foreshadowingthe ransom-providing sacrifice of Christ .-Heb. 11 :4.The false practice of confessing to priests began in ancient paganBabylon . (See Hislop's The Two Babylons, pages 9, 10_) The falsedoctrine of penance was reconfirmed in the Roman Catholic Churchby the Council of Trent (1551)

ConfessionGod the One to Whom to Confessfor F<strong>org</strong>iveness of SinsThrough Christ1 John 1 :9 "If we confess oursins, he is faithful and righteousso as to f<strong>org</strong>ive us our sins andto cleanse us from all unrighteousness."Matt . 6 :9-14 "Our Father in theheavens, . . f<strong>org</strong>ive us our debts,as we also have f<strong>org</strong>iven ourdebtors . And do not bring usinto temptation, but deliver usfrom the wicked one . For if youf<strong>org</strong>ive men their trespasses, yourheavenly Father will also f<strong>org</strong>iveyou."Ps. 32 :5 "I acknowledge my sinunto thee, and mine iniquity didI not hide : I said, I will confessmy transgressions unto Jehovah ;and thou f<strong>org</strong>avest the iniquity ofmy sin ."Eph . 1 :7 "By means of him wehave the release by ransomthrough the blood of that one,yes, the f<strong>org</strong>iveness of our trespasses,according to the riches ofhis undeserved kindness ."Mark 11 :25, 26 "And when youstand praying, f<strong>org</strong>ive whateveryou have against anyone, in orderthat your Father who is in theheavens may also f<strong>org</strong>ive youyour trespasses . But if you do notf<strong>org</strong>ive, neither will your Fatherwho is in the heavens f<strong>org</strong>iveyour trespasses."Eph . 4 :32 "But become kind toone another, tenderly compassionate,freely f<strong>org</strong>iving oneanother just as God also byChrist freely f<strong>org</strong>ave you ."Dan . 9:9 "To the Lord our Godbelong mercies and f<strong>org</strong>iveness ;for we have rebelled against him ."Christ the Only MediatorBetween God and Men1 Tim . 2 :5 "For there is oneGod, and one mediator betweenGod and men, a man ChristJesus ."Eph . 2 :18 "Because throughhim we, both peoples, have theapproach to the Father by onespirit ."68Eph. 3 :11, 12 "According to theeternal purpose which he formedin connection with the Christ,Jesus our Lord, by means ofwhom we have this freeness ofspeech and an approach withconfidence through our faith inhim ."Rom. 5 :1, 2 "Therefore, nowthat we have been declared righteousas a result of faith, let usenjoy peace with God throughour Lord Jesus Christ, throughwhom also we have gained ourapproach by faith into this undeservedkindness in which we nowstand, and let us exult, based onhope of the glory of God ."On Accepting Christ, FormerSins Are ConfessedActs 19 :18 "And many of thosewho had become believers wouldcome and confess and report theirpractices openly."If Spiritually Sick, It Is Properfor Christians to Confess Sinsto Fellow Christians So TheyCan Counsel, Help Us, Pray forUs-This Command Given Specificallyto God's AnointedServantsJas . 5 :13-16 "Is there anyonesuffering evil among you? Let himcarry on prayer . Is there anyonein good spirits? Let him singpsalms . Is there anyone sickamong you? Let him call theolder men of the congregation tohim, and let them pray overhim, rubbing him with oil in thename of Jehovah . And the prayerof faith will make the indisposedone well, and Jehovah will raisehim up . Also if he has committedsins, it will be f<strong>org</strong>ivenhim . Therefore openly confessyour sins to one another and prayfor one another, that you mayget healed. A righteous man'ssupplication when it is at workhas much force ."No Man Can F<strong>org</strong>ive Sins-Healing Equally as EasyLuke 5 :23 . 24 "'Which is easier,to say, "Your sins are f<strong>org</strong>iven

69you," or to say, "Get up andwalk"? But in order for you toknow that the Son of man hasauthority on the earth to f<strong>org</strong>ivesins-' he said to the paralyzedman : 'I say to you, Get up andpick up your little bed and be onyour way home .'"Improper for Priest to InterrogatePerson About Every Phaseof His Life1 Pet . 4 :15 "However, let noneof you suffer as a murderer ora thief or an evildoer or as abusybody in other people's matters."2 Thess . 3 :11 "For we hear certainones are walking disorderlyamong you, not working at allbut meddling with what does notconcern them ."God Through Christ JudgesHeb . 10 :30 "For we know himthat said, 'Vengeance is mine ; Iwill recompense' ; and again, 'Jehovahwill judge his people .'"John 5 :22 "For the Fatherjudges no one at all, but he hascommitted all the judging to theSon ."Rom . 2 :16 "This will be in theday when God through ChristJesus judges the secret things ofmankind, according to the goodnews I declare ."Acts 10 :42 "Also he ordered usto preach to the people and togive a thorough witness that thisis the One decreed by God to bejudge of the living and the dead ."Acts 17 :31 "He has set a dayin which he purposes to judgethe inhabited earth in righteousnessby a man whom he hasappointed."Heb. 12 :23 "God the Judge ofall ."No Christian Has the Right toJudge His BrotherRom . 14:10-13 "But why doyou judge your brother? Or whydo you also look down on yourbrother? For we shall all standbefore the judgment seat of God ;for it is written : 'As I live,' saysConfessionJehovah, ' to me every knee willbow, and every tongue will makeopen acknowledgment to God.'So, then, each of us will renderan account for himself to God .Therefore, let us not be judgingone another any longer, butrather make this your decision,not to put before a brother astumblingblock or a cause forfalling."Matt . 7 :1 "Stop judging, thatyou may not be judged ."Israelites Confessed Sins to GodBefore Priests and Public so thatProper Offering and RestitutionMight Be Made-No SecretConfessionalNum . 5 :7 "Then he shall confesshis sin which he hath done :and he shall make restitution forhis guilt in full, and add untoit the fifth part thereof, and giveit unto him in respect of whomhe hath been guilty ."Lev. 5 :5, 6 "And it shall be,when he shall be guilty in oneof these things, that he shall confessthat wherein he hath sinned :and he shall bring his trespassofferingunto Jehovah for his sinwhich he hath sinned, a femalefrom the flock, a lamb or a goat,for a sin-offering ; and the priestshall make atonement for himas concerning his sin."Israelite Priests Had to AdmitTheir Own Sins Before God andMake Atonement OfferingLev . 16 :6, 17 "And Aaron shallpresent the bullock of the sinoffering,which is for himself, andmake atonement for himself, andfor his house . And there shall beno man in the tent of meetingwhen he goeth in to make atonementin the holy place, until hecome out, and have made atonementfor himself, and for hishousehold, and for all the assemblyof Israel ."Entire Congregation or OrganizationMay Publicly Confess Sin,or a Wrong Course TakenNeh . 9 :2 "And the seed of Israelseparated themselves from

Congregation of God 70all foreigners, and stood and con- thou wast angry with me, thinefessed their sins, and the iniq- anger is turned away, and thouuities of their fathers ." comfortest me ."Isa . 12 :1 "And in that daythou shalt say, I will give thanks See "Apostolic Succession", "Jeuntothee, 0 Jehovah ; for though hovah ." "Sin ."Congregation of GodDEFINITION(Gr ., ek .kle.si'a-"assembly," " congregation") An assembly of personscalled out from this world to the service of Almighty God . TheChristian congregation, the "holy nation", is comprised of JesusChrist, the Head, and 144,000 members of his body . The term alsoapplies collectively to all those of the anointed spiritual class onearth at any particular time, or to the local assembly in any place .(Ek .kle.si'a is often translated "church" .)Nation of Israel the FirstCongregation of GodActs 7 :38 "This is he that cameto be among the congregation inthe wilderness with the angelthat spoke to him on Mount Sinaiand with our forefathers, andhe received living sacred pronouncementsto give you ."Called Out from Egyptat Passover TimeEx. 12 :2, 5, 6, 41 "This month[Abib or Nisan] shall be untoyou the beginning of months : itshall be the first month of theyear to you . Your lamb shall bewithout blemish, a male a yearold : ye shall take it from thesheep, or from the goats : and yeshall keep it until the fourteenthday of the same month ; and thewhole assembly of the congregationof Israel shall kill it ateven ."Ex . 12 :7, 22-24 "And they shalltake of the blood, and put it onthe two side-posts and on thelintel, upon the houses whereinthey shall eat it. And ye shalltake a bunch of hyssop, and dipit in the blood that is in thebasin, and strike the lintel andthe two side-posts with the bloodthat is in the basin ; and noneof you shall go out of the door ofhis house until the morning . ForJehovah will pass through tosmite the Egyptians ; and whenhe seeth the blood upon the lintel,and on the two side-posts,Jehovah will pass over the door,and will not suffer the destroyerto come in unto your houses tosmite you . And ye shall observethis thing for an ordinance tothee and to thy sons for ever ."Officially Organized at Mount Sinai,1513 B .C .-Jewish "Systemsof Things"Ex. 19 :1 "In the third monthafter the children of Israel weregone forth out of the land ofEgypt, the same day came theyinto the wilderness of Sinai ."Heb. 9 :18-20 "Consequently neitherwas the former covenantinaugurated without blood . Forwhen every commandment accordingto the Law had beenspoken by Moses to all the people,he took the blood of the youngbulls and of the goats with waterand scarlet wool and hyssop andsprinkled the book itself and allthe people, saying : `This is theblood of the covenant which Godhas laid as a charge upon you .' "

71Glory of Its Law CovenantEx . 19:16 "And it came to passon the third day, when it wasmorning, that there were thundersand lightnings, and a thickcloud upon the mount, and thevoice of a trumpet exceedingloud ; and all the people thatwere in the camp trembled ."Heb . 12 :18-21 "For you havenot approached that which canbe felt and which has been setaflame with fire, and a darkcloud and thick darkness and atempest, and the blare of a trumpetand the voice of words, onhearing which voice the peopleimplored that no word shouldbe added to them . For the commandwas not bearable to them :'And if a beast touches the mountain,it must be stoned .' Also thedisplay was so fearful that Mosessaid : 'I am terrified and trembling.'"Jewish Congregation Picturedby IshmaelGal. 4:22-30 "For example, itis written that Abraham acquiredtwo sons, one by the servant girland one by the free woman ; butthe one by the servant girl wasactually born in the manner offlesh, the other by the free womanthrough a promise . Thesethings stand as a symbolicdrama ; for these women meantwo covenants, the one frommount Sinai, which brings forthchildren for slavery, and whichis Hagar . Now this Hagar meansSinai, a mountain in Arabia, andshe corresponds with the Jerusalemtoday, for she is in slaverywith her children . . . . Nevertheless,what does the Scripture say?'Cast out the servant girl and herson .'' ,Organizational Structure ofJewish CongregationMediator and leader, Moses(Gal. 3 :19) ; founded on twelvesons of Jacob ; twelve tribes ofIsrael ; law covenant ; Leviticalpriesthood ; animal sacrifices .Congregation of GodCovenant Did Not AccomplishStated Purpose Because of FleshlyImperfection and SinRom . 8 :3 "For, there being anincapability on the part of theLaw, while it was weak throughthe flesh, God, by sending his ownSon in the likeness of sinful fleshand concerning sin, condemnedsin in the flesh ."Rom . 9 :31, 32 "But Israel, althoughpursuing a law of righteousness,did not attain to thelaw . For what reason? Because hepursued it, not by faith, but asby works."Heb . 4:2 "For we have had thegood news declared to us also,even as they also had ; but theword which was heard did notbenefit them, because they werenot united by faith with thosewho did hear ."Heb . 10 :3, 6 "To the contrary,by these sacrifices there is a remindingof sins from year toyear . 'You did not approve ofwhole burnt-offerings and sin offering.'"Covenant Did Serve Purpose ofLeading Faithful Remnantto ChristGal . 3 :24 "Consequently, theLaw has become our tutor leadingto Christ, that we might be declaredrighteous due to faith ."The Typical House Cast Off,A.D . 33; "Jewish Systems ofThings" No Longer ValidMatt. 23 :38 "Look! your houseis abandoned to you."Dan . 9 :27 "And he shall makea firm covenant with many forone week : and in the midst ofthe week he shall cause the sacrificeand the oblation to cease."Col. 2:13, 14 "He kindly f<strong>org</strong>aveus all our trespasses and blottedout the handwritten documentagainst us which consisted ofdecrees and which was in oppositionto us, and he has taken itout of the way by nailing it to thetorture stake ."

Congregation of GodThe Christian Congregation-Some Scriptural NamesApplied to ItAnointed ones (2 Cor. 1 :21) ;body of Christ (Eph . 1 :22, 23) ;congregation of God (Gal . 1 :13) ;heirs (Rom . 8 :17) ; holy nation(1 Pet. 2 :9) ; holy ones (1 Cor .1 :2 ; Eph. 1 :1) ; holy priesthood(1 Pet . 2 :5) ; Israel of God (Gal .6 :16) ; new creation (2 Cor . 5 :17) ;royal palace of David (Acts15 :16) ; sons of the Kingdom(Matt. 13 :38) ; spiritual Israel(Rev. 7 :4 ; 21 :12) ; temple (1 Cor .6 :19 ; 1 Pet. 2 :5) .Its PurposeActs 15 :14 "Symeon has relatedthoroughly how God for the firsttime turned his attention to thenations to take out of them apeople for his name."1 Pet . 2 :9 "On the other hand,you are 'a chosen race, a royalpriesthood, a holy nation, a peoplefor special possession, thatyou should declare abroad theexcellencies' of the one thatcalled you out of darkness intohis wonderful light."Called Out from This World(Egypt) Beginning A .D . 29John 15 :19 ; 17 :6 "If you werepart of the world, the worldwould be fond of what is its own .Now because you are no part ofthe world, but I have chosen youout of the world, on this accountthe world hates you ." "Ihave made your name manifestto the men you gave me out ofthe world ."Established on New CovenantJer. 31 :31, 32 "Behold, the dayscome, saith Jehovah, that I willmake a new covenant with thehouse of Israel, and with thehouse of Judah : not according tothe covenant that I made withtheir fathers in the day that Itook them by the hand to bringthem out of the land of Egypt ;which my covenant they brake,although I was a husband untothem, saith Jehovah."72Heb . 8 :10-13 "' "For this is thecovenant which I shall covenantwith the house of Israel afterthose days," says Jehovah : "Ishall put my laws in their mind,and upon their hearts I shallwrite them, and I shall be a Godto them and they will be a peopleto me . And they will by no meansteach every man his fellow citizenand every man his brother,saying : `Know Jehovah,' becausethey will all know me, from theleast to the greatest of them .For I shall be merciful to theirunrighteous deeds and I will byno means call their sins to mindany more."' In his saying 'a newcovenant' he has made the formerone obsolete . Now that whichis made obsolete and growing oldis near to vanishing away ."Heb . 12 :24 "Jesus the mediatorof a new covenant ."Blood of Christ validatednew covenant1 Cor . 5 :7 "For, indeed, Christour passover has been sacrificed ."Luke 22 :20 "Also the cup inthe same way after they had theevening meal, he saying : 'Thiscup means the new covenant byvirtue of my blood, which is tobe poured out in your behalf .'"1 Cor . 11 :25 "He did likewiserespecting the cup also, after hehad the evening meal, saying :'This cup means the new covenantby virtue of my blood. Keepdoing this, as often as you drinkit, in remembrance of me .'"Heb. 9 :13-17 (mar.) "For ifthe blood of goats and of bullsand the ashes of a heifer sprinkledon those who have been pollutedsanctifies to the extent ofcleanness of the flesh, how muchmore will the blood of the Christ,who through an everlasting spiritoffered himself without blemishto God, cleanse our consciencesfrom dead works that we mayrender sacred service to the livingGod? . . . For where there is a covenant,the death of the humanmediating sacrifice (or, victim)needs to be furnished . For a cov-

73enant is valid over dead victims,since it is not in force at anytime while the human mediatingsacrifice (or, victim) is living ."Covenant inaugurated at Pentecost,A .D . 33-"new systemsof things"Acts 2 :14,14-17, 38 "Now whilethe day of the feast of Pentecostwas in progress they were all togetherat the same place, andsuddenly there occurred fromheaven a noise just like that ofa rushing stiff breeze, and itfilled the whole house in whichthey were sitting. And tongues asif of fire became visible and weredistributed to them, and one satupon each one of them, and theyall became filled with holy spiritand started to speak with differenttongues, just as the spiritwas granting them to make utterance. . Peter . raised hisvoice . . . 'These people are, in fact,not drunk, as you suppose, for itis the third hour of the day . Onthe contrary, this is what wassaid through the prophet Joel,"'And in the last days,' God says,'I shall pour some of my spiritout upon every kind of flesh, andyour sons and your daughterswill prophesy and your youngmen will see visions and your oldmen will dream dreams .'"' Petersaid to them : 'Repent, and leteach one of you be baptized inthe name of Jesus Christ for f<strong>org</strong>ivenessof your sins, and youwill receive the free gift of theholy spirit .'"Glory of the new covenant2 Cor . 3 :7-11 "Moreover, if thecode which administers death andwhich was engraved in letters instones came about in a glory, sothat the sons of Israel could notgaze intently at the face of Mosesbecause of the glory of his face,a glory which was to be doneaway with, why should not theadministering of the spirit bemuch more with glory? For if thecode administering condemnationwas glorious, much more does theCongregation of Godadministering of righteousnessabound with glory. In fact, eventhat which has once been madeglorious has been stripped ofglory in this respect, because ofthe glory that excels it . For ifthat which was to be done awaywith was brought in with glory,much more would that which remainsbe with glory ."Heb . 12 :22-26 "But you haveapproached a mount ion and acity of the living God, heavenlyJerusalem, and myriads of angers,in general assembly, and the congregationof the firstborn whohave been enrolled in the heavens,and God the Judge of all,and the spiritual lives of righteousones who have been madeperfect, and Jesus the mediatorof a new covenant, and the bloodof sprinkling which speaks in abetter way than Abel's blood . Seethat you do not implore himnot to speak . For if they did notescape who implored him not togive divine warning upon earth,much more shall we not if weturn away from him who speaksfrom the heavens . At that timehis voice shook the earth, butnow he has promised, saying :'Yet once more I will set notonly the earth but also the heavenin commotion .'"New covenant achieves successRom . 8 :3, 4 "For, there beingan incapability on the part ofthe Law, while it was weakthrough the flesh, God, by sendinghis own Son in the likenessof sinful flesh and concerningsin, condemned sin in theflesh, that the righteous requirementof the Law might be fulfilledin us who walk, not in accordwith the flesh, but in accordwith the spirit ."Rom . 11 :27 "And this is thecovenant on my part with them,when I completely take theirsins away ."Heb . 10:16, 17 "' "This is thecovenant which I shall covenanttoward them after those days,"says Jehovah : "I shall put my

Congregation of Godlaws upon their hearts, and upontheir minds I shall write them,"'it says afterwards, 'And I willby no means call their sins andtheir lawless deeds to mind anymore .' "First benefits of covenantreceived by anointedJas . 1 :18 "Because he willed it,he brought us forth by the wordof truth, for us to be a certainfirstfruits of his creatures ."Rev . 14:4 "These are the onesthat keep following the Lamb nomatter where he goes . These werepurchased from among mankindas a firstfruits to God and to theLamb ."Luke 12 :32 "Have no fear, littleflock, because your Father hasapproved of giving you the kingdom."Secondary benefits of covenantfor other sheepIsa . 56 :4, 5 "For thus saithJehovah of the eunuchs that keepmy sabbaths, and choose thethings that please me, and holdfast my covenant : Unto them willI give in my house and within mywalls a memorial and a namebetter than of sons and of daughters; I will give them an everlastingname, that shall not becut off ."Isa . 56 :6-8 "Also the foreignersthat join themselves to Jehovah,to minister unto him, and to lovethe name of Jehovah, to be hisservants, every one that keepeththe sabbath from profaning it,and holdeth fast my covenant ;even them will I bring to myholy mountain, and make themjoyful in my house of prayer :their burnt-offerings and theirsacrifices shall be accepted uponmine altar ; for my house shallbe called a house of prayer for allpeoples . The Lord Jehovah, whogathereth the outcasts of Israel,saith, Yet will I gather othersto him, besides his own that aregathered."John 10 :16 'And I have othersheep, which are not of this fold ;74those also I must bring, and theywill listen to my voice, and theywill become one flock, one shepherd."Christian Congregation Picturedby Isaac (the Seed) and Rebekah(the "Bride", the Adopted Seed)Gen . 24:67 "And Isaac broughther into his mother Sarah's tent,and took Rebekah, and she becamehis wife ; and he loved her :and Isaac was comforted afterhis mother's death ."Gal . 4 :26-28, 31 "But the Jerusalemabove is free, and she isour mother. For it is written :'Be glad, you barren woman whodoes not bear children ; break outand cry aloud, you woman whodoes not have childbirth pains ;because the children of the desolatewoman number more thanthose of her who has the husband.'Now we, brothers, are childrenbelonging to the promise thesame as Isaac was . Wherefore,brothers, we are children, not ofa servant girl, but of the freewoman ."Gal . 3 :16, 29 ; 4:4-7 "Now thepromises were spoken to Abrahamand to his seed . It says, not,'And to seeds,' as in the case ofmany such, but as in the case ofone, 'And to your seed,' who isChrist . Moreover, if you belongto Christ, you are really Abraham'sseed, heirs with referenceto a promise ." "But when the fulllimit of the time arrived, Godsent forth his Son, who was producedout of a woman and whocame to be under law, that hemight release by purchase thoseunder law, that we in turn mightreceive the adoption as sons. Nowbecause you are sons, God hassent forth the spirit of his Soninto our hearts and it cries out,'Abba, Father!' So, then, you areno longer a slave but a son ; andif a son, also an heir throughGod ."

Creationhim . For he that says farewellto him is a sharer in his wickedworks ."1 Cor . 5 :11 "But now I amwriting you to quit mixing incompany with anyone called abrother that is a fornicator or agreedy person or an idolater or areviler or a drunkard or an extortioner,not even eating withsuch a man ."2 Thess. 3 :6-14 "Now we aregiving you orders, brothers, in thename of the Lord Jesus Christ,to withdraw from every brotherwalking disorderly and not accordingto the tradition you receivedfrom us . . . . In fact, also,when we were with you, we usedto give you this order : 'If anyonedoes not want to work, neitherlet him eat .' For we hear certainones are walking disorderly amongyou, not working at all but meddlingwith what does not concernthem. To such persons we givethe order and exhortation in theLord Jesus Christ that by work-Jehovah Alone Before CreationHad a BeginningPs . 90 :2 "From everlasting toeverlasting, thou art God ."Ps . 93 :2 "Thy throne is establishedof old : thou art fromeverlasting."Isa . 40:13, 14 "Who hath directedthe spirit of Jehovah, orbeing his counsellor hath taughthim? With whom took he counsel,and who instructed him, andtaught him in the path of justice,and taught him knowledge?"CreationDEFINITIONThe original bringing into existence of all that is material andspiritual that comprises the universe by a mastermind, a greatFirst Cause known as the Creator, Jehovah God . Scriptural description: Ephesians 3 :9, NW : "God, who created all things ."78ing with quietness they shouldeat food they themselves earn."Receiving Back Repentant Ones2 Cor. 2 :5-11 "Now if anyonehas caused sadness, he has saddened,not me, but all of you toan extent-not to be too harshin what I say . This rebuke givenby the majority is sufficient forsuch a man, so that, on the contrarynow, you should kindly f<strong>org</strong>iveand comfort him, that somehowsuch a man may not beswallowed up by his being overlysad . Therefore I exhort you toconfirm your love for him . . . .Anything you kindly f<strong>org</strong>ive anyone,I do too. In fact, as for me,whatever I have kindly f<strong>org</strong>iven,if I have kindly f<strong>org</strong>iven anything,it has been for your sakesin Christ's sight, that we may notbe overreached by Satan, for weare not ignorant of his designs ."See "Jehovah's Witnesses","Apostolic Succession," "Ministerof God ."John 1 :1 "Originally the Wordwas, and the Word was with God,and the Word was a god ."Rev . 4 :11 "Jehovah, . . . youcreated all things, and because ofyour will they existed and werecreated ."Acts 17 :24, 25 "The God thatmade the world and all the thingsin it, . . does not dwell in handmadetemples, neither is he attendedto by human hands as ifhe needed anything, because hehimself gives to all persons lifeand breath and all things ."

79Jehovah the Only CreatorHeb . 3 :4 "He that constructedall things is God ."Ps. 36 :9 "With thee is the fountainof life ."Eccl . 3 :14 "Whatsoever Goddoeth, it shall be for ever : nothingcan be put to it, nor anythingtaken from it."Ps . 148 :1-6 "Angels : . . . all hishost . . . . sun and moon : . . . starsof light . . . . heavens of heavens,. waters that are above theheavens. . . for he commanded,and they were created ."Luke 12:25 "Who of you bybeing anxious can add a cubit tohis life span?"Orderly, Not Chaotic1 Cor . 14 :33 "God is a God, notof disorder, but of peace."Jas . 3 :16, 17 "Where jealousyand contentiousness are, there disorderand every vile thing are .But the wisdom from above isfirst of all chaste, then peaceable,reasonable, ready to obey, full ofmercy and good fruits, not makingpartial distinctions, not hypocritical."Matt . 12 :25 "Every kingdom dividedagainst itself comes to desolation,and every city or housedivided against itself will notstand .""Book of Nature" Shows God asSupreme ScientistRom . 1 :20 "His invisible qualitiesare clearly seen from theworld's creation onward, becausethey are understood by the thingsmade, even his eternal power andGodship, so that they are inexcusable."Only-begotten Son the FirstCreationRev . 3 :14 "And to the angel ofthe congregation in Laodiceawrite : These are the things theAmen says, the faithful and truewitness, the beginning of thecreation by God ."Col . 1 :15 "He is the image ofthe invisible God, the firstborn ofall creation ."CreationJohn 1 :1, 2 "Originally theWord was, and the Word was withGod, and the Word was a god .This one was originally withGod."Son Used in Creating AllOther ThingsJohn 1 :3, 10 "All things cameinto existence through him, andapart from him not even onething came into existence ."Col . 1 :16, 17 "By means of himall other things were created inthe heavens and upon the earth .the things visible and the thingsinvisible, no matter whether theyare thrones or lordships or governmentsor authorities . All otherthings have been created throughhim and for him . Also he is beforeall other things and bymeans of him all other thingswere made to exist."Gen . 1 :26 "And God said, Letus make man in our image, afterour likeness ."Angels Created Before EarthJob 38 :4, 7 "Where wast thouwhen I laid the foundations ofthe earth? . . . when the morningstars sang together, and all thesons of God shouted for joy?"Ezek. 28 :13, 14 "Thou wast inEden, the garden of God ; .Thou wast the anointed cherubthat covereth : and I set thee, sothat thou wast upon the holymountain of God ."Ps. 104 :4, 5 "Who makethwinds his messengers [his angelswinds, footnote] ; . . . who laid thefoundations of the earth ."Heb . 1 :7 "Also with referenceto the angels he says : `And hemakes his angels spirits, and hispublic servants a flame of fire.' "2 Pet. 2 :11 "Angels . aregreater in strength and power."Many Angels, Different RanksRev . 9 :16 "And the number ofthe armies of cavalry was twomyriads of myriads L200,000,000,footnote] : I heard the number ofthem ."

Creationperfect in beauty. Thou wast inEden, the garden of God ; everyprecious stone was thy covering,the sardius, the topaz, and thediamond, the beryl, the onyx, andthe jasper, . . . Thou wast theanointed cherub that covereth :and I set thee, so that thouwast upon the holy mountain ofGod ; . . . Thou wast perfect in thyways from the day that thouwast created, till unrighteousnesswas found in thee ."Isa . 45 :11 "Thus saith Jehovah,the Holy One of Israel, andhis Maker : Ask me of the thingsthat are to come ; concerningmy sons, and concerning thework of my hands, command yeme ."Ps . 27:4 "One thing have Iasked of Jehovah, that will Iseek after : that I may dwell inthe house of Jehovah all thedays of my life, to behold thebeauty of Jehovah, and to inquirein his temple ."Creation Beyond UnderstandingCompletelyEccl. 3 :11 "Man cannot find outthe work that God hath donefrom the beginning even to theend."Eccl . 11 :5 "As thou knowestnot what is the way of the wind,nor how the bones do grow inthe womb of her that is withchild ; even so thou knowest notthe work of God who doeth all ."Man Made Perfect, to Remainon EarthEccl . 7 :29 "Behold, this onlyhave I found : that God mademan upright ; but they havesought out many inventions ."1 Cor . 15 :47 "The first man isout of the earth and made ofdust ; the second man is out ofheaven ."Ps . 115 :16 "The heavens arethe heavens of Jehovah ; but theearth hath he given to the childrenof men ."Job 33:6 "Behold, I am towardGod even as thou art : I also amformed out of the clay ."82Heb . 2 :6, 7 "What is manso that you are mindful of him,or the son of man so that youlook after him? You made hima little lower than angels ."Acts 17 :26 "And he made outof one man every nation of men,to dwell upon the entire surfaceof the earth, and he decreed theappointed seasons and the setlimits of the dwelling of men ."Man Created with a Measureof God's AttributesGen . 1 :26 "And God said, Letus make man in our image, afterour likeness ."Gen. 9 :6 "Whoso sheddethman's blood, by man shall hisblood be shed : for in the imageof God made he man ."Man Did Not Exist Prior to HisCreation on EarthJob 15:7 "Art thou the firstman that was born? Or wastthou brought forth before thehills?"Deut . 4 :32 "For ask now ofthe days that are past, whichwere before thee, since the daythat God created man upon theearth, and from the one end ofheaven unto the other, whetherthere hath been any such thingas this great thing is, or hathbeen heard like it?"Job 38 :4 "Where wast thouwhen I laid the foundations ofthe earth? Declare, if thou hastunderstanding ."Man's Inventions and DiscoveriesNot CreationsEccl . 1 :9 "That which hathbeen is that which shall be ; andthat which hath been done isthat which shall be done : andthere is no new thing under thesun ."144,000 Body Members of Christa New Creation (Immortal)2 Cor. 5 :1, 17 "For we knowthat if our earthly house, thistent, should be dissolved, we areto have a building from God, ahouse not made with hands, ever-

CrossJesus Was Put to Death on aSimple Upright Stake"Cross" (AV, AS, Dy) fromGreek, stau .ros', "an upright stakeor pole" (Hebrew, tz"lab' ; Latin,crux) . Greek, xy'lon, "tree orstake" ; also used in reference tothe instrument used to put Jesusto death . (Acts 5 :30 ; 10 :39 ;13 :29) At Ezra 6 :11 we findxy'lon in the Greek Septuagint(1 Esdras 6 :31) as a beam onwhich the violator of the law wasto be hanged, as at Luke 23 :39 .Crux (Latin) originally meant atree, frame, or wooden instrumentof execution. "Cross" was a latermeaning of crux . The term cruxsimplex (Latin) was used to denotea plain upright executionstake . The Greek verb stau .ro'o("crucify," AV) meant "to fencewith pales" as a stockade, or "tofasten or fix on a pole or stake","to impale ." (John 19 :15) A .nastau.ro'o (Heb . 6 :6) is a synonymfor stau.ro'o .Jesus' Death on a Stake or Tree,Not a Cross, Was Necessary toFulfill Scriptures, Free Jewsfrom LawDeut . 21 :22, 23, Mo, AT "If anyman has committed a sin deservingof death, and if he is putto death by being impaled upona stake, his corpse must not remainall night upon the stake ;you must be sure to bury himthe same day, for an impaledman is under God's curse ."Gal. 3 :13 "Christ by purchasereleased us from the curse ofthe law by becoming a curseinstead of us, because it is written: 'Accursed is every manhanged upon a stake .' "Col . 2 :14 "[Christ] blotted outthe handwritten document againstus which consisted of decrees andwhich was in opposition to us,and He has taken it out of theway by nailing it to the torturestake ."See also : Eph . 2 :15, 16 ; John19 :31 .84Execution Stake a Thing to BeHated, Not WorshipedIsa . 14 :19 "Thou art cast forthaway from thy sepulchre like anabominable branch [stake uponwhich a criminal is executed],clothed with the slain, that arethrust through with the sword,that go down to the stones ofthe pit ; as a dead body troddenunder foot ."(See New World App ., underMatthew 10 :38.)Display of Execution StakeWrong ; Would CommemorateSatan's Supposed Victoryin CausingChrist's DeathMatt . 27 :39-42 "So the passersbybegan speaking abusively ofhim, wagging their heads andsaying : '0 you would-be throwerdownof the temple and builder ofit in three days, save yourself!If you are a son of God, comedown off the torture stake!' Inlike manner also the chief priestswith the scribes and older menof influence began making funof him and saying : 'Others hesaved, himself he cannot save! Heis King of Israel ; let him nowcome down off the torture stakeand we will believe on him .'"Heb . 6 :6 "They impale theSon of God afresh for themselvesand expose him to publicshame."See also : Rev . 11 :8-10 .Use of Cross in WorshipIs IdolatryEx . 20 :4, 5 "Thou shalt notmake unto thee a graven image,nor any likeness of any thingthat is in heaven above, or thatis in the earth beneath, or that isin the water under the earth :thou shalt not bow down thyselfunto them, nor serve them ."Christ's Human Body Disposedof by God, Not to Be Worshipedas on CrucifixJohn 20 :7, 12, 13 "And heviewed the bandages lying, also

85the cloth which had been uponhis head not lying with thebandages but separately rolled upin one place . And she [Mary]viewed two angels in white sittingone at the head and one at thefeet where the body of Jesus hadbeen lying. . . . She said to them :'They have taken my Masteraway, and I do not know wherethey have laid him .'"2 Cor . 5 :16 "Even if we haveknown Christ according to theflesh, certainly we now know himso no more ."Christ to Be Worshiped as aGlorious Spirit, Victorious overDeath on the Torture StakeRom . 6 :9 "For we know thatChrist, now that he has beenraised up from the dead, dies nomore ; death is master over himno more ."2 Cor . 13 :4 "True, indeed, hewas impaled owing to weakness,but he is alive owing to God'spower ."1 Pet . 3:18 "Why, even Christdied once for all time concerningsins, a righteous person for unrighteousones, that he mightlead you to God, he being putto death in the flesh, but beingmade alive in the spirit ."Christ the Reigning King Is Nowthe Signal to Be Pointed to-NotCrucifix or Banner with CrossIsa . 62 :10, AT "Pass through,pass through the gates, preparethe way of the people ; grade up,grade up the highway, clear itof stones ; raise a signal over thepeoples ."Isa . 11 :10, AT "It shall cometo pass on that day that the rootof Jesse, who will be standing asa signal to the peoples-to himwill the nations resort, and hisresting-place will be glorious ."See : Isa. 18 :3 : Rev . 12 :1, 5 ;14 :1 .Preaching of the Stake of ChristMeans the Preaching of HisDeath as a RansomI Cor . 1 :17, 18, 23 ; 2 :2 "ForChrist dispatched me, not to goCrossbaptizing, but to go declaring thegood news, not with wisdom ofspeech, that the torture stake ofthe Christ should not be madeuseless . For the speech about thetorture stake is foolishness to thosewho are perishing, but to us whoare being saved it is God's power .But we preach Christ impaled,to the Jews a cause for fallingbut to the nations foolishness .""For I decided not to know anythingamong you except JesusChrist, and him impaled ."1 Tim . 2 :5, 6 "Christ Jesus whogave himself a corresponding ransomfor all-this is what is to bewitnessed to at its own particulartimes ."Gal . 3 :1 "0 senseless Galatians,who is it that brought you underevil influence, you before whoseeyes Jesus Christ was openly portrayedimpaled?""Enemies of Torture Stake" AreThose Denying Christ's Death asProviding the RansomPhil. 3 :18, 19 "For there aremany, I used to mention themoften but now I mention themalso with weeping, who arewalking as the enemies of thetorture stake of the Christ, andtheir finish is destruction ."2 Pet. 2 :1 "However, there alsocame to be false prophets amongthe people, as there will also befalse teachers among you . Thesevery ones will quietly bring indestructive sects, and will disowneven the owner that boughtthem ."Rom . 10 :6, 7 "Do not say . . .`Who will descend into the abyss?'that is, to bring Christ up fromthe dead."See : 1 Cor . 1 :17-2 :2, above.Execution Stake a SymbolDeath Under Shame, and Reproachto Christiansfrom EnemiesofHeb . 12 :2 "We look intently atthe leader and perfecter of ourfaith, Jesus . For the joy that wasset before him he endured a torturestake, despising shame, and

Deathhas sat down at the right handof the throne of God."Matt . 16 :24 "Then Jesus saidto his disciples : 'If anyone wantsto come after me, let him disownhimself and pick up his torturestake and follow me continually.'"Gal . 6:12 "All those who wantto make a pleasing appearance inthe flesh are the ones that try tocompel you to get circumcised,only that they may not be persecutedfor the torture stake ofthe Christ."Phil . 2 :8 "He humbled himselfand became obedient as far asdeath, yes, death on a torturestake ."86`Boasting in Torture Stake'Means Gladly Bearing Reproachfor Name of ChristGal. 6 :14 "Never may it occurthat I should boast, except in thetorture stake of our Lord JesusChrist, through whom the worldhas been impaled to me and I tothe world."Col. 1 :24 "I am now rejoicingin my sufferings for you, and I inmy turn am filling up what islacking of the tribulations of theChrist in my flesh on behalf ofhis body, which is the congregation."1 Pet . 4 :16 "But if he suffersas a Christian, let him not feelshame, but let him keep on glorifyingGod in this name ."Man Created, Not to Die, but toLive ForeverGen . 1 :27-31 "And God createdman in his own image, in theimage of God created he him ;male and female created he them .And God blessed them : and Godsaid unto them, Be fruitful, andmultiply, and replenish the earth,and subdue it ; and have dominionover the fish of the sea, andover the birds of the heavens,and over every living thing thatmoveth upon the earth . . . . AndGod saw everything that he hadmade, and, behold, it was verygood."Prov. 10 :22 "The blessing of Jehovah,it maketh rich ; and headdeth no sorrow therewith ."Gen . 2 :16, 17 "And JehovahGod commanded the man, saying,Of every tree of the garden thoumayest freely eat : but of the treeof the knowledge of good andevil, thou shalt not eat of it : forDeathDEFINITIONLoss of life ; termination of existence ; utter cessation of conscious,intellectual or physical activity, celestial, human or otherwise .in the day that thou eatest thereofthou shalt surely die."Lower Animals Not Created toLive Forever2 Pet. 2 :12 "But these men,like unreasoning animals bornnaturally to be caught and destroyed,will, in the things ofwhich they are ignorant andspeak abusively, even suffer destructionin their own course ofdestruction ."Human Death the Result of FirstMan's SinRom. 5 :12, 14, 19 "Through oneman sin entered into the worldand death through sin, and thusdeath spread to all men becausethey had all sinned-. Nevertheless,death ruled as king fromAdam down to Moses, even overthose who had not sinned afterthe likeness of the transgressionby Adam. . . . through the disobe-

87dience of the one man many wereconstituted sinners ."Rom . 6 :23 "For the wages sinpays is death, but the gift Godgives is everlasting life by ChristJesus our Lord ."1 Cor . 15 :22 "For just as inAdam all are dying, so also inthe Christ all will be made alive ."Satan Introduced Sin,Caused DeathHeb. 2 :14 "Therefore, since the'young children' are sharers ofblood and flesh, he also similarlypartook of the same things, thatthrough his death he might destroythe one having the meansto cause death, that is, the Devil ."Gen . 3 :4, 5, 14 "And the serpentsaid unto the woman, Yeshall not surely die : for God dothknow that in the day ye eatthereof, then your eyes shall beopened, and ye shall be as God,knowing good and evil. And JehovahGod said unto the serpent,Because thou hast donethis, cursed art thou above allcattle, and above every beast ofthe field ; upon thy belly shaltthou go, and dust shalt thou eatall the days of thy life ."Death Due to Adam Isan Enemy1 Cor. 15:26 "As the last enemy,death is to be destroyed ."Heb. 2 :15 "And might emancipateall those who for fear ofdeath were subject to slavery allthrough their lives ."Ps . 18 :4, 5 "The cords of deathcompassed me, and the floods ofungodliness made me afraid . Thecords of Sheol were round aboutme ; the snares of death cameupon me ."Ps . 55 :4, 5 "My heart is sorepained within me : and the terrorsof death are fallen upon me .Fearfulness and trembling arecome upon me, and horror hathoverwhelmed me ."Ps . 116 :3 "The cords of deathcompassed me, and the pains ofSheol gat hold upon me : I foundtrouble and sorrow ."DeathA Dead Person Is Unconscious,InactiveJohn 11 :11-14 "He said thesethings, and after this he said tothem : 'Lazarus our friend hasgone to rest, but I am travelingthere to awaken him from sleep .'Therefore the disciples said tohim : 'Master, if he has gone torest, he will get well .' Jesus hadspoken, however, about his death .But they imagined he was speakingabout taking rest in sleep .At that time, therefore, Jesus saidto them outspokenly : 'Lazarus hasdied .' "Ps . 6:5 "For in death there isno remembrance of thee : in Sheolwho shall give thee thanks?"Eccl. 9 :5, 10 "For the livingknow that they shall die : but thedead know not anything, neitherhave they any more a reward ;for the memory of them is f<strong>org</strong>otten. Whatsoever thy handfindeth to do, do it with thymight ; for there is no work, nordevice, nor knowledge, nor wisdom,in Sheol, whither thougoest ."Isa. 38 :18 "For Sheol cannotpraise thee, death cannot celebratethee : they that go downinto the pit cannot hope for thytruth ."Acts 7:60 "After saying this hefell asleep in death ."Acts 13 :36 "For David, on theone hand, served the express willof God in his own generation andfell asleep in death and was laidwith his forefathers and did seecorruption."Eccl. 3 :19-21 "For that whichbefalleth the sons of men befallethbeasts ; even one thingbefalleth them : as the one dieth,so dieth the other ; yea, theyhave all one breath ; and manhath no pre-eminence above thebeasts : for all is vanity. All gounto one place ; all are of thedust, and all turn to dust again .Who knoweth the spirit of man,whether it goeth upward, andthe spirit of the beast, whetherit goeth downward to the earth?"

DeathDead Persons Are Beyond AnyHuman Aid2 Sam . 12 :21-23 "Then said hisservants unto him, What thingis this that thou hast done? thoudidst fast and weep for the child,while it was alive ; but when thechild was dead, thou didst riseand eat bread . And he said,While the child was yet alive,I fasted and wept : for I said,Who knoweth whether Jehovahwill not be gracious to me, thatthe child may live? But now heis dead, wherefore should I fast?can I bring him back again? Ishall go to him, but he will notreturn to me ."Redemption and Resurrectionfrom Adamic Death PossibleThrough Ransom2 Tim . 1 :10 "Christ Jesus, whohas abolished death but has shedlight upon life and incorruptionthrough the good news ."Heb . 2 :9 "But we behold Jesus,who has been made a little lowerthan angels, crowned with gloryand honor for having suffereddeath, that he by God's undeservedkindness might taste deathfor every man ."Heb. 9 :27, 28 "And as it is reservedfor men to die once forall time, but after this a judgment,so also the Christ wasoffered once for all time to bearthe sins of many, and the secondtime that he appears it will beapart from sin and to thoseearnestly looking for him fortheir salvation ."Those in Sin Considered Deadby GodLuke 9 :60 "But he said to him :'Let the dead bury their dead,but you go away and declareabroad the kingdom of God .' "1 Tim. 5 :6 "But the one thatgoes in for sensual gratificationis dead though she is living ."Eph. 2 :1 "Furthermore, it isyou God made alive though youwere dead in your trespasses andsins ."88All Men Prior to Christ Diedand Are Awaiting ResurrectionRom. 5 :14 "Nevertheless, deathruled as king from Adam downto Moses, even over those whohad not sinned after the likenessof the transgression by Adam ."Heb . 11 :4-40 "By faith Enochwas transferred so as not to seedeath, and he was nowhere to befound because God had transferredhim . . . . In faith all thesedied . . . . as God foresaw somethingbetter for us, in order thatthey might not be made perfectapart from us ."Gen . 5 :24 "And Enoch walkedwith God : and he was not ; forGod took him ."Acts 2 :29 "Brothers, it is allowableto speak with freeness ofspeech to you concerning thefamily head David, that he bothdeceased and was buried andhis tomb is among us to thisday."Those Having Faith in Christ'sRansom Considered Aliveby God1 John 3 :14 "We know we havepassed over from death to life,because we love the brothers . Hewho does not love remains indeath ."Mark 12 :27 "He is a God, not ofthe dead, but of the living ."All Body Members of ChristMust Die a Sacrificial Deathwith Him2 Tim. 2 :11 "Trustworthy isthe saying : Certainly if we diedtogether, we shall also live together."1 Cor . 15:29 "Otherwise, whatwill they do who are being baptizedfor the purpose of beingdead ones? If the dead are notto be raised up at all, why arethey also being baptized for thepurpose of being such?"Death Triumphed Over byResurrection of Christ'sBody Members1 Cor . 15:54-57 "But when thiswhich is corruptible puts on in-

89corruption and this which ismortal puts on immortality, thenthe saying will take place thatis written : 'Death is swallowedup forever' 'Death, where is yourvictory? Death, where is yoursting?' The sting producing deathis sin, and the Law gives to sinits power . But thanks to God,for he gives us the victorythrough our Lord Jesus Christ!"Hos . 13 :14 "I will ransom themfrom the power of Sheol ; I willredeem them from death : 0death, where are thy plagues? 0Sheol, where is thy destruction?"Rom . 8 :38, 39 "For I am convincedthat neither death norlife nor angels nor governmentsnor things here nor things tocome nor powers nor height nordepth nor any other creation willbe able to separate us from God'slove that is in Christ Jesus ourLord."Death Due to Adam Will BeCompletely Done Away with inChrist's 1,000-Year Reign1 Cor . 15 :26 "As the last enemy,death is to be destroyed ."Rev. 21 :4 "And he will wipeout every tear from their eyes,and death will be no more, neitherwill mourning nor outcrynor pain be any more . The formerthings have passed away ."Rev. 1 :18 "Look! I am livingfor ever and ever, and I havethe keys of death and of Hades ."Rev. 20 :13, 14 "And the seagave up those dead in it, anddeath and Hades gave up thosedead in them, and they werejudged individually according totheir deeds. And death and Hadeswere hurled into the lake of fire .This means the second death, thelake of fire .""Second Death" Not Destroyed ;Always Within God's Powerto ExerciseRev . 20 :10, 14 "The Devil . . .was hurled into the lake of fireand sulphur, where both the wildbeast and the false prophet alreadywere ; and they will be tor-Deathmented day and night for everand ever. And death and Hadeswere hurled into the lake of fire .This means the second death, thelake of fire ."Rev. 21 :8 "But as for the cowardsand those without faith andthose who are disgusting in theirfilth and murderers and fornicatorsand those practicing spiritismand idolaters and all theliars, their portion will be in thelake that burns with fire andsulphur . This means the seconddeath."No Resurrection from theSecond DeathJude 12 "These are the rockshidden below water in your lovefeasts while they feast with you,shepherds that feed themselveswithout concern for others ; waterlessclouds carried this wayand that by winds ; trees in autumntime, but fruitless, havingdied twice, having been uprooted."Jer. 51 :57 "And I will makedrunk her princes and her wisemen, her governors and her deputies,and her mighty men ; andthey shall sleep a perpetual sleep,and not wake, saith the King,whose name is Jehovah of hosts ."Prov . 10 :7 "The name of thewicked shall rot ."Obad. 16 "For as ye have drunkupon my holy mountain, so shallall the nations drink continually ;yea, they shall drink, and swallowdown, and shall be as thoughthey had not been ."The Sin That IncursSecond Death1 John 5 :16 "There is a sinthat does incur death ."Luke 12 :10 "And everyone thatsays a word against the Son ofman, it will be f<strong>org</strong>iven him ; buthe that commits blasphemyagainst the holy spirit will not bef<strong>org</strong>iven it ."Heb . 6 :4-6 "For it is impossibleas regards those who have oncefor all been enlightened and whohave tasted the heavenly free

Deathgift and who have become partakersof holy spirit and whohave tasted the right word ofGod and powers of the comingsystem of things, but who havefallen away, to revive them againto repentance, because they impalethe Son of God afresh forthemselves and expose him topublic shame ."Heb . 10:26, 27 "For if we practicesin willfully after having receivedthe accurate knowledge ofthe truth, there is no longerany sacrifice for sins left, butthere is a certain fearful expectationof judgment and thereis a fiery jealousy that is goingto consume those in opposition ."Moment When One Expires BibleDescribes as Entering the"Gates of Death"Job 38:17 "Have the gates ofdeath been revealed unto thee?or hast thou seen the gates ofthe shadow of death?"Ps . 107 :18 "Their soul abhorrethall manner of food ; and theydraw near unto the gates ofdeath ."When the Dead Body Is Buriedin the Common Grave of Mankindthe Bible Describes This as Enteringthe "Gates of Sheol-Hades"or GravedomIsa . 38 :10 "I said, In the noontideof my days I shall go intothe gates of Sheol : I am deprivedof the residue of my years ."The Glorified Jesus Christ HasBeen Given the Keys to theFigurative Gates of"Death" and "Hades"Rev . 1 :18 "I became dead, but,look! I am living for ever andever, and I have the keys ofdeath and of Hades ."Resurrection Is Described as Returningfrom the "Gates ofDeath" and "Sheol-Hades"or GravedomPs . 9 :13 "Have mercy upon me,0 Jehovah ; behold my afflictionwhich I suffer of them that hate90me, thou that liftest me up fromthe gates of death ."Rev. 20 :13 "And the sea gaveup those dead in it, and deathand Hades gave up those deadin them, and they were judgedindividually according to theirdeeds .""Death" Sometimes Used to Denotea Change of ConditionLuke 16 :22 "Now in course oftime the beggar died and he wascarried off by the angels to thebosom position of Abraham . Alsothe rich man died and wasburied."Rev. 9 :6 "And in those daysthe men will seek death but willby no means find it, and theywill desire to die but death keepsfleeing from them ."No Fear of Second Death for the144,000 Members of the KingdomAfter Their Resurrectionto HeavenRev . 2 :11 "He that conquerswill by no means be harmed bythe second death ."Rev. 20 :6 "Happy and holy isanyone having part in the firstresurrection ; over these the seconddeath has no authority ."No Fear of Death for the "OtherSheep" Who Receive Justificationto Everlasting Life After PassingTest by Satan at the End ofChrist's 1,000-Year ReignRev. 20:5 "The rest of thedead did not come to life untilthe thousand years were ended ."Luke 20 :35, 36 "But those whohave been counted worthy ofgaining that system of thingsand the resurrection from thedead neither marry nor are givenin marriage . In fact, neither canthey die any more, for they arelike the angels, and they areGod's children by being childrenof the resurrection ."See "Soul" . "Ransom ."

Dedication(ALSO CONSECRATION, SANCTIFICATION)DEFINITIONDEDICATION . An act by which a person or thing is initiatedinto some way, course or use . Christian dedication is the act of aperson in setting himself apart by solemn agreement, unreservedlyand unconditionally, to do the will of Jehovah God through ChristJesus, as that will is set forth in the Bible, being made plain byGod's holy spirit . It means one must live a holy life, separate fromthis world, and serve God henceforth to eternity.CONSECRATION . As used in the Hebrew Scriptures, literally, to"fill the hand", to put full power into the hand of those who areto serve in a priestly office . Installation into the priesthood . To Christiansit is God's act of installing them as priests of God under thegreat consecrated High Priest, Christ, and empowering them to actas such. It applies only to Christ and the anointed, spirit-begottenmembers of his body .SANCTIFICATION . A setting apart for God's holy purpose or use .God sanctifies his spirit-begotten ones by means of his holy spiritand word of truth . They become God's "holy nation", a people forGod's name . The ones sanctified co-operate in maintaining sanctificationby their action in study and following God's will .DEDICATIONthe life. No one comes to theRequired of All Who Will Serve Father except through me .'"God, Receive Everlasting Life John 6 :44 "No man can comeLuke 14:27 "Whoever is notto me unless the Father, whocarrying his torture stake andsent me, draws him, and I willcoming after me cannot be myresurrect him in the last day ."disciple ."Heb . 11 :6 "Moreover, withoutGen . 47:19, 20, 25 "Buy us and faith it is impossible to win hisour land for bread, and we and good pleasure, for he that approachesGod must believe thatour land will be servants untoPharaoh : and give us seed, that he is and that he becomes thewe may live, and not die, and rewarder of those earnestly seekinghim ."that the land be not desolate . SoJoseph bought all the land of Repentance Must PrecedeEgypt for Pharaoh ; . . . And theyDedicationsaid, Thou hast saved our lives :let us find favor in the sight of Acts 2 :37, 41 "Now when theymy lord, and we will be Pharaoh's heard this they were stabbed toservants."the heart, and they said to Peterand the rest of the apostles :One Must Be Drawn to God by `Brothers, what shall we do?'Faith Based on Knowledge Therefore those who embracedof His Wordhis word heartily were baptized,John 14 :6 "Jesus said to him : and on that day about three`I am the way and the truth and thousand souls were added ."91

DedicationActs 3 :19, 20 "Repent, therefore,and turn around so as to getyour sins blotted out, that seasonsof refreshing may come from theperson of Jehovah and that hemay send forth the Christ appointedfor you, Jesus ."Cost of Dedication Must FirstBe CalculatedLuke 14 :28-33 "For example,who of you that wants to builda tower does not first sit downand figure out the expense, to seeif he has enough to complete it?Otherwise, he might lay itsfoundation but not have thefunds to finish it, and all theonlookers might start to ridiculehim, saying : 'This man startedto build but had not the fundsto finish .' Or what king, marchingto meet another king in wardoes not first sit down and takecounsel whether he is able withten thousand troops to cope withthe one that comes against himwith twenty thousand? If, in fact,lie cannot do so, then while thatone is yet far away he sends outa body of ambassadors and suesfor peace. Thus, you may besure, none of you that does notsay good-bye to all his belongingscan be my disciple ."One Dedicating Self Must RecognizeJehovah as Supreme Sovereign,Life-Giver, Christ as Savior,King, Holy Spirit as God'sActive ForceMatt . 28 :19 "Go therefore andmake disciples of people of allthe nations, baptizing them inthe name of the Father and ofthe Son and of the holy spirit."Ps. 83 :18 "That they may knowthat thou alone, whose name isJehovah, art the Most High overall the earth ."Ps . 36:9 "For with thee is thefountain of life ."Phil . 2 :9, 11 "For this very reasonalso God exalted him to asuperior position and kindly gavehim the name that is aboveevery other name, and everytongue should openly confess that92Jesus Christ is Lord to the gloryof God the Father ."Gal . 6 :8 "Because he who issowing with a view to his fleshwill reap corruption from hisflesh, but he who is sowing witha view to the spirit will reapeverlasting life from the spirit ."Eph . 5 :18 "Keep getting filledwith spirit ."Dedication Is Followedby Water BaptismActs 10 :47, 48 "Then Peter responded: 'Can anyone forbid waterso that these might not bebaptized who have received theholy spirit even as we have?'With that he commanded them tobe baptized in the name of JesusChrist ."Acts 16 :30-33 "And he broughtthem outside and said : 'Sirs,what must I do to get saved?'They said : 'Believe on the LordJesus and you will get saved,you and your household .' Andthey spoke the word of Jehovahto him together with all thosein his house. And he took themalong in that hour of the nightand bathed their stripes, and,one and all, he and his werebaptized without delay."Prayerful, Sincere Dedication IsAccepted by JehovahActs 10:3-5, 30, 31, 44 "Justabout the ninth hour of the dayhe saw plainly in a vision anangel of God come in to him andsay to him : 'Cornelius!' The mangazed at him and, becomingfrightened, said : 'What is it,Lord?' He said to him : 'Yourprayers and gifts of mercy haveascended as a remembrance beforeGod. So now send men toJoppa and summon a certain Simonwho is surnamed Peter .' AccordinglyCornelius said : 'Fourdays ago counting from this hourI was praying in my house atthe ninth hour, when, look! aman in bright raiment stood beforeme and said : "Cornelius,your prayer has been favorablyheard and your gifts of mercy

9 3have been remembered beforeGod ."' While Peter was yetspeaking about these matters theholy spirit fell upon all thosehearing the word ."1 Sam . 1 :9-28 "So Hannah roseup . . . And she was in bitternessof soul, and prayed unto Jehovah,and wept sore . And shevowed a vow, and said, 0 Jehovahof hosts, if thou wilt indeedlook on the affliction of thyhandmaid, and remember me,and not f<strong>org</strong>et thy handmaid,but wilt give unto thy handmaida man-child, then I willgive him unto Jehovah all thedays of his life, and there shallno razor come upon his head . . . .And Elkanah knew Hannah hiswife ; and Jehovah rememberedher ; and it came to pass, whenthe time was come about, thatHannah conceived, and bare ason ; and she called his nameSamuel, saying, Because I haveasked him of Jehovah . . . . For thischild I prayed ; and Jehovah hathgiven me my petition which Iasked of him : therefore also Ihave granted him to Jehovah ; aslong as lie liveth he is granted toJehovah ."1 Ki . 8 :41-43 "Moreover concerningthe foreigner, that is notof thy people Israel, when he shallcome out of a far country forthy name's sake (for they shallhear of thy great name, and ofthy mighty hand, and of thineoutstretched arm) ; when he shallcome and pray toward this house ;hear thou in heaven thy dwellingplace,and do according to allthat the foreigner calleth to theefor ; that all the peoples of theearth may know thy name, tofear thee, as doth thy people Israel,and that they may knowthat this house which I havebuilt is called by thy name."Examples of DedicationHeb. 10 :5-7 "Hence when hecomes into the world he says :'You did not desire sacrifice andoffering, but you prepared a bodyfor me . You did not approve ofDedicationwhole burnt-offerings and sinoffering.' Then I said, 'Look! Iam come (in the roll of the bookit is written about me) to doyour will, 0 God .'"Heb. 11 :24, 25 "By faith Moses,when grown up, refused to becalled the son of the daughterof Pharaoh, choosing to be illtreatedwith the people of Godrather than to have the temporaryenjoyment of sin ."See : Acts, chapters 2, 10 ; andHebrews, chapter 11Dedication Must Be FaithfullyCarried OutRom . 1 :31, 32 "Without understanding,false to agreements,having no natural affection, merciless. Although these know fullwell the righteous decree of God,that those practicing such thingsare deserving of death, they notonly keep on doing them butalso approve those practicingthem ."Eccl . 5 :2, 4-6 "Be not rash withthy mouth and let not thy heartbe hasty to utter anything beforeGod ; for God is in heaven,and thou upon earth : thereforelet thy words be few . When thouvowest a vow unto God, defernot to pay it ; for he hath nopleasure in fools : pay that whichthou vowest. Better is it that thoushouldest not vow than that thoushouldest vow and not pay . Suffernot thy mouth to cause thyflesh to sin ; neither say thoubefore the angel, that it was anerror : wherefore should God beangry at thy voice, and destroythe work of thy hands?"Jas . 1 :27 ; 2 :17, 24 "The form ofworship that is clean and undefiledfrom the standpoint of ourGod and Father is this : to carefor orphans and widows in theirtribulation, and to keep oneselfwithout spot from the world.""Thus, too, faith, if it does nothave works, is dead in itself . Yousee that a man is to be declaredrighteous by works, and not byfaith alone ."

DedicationDedicated One Must Work withGod's OrganizationMatt . 12 :30 "He that is not onmy side is against me, and hethat does not gather with mescatters ."Matt . 24:45-47 "Who really isthe faithful and discreet slavewhom his master appointed overhis domestics to give them theirfood at the proper time? Happyis that slave if his master on arrivingfinds him doing so . TrulyI say to you, He will appointhim over all his belongings ."John 10 :16 "And I have othersheep, which are not of this fold ;those also I must bring, and theywill listen to my voice, and theywill become one flock, one shepherd."Eccl. 4 :9-12 "Two are betterthan one, because they have agood reward for their labor . Forif they fall, the one will lift uphis fellow ; but woe to him thatis alone when he falleth, andhath not another to lift him up .Again, if two lie together, thenthey have warmth ; but how canone be warm alone? And if a manprevail against him that is alone,two shall withstand him ; and athreefold cord is not quicklybroken ."Things, Possessions May BeDedicated to God's ServiceDeut . 20 :5 "And the officersshall speak unto the people,saying, What man is there thathath built a new house, and hathnot dedicated it? let him go andreturn to his house, lest he diein the battle, and another mandedicate it ."Num . 7 :10, 11, 84, 88 "And theprinces offered for the dedicationof the altar in the day that itwas anointed, even the princesoffered their oblation before thealtar . And Jehovah said untoMoses, They shall offer their oblation,each prince on his day, forthe dedication of the altar . Thiswas the dedication of the altar,in the day when it was anointed,94by the princes of Israel : twelvesilver platters, twelve silver bowls,twelve golden spoons ; and all theoxen for the sacrifice of peaceofferingstwenty and four bullocks,the rams sixty, the he-goatssixty, the he-lambs a year oldsixty . This was the dedication ofthe altar, after that it wasanointed ."2 Chron. 7 :9 "And on theeighth day . . . they kept the dedicationof the altar seven days,and the feast seven days ."Ezra 6 :16 "And the children ofIsrael, the priests and the Levites,and the rest of the children ofthe captivity, kept the dedicationof this house of God with joy ."Neh. 12 :27 "And at the dedicationof the wall of Jerusalemthey sought the Levites out of alltheir places, to bring them toJerusalem, to keep the dedicationwith gladness, both with thanksgivings,and with singing, withcymbals, psalteries, and withharps ."CONSECRATIONIt Is God Who ConsecratesMatt . 3 :13-17 "Then Jesus camefrom Galilee to the Jordan toJohn in order to be baptized byhim . But the latter tried to preventhim, saying : 'I am the oneneeding to be baptized by you,and are you coming to me?' Inreply Jesus said to him : 'Let it be,this time, for in that way it issuitable for us to carry out allthat is righteous.' Then he quitpreventing him . After being baptizedJesus immediately came upfrom the water ; and, look! theheavens were opened up, and hesaw descending like a dove God'sspirit coming upon him . Look!also, there was a voice from theheavens that said : 'This is mySon, the beloved, whom I haveapproved .' "Heb . 5 :4-6 "Also a man takesthis honor, not of his own accord,but only when he is called byGod, just as Aaron also was . So,

9 5too, the Christ did not glorifyhimself by becoming a highpriest, but was glorified by himwho spoke with reference to him :'You are my Son ; today I havebecome your Father.' Just as hesays also in another place : 'Youare a priest forever after thelikeness of Melchizedek."'Heb . 7 :28 "For the Law appointsmen high priests havingweakness, but the word of thesworn oath that came after theLaw appoints a Son, who is perfectedforever."Consecration Applies Only toThose Who Are Anointed asPriests of God-the 144,001Ex . 29 :9, 29 "And thou shaltgird them with girdles, Aaronand his sons, and bind head-tireson them : and they shall have thepriesthood by a perpetual statute :and thou shalt consecrate Aaronand his sons. And the holy garmentsof Aaron shall be for hissons after him, to be anointed inthem, and to be consecrated inthem ."Lev . 8 :22-24 "And he presentedthe other ram, the ram of consecration: and Aaron and hissons laid their hands upon thehead of the ram. And he slew it ;and Moses took of the bloodthereof, and put it upon the tipof Aaron's right ear, and uponthe thumb of his right hand,and upon the great toe of hisright foot . And he broughtAaron's sons ; and Moses put ofthe blood upon the tip of theirright ear, and upon the thumbof their right hand, and upon thegreat toe of their right foot : andMoses sprinkled the blood uponthe altar round about ."Heb . 3 :1 "Consequently, holybrothers, partakers of the heavenlycalling, consider the apostleand high priest whom we confess-Jesus."Rev . 14 :1, 3 "And I saw, andlook! the Lamb standing uponthe mount ion, and with him ahundred and forty-four thousandDedicationhaving his name and the nameof his Father written on theirforeheads. And they are singingas if a new song before thethrone and before the four livingcreatures and the persons of advancedage ; and no one was ableto master that song but the hundredand forty-four thousand,who have been purchased fromthe earth ."Rev. 5 :9, 10 "And they sing anew song, saying : 'You areworthy to take the scroll andopen its seals, because you wereslaughtered and with your bloodyou bought persons for God outof every tribe and tongue andpeople and nation, and you madethem to be a kingdom and prieststo our God, and they will ruleas kings over the earth .' "Consecrated Anointed UnderpriestsAre Brought into NewCovenant over Christ'sSacrificePs . 50 :5 "Gather my saints togetherunto me, those that havemade a covenant with me bysacrifice ."Consecrated Ones Are SpiritBegotten to a Heavenly Hope1 Pet . 1 :3, 4 "Blessed be theGod and Father of our LordJesus Christ, for according to hisgreat mercy he gave us a newbirth to a living hope throughthe resurrection of Jesus Christfrom the dead, to an incorruptibleand undefiled and unfading inheritance. It is reserved in theheavens for you ."SANCTIFICATIONSpirit-begotten Ones AreSanctified1 Thess. 4 :3 "For this is whatGod wills, the sanctifying of you,that you abstain from fornication."Heb . 2 :10, 11 "For it was fittingfor the one for whose sake allthings are and through whomall things are, in bringing manysons to glory, to make the Chief

DedicationAgent of their salvation perfectthrough sufferings . For both hewho is sanctifying and those whoare being sanctified all stem fromone, and for this cause he is notashamed to call them `brothers' ."Both God and Dedicated OnesHave a Part in SanctifyingLev. 20 :7, 8 "Sanctify yourselvestherefore, and be ye holy ;for I am Jehovah your God . Andye shall keep my statutes, and dothem : I am Jehovah who sanctifiethyou ."John 17 :19 "And I am sanctifyingmyself in their behalf, thatthey also may be sanctified bymeans of truth ."1 Thess . 4 :4 "Each one of youshould know how to get possessionof his own vessel in sanctificationand honor ."Faith in Christ NecessaryActs 26 :18 "To open their eyes,to turn them from darkness tolight and from the authority ofSatan to God, in order for themto receive f<strong>org</strong>iveness of sins andan inheritance among those sanctifiedby their faith in me ."God, Through Christ, Sanctifiesby Means of the Truth andHoly SpiritEph. 5 :25-27 "Christ also lovedthe congregation and delivered uphimself for it, that he mightsanctify it, cleansing it with thebath of water by means of theword, that he might present thecongregation to himself in itssplendor, not having a spot ora wrinkle or any of such things,but that it should be holy andwithout blemish ."John 17 :17 "Sanctify them bymeans of the truth ; your wordis truth ."Heb . 10 :22 "Let us approachwith sincere hearts in the fullassurance of faith, having hadour hearts sprinkled from awicked conscience and our bodieswashed with clean water ."1 Cor . 6 :11 "And yet that iswhat some of you were. But you96have been washed clean, but youhave been sanctified, but youhave been declared righteous inthe name of our Lord JesusChrist and with the spirit of ourGod ."Acts 20:32 "And now I commityou to God and to the word ofhis undeserved kindness, whichword can build you up and giveyou the inheritance among allthe sanctified ones ."1 Thess. 5 :23 "May the veryGod of peace sanctify you completely."Heb . 13 :12 "Hence Jesus also,that he might sanctify the peoplewith his own blood, suffered outsidethe gate ."Such Are "Saints" or Holy Ones-God's Holy Nation1 Pet. 1 :15, 16 "But, in accordwith the holy one who calledyou, do you also become holyyourselves in all your conduct,because it is written : 'You mustbe holy, because I am holy .'"Col . 1 :12 "Thanking the Fatherwho rendered you suitable foryour participation in the inheritanceof the holy ones in thelight ."Eph . 1 :1 "Paul, an apostle ofChrist Jesus through God's will,to the holy ones who are alsofaithful ones in union with ChristJesus ."These Must Maintain Sanctificationto Be Used by God andReceive Inheritance withChristActs 20:32 "And now I commityou to God and to the wordof his undeserved kindness, whichword can build you up and giveyou the inheritance among allthe sanctified ones."2 Tim . 2 :20, 21 "Now in a largehouse there are vessels not onlyof gold and silver but also ofwood and earthenware, and somefor an honorable purpose butothers for a purpose lacking honor.If, therefore, anyone keeps

97 Devil and Demonsclear of the latter ones, he will owner, prepared for every goodbe a vessel for an honorable pur- work."pose, sanctified, useful to his See "Baptism".Devil and DemonsDEFINITIONThe Devil-a mighty spirit person, an angel . Originally a righteouscherub of God's creation by means of the Word, the First-begottenSon of God. He was not created a devil or Satan, but made himselfsuch by his rebellion against Almighty God . He was the beginnerand introducer of sin in the universe, and is extremely wicked, thegreat enemy of God and all his righteous creatures . Sentenced to deathat the time of his rebellion, but permitted to remain in order thatGod's supremacy might be proved . He will be abyssed at Armageddonby Christ Jesus, and finally annihilated at the end of Christ'smillennial reign . Also known as Satan . A false, mimic god .Originally a Righteous Creatureof God-Placed as Protectorateover Adam and Eve in EdenEzek . 28:12-15 "Take up a lamentationover the king of Tyre,and say unto him . . . . Thou sealestup the sum, full of wisdom, andperfect in beauty . Thou wast inEden, the garden of God ; . . . theworkmanship of thy tabrets andof thy pipes was in thee ; in theday that thou wast created theywere prepared. Thou wast theanointed cherub that covereth :and I set thee, so that thou wastupon the holy mountain of God ;thou hast walked up and down inthe midst of the stones of fire .Thou wast perfect in thy waysfrom the day that thou wastcreated, till unrighteousness wasfound in thee ."Dan . 4 :10-12 "Behold, a tree inthe midst of the earth ; and theheight thereof was great. Thetree grew, and was strong, andthe height thereof reached untoheaven, and the sight thereof tothe end of all the earth . Theleaves thereof were fair, and thefruit thereof much, and in it wasfood for all : the beasts of thefield had shadow under it, andthe birds of the heavens dweltin the branches thereof, and allflesh was fed from it ."How Sin, Disobedience, Lies andMurder Were Brought In by`Covering Cherub'Jas. 1 :13-15 "Let no one say :'I am being tried by God .' No ;for with evil things God cannotbe tried nor does he himself tryanyone. But each one is triedby being drawn out and enticedby his own desire . Then the desire,when it has become fertile,gives birth to sin ; in turn, sin,when it has been accomplished,brings forth death."Ezek . 28 :15, 16 "Thou wast perfectin thy ways from the daythat thou wast created, till unrighteousnesswas found in thee .By the abundance of thy trafficthey filled the midst of thee withviolence, and thou hast sinned ."John 8 :44 "You are from yourfather the Devil and you wish todo the desires of your father .That one was a manslayer whenhe began, and he did not standfast in the truth, because truthis not in him. When he speaks thelie, he speaks according to hisown disposition, because he is aliar and the father of the lie ."

Devil and Demons1 John 3 :8 "He who practicessin originates with the Devil, becausethe Devil has been sinningfrom when he began ."Instituted Rebellion AgainstJehovahIsa . 14 :13, 14 "Thou saidst inthy heart, I will ascend intoheaven, I will exalt my throneabove the stars of God ; and Iwill sit upon the mount of congregation,in the uttermost partsof the north ; I will ascend abovethe heights of the clouds ; I willmake myself like the Most High ."1 Tim . 3 :6 "Not a newly convertedman, for fear that hemight get puffed up with prideand fall into the judgment passedupon the Devil ."Eph . 2 :2 "You at one timewalked according to the systemof things of this world, accordingto the ruler of the authority ofthe air, the spirit that nowoperates in the sons of disobedience."Ezek . 28 :17, 18 "Thy heart waslifted up because of thy beauty ;thou hast corrupted thy wisdomby reason of thy brightness : . . .By the multitude of thine iniquities,in the unrighteousness ofthy traffic, thou hast profanedthy sanctuaries."Brought Challenge Against God'sSupremacy, Truthfulness,JusticeGen . 3:4, 5 "The serpent saidunto the woman, Ye shall notsurely die : for God doth knowthat in the day ye eat thereof,then your eyes shall be opened,and ye shall be as God, knowinggood and evil ."See: Job, chapters 1, 2, below ;Isa . 14 :13, 14, above .Raised Question of Man's IntegrityToward God and ChallengedGod's Way of Ruling Universeby LoveJob 1 :9-11 ; 2 :3-5 "Then Satananswered Jehovah, and said, DothJob fear God for nought? Hast9 8thou not made a hedge abouthim, and about his house, andabout all that he hath, on everyside? thou hast blessed the workof his hands, and his substanceis increased in the land . But putforth thy hand now, and touchall that he hath, and he willrenounce thee to thy face .""And Jehovah said unto Satan,Hast thou considered my servantJob? for there is none like himin the earth, a perfect and anupright man, one that fearethGod, and turneth away from evil :and he still holdeth fast his integrity,although thou movedstme against him, to destroy himwithout cause . And Satan answeredJehovah, and said, Skinfor skin, yea, all that a manhath will he give for his life .But put forth thy hand now, andtouch his bone and his flesh, andhe will renounce thee to thyface ."Rev . 12:10 "The accuser of ourbrothers has been hurled down,who accuses them day and nightbefore our God ."Names Given to Him After HisRebellionRev. 12 :9 "So down the greatdragon was hurled, the originalserpent, the one called Devil andSatan, who is misleading the entireinhabited earth ."Rev. 20:2 "He seized the dragon,the original serpent, who isthe Devil and Satan ."Introduced False Religion,Creature WorshipRom. 1 :22 "Although assertingthey were wise, they became foolishand turned the glory of theincorruptible God into somethinglike the image of corruptible manand of birds and four-footed creaturesand creeping things ."Jude 9 "Michael the archangelhad a difference with the Deviland was disputing about Moses'body."See: Gen . 3 :4, 5, above .

99The Cause of Sin and Deathand Earth's WoesIsa . 14 :12, 16, 17, 20 "How artthou cut down to the ground,that didst lay low the nations!.Is this the man that madethe earth to tremble, that didshake kingdoms ; that made theworld as a wilderness, and overthrewthe cities thereof ; that letnot loose his prisoners to theirhome? . . . Thou hast slain thypeople ."Acts 10 :38 "Jesus . . . wentthrough the land doing good andhealing all those oppressed bythe Devil ."Rom . 5 :12, 19 "Through oneman sin entered into the worldand death through sin, and thusdeath spread to all men becausethey had all sinned ."Important to Know About Satanand His Activities so as toAvoid His Snares2 Cor . 2 :11 "That we may notbe overreached by Satan, for weare not ignorant of his designs ."2 Tim . 2 :25, 26 "Instructingwith mildness . . . . as . . . they maycome back to their proper sensesout from the snare of the Devil,seeing that they have beencaught alive by him for the willof that one ."2 Thess . 2 :9, 10 "The lawlessone's presence is according to theoperation of Satan with everypowerful work and lying signsand wonders and with every unrighteousdeception ."Satan Is a Person, Not theAbstract Quality of EvilMatt. 4 :1-11 "The Temptercame and said to him : . . . In replyhe said : . . . Then the Deviltook him along into the holycity, and he stationed him uponthe battlement of the temple andsaid to him : . . . Jesus said to him :. Again the Devil took himalong to an unusually high mountain,and showed him all thekingdoms of the world and theirglory, and he said to him : `AllDevil and Demonsthese things I will give you ifyou fall down and do an act ofworship to me .' Then Jesus saidto him : 'Go away, Satan!' . . .Then the Devil left him ."See also : Luke, chapter 4 .Jude 9 "When Michael thearchangel had a difference withthe Devil and was disputing aboutMoses' body, he did not dare tobring a judgment against himin abusive terms, but said : 'MayJehovah rebuke you .'"ech. 3 :1, 2 "And he showedme Joshua the high priest standingbefore the angel of Jehovah,and Satan standing at his righthand to be his adversary . AndJehovah said unto Satan, Jehovahrebuke thee, 0 Satan ."Mark 3 :22 "Also the scribes. were saying : 'He has Beelzebub,and he expels the demonsby means of the ruler of thedemons.'"See also : Job, chapters 1, 2 ;Rev . 12 :3-17, regarding the conversationbetween God and Satanand the war in heaven betweenMichael and Satan .He Appears as Benefactor,Light-Bearer, to Deceive2 Cor. 11 :3, 14 "But I am afraidthat somehow, as the serpent seducedEve by its craftiness, yourminds might be corrupted awayfrom the sincerity and the chastitythat are due the Christ . Andno wonder, for Satan himselfkeeps transforming himself intoan angel of light ."Rev . 3 :9 "Look! I will givethose from the synagogue of Satanwho say they are Jews . andyet they are not but are lying-look! I will make them comeand do obeisance before yourfeet ."See : Gen . 3 :1-5 .Cast Out from God's Organization,Sentenced to Death at Timeof Rebellion in Eden-No Light,Appointment or Assignmentfrom God ThereafterGen . 3 :14, 15 "And JehovahGod said unto the serpent, Be-

Devil and Demonscause thou hast done this, cursedart thou above all cattle, andabove every beast of the field ;upon thy belly shalt thou go, anddust shalt thou eat all the daysof thy life : and I will put enmitybetween thee and the woman, andbetween thy seed and her seed :he shall bruise thy head, andthou shalt bruise his heel ."Dan . 4:13, 14 "A watcher anda holy one came down from heaven. He cried aloud, and said thus,Hew down the tree, and cut offits branches, shake off its leaves,and scatter its fruit : let thebeasts get away from under it,and the fowls from its branches ."Ezek . 28 :16, 18, 19 "Thereforehave I cast thee as profane outof the mountain of God ; .therefore have I brought forth afire from the midst of thee ; ithath devoured thee, and I haveturned thee to ashes upon theearth in the sight of all themthat behold thee. All they thatknow thee among the peoplesshall be astonished at thee : thouart become a terror, and thoushalt nevermore have any being ."Ps . 94 :20 "Shall the throne ofwickedness have fellowship withthee?"2 Cor . 6 :15 "What harmony isthere between Christ and Belial?"Nah . 1 :3 "Jehovah . . . will by nomeans clear the guilty ."Hab . 1 :13 "Thou that art ofpurer eyes than to behold evil,and that canst not look on perverseness."Permitted to Exist for a Time,that the Issue of Jehovah's Supremacyand Faithful Men's IntegrityBe Settled ForeverEx . 9 :16 "In very deed for thiscause have I made thee to stand[spared you, AT], to show theemy power, and that my namemay be declared throughout allthe earth."Rom . 9 :17 "For the Scripturesays to Pharaoh : `For this verypurpose I have let you remain,that in connection with you I100may demonstrate my power andthat my name may be publishedthroughout all the earth .' "Eccl. 3 :1, 7, 8, 16, 17 "For everythingthere is a season, and atime for every purpose underheaven : . . . a time to keep silence,and a time to speak ; . . . atime for war, and a time forpeace . . . . In the place of justice,.wickedness was there ; and inthe place of righteousness, .wickedness was there . . . . God willjudge the righteous and thewicked ; for there is a time therefor every purpose and for everywork ."Nah . 1 :9 "What do ye deviseagainst Jehovah? he will make afull end ; affliction shall not riseup the second time ."Prov . 27:11 "My son, be wise,and make my heart glad, thatI may answer him that reproachethme ."Ps. 74 :10, 22, 23 "How long, 0God, shall the adversary reproach?Shall the enemy blasphemethy name for ever? Arise,0 God, plead thine own cause :remember how the foolish manreproacheth thee all the day .F<strong>org</strong>et not the voice of thine adversaries: the tumult of thosethat rise up against thee ascendethcontinually ."Ps. 83 :17, 18 "Let them be putto shame and dismayed for ever ;yea, let them be confounded andperish ; that they may know thatthou alone, whose name is Jehovah,art the Most High overall the earth ."Rev . 6 :10 "And they cried witha loud voice, saying : `Until when,Sovereign Lord holy and true, areyou refraining from judging andavenging our blood upon thosewho dwell on the earth?'"Still Retains Personal Power andActs as Outlaw Against God,Assaults God's Servants1 Pet . 5 :8 "Your adversary, theDevil, walks about like a roaringlion, seeking to devour."

101Luke 22 :31 "Simon, Simon,look! Satan has demanded tohave you men to sift you aswheat ."2 Cor. 12 :7 "That I might notbe overly exalted, there was givenine a thorn in the flesh, an angelof Satan, to keep striking me ."1 Thess . 2 :18 "We wanted tocome to you, yes, I Paul, bothonce and a second time, but Satancut across our path ."Rev . 2 :10 "Look! the Devil willkeep on throwing some of youinto prison that you may be fullyput to the test, and that you mayhave tribulation ten days ."Gen . 3 :15 "He shall bruise thyhead, and thou shalt bruise hisheel ."John 13 :2 "So, while the eveningmeal was going on, the Devilhaving already put it into theheart of Judas Iscariot, the sonof Simon, to betray him."See also: Matthew, chapter 4,and Luke, chapter 4.Through Sin and His Organization,Satan Brings Temptationand DistressHeb . 2 :14, 15 "Therefore, sincethe `young children' are sharersof blood and flesh, he also similarlypartook of the same things,that through his death he mightdestroy the one having the meansto cause death, that is, the Devil,and might emancipate all thosewho for fear of death were subjectto slavery all through theirlives ."Jas . 3 :14-16 "If you have bitterjealousy and contentiousness inyour hearts . . . . This is not thewisdom that comes down fromabove, but is the earthly, animal,demonic . For where jealousy andcontentiousness are, there disorderand every vile thing are ."1 Chron . 21 :1, 8 "And Satanstood up against Israel, andmoved David to number Israel .And David said unto God, havesinned greatly, in that I havedone this thing ."Acts 5 :3 "Peter said : `Ananias,to what end has Satan em-Devil and Demonsboldened you to play false to theholy spirit and to hold backsecretly some of the price of thefield?' "Nah. 3 :1 "Woe to the bloodycity! it is all full of lies andrapine ; the prey departeth not."Rev . 18 :2, 3 "Babylon the greathas fallen, and she has become adwelling-place of demons . . . anda lurking-place of every uncleanand hated bird! For because ofthe passion-arousing wine of herfornication all the nations havefallen victim, and the kings ofthe earth committed fornicationwith her, and the merchants ofthe earth became rich due to thepower of her shameless luxury ."Matt. 24 :9 "Then people willdeliver you up to tribulation andwill kill you, and you will behated by all the nations on accountof my name ."Has Built Up a Great "Seed"Organization Composed of Invisible"Heavens" (Demons), andVisible "Earth" (Humans)Gen . 3 :15 "I will put enmitybetween thee and the woman,and between thy seed and herseed ."Dan . 2:31-33 "Thou, 0 king,sawest, and, behold, a greatimage . This image, which wasmighty, and whose brightnesswas excellent, stood before thee ;and the aspect thereof was terrible. As for this image, its headwas of fine gold, its breast andits arms of silver, its belly andits thighs of brass, its legs ofiron, its feet part of iron, andpart of clay ."2 Pet . 3 :7-13 "The heavens andthe earth that are now are storedup for fire and are being reservedto the day of judgment and ofdestruction . . . the heavens willpass away . . . and earth and theworks in it will be discovered . . . .the heavens being on fire will bedissolved and the elements beingintensely hot will melt!"Isa . 47 :1, 5 "Come down, andsit in the dust, 0 virgin daughter

Devil and Demonsof Babylon ; sit on the groundwithout a throne, . . . thou shaltno more be called The mistressof kingdoms ."His <strong>org</strong>anization of demonsRev . 12 :3, 4 "And another signwas seen in heaven, and look! agreat fiery-colored dragon, withseven heads and ten horns andupon its heads seven diadems ;and its tail draws a third of thestars of heaven, and it hurledthem down to the earth ."Matt . 12 :24 "The Phariseessaid : 'This fellow does not expelthe demons except by means ofBeelzebub, the ruler of the demons.'"Eph . 6 :11, 12 "Stand firmagainst the machinations of theDevil ; because we have a fight,not against blood and flesh, butagainst the governments, againstthe authorities, against the worldrulersof this darkness, againstthe wicked spirit forces in theheavenly places ."Dan . 10 :13 "The prince of thekingdom of Persia withstood meone and twenty days ; but, lo,Michael, one of the chief princes,came to help me ."His <strong>org</strong>anization of humansMatt. 13 :38, 39 "The field is theworld ; . . . the weeds are the sonsof the wicked one, and the enemythat sowed them is the Devil ."1 John 3 :10 "The children ofGod and the children of theDevil are evident by this fact :Everyone who does not practicerighteousness does not originatewith God, neither does he whodoes not love his brother ."Rev. 13 :1, 2 "And I saw a wildbeast ascending out of the sea,with ten horns and seven heads,and upon its horns ten diadems,but upon its heads blasphemousnames . Now the wild beast thatI saw was like a leopard, butits feet were as those of a bear,and its mouth was as a lion'smouth . And the dragon gave thebeast its power and its throne andgreat authority ."102Satan's First World Destroyedby the Flood2 Pet . 3 :6 "The world of thattime suffered destruction when itwas deluged with water."Satan Is the God of This PresentEvil System of Things2 Cor . 4 :4 "The god of thissystem of things has blinded theminds of the unbelievers, thatthe illumination of the gloriousgood news about the Christ, whois the image of God, might notshine through ."1 John 5 :19 "The whole worldis lying in the power of thewicked one ."Became "God of World" in theBroadest Sense in 607 B .C . atTime of Fall of Jehovah's TypicalTheocratic Government atJerusalemEzek . 21 :25-27 "And thou, 0deadly wounded wicked one, theprince of Israel, whose day iscome . . . . thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Remove the mitre, andtake off the crown ; this shall beno more the same ; exalt thatwhich is low, and abase thatwhich is high. I will overturn,overturn, overturn it : this alsoshall be no more, until he comewhose right it is ; and I willgive it him."Isa . 14 :13 "I will exalt mythrone above the stars of God ;and I will sit upon the mount ofcongregation, in the uttermostparts of the north."See : Ps. 48 :1, 2 .Satan's Uninterrupted Rule ofNations Extended "7 Times"(2,520 Years) till His Failureto Overthrow the NewbornKingdom in Heaven,A.D. 1914Dan . 4 :16, 25 "Let his heart bechanged from man's and let abeast's heart be given unto him ;and let seven times pass overhim. . . . till thou know that theMost High ruleth in the kingdom

1 03of men, and giveth it to whomsoeverhe will ."Rev . 12 :4, 5, 7, 9 "And thedragon kept standing before thewoman who was about to givebirth, that, when she did givebirth, it might devour her child .And she gave birth to a son, amale, who is destined to shepherdall the nations with an iron rod .And her child was caught awayto God and to his throne . Andwar broke out in heaven : Michaeland his angels battled with thedragon . . . . So down the greatdragon was hurled ."Jesus' Earthly Course FullyProved Satan a Liar andBrought a Judgment ofCondemnation onSatan's WorldJohn 12 :31 "Now there is ajudging of this world ; now theruler of this world will be castout ."John 14 :30 "The ruler of theworld is coming. And yet he hasno hold on me."John 16 :33 "Cheer up! I haveconquered the world."Luke 10 :18 "He said to them :'I began to behold Satan alreadyfallen like lightning from heaven.'' ,Cast Down from Heaven to Earthby the King Christ Jesus,A .D . 1914-1918, Satan's ActivitiesAre Now Confinedto EarthRev . 12 :9-17 "So down the greatdragon was hurled, the originalserpent, the one called Devil andSatan, who is misleading the entireinhabited earth ; he washurled down to the earth, andhis angels were hurled down withhim . And I heard a loud voice inheaven say : 'Now have come topass the salvation and the powerand the kingdom of our God andthe authority of his Christ,' . . .Now when the dragon saw itwas hurled down to the earth, itpersecuted the woman that gavebirth to the male child . . . . Andthe dragon . . . went off to wageDevil and Demonswar with the remaining ones ofher seed, who observe the commandmentsof God and have thework of bearing witness to Jesus ."Rev . 18:2 "She has fallen!Babylon the great has fallen, andshe has become a dwelling-placeof demons and a lurking-place ofevery unclean exhalation and alurking-place of every uncleanand hated bird!"Satan Causes Earth's PresentDistress ; He Gathers Nationsto Final Battle AgainstGodRev. 12 :12 "On this account beglad, you heavens and you whoreside in them! Woe for the earthand for the sea, because the Devilhas come down to you, havinggreat anger, knowing he has ashort period of time ."Rev. 16 :13-16 "I saw three uncleaninspired expressions thatlooked like frogs come out of themouth of the dragon and out ofthe mouth of the wild beast andout of the mouth of the falseprophet. They are, in fact, expressionsinspired by demons andperform signs, and they go forthto the kings of the entire inhabitedearth, to gather them togetherto the war of the greatday of God the Almighty . . . . Andthey gathered them together tothe place that is called in HebrewHar-Magedon ."Taunt Song Against Satan NowApplies in Fullest Sense, ReachesCrescendo at ArmageddonIsa . 14:4-20 "Sheol from beneathis moved for thee to meetthee at thy coming ; . . . Thy pompis brought down to Sheol, . , . Howart thou fallen from heaven, 0day-star, son of the morning!how art thou cut down to theground, . . . thou shalt be broughtdown to Sheol, to the uttermostparts of the pit . . . . Thou art castforth away from thy sepulchrelike an abominable branch,clothed with the slain, that arethrust through with the sword,that go down to the stones of the

Devil and Demonspit ; as a dead body trodden underfoot. Thou shalt not be joinedwith them in burial ."Will Be Cast into Abyss ofDeathlike Inactivity After HisOrganization Is Destroyedat ArmageddonRev . 19 :19-20 :3 "The wild beast. . . and . . . the false prophet . . .both were hurled into the fierylake that burns with sulphur . Butthe rest were killed off with thelong sword of the one seated onthe horse . . . And I saw an angelcoming down out of heaven withthe key of the abyss and a greatchain in his hand . And he seizedthe dragon, the original serpent,who is the Devil and Satan, andbound him for a thousand years .And he hurled him into the abyssand shut it and sealed it overhim, that he might not misleadthe nations any more until thethousand years were ended ."Rom . 16 :20 "The God who givespeace will crush Satan underyour feet shortly ."Jer . 25 :15-26 "Take this cup ofthe wine of wrath at my hand,and cause all the nations, towhom I send thee, to drink it .and the king of Sheshachshall drink after them ."Dan . 2 :34, 35 "Thou sawesttill that a stone was cut out withouthands, which smote the imageupon its feet that were of ironand clay, and brake them inpieces . Then was the iron, theclay, the brass, the silver, andthe gold, broken in pieces together,and became like the chaffof the summer threshing-floors ;and the wind carried them away,so that no place was found forthem : and the stone that smotethe image became a great mountain,and filled the whole earth ."All Traces of Satan's WorksErased Forever from Universeby Christ JesusHeb. 2 :14 "Therefore, since the`young children' are sharers ofblood and flesh, he also similarly104partook of the same things, thatthrough his death he might destroythe one having the meansto cause death, that is, the Devil ."1 John 3 :8 "For this purposethe Son of God was made manifest,namely, to break up theworks of the Devil ."1 Cor. 15 :24-27 "Next, the accomplishedend, when he handsover the kingdom to his God andFather, when he has destroyed allgovernment and all authority andpower . For lie must rule as kinguntil God has put all enemiesunder his feet . As the last enemy,death is to be destroyed .For God `subjected all things underhis feet' ."Satan Resuscitated at the End of1,000 Years of Christ's PeacefulReign, Then Eternally Destroyedin Final Vindication of God'sSovereign SupremacyRev . 20 :3, 7-10 "Now as soon asthe thousand years have beenended, Satan will be let looseout of his prison, and he willgo out to mislead those nationsin the four quarters of the earth,Gog and Magog, to gather themtogether for the war . . . . But firecame down out of heaven and devouredthem . And the Devil whowas misleading them was hurledinto the lake of fire and sulphur,where both the wild beast andthe false prophet already were ;and they will be tormented dayand night for ever and ever ."Truth and Spirit of God withService and Prayer the ProtectionAgainst SatanPs. 91 :4 "His truth is a shieldand a buckler ."Jas . 4 :7 "Subject yourselves,therefore, to God ; but oppose theDevil, and he will flee from you ."John 8 :32 "The truth will setyou free ."Acts 26 :18 "To open their eyes,to turn them from darkness tolight and from the authority ofSatan to God ."Matt. 4 :10, 11 "Then Jesus saidto him : 'Go away, Satan! For

10 5it is written, "It is Jehovah yourGod you must worship, and it isto him alone you must rendersacred service ." ' Then the Devilleft him, and, look! angels cameand began to minister to him ."Eph . 6 :14-18 "Stand firm, therefore,with your loins girded aboutwith truth, and having on thebreastplate of righteousness, andwith your feet shod with theequipment of the good news ofpeace . Above all things, take upthe large shield of faith, withwhich you will be able to quenchall the wicked one's burning missiles. Also accept the helmet ofsalvation, and the sword of thespirit, that is, God's word, whilewith every form of prayer andsupplication you carry on prayeron every occasion in spirit ."Satan Is Restrained by God'sAngels from DestroyingGod's ServantsPs. 34 :7 "The angel of Jehovahencampeth round about themthat fear him, and delivereththem ."Ps . 91 :11, 12 "He will give hisangels charge over thee, to keepthee in all thy ways. They shallbear thee up in their hands, lestthou dash thy foot against astone ."Matt. 18 :10 "Keep watchingthat you men do not despise oneof these little ones, for I tell youthat their angels in heaven alwayshave access to my Fatherwho is in heaven ."Heb. 1 :14 "Are they [angels]not all spirits for public service,sent forth to minister for thosewho are going to inherit salvation?"2 Ki. 6 :16, 17 "He answered,Fear not ; for they that are withus are more than they that arewith them . And Elisha prayed,and said, Jehovah, I pray thee,open his eyes, that he may see .And Jehovah opened the eyes ofthe young man ; and he saw : and,behold, the mountain was full ofDevil and Demonshorses and chariots of fire roundabout Elisha ."Satan Has Never Been God overThose Serving JehovahLuke 20 :36-38 "He calls Jehovah`the God of Abraham andGod of Isaac and God of Jacob' .He is a God, not of the dead, butof the living, for they are allliving from his standpoint ."Heb . 11 :32, 16 "The time willfail me if I go on to relate aboutGideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah,David as well as Samueland the other prophets . HenceGod is not ashamed of them, tobe called upon as their God, forhe has made a city ready forthem."Those Maintaining Integrity andWho Prove Satan a Liar Rewardedwith Everlasting Life2 Tim . 4 :7, 8 "I have foughtthe right fight, I have run thecourse to the finish, I have observedthe faith. From this timeon there is reserved for me thecrown of righteousness, which theLord, the righteous judge, willgive me as a reward in that day,yet not only to me, but also to allthose who have loved his manifestation."Rev . 2 :10 "Prove yourself faithfuleven with the danger ofdeath, and I will give you thecrown of life ."1 Pet . 4 :14, 19 "If you are beingreproached for the name ofChrist, you are happy, becausethe spirit of glory, even thespirit of God, is resting uponyou. So, then, also let those whoare suffering in harmony with thewill of God keep on commendingtheir souls to a faithful Creatorwhile they are doing good ."Matt. 25 :46 "And these [thegoats] will depart into everlastingcutting-off, but the righteousones [the sheep] into everlastinglife ."

Devil and DemonsDEMONSOriginally Angels of God ; TheseRebelled, Joined Satan BeforeFlood, Becoming Devils, Demons-Materializedas HumansGen . 6 :4 "The Nephilim werein the earth in those days, andalso after that, when the sons ofGod came in unto the daughtersof men, and they bare children tothem : the same were the mightymen that were of old, the menof renown,"I Pet. 3 :19, 20 "In this statealso he went his way and preachedto the spirits in prison, whichhad once been disobedient whenthe patience of God was waitingin Noah's days, while the arkwas being constructed ."Such Demons Were Cast Outfrom God's Organization,Sentenced to DeathJude 6 "And the angels thatdid not keep their original positionbut forsook their own properdwelling-place he has reservedwith eternal bonds under densedarkness for the judgment ofthe great day ."2 Pet. 2 :4 "God did not holdback from punishing the angelsthat sinned, but, by throwingthem into Tartarus, deliveredthem to pits of dense darknessto be reserved for judgment ."Restrained from MaterializingSince the Flood, They UseHuman Mediums to Communicatewith MenLev . 19 :31 "Turn ye not untothem that have familiar spirits,nor unto the wizards ."Rev. 18 :23 "By your spiritisticpractice all the nations were misled."Acts 16 :16-19 "A certain servantgirl with a spirit, a demonof divination . . . . used to furnishher masters with much gain bypracticing the art of prediction .. . . Paul . . . said to the spirit : 'Iorder you in the name of Jesus106Christ to come out of her.' Andit came out that very hour ."May Possess Humans, ControllingTheir Minds andActionsLuke 4 :41 "Demons also wouldcome out of many, shouting andsaying : `You are the Son of God .'But, rebuking them, he would notpermit them to speak, becausethey knew him to be the Christ ."Luke 8 :27-29 "A certain manfrom the city who had demonsmet him. And for a considerabletime he had not worn clothing,and he was staying, not at home,but among the tombs . At thesight of Jesus he cried aloud andfell down before him, and with aloud voice he said : `What haveI to do with you, Jesus Son ofthe Most High God? I beg you,do not torment me.' (For he hadbeen ordering the unclean spiritto come out of the man . Forover a long time it had held himfast, and he was repeatedly boundwith chains and fetters underguard, but he would burst thebonds and be driven by the demoninto the lonely places .)"May Impersonate Dead Humans,Deceive Men1 Sam . 28 :11-14 "Then said thewoman, Whom shall I bring upunto thee? And he said, Bringme up Samuel . . . . And the kingsaid unto her, Be not afraid : forwhat seest thou? And the womansaid unto Saul, I see a godcoming up out of the earth . Andhe said unto her, What form ishe of? And she said, An old mancometh up ; and he is coveredwith a robe . And Saul perceivedthat it was Samuel."To Consult Such Means Disfavorof God and Death1 Tim . 4:1 "Some will fall awayfrom the faith, paying attentionto misleading inspired utterancesand teachings of demons ."Rev. 21 :8 "As for . . . those practicingspiritism . . . their portionwill be in the lake that burns

10 7with fire and sulphur . This meansthe second death ."See "Spiritism" .Demons Know God and ChristAre Superior, Know About Sentenceof Destruction, but Do NotExercise Faith or Serve GodJas . 2 :19 "You believe there isone God, do you? You are doingquite well . And yet the demonsbelieve and shudder ."Acts 19 :15, 16 "The wickedspirit said to them : 'I know Jesusand I am acquainted withPaul ; but who are you?' Withthat the man in whom the wickedspirit was leaped upon them, gotthe mastery of the two of them,and prevailed against them, sothat they fled naked and woundedout of that house ."Demons Receive Worship ofThose Not Serving GodDeut . 32 :16, 17 "They movedhim to jealousy with strangegods ; with abominations provokedthey him to anger . They sacrificedunto demons, which were noGod."Ps . 106 :37 "Yea, they sacrificedtheir sons and their daughtersunto demons ."1 Cor . 10 :20 "The things whichthe nations sacrifice they sacrificeto demons, and not to God,and I do not want you to becomesharers with the demons ."Rev . 9 :20 "But the rest of themen . . . did not repent of theworks of their hands, so that theyshould not worship the demonsand the idols of gold and silverand copper and stone and wood,which can neither see nor hearnor walk ."Demons Control This Evil World,Permeate the World ReligionsRev . 18 :2 "And he cried outwith a strong voice, saying : 'Shehas fallen! Babylon the greathas fallen, and she has becomea dwelling-place of demons . . .and a lurking-place of every uncleanand hated bird!'"Devil and DemonsDemons Reproach God by BlasphemingHim, Degrading HisCreatures1 Tim . 4 :1 "However, the inspiredutterance says definitelythat in later periods of time somewill fall away from the faith,paying attention to misleading inspiredutterances and teachingsof demons."Ps . 74 :10 "How long, 0 God,shall the adversary reproach?Shall the enemy blaspheme thyname for ever?"Luke 4:33-35 "Now in the synagoguethere was a man with aspirit, an unclean demon, and heshouted with a loud voice : 'Ah!what have we to do with you,Jesus you Nazarene? Did youcome to destroy us? I know exactlywho you are, the Holy Oneof God.' But Jesus rebuked it,saying : 'Be silent, and come outof him .' So, after throwing theman down in their midst, thedemon came out of him withouthurting him."Satan and Demons Foment Wars,Enjoy Seeing Creatures KillOne AnotherJas . 3:15, 16; 4 :1 "This is notthe wisdom that comes downfrom above, but is the earthly,animal, demonic . For where jealousyand contentiousness are,there disorder and every vilething are." "From what sourceare there wars and from whatsource are there fights amongyou? Are they not from thissource, namely, from your cravingsfor sensual pleasure whichcarry on a conflict in your members?"Isa . 14 :16, 17, 20 "They that seethee shall gaze at thee, they shallconsider thee, saying, Is this theman that made the earth totremble, that did shake kingdoms; that made the world as awilderness, and overthrew thecities thereof ; that let not loosehis prisoners to their home? . . .Thou hast destroyed thy land,thou hast slain thy people ; the

Earth and Its Destinyseed of evil-doers shall not benamed forever ."Demons Will Be Abyssed withSatan at ArmageddonLuke 8 :31 "They [demons] keptentreating him not to order themto go away into the abyss ."Matt. 8:29 "And, look! theyscreamed, saying : `What have weto do with you, Son of God? Didyou come here to torment us beforethe right time?'"Rev . 20 :2, 3 "And he [Christ]seized the dragon, the originalserpent ; who is the Devil and Satan,and bound him for a thousandyears . And he hurled him108into the abyss and shut it andsealed it over him ."Brought Back with Satan at Endof 1,000 Years, Then EternallyDestroyedMatt . 25 :41 "Be on your wayfrom me, you who have beencursed, into the everlasting fireprepared for the Devil and hisangels."Rev . 20 :10 "The Devil who wasmisleading them was hurled intothe lake of fire and sulphurwhere both the wild beast andthe false prophet already were ."See also "Spiritism", "Kingdom,""Heavens," "Sin."Earth and Its DestinyDEFINITIONEarth applies literally to this inanimate globe as well as symbolicallyto human society of mankind and its <strong>org</strong>anization on earth .The earth to be destroyed at the world's end is Satan's system ofhuman society composed of his visible government with all humansupporters. The earthly globe will remain forever, will never beburned up or desolated, but will be restored to paradisaic conditions .God will restore right conditions by a "new earth" of righteouslygoverned human society under the "new heavens" of Christ Jesus'invisible rule .Purpose of God Toward EarthStated in Eden Certain to BeAccomplished ; that Is, Populated,Subdued, Under Man'sDominionGen . 1 :28 "And God blessedthem : and God said unto them,Be fruitful, and multiply, andreplenish the earth, and subdueit ; and have dominion over thefish of the sea, and over thebirds of the heavens, and overevery living thing that movethupon the earth ."Isa. 45 :18 "For thus saith Jehovahthat created the heavens,the God that formed the earthand made it, that established itand created it not a waste [or,in vain, footnote], that formedit to be inhabited : I am Jehovah ;and there is none else ."Isa . 46 :9-11 "I am God andthere is none else ; I am God, andthere is none like me ; declaringthe end from the beginning, andfrom ancient times things thatare not yet done ; saying, Mycounsel shall stand, and I willdo all my pleasure ; . . . yea, I havespoken, I will also bring it topass ; I have purposed, I willalso do it ."Mal . 3 :6 "For I, Jehovah,change not ."Literal Earth as Permanent asGod's Throne, Hence NeverDestroyedIsa . 66:1 "Thus saith Jehovah,Heaven is my throne, and theearth is my footstool ."Ps . 78:69 "And he built hissanctuary like the heights, like

109the earth which he hath establishedfor ever ."Eccl. 1 :4 "One generation goeth,and another generation cometh ;but the earth abideth for ever ."Permanence of Sun, Moon andStars Also AssuredPs . 89 :35-37 "Once have I swornby my holiness : I will not lie untoDavid : his seed shall endurefor ever, and his throne as thesun before me. It shall be establishedfor ever as the moon, andas the faithful witness in thesky. Selah ."Ps. 72 :5, 7 "They shall fear theewhile the sun endureth, and solong as the moon, throughout allgenerations. In his days shall therighteous flourish, and abundanceof peace, till the moon be nomore."Earth to Be Destroyed Is Satan'sVisible Organization of HumanSociety2 Pet . 3 :10 "Yet Jehovah's daywill come as a thief, in whichthe heavens will pass away witha hissing noise, but the elementsbeing intensely hot will be dissolved,and earth and the worksin it will be discovered [beburned up ; not be found, footnote]."Isa. 13 :9 "Behold, the day ofJehovah cometh, cruel, withwrath and fierce anger ; to makethe land a desolation, and todestroy the sinners thereof outof it ."Rev. 20 :11 "And I saw a greatwhite throne and the one seatedon it. From before him the earthand the heaven fled away, andno place was found for them ."Human Governments Picturedby "Beast" and "False Prophet"Rev . 19:20, 21 "And the wildbeast was caught, and along withit the false prophet that performedin front of it the signswith which he misled those whoreceived the mark of the wildbeast and those who render worshipto its image . While still alive,Earth and Its Destinythey both were hurled into thefiery lake that burns with sulphur.But the rest were killedoff with the long sword of theone seated on the horse andwhich proceeded out of his mouth .And all the birds were filled fromthe fleshy parts of them ."Supporters of Satan's System andThose Ruining Earth to BeDestroyedRev . 11 :18 "But the nationsbecame wrathful, and your ownwrath came, and the appointedtime . . . to bring to ruin thoseruining the earth ."Jer . 25 :31, 33 "Jehovah hath acontroversy with the nations ; hewill enter into judgment with allflesh : as for the wicked, he willgive them to the sword, saith Jehovah. And the slain of Jehovahshall be at that day from oneend of the earth even unto theother end of the earth : they shallnot be lamented, neither gathered,nor buried ; they shall bedung upon the face of theground."Prophecy of Desolation of JerusalemAlso to Be Fulfilled onModern-Day ChristendomIsa . 24:1-6 "Behold, Jehovahmaketh the earth empty, andmaketh it waste, and turneth itupside down, and scatterethabroad the inhabitants thereof .. . . The earth shall be utterlyemptied, and utterly laid waste ;for Jehovah hath spoken thisword . The earth mourneth andfadeth away, the world languishethand fadeth away, thelofty people of the earth do languish.The earth also is pollutedunder the inhabitants thereof ;because they have transgressedthe laws, violated the statutes,broken the everlasting covenant .Therefore hath the curse devouredthe earth, and they thatdwell therein are found guilty :therefore the inhabitants of theearth are burned, and few menleft ."

Earth and Its DestinyNot a complete end was made;a remnant was sparedJer . 4 :23-28 "I beheld the earth,and, lo, it was waste and void ;and the heavens, and they hadno light . . . . I beheld, and, lo, therewas no man, and all the birds ofthe heavens were fled . I beheld,and, 10, the fruitful field wasa wilderness, and all the citiesthereof were broken down at thepresence of Jehovah, and beforehis fierce anger . For thus saithJehovah, The whole land shallbe a desolation ; yet will I notmake a full end . For this shallthe earth mourn ."Ezek . 6 :8 "Yet will I leave aremnant, in that ye shall havesome that escape the swordamong the nations ."Never a depopulated earth, assome other sheep of the Lordwill be spared throughArmageddonJohn 10 :16 "And I have othersheep, which are not of this fold ;those also I must bring, and theywill listen to my voice, and theywill become one flock, one shepherd."Matt . 24:37-39 "For just as thedays of Noah were, so the presenceof the Son of man will be .For as people were in those daysbefore the flood, eating anddrinking, marrying and givingin marriage, until the day thatNoah entered into the ark ; andthey took no note until the floodcame and swept them all away,so the presence of the Son of manwill be ."1 Pet. 3 :20 "In Noah's days, . . .a few people, that is, eight souls,were carried safely through thewater ."Survivors of This World's Endto Form Nucleus of "New Earth"of a New-World Society asSubjects of Kingdom2 Pet . 3:13 "But there are newheavens and a new earth that weare awaiting according to his110promise, and in these righteousnessis to dwell ."Isa . 66 :22 "For as the newheavens and the new earth,which I will make, shall remainbefore me, saith Jehovah, so shallyour seed and your name remain."Some, with Faithful Men of Old,to Represent on Earth Christ'sReign from HeavenIsa . 32 :1 "Behold, a king shallreign in righteousness, andprinces shall rule in justice ."Ps. 45 :16 "Instead of thy fathersshall be thy children, whomthou shalt make princes in allthe earth."Only Footstep Followers of ChristWill Reign 1,000 Years with Himas "New Heavens"1 Cor. 6 :2, 3 "Or do you notknow that the holy ones willjudge the world? And if the worldis to be judged by you, are youunfit to try very trivial matters?Do you not know that we shalljudge angels? Why, then, notthings of this life?"Rev. 20 :4 "And I saw thrones,and there were those who satdown on them, and power ofjudging was given them . Yes, Isaw the souls of those executedwith the ax for the witness theybore to Jesus and for speakingabout God, and those who hadworshiped neither the wild beastnor its image and who had notreceived the mark upon theirforehead and upon their hand .And they came to life and ruledas kings with the Christ for athousand years ."Isa . 65 :17 "For, behold, I createnew heavens and a new earth ;and the former things shall notbe remembered, nor come intomind ."Procreation Mandate to Be Restatedto Armageddon SurvivorsGen. 9 :1 "And God blessedNoah and his sons, and saidunto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,and replenish the earth ."

111Matt . 24 :37 "For just as thedays of Noah were, so the presenceof the Son of man will be."Literal Earth to Be Brought UnderSubjection as a ParadiseBefore Resurrection BeginsPs . 67 :6, 7 "The earth hathyielded its increase : God, evenour own God, will bless us. . . .and all the ends of the earthshall fear him ."Isa . 35 :1, 2, 7 "The wildernessand the dry land shall be glad ;and the desert shall rejoice, andblossom as the rose . It shall blossomabundantly, and rejoice evenwith joy and singing ; the gloryof Lebanon shall be given unto it,the excellency of Carmel andSharon : they shall see the gloryof Jehovah, the excellency of ourGod. And the glowing sand shallbecome a pool, and the thirstyground springs of water : in thehabitation of jackals, where theylay, shall be grass with reeds andrushes ."Isa . 55 :13 "Instead of the thornshall come up the fir-tree ; andinstead of the brier shall come upthe myrtle-tree : and it shall beto Jehovah for a name, for aneverlasting sign that shall not becut off ."Luke 23 :42, 43 "And he wenton to say : `Jesus, remember mewhen you get into your kingdom .'And he said to him : `Truly I tellyou today, You will be with mein Paradise .'"God Will Resurrect Many WhoWill Be Trained and Tested asto His WillJohn 5 :28, 29 "Do not marvel atthis, because the hour is comingin which all those in the memorialtombs will hear his voiceand come out, those who didgood things to a resurrection oflife, those who practiced vilethings to a resurrection of judgment."Isa . 65 :20 "There shall be nomore thence an infant of days,nor an old man that hath notfilled his days ; for the child shallEarth and Its Destinydie a hundred years old, and thesinner being a hundred years oldshall be accursed ."Rev . 20 :12-15 "And I saw thedead, the great and the small,standing before the throne, andscrolls were opened . But anotherscroll was opened ; it is the scrollof life . And the dead were judgedout of those things written in thescrolls according to their deeds .And the sea gave up those deadin it, and death and Hades gaveup those dead in them, and theywere judged individually accordingto their deeds . And death andHades were hurled into the lakeof fire . This means the seconddeath, the lake of fire . Furthermore,whoever was not foundwritten in the book of life washurled into the lake of fire ."See "Resurrection", "JudgmentDays ."Man's Dominion over Animalsto Be RestoredIsa. 11 :6-9 "And the wolf shalldwell with the lamb, and theleopard shall lie down with thekid ; and the calf and the younglion and the fatling together ;and a little child shall lead them .And the cow and the bear shallfeed ; their young ones shall liedown together ; and the lion shalleat straw like the ox . And thesucking child shall play on thehole of the asp, and the weanedchild shall put his hand on theadder's den . They shall not hurtnor destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be fullof the knowledge of Jehovah, asthe waters cover the sea ."Perfect Health Will BeMankind'sIsa . 33 :24 "And the inhabitantshall not say, I am sick : the peoplethat dwell therein shall bef<strong>org</strong>iven their iniquity ."Peace and ProsperityWill PrevailMic . 4 :3, 4 "And he will judgebetween many peoples, and willdecide concerning strong nations

Evolutionafar off : and they shall beat theirswords into plowshares, and theirspears into pruning-hooks ; nationshall not lift up sword againstnation, neither shall they learnwar any more . But they shall sitevery man under his vine andunder his fig-tree ; and none shallmake them afraid : for the mouthof Jehovah of hosts hath spokenit ."Final Testing and God's DeclaringRighteous of FaithfulCome at End of 1,000-YearReignRev. 20 :5, 7-10 "(The rest ofthe dead did not come to lifeuntil the thousand years wereended .) This is the first resurrection. Now as soon as the thousandyears have been ended, Satanwill be let loose out of hisprison, and he will go out to misleadthose nations in the fourquarters of the earth, Gog andMagog, to gather them togetherfor the war . The number of theseis as the sand of the sea . Andthey advanced over the breadthof the earth and encircled thecamp of the holy ones and thebeloved city . But fire came downout of heaven and devoured them .And the Devil who was misleadingthem was hurled into thelake of fire and sulphur, whereboth the wild beast and the falseprophet already were ; and theyEvolutionDEFINITIONThe teaching that life spontaneously sprang from inanimate matterand that the higher life forms came about by gradual (or sudden)changes in lower <strong>org</strong>anism ; that this accounts for not only thevarieties, but also for the different "kinds" . No Creator exists, accordingto this theory . Some evolutionists believe God created someprimitive forms, but evolution, as above described, brought aboutchanges that led to the present-day higher forms ; this denies specialcreation of the various "kinds" ."Kind" : A family or group of living creatures or things that areinterfertile among themselves, but not fertile with others outside112will be tormented day and nightfor ever and ever."God's Original Purpose withEarth FulfilledRev . 21 :1-4 "And I saw a newheaven and a new earth, for theformer heaven and the formerearth had passed away, and thesea is no more . I saw also theholy city, New Jerusalem, comingdown out of heaven from Godand prepared as a bride adornedfor her husband . With that Iheard a loud voice from thethrone say : 'Look! the tent ofGod is with humankind, and hewill reside with them, and theywill be his peoples . And God himselfwill be with them. And hewill wipe out every tear fromtheir eyes, and death will be nomore, neither will mourning noroutcry nor pain be any more . Theformer things have passed away .'"1 Cor . 15 :25, 26, 28 "For hemust rule as king until God hasput all enemies under his feet .As the last enemy, death is tobe destroyed . But when all thingswill have been subjected to him,then the Son himself will alsosubject himself to the one whosubjected all things to him, thatGod may be all things to everyone."See "Creation", "Kingdom,""Judgment Days ."

113 Evolutiontheir family . (That is, whose sex cells will unite to form, or beginto form, an offspring ; but with those of another "kind" or familyare absolutely incompatible and unable to unite .)An Evolutionist's Description ofthe Theory"The theory of evolution assertsthat (1) the beings now livinghave descended from differentbeings which have lived in thepast ; (2) the discontinuous variationobserved at our time level-the gaps now existing betweenclusters of forms-have arisengradually, so that if we couldassemble all the individuals whichhave ever inhabited the earth, afairly continuous array of formswould emerge ; (3) all thesechanges have arisen from causeswhich now continue to be inoperation and which thereforecan be studied experimentally ."-Theodosius Dobzhansky, Geneticsand the Origin of Species,pp . 7, 8 .Denies Great Central Principleof Bible-the Existence ofAlmighty GodPs. 14 :1 "The fool hath saidin his heart, There is no God ."Ps . 10 :4 "The wicked, in thepride of his countenance, saith,He will not require it . All histhoughts are, There is no God ."Rom . 1 :19-21 "What may beknown about God is manifestamong them, for God made itmanifest to them . For his invisiblequalities are clearly seenfrom the world's creation onward,because they are understood bythe things made, even his eternalpower and Godship, so that theyare inexcusable ; because, althoughthey knew God, they didnot glorify him as God nor didthey thank him, but they becameempty-headed in their reasoningsand their unintelligent heart becamedarkened."Ps . 19 :1 "The heavens declarethe glory of God ; and the firmamentshoweth his handiwork ."Ps . 8 :3, 4 "When I consider thyheavens, the work of thy fingers,the moon and the stars, whichthou hast ordained ; what isman, that thou art mindful ofhim? And the son of man, thatthou visitest him?"Life-in Jehovah God-ExistedBefore Inanimate Matter1 Tim . 1 :17 "Now to the Kingof eternity, incorruptible, invisible,the only God, be honor andglory for ever and ever. Amen ."Ps . 90 :2 "Before the mountainswere brought forth, or ever thouhadst formed the earth and theworld, even from everlasting toeverlasting, thou art God ."Jer . 10 :10 "But Jehovah is thetrue God ; he is the living God,and an everlasting King : at hiswrath the earth trembleth, andthe nations are not able to abidehis indignation ."God's First Creative Work PossessedLife-No ExperimentalModel, but Superior to OtherCreaturesRev. 3:14 "These are the thingsthe Amen says, the faithful andtrue witness, the beginning of thecreation by God."Prov. 8:22, 23 "Jehovah possessedme in the beginning ofhis way, before his works of old .I was set up from everlasting,from the beginning, before theearth was."Inanimate Matter and LivingThings All the Result of Jehovah'sCreative PowerThrough His OnlybegottenSonGen . 1 :1 "In the beginning Godcreated the heavens and theearth ."Heb . 11 :3 "By faith we understandthat the systems of thingswere put in order by God's word,so that what is beheld came tobe out of things that do notappear ."

EvolutionRev . 4 :11 "You are worthy, Jehovah,even our God, to receivethe glory and the honor and thepower, because you created allthings, and because of your willthey existed and were created ."John 1 :1-3, 10 "Originally theWord was, and the Word waswith God, and the Word was agod . This one was originally withGod . All things came into existencethrough him, and apartfrom him not even one thingcame into existence . He was inthe world, and the world cameinto existence through him, butthe world did not take note ofhim ."Col . 1 :16 "By means of himall other things were created inthe heavens and upon the earth,the things visible and the thingsinvisible, no matter whether theyare thrones or lordships or governmentsor authorities . All otherthings have been created throughhim and for him ."Isa . 40 :26 "Lift up your eyes onhigh, and see who hath createdthese, that bringeth out theirhost by number ; he calleth themall by name ; by the greatnessof his might, and for that he isstrong in power, not one is lacking."Isa. 42 :5 "Thus saith God Jehovah,he that created the heavens,and stretched them forth ;he that spread abroad the earthand that which cometh out of it ;he that giveth breath unto thepeople upon it, and spirit to themthat walk therein ."Isa. 45 :12, 18 "I have made theearth, and created man upon it :I, even my hands, have stretchedout the heavens ; and all theirhost have I commanded . For thussaith Jehovah that created theheavens, the God that formed theearth and made it, that establishedit and created it not awaste, that formed it to be inhabited: I am jehovah ; and thereis none else ."Acts 17:25, 26, 28, 29 "He himselfgives to all persons life and114breath and all things . He madeout of one man every nation ofmen, to dwell upon the entiresurface of the earth, . . . For byhim we have life and move andexist, even as certain ones of thepoets among you have said, `Forwe are also his progeny .' . . . weare the progeny of God ."Mark 13 :19 "The creationwhich God created ."Rev . 10 :6 "By the One wholives for ever and ever, whocreated the heaven and thethings in it and the earth andthe things in it and the sea andthe things in it, he swore ."No Evolution from One CreatedKind to AnotherGen . 1 :11, 12, 21, 24, 25 "Godsaid, Let the earth put forthgrass, herbs yielding seed, andfruit-trees bearing fruit aftertheir kind, wherein is the seedthereof, upon the earth : and itwas so . And the earth broughtforth grass, herbs yielding seedafter their kind, and trees bearingfruit, wherein is the seedthereof, after their kind : and Godsaw that it was good . And Godcreated the great sea-monsters,and every living creature thatmoveth, wherewith the watersswarmed, after their kind, andevery winged bird after its kind .. . . And God said, Let the earthbring forth living creatures aftertheir kind, cattle, and creepingthings, and beasts of the earthafter their kind . . . . and the cattleafter their kind, and everythingthat creepeth upon the groundafter its kind ."Jas. 3 :12 "My brothers, a figtree cannot produce olives or avine figs, can it? Neither can saltwater produce sweet water ."Matt . 7 :16 "Never do peoplegather grapes from thorns orfigs from thistles, do they?"1 Cor. 15 :39 "Not all flesh isthe same flesh, but there is oneof mankind, and there is anotherflesh of cattle, and another fleshof birds, and another of fish ."

1 1 5Lev . 11 :13-22, 29 "The eagle,and the gier-eagle, and the ospray,and the kite, and the falconafter its kind, every raven afterits kind, and the ostrich, and thenight-hawk, and the sea-mew,and the hawk after its kind, andthe little owl, and the cormorant,and the great owl, and the hornedowl, and the pelican, and vulture,and the stork, the heron afterits kind, and the hoopoe, and thebat . . . . even these of them ye mayeat : the locust after its kind, . . .and the cricket after its kind,and the grasshopper after itskind. And these are they whichare unclean unto you among thecreeping things that creep uponthe earth : the weasel, and themouse, and the great lizard afterits kind ."Each Organ of Body Designed,Created Directly in First Man,Passed On by HeredityPs. 139 :16 "Thine eyes did seemine unformed substance ; and inthy book they were all written."Prov. 20 :12 "The hearing ear,and the seeing eye, Jehovah hathmade even both of them ."Ps. 94 :9 "He that planted theear, shall he not hear? He thatformed the eye, shall he notsee?"Varieties the Result of QualitiesWithin Genetic Cellsof Created Kind"The number of distinct types(gene combinations) grows tomore than a thousand when parentsdiffer in 10 genes, to morethan a million with 20, and tomore than a billion with 30 genedifferences . With 31 gene differencesit becomes about equal tothe total number of humans nowliving in the world, which is estimatedas close to 2,200 millions .With still greater numbers ofgene differences the numbers ofpossible gene combinations becomeimmense. With about 250genes the number of theoreticallypossible gene combinations is ofEvolutionthe same order as that of theelectrons and protons in the universeas estimated by some physicists. . . . How many genes thereare in man is unknown, but itwould seem reasonable to believethat man has at least as manyas the vinegar-fly, Drosophila . Tobe sure, the number of genes isnot precisely known even in thatinsect, which has been studiedmore than any other animal ; butit is estimated that a Drosophilahas several thousands, perhapsas many as ten thousand genesin each sex cell . . . . The varietywhich is characteristic of all humangroups is due to gene mutationand to recombination ."-L . C .Dunn and Th . Dobzhansky, Heredity,Race and Society, pp . 52,53, 61 .Kinds of Plants and Trees Sprangfrom Directly Created SeedGen . 1 :11, 12 "God said, Let theearth put forth grass, herbs yieldingseed, and fruit-trees bearingfruit after their kind, whereinis the seed thereof, upon theearth : and it was so . And theearth brought forth grass, herbsyielding seed after their kind,the trees bearing fruit, whereinis the seed thereof, after theirkind : and God saw that it wasgood ."Each Living Thing Created toFit the Element in Which ItLives, Not Evolved to FitGen . 1 :20, 24 "God said, Letthe waters swarm with swarmsof living creatures, and let birdsfly above the earth in the openfirmament of heaven . And Godsaid, Let the earth bring forthliving creatures after their kind,cattle, and creeping things, andbeasts of the earth after theirkind : and it was so ."Harmony, Balance in Nature,Provisions for Life of All, theWork of Supreme DesignerMatt . 6 :26-29 "Observe intentlythe birds of heaven, because they

Evolutiondo not sow seed or reap <strong>org</strong>ather into storehouses ; still yourheavenly Father feeds them . Areyou not worth more than theyare? Who of you by being anxiouscan add one cubit to his lifespan? Also on the matter ofclothing, why are you anxious?Take a lesson from the lilies ofthe field, how they are growing ;they do not toil nor do they spin,but I say to you that not evenSolomon in all his glory was arrayedas one of these ."Job 38 :39, 41 "Canst thou huntthe prey for the lioness, or satisfythe appetite of the younglions? Who provideth for theraven his prey?"Gen . 2 :9 "Out of the groundmade Jehovah God to grow everytree that is pleasant to the sight,and good for food ."Ps. 65 :9 "Thou visitest theearth, and waterest it, thou greatlyenrichest it ; the river of Godis full of water : thou providestthem grain, when thou hast soprepared the earth ."Limited Life Span Intended forLower Animals-No Dread ofDeath for ThemJob 39 :13-17, 19, 22 (mar .) "Thewings of the ostrich wave proudly; but are they the pinions andplumage of a stork? For sheleaveth her eggs on the earth,and warmeth them in the dust,and f<strong>org</strong>etteth that the foot maycrush them, or that the wildbeast may trample them . Shedealeth hardly with her youngones, as if they were not hers :though her labor be in vain, sheis without fear ; because God hathdeprived her of wisdom, neitherhath he imparted to her understanding. Hast thou given thehorse his might? . . . He mockethat fear, and is not dismayed ;neither turneth he back from thesword ."Man the Highest Earthly Creationof GodGen . 1 :26-28 "And God said,Let us make man in our image,116after our likeness : and let themhave dominion over the fish ofthe sea, and over the birds ofthe heavens, and over the cattle,and over all the earth, and overevery creeping thing that creepethupon the earth. And God createdman in his own image, in theimage of God created he him ;male and female created he them .And God blessed them : and Godsaid unto them, Be fruitful, andmultiply, and replenish the earth,and subdue it ; and have dominionover the fish of the sea, andover the birds of the heavens,and over every living thing thatmoveth upon the earth ."Man Far Superior to Beasts NotRelated to Them ; Anyone LoweringSelf to Equality with Themor Mixing Seeds AbominableLev . 18 :23, 24 "And thou shaltnot lie with any beast to defilethyself therewith ; neither shallany woman stand before a beast,to lie down thereto : it is confusion. Defile not ye yourselves inany of these things : for in allthese the nations are defiledwhich I cast out from beforeyou ."Lev. 20 :15, 16 "And if a manlie with a beast, he shall surelybe put to death : and ye shallslay the beast . And if a womanapproach unto any beast, and liedown thereto, thou shalt kill thewoman, and the beast : they shallsurely be put to death ; theirblood shall be upon them ."Man Created Perfect, to LiveForeverGen . 1 :27, 28, 31 "And Godcreated man in his own image, inthe image of God created hehim ; male and female created hethem . And God blessed them :and God said unto them, Befruitful, and multiply, and replenishthe earth . . . . And Godsaw everything that he had made,and, behold, it was very good ."Deut . 32 :4 "The Rock, his workis perfect ; for all his ways arejustice ."

1 1 7Gen . 5 :5, 20, 27 ; 9 :29 "All thedays that Adam lived were ninehundred and thirty years : . . . andall the days of Jared were ninehundred sixty and two years : . . .and all the days of Methuselahwere nine hundred sixty and nineyears : . . . And all the days ofNoah were nine hundred and fiftyyears ."Only One Human Pair CreatedActs 17 :26 "He made out ofone man every nation of men, todwell upon the entire surface ofthe earth ."Gen . 3 :20 "The man called hiswife's name Eve ; because she wasthe mother of all living ."Gen . 5 :4 "The days of Adamafter he begat Seth were eighthundred years : and he begat sonsand daughters ."No Evolution in MankindGen . 5 :3 "Adam lived a hundredand thirty years, and begata son in his own likeness, afterhis image ; and called his nameSeth ."Gift of Perfect Language Givento Man by God-Not EvolvedGen . 2 :19, 20 "Out of theground Jehovah God formed everybeast of the field, and every birdof the heavens ; and broughtthem unto the man to see whathe would call them : and whatsoeverthe man called every livingcreature, that was the namethereof . And the man gave namesto all cattle, and to the birds ofthe heavens, and to every beastof the field."Jas. 1 :17 "Every good gift andevery perfect present is fromabove, for it comes down fromthe Father of the celestial lights,and with him there is not a variationof the turning of the shadow."Man Degraded Rather thanEvolving HigherDeut . 32 :5 "They have dealtcorruptly with him, they are nothis children, it is their blemish ;Evolutionthey are a perverse and crookedgeneration ."Eccl . 7 :29 "Behold, this onlyhave I found : that God mademan upright ; but they havesought out many inventions ."Ps . 90 :10 "The days of ouryears are threescore years andten, or even by reason of strengthfourscore years ; yet is their pridebut labor and sorrow ; for it issoon gone, and we fly away ."Because of Forsaking JehovahMan's Mind Went Wrong,Brought Death to OrganismJohn 17 :3 "This means everlastinglife, their taking in knowledgeof you, the only true God,and of the one whom you sentforth, Jesus Christ ."Jas . 1 :14, 15 "But each one istried by being drawn out andenticed by his own desire . Thenthe desire, when it has becomefertile, gives birth to sin ; in turn,sin, when it has been accomplished,brings forth death ."Hos. 4 :6 "My people are destroyedfor lack of knowledge ."Earth's Production Degraded byMan's AbusesGen. 13 :10 "And Lot lifted uphis eyes, and beheld all the Plainof the Jordan, that it was wellwatered every where, before Jehovahdestroyed Sodom and Gomorrah,like the garden of Jehovah,like the land of Egypt,as thou goest unto oar ."Num . 13 :23 "And they cameunto the valley of Eshcol, and cutdown from thence a branch withone cluster of grapes, and theybare it upon a staff between two ;they brought also of the pomegranates,and of the figs,"Rev. 11 :18 "Bring to ruin thoseruining the earth ."Isa . 14 :17 "That made theworld as a wilderness, and overthrewthe cities thereof ; that letnot loose his prisoners to theirhome ."Ps. 67:6 "The earth hathyielded its increase ."

EvolutionChildren Affected by Corruptnessof Adam Their FatherMatt. 7 :17, 18 "Likewise everygood tree produces fine fruit, butevery rotten tree produces badfruit ; a good tree cannot bearbad fruit, neither can a rottentree produce fine fruit ."Matt. 12 :33 "Either you peoplemake the tree fine and its fruitfine or make the tree rotten andits fruit rotten ; for by its fruitthe tree is known ."Lam . 5 :7 "Our fathers sinned,and are not ; and we have bornetheir iniquities ."Jer. 31 :29, 30 "In those daysthey shall say no more, Thefathers have eaten sour grapes,and the children's teeth are seton edge . But every one shall diefor his own iniquity : every manthat eateth the sour grapes, histeeth shall be set on edge ."Ps. 51 :5 "Behold, I was broughtforth in iniquity ; and in sin didmy mother conceive me ."Deformities the Result of Man'sImperfectly Functioning BodyLev. 21 :17-23; 22 :23 "Whosoeverhe be of thy seed throughouttheir generations that hath ablemish, let him not approachto offer the bread of his God .For whatsoever man he be thathath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame,or he that hath a flat nose, oranything superfluous, or a manthat is broken-footed, or brokenhanded,or crook-backed, or adwarf, or that hath a blemish inhis eye, or is scurvy, or scabbed,or hath his stones broken ; noman of the seed of Aaron thepriest, that hath a blemish, shallcome nigh to offer the offeringsof Jehovah made by fire : he hatha blemish ; he shall not come nighto offer the bread of his God . Heshall eat the bread of his God .both of the most holy, and of theholy : only he shall not go in untothe veil, nor come nigh unto thealtar, because he hath a blemish ;that he profane not my sanc-118tuaries : . . . Either a bullock or alamb that hath anything superfluousor lacking in his parts, thatmayest thou offer for a freewilloffering; but for a vow it shallnot be accepted ."Sickness, Infirmity, Not NaturalGen . 3 :16-19 "Unto the womanhe said, I will greatly multiplythy pain and thy conception ; inpain thou shalt bring forth children; . . . And unto Adam he said,. . .cursed is the ground for thysake ; in toil shalt thou eat of itall the days of thy life ; thornsalso and thistles shall it bringforth to thee ; and thou shalteat the herb of the field ; in thesweat of thy face shalt thou eatbread, till thou return unto theground ."Matt . 8 :17 "He himself took oursicknesses and carried our diseases."Luke 5 :23 "Which is easier, tosay, `Your sins are f<strong>org</strong>iven you,'or to say, `Get up and walk'?""Brute-Type" Men Found AreResult of Degradation, FalseReligion ; God's ServantsWere Never SuchGen. 6 :12 "And God saw theearth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corruptedtheir way upon the earth ."Job 2 :3 "Jehovah said untoSatan, Hast thou considered myservant Job? for there is nonelike him in the earth, a perfectand an upright man, one thatfeareth God, and turneth awayfrom evil ."Jer. 2 :21 "Yet I had plantedthee a noble vine, wholly a rightseed : how then art thou turnedinto the degenerate branches ofa foreign vine unto me?"Prov. 28 :18 "Whoso walketh uprightlyshall be delivered ; but hethat is perverse in his ways shallfall at once ."Gen . 6 :9-12 "Noah was a righteousman, and perfect in hisgenerations : Noah walked with

1 1 9God . . . . all flesh had corruptedtheir way upon the earth ."Faith Without Proof or FoundationRequired for Evolution"The evolution doctrine is nota creed to be accepted on faith,as are religious faiths or creeds .It appeals entirely to the logicalfaculties, not to the spiritual,and is not to be accepted untilproved." (From H. H . Newman'slist of "What Organic EvolutionIs Not") -Evolution, Creation,and Science, by Frank LewisMarsh."Professor T. L . More, Universityof Cincinnati : `The more onestudies palaeontology, the morecertain one becomes that evolutionis based on faith alone ; exactlythe same sort of faith whichit is necessary to have when oneencounters the great mysteriesof religion .'"Professor Bateson stated :`Though we must hold to ourfaith in the evolution of speciesthere is little evidence as to howit came about, and no clear proofthat the process is continuing inany considerable degree at thepresent time .'"-"Let God BeTrue", p . 86 .FaithFaithHeb. 11 :1 "Faith is the assuredexpectation of things hoped for,the evident demonstration of realitiesthough not beheld."Hostility of Evolutionists TowardBible Based on Misunderstandingand Not on True Science2 Pet. 3 :16 "Speaking aboutthese things as he does also inall his other letters. In them,however, are some things hard tounderstand, the meaning of whichthe untaught and unsteady aretwisting, as they do also the restof the Scriptures, to their owndestruction ."Col . 2 :8 "Look out : perhapsthere may be some man that willcarry you off as his prey throughthe philosophy and empty deceptionaccording to the tradition ofmen, according to the elementarythings of the world and not accordingto Christ ."1 Tim . 4 :7 "But turn down thefalse stories which violate what isholy and which old women tell .On the other hand, be trainingyourself with godly devotion asyour aim ."See "Creation", "Races of Mankind,""Jehovah," "Soul ."DEFINITION"Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evidentdemonstration of realities though not beheld ." (Heb. 11 :1) Faith isan intellectual understanding and appreciation of God's Word and aconfident reliance upon that Word . The true "Christian faith" isthe sum of beliefs concerning Jehovah God and his kingdom asdelivered to us by his chosen Seed, Jesus Christ, and his inspireddisciples . It is based upon the ancient Hebrew Scriptures, to whichJesus constantly made reference to support what he taught and towhich later the inspired Greek Scriptures were added as a sourceof accurate knowledge for developing faith .Jehovah, the Faithful God nant and lovingkindness withDeut. 7 :9 "Know therefore that them that love him and keep hisJehovah thy God, he is God, the commandments to a thousandfaithful God, who keepeth cove- generations ."

FaithFaith Necessary for Relationshipwith GodHeb. 11 :6 "Without faith it isimpossible to win his [God's]good pleasure, for he that approachesGod must believe thathe is and that he becomes therewarder of those earnestly seekinghim ."Rom . 10 :13, 14 "For `anyonethat calls upon the name of Jehovahwill be saved'. However,how will they call upon him inwhom they have not put faith?How, in turn, will they put faithin him of whom they have notheard? How, in turn, will theyhear without someone to preach?"God's Legal Recognition andHope of New World Basedon FaithGen . 15 :6 "And he [Abraham]believed in Jehovah ; and he reckonedit to him for righteousness ."Rom . 5 :1, 2 "Now that we havebeen declared righteous as a resultof faith, let us enjoy peacewith God through our Lord JesusChrist, through whom also wehave gained our approach byfaith into this undeserved kindnessin which we now stand ."Rom . 4:13 "For it was notthrough law that Abraham or hisseed had the promise that heshould be heir of a world, but itwas through the righteousness byfaith ."Faith Is a Gift from God ThatDraws Men to ChristEph . 2 :8 "By this undeservedkindness, indeed, you have beensaved through faith ; and thisnot owing to you, it is God's gift ."John 6 :44, 45, 47 "No mancan come to me unless the Father,who sent me, draws him, and iwill resurrect him in the lastday . It is written in the Prophets,`And they will all be taughtby Jehovah.' Everyone that hasheard the Father's teaching andhas learned comes to me. Mosttruly I say to you, He that believeshas everlasting life ."120True Faith Founded uponChrist JesusHeb . 12 :2 "We look intentlyat the leader and perfecter ofour faith, Jesus ."Col . 1 :23 "Provided, of course,that you continue in the faith,established on the foundation andsteadfast and not being shiftedaway from the hope of that goodnews which you heard, and whichwas preached in all creation thatis under heaven ."Acts 3 :13, 15, 16 "The God ofAbraham and of Isaac and ofJacob, the God of our forefathers,has glorified his Servant, Jesus,whom you, for your part, deliveredup and disowned beforePilate's face, when he had decidedto release him . . . . you killedthe Chief Agent of life . But Godraised him up from the dead, ofwhich fact we are witnesses . Consequently,his name, by our faithin his name, has made this manstrong whom you behold andknow, and the faith that isthrough him has given the manthis complete soundness in thesight of all of you ."1 Tim . 3:16 "Indeed, the sacredsecret of this godly devotion isadmittedly great : 'He was mademanifest in flesh, was declaredrighteous in spirit, appeared toangels, was preached about amongnations, was believed upon in theworld, was received up in glory .'' ,Faith in Christ's RansomLeads to SalvationRom . 3 :24, 25 "It is as a freegift that they are being declaredrighteous by his undeserved kindnessthrough the release by theransom paid by Christ Jesus . Godset him forth as an offering forpropitiation through faith in hisblood ."1 Pet. 1 :8, 9 "Though you neversaw him, you love him . Thoughyou are not looking upon him atpresent, yet you exercise faith inhim and are greatly rejoicingwith an unspeakable and glorifiedjoy, as you receive the accom-

121plished end of your faith, the salvationof your souls."Gift of Faith Must Be DevelopedAccording to AccurateKnowledge2 Thess . 1 :3 "We are obligatedto give God thanks . . . becauseyour faith is growing exceedinglyand the love of each and all ofyou is increasing one toward theother."Eph . 4:13 "Until we all attainto the oneness in the faith andin the accurate knowledge of theSon of God ."Heb . 6 :1 "For this reason, nowthat we have left the elementarydoctrine about the Christ,let us press on to maturity, notlaying a foundation again, namely,repentance from dead works,and faith toward God ."By Trials One's Faith Is Testedto Prove Its QualityJas. 1 :2, 3 "Consider it all joy,my brothers, when you meet withvarious trials, knowing as youdo that this tested quality ofyour faith works out endurance ."1 Pet. 1 :6, 7 "You have beengrieved by various trials, in orderthat the tested quality of yourfaith, of much greater value thangold that perishes despite itsbeing proved by fire, may befound a cause for praise andglory and honor at the revelationof Jesus Christ ."1 Cor. 10 :13 "But God is faithfuland he will not let you betempted beyond what you canbear ."Added to Your Faith Must BeWorks and VirtueJas. 2 :17, 26 "Faith, if it doesnot have works, is dead in itself .Indeed, as the body withoutbreath is dead, so also faith withoutworks is dead ."2 Pet . 1 :5 "Supply to your faithvirtue ."Faith Removes ObstaclesHindering True WorshipMatt . 17 :20 "For truly I say toyou, If you have faith the sizeFaithof a mustard grain, you will sayto this mountain, `Transfer fromhere to there,' and it will transfer,and nothing will be impossiblefor you ."1 Cor. 13 :2 "If I have all thefaith so as to transplant mountains,but do not have love, I amnothing ."1 Tim . 6:12 "Contend for victoryin the right contest of thefaith, get a firm hold on theeverlasting life for which youwere called ."Heb . 11 :33 "Who through faithdefeated kingdoms in conflict ."Overcomes the Deviland the World1 Pet . 5 :9 "But take your standagainst him [the Devil], solid inthe faith, knowing that the samethings in the way of sufferingsare being accomplished in the entireassociation of your brothersin the world."1 John 5 :4 "And this is theconquest that has conquered theworld, our faith."Keep Healthy in the Faith2 Cor. 13 :5 "Keep testingwhether you are in the faith,keep proving what you yourselvesare ."Titus 1 :13 "For this very causekeep on reproving them with severity,that they may be healthyin the faith ."Faith Governs a Christian'sLife-Course2 Cor . 5 :7 "We are walking byfaith, not by sight ."Heb . 10 :38 ; Hab . 2 :4 "But myrighteous one will live by reasonof faith ."2 Tim. 4 :7 "I have run thecourse to the finish, I have observedthe faith ."Lack of Faith the `Sin ThatEasily Entangles'Heb . 3 :12 "Beware, brothers,for fear there should ever developin any one of you a wicked heartlacking faith by drawing awayfrom the living God ."

FreedomRom . 11 :20 "For their lack offaith they were broken off, butyou are standing by faith . Quithaving lofty ideas, but be infear ."Heb. 12 :1 "Let us also put offevery weight and the sin thateasily entangles us, and let usrun with endurance the race thatis set before us ."Matt . 13 :58 "And he [Jesus]did not do many powerful worksFreedom1 22there on account of their lackof faith ."Strong Faith Gives ProtectionAgainst Wicked DemonsEph . 6 :16 "Above all things,take up the large shield of faith,with which you will be able toquench all the wicked one's burningmissiles ."1 Thess . 5 :8 "Let us keep oursenses and have on the breastplateof faith ."DEFINITIONIn its broadest sense and as used in the Bible and in the field ofgovernment it means merely "acting at will" . It is the acting and theperformance of acts freely according to one's will, with or withoutrestraints, for the general welfare . The subject of freedom involvesthe faculty of "free will", which God as Creator Superior has givento angels and men so that they can conduct themselves voluntarilyin a way pleasing to their Maker . It is this field of "free will" actionwherein governments, both theocratic and man-made, grant controlledliberties and freedoms .Jehovah as Sovereign Superior rael's Majestic One, I, I whoSolely Enjoys Absolute Freedom ; made the earth, I who createdActs at Will Without Restraint . man on earth, I who stretchedHe Alone Is Independent out the heavens with my ownIsa . 40 :13, 15 "Who hath directedthe spirit of Jehovah, or host ! "hands, I who ordered all theirbeing his counsellor hath taught Jehovah a God of Freedom ; Hishim? Behold, the nations are as Organization Dwells in Climatea drop of a bucket, and are ac-of Freedomcounted as the small dust of the 2 Cor . 3 :17 "Now Jehovah isbalance : behold, he taketh up theisles as a very little thing ."the spirit ; and where the spiritof Jehovah is, there is freedom."Rom . 9 :20, 21 "0 man, who,then, really are you to be answeringback to God? Shall the means Sinai, a mountain in Ara-Gal. 4 :25, 26 "Now this Hagarthing molded say to him that bia, and she corresponds withmolded it, `Why did you make the Jerusalem today, for she is inme this way?' What? Does not slavery with her children . Butthe potter have authority over the the Jerusalem above is free, andclay to make from the same lump she is our mother ."one vessel for an honorable use, Man Made in God's Imageanother for a dishonorable use?"Isa. 45 :11, 12, Mo "And wouldGranted Climate of Freedom,a Vast Field of Freewillyou question me about the future?would you dictate to meActionabout my work? says the Eternal Gen . 1 :26, 28-30 "And God said,[Jehovah, AS], Israel's Maker, Is- Let us make man in our image,

1 23after our likeness : and let themhave dominion over the fish ofthe sea, and over the birds of theheavens, and over the cattle, andover all the earth, and overevery creeping thing that creepethupon the earth . . . . and Godsaid unto them, Be fruitful, andmultiply, and replenish the earth,and subdue it ; and have dominionover the fish of the sea, andover the birds of the heavens, andover every living thing thatmoveth upon the earth. And Godsaid, Behold, I have given youevery herb yielding seed, whichis upon the face of all the earth,and every tree, in which is thefruit of a tree yielding seed ; toyou it shall be for food : and toevery beast of the earth, and toevery bird of the heavens, andto everything that creepeth uponthe earth, wherein there is life,I have given every green herbfor food : and it was so ."Perfect Man's Original FreedomRelative. Restricted by Lawfor Man's GoodGen . 2 :16, 17 "And JehovahGod commanded the man, saying,Of every tree of the garden thoumayest freely eat : but of the treeof the knowledge of good andevil, thou shalt not eat of it : forin the day that thou eatestthereof thou shalt surely die ."Man Loses Original Freedom,Enters Slavery of Sin and Death.He Went Beyond the Bounds ofHis Safe FreedomGen . 3:11, 12, 17-19 "Hast thoueaten of the tree, whereof I commandedthee that thou shouldestnot eat? And the man said, Thewoman whom thou gayest to bewith me, she gave me of thetree, and I did eat . And untoAdam he said, Because thou hasthearkened unto the voice of thywife, and hast eaten of the tree,of which I commanded thee, saving,Thou shalt not eat of it :cursed is the ground for thy sake ;in toil shalt thou eat of it allFreedomthe days of thy life ; thorns alsoand thistles shall it bring forthto thee ; and thou shalt eat theherb of the field ; in the sweatof thy face shalt thou eat bread,till thou return unto the ground ;for out of it wast thou taken :for dust thou art, and unto dustshalt thou return ."Rom. 5 :12 "Just as through oneman sin entered into the worldand death through sin, and thusdeath spread to all men becausethey had all sinned ."Also : Rom . 6 :16 .Faithful Mankind Promised Restorationof Original Safe Freedomin a JubileeRom . 8 :21 "The creation itselfalso will be set free from enslavementto corruption and have theglorious freedom of the childrenof God ."Lev . 25 :10 "And ye shall hallowthe fiftieth year, and proclaimliberty throughout the land untoall the inhabitants thereof : itshall be a jubilee unto you ; andye shall return every man untohis possession, and ye shall returnevery man unto his family ."Isa . 49:8, 9 "Thus saith Jehovah,In an acceptable time haveI answered thee, and in a dayof salvation have I helped thee ;and I will preserve thee, and givethee for a covenant of the people,to raise up the land, to makethem inherit the desolate heritages; saying to them that arebound, Go forth ; to them thatare in darkness, Show yourselves .They shall feed in the ways, andon all bare heights shall be theirpasture ."Mosaic Law Foreshadows Redemptionfrom Slavery bya Near KinsmanLev . 25 :47, 48 "And if a strangeror sojourner with thee be waxedrich, and thy brother be waxedpoor beside him, and sell himselfunto the stranger . . . after that heis sold he may be redeemed ; oneof his brethren may redeem him ."

FreedomChrist Jesus, the "Son of Man",Is Man's Kinsman, Redeemer,LiberatorJohn 1 :14 "So the Word becameflesh and resided among us, andwe had a view of his glory, aglory such as belongs to an onlybegottenson from a father ."Matt. 20 :28 "Just as the Sonof man came, not to be ministeredto, but to minister and togive his soul a ransom in exchangefor many ."1 Tim . 2 :5, 6 "For there is onecod, and one mediator betweenGod and men, a man ChristJesus, who gave himself a correspondingransom for all-thisis what is to be witnessed to atits own particular times ."John 8 :36 "If the Son sets youfree, you will be actually free ."Roni . 5 :18, 19 "As through onetrespass the result to men of allkinds was condemnation, likewiseAlso through one act of justificationthe result to men of all kindsis a declaring of them righteousfor life . For just as through thedisobedience of the one manmany were constituted sinners,likewise also through the obedienceof the one person manywill be constituted righteous ."Accepted Bible Truth as to ChristLeads to FreedomJohn 8 :31, 32 "If you remain inmy word, you are really my disciples,and you will know the truth,and the truth will set you free ."Gal . 5 :1 "For such freedomChrist set us free . Therefore standfast and do not let yourselves beconfined again in a yoke of slavery."Rom . 6 :18 "Since you were setfree from sin, you became slavesto righteousness ."Luke 4 :18 "Jehovah's spirit isupon me, because he anointed meto declare good news to the poor,he sent me forth to preach a releaseto the captives ."124Christians Now Set Free fromBondage of False Religion andSatan's Organization2 Cor . 6 :17 "'Therefore get outfrom among them, and separateyourselves,' says Jehovah, 'andquit touching the unclean thing .'"Rev. 18 :4 "And I heard anothervoice out of heaven say : 'Get outof her, my people, if you do notwant to share with her in hersins, and if you do not want toreceive part of her plagues .' "Col . 1 :13, 14 "He delivered usfrom the authority of the darknessand transplanted us into thekingdom of the Son of his love,by means of whom we have ourrelease by ransom, the f<strong>org</strong>ivenessof our sins ."Beware of Those Falsely OfferingFreedom and Endeavoring toDestroy Our Christian RelativeFreedom2 Pet. 2 :18-20 "For they utterswelling expressions of no profit,and by the desires of the fleshand by loose habits they enticethose who are just escaping frompeople who conduct themselvesin error . While they are promisingthem freedom, they themselvesare existing as slaves ofcorruption . For whoever is overcomeby another is enslaved bythis one . Certainly if, after havingescaped from the defilementsof the world by an accurate knowledgeof the Lord and Savior JesusChrist, they get involved againwith these very things and areovercome, the final conditionshave become worse for them thanthe first ."Gal. 2 :4 "But because of thefalse brothers brought in quietly,who sneaked in to spy upon ourfreedom which we have in unionwith Christ Jesus ."Follow the Kingly "Law ofFreedom"Jas . 1 :25 "He who peers intothe perfect law that belongs tofreedom and who persists in it,this man, because he has become,

12 5not a f<strong>org</strong>etful hearer, but a doerof the work, will be happy in hisdoing it ."Jas. 2 :12, 13 "Keep on speakingin such a way and keep on doingin such a way as those do whoare going to be judged by the lawof a free people . For the onethat does not practice mercy willhave his judgment without mercy .Mercy exults triumphantly overjudgment."Jas . 2 :8, 9 "If, now, you practicecarrying out the kingly lawaccording to the Scriptures, `Youmust love your neighbor as yourself,'you are doing quite well .But if you continue showingfavoritism, you are working a sin,for you are reproved by the lawas transgressors ."Assured New World FreedomsNow NearFreedom from wantIsa . 65:21, 22 "And they shallbuild houses, and inhabit them ;and they shall plant vineyards,and eat the fruit of them . Theyshall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, andanother eat : for as the days of atree shall be the days of mypeople, and my chosen shall longenjoy the work of their hands ."Freedom from fearMic. 4 :4 "But they shall sitevery man under his vine andunder his fig-tree ; and none shallmake them afraid : for the mouthof Jehovah of hosts hath spokenit ."Freedom of worshipJohn 4 :23 "The hour is coming,and it is now, when the genuineworshipers will worship the Fatherwith spirit and truth, for, indeed,the Father is looking forsuch kind to worship him ."ech . 14 :16 "And it shall cometo pass, that every one that is leftof all the nations that cameagainst Jerusalem shall go upfrom year to year to worship theKing, Jehovah of hosts, and tokeep the feast of tabernacles ."FreedomFreedom of speechEph . 3 :11, 12 "According to theeternal purpose which he formedin connection with the Christ,Jesus our Lord, by means ofwhom we have this freeness ofspeech and an approach withconfidence through our faith inhim ."Freedom from sicknessRev. 21 :4 "And he will wipeout every tear from their eyes,. . . neither will mourning nor outcrynor pain be any more . Theformer things have passed away ."Freedom from deathRev. 21 :4 "And death will beno more ."Freedom from gravedom, HadesRev . 20 :12, 13 "And I saw thedead, the great and the small,standing before the throne . . . .And the sea gave up those deadin it, and death and Hades gaveup those dead in them, and theywere judged individually accordingto their deeds."Freedom from animal hostilityEzek . 34 :25, 28 "And I willmake with them a covenant ofpeace, and will cause evil beaststo cease out of the land ; andthey shall dwell securely in thewilderness, and sleep in thewoods . And they shall no morebe a prey to the nations, neithershall the beasts of the earth devourthem ; but they shall dwellsecurely, and none shall makethem afraid ."Freedom from attack or injuryIsa . 11 :9 "They shall not hurtnor destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be fullof the knowledge of Jehovah, asthe waters cover the sea ."Freedom from warMic . 4:3 "And they shall beattheir swords into plowshares, andtheir spears into pruning-hooks ;nation shall not lift up swordagainst nation, neither shall theylearn war any more ."

Friendship with the WorldFreedom from past record of sinJer . 31 :34 "For I will f<strong>org</strong>ivetheir iniquity, and their sin willI remember no more ."1 John 2 :2 "And he [ChristJesus] is a propitiatory sacrificefor our sins, yet not for ours onlybut also for the whole world's ."126Freedom of education for lifeRev . 22 :17 "And let anyonethirsting come ; let anyone thatwishes take life's water free ."Isa . 55 :1 "Ho, everyone thatthirsteth, come ye to the waters,and he that hath no money ;come ye, buy, and eat ."Friendship with the WorldDEFINITIONLove of the present evil system of things ruled by Satan the Devilthe world, composed of a "heavens"-the demons ; an "earth"-thevisible <strong>org</strong>anization of false religion, politics, commerce) . Taking partin and supporting its political, commercial and false religious schemesor participating in its debauchery, reveling and inordinate pleasures .The person who takes a course parallel to the ways of this world,though he may claim to be Christian, is showing love for and friendshipwith this world .This World Consists of Demon"Heavens" and Wicked Visible"Earth"2 Pet. 3 :7 "The heavens andthe earth that are now are storedup for fire and are being reservedto the day of judgment and ofdestruction of the ungodly men ."This World Is Controlled bySatanMatt. 4 :8, 9 "Again the Deviltook him along to an unusuallyhigh mountain, and showed himall the kingdoms of the worldand their glory, and he said tohim : `All these things I will giveyou if you fall down and do anact of worship to me .' "2 Cor . 4 :4 "The god of thissystem of things has blinded theminds of the unbelievers, that theillumination of the glorious goodnews about the Christ, who is theimage of God, might not shinethrough ."1 John 5 :19 "The whole worldis lying in the power of thewicked one."Ps. 96 :5 "For all the gods ofthe peoples are idols ; but Jehovahmade the heavens."Eph . 6 :12 "Because we have afight, not against blood and flesh,but against the governments,against the authorities, againstthe world-rulers of this darkness,against the wicked spirit forcesin the heavenly places ."Things This World LovesJer . 5 :30, 31 "A wonderful andhorrible thing is come to pass inthe land : the prophets prophesyfalsely, and the priests bear ruleby their means ; and my peoplelove to have it so : and what willye do in the end thereof?"1 John 2 :16 "Because everythingin the world-the desire ofthe flesh and the desire of theeyes and the showy display ofone's means of life-does notoriginate with the Father, butoriginates with the world ."Luke 12 :29, 30 "So quit seekingwhat you might eat and what youmight drink, and quit being inanxious suspense, for all these arethe things the nations of theworld are eagerly pursuing ."Rev . 18 :3, 23 " `For because ofthe passion-arousing wine of herfornication all the nations have

127fallen victim, and the kings ofthe earth committed fornicationwith her, and the merchants ofthe earth became rich due to thepower of her shameless luxury .'`And no light of a lamp willever shine in you again, and novoice of a bridegroom and of abride will ever be heard in youagain ; because your merchantswere the top-ranking men of theearth, for by your spiritisticpractice all the nations were misled.' "World Hates God's ServantsJohn 17 :14 "I have given yourword to them, but the world hashated them, because they are nopart of the world just as I amno part of the world ."1 Cor . 4 :13 "We have becomeas the refuse of the world, theoffscouring of all things, and weare so now ."1 John 3 :13 "Do not marvel,brothers, that the world hatesyou ."Rev. 18 :24 "Yes, in her wasfound the blood of prophets andof holy ones and of all those whohave been slaughtered on theearth."This World's Thinking Is Outof Harmony with God1 Cor . 1 :20-28 "Where is thewise man? Where the scribe?Where the debater of this systemof things? Did not God make thewisdom of the world foolish? Forsince, in the wisdom of God, theworld through its wisdom did notget to know God, God saw goodthrough the foolishness of whatis preached to save those believing.. . . Because a foolish thing ofGod is wiser than men, and aweak thing of God is strongerthan men . . . . and God chose theignoble things of the world andthe things looked down upon, thethings that are not, that he mightbring to nothing the things thatare."1 Cor . 2 :6-8, 12 "Now we speakwisdom among those who areadults, but not the wisdom ofFriendship with the Worldthis system of things nor that ofthe rulers of this system of thingswho are to come to nothing . Butwe speak God's wisdom in a sacredsecret, the hidden wisdom,which God foreordained beforethe systems of things for ourglory. This wisdom not one ofthe rulers of this system of thingscame to know, for if they hadknown it they would not haveimpaled the glorious Lord . Nowwe received, not the spirit of theworld, but the spirit which isfrom God, that we might knowthe things that have been kindlygiven us by God ."1 Cor. 3 :18, 19 "Let no one beseducing himself : If anyoneamong you thinks he is wise inthis system of things, let him becomea fool, that he may becomewise . For the wisdom of thisworld is foolishness with God ; forit is written : `He catches the wisein their own craftiness .'"Rom . 8 :6 "For the minding ofthe flesh means death, but theminding of the spirit means lifeand peace ."World's Course of Action2 Tim. 3 :1-5 "But know this,that in the last days critical timeshard to deal with will be here .For men will be lovers of themselves,lovers of money, selfassuming,haughty, blasphemers,disobedient to parents, withoutgratitude, with no lovingkindness,having no natural affection,not open to any agreement,slanderers, without selfcontrol,fierce, without love ofgoodness, betrayers, headstrong,puffed up with self-esteem, loversof pleasures rather than lovers ofGod, having a form of godly devotionbut proving false to itspower ; and from these turnaway ."Jas. 3:14-16 "But if you havebitter jealousy and contentiousnessin your hearts, do not bebragging and lying against thetruth. This is not the wisdomthat comes down from above . but

Friendship with the Worldis the earthly, animal, demonic .For where jealousy and contentiousnessare, there disorder andevery vile thing are ."1 Pet. 4 :3, 4 "For the time thathas passed by is sufficient for youto have worked out the will ofthe nations when you proceededin deeds of loose conduct, lusts,excesses with wine, revelries,drinking matches, and idolatriesthat are without legal restraint .Because you do not continue runningwith them in this courseto the same low sink of debauchery,they are puzzled andgo on speaking abusively of you ."Gal. 5 :19-21 "Now the worksof the flesh are manifest, andthey are fornication, uncleanness,loose conduct, idolatry, practiceof spiritism, hatreds, strife, jealousy,fits of anger, contentions,divisions, sects, envies, drunkenbouts, revelries, and things likethese ."Rom . 1 :29-31 "Filled as theywere with all unrighteousness,wickedness, covetousness, injuriousness,being full of envy, murder,strife, deceit, malicious disposition,being whisperers, backbiters,haters of God, insolent,haughty, self-assuming, inventorsof injurious things, disobedientto parents, without understanding,false to agreements, havingno natural affection, merciless ."2 Pet . 3 :3, 4 "For you know thisfirst, that in the last days therewill come ridiculers with theirridicule, proceeding according totheir own desires and saying :`Where is this promised presenceof his? Why, from the day ourforefathers fell asleep in death,all things are continuing exactlyas from creation's beginning .' "World's Deceptive PropagandaMatt. 24 :4, 5, 11, 24 "And inanswer Jesus said to them : `Lookout that nobody misleads you ;for many will come on the basisof my name, saying : "I am theChrist," and will mislead many .And many false prophets will128arise and mislead many . For falseChrists and false prophets willarise and will give great signsand wonders so as to mislead, ifpossible, even the chosen ones .'"Rev . 16 :14 "They are, in fact,expressions inspired by demonsand perform signs, and they goforth to the kings of the entireinhabited earth, to gather themtogether to the war of the greatday of God the Almighty ."1 John 4 :1 "Beloved ones, donot believe every inspired expression,but test the inspired expressionsto see whether they originatewith God, because manyfalse prophets have gone forthinto the world ."2 John 7 "The reason why isthat many deceivers have goneforth into the world, persons notconfessing Jesus Christ as comingin the flesh ."Rev . 12 :9 "Down the greatdragon was hurled, the originalserpent, the one called Devil andSatan, who is misleading the entireinhabited earth ."Rev . 13:13, 14 "And it [the twohornedbeast] performs greatsigns, so that it should evenmake fire come down out ofheaven to the earth in the sightof mankind ."Rev . 17 :8 "The wild beast thatyou saw was, but is not, and yetis destined to ascend out of theabyss, and it is to go off intodestruction . And when they seehow the wild beast was, but isnot, and yet will be present, thosewho dwell on the earth will wonderadmiringly, but their nameshave not been written upon thescroll of life from the world'sfoundation ."Col . 2 :8 "Look out : perhapsthere may be some man that willcarry you off as his prey throughthe philosophy and empty deceptionaccording to the tradition ofmen, according to the elementarythings of the world and not accordingto Christ."

129Friendship with World Is EnmityToward GodJas . 4 :4 "Adulteresses, do younot know that the friendship withthe world is enmity with God?Whoever, therefore, wants to bea friend of the world is constitutinghimself an enemy of God ."1 John 2 :15 "Do not be lovingeither the world or the thingsin the world. If anyone loves theworld, the love of the Father isnot in him ."Christian Must Not Even Take aCourse Parallel to This WorldRom. 6 :13-16 "Neither go onpresenting your members to sinas weapons of unrighteousness,but present yourselves to God asthose alive from the dead, alsoyour members to God as weaponsof righteousness. For sin must notbe master over you, seeing thatyou are not under law but underundeserved kindness . What follows?Shall we commit a sinbecause we are not under lawbut under undeserved kindness?Never may that happen! Do younot know that if you keep presentingyourselves to anyone asslaves to obey him, you are slavesof him because you obey him,either of sin with death in viewor of obedience with righteousnessin view?"Jas . 1 :27 "The form of worshipthat is clean and undefiled fromthe standpoint of our God andFather is this : to care for orphansand widows in their tribulation,and to keep oneself withoutspot from the world."Rom. 13 :14 "But put on theLord Jesus Christ, and do not beplanning ahead for the desires ofthe flesh ."Friendship with This World Resultsin Destruction with itIsa . 13 :11 "And I will punishthe world for their evil, and thewicked for their iniquity ; and Iwill cause the arrogancy of theproud to cease, and will lay lowthe haughtiness of the terrible ."Friendship with the WorldIsa . 24 :5, 6 "The earth also ispolluted under the inhabitantsthereof ; because they have transgressedthe laws, violated thestatutes, broken the everlastingcovenant . Therefore hath thecurse devoured the earth, andthey that dwell therein are foundguilty : therefore the inhabitantsof the earth are burned, and fewmen left."Matt. 16:26 "For what benefitwill it be to a man if he gainsthe whole world but forfeits hissoul? or what will a man give inexchange for his soul?"2 Pet. 2 :20 "Certainly if, afterhaving escaped from the defilementsof the world by an accurateknowledge of the Lord andSavior Jesus Christ, they get involvedagain with these verythings and are overcome, the finalconditions have become worse forthem than the first ."1 Cor. 11 :32 "However, whenwe are judged, we are disciplinedby Jehovah, that we may not becomecondemned with the world ."World's Manner of Thinking,Doing Things Will Pass Away1 Cor . 7 :31 "The scene of thisworld is changing ."Isa . 65 :17 "For, behold, I createnew heavens and a new earth ;and the former things shall notbe remembered, nor come intomind ."1 John 2 :17 "Furthermore, theworld is passing away and so isits desire, but he that does thewill of God remains forever ."Col. 2 :20 "If you died togetherwith Christ toward the elementarythings of the world, why doyou, as if living in the world,further subject yourselves to thedecrees?"Eph . 2 :1-3 "Furthermore, it isyou God made alive though youwere dead in your trespasses andsins, in which you at one timewalked according to the systemof things of this world, accordingto the ruler of the authorityof the air, the spirit that now

Friendship with the Worldoperates in the sons of disobedience.Yes, among them we allat one time conducted ourselvesin harmony with the desires ofour flesh, doing the things theflesh and the thoughts willed, andwe were naturally children ofwrath even as the rest."Jesus' Course Brought Judgmentof Condemnation on This WorldJohn 12 :31 "Now there is ajudging of this world ; now theruler of this world will be castout ."John 16:11 "The ruler of thisworld has been judged ."Christian Must Overcome ThisWorld by Maintaining Integrityto GodJohn 16 :33 "In the world youwill have tribulation, but cheerup! I have conquered the world ."Rev . 2 :7 "To him that conquersI will grant to eat of the tree oflife, which is in the paradise ofGod ."1 John 5 :4, 5 "Because everythingthat has been born fromGod conquers the world. And thisis the conquest that has conqueredthe world, our faith . Whois the one that conquers theworld but he who has faith thatJesus is the Son of God?"Christian Must Be No Part ofThis WorldJohn 15:19 "If you were partof the world, the world would befond of what is its own . Nowbecause you are no part of theworld, but I have chosen you outof the world, on this account theworld hates you ."John 17 :16 "They are no partof the world just as I am no partof the world ."Rev . 18 :4 "Get out of her, mypeople, if you do not want toshare with her in her sins, andif you do not want to receivepart of her plagues ."Gal . 1 :4 "He gave himself forour sins that he might take usout for himself from the present130wicked system of things accordingto the will of our God andFather."God's Spirit Causes Christians toMaintain Integrity to God inThis WorldJohn 14 :17 ; 16 :8 "The spirit ofthe truth, which the world cannotreceive, because it neither beholdsit nor knows it . You knowit, because it remains with youand is in you." "And when thatone arrives he will give the worldconvincing evidence concerningsin and concerning righteousnessand concerning judgment ."Christian Must Love, Be Kindand Friendly to All Livingin the WorldGal . 6 :10 "Really, then, as longas we have time favorable for it,let us work what is good towardall, but especially toward thoserelated to us in the faith ."Luke 6 :27-36 "But I say to youwho are listening, Continue tolove your enemies, to do good tothose hating you, to bless thosecursing you, to pray for those whodo you injury . . . . Also just as youwant men to do to you, do thesame way to them . And if youlove those loving you, of whatcredit is it to you? For even thesinners love those loving them .And if you do good to those doinggood to you, really of what creditis it to you? Even the sinnersdo the same . . . . To the contrary,continue to love your enemies andto do good and to lend withoutinterest, not hoping for anythingback, and your reward will begreat, and you will be sons of theMost High, because he is kindtoward the unthankful andwicked . Continue becoming compassionate,just as your Father iscompassionate."1 Cor . 9 :22, 23 "To the weakI became weak, that I might gainthe weak . I have become allthings to people of all kinds, thatI might by all means save some .But I do all things for the sake

131of the good news, that I may becomea sharer of it with others."Heb . 12 :14 "Pursue peace withall people, and the sanctificationwithout which no man will seethe Lord ."Rom . 12 :18-21 "If possible, asfar as it depends upon you, bepeaceable with all men . Do notavenge yourselves, beloved, butyield place to the wrath ; for itis written : 'Vengeance is mine, Iwill repay, says Jehovah .' But, 'ifyour enemy is hungry, feed him ;if he is thirsty, give him somethingto drink ; for by doing thisyou will heap fiery coals upon hishead.' Do not let yourself be conqueredby the evil, but keep conqueringthe evil with the good ."No Enmity Toward Rulers, butin Full Harmony with All RighteousLaws Because of ConscienceActs 25 :8, 11 "But Paul said indefense : 'Neither against the Lawof the Jews nor against the templenor against Caesar have Icommitted any sin .' 'If, on theone hand, I am really a wrongdoerand have committed anythingdeserving of death, I donot beg off from dying ; if, on theother hand, none of those thingsexists of which these men accuseme, no man can hand me overto them as a favor. I appeal toCaesar!"'Acts 26 :28, 29 "But Agrippasaid to Paul : 'In a short timeyou would persuade me to becomea Christian .' At this Paul said : 'Icould wish to God that whetherin a short time or in a long timenot only you but also all thosewho hear me today would becomemen such as I also am, withthe exception of these bonds .' "Gen. 47 :7 "And Joseph broughtin Jacob his father, and sethim before Pharaoh : and Jacobblessed Pharaoh ."1 Pet. 4 :15 "However, let noneof you suffer as a murderer or athief or an evildoer or as a busybodyin other people's matters ."Friendship with the WorldChristians Do Not Pray for Continuanceof This World, but thatRulers May Have ReasonableAttitude Toward KingdomWorkJohn 17 :9 "I make request concerningthem ; I make request,not concerning the world, butconcerning those you have givenme ."1 Tim . 2 :1, 2 "I therefore exhortfirst of all that supplications,prayers, intercessions, offerings ofthanks, be made concerning allkinds of men, concerning kingsand all those who are in highstation, in order that we maygo on leading a calm and quietlife with full godly devotion andseriousness ."Courts Respected as ProperPlaces to Appealfor DefenseActs 24:10 "And Paul, whenthe governor nodded to him tospeak, answered : 'Knowing wellthat this nation has had you asjudge for many years, I readilyspeak in my defense the thingsabout myself.' "Acts 26:2, 25 " 'Concerning allthe things of which I am accusedby Jews, King Agrippa, Icount myself happy that it is beforeyou I am to make my defensethis day .' But Paul said :'I am not going mad, Your ExcellencyFestus, but I am utteringsayings of truth and of soundnessof mind .'"Christian Must Have SomeDealings with World (Witnessing,Secular Work)John 17 :15 "I request you, notto take them out of the world,but to watch over them becauseof the wicked one ."1 Cor . 5 :9-11 "In my letter Iwrote you to quit mixing in companywith fornicators, not meaningentirely with the fornicatorsof this world or the greedy personsand extortioners or idolaters .Otherwise, you would actuallyhave to get out of the world . But

Friendship with the Worldnow I am writing you to quitmixing in company with anyonecalled a brother that is a fornicatoror a greedy person or anidolater or a reviler or a drunkardor an extortioner, not even eatingwith such a man ."Matt . 28 :19, 20 "Go thereforeand make disciples of people ofall the nations, baptizing themin the name of the Father and ofthe Son and of the holy spirit,teaching them to observe all thethings I have commanded you .And, look! I am with you all thedays until the consummation ofthe system of things ."Christians Do Not Let MoneymakingHinder TheirKingdom WorkJas . 4 :13, 14 "Come, now, youwho say, `Today or tomorrow wewill travel to this city and willspend a year there, and we willengage in business and makeprofits,' whereas you do not knowwhat your life will be tomorrow .For you are a mist appearing fora little while and then disappearing."1 Tim. 6 :10 "For the love ofmoney is a root of all sorts ofinjurious things, and by reachingout for this love some have beenled astray from the faith andhave stabbed themselves all overwith many pains."Matt. 6 :19-21, 25-34 "Stop storingup for yourselves treasuresupon the earth, where moth andrust consume, and where thievesbreak in and steal . Rather, storeup for yourselves treasures inheaven, where neither moth norrust consume, and where thievesdo not break in and steal . Forwhere your treasure is, there yourheart will be also . On this accountI say to you : Stop beinganxious about your souls as towhat you will eat or what youwill drink, or about your bodiesas to what you will wear . . . . Sonever be anxious and say : `Whatare we to eat?' or, `What are weto drink?' or, `What are we to132put on?' For all these are thethings the nations are eagerlypursuing . For your heavenlyFather knows you need all thesethings . Keep on, then, seekingfirst the kingdom and his righteousness,and all these otherthings will be added to you ."Eccl . 7 :12 "For wisdom is adefence, even as money is a defence; but the excellency ofknowledge is, that wisdom preserveththe life of him that hathit ."Prov. 1 :19 "So are the ways ofevery one that is greedy of gain ;it taketh away the life of theowners thereof ."Prov. 15 :27 "He that is greedyof gain troubleth his own house ;but he that hateth bribes shalllive."Christian's Conscience Not Inherent; Must Be Trainedby God's WordJer . 17 :9 "The heart is deceitfulabove all things, and it is exceedinglycorrupt : who can know it?"Titus 1 :15 "All things are cleanto clean persons. But to personsdefiled and faithless nothing isclean, but both their minds andtheir consciences are defiled ."1 Tim . 1 :13 "Although formerlyI was a blasphemer and a persecutorand an insolent man .Nevertheless, I was shown mercy,because I was ignorant and actedwith a lack of faith ."Rom. 10 :2, 3 "For I bear themwitness that they have a zealfor God ; but not according to accurateknowledge ; for, because ofnot knowing the righteousness ofGod but seeking to establish theirown, they did not subject themselvesto the righteousness ofGod."John 8 :31, 32 "If you remainin my word, you are really mydisciples, and you will know thetruth, and the truth will set youfree."2 Tim . 3 :16, 17 "All Scriptureis inspired of God and beneficialfor teaching, for reproving, for

133setting things straight, for discipliningin righteousness, that theman of God may be fully competent,completely equipped forevery good work ."1 Tim . 4 :2 "By the hypocrisy ofmen who speak lies, marked intheir conscience as with a brandingiron ."Violation of Conscience MeansGod's DisfavorActs 24 :16 "In this respect, indeed,I am exercising myself continuallyto have a consciousnessof committing no offense againstGod and men ."1 Tim . 1 :19 "Holding faith anda good conscience, which somehave thrust aside and have experiencedshipwreck concerningtheir faith ."Christians Respect Consciencesof Others1 Cor . 8 :7-12 "But keep watchingthat this authority of yoursdoes not somehow become astumblingblock to those who areweak. For if anyone should seeyou with your knowledge recliningat a meal in an idol temple, willnot the conscience of that onewho is weak be emboldened tothe point of eating foods offeredto idols? Really, by your knowledge,the man that is weak isbeing ruined, your brother forwhose sake Christ died . But whenyou people thus sin against yourbrothers and wound their consciencethat is weak, you are sinningagainst Christ ."1 Cor . 10 :27-29 "If anyone ofthe unbelievers invites you andyou wish to go, proceed to eateverything that is set before you,making no inquiry on account ofyour conscience. But if anyoneshould say to you : 'This is somethingoffered to a god,' do noteat on account of the one thatdisclosed it and on account ofconscience. 'Conscience,' I say,not yours, but that of the otherperson ."Friendship with the WorldChristians Stand Among Nationsas Ambassadors2 Cor . 5:20 "We are thereforeambassadors substituting forChrist, as though God were makingentreaty through us . As substitutesfor Christ we beg : 'Becomereconciled to God .' "Eph . 6 :19, 20 "The good news,for which I am acting as an ambassadorin chains ."Phil. 3 :20 "As for us, our citizenshipexists in the heavens ."Christians Neutral, Do Not Interferewith World's Conflicts,Schemes or Politics2 Tim . 2 :3, 4 "As a right kindof soldier of Christ Jesus takeyour part in suffering evil . Noman serving as a soldier involveshimself in the commercial businessesof life, in order that hemay meet the approval of theone who enrolled him as asoldier."John 6 :15 "Therefore Jesus,realizing they were about to comeand seize him to make him king,withdrew again into the mountainall alone ."John 18 :36 "Jesus answered :'My kingdom is no part of thisworld . If my kingdom were partof this world, my attendantswould have fought that I shouldnot be delivered up to the Jews .But, as it is, my kingdom is notfrom this source .'"1 Tim . 5 :22 "Never lay yourhands hastily upon any man ; neitherbe a sharer in the sins ofothers ; preserve yourself pure."1 Cor . 14 :8 "For, truly, if thebugle sounds an indistinct call,who will get ready for battle?"God's Law to Israelite NationExempted MinistersNum. 1 :47-54 "For Jehovahspake unto Moses, saying, Onlythe tribe of Levi thou shalt notnumber, neither shalt thou takethe sum of them among thechildren of Israel ; but appointthou the Levites over the tabernacleof the testimony, and over

Friendship with the Worldall the furniture thereof, and overall that belongeth to it : they shallbear the tabernacle, and all thefurniture thereof and they shallminister unto it, and shall encampround about the tabernacle ."Christians Required to Stick toWork of PreachingMatt. 6 :33 "Keep on, then, seekingfirst the kingdom and hisrighteousness, and all these otherthings will be added to you ."Matt . 6:24 "No one can be aslave to two masters ; for eitherhe will hate the one and lovethe other, or he will stick to theone and despise the other . Youcannot be slaves to God and toRiches ."Matt. 15 :24 "In answer he said :`I was not sent forth to any butto the lost sheep of the house ofIsrael .'"Luke 4 :43 "But he said tothem : `Also to other cities I mustdeclare the good news of thekingdom of God, because for thisI was sent forth .' "Matt. 10 :5, 6 "These twelve Jesussent forth, giving them theseorders : `Do not go off into theroad of the nations, and do notenter into a Samaritan city ; but,instead, go continually to the lostsheep of the house of Israel . -Matt . Matt. 28 :19 "Go therefore andmake disciples of people of all thenations, baptizing them in thename of the Father and of theSon and of the holy spirit ."Christians Must Speak Truth inGod's Commanded Way,Without Censorship2 Cor . 4 :2 "But we have renouncedthe underhanded thingsof which to be ashamed, notwalking in craftiness neither adulteratingthe word of God, butby making the truth manifestrecommending ourselves to everyhuman conscience in the sight ofGod ."Acts 4 :18-20 "With that theycalled them and charged themin general not to make any utterancenor to teach upon the134basis of the name of Jesus . Butin reply Peter and John said tothem : ` . . . As for us, we cannotstop speaking about the thingswe have seen and heard.'"Ex. 8 :25, 26 "And Pharaohcalled for Moses and for Aaron,and said, Go ye, sacrifice to yourGod in the land. And Moses said,It is not meet so to do ."Ex . 10 :8-26 "And Moses andAaron were brought again untoPharaoh : and he said unto them,Go, serve Jehovah your God ; butwho are they that shall go? AndMoses said, We will go with ouryoung and with our old ; with oursons and with our daughters,with our flocks and with ourherds will we go ; for we musthold a feast unto Jehovah . Andhe said unto them, So be Jehovahwith you, as I will let you go,and your little ones : look to it ;for evil is before you . Not so : gonow ye that are men, and serveJehovah ; for that is what yedesire . And they were driven outfrom Pharaoh's presence . . . . AndPharaoh called unto Moses, andsaid, Go ye, serve Jehovah ; onlylet your flocks and your herdsbe stayed : let your little onesalso go with you. And Moses said,Thou must also give into ourhand sacrifices and burnt-offerings,that we may sacrifice untoJehovah our God . Our cattle alsoshall go with us ; there shall nota hoof be left behind ; for thereofmust we take to serve Jehovah. . . until we come thither ."Christians Must Work Togetheras One ManPhil. 1 :27, 28 "Only behave ina manner worthy of the good newsabout the Christ, in order that,whether I come and see you orbe absent, I may hear about thethings which concern you, thatyou are standing firm in onespirit, with one soul fighting sideby side for the faith of the goodnews ."See "Jehovah's Witnesses","Caesar's Things to Caesar ."

Gifts from GodDEFINITIONQualities, abilities, attributes and other beneficial things grantedby the love, mercy and undeserved kindness of Jehovah God to hiscreatures . Some are given as rewards . All are given to be used to hispraise and glory, to serve his purposes and for the good of his creaturesand his <strong>org</strong>anization . Divine gifts bring rights to the ones receivingthem, which all others are duty bound to recognize .Jehovah God the Chief Giver. measured out the free gift . Whereforehe says : `When he ascendedAll His Gifts Good, Perfect,Beneficialon high he led captive a multitude; he gave gifts in men.'"Jas. 1 :17 "Every good gift andevery perfect present is from Col. 2 :9 "It is in him that allabove, for it comes down from the fullness of the divine qualitythe Father of the celestial lights, dwells for the body ."and with him there is not a variationof the turning of the operations the one and the same1 Cor. 12 :11 "But all theseshadow ."spirit performs, making a distributionto each one respectively justProv . 10:22 "The blessing ofJehovah, it maketh rich ; and he as it wills ."addeth no sorrow therewith ."1 Tim . 4 :4 "Every creation ofJohn 3 :34 "The one whom GodGod is right and nothing is tosent forth speaks the sayings ofbe rejected if it is received withGod, for he does not give thespirit sparingly ."thanksgiving ."Deut . 32 :4 "The Rock, his work Gifts of God Are Impartiallyis perfect."Given, Not Earned, Not a DueBelonging to UsAll His Gifts Serve in CarryingOut His PurposeJohn 1 :16, 17 "For we all receivedfrom out of his fullness,Rom . 11 :29 "The gifts and thecalling of God are not things heeven undeserved kindness uponwill regret ."undeserved kindness. Because theEph . 4 :8, 12-14 "'He gave giftslaw was given through Moses, thein men.' . . . with a view to theundeserved kindness and thetraining of the holy ones fortruth came to be through Jesusministerial work, for the buildingChrist ."up of the body of the Christ ." Matt. 5 :45 "He makes his sunrise upon wicked people and goodAll Gifts Come Through Christ and makes it rain upon righteousJesus by His Direction of people and unrighteous ."Jehovah's Active ForceEph. 2 :8, 9 "By this undeservedActs 2 :32, 33 "This Jesus . . . kindness, indeed, you have beenbecause he was exalted to the saved through faith ; and this notright hand of God and received owing to you, it is God's gift .the promised holy spirit from No, it is not owing to works, inthe Father, he has poured out this order that no man should havewhich you see and hear."grounds for boasting ."Eph. 4:7, 8 "Now to each one 1 Pet. 1 :17 "Furthermore, ifof us undeserved kindness was you are calling upon the Fathergiven according to how the Christ who judges impartially according135

Gifts from Godto each one's work, conduct yourselveswith fear ."Deut . 10 :17 "Jehovah your God,he is God of gods, and Lord oflords, the great God, the mighty,and the terrible, who regardethnot persons, nor taketh reward ."Life and God's Provisions for Usto Get Eternal Life Are GiftsRom . 6 :23 "For the wages sinpays is death, but the gift Godgives is everlasting life by ChristJesus our Lord ."Job 33 :4 "The spirit of Godhath made me, and the breath ofthe Almighty giveth me life ."2 Cor . 9 :15 "Thanks be to Godfor his indescribable free gift ."Ps . 115 :16 "The heavens are theheavens of Jehovah ; but theearth hath he given to the childrenof men ."Spiritual Sonship a Gift1 John 3 :1, 2 "See what kindof love the Father has given us,so that we should be called childrenof God ; and such we are.Beloved ones, now we arechildren of God, but as yet it hasnot been made manifest what weshall be . We do know that wheneverhe is made manifest we shallbe like him, because we shall seehim just as he is ."John 1 :12 "However, as manyas did receive him, to them hegave authority to become God'schildren, because they were exercisingfaith in his name ."Immortality a Reward to Christand His 144,000 Body Membersfor Faithfulness1 Tim. 6 :14-16 "Jesus Christ . . .the one alone having immortality."Phil. 2 :8, 9 "He humbled himselfand became obedient as faras death, yes, death on a torturestake . For this very reason alsoGod exalted him to a superiorposition and kindly gave him thename that is above every othername ."1 Cor. 9 :25 "Every man takingpart in a contest exercises self-136control in all things. Now they,of course, do it that they mayget a corrup title crown, but wean incorruptible one ."Roni . 2 :6, 7 "He will render toeach one according to his works :everlasting life to those who areseeking glory and honor and incorruptiblenessby endurance inwork that is good ."2 Pet. 1 :10 "Brothers, all themore do your utmost to renderthe calling and choosing of youfirm for yourselves ."Rev . 2 :10 "Prove yourself faithfuleven with the danger ofdeath, and I will give you thecrown of life ."Human Sonship a Gift of GodRom. 8 :21 "The creation itselfalso will be set free from enslavementto corruption and have theglorious freedom of the childrenof God ."1 Cor. 15 :28 "But when allthings will have been subjectedto hi-n, then the Son himself willalso subject himself to the onewho subjected all things to him,that God may be all things toeveryone ."Also : Gen . 1 :26 ; Luke 3 :38 .To Be Valid, All Gifts Must BeAccepted and Cultivated (ExceptMiraculous Gifts)1 Cor. 12 :31 "Keep striving afterthe greater gifts ."John 1 :12 "As many as did receivehim, to them he gave authorityto become God's children,because they were exercising faithin his name ."1 Tim. 3 :1 "If any man isreaching out for an office of overseer,he is desirous of a rightkind of work ."2 Tim . 2 :1, 5, 6 "You, therefore,my child, keep on acquiring powerin the undeserved kindness that isin connection with Christ Jesus .Moreover, if anyone contends evenin the games, he is not crownedunless he has contended accordingto the rules . The hardworkingfarmer must be the firstto partake of the fruits ."

137Prov. 13 :4 "The soul of thesluggard desireth, and hath nothing; but the soul of the diligentshall be made fat ."Gifts Bestowed on ChristianCongregation ForeshadowedGen. 24 :22, 53 "And it came topass, as the camels had donedrinking, that the man took agolden ring of half a shekelweight, and two bracelets for herhands of ten shekels weight ofgold . And the servant broughtforth jewels of silver, and jewelsof gold, and raiment, and gavethem to Rebekah : he gave alsoto her brother and to her motherprecious things ."Miraculous Gifts to EarlyChristian Congregation1 Cor . 12:4-10, 28-30 "Now thereare varieties of gifts, but there isthe same spirit ; . . . to one thereis given through the spirit speechof wisdom, to another speech ofknowledge according to the samespirit, to another faith by thesame spirit, to another gifts ofhealings by that one spirit, to yetanother operations of powerfulworks, to another prophesying, toanother discernment of inspiredutterances, to another differenttongues, and to another interpretationof tongues . And God hasset the respective ones in thecongregation, first, apostles ; second,prophets ; third, teachers ;then powerful works ; then giftsof healings ; helpful services, abilitiesto direct, different tongues. . . translators ."Acts 21 :8, 9 "Philip the missionary. . . . This man had fourdaughters, virgins, that prophesied."1 Cor . 14 :18 "I thank God, Ispeak in more tongues than allof you do ."Gifts from GodPurpose of Miraculous Gifts toEstablish and Mature the Congregationand Show Change fromDealing with the Old Systems ofThings to the New ChristianSystemActs 2 :22 "Men of Israel, hearthese words : Jesus the Nazarene,a man publicly shown by God toyou through powerful works andwonders and signs which Goddid through him in your midst,just as you yourselves know ."Heb . 2 :4 "God joined in bearingwitness with signs as well as wondersand various powerful worksand with distributions of holyspirit according to his will ."Eph . 4 :11-16 "And he gave someas apostles, some as prophets,some as missionaries, some asshepherds and teachers, with aview to the training of the holyones for ministerial work, for thebuilding up of the body of theChrist, until we all attain to theoneness in the faith and in theaccurate knowledge of the Sonof God, to a full-grown man, tothe measure of growth that belongsto the fullness of the Christ ;in order that we should no longerbe babes, tossed about as bywaves and carried hither andthither by every wind of teachingby means of the trickery of men,by means of craftiness in contrivingerror. But speaking the truth,let us by love grow up in allthings into him who is the head,Christ . From him all the body,by being harmoniously joined togetherand being made to cooperatethrough every joint whichgives what is needed, accordingto the functioning of each respectivemember in due measure,makes for the growth of the bodyfor the building up of itself inlove."1 Cor . 14 :21-25 "In the law it iswritten : `With the tongues offoreigners and with the lips ofstrangers I will speak to thispeople, and yet not even thenwill they give heed to me,' saysJehovah . Consequently, tongues

Gifts from Godare for a sign, not to the believers,but to the unbelievers, whereasprophesying is, not for the unbelievers,but for the believers .Therefore, if the whole congregationcomes together to one placeand they all speak in tongues, butordinary people or unbelieverscome in, will they not say thatyou are mad? But if you are allprophesying and any unbelieveror ordinary person comes in, heis put right by them all, he isclosely examined by all, the secretsof his heart become manifest,so that he will prostratehimself and worship God, declaring,'God is really among you .'"1 Cor . 1 :7, 8 "So that you donot fall short in any gift at all,while you are eagerly waitingfor the revelation of our LordJesus Christ . He will also makeyou unshakable to the end, thatyou may be open to no accusationin the day of our Lord JesusChrist ."Miraculous Gifts Always TransmittedOnly When One or Moreof the 12 Apostles Were PresentActs 2 :4, 14 "They all becamefilled with holy spirit and startedto speak with different tongues,. But Peter stood up with theeleven and raised his voice ."Acts 8 :14-17 "When the apostlesin Jerusalem heard that Samariahad accepted the word of God,they dispatched Peter and Johnto them, and these went downand prayed for them to get holyspirit. For it had not yet fallenupon any one of them, but theyhad only been baptized in thename of the Lord Jesus . Thenthey went to laying their handsupon them, and they began toreceive holy spirit ."Acts 10 :44 "While Peter wasyet speaking about these mattersthe holy spirit fell upon all thosehearing the word ."Acts 19 :6 "And when Paul laidhis hands upon them, the holyspirit came upon them, and they138began speaking with tongues andprophesying ."Rom . 1 :11 "I am longing to seeyou, that I may impart somespiritual gift to you in order foryou to be made firm ."Miraculous Gifts No LongerPresent Since Shortly Afterthe Apostles' Day1 Cor . 13 :8-13 "Love neverfails . But whether there are giftsof prophesying, they will be doneaway with ; whether there aretongues, they will cease ; whetherthere is knowledge, it will be doneaway with . For we have partialknowledge and we prophesy partially; but when that which iscomplete arrives, that which ispartial will be done away with .When I was a babe, I used tospeak as a babe, to think as ababe, to reason as a babe ; butnow that I have become a man,I have done away with the traitsof a babe . For at present we seein hazy outline by means of ametal mirror, but then it will beface to face . At present I knowpartially, but then I shall knowaccurately even as I am accuratelyknown . Now, however, thereremain faith, hope, love, thesethree, but the greatest of theseis love ."Gifts Make the Christian Congregationon Earth Complete toDo the Work Assigned1 Cor. 12 :12-26 "For just as thebody is one thing but has manymembers, and all the membersof that body, although beingmany, are one body, so also isthe Christ . . . . For the body, indeed,is not one member, but ismany . If the foot should say :'Because I am not a hand, I amno part of the body,' it is not forthis reason no part of the body .And if the ear should say : 'BecauseI am not an eye, I am nopart of the body,' it is not forthis reason no part of the body .If the whole body were an eye,where would the sense of hearing

13 9be? If it were all hearing, wherewould the smelling be? But nowGod has set the members in thebody, each one of them, just ashe pleased . If they were all onemember, where would the bodybe? But now they are many members,yet one body . The eye cannotsay to the hand : 'I have noneed of you' ; or, again, the headcannot say to the feet : `I haveno need of you.' But much ratheris it the case that the membersof the body which seem to beweaker are necessary, and theparts of the body which we thinkto be less honorable, these we surroundwith more abundant honor,and so our unseemly parts havethe more abundant comeliness,whereas our comely parts do notneed anything. Nevertheless, Godcompounded the body, giving honormore abundant to the partwhich had a lack, so that thereshould be no division in the body,but that its members should havethe same care for one another ."Ministry of Prophesying byHouse-to-House WorkActs 20 :20 "I did not hold backfrom telling you any of the thingsthat were profitable nor fromteaching you publicly and fromhouse to house ."Rev. 3:20 "Look! I am standingat the door and knocking ."Matt. 10 :12-14 "When you areentering into the house, greet thehousehold ; and if the house isdeserving, let the peace you wishit come upon it ; but if it is notdeserving, let the peace fromyou return upon you . Whereveranyone does not take you in orlisten to your words, on goingout of that house or that cityshake the dust off your feet ."By Return Calls and HomeBible StudiesActs 15 :36 "Now after somedays Paul said to Barnabas :`Above all things, let us returnand visit the brothers in everyone of the cities in which we pub-Gifts from Godlished the word of Jehovah tosee how they are .'"1 Cor . 3 :6-8 "I planted, Apolloswatered, but God kept making itgrow . . . . Now he that plants andhe that waters are one, but eachperson will receive his own rewardaccording to his own labor."Also : Matt . 13 :3-23 .Prov. 11 :25 "The liberal soulshall be made fat ; and he thatwatereth shall be watered alsohimself ."John 21 :15-17 "He said to him :`Feed my young lambs Shepherdmy little sheep Feed mylittle sheep .'"Gal . 6 :6 "Moreover, let anyonewho is being orally taught theword share in all good things withthe one who gives such oralteaching ."Also : Acts 17 :11 ; Rev. 3 :20 .By Street WorkActs 17 :17 "Consequently hebegan to reason in the synagoguewith the Jews and the otherpeople who worshiped God andevery day in the market-placewith those who happened to beon hand."Also : Jer. 17 :19 ; Ezekiel 4 .In Your Own Home and EveryOther PlaceActs 28 :30, 31 "So he remainedfor an entire two years in hisown hired house, and he wouldkindly receive all those who camein to him, preaching the kingdomof God to them and teachingthe things concerning the LordJesus Christ with the greatestfreeness of speech, without hindrance."Acts 16 :25, 32 "About the middleof the night Paul and Silaswere praying and praising Godwith song ; yes, the prisoners werehearing them . And they spoke theword of Jehovah to him togetherwith all those in his house ."Phil . 1 :13, 14 "My prison bondshave become public knowledge inassociation with Christ among ailthe praetorian guard and all the

Gifts from Godrest, and most of the brothers inthe Lord, feeling confidence byreason of my prison bonds, aremore than outdoing themselvesin courage to speak the word ofGod fearlessly ."Also : Matt . 5 :1, 2 ; Mark 4 :1 ;Matt. 26 :6-13 ; Luke 10 :38-42 ;19 :2-8 ; Acts 8 :26-40 .The Christian Congregation TodayIs Mature ; AccomplishesWork Through More ExcellentWay of Love1 Cor. 12 :31 ; 13 :13 "Keep strivingafter the greater gifts . Andyet I show you a surpassing way .""Now, however, there remainfaith, hope, love, these three, butthe greatest of these is love."Heb. 6 :1-3 "For this reason,now that we have left theelementary doctrine about theChrist, let us press on to maturity,not laying a foundation again,namely, repentance from deadworks, and faith toward God, theteaching on baptisms and thelaying on of the hands, the resurrectionof the dead and everlastingjudgment . And this wewill do, if God indeed permits."Acts 1 :8 "You will receive powerwhen the holy spirit arrivesupon you, and you will be witnessesof me both in Jerusalemand in all Judea and Samariaand to the most distant part ofthe earth ."Matt. 24 :14 "This good news ofthe kingdom will be preached inall the inhabited earth for thepurpose of a witness to all thenations, and then the accomplishedend will come ."Rev. 14:6, 7 "I saw another angelflying in midheaven, and hehad everlasting good news to declareas glad tidings to those whodwell on the earth, and to everynation and tribe and tongue andpeople, saying in a loud voice :`Fear God and give him glory,because the hour of the judgmentby him has arrived .'"2 Ki 2 :9 "Elijah said untoElisha, Ask what I shall do for140thee, before I am taken from thee .And Elisha said, I pray thee, leta double portion of thy spirit beupon me ."Rev. 11 :3, 7, 11 "I will causemy two witnesses to prophesy . . .the wild beast . . . will . . . killthem . And after the three anda half days spirit of life from Godentered into them, and they stoodupon their feet, and great fearfell upon those beholding them ."Other Gifts Within Reach of AllToday if CultivatedMinistry2 Cor . 3 :5, 6 ; 4 :1 "Our beingadequately qualified issues fromGod, who has indeed adequatelyqualified us to be ministers of anew covenant, not of a writtencode, but of spirit ; . . . That iswhy, since we have this ministryaccording to the mercy that wasshown us, we do not behave improperly."Rom. 11 :13 "I glorify my ministry."2 Tim . 4 :11 "Take Mark andbring him with you, for he isuseful to me for ministering ."Prophecy1 Cor . 14 :1-5 "Pursue love, yetkeep striving after the spiritualgifts, but preferably that you mayprophesy . . . . he that prophesiesupbuilds and encourages and consolesmen by his speech . . . . hethat prophesies upbuilds a congregation. . . . I prefer that youprophesy . Indeed, he that prophesiesis greater than he thatspeaks in tongues ."Public speakingActs 18 :4, 24 "He would givea talk in the synagogue everysabbath and would win over Jewsand Greeks . Now a certain Jewnamed Apollos, a native of Alexandria,an eloquent man, arrivedin Ephesus, and he was wellversed in the Scriptures ."Acts 19 :9, 10 "He . . . separatedthe disciples from them, daily givingtalks in the school auditorium

141of Tyrannus . This took place fortwo years, so that all those inhabitingthe district of Asiaheard the word of the Lord, bothJews and Greeks ."1 Tim . 4 :13 "While I am coming,continue applying yourself topublic reading."Conducting congregationalstudiesRom . 12 :8 "He that presides, lethim do it in real earnest ."Overseeing1 Tim. 3 :2-7 "The overseershould therefore be irreprehensible,a husband of one wife, moderatein habits, sound in mind,orderly, a lover of strangers, qualifiedto teach, not a drunkenbrawler, not a smiter, but reasonable,not belligerent, not a loverof money, a man presidingover his own household in a rightmanner, having children in subjectionwith all seriousness ; . . .not a newly converted man, . . .he should also have a favorabletestimony from people on the outside."1 Pet . 5 :1-3 "To the older menShepherd the flock of Godin your care, not under compulsion,but willingly, . . . neither aslording it over those who areGod's inheritance, but becomingexamples to the flock ."Matt . 25 :21 "Well done, goodand faithful slave! You werefaithful over a few things . I willappoint you over many things ."Also : Matt. 24 :45-47 ; Luke19 :12-27 .Assistant ministerial servants1 Tim . 3 :8-12 "Ministerial servantsshould likewise be serious,not double-tongued, not givingthemselves to a lot of wine, notgreedy of dishonest gain, holdingthe sacred secret of the faith witha clean conscience . Also let thesebe tested as to fitness first, thenlet them serve as ministers, asthey are free from accusation .Women should likewise be serious,not slanderous, moderate inGifts from Godhabits, faithful in all things. Letministerial servants be husbandsof one wife, presiding in a rightmanner over children and theirown households ."OrganizingActs 6 :1-3 "So the twelve . . .said : 'It is not pleasing for us toabandon the word of God to distributefood to tables . So, brothers,search out for yourselves sevencertified men . . . that we mayappoint them over this necessarybusiness .' "Also: Ex . 18 :19-26 .Teaching in the congregation[limited to male members]1 Tim . 3 :2 "The overseer shouldtherefore be . . . qualified to teach ."1 Tim. 4 :16 "Pay constant attentionto yourself and to yourteaching ."1 Tim. 2 :12 "I do not permit awoman to teach, or to exerciseauthority over a man, but to bein silence ."1 Cor. 14 :33-35 "As in all thecongregations of the holy ones,let the women keep silent in thecongregations, for it is not permittedfor them to speak, . . . If,then, they want to learn something,let them question theirhusbands at home, for it is disgracefulfor a woman to speakin a congregation ."Jas . 3 :1 "Not many of youshould become teachers, mybrothers, knowing that we shallreceive heavier judgment ."Defending and legally establishingthe good newsPhil . 1 :7 "All of you beingsharers with me in the undeservedkindness both in my prisonbonds and in the defendingand legally establishing of thegood news ."Also : Acts 4 :19, 20 ; 5 :27-32 ;25 :11, 21 ; Rom . 16 :1, 2.Admonishing, exhorting, comforting,strengthening1 Thess . 5:14 "We exhort you,brothers, admonish the disorder-

Gifts froni Godly, speak comfortingly to the depressedsouls, support the weak,be longsuffering toward all ."Heb . 12 :12 "Lift up the handsthat hang down and strengthenthe enfeebled knees ."2 Cor . 1 :3, 4 "Blessed be theGod and Father of our Lord JesusChrist, the Father of tendermercies and the God of all comfort,who comforts us in all ourtribulation, that we may be ableto comfort those in any kind oftribulation through the comfortwith which we ourselves are beingcomforted by God ."Also: Rom . 15 :14 ; 1 Thess .5 :12 ; 2 Thess . 3 :15 .Reproving, correcting, counseling1 Tim . 5 :20 "Reprove beforeall onlookers persons who practicesin, that the rest also mayhave fear ."Titus 1 :9 "He [the overseer]may be able both to exhort bythe teaching that is healthfuland to reprove those who contradict."Titus 1 :13 "Keep on reprovingthem with severity, that they maybe healthy in the faith ."Understanding2 Tim . 2 :7 "The Lord will reallygive you discernment in allthings ."Gift of singlenessMatt. 19 :11, 12 "Not all menmake room for the saying, butonly those who have the gift . . . .there are eunuchs that havemade themselves eunuchs becauseof the kingdom of the heavens ."1 Cor. 7 :27, 32 "Are you loosedfrom a wife? Stop seeking a wife .Indeed, I want you to be freefrom anxiety . The single man isanxious for the things of theLord, how he may gain the Lord'sapproval ."Gift of Service with Marriage1 Cor . 7 :7, 17, 27, 29, 38 "I wishall men were as I myself am .Nevertheless, each one has his142own gift from God, one in thisway, another in that way . . . . leteach one so walk as God has calledhim. . . . Are you bound to a wife?Stop seeking a release . . . . Henceforthlet those who have wivesbe as though they had none, . . .he also that gives his virginityin marriage does well, but he thatdoes not give it in marriage willdo better."Other Natural Abilities and TalentsMay Be Used in theTheocratic OrganizationEx . 31 :2-6 ; 35:25 to 36 :3 "Ihave called by name Bezalel theson of Uri . . . . of the tribe of Judah: and I have filled him withthe spirit of God, in wisdom, andin understanding, and in knowledge,and in all manner of workmanship,to devise skilful works,to work in gold, and in silver,and in brass, and in cutting ofstones for setting, and in carvingof wood, to work in all manner ofworkmanship . . and in thehearts of all that are wiseheartedI have put wisdom, thatthey may make all that I havecommanded thee ." "And all thewomen that were wise-hearteddid spin with their hands, andbrought that which they hadspun . . . . The children of Israelbrought a freewill offering untoJehovah ; every man and woman,whose heart made them willingto bring for all the work."Heb. 11 :7 "By faith Noah, afterbeing given divine warning ofthings not yet beheld, showedgodly fear and constructed an arkfor the saving of his household ."Also : Gen. 6 :14, 15 ; 7 :5 .Cultivating These Present Giftsof the Spirit1 Tim . 4 :14-16 "Do not be neglectingthe gift in you which wasgiven you through a predictionand when the body of older menlaid their hands upon you . Ponderover these things, be absorbedin them, that your advancementmay be manifest to

143all persons. Pay constant attentionto yourself and to your teaching. Stay by these things, for bydoing this you will save bothyourself and those who listen toyou."2 Tim . 4:5 "You, though, keepyour balance in all things, sufferevil, do missionary work, thoroughlyaccomplish your ministry."2 Tim . 1 :6, 7 "Stir up like afire the gift of God which is inyou through the laying of myhands upon you. For God gave usnot a spirit of cowardice, but thatof power and of love and ofsoundness of mind ."Matt. 19 :11, 12 "Not all menmake room for the saying, butonly those who have the gift .. . .there are eunuchs that havemade themselves eunuchs becauseof the kingdom of the heavens .Let him that can make roomfor it make room for it ."1 Pet . 4 :7, 8, 10, 11 "The completeend of all things has drawnclose . Be sound in mind, therefore,and be vigilant with a viewto prayers . Above all things, haveintense love for one another, becauselove covers a multitude ofsins. In proportion as each onehas received a gift, use it in ministeringto one another as theright kind of stewards over God'sundeserved kindness which is expressedin various ways . If anyonespeaks, let him speak as itwere the sacred pronouncementsof God ; if anyone ministers, lethim minister as dependent onthe strength which God supplies ;so that in all things God may beglorified through Jesus Christ ."Anyone Can Cultivate Ability toDo Any Theocratic AssignmentGivenPhil. 4 :13 "For all things Ihave the strength by virtue ofhim who imparts power to me ."2 Tim. 2 :15 "Do your utmostto present yourself approved toGod, a workman with nothingGifts from Godto be ashamed of, handling theword of the truth aright ."ech . 4:6 "Not by might, norby power, but by my spirit, saithJehovah of hosts ."Ex . 4:10-12 "And Moses saidunto Jehovah, Oh, Lord, I am noteloquent, neither heretofore, norsince thou hast spoken untothy servant ; for I am slow ofspeech, and of a slow tongue .And Jehovah said unto him, Whohath made man's mouth? or whomaketh a man dumb, or deaf,or seeing, or blind? is it not I,Jehovah? Now therefore go, andI will be with thy mouth, andteach thee what thou shaltspeak ."All Gifts Are for the Purpose ofBeing Used to Jehovah's PraiseEph . 1:3-8, 14 "Blessed be theGod and Father of our Lord JesusChrist . . . . For he foreordainedus to the adoption through JesusChrist as sons to himself, . .Anpraise of his glorious undeservedkindness which he kindly conferredupon us by means of hisloved one . . . . This he caused toabound toward us in all wisdomand good sense, . . . to his gloriouspraise ."Eph. 5 :18-20 "Keep gettingfilled with spirit, speaking toyourselves with psalms andpraises to God and spiritualsongs, singing and accompanyingyourselves with music in yourhearts to Jehovah, in the nameof our Lord Jesus Christ givingthanks always for all things toour God and Father ."Ps. 107 :15, 21, 32 "Oh that menwould praise Jehovah for hislovingkindness, and for his wonderfulworks to the children ofmen! Let them exalt him alsoin the assembly of the people,and praise him in the seat ofthe elders ."We Should Not Envy OthersHaving Gifts1 Cor. 12 :11, 28-30 "All theseoperations the one and the samespirit performs, making a distri-

Healingbution to each one respectivelyjust as it wills . And God has setthe respective ones in the congregation,first, apostles ; second,prophets ; third, teachers ; thenpowerful works ; then gifts ofhealings ; helpful services, abilitiesto direct, different tongues . NotHealingDEFINITIONThe restoration of the spiritually or physically sick ones to goodhealth . A special gift of the holy spirit given by Jehovah God tocertain ones before Christ and also in the early congregation thatenabled the gifted one to perform miraculous cures of physical sicknessand even raise the dead . It was used as a sign of God's powerusually performed on those outside the congregation . Like all specialgifts of the spirit from and after Pentecost, A .D . 33, it was administeredby Jesus Christ through the twelve apostles or in their presence .At the apostles' death it was impossible to pass on this specialgift to others, and it therefore ceased .Jehovah God Has Power to MakeSick and to HealDeut. 28 :27, 35 "Jehovah willsmite thee with the boil of Egypt,and with the emerods, and withthe scurvy, and with the itch,whereof thou canst not be healed .Jehovah will smite thee in theknees, and in the legs, with asore boil, whereof thou canst notbe healed, from the sole of thyfoot unto the crown of thy head ."Ex . 15 :23-26 "And when theycame to Marah, they could notdrink of the waters of Marah,for they were bitter : . . . And hecried unto Jehovah ; and Jehovahshowed him a tree, and he castit into the waters, and the waterswere made sweet. . . . and he said,If thou wilt diligently hearken tothe voice of Jehovah thy God,and wilt do that which is rightin his eyes, and wilt give ear tohis commandments, and keep allhis statutes, I will put none ofthe diseases upon thee, which Ihave put upon the Egyptians : forI am Jehovah that healeth thee ."144all are apostles, are they? Not allare prophets, are they? Not allare teachers, are they? Not allperform powerful works, do they?Not all have gifts of healings,do they? Not all speak in tongues,do they? Not all are translators,are they?"Power Given to Christ Jesus toHeal During First AdventMatt. 9 :35 "And yet Jesus setout on a tour of all the citiesand villages, teaching in theirsynagogues and preaching thegood news of the kingdom andcuring every kind of disease andevery kind of ailment ."Acts 10:38 "Jesus who wasfrom Nazareth, how God anointedhim with holy spirit and power,and he went through the landdoing good and healing all thoseoppressed by the Devil, becauseGod was with him ."Matt . 11 :5 "The blind are seeingagain, and the lame are walkingabout, the lepers are beingcleansed and the deaf are hearing,and the dead are beingraised up, and the poor are havingthe good news declared tothem."Jesus Gave Gift of Healing Firstto Twelve Apostles, Later toSeventy Other DisciplesMatt . 10:1-8 "So he summonedhis twelve disciples and gave

145them authority over uncleanspirits, in order to expel theseand to cure every kind of diseaseand every kind of ailment .The names of the twelve apostlesare these : . . . These twelve Jesussent forth, giving them these orders: ' . . . Cure sick people, raiseup dead persons, make lepersclean, expel demons. You receivedfree, give free .'"Luke 10 :1, 2, 8-10 "After thesethings the Master designatedseventy others and sent themforth by twos . . . Then he beganto say to them : ' . . . wherever youenter into a city . . . cure the sickones in it, and go on telling them :"The kingdom of God has comenear to you ." ' "Through Holy Spirit Which HeBegan to Pour Out at Pentecost,Jesus Gave Gift to Heal andRaise Dead Only toCertain OnesActs 2 :1-4 "Now while the dayof the feast of Pentecost was inprogress they were all togetherat the same place . . . . And tonguesas if of fire became visible andwere distributed to them, and onesat upon each one of them, andthey all became filled with holyspirit ."1 Cor . 12 :4, 8, 9 "Now there arevarieties of gifts, but there is thesame spirit . For example, to onethere is given through the spiritspeech of wisdom, . to anothergifts of healings by that onespirit."Acts 5:12, 16 "Moreover,through the hands of the apostlesmany signs and wonders continuedto occur among the people; and they were all with oneaccord in Solomon's colonnade .Also the multitude from the citiesaround Jerusalem kept comingtogether, bearing sick peopleand those troubled with uncleanspirits, and they would one andall be cured ."HealingHealing and Other Gifts PassedOn Only by Apostles or inTheir PresenceActs 8 :18-20 "Now when Simonsaw that through the laying onof the hands of the apostles thespirit was given, he offered themmoney, saying : 'Give me also thisauthority, that anyone uponwhom I lay my hands may receiveholy spirit .' But Peter saidto him : 'May your silver perishwith you, because you thoughtthrough money to get possessionof the free gift of God .'"Acts 10 :44 "While Peter wasyet speaking about these mattersthe holy spirit fell upon all thosehearing the word ."Physical Healing by Jesus WasAlso a F<strong>org</strong>iveness of SinsMark 2 :3-12 "And when Jesussaw their faith he said to theparalytic : 'Child, your sins aref<strong>org</strong>iven .' Now there were someof the scribes there, sitting andreasoning in their hearts : 'Whatis it this man is saying in thismanner? He is blaspheming . Whocan f<strong>org</strong>ive sins except one, God?'But Jesus, having discerned immediatelyby his spirit that theywere reasoning that way in themselves,said to them : 'Why areyou reasoning these things inyour hearts? Which is easier, tosay to the paralytic, "Your sinsare f<strong>org</strong>iven," or to say, "Get upand pick up your cot and walk"?But in order for you men to knowthat the Son of man has authorityto f<strong>org</strong>ive sins upon the earth,'-he said to the paralytic : 'I sayto you, Get up, pick up your cot,and go to your home .' At that hedid get up and immediatelypicked up his cot and walked outin front of them all, so that theywere all simply carried away andthey glorified God, saying : 'Wenever saw the like of it ."'

HealingJesus' Disciples Also Had SpecialGift to F<strong>org</strong>ive and Retain Sins,Which Modern "Divine Healing"Impostors LackJohn 20 :21-23 "Jesus, therefore,said to them again : 'May youhave peace . Just as the Fatherhas sent me forth, I also amsending you .' And after he saidthis he blew upon them and saidto them : 'Receive holy spirit . Ifyou f<strong>org</strong>ive the sins of any persons,they stand f<strong>org</strong>iven to them ;if you retain those of any persons,they stand retained .' "Acts 9 :17, 18 "So Ananias wentoff and entered into the house,and he laid his hands upon himand said : 'Saul, brother, the Lord,the Jesus that appeared to youon the road over which you werecoming, has sent me forth inorder that you may recover sightand be filled with holy spirit .'And immediately there fell fromhis eyes what looked like scales,and he recovered sight ."Acts 13 :9-12 "Saul, who is alsoPaul, becoming filled with holyspirit, looked at him intently andsaid : ' . . .look! Jehovah's hand isupon you, and you will be blind,not seeing the sunlight for aperiod of time .' Instantly a thickmist and darkness fell upon him,and he went around seeking mento lead him by the hand ."Also : Acts 5 :1-11 ; "Sin."James Speaks of F<strong>org</strong>iveness ofSins Leading to Spiritual, NotPhysical, Sickness-OtherwiseAll Sinners Would BeSeriously Sick BodilyJas . 5 :13-16 "Is there anyonesuffering evil among you? Let himcarry on prayer . Is there anyonein good spirits? Let him singpsalms . Is there anyone sickamong you? Let him call theolder men of the congregation tohim, and let them pray over him .rubbing him with oil in the nameof Jehovah . And the prayer offaith will make the indisposed onewell, and Jehovah will raise himup . Also if he has committed sins .146it will be f<strong>org</strong>iven him. Thereforeopenly confess your sins toone another and pray for oneanother, that you may gethealed ."Deut . 9 :16-20 "And I looked,and, behold, ye had sinned againstJehovah your God ; ye had madeyou a molten calf : ye had turnedaside quickly out of the waywhich Jehovah had commandedyou . . . . And I fell down beforeJehovah, as at the first, fortydays and forty nights ; I did neithereat bread nor drink water ;because of all your sin which yesinned, in doing that which wasevil in the sight of Jehovah, toprovoke him to anger . . . . But Jehovahhearkened unto me thattime also."Rubbing with oil shows applicationof God's healing wordin correctionPs . 133 :1, 2 "Behold, how goodand how pleasant it is for brethrento dwell together in unity! Itis like the precious oil upon thehead, that ran down upon thebeard, even Aaron's beard ; thatcame down upon the skirt of hisgarment ."Ps . 141:5 "Let the righteoussmite me, it shall be a kindness ;and let him reprove me, it shallbe as oil upon the head ; let notmy head refuse it : for even intheir wickedness shall my prayercontinue ."Example of Elijah's prayer wasoccasion of spiritual sicknessin IsraelJas . 5 :16-18 "A righteous man'ssupplication when it is at workhas much force . Elijah was a manwith feelings like ours, and yet inprayer he prayed for it not torain, and it did not rain uponthe land for three years and sixmonths . And he prayed again,and the heaven gave rain andthe land put forth its fruit ."1 Ki. 16 :29-33 ; 17 :1 ; 18 :1, 36,37, 45 "Ahab the son of Omri[began] to reign over Israel : . . .

147And Ahab the son of Omri didthat which was evil in the sightof Jehovah . . . And he reared upan altar for Baal in the house ofBaal, which he had built in Samaria. And Ahab made the Asherah; and Ahab did yet more toprovoke Jehovah, the God of Israel,to anger than all the kingsof Israel that were before him .""And Elijah the Tishbite, whowas of the sojourners of Gilead,said unto Ahab, As Jehovah, theGod of Israel, liveth, before whomI stand, there shall not be dewnor rain these years, but accordingto my word." "And it came topass, after many days, that theword of Jehovah came to Elijah,in the third year, saying, Go,show thyself unto Ahab ; and Iwill send rain upon the earth . . . .Elijah the prophet came near,and said . . . . Hear me, 0 Jehovah,hear me, that this people mayknow that thou, Jehovah, artGod, and that thou hast turnedtheir heart back again . And itcame to pass in a little while,that the heavens grew black withclouds and wind, and there wasa great rain ."Spiritual sickness is result ofbeing misled from truth . Turningback saves from deathJas. 5 :19, 20 "My brothers, ifanyone among you is misled fromthe truth and another turns himback, know that he who turnsa sinner back from the error ofhis way will save his soul fromdeath and will cover a multitudeof sins."Matt . 18:15 "Moreover, if yourbrother commits a sin, go lay barehis fault between you and himalone . If he listens to you, youhave gained your brother ."I Tim . 4:16 "Pay constant attentionto yourself and to yourteaching . Stay by these things,for by doing this you will saveboth yourself and those who listento you ."HealingHealing Powers Were Given asa Sign to OutsidersLuke 4 :25-27 "For instance, Itell you in truth, There weremany widows in Israel in thedays of Elijah, when the heavenwas shut up three years and sixmonths, so that a great faminefell upon all the land, yet Elijahwas sent to none of those women,but only to arephath in the landof idon to a widow . Also therewere many lepers in Israel in thetime of Elisha the prophet .. yetnone of them was cleansed, butonly Naaman the man of Syriawas ."Purpose of Healing Was Not toCure Those Close to Gifted OnePhil. 2 :25-30 "He fell sick nearlyto the point of death ; but Godhad mercy on him, in fact, notonly on him, but also on me,that I should not get grief upongrief . . . . On account of the Lord'swork he came quite near to death,exposing his soul to danger, thathe might fully make up for yournot being here to render privateservice to me ."2 Tim. 4 :20_ "I left Trophimussick at Miletus."Paul's One Exception Was toFree Himself from Blame Dueto AccidentActs 20 :7-12 "Paul began discoursingto them, as he was goingto depart the next day, and heprolonged his speech until midnight. . . . Seated at the window,a certain young man named Eutychusfell into a deep sleep whilePaul kept talking on, and, collapsingfrom sleep, he fell downfrom the third story and waspicked up dead. But Paul wentdownstairs, threw himself uponhim and embraced him and said :'Stop raising a clamor, for hissoul is in him .' . . . So they tookthe boy away alive and were comfortedbeyond measure ."

HealingHealing Powers Were Not Usedby the Gifted One on SelfLuke 4 :23, 24 "At this he saidto them : 'No doubt you will applythis illustration to me, "Physician,cure yourself" ; the thingswe heard as having happened inCapernaum do also here in yournative territory .' But he said :'Certainly I tell you that noprophet is accepted in his nativeterritory .' "Jesus used natural means to recoverfrom fatigueJohn 4 :6 "Now Jesus, tired outfrom the journey, was sitting atthe fountain just as he was ."Mark 4 :38 "But he was in thestern sleeping upon a pillow ."Luke 8 :23 "But as they weresailing he fell asleep ."Mark 6 :30-33 "And the apostlesassembled before Jesus and reportedto him all the things theyhad done and taught . And hesaid to them : 'Come, you yourselves,privately into a lonelyplace and rest up a bit .' For therewere many coming and going,and it was not convenient evento eat a meal . So off they wentin the boat for a lonely place tothemselves . But people saw themgoing and many got to know it,and from all the cities they ranthere together on foot and gotahead of them ."Elisha had great healing powers,but died of sickness2 Ki . 4 :32-35 "And when Elishawas come into the house, behold,the child was dead, and laid uponhis bed . He went in therefore,and shut the door upon themtwain, and prayed unto Jehovah .And he went up, and lay uponthe child, and put his mouth uponhis mouth, and his eyes uponhis eyes, and his hands upon hishands : and he stretched himselfupon him : and the flesh of thechild waxed warm . . . . and thechild opened his eyes ."2 Ki. 5 :9, 10, 14 "So Naamancame with his horses and with148his chariots, and stood at thedoor of the house of Elisha . AndElisha sent a messenger unto him,saying, Go and wash in the Jordanseven times, and thy fleshshall come again to thee, andthou shalt be clean . Then wenthe down, and dipped himself seventimes in the Jordan, accordingto the saying of the man of God ;and his flesh came again likeunto the flesh of a little child,and he was clean ."2 Ki . 13 :14, 20, 21 "Now Elishawas fallen sick of his sicknesswhereof he died. And Elisha died,and they buried him. Now thebands of the Moabites invadedthe land at the coming in of theyear. And it came to pass, as theywere burying a man, that, behold,they spied a band ; and they castthe man into the sepulchre ofElisha : and as soon as the mantouched the bones of Elisha, herevived, and stood up on hisfeet ."Paul's gift of healing did notenable him to cure himself2 Cor. 12 :7-9 "Therefore, thatI might not be overly exalted,there was given me a thorn inthe flesh, an angel of Satan, tokeep striking me, that I mightnot be overly exalted. In thisbehalf I three times entreatedthe Lord that it might departfrom me ; and yet he really saidto me : 'My undeserved kindnessis sufficient for you ; for my poweris being made perfect in weakness.'"Natural Means of Healing WereUsed Even at Time GiftWas Present1 Tim . 5 :23 "Do not drink waterany longer, but use a littlewine for the sake of your stomachand your frequent cases of sickness."Col. 4 :14 "Luke the belovedphysician sends you his greetings."

149Receiving Pay or Taking a MoneyCollection Not Permitted ThoseWho Practiced Divine Healing2 Ki . 5 :15-27 "And he returnedto the man of God, he and allhis company, and came, and stoodbefore him ; and he said, Beholdnow, I know that there is no Godin all the earth, but in Israel :now therefore, I pray thee, takea present of thy servant . But hesaid, As Jehovah liveth, beforewhom I stand, I will receive none.And he urged him to take it ; buthe refused . . . . But Gehazi, theservant of Elisha the man of God,said, Behold my master hathspared this Naaman the Syrian,in not receiving at his hands thatwhich he brought : as Jehovahliveth, I will run after him, andtake somewhat of him . So Gehazifollowed after Naaman . . . . AndNaaman said, Be pleased to taketwo talents . And he urged him,and bound two talents of silverin two bags, with two changes ofraiment, and laid them upon twoof his servants ; and they barethem before him. . . . But he [Gehazi]went in, and stood beforehis master . And Elisha said untohim. . . . Is it a time to receivemoney, and to receive garments,and oliveyards and vineyards, andsheep and oxen, and men-servantsand maid-servants? The leprosytherefore of Naaman shallcleave unto thee, and unto thyseed for ever . And he went outfrom his presence a leper aswhite as snow ."Matt . 10 :8 "Cure sick people,raise up dead persons, make lepersclean, expel demons . You receivedfree, give free ."Divine Healing as the Fifth-Rate Gift Not the Evidence ofGod's True Organization Today,but Love and Giftof Preaching Are1 Cor. 12 :28 "And God has setthe respective ones in the congregation,first, apostles ; second,prophets ; third, teachers ; thenHealingpowerful works ; then gifts ofhealings ."1 Cor . 14 :1 "Pursue love, yetkeep striving after the spiritualgifts, but preferably that you mayprophesy ."Acts 2 :17, 18 "'And in the lastdays,' God says, `I shall poursome of my spirit out upon everykind of flesh, and your sons andyour daughters will prophesy andyour young men will see visionsand your old men will dreamdreams ; and even upon my menslaves and upon my women slavesI will pour out some of my spiritin those days, and they willprophesy .'"1 Cor . 13 :2 "And if I have thegift of prophesying and understandall the sacred secrets andall knowledge, and if I have allthe faith so as to transplantmountains, but do not have love,I am nothing."Not All in Early CongregationPossessed Gift of Healing1 Cor . 12 :19, 20, 30 "If theywere all one member, wherewould the body be? But now theyare many members, yet one body .Not all have gifts of healings, dothey? Not all speak in tongues, dothey?"Divine Physical Healing Not ExperiencedToday, Since SpecialGifts Passed Away AfterDeath of Apostles1 Cor. 13 :8-12 "Whether thereare gifts of prophesying, they willbe done away with ; whether thereare tongues, they will cease ;whether there is knowledge, itwill be done away with . . . . WhenI was a babe, I used to speak asa babe, to think as a babe, toreason as a babe ; but now thatI have become a man, I havedone away with the traits of ababe . For at present we see inhazy outline by means of a metalmirror, but then it will be faceto face . At present I know partially,but then I shall know accuratelyeven as I am accuratelyknown."

HeavensLast Recorded Miraculous HealingsOccurred About A .D . 59Acts 28 :8, 9 "It happened thatthe father of Publius was lyingdown afflicted with fever and dysentery,and Paul went in to himand prayed, laid his hands uponhim and healed him . After thisoccurred, the rest of the peopleon the island who had sicknessesalso began to come to him andbe cured."Divine Healing Through ChristJesus Will Be AccomplishedCompletely During His1,000-Year ReignIsa . 33 :24 "And the inhabitantshall not say, I am sick : the peoplethat dwell therein shall bef<strong>org</strong>iven their iniquity."150Jer . 33 :6 "Behold, I will bringit health and cure, and I willcure them ; and I will reveal untothem abundance of peace andtruth."John 8:51 "Most truly I sayto you, If anyone observes myword, he will never see deathat all."Isa . 35 :6 "Then shall the lameman leap as a hart, and thetongue of the dumb shall sing ."Rev. 21 :4 . 5 " `And he will wipeout every tear from their eyes,and death will be no more, neitherwill mourning nor outcrynor pain be any more. The formerthings have passed away .' Andthe one seated on the thronesaid : `Look! I am making allthings new .'"HeavensDEFINITION(1) Jehovah God's own dwelling place ; the "highest heavens" ;a spirit realm invisible to human eyes .(2) The great invisible <strong>org</strong>anization of Jehovah God, composed ofmighty spirit creatures : the only-begotten Son (the Word or Logos,"Michael the Archangel"), who is now Christ Jesus, and the holyangelic host, with ranks of cherub, seraph and other angel messengersor deputies . This <strong>org</strong>anization is often called God's "woman", " ion,""Jerusalem ." The 144,000 (Revelation 14) at resurrection become partof this heavens .(3) The "New Heavens" (the Kingdom composed of Christ Jesus and[when resurrected] his 144,000 anointed followers or New Jerusalem,members of the royal family, immortal and incorruptible, a part [thecapital] of God's invisible <strong>org</strong>anization) .(4) The invisible `covering cherub' over the original righteous earth .(5) The preflood arrangement of Satan and the angels who rebelledand joined him .(6) The present-day invisible <strong>org</strong>anization of Satan and his wickeddemons, the fallen angels .(7) The visible (physical) universe, the "starry heavens" .(8) The atmosphere surrounding the earth .(9) The position of glorified Kingdom ministry to which the anointedremnant are now exalted .(x0) The lofty position occupied in Satan's wicked visible <strong>org</strong>anizationof politics . commerce and false religion by Satan's ministersof false religion who claim to be ministers of God .

151(1) God's Dwelling Place1 Ki. 8 :27, 30 "But will God invery deed dwell on the earth?behold, heaven and the heavenof heavens cannot contain thee ;how much less this house that Ihave builded! And hearken thouto the supplication of thy servant,and of thy people Israel,when they shall pray toward thisplace : yea, hear thou in heaventhy dwelling-place ; and whenthou hearest, f<strong>org</strong>ive ."Ps. 11 :4 "Jehovah, his throne isin heaven ."Ps. 14:2 "Jehovah looked downfrom heaven upon the childrenof men ."Ps. 33 :13 "Jehovah lookethfrom heaven ."Isa. 66 :1 "Thus saith Jehovah,Heaven is my throne ."Heb. 9 :24 "For Christ entered,not into a holy place made withhands which is a copy of thereality, but into heaven itself, nowto appear before the person ofGod for us."2 Cor. 12 :2, 4 "I know a man inunion with Christ who, fourteenyears ago-whether in the bodyI do not know, or out of thebody I do not know ; God knows-was caught away as such to thethird heaven . . . . that he wascaught away into paradise andheard unutterable words which itis not lawful for a man to speak."Rev . 2 :7 "Let the one who hasan ear hear what the spirit saysto the congregations : To him thatconquers I will grant to eat of thetree of life, which is in the paradiseof God ." ["Paradise" hererepresents heaven .]Job 1 :6 "Now it came to passon the day when the sons ofGod came to present themselvesbefore Jehovah, that Satan alsocame among them ."Heb . 8 :1 "We have such a highpriest as this, and he has satdown at the right hand of thethrone of the majesty in theheavens ."Deut . 10 :14 "Behold, unto Jehovahthy God belongeth heavenHeavensand the heaven of heavens, theearth, with all that is therein ."(2) God's Great InvisibleOrganizationRev . 12 :12 "On this account beglad, you heavens and you whoreside in them ."Eph . 1 :20, 21 "Christ . . . seated. . . at his right hand in the heavenlyplaces, far above every governmentand authority and powerand lordship and every namenamed ."Gal. 4 :26 "But the Jerusalemabove is free, and she is ourmother."Rev. 12 :1 "And a great signwas seen in heaven, a woman arrayedwith the sun, and the moonwas beneath her feet, and on herhead was a crown of twelve stars,and she was pregnant ."Isa . 54 :1, 5, 6 "Sing, 0 barren,thou that didst not bear ; breakforth into singing, and cry aloud,thou that didst not travail withchild : for more are the childrenof the desolate than the childrenof the married wife, saith Jehovah. For thy Maker is thy husband; Jehovah of hosts is hisname : . For Jehovah hathcalled thee as a wife forsakenand grieved in spirit, even a wifeof youth, when she is cast off,saith thy God ."Rev . 9 :16 (mar .) "And the numberof the armies of cavalry was200,000,000 : I heard the numberof them ."Dan . 7 :10 "A fiery stream issuedand came forth from beforehim : thousands of thousandsministered unto him, and tenthousand times ten thousandstood before him ."Heb . 12 :22, 23 "But you have approacheda mount ion and acity of the living God, heavenlyJerusalem, and myriads of angels,in general assembly."2 Pet . 2:11 "Whereas angels, althoughthey are greater instrength and power, do not bringagainst them an accusation in

Heavensabusive terms, not doing so outof respect for Jehovah ."2 Ki . 19 :35 "And it came topass that night, that the angelof Jehovah went forth, and smotein the camp of the Assyrians ahundred fourscore and five thousand: and when men arose earlyin the morning, behold, thesewere all dead bodies."(3) Christ and His Joint KingdomHeirs "New Heavens"Isa . 65 :17 "Behold, I createnew heavens and a new earth ."Rev . 21 :1 "And I saw a newheaven and a new earth ."2 Pet . 3 :13 "But there are newheavens and a new earth that weare awaiting according to hispromise, and in these righteousnessis to dwell ."Rev . 21 :2 "I saw also the holycity, New Jerusalem, comingdown out of heaven from Godand prepared as a bride adornedfor her husband."Ps. 19 :1 "The heavens declarethe glory of God."Begins with Christ's enthronement,lasts foreverRev . 12 :5 "And she gave birthto a son, a male, who is destinedto shepherd all the nations withan iron rod ."Rev . 11 :15 "And the seventhangel blew his trumpet. And loudvoices occurred in heaven saying :`The kingdom of the world hasbecome the kingdom of our Lordand of his Christ, and he willrule as king for ever and ever .' "Isa . 66 :22 "For as the newheavens and the new earth,which I will make, shall remainbefore me, saith Jehovah, so shallyour seed and your name remain ."(4) The Invisible `Covering Cherub'over the OriginalRighteous EarthHeb . 1 :10 "And : 'You, 0 Lord,founded the earth at the beginning,and the heavens are worksof your hands .' "2 Pet . 3 :5 "For, according totheir wish, this fact escapes their152notice, that there were heavensin ancient times and an earthstanding compactly out of waterand in the midst of water by theword of God ."Ezek. 28 :14 "Thou wast theanointed cherub that covereth :and I set thee, so that thou wastupon the holy mountain of God ;thou hast walked up and down inthe midst of the stones of fire ."(5) Preflood Arrangement of Satanand Rebellious AngelsGen . 6 :4, 11 "The Nephilimwere in the earth in those days,and also after that, when thesons of God came in unto thedaughters of men, and they barechildren to them : the same werethe mighty men that were of old,the men of renown . And the earthwas corrupt before God, and theearth was filled with violence."Jude 6 "And the angels thatdid not keep their original positionbut forsook their own properdwelling-place he has reservedwith eternal bonds under densedarkness for the judgment of thegreat day ."2 Pet. 2 :4 "Certainly if Goddid not hold back from punishingthe angels that sinned, but,by throwing them into Tartarus,delivered them to pits of densedarkness to be reserved for judgment."1 Pet. 3 :19, 20 "In this statealso he went his way and preachedto the spirits in prison, which hadonce been disobedient when thepatience of God was waiting inNoah's days, while the ark wasbeing constructed, in which afew people, that is, eight souls,were carried safely through thewater ."Disrupted at the Flood2 Pet. 3 :6 "The world of thattime suffered destruction when itwas deluged with water ."(6) Satan's Present-Day InvisibleOrganization of Demons2 Pet . 3 :7 "But by the sameword the heavens and the earth

15 3that are now are stored up forfire and are being reserved to theday of judgment and of destructionof the ungodly men ."Eph . 6 :12 "Because we have afight, not against blood and flesh,but against the governments, .against the world-rulers of this .darkness, against the wicked spiritforces in the heavenly places."Mark 13 :31 "Heaven and earthwill pass away, but my words willnot pass away ."Isa . 50 :3 "I clothe the heavenswith blackness, and I make sackcloththeir covering ."Began with re<strong>org</strong>anization afterFlood ; destroyed at ArmageddonHeb . 1 :10, 11 "And : `You, 0Lord, founded the earth at thebeginning, and the heavens areworks of your hands . They willperish, but you are to remaincontinually; and they will allgrow old like an outer garment.'"Rev . 12 :3 "And another signwas seen in heaven, and look! agreat fiery-colored dragon, withseven heads and ten horns andupon its heads seven diadems ."Isa. 34 :4 "And all the host ofheaven shall be dissolved, and theheavens shall be rolled togetheras a scroll ; and all their hostshall fade away, as the leaf fadethfrom off the vine, and as afading leaf from the fig-tree ."2 Pet. 3 :10 "Yet Jehovah's daywill come as a thief, in whichthe heavens will pass away witha hissing noise."Rev . 20 :11 "And I saw a greatwhite throne and the one seatedon it . From before him the earthand the heaven fled away, andno place was found for them ."(7) The Physical UniverseGen . 1 :1 "In the beginning Godcreated the heavens and theearth ."Gen . 22 :17 "I will multiply thyseed as the stars of the heavens ."Isa . 40 :12 "Who hath measuredthe waters in the hollow of hishand, and meted out heaven withthe span."HeavensPs. 19 :1 "The heavens declarethe glory of God ; and the firmamentshoweth his handiwork ."(8) Earth's Atmosphere "the Sky"Gen. 1 :6-8 "And God said, Letthere be a firmament in the midstof the waters, and let it dividethe waters from the waters . AndGod made the firmament, and dividedthe waters which were underthe firmament from the waterswhich were above the firmament: and it was so . And Godcalled the firmament Heaven .And there was evening and therewas morning, a second day ."Gen . 7 :11 "In the six hundredthyear of Noah's life, in the secondmonth, on the seventeenth day ofthe month, on the same daywere all the fountains of thegreat deep broken up, and thewindows of heaven were opened ."2 Ki . 2 :1, 11 "And it came topass, when Jehovah would takeup Elijah by a whirlwind intoheaven, that Elijah went withElisha from Gilgal . And it cameto pass, as they still went on,and talked, that, behold, thereappeared a chariot of fire, andhorses of fire, which parted themboth asunder ; and Elijah wentup by a whirlwind into heaven ."Luke 17 :24 "For even as thelightning, by its flashing, shinesfrom one part under heaven toanother part under heaven, sothe son of man will be ."Deut . 1 :28 "Whither are wegoing up? our brethren havemade our heart to melt, saying,The people are greater and tallerthan we ; the cities are greatand fortified up to heaven ; andmoreover we have seen the sonsof the Anakim there ."(9) The Remnant's Position ofGlorified Kingdom MinistryRev. 11 :12 "And they heard aloud voice out of heaven say tothem : `Come on up here .' Andthey went up into heaven in thecloud, and their enemies beheldthem ."

Hellmoon will not give its light, andthe stars will fall from heaven,and the powers of the heavenswill be shaken ."2 Cor. 11 :13-15 "For such menare false apostles . . . of Christ .And no wonder, for Satan himselfkeeps transforming himselfinto an angel of light . It is thereforenothing great if his ministersalso keep transforming themselvesinto ministers of righteousness. But their end shall be accordingto their works ."Jude 12, 13 "These are . . . starswith no set course, for which theblackness of darkness stands re-Rev . 8:1 "And when he openedthe seventh seal, a silence occurredin heaven for about a half hour ."Rev. 13 :6 "And it opened itsmouth in blasphemies againstGod, to blaspheme his name andhis residence, even those residingin heaven ."1 Thess . 4:17 "Afterward we theliving who are surviving will togetherwith them be caught awayin clouds to meet the Lord in theair ; and thus we shall always bewith the Lord ."Eph . 1 :3, 4 "Blessed be the Godand Father of our Lord JesusChrist, for he has blessed us withevery spiritual blessing in the served forever ."heavenly places in union withChrist, just as he chose us in "Heavensunion with him before the world'sfoundation, that we should be Rev . 4:1holy and without blemish beforehim in love ."Eph. 2:6 "And he raised us uptogether and seated us together inthe heavenly places in union withChrist Jesus."(10) Position of Satan's Ministersof False Religion, False Mark 1 :10place .' ""Stars"Rev. 12 :4 "Its tail draws athird of the stars of heaven, andit hurled them down to the earth .And the dragon kept standingbefore the woman ."Rev . 6 :13 "And the stars ofheaven fell to the earth, as whena fig tree shaken by a high wind Rev . 11 :19casts its early figs ."Matt. 24:29 "Immediately afterthe tribulation of those days thesun will be darkened, and theHellDEFINITIONFalse religion teaches that hell is a place where the wicked suffera twofold punishment : the pain of loss, and the pain of sense . Thepain of loss consists in the eternal separation of the sinner fromGod and the realization that the failure to reach heaven is due tohis own fault . The pain of sense consists in the torment of unquenchablefire. It is claimed that the body by itself is incapable of pain ;it is the soul that suffers . [See "Soul" .] This unreasonable doctrine1 54Opened" Means Discernmentof Spiritual Things"After these thingsI saw, and, look! an opened doorin heaven, and the first voicethat I heard was as of a trumpet,speaking with me, saying : 'Comeon up here, and I shall show youthe things which must take"And immediatelyon coming up out of the water hesaw the heavens being parted,and, like a dove, the spirit comingdown upon him ."Acts 7 :56 "And he said : 'Look!I behold the heavens opened upand the Son of man standing atGod's right hand.'""And the templesanctuary of God that is in heavenwas opened, and the ark ofhis covenant was seen in histemple sanctuary."

contradicts the Bible, the truth of which has been confused by misrepresentingin translation the original meaning of three distinctGreek words and one Hebrew word . Sheol, Hebrew, and Hades,Greek, were originally used by Bible writers to represent gravedomor the common grave of mankind . Gehenna, Greek, was used as asymbol of annihilation or everlasting death in unconsciousness fromwhich there was to be no awakening . Tartaros, Greek, meant a degradedor debased condition only for rebellious spirit creatures duringtheir conscious lifetime with the certainty of annihilation awaitingthem at the time of their execution . These original words have beenindiscriminately translated "hell", "hell-fire," "grave," "pit" and"death" . The English word "hell" is taken from the Anglo-Saxon,helan, literally meaning "to conceal" . Hence the English word "hell",to conform with the original expression of the condition for the deadand according to its own original meaning, Scripturally applies togravedom, the common grave of all mankind, good and bad alike,in an unconscious state without suffering or pleasure . After Jesusintroduced the truth about life and immortality, only the willfullywicked were spoken of as being in Gehenna, the expression Hades[translated "hell" in English] being applied to the dead in God'smemory, those with opportunity or hope of a resurrection .ORIGINThe false conception of eternal torment after death was introducedearly into apostate Christianity, and by the fourth century afterChrist was firmly entrenched in false religion . It is based on Satan'soriginal lie in Eden .All Men Being Sinners Are Con- Luke 12 :5 "Fear him who afterdemned by God and Liable killing has authority to throwto Punishment into Gehenna ["hell," AV ; Dy] ."Rom . 5 :12 "That is why, just 2 Pet. 2 :4 "God did not holdas through one man sin entered back from punishing the angelsinto the world and death through that sinned, but, by throwingsin, and thus death spread to all them into Tartarus ["hell," AV ;men because they had all sinned ." "lower hell," Dy], delivered themRom. 3 :23 "For all have sinned to pits of dense darkness to beand fall short of the glory of reserved for judgment ."God ."Ps . 30 :3 "0 Jehovah, thou hastRom . 6 :23 "For the wages sinpays is death ."brought up my [David's] soulfrom Sheol ["the grave," AV ':True Meaning of "Hell" Con- "hell," Dy at Ps. 29 :4jfused by Translation of Four; thouOriginal Words That Mean hast kept me alive, that I shouldThree Different Conditions not go down to the pit ."Ps . 16 :10 "For thou wilt not Num . 16 :33 "So they, and allleave my soul to Sheol [`heil," that appertained to them, wentAV ; Dy at Ps . 15 :10] ." down alive into Sheol ["the pit ."Acts 2 :27 "Because you will not AV ; "hell," Dy] : and the earthforsake my soul in Hades ["hell," closed upon them, and 'heyAV ; Dy] ." perished."

HellSheol, Hades Translated "Hell","Grave," "Pit," "Death" ; MeanGravedom or Common Grave,Without Pain or PleasureJob 7 :9 "As the cloud is consumedand vanisheth away, so hethat goeth down to Sheol["grave," AV ; "hell," Dy] shallcome up no more ."Job 17 :13-16 "If I look forSheol ["the grave," AV; "hell,"Dy] as my house ; if I have spreadmy couch in the darkness ; if Ihave said to corruption, Thou artmy father ; to the worm, Thouart my mother, and my sister ;where then is my hope? And asfor my hope, who shall see it?It shall go down to the bars ofSheol ["the pit," AV ; "the deepestpit," Dy], when once there isrest in the dust ."Job 24 :19, 20 "Drought andheat consume the snow waters : sodoth Sheol ["the grave," AV]those that have sinned. Thewomb shall f<strong>org</strong>et him ; the wormshall feed sweetly on him ; heshall be no more remembered ;and unrighteousness shall bebroken as a tree." [Dy reads :"Let him pass from the snowwaters to excessive heat : and hissin even to hell . Let mercy f<strong>org</strong>ethim : may worms be his sweetness.Let him be remembered nomore, but be broken in piecesas an unfruitful tree ."]Amos 9 :2 "Though they diginto Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy],thence shall my hand take them."Job 14 :13 "Oh that thouwouldest hide me in Sheol ["thegrave," AV ; "hell," Dy], that thouwouldest keep me secret, untilthy wrath be past, that thouwouldest appoint me a set time,and remember me!"Hos . 13 :14 "I will ransomthem from the power of Sheol["the grave," AV ; "death," Dy] ;I will redeem them from death156[also AV and Dy] : 0 death, whereare thy plagues? 0 Sheol ["grave,"AV ; "hell," Dy], where is thydestruction?"Num . 16 :30-33 "But if Jehovahmake a new thing, and the groundopen its mouth, and swallow themup, with all that appertain untothem, and they go down aliveinto Sheol ["the pit," AV ; "hell,"Dy] ; . . . So they, and all that appertainedto them, went downalive into Sheol ["the pit," AV ;"hell," Dy] : and the earth closedupon them, and they perished ."Rev. 1 :18 "I became dead, but,look! I am living for ever andever, and I have the keys of deathand of Hades ["hell," AV; Dy] ."Rev. 6 :8 "And I saw, and, look!a pale horse, and the one seatedupon it had the name Death .And Hades ["hell," AV ; Dy] wasclosely following him . And authoritywas given them . . . to kill."Nonexistence in the Land of theDead or Gravedom (Sheol-Hades) Contrasted to FullExistence in "Land ofthe Living"Isa. 38 :10, 11 "I said, in thenoontide of my days I shall gointo the gates of Sheol : I amdeprived of the residue of myyears . I said, I shall not see Jehovah,even Jehovah in the landof the living : I shall behold manno more with the inhabitants ofthe world ."Ps . 52 :5 "God will likewise destroythee for ever ; he will takethee up, and pluck thee out ofthy tent, and root thee out ofthe land of the living ."Ps. 116 :9 "I will walk beforeJehovah in the land of theliving ."See also : Job 28 :13 ; Ps . 27 :13 ;Ps . 142 :5 ; Isa . 53 :8 ; Jer . 11 :19 ;Ezek . 26 :20 ; 32 :23-26 .

1 57Actual Individual Burial Places,Graves or Tombs, Referred to byDifferent Original LanguageWords, Just as Individual Locationsin the "Land ofthe Living" Are Indicatedby Names of Placesor CitiesKeber (Hebrew), burying placeor grave (English)Gen . 23 :4 "I am a stranger anda sojourner with you : give me apossession of a burying-placewith you, that I may bury mydead out of my sight ."Judg . 16 :31 "Then his brethrenand all the house of his fathercame down, and took him, andbrought him up, and buried himbetween orah and Eshtaol in theburying-place of Manoah hisfather . And he judged Israeltwenty years ."See also : Ex. 14 :11 ; Num. 19 :16 .K'boorah (Hebrew), grave, buryingplace, sepulchre (English)Gen . 35 :20 "And Jacob set upa pillar upon her grave : the sameis the Pillar of Rachel's graveunto this day."Deut . 34 :6 "And he buried himin the valley in the land of Moabover against Beth-peor : but noman knoweth of his sepulchreunto this day ."See also : Gen . 47 :30 ; 1 Sam.10 :2.Ga-dish' (Hebrew),tomb (English)Job 21 :32 "Yet shall he beborne to the grave, and men shallkeep watch over the tomb ."Taphos (Greek), grave (English)Matt. 23 :27 "Woe to you, scribesand Pharisees, hypocrites! becauseyou resemble whitewashedgraves, which outwardly indeedappear beautiful but inside arefull of dead men's bones andof every kind of uncleanness ."Matt . 27 :64 "Therefore commandthe grave to be made secureuntil the third day, that hisdisciples may never come andHellsteal him and say to the people,'He was raised up from the dead!'and this last imposture will beworse than the first ."Mnema (Greek), tomb (English)Mark 5 :3 "He had his hauntamong the tombs, and up to thattime absolutely nobody was ableto bind him fast even with achain ."Luke 23 :53 "And he took itdown and wrapped it up in finelinen, and he laid him in a tombcarved in the rock and in whichno man had yet lain ."Acts 2 :29 "Brothers, it is allowableto speak with freeness ofspeech to you concerning thefamily head David, that he bothdeceased and was buried and histomb is among us to this day ."See also : Acts 7 :16 ; Rev . 11 :9 .Mnemeion (Greek), memorialtomb (English)Matt . 28 :8 "So, quickly leavingthe memorial tomb, with fear andgreat joy, they ran to report tohis disciples ."John 5 :28, 29 "Do not marvelat this, because the hour is comingin which all those in the memorialtombs will hear his voiceand come out ."See also : Matt. 8 :28 ; Luke11 :44 ; John 19 :41 .Adam Was Not Sent to "EternalTorment" but to UnconsciousAnnihilation in Dust of theGround . Thus, No "Pain ofLoss" Is Possible, and "Separationfrom God" Is NotRealizedGen . 3 :3-5, 17, 19 "Of the fruitof the tree which is in the midstof the garden, God hath said, Yeshall not eat of it, neither shallye touch it, lest ye die . And theserpent said unto the woman, Yeshall not surely die : for God dothknow that in the day ye eatthereof, then your eyes shall beopened, and ye shall be as God,knowing good and evil . And untoAdam he [Jehovah] said, Because

Hellthou hast hearkened unto thevoice of thy wife, and hast eatenof the tree, of which I commandedthee, saying, Thou shaltnot eat of it : cursed is the groundfor thy sake ; . . . in the sweat ofthy face shalt thou eat bread, tillthou return unto the ground ; forout of it wast thou taken : fordust thou art, and unto dust shaltthou return ."Gen. 5:5 "And all the days thatAdam lived were nine hundredand thirty years : and he died ."Rom . 6 :23 "For the wages sinpays is death ."Ps . 6 :5 "For in death there isno remembrance of thee : inSheol ["the grave," AV ; "hell,"Dy at Ps . 6 :6] who shall givethee thanks?"Eccl . 9:5, 10 "For the livingknow that they shall die : butthe dead know not anything, neitherhave they any more a reward; for the memory of themis f<strong>org</strong>otten . Whatsoever thy handfindeth to do, do it with thymight ; for there is no work, nordevice, nor knowledge, nor wisdom,in Sheol ["the grave," AV ;"hell," Dy], whither thou goest ."Always Associated with Deathand the Dead, Not Life andthe Living2 Sam. 22 :5, 6 "For the wavesof death compassed me ; thefloods of ungodliness made meafraid : the cords of Sheol ["hell,"AV ; Dy] were round about me ;the snares of death came uponme . ,,Prov . 5 :5 "Her feet go down todeath ; her steps take hold onSheol ["hell," AV ; Dy] ."Prov . 7 :27 "Her house is theway to Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy],going down to the chambers ofdeath ."Prov . 9:18 "But he knowethnot that the dead are there ; thather guests are in the depths ofSheol ["hell," AV ; Dy] ."Hab. 2 :5 "Yea, moreover, wineis treacherous, a haughty man,that keepeth not at home ; who158enlargeth his desire as Sheol["hell," AV ; Dy], and he is asdeath, and cannot be satisfied."Rev. 20 :13 "And the sea gaveup those dead in it, and deathand Hades ["hell," AV ; Dy] gaveup those dead in them ."Before Jesus All Spoken of asGoing to Same Place ofUnconsciousnessEccl . 3 :19-21 "For that whichbefalleth the sons of men befallethbeasts ; even one thingbefalleth them : as the one dieth,so dieth the other ; yea, they haveall one breath ; and man hath nopre-eminence above the beasts :for all is vanity . All go unto oneplace ; all are of the dust, andall turn to dust again . Who knoweththe spirit of man, whetherit goeth upward, and the spiritof the beast, whether it goethdownward to the earth?"Ps . 31 :17 "Let me not be putto shame, 0 Jehovah ; for I havecalled upon thee : let the wickedbe put to shame, let them besilent in Sheol ["the grave," AV ;"hell," Dy at Ps . 30 :18] ."Ps. 49 :14 "They are appointedas a flock for Sheol ["the grave,"AV ; "hell," Dy at Ps . 48 :15] ;death shall be their shepherd :and the upright shall have dominionover them in the morning ;and their beauty shall be forSheol ["the grave," AV ; "hell,"Dy] to consume, that there be nohabitation for it ."Ps. 141 :7 "As when one plowethand cleaveth the earth, our bonesare scattered at the mouth ofSheol ["grave's," AV ; "hell,"Dy] ."Good as Well as Bad PeopleGo to HellJonah 2 :2 "1 called by reasonof mine affliction unto Jehovah,and he-answered me ; out of thebelly of Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy]cried I, and thou heardest myvoice."Job 14 :13 "Oh that thou wouldesthide me in Sheol ["the grave,"AV ; "hell," Dy], that thou would-

1 5 9est keep me secret, until thywrath be past, that thou wouldestappoint me a set time, and rememberme!"Ps . 139 :8 "If I ascend up intoheaven, thou art there : if I makemy bed in Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dyat Ps . 138 :8], behold, thou artthere .'Ps . 16 :10 "For thou wilt notleave my soul to Sheol ["hell,"AV ; Dy at Ps . 15 :10] ; neitherwilt thou suffer thy holy one tosee corruption ."Soldiers That Die Go to Helland Not to HeavenEzek . 32 :21, 27 "The strongamong the mighty shall speak tohim out of the midst of Sheol["hell," AV ; Dy] with them thathelp him : they are gone down,they lie still, even the uncircumcised,slain by the sword . Andthey shall not lie with the mightythat are fallen of the uncircumcised[in battle], that are gonedown to Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy]with their weapons of war, andhave laid their swords under theirheads, and their iniquities areupon their bones ; for they werethe terror of the mighty in theland of the living ."Ezek . 31 :17 "They also wentdown into Sheol ["hell," AV; Dy]with him unto them that areslain by the sword ; yea, theythat were his arm, that dwelt underhis shadow in the midst ofthe nations ."Hope Held Out for Those in HellSince Some Have Been DeliveredActs 2 :31, 32 "He saw beforehandand spoke concerning theresurrection of the Christ, thatneither was he forsaken in Hades["hell," AV ; Dy] nor did his fleshsee corruption . This Jesus Godresurrected ."1 Sam. 2 :6 "Jehovah killeth, andmaketh alive : he bringeth downto Sheol ["the grave," AV; "hell,"Dy], and bringeth up ."Ps . 86 :13 "For great is thylovingkindness toward me ; uHellthou hast delivered my soul fromthe lowest Sheol ["lowest hell,"AV ; "lower hell," Dy at Ps .85 :13] ."Prov. 15 :24 "To the wise theway of life goeth upward, thathe may depart from Sheol ["hell,"AV ; "lowest hell," Dy] beneath ."Rev . 20 :13 "Death and Hades["hell," AV ; Dy] gave up thosedead in them ."Hell Spoken of as PowerlessAgainst God's ChosenMatt . 16 :18 "On this rock-massI will build my congregation, andthe gates of Hades ["hell," AV ;Dy] will not overpower it ."Isa . 38 :9, 10, 17 "The writingof Hezekiah king of Judah, whenhe had been sick, and was recoveredof his sickness . I said, inthe noontide of my days I shallgo into the gates of Sheol ["thegrave," AV ; "hell," Dy] : I amdeprived of the residue of myyears . . . . But thou hast in love tomy soul delivered it from the pitof corruption ."Prov . 23 :13, 14 "Withhold notcorrection from the child . . . .Thou shalt beat him with therod, and shalt deliver his soulfrom Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy] ."Willfully Wicked Cannot EscapeDeath ; Are Abased as Low asSheol, HadesMatt . 11:23, 24 "And you, Capernaum,will you perhaps beexalted to heaven? Down toHades ["hell," AV ; Dy] you willcome ; . . . It will be more endurablefor the land of Sodom onJudgment Day than for you ."Ps. 9:17 "The wicked. shall beturned back unto Sheol ["hell,"AV ; Dy], even all the nationsthat f<strong>org</strong>et God ."Isa . 26 :14 "They are dead, theyshall not live ; they are deceased,they shall not rise : therefore hastthou visited and destroyed them .and made all remembrance ofthem to perish ."Isa . 28 :15, 18 "Because ye havesaid, We have made a covenant

Hellwith death, and with Sheol["hell," AV; Dy] are we at agreement; when the overflowingscourge shall pass through, itshall not come unto us ; . . . Andyour covenant with death shallbe annulled and your agreementwith Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy] shallnot stand ; when the overflowingscourge shall pass through, thenye shall be trodden down by it."Prov. 15:10, 11 (footnote)"There is grievous correction forhim that forsaketh the way ; andhe that hateth reproof shall die .Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy] and Destructionare before Jehovah."1 Ki. 2 :9 "Now therefore holdhim not guiltless, for thou art awise man ; and thou wilt knowwhat thou oughtest to do untohim, and thou shalt bring hishoar head down to Sheol ["thegrave," AV ; "hell," Dy at 3 Kings2 :9] with blood ."Hell to Be Finally Destroyed byCasting into "Lake of Fire",Meaning DestructionRev. 20:14 "And death andHades ["hell," AV; Dy] werehurled into the lake of fire . Thismeans the second death, the lakeof fire ."Hos . 13 :14 "I will ransom themfrom the power of Sheol ["thegrave," AV ; "death," Dy] ; I willredeem them from death : 0death, where are thy plagues?O Sheol ["grave," AV; "hell,"Dy], where is thy destruction?"`Limbo" (Not Found in Bible) .Those Dying Before Jesus Notin Some Such Separate PlaceJesus' account of Lazarus inAbraham's bosom and rich manin hell shown to be a symbolicillustration .Gen . 37 :35 "And all his sonsand all his daughters rose upto comfort him ; but he refusedto be comforted ; and he said, ForI will go down to Sheol [ "thegrave," AV ; "hell," Dy] to myson mourning ."160Gen . 42 :38 "And he said, Myson shall not go down with you ;for his brother is dead, and heonly is left : if harm befall himby the way in which ye go, thenwill ye bring down my gray hairswith sorrow to Sheol ["the grave,"AV ; "hell," Dy] ."Isa. 38 :18 "For Sheol ["thegrave," AV ; "hell," Dy] cannotpraise thee, death cannot celebratethee : they that go downinto the pit cannot hope for thytruth ."Jews of Jesus' Day RealizedAbraham and Men of OldNot in Heaven or "Limbo"John 8 :52, 53 "The Jews saidto him : 'Now we do know youhave a demon . Abraham died,also the prophets, but you say,"If anyone observes my word, hewill never taste death at all ." Youare not greater than our fatherAbraham, who died, are you?Also the prophets died. Who doyou claim to be?'"John 3 :10-13 "Jesus said tohim : ' . . . Moreover, no man hasascended into heaven but he thatdescended from heaven, the Sonof man.'"Matt . 11 :11 "Truly I say to youpeople, Among those born ofwomen there has not been raisedup a greater than John the Baptist; but a person that is a lesserone in the kingdom of the heavensis greater than he is ."Jesus Did Not Take Anyone withHim Out of Hell or "Limbo"Acts 2 :14, 29, 34 "But Peterstood up with the eleven andraised his voice and made thisutterance to them [ten days afterJesus had ascended to heaven] :'Brothers, it is allowable to speakwith freeness of speech to youconcerning the family head David,that he both deceased andwas buried and his tomb is amongus to this day. Actually Daviddid not ascend to the heavens,but he himself says, "Jehovahsaid to my Lord, 'Sit at my right

161hand, until I make your enemiesa stool for your feet.' "' "Even Faithful Christians Had toSleep Until Christ's Return1 Thess . 4 :15, 16 "We the livingwho survive to the presenceof the Lord shall in no way precedethose who have fallen asleepin death, because the Lord himselfwill descend from heaven . . .and those who are dead in unionwith Christ will rise first ."2 Tim . 4 :7, 8 "I have foughtthe right fight, I have run thecourse to the finish, I have observedthe faith . From this timeon there is reserved for me thecrown of righteousness, which theLord, the righteous judge, willgive me as a reward in that day,yet not only to me, but also toall those who have loved hismanifestation."Jesus Used Hades, Not Gehenna,in Order to Show DeathlikeCondition of Rich ManLuke 16 :22, 23 "Now in courseof time the beggar died and hewas carried off by the angels tothe bosom position of Abraham .Also the rich man died and wasburied . And in Hades ["hell," AV ;Dy] he lifted up his eyes, heexisting in torments ["and wasburied in Hades he," Sinaitic MS. ;"and he was buried in the infernus. But he," Vulgate MS.] ."Gehenna Was the Literal Valleyof Hinnom (Topheth) Outside theWalls of JerusalemJosh . 15 :8 "And the borderwent up by the valley of the sonof Hinnom unto the side of theJebusite southward (the same isJerusalem) ."Josh . 18 :16 "And the borderwent down to the uttermost partof the mountain that lieth beforethe valley of the son of Hinnom,which is in the vale of Rephaimnorthward ; and it went down tothe valley of Hinnom, to the sideof the Jebusite southward ."Jer . 19:2, 6 "And go forth untothe valley of the son of Hinnom,Hellwhich is by the entry of the gateHarsith, and proclaim there thewords that I shall tell thee ; . . .therefore, behold, the days come,saith Jehovah, that this placeshall no more be called Topheth,nor The valley of the son ofHinnom, but The valley ofSlaughter ."Under Later Kings of Judah Gehennaor Valley of Hinnom BecameUsed for IdolatrousWorship2 Chron . 28 :3 "Moreover heburnt incense in the valley of theson of Hinnom, and burnt hischildren in the fire, according tothe abominations of the nationswhom Jehovah cast out beforethe children of Israel ."2 Chron. 33 :6 "He also madehis children to pass through thefire in the valley of the son ofHinnom ."Jer. 32:35 "And they built thehigh places of Baal, which are inthe valley of the son of Hinnom,to cause their sons and theirdaughters to pass through thefire unto Molech ; which I commandedthem not, neither cameit into my mind, that they shoulddo this abomination, to causeJudah to sin ."1 Ki . 11 :5-7 "Then did Solomonbuild a high place for Chemoshthe abomination of Moab, in themount that is before Jerusalem,and for Molech the abominationof the children of Ammon."King Josiah Had the Valley Pollutedand Turned intoDumping Place2 Ki. 23 :10, 14 "And he defiledTopheth, which is in the valley ofthe children of Hinnom, that noman might make his son or hisdaughter to pass through the fireto Molech. And he brake in piecesthe pillars, and cut down theAsherim, and filled their placeswith the bones of men ."2 Chron. 34 :4, 5 "And theybrake down the altars of theBaalim in his presence ; and thesun-images that were on high

Hellabove them he hewed down ; andthe Asherim, and the gravenimages, and the molten images,he brake in pieces, and madedust of them, and strewed it uponthe graves of them that hadsacrificed unto them . And heburnt the bones of the priestsupon their altars, and purged Judahand Jerusalem ."Under Jewish Law No CreaturesWere Cast Alive into the ValleyIsa . 66 :24 "And they shall goforth, and look upon the deadbodies of the men that havetransgressed against me : for theirworm shall not die, neither shalltheir fire be quenched ; and theyshall be an abhorring unto allflesh ."Deut. 21 :22, 23 "And if a manhave committed a sin worthy ofdeath, and he be put to death,and thou hang him on a tree ;his body shall not remain allnight upon the tree, but thoushalt surely bury him the sameday ; for he that is hanged isaccursed of God ; that thou defilenot thy land which Jehovahthy God giveth thee for an inheritance."Josh . 8 :29 "And the king ofAi he hanged on a tree until theeventide : and at the going downof the sun Joshua commanded,and they took his body downfrom the tree, and cast it at theentrance of the gate of the city,and raised thereon a great heapof stones, unto this day ."Jer . 7 :31, 32 "And they havebuilt the high places of Topheth,which is in the valley of the sonof Hinnom, to burn their sonsand their daughters in the fire ;which I commanded not, neithercame it into my mind. Therefore,behold, the days come, saithJehovah, that it shall no morebe called Topheth, nor The valleyof the son of Hinnom, but Thevalley of Slaughter : for they shallbury in Topheth, till there be noplace to bury."162Symbol of "Lake of Fire" Takenfrom Literal Place ofGehenna (Topheth)Rev. 1 :1 "The revelation byJesus Christ, which God gavehim, to show his slaves the thingsthat must shortly take place . Andhe sent forth his angel and presentedit in signs through himto his slave John ."Rev. 20 :14, 15 "And death andHades were hurled into the lakeof fire . This means the seconddeath, the lake of fire . Furthermore,whoever was not foundwritten in the book of life washurled into the lake of fire ."Rev. 21 :8 `But as for thecowards and those without faithand those who are disgusting intheir filth and murderers and fornicatorsand those practicingspiritism and idolaters and allthe liars, their portion will be inthe lake that burns with fireand sulphur . This means thesecond death ."Conscious Eternal Torment Notin Scriptures but Eternal DestructionIs, Symbolized by Gehennaand "Lake of Fire"Matt . 23 :33 "Serpents, offspringof vipers, how are you to fleefrom the judgment of Gehenna["hell," AV ; Dy]?"Matt . 10 :28 "And do not becomefearful of those who kill the bodybut can not kill the soul ; butrather be in fear of him thatcan destroy both soul and bodyin Gehenna ["hell," AV ; Dy] ."Jer . 19:12, 13 "Thus will I dounto this place, saith Jehovah,and to the inhabitants thereof,even making this city as Topheth :and the houses . . . shall be as theplace of Topheth ."Jer. 7 :32, 33 "Therefore, behold,the days come, saith Jehovah,that it shall no more be calledTopheth, nor The valley of theson of Hinnom, but The valleyof Slaughter : for they shall buryin Topheth, till there be no placeto bury. And the dead bodies ofthis people shall be food for the

1 63birds of the heavens, and forthe beasts of the earth ; and noneshall frighten them away ."Obad . 16 "For as ye have drunkupon my holy mountain, so shallall the nations drink continually ;yea, they shall drink, and swallowdown, and shall be as though theyhad not been .""Fire" a Symbol of Destruction,and "Everlasting" Shows No RecoveryPossibleRev . 17 :11 "And the wild beastthat was but is not, . . . goes offinto destruction ."Rev . 20 :10 "And the Devil whowas misleading them was hurledinto the lake of fire and sulphur,where both the wild beast and thefalse prophet already were ; andthey will be tormented day andnight for ever and ever ."Ezek . 28 :13-15, 18, 19 "Thouwast in Eden, the garden of God ;. Thou wast the anointed cherubthat covereth : and I set thee,so that thou wast upon the holymountain of God ; . . . Thou wastperfect in thy ways from the daythat thou wast created, till unrighteousnesswas found in thee .. . .therefore have I brought fortha fire from the midst of thee ; ithath devoured thee, and I haveturned thee to ashes upon theearth . . . and thou shalt nevermorehave any being."Matt. 3 :10-12 "Already the axis lying at the root of the trees ;every tree, then, that does notproduce fine fruit is to be cutdown and thrown into the fire. . . .the one coming . will baptizeyou people with holy spirit andwith fire . His winnowing shovelis in his hand, and he will completelyclean up his threshingfloor,and will gather his wheatinto the storehouse, but the chaffhe will burn up with fire thatcannot be put out ."Gen . 19 :24-29 "Then Jehovahrained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrahbrimstone and fire fromJehovah out of heaven ; . . . and,lo, the smoke of the land wentHellup as the smoke of a furnace,And it came to pass, when Goddestroyed the cities of the Plain ."Jude 7 "So, too, Sodom andGomorrah and the cities aboutthem . . . are placed before us asa warning example by undergoingthe judicial punishment ofeverlasting fire ."2 Pet. 2 :6 "And by reducing thecities Sodom and Gomorrah toashes he condemned them, settinga pattern for ungodly persons ofthings to come ."Luke 17 :29, 30 "But on the daythat Lot came out of Sodom itrained fire and sulphur fromheaven and destroyed them all .The same way it will be on thatday when the Son of man is tobe revealed ."Abyss Symbolizes Condition ofHelpless Impotence, DeathlikeInactivityUsed in reference to spiritcreatures or to those symbolicrepresentations of <strong>org</strong>anizationsand of classes of people .Rev . 9 :1-3, 11 "And I saw astar that had fallen from heavento the earth, and the key of thepit of the abyss was given him .And he opened the pit of theabyss, and smoke ascended outof the pit as the smoke of agreat furnace. . . . And out of thesmoke locusts came forth uponthe earth, and authority wa, giventhem . . . . They have over thema king, the angel of the abyss ."Rev . 11 :7 "And when they havefinished their witnessing, the wildbeast that ascends out of theabyss will make war with themand conquer them and kill them ."Rev. 17 :8 "The wild beast thatyou saw was, but is not, and yetis destined to ascend out of theabyss, and it is to go off intodestruction ."Demons Dread Prospects ofGoing into the AbyssMatt. 8 :28, 29 "When he got tothe other side, into the countryof the Gadarenes, there met him

Helltwo demon-possessed men comingout from among the memorialtombs, unusually fierce, so thatnobody had the courage to passby on that road . And, look! theyscreamed, saying : 'What have weto do with you, Son of God? Didyou come- here to torment us beforethe right time?' "Luke 8 :30, 31 "Jesus askedhim : 'What is your name?' Hesaid : `Legion,' because many demonshad entered into him . Andthey kept entreating him not toorder them to go away into theabyss ."Jesus in Abyss (Also in Sheol-Hades) Since Flesh Did NotSee CorruptionActs 2 :24-27 "But God resurrectedhim by loosing the pangsof death, because it was not possiblefor him to continue to beheld fast by it . For David saysrespecting him, . Moreover,even my flesh will dwell in hope :because you will not forsake mysoul in Hades ["hell," AV ; Dy],neither will you grant your manof loving-kindness to see corruption.' "Rom. 10 :6, 7 "The righteousnessresulting from faith speaks in thismanner : `Do not say in yourheart Who will descend intothe abyss?" that is, to bringChrist up from the dead .'"Satan's Gravelike Place Is Abyssof Inactivity Where He Will BeBound for 1,000 Years BeforeFinal DestructionRev . 20 :1-3, 7-10 "And I saw anangel coming down out of heavenwith the key of the abyss and agreat chain in his hand . And heseized the dragon, the originalserpent, who is the Devil andSatan, and bound him for athousand years . And he hurledhim into the abyss and shut itand sealed it over him, that hemight not mislead the nationsany more until the thousandyears were ended . After thesethings he must be let loose for alittle while . Now as soon as the164thousand years have been ended,Satan will be let loose out of hisprison, and he will go out to misleadthose nations in the fourquarters of the earth . . . . And theDevil who was misleading themwas hurled into the lake of fireand sulphur."Tartarus (Unrelated to Hades) aDeep Place of DarknessJob 40 :15, LXX "And when hehas gone up to a steep mountain,he causes joy to the quadrupedsin the deep [tartaros] ."Job 41 :22, 23, LXX "He makesthe deep boil like a brazen caldron; and he regards the sea asa pot of ointment, and the lowestpart of the deep [the tartaros ofthe abyss] as a captive : he reckonsthe deep as his range ."Tartarus a Symbol of DebasedCondition for Rebellious Angels2 Pet . 2 :4 "Certainly if Goddid not hold back from punishingthe angels that sinned, but, bythrowing them into Tartarus, deliveredthem to pits of densedarkness to be reserved for judgment."Eternal Torment as Inducementto Obey God Repugnant to Him1 John 4:8, 9 "He that does notlove has not come to know God,because God is love . By this thelove of God was made manifestin our case, because God sentforth his only-begotten Son intothe world that we might gain lifethrough him ."Ezek. 33 :11 "Say unto them,As I live, saith the Lord Jehovah,I have no pleasure in the death ofthe wicked ; but that the wickedturn from his way and live : turnye, turn ye from your evil ways ;for why will ye die?"Jer . 7 :31 "And they have builtthe high places of Topheth, whichis in the valley of the son of Hinnom,to burn their sons andtheir daughters in the fire ; whichI commanded not, neither cameit into my mind."

HolidaysDEFINITIONA day or days fixed by law, custom or religion [holydays] on whichordinary business is suspended or certain things are done or abstainedfrom, in commemoration of some event or in honor of some person .Christians Not Commanded to draining their blood and fromObserve Any Holidayfornication . If you carefully keepRom . 14 :4-6 "Who are you to yourselves from these things, youjudge the house servant of will prosper ."another? To his own master he Rom . 1 :25 "Even those who exchangedthe truth of God forstands or falls. Indeed, he willbe made to stand, for Jehovah the lie and venerated and renderedsacred service to the crea-can make him stand. One manjudges one day as above another ; tion rather than the One whoanother man judges one day as created ."all others ; let each man be fullyconvinced in his own mind . . . .Christians Should Praise God,Also he who eats eats to Jehovah,Give Thanks Every Dayfor he gives thanks to God ; and Heb . 13 :15 "Through him let ushe who does not eat does not eat always offer to God a sacrifice ofto Jehovah, and yet gives thanks praise, that is, the fruit of lipsto God ."which make public declaration toGal. 4 :9-11 "But now that you his name."have come to know God, or rather Acts 2 :46, 47 "And day afternow that you have come to be day they were in constant attendanceat the temple with oneknown by God, how is it that youare turning back again to the accord, and they took their mealsweak and inadequate elementary in private homes and partook ofthings and want to be slaves to nourishment with great rejoicingthem over again? You are scrupulouslyobserving days and God and finding acceptance withand sincerity of heart, praisingmonths and seasons and years . I all the people ."fear for you, that somehow I have Rev . 7 :9, 10, 15 "After thesetoiled to no purpose respecting things I saw, and, look! a greatyou. ,,crowd, which no man was ableCol . 2 :16, 17 "Therefore let no to number, out of all nations andman judge you in eating and tribes and peoples and tongues,drinking or in respect of a feast standing before the throne andday or of an observance of the before the Lamb, dressed in whitenew moon or of a sabbath, for robes, and there were palmthose things are a shadow of the branches in their hands . Andthings to come, but the reality they keep on crying with a loudbelongs to the Christ ."voice, saying : `Salvation we oweActs 15 :28, 29 "For the holy to our God, who is seated on thespirit and we ourselves have favoredadding no further burden tothrone, and to the Lamb .' `Thatyou, except these necessary things, is why they are before the throneto keep yourselves free from things of God, and they are renderingsacrificed to idols and from blood him sacred service day and nightand from things killed without in his temple .'"165

HolidaysBirthdaysScriptures mention observanceonly by pagansGen . 40 :20 "And it came to passthe third day, which was Pharaoh'sbirthday, that he made afeast unto all his servants ."Matt . 14:6-10 "But whenHerod's birthday was being celebratedthe daughter of Herodiasdanced at it and so delightedHerod that he promised with anoath to give her whatever sheasked . Then she under her mother'scoaching said : `Give me hereupon a plate the head of Johnthe Baptist.' Pained though hewas, the king out of regard forhis oaths and for those recliningwith him commanded it to begiven, and he sent and had Johnbeheaded in the prison ."Mark 6 :21 "But a convenientday came along when Herodspread an evening meal on hisbirthday for his top-ranking menand the military commanders andthe foremost ones of Galilee."Isa . 65 :11 (mar .) "But ye thatforsake Jehovah, that f<strong>org</strong>et myholy mountain, that prepare atable for fortune, and that fillup mingled wine unto Meni [celebrationof birthday of "the LordMoon"] ."One's birthday not the thing ofgreatest importance in his life ;not to be commemoratedEccl . 6 :3 ; 7 :1, 8 "If a man begeta hundred children, and livemany years, so that the days ofhis years are many, but his soulbe not filled with good, and moreoverhe have no burial ; I saythat an untimely birth is betterthan he ." "A good name is betterthan precious oil ; and the dayof death, than the day of one'sbirth . Better is the end of a thingthan the beginning thereof ; andthe patient in spirit is better thanthe proud in spirit ."1 6 6God not responsible for, does notbless each birth; counts all exceptChristians as dead in sins.Fleshly births are due to will orpassion of earthly parentsPs . 51 :5 "Behold, I was broughtforth in iniquity ; and in sin didmy mother conceive me ."John 1 :12, 13 "However, asmany as did receive him, to themhe gave authority to becomeGod's children, because they wereexercising faith in his name ; andthey were born not from bloodor from a fleshly will or fromman's will, but from God ."Luke 9 :60 "But he said to him :`Let the dead bury their dead,but you go away and declareabroad the kingdom of God .' "Eph . 2 :1, 5 "Furthermore, it isyou God made alive though youwere dead in your trespasses andsins . . . . made us alive togetherwith the Christ ."1 John 3 :14 "We know we havepassed over from death to life,because we love the brothers ."Only exceptions are certain onesGod specially usedExamples : Isaac (Gen . 18 :9-14 ;Rom . 4 :17-21 ; Gal . 4 :28, 29) ;Samson (Judg. 13 :2-5) ; Samuel(1 Sam . 1 :11, 19, 20) ; Jeremiah(Jer . 1 :4, 5) ; John the Baptist(Luke 1 :5-20) ; Jesus (Matt . 1 :18-25 ; Luke 1 :26-37) .Christ's death to be observed byMemorial evening meal, but nocommandment to observe hisbirthday as at a "Christmas"Luke 22 :19 "Also he took a loaf,gave thanks, broke it, and gaveit to them, saying : `This meansmy body which is to be given inyour behalf . Keep doing this inremembrance of me .'"1 Cor . 11 :24-26 "And, after givingthanks, he broke it and said :'This means my body which is inyour behalf . Keep doing this inremembrance of me.' He did likewiserespecting the cup also . . . .`Keep doing this, as often as youdrink it, in remembrance of me .'

167For as often as you eat this loafand drink this cup, you keep proclaimingthe death of the Lord,until he arrives ."Jesus' birth not in coldDecemberLuke 2 :8, 12 "There were alsoin that same country shepherdsliving out of doors and keepingwatches in the night over theirflocks . 'And this is a sign for you :you will find an infant bound incloth bands and lying in amanger.'"Luke 2 :1-7 "Now in those daysa decree went forth from CaesarAugustus for all the inhabitedearth to be registered ; . . . and allpeople went traveling to be registered,each one to his owncity. Of course, Joseph also wentup from Galilee, out of the cityof Nazareth, into Judea, to David'scity which is called Bethlehem,because of his being amember of the house and familyof David, to get registered withMary, who had been given himin marriage as promised, at presentheavy with child ."Jesus' birth in the fall (aboutOct. 1, 2 B . C.); John the Baptist'sfather serving as priest in earlypart of July, 3 B . C., when Johnwas conceived (hence born inApril, 2 B.C .)Luke 1 :5, 8-24 "In the days ofHerod, king of Judea, there happenedto be a certain priestnamed echariah of the divisionof Abijah, and he had a wifefrom the daughters of Aaron,and her name was Elizabeth . Nowas he was acting as priest in theassignment of his division beforeGod . . . . To him Jehovah's angelappeared, . . . the angel said tohim : ' . . . your wife Elizabeth willbe the mother of a son to you,and you are to call his nameJohn .' . . . after these days Elizabethhis wife became pregnant ."1 Chron. 24 :10, 18 [Regardingthe courses of the priests] : "Theseventh to Hakkoz, the eighthHolidaysto Abijah ." [Of the 24 coursesthe second week of the eighthwould fall in the latter part ofthe fourth Jewish month, or earlypart of July, our calendar.]Jesus was conceived in the earlypart of January (hence bornearly October)Luke 1:26-39 "In her [Elizabeth's]sixth month the angelGabriel was sent forth from Godto a city of Galilee named Nazareth,to a virgin promised inmarriage to a man named Josephof David's house ; and the nameof the virgin was Mary . . . . theangel said to her : 'Holy spiritwill come upon you, and powerof the Most High will overshadowyou . For that reason also what isborn will be called holy, God'sSon . And, look! Elizabeth yourrelative has also herself conceiveda son, in her old age, and thisis the sixth month for her .'"John came baptizing in thespring of A .D . 29Luke 3 :1-3 "In the fifteenthyear [A .D . 29] of the reign ofTiberius Caesar [who began toreign August 19, A .D . 14, afterAugustus' death], . . God's declarationcame to John the son ofechariah in the wilderness . Sohe came into all the countryaround the Jordan, preachingbaptism of those repenting forf<strong>org</strong>iveness of sins ." [John wouldstart priestly preaching duties atthe age of 30 . See Numbers, chapter4 .]Jesus was baptized at the age of30, 6 months laterLuke 3:23 "Furthermore, Jesushimself, when he commenced hiswork was about thirty years old ."[Hence his birth was 30 yearsearlier, about October 1, 2 B .C.]The " star" was a light Satan usedto guide astrologers (demon worshipers)in his scheme to locateJesus for destruction by HerodMatt . 2 :1-16 "After Jesus hadbeen born in Bethlehem of Judea

Holidaysin the days of Herod the king,look! astrologers from easternparts came to Jerusalem, saying :Where is the one born king ofthe Jews? For we saw his starwhen we were in the east and wehave come to do him obeisance .'At hearing this King Herod wasagitated and all Jerusalem alongwith him . . . . Then Herod secretlysummoned the astrologers andcarefully ascertained from themthe time of the star's appearing,and, when sending them to Bethlehem,he said : 'Go make a carefulsearch for the young child,and when you have found it reportback to me .' . . . and, look!the star they had seen when theywere in the east went ahead ofthem, until it came to a stopabove where the young child was .. However, because they weregiven divine warning in a dreamnot to return to Herod, they withdrewto their country by anotherroute. . . . Then Herod, seeing hehad been outwitted by the' astrologers,fell into a great rage,and he sent out and had allthe boys in Bethlehem and inall its districts killed, from twoyears of age and under, accordingto the time that he had carefullyascertained from the astrologers."Astrologers were the ones whobrought giftsMatt. 2:11 "And when theywent into the house they saw theyoung child with Mary its mother,and, falling down, they didobeisance to it . They also openedtheir treasures and presented itwith gifts, gold and frankincenseand myrrh ." [As to astrologers'being condemned by God's law,see Deuteronomy 4 :19 ; 2 Kings17 :16 ; Isaiah 47 :13, 14 .]EasterAshtoreth, Astarte ("a wife") the"queen of heaven"-a Babylonianpagan goddess1 Ki . 11 :5 "For Solomon wentafter Ashtoreth the goddess ofthe Sidonians."1682 Ki . 23 :13 "And the highplaces that were before Jerusalem,which were on the righthand of the mount of corruption,which Solomon the king of Israelhad builded for Ashtoreth theabomination of the Sidonians ."Jer . 7 :18 "The children gatherwood, and the fathers kindle thefire, and the women knead thedough, to make cakes to thequeen of heaven, and to pourout drink-offerings unto othergods, that they may provoke meto anger."Also : Jer . 44 :17-19 .Easter egg, rabbit, "symbols oflife" are phallic emblems, worshipof a creation rather thanthe CreatorRom . 6 :23 "For the wages sinpays is death, but the gift Godgives is everlasting life by ChristJesus our Lord ."Ps. 36 :9 "For with thee [JehovahGod] is the fountain oflife ."Rom . 1 :22-25 "Although assertingthey were wise, they becamefoolish and turned the glory ofthe incorruptible God into somethinglike the image of corruptibleman and of birds and fourfootedcreatures and creepingthings . Therefore God in keepingwith the desires of their heartsgave them up to uncleanness,that their bodies might be dishonoredamong them, even thosewho exchanged the truth of Godfor the lie and venerated and renderedsacred service to the creationrather than the One whocreated, who is blessed forever .Amen ."Such connected with phallic worshipof sex in Baal-peor, "lord ofthe opening," and Ashtoreth,"a wife"Num . 25 :1-3 "And Israel abodein Shittim ; and the people beganto play the harlot with the daughtersof Moab : . . . And Israel joinedhimself unto Baal-peor : and theanger of Jehovah was kindledagainst Israel ."

169Deut. 4 :3 "Your eyes have seenwhat Jehovah did because ofBaal-peor ; for all the men thatfollowed Baal-peor, Jehovah thyGod hath destroyed them fromthe midst of thee."Hos . 9 :10 "They came to Baalpeor,and consecrated themselvesunto the shameful thing, andbecame abominable like thatwhich they loved."Jude 10, 11 "Yet these menare speaking abusively of all thethings they really do not know,but all the things they do understandnaturally like the unreasoninganimals, in these thingsthey go on corrupting themselves .Too bad for them, because theyhave gone in the path of Cain,and have rushed into the erroneouscourse of Balaam for reward."Christ's death on Nisan 14 to beobserved by Memorial eveningmeal, not his resurrection onNisan 16, A .D . 33Ex . 12 :2, 6, 14 "This month[Abib or Nisan] shall be unto youthe beginning of months : it shallbe the first month of the year toyou . And ye shall keep it [thelamb] until the fourteenth dayof the same month ; and thewhole assembly of the congregationof Israel shall kill it at even .And this day shall be unto youfor a memorial, and ye shall keepit a feast to Jehovah : throughoutyour generations ye shall keep ita feast by an ordinance for ever ."Matt. 26 :17-27 "On the first dayof the unfermented cakes thedisciples came up to Jesus, saying: 'Where do you want us toprepare for you to eat the passover?'. . . As they continued eating,Jesus took a loaf and, aftersaying a blessing, he broke it and,giving it to the disciples, he said :'Take, eat. This means my body .'Also he took a cup and, havinggiven thanks, he gave it to them,saying : 'Drink out of it, all ofyou .' "Holidays1 Cor . 11 :25, 26 "[Jesus said] :'Keep doing this, as often as youdrink it, in remembrance of me .'For as often as you eat this loafand drink this cup, you keep proclaimingthe death of the Lord,until he arrives ."John 20 :1 "On the first dayof the week Mary Magdalenecame to the memorial tomb earlyin the day, while there was stilldarkness, and she beheld thestone already taken away fromthe memorial tomb." [This wasSunday, Nisan 16, A .D. 33, whileJesus was put to death Friday,Nisan 14 . ]Day of Memorial on Nisan 14(so-called "Good Friday") doesnot always fall on the same dayof the weekJohn 19:31 "Then the Jews,since it was Preparation, in orderthat the bodies might not remainupon the torture stakes on thesabbath, (for the day of thatsabbath was a great one, [adouble sabbath, which did nothappen every Passover time]) requestedPilate to have their legsbroken and the bodies takenaway ."[Also, Nisan 14 is not alwayson a Friday, but is the night offull moon .]The meal on the first day of theweek at Acts 20:7 not the Memorial,but eating of anordinary mealActs 20 :7 "On the first day ofthe week, when we were gatheredtogether to have a meal, Paulbegan discoursing to them ."Acts 2 :42, 46 "And they continueddevoting themselves to theteaching of the apostles and toassociation together, to taking ofmeals and to prayers . . . . and theytook their meals in privatehomes ."Acts 6 :1-6 "Their widows werebeing overlooked in the daily distribution. So the twelve . . . said :'It is not pleasing for us to aban-

Holidaysdon the word of God to distributefood to tables .'"Pascha, at Acts 12 :4, mistranslated"Easter" in "King JamesVersion"Acts 12 :4 "And laying hold ofhim, he [Herod] put him [Peter]in prison, turning him over tofour shifts of four soldiers eachto guard him, as he intended toproduce him for the people afterthe passover ."The Day People Waved Palmsfor Jesus Was Not Sunday, butWas Monday, Nisan 10, A.D . 33John 12 :1, 12, 13 "Accordingly,Jesus, six days before the passover,[the passover day itself beingcounted as the sixth day] arrivedat Bethany, where Lazaruswas whom Jesus had raised upfrom the dead . The next day thegreat crowd that had come tothe feast, on hearing that Jesuswas coming to Jerusalem, tookthe branches of palm trees andwent out to meet him . And theybegan to shout : `Save, we prayyou! Blessed is he that comes inJehovah's name, even the kingof Israel!'"Matt . 21:8, 12 "Others begancutting down branches from thetrees and spreading them on theroad . And Jesus entered into thetemple, and threw out all thoseselling and buying in the templeand overturned the tables of themoney-changers and the benchesof those selling doves ."Ex . 12 :3-5 "In the tenth dayof this month [Abib or Nisan]they shall take to them everyman a lamb, . . . Your lamb shallbe without blemish ."Lent Corresponds to Preliminaryof Annual Festival of Death andResurrection of Tammuz ("thePerfecting Fire", "Purifier")-aPagan "Purgatory" GodEzek . 8 :14, 15 "Then he broughtme to the door of the gate ofJehovah's house which was towardthe north ; and behold, there170sat the women weeping for Tammuz. Then said he unto me, Hastthou seen this, 0 son of man?thou shalt again see yet greaterabominations than these ."Denying Oneself Meats, Food,Certain Proper Things on CertainDays, Not Required ofChristians1 Tim . 4 :1-6 "However, the inspiredutterance says definitelythat in later periods of time somewill fall away from the faith,paying attention to misleadinginspired utterances and teachingsof demons, by the hypocrisy ofmen who speak lies, marked intheir conscience as with a brandingiron, forbidding to marry,commanding to abstain fromfoods which God created to bepartaken of with thanksgiving bythose who have faith and accuratelyknow the truth. The reasonfor this is that every creationof God is right and nothing is tobe rejected if it is received withthanksgiving, for it is sanctifiedthrough God's word and prayerover it ."Rom . 14:1-17 "One man hasfaith to eat everything, but theman who is weak eats vegetables .Let the one eating not look downon the one not eating, and letthe one not eating not judge theone eating, for God has welcomedthat one. Who are you to judgethe house servant of another? . . .One man judges one day as aboveanother, another man judges oneday as all others ; . . . He who observesthe day observes it to Jehovah.Also he who eats eats toJehovah . . . . For the kingdom ofGod does not mean eating anddrinking, but means righteousnessand peace and joy with holyspirit ."Col . 2 :20-22 "If you died togetherwith Christ toward theelementary things of the world,why do you, as if living in theworld, further subject yourselvesto the decrees, `Do not handle,nor taste, nor touch,' respecting

171things that are all destined todestruction by being used up, inaccordance with the commandsand teachings of men? Those verythings are, indeed, possessed of anappearance of wisdom in a selfimposedform of worship andmock humility, a severe treatmentof the body, but they are ofno value in combating the satisfyingof the flesh ."1 Cor . 8 :8 "But food will notcommend us to God ; if we do noteat, we do not fall short, and,if we eat, we have no credit toourselves."Heb . 13 :9 "Do not be carriedaway with various and strangeteachings ; for it is right for theheart to be given firmness byundeserved kindness, not by eatables,by which those who occupythemselves with them have notbeen benefited ."1 Tim . 4 :8 "For bodily trainingis beneficial for a little, but godlydevotion is beneficial for allthings, as it holds promise of thelife now and that which is tocome ."Isa . 58 :5-7 "Is such the fastthat I have chosen? the day fora man to afflict his soul? Is it toHonorary TitlesHonorary Titlesbow down his head as a rush,and to spread sackcloth andashes under him? Wilt thou callthis a fast, and an acceptableday to Jehovah? Is not this thefast that I have chosen : to loosethe bonds of wickedness, to undothe bands of the yoke, and to letthe oppressed go free, and thatye break every yoke?"Christendom's Holydays Abominableto JehovahIsa . 1 :10, 13, 14, 17 "Hear theword of Jehovah, ye rulers ofSodom ; give ear unto the law ofour God, ye people of Gomorrah .Bring no more vain oblations ; incenseis an abomination unto me ;new moon and sabbath, the callingof assemblies,-I cannot awaywith iniquity and the solemnmeeting . Your new moons andyour appointed feasts my soulhateth ; they are a trouble untome ; I am weary of bearing them .Learn to do well ; seek justice, relievethe oppressed, judge thefatherless, plead for the widow ."Rev . 11 :8 "The great city whichis in a spiritual sense calledSodom and Egypt, where theirLord was also impaled ."See also "Sabbath" .DEFINITIONTitles that elevate one and cause him to be looked up to or worshiped,or that distinguish him from others as being a higherpersonage .God's Word Forbidsyou are brothers . Moreover, doJob 32 :21, 22 "Let me not, I not call anyone your father onpray you, respect any man's person; neither will I give flattering heavenly One . Neither be calledearth, for One is your Father, thetitles unto any man . For I know `leaders', for your Leader is one,not to give flattering titles ; else the Christ . But the greatest onewould my Maker soon take me among you must be your minister .away ."Whoever exalts himself will beMatt . 23 :6-12 "You, do not you humbled, and whoever humblesbe called `Rabbi' [My great one ; himself will be exalted ."My excellent one, footnote], for Luke 18 :18, 19 "And a certainone is your teacher, whereas all ruler questioned him, saying :

Idolatry'Good Teacher, by doing whatshall I inherit everlasting life?'Jesus said to him : 'Why do youcall me good? Nobody is good,except one, God .'"Luke 22 :24-26 "The kings ofthe nations lord it over them, andthose having authority over themare called 'Benefactors' . You,though, are not to be that way ."Jas . 2:4 "You have class distinctionsamong yourselves andyou have become judges renderingcorrupt decisions, is that notso?"Only God "Reverend","Holy Father"Ps . 111 :9 "Holy and reverend ishis [Jehovah's] name ."John 17 :11 "Holy Father, watchover them out of respect for yourown name ."Jehovah and Christ Jesus OnlyKings by Divine Right1 Tim. 1 :17 "Now to the Kingof eternity, incorruptible, invisible,the only God, be honor andglory for ever and ever . Amen ."Jer . 10 :10 "Jehovah is the trueGod ; he is the living God, andan everlasting King ."Rev. 19 :16 "[Christ Jesus] hasa name written, King of kingsand Lord of lords ."Also : Rev . 17 :14 .Isa . 42 :8 "I am Jehovah, . . .my glory will I not give toanother ."Also : Isa. 33 :22 .IdolatryDEFINITIONSpeaking generally, it is the veneration, excessive love, worshipor adoration of any made image, idol, representation or symbol ofanything, whether the idol is material or fancied in the mind . Accordingto the Scriptures idolatry is a snare of the Devil and itspractice is demonism . It is considered an abomination in God's sight .Idolatry is generally practiced toward a real or supposed higher172Scriptural DesignationsMisapplied"Elder," "deacon," "bishop,""estate of the elders," or "presbytery",from Authorized Versionand Douay rendering of the followingtexts :Acts 14 :23 "They appointedolder men ["elders," AV] to officefor them in the congregation."Titus 1 :5 "Make appointmentsof older men ["elders," AV] incity after city ."Acts 22 :5 "Both the high priestand all the assembly of oldermen of influence ["estate of theelders," AV] can bear me witness."1 Tim. 3 :1, 2, 8 "If any man isreaching out for an office ofoverseer ["bishop," AV], he is desirousof a right kind of work .The overseer should therefore beirreprehensible, . Ministerialservants ["deacons," AV] shouldlikewise be serious ."Phil . 1 :1 "To all the holy onesin union with Christ Jesus whoare in Philippi, along with overseers["bishops," AV] and ministerialservants ["deacons," AV] ."Paying Official RespectOfficial titles of rulers, judges,etc ., used by Christians in addressingthem as civil servants orrulers, not in worship nor asspiritual leaders .Acts 26 :2, 25 "'Concerning allthe things of which I am accusedby Jews, King Agrippa .' . . . Paulsaid : 'I am not going mad, YourExcellency Festus .' "

173 Idolatrypower, whether it is believed to have animate existence (as a humanor animal god or "saint") or whether it is inanimate (as a force orobject of nature or a government or any other <strong>org</strong>anization) . Itusually involves some form, ceremony or ritual . It exacts devotion .However, idolatry can be self-worship, worship of one's family orancestry, or any other human or even an animal without any maderepresentation . It is sometimes claimed that what is worshiped is notthe image itself, but what is represented by the image . This is relativeworship . All idolatry, whether relative or actual, is false worship .Snare of Satan and Abomination(Detestable) to GodDeut . 7 :16, 25 "And thou shaltconsume all the peoples that Jehovahthy God shall deliver untothee ; thine eye shall not pitythem : neither shalt thou servetheir gods ; for that will be asnare unto thee . The gravenimages of their gods shall ye burnwith fire : thou shalt not covetthe silver or the gold that is onthem, nor take it unto thee, lestthou be snared therein ; for it isan abomination to Jehovah thyGod."Ps . 106 :36 "And served theiridols, which became a snare untothem ."Deut . 32 :17 "They sacrificedunto demons, which were no God,to gods that they knew not ."1 Cor . 10 :20, 21 "The thingswhich the nations sacrifice theysacrifice to demons, and not toGod, and I do not want you tobecome sharers with the demons .You cannot be drinking the cupof Jehovah and the cup of demons."Ex . 32 :7, 8, 10 "And Jehovahspake unto Moses, Go, get theedown ; for thy people, that thoubroughtest up out of the land ofEgypt, have corrupted themselves: they have turned asidequickly out of the way which Icommanded them : they havemade them a molten calf, andhave worshipped it, and havesacrificed unto it . . . . now thereforelet me alone, that my wrathmay wax hot against them, andthat I may consume them ."Images Have No Life or Powerto Help in ThemselvesJer . 10 :3-5 "For the customs ofthe peoples are vanity ; for onecutteth a tree out of the forest,the work of the hands of theworkman with the axe . They deckit with silver and with gold ; theyfasten it with nails and withhammers, that it move not . Theyare like a palm-tree, of turnedwork, and speak not : they mustneeds be borne, because they cannotgo ."Hab. 2 :18, 19 "What profiteththe graven image, that the makerthereof hath graven it ; the moltenimage, even the teacher oflies, that he that fashioneth itsform trusteth therein, to makedumb idols? Woe unto him thatsaith to the wood, Awake ; to thedumb stone, Arise! Shall thisteach? Behold, it is overlaid withgold and silver, and there is nobreath at all in the midst of it ."Jehovah God Forbade Nation ofIsrael to Practice IdolatryEx . 20:4, 5 "Thou shalt notmake unto thee a graven image,nor any likeness of any thingthat is in heaven above, or thatis in the earth beneath, or thatis in the water under the earth :thou shalt not bow down thyselfunto them, nor serve them ."2 Ki . 17 :35 "With whom Jehovahhad made a covenant, andcharged them, saying, Ye shallnot fear other gods, nor bowyourselves to them, nor servethem, nor sacrifice to them."

IdolatryNo Image of God PossibleDeut. 4 :15-19 "Take ye thereforegood heed unto yourselves ;for ye saw no manner of form onthe day that Jehovah spake untoyou in Horeb out of the midstof the fire ; lest ye corrupt yourselves,and make you a gravenimage in the form of any figure,the likeness of male or female,the likeness of any beast that ison the earth, the likeness of anywinged bird that flieth in theheavens, the likeness of anythingthat creepeth on the ground, thelikeness of any fish that is inthe water under the earth ; andlest thou lift up thine eyes untoheaven, and when thou seest thesun and the moon and the stars,even all the host of heaven, thoube drawn away and worship them,and serve them ."Law Served as a SafeguardAgainst Idolatry ofSurrounding NationsDeut . 29 :14-18 "Neither withyou only do I make this covenantand this oath, but with him thatstandeth here with us this daybefore Jehovah our God, and alsowith him that is not here withus this day (for ye know how wedwelt in the land of Egypt, andhow we came through the midstof the nations through which yepassed ; and ye have seen theirabominations, and their idols,wood and stone, silver and gold,which were among them) ; lestthere should be among you man,or woman, or family, or tribe,whose heart turneth away thisday from Jehovah our God, to goto serve the gods of those nations."Stubbornness and RebellionAgainst God Is Self-Worshipand Idolatry1 Sam. 15 :22-24, 30 "Behold, toobey is better than sacrifice, andto hearken than the fat oframs . For rebellion is as the sinof witchcraft [Heb ., "divination" ;footnote], and stubbornness is as174idolatry and teraphim . . AndSaul said unto Samuel, I havesinned ; . . . yet honor me now, Ipray thee, before the elders ofmy people, and before Israel, andturn again with me, that I mayworship Jehovah thy God ."Practice of Idolatry BroughtPunishment from God -Lev . 26 :1, 27, 28, 30 "Ye shallmake you no idols, neither shallye rear you up a graven image,or a pillar, neither shall ye placeany figured stone in your land,to bow down unto it : for I amJehovah your God. And if ye willnot for all this hearken unto me,but walk contrary unto me ; thenI will walk contrary unto you inwrath ; and 1 also will chastiseyou seven times for your sins .And I will destroy your highplaces, and cut down your sunimages,and cast your dead bodiesupon the bodies of your idols ; andmy soul shall abhor you ."Judg. 2 :11-15 "And the childrenof Israel did that which wasevil in the sight of Jehovah, andserved the Baalim ; . . . and followedother gods, of the gods ofthe peoples that were round aboutthem, and bowed themselvesdown unto them : . . . And the angerof Jehovah was kindledagainst Israel, and he deliveredthem into the hands of spoilersthat despoiled them ; and he soldthem into the hands of theirenemies round about, so that theycould not any longer stand beforetheir enemies . Whithersoever theywent out, the hand of Jehovahwas against them for evil, as Jehovahhad spoken, and as Jehovahhad sworn unto them ."Finally Brought Complete Rejectionof Nation of IsraelDent . 4 :25-27 "When thou shaltbeget children, and children'schildren, and ye shall have beenlong in the land, and shall corruptyourselves, and make a gravenimage in the form of anything,and shall do that which is

175evil in the sight of Jehovah thyGod, to provoke him to anger ; Icall heaven and earth to witnessagainst you this day, that ye shallsoon utterly perish from off theland . . . And Jehovah will scatteryou among the peoples, and yeshall be left few in numberamong the nations ."Jer. 22 :8, 9 "And many nationsshall pass by this city, and theyshall say every man to his neighbor,Wherefore hath Jehovahdone thus unto this great city?Then they shall answer, Becausethey forsook the covenant of Jehovahtheir God, and worshippedother gods, and served them ."Willful Rebellion and Stubbornnessof Religious Leaders in Jesus'Day Was Idolatry ThatBrought Such DesolationMatt . 15 :1-3, 7-9 "Then therecame to Jesus from JerusalemPharisees and scribes, saying :`Why is it your disciples overstepthe tradition of the men of formertimes?' . . . In reply he said tothem : `Why is it you also overstepthe commandment of Godbecause of your tradition? Youhypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesiedabout you, when he said :"This people honors me with theirlips, yet their hearts are far removedfrom me . It is in vainthat they keep paying respect tome, because they teach commandsof men as doctrines." ' "Matt. 23 :37, 38 "Jerusalem, Jerusalem,the killer of the prophetsand stoner of those sent forthto her,-how often I wanted togather your children together, theway a hen gathers her chicks togetherunder her wings! But youpeople did not want it . Look!your house is abandoned to you ."Idolatry Specifically Forbiddento Christians1 Cor. 10 :7, 14 "Neither becomeidolaters, as some of them did ;just as it is written : `The peoplesat down to eat and drink, andthey rose up to revel boisterous-Idolatryly .' Therefore, my beloved ones,flee from idolatry ."Acts 17 :29 "Seeing, therefore,that we are the progeny of God,we ought not to imagine that theDivine Being is like gold or silveror stone, like something sculpturedby the art and contrivanceof man ."1 John 5 :21 "Little children,guard yourselves from idols ."Those Practicing Are a Reproachto God and Make Liarsof ThemselvesRom . 1 :22, 23, 25 "Although assertingthey were wise, they becamefoolish and turned the gloryof the incorruptible God intosomething like the image of corruptibleman and of birds andfour-footed creatures and creepingthings . Even those who exchangedthe truth of God for thelie and venerated and renderedsacred service to the creationrather than the One who created,who is blessed forever ."Meat Sacrificed to Idols CouldBe Eaten, After Its DedicatedPurpose Had Been Fulfilled ; butThis Authority Must NotBe Abused1 Cor. 8:4, 7-10, 13 "Now concerningthe eating of foods offeredto idols, we know that anidol is nothing in the world andthat there is no God but one .Nevertheless, there is not thisknowledge in all persons ; butsome, being accustomed until nowto the idol, eat food as somethingsacrificed to an idol, and theirconscience, as it is weak, becomesvile . But food will not commendus to God ; if we do noteat, we do not fall short, and,if we eat, we have no credit toourselves . But keep watching thatthis authority of yours does notsomehow become a stumblingblockto those who are weak . Forif anyone should see you withyour knowledge reclining at ameal in an idol temple, will notthe conscience of that one who

Idolatryis weak be emboldened to thepoint of eating foods offered toidols? Therefore, if food makesmy brother stumble, I will neveragain eat flesh at all, that I maynot make my brother stumble ."1 Cor. 10 :25-29, 31, 32 "Everythingthat is sold in a meatmarket keep eating, making noinquiry on account of your conscience,for `the earth belongs toJehovah, and so does its fullness' .If anyone of the unbelievers invitesyou and you wish to go, proceedto eat everything that is setbefore you, making no inquiry onaccount of your conscience. Butif anyone should say to you : `Thisis something offered to a god,'do not eat on account of the onethat disclosed it and on accountof conscience. `Conscience,' I say,not yours, but that of the otherperson . . . . Therefore, whether youare eating or drinking or doinganything else, do all things forGod's glory. Keep from becomingcauses for stumbling ."1 Tim . 4 :4, 5 "The reason forthis is that every creation of Godis right and nothing is to be rejectedif it is received withthanksgiving, for it is sanctifiedthrough God's word and prayerover it ."Example Taken from David'sEating of Showbread on theSabbath After Its Use in Sacrificeto Jehovah Was Completed,Considered CommonLev . 24 :5-8 "And thou shalttake fine flour, and bake twelvecakes thereof : . . . And thou shaltset them in two rows, six on arow, upon the pure table beforeJehovah . . . . Every sabbath day heshall set it in order before Jehovahcontinually ."1 Sam . 21 :2-6 (footnote) "AndDavid said unto Ahimelech thepriest . . . . Now therefore what isunder thy hand? give me fiveloaves of bread in my hand, orwhatsoever there is present . Andthe priest answered David, andsaid, There is no common bread176under my hand, but there is holybread ; if only the young menhave kept themselves from women .And David answered the priest,and said unto him, Of a truthwomen have been kept from usabout these three days ; when Icame out, the vessels of the youngmen were holy, [and it may beused as common bread ; and especiallysince to-day it will beholy in respect of their vessels] .So the priest gave him holy bread ;for there was no bread there butthe showbread, that was takenfrom before Jehovah, to put hotbread in the day when it wastaken away."Worship of State Powers aDefinite Form of IdolatryRev . 13 :14, 15 "It tells thosewho dwell on the earth to makean image to the wild beast thathad the sword-stroke and yet revived. And there was granted itto give breath to the image ofthe wild beast, so that the imageof the wild beast should bothspeak and cause to be killed allthose who would not in any wayworship the image of the wildbeast ."Rev. 14 :9, 10 "If anyone worshipsthe wild beast and its image,and receives a mark on his foreheador upon his hand, he willalso drink of the wine of theanger of God that is poured outundiluted into the cup of hiswrath ."Rev. 17 :11 "And the wild beastthat was but is not, it is alsoitself an eighth king, but owes itsexistence to the seven, and it goesoff into destruction."Saluting Flags (Which OftenBear Likenesses) AlsoCondemnedActs 7 :43 "But it was the tentof Moloch and the star of thegod Rephan that you took up, thefigures which you made to worshipthem . Consequently, I willdeport you beyond Babylon ."Amos 5 :26 "Yea, ye have bornethe tabernacle of your king and

177the shrine of your images, thestar of your god, which ye madeto yourselves ."Job 31 :26-28 "If I have beheldthe sun when it shined, or themoon walking in brightness, andmy heart hath been secretly enticed,and my mouth hath kissedmy hand : this also were an iniquityto be punished by thejudges ; for I should have deniedthe God that is above ."1 Ki . 19 :18 "Yet will I leaveme seven thousand in Israel, allthe knees which have not bowedunto Baal, and every mouthwhich hath not kissed him ."Hos . 13 :2 "And now they sinmore and more, and have madethem molten images of their silver,even idols according to theirown understanding, all of themthe work of the craftsmen : theysay of them, Let the men thatsacrifice kiss the calves ."Refusal of Faithful Jews to WorshipState Symbol Was Approvedby GodDan . 3:1, 4-6, 8, 9, 12, 19, 20,26-28 "Nebuchadnezzar the kingmade an image of gold . . . . Thenthe herald cried aloud, To youit is commanded, 0 peoples, nations,and languages, that at whattime ye hear the sound of . . . allkinds of music, ye fall down andworship the golden image thatNebuchadnezzar the king hath setup ; and whoso falleth not downand worshippeth shall the samehour be cast into the midst of aburning fiery furnace . Whereforeat that time, certain Chaldeanscame near, and brought accusationagainst the Jews . They answeredand said to Nebuchadnezzarthe king. . . . There are certainJews whom thou hast appointedover the affairs of the provinceof Babylon : Shadrach, Meshach,and Abed-nego ; these men, 0king, have not regarded thee :they serve not thy gods, nor worshipthe golden image which thouhast set up . Then was Nebuchadnezzarfull of fury . . . . And heIdolatrycommanded certain mighty menthat were in his army to bindShadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,and to cast them into theburning fiery furnace . Then Nebuchadnezzarcame near to themouth of the burning fiery furnace: he spake and said, Shadrach,Meshach, and Abed-nego,ye servants of the Most High God,come forth, and come hither.Then Shadrach, Meshach, andAbed-nego came forth out of themidst of the fire. . . . the fire hadno power upon their bodies, norwas the hair of their head singed,neither were their hosen changed,nor had the smell of fire passedon them . Nebuchadnezzar spakeand said, Blessed be the God ofShadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,who hath sent his angel,and delivered his servants thattrusted in him, and have changedthe king's word."Salvation Comes Only from JehovahThrough ChristActs 4 :12 "Furthermore, thereis no salvation in anyone else,for there is not another nameunder heaven that has been givenamong men by which we must getsaved ."See also "Caesar's Things toCaesar" ."Relative" Worship Not AllowedIsa . 42 :8 "I am Jehovah, that ismy name ; and my glory will Inot give to another, neither mypraise unto graven images ."2 Cor . 4 :18 "While we keep oureyes, not on the things seen, buton the things unseen . For thethings seen are temporary, butthe things unseen are everlasting."Is contrary to Christian principleof worship2 Cor . 5 :7 "For we are walkingby faith, not by sight ."Rom. 8 :24, 25 "For we weresaved in this hope ; but hope thatis seen is not hope, for when aman sees a thing, does he hopefor it? But if we hope for what

Idolatrywe do not see, we keep on waitingfor it with endurance ."Prayers to "saints" (as to Mary)not authorizedJer . 7 :18 "The children gatherwood, and the fathers kindle thefire, and the women knead thedough, to make cakes to the queenof heaven, and to pour out drinkofferingsunto other gods, thatthey may provoke me to anger ."See "Worship of Mary" .Direct prayer only is allowed;images not neededJohn 14 :13 "Also, whatever itis you ask in my name, I will dothis, in order that the Fathermay be glorified in connectionwith the Son ."John 15 :16 "No matter whatyou ask the Father in my namehe might give it to you ."Matt . 6 :6, 9 "You, however,when you pray, go into your privateroom and, after shuttingyour door, pray to your Fatherwho is in secret ; then your Fatherwho looks on in secret will repayyou . You must pray, then, thisway : `Our Father in the heavens.'"See "Prayer" .Bowing before men or even angelsas "relative" worshipforbiddenActs 10 :25, 26 "As Peter entered,Cornelius met him, felldown at his feet and did obeisanceto him. But Peter liftedhim up, saying : `Rise ; I myselfam also a man .'Acts 14 :11-15 "And the crowds,seeing what Paul had done,raised their voices, saying in theLycaonian tongue : `The godshave become like men and havecome down to us!' And they wentto calling Barnabas ` eus', butPaul `Hermes', since he was theone taking the lead in speaking .And the priest of eus, whose178temple was before the city,brought bulls and garlands to thegates and was desiring to offersacrifices with the crowds . However,when the apostles Barnabasand Paul heard of it, theyripped their outer garments andleaped out into the crowd, cryingout and saying : `Men, why areyou doing these things? We alsoare human creatures .' "Rev. 19 :10 "At that I fell downbefore his feet to worship him .But he tells me : `Be careful! Donot do that! All I am is a fellowslave of you and of your brotherswho have the work of witnessingto Jesus . Worship God .' "Images Unable to Help in Timeof JudgmentDeut . 32 :37, 38 "And he willsay, Where are their gods, therock in which they took refuge ;which did eat the fat of theirsacrifices, and drank the wine oftheir drink-offering? Let themrise up and help you . Let thembe your protection ."Ps . 115 :4-8 "Their idols aresilver and gold, the work of men'shands . They have mouths, butthey speak not ; eyes have they,but they see not ; they have ears,but they hear not ; noses havethey, but they smell not ; theyhave hands, but they handle not ;feet have they, but they walknot ; neither speak they throughtheir throat . They that makethem shall be like unto them ;yea, every one that trusteth inthem ."Jer. 10 :14, 15 "Every man isbecome brutish and is withoutknowledge ; every goldsmith isput to shame by his gravenimage ; for his molten image isfalsehood, and there is no breathin them . They are vanity, a workof delusion : in the time of theirvisitation they shall perish ."See "Caesar's Things to Caesar".

IncarnationDEFINITIONIncarnation is a clothing, or state of being clothed, with flesh ;taking on, or being manifested in . a body of flesh . Scripturally, itdescribes the condition of angels appearing to mankind on earth .False religion claims it is the "union of Christ's divinity with hishumanity" .Angels in Noah's Day Took On of God was waiting in Noah'sFlesh and Bore Children days ."Contrary to God's Will Holy Angels Appeared in FleshGen . 6 :1-5 "And it came to to Man at God's Commandpass, when men began to multiplyon the face of the ground,Gen . 19 :1-5, 15, 16 "And theand daughters were born untotwo angels came to Sodom atthem, that the sons of God sawevenSodom; and Lot sat in the gate ofthe daughters of men that they: and Lot saw them, andwere fair ; and they took themrose up to meet them ; and hebowed himself with his face towives of all that they chose . . . . the earth ; and he said, BeholdThe Nephilim were in the earth now, my lords, turn aside, I prayin those days, and also after that,when the sons of God came inyou, into your servant's house,unto the daughters of men, and theyand tarrylayalldown,nightthe. . .men. Butofbeforethethey bare children to them : thesame were the mighty men thatcity . . . called unto Lot, and saidwere of old, the men of renown .unto him, Where are the menAnd Jehovah saw that the wickthatcame in to thee this night?"edness of man was great in theLuke 1 :26-28 "The angel Ga-earth, and that every imaginationbriel was sent forth from God toof the thoughts of his heart wasa city of Galilee named Nazareth,only evil continually ."to a virgin promised in marriageto a man named Joseph of Da-Were Sentenced by God and vid's house ; and the name of thePower of Incarnation virgin was Mary . And when heTaken Awaywent in before her he said : `Good2 Pet . 2 :4 "God did not hold day, highly favored one, Jehovahback from punishing the angels is with you .'"that sinned, but, by throwing John the Baptist Not an Incarnatheminto Tartarus, delivered tion of Elijahhem to pits of dense darknessto be reserved for judgment ."Matt . 17 :10-13 "The disciplesput the question to him : `Why,Jude 6 "And the angels that then, do the scribes say thatdid not keep their original posi- Elijah must come first?' In retionbut forsook their own proper ply he said : ` . . . I say to you thatdwelling-place he has reserved Elijah has already come and theywith eternal bonds under dense did not recognize him but diddarkness for the judgment of the with him the things they wanted .great day .". 'Then the disciples perceived1 Pet . 3 :19, 20 "He went his that he spoke to them aboutway and preached to the spirits John the Baptist."in prison, which had once been Matt . 11 :11-14 "Truly I say todisobedient when the patience you people, Among those born of179

Incarnationwomen there has not been raisedup a greater than John the Baptist. . . . For all, the Prophets andthe Law, prophesied until John ;and if you want to accept it, Thisis `Elijah who is destined tocome' ."John Merely Extended Work ofElijah Under Influence ofHoly SpiritMal . 4 :5, 6 "Behold, I will sendyou Elijah the prophet before thegreat and terrible day of Jehovahcome . And he shall turn theheart of the fathers to the children,and the heart of the childrento their fathers ."Luke 1 :13-17 "Your wife Elizabethwill be the mother of a sonto you, and you are to call hisname John. And you will havejoy and great gladness, and manywill rejoice over his birth ; . . . andhe will be filled with holy spiritright from his mother's womb,and many of the sons of Israelwill he turn back to Jehovah theirGod . Also he will go before himwith Elijah's spirit and power,to turn back the hearts of fathersto children and the disobedientones to the practical wisdomof righteous ones, to getready for Jehovah a preparedpeople ."John Admitted He Was NotElijahJohn 1 :19-21 "Now this is thewitness of John when the Jewssent forth priests and Levitesfrom Jerusalem to him to askhim : `Who are you?' And heconfessed and did not deny, butconfessed : 'I am not the Christ .'And they asked him : `What,then? Are you Elijah?' And hesaid : `I am not .'"Jesus Was Not an Incarnation .Was Born of Woman, Made FleshGal . 4 :4 "But when the fulllimit of the time arrived, Godsent forth his Son, who was producedout of a woman and whocame to be under law ."180John 1 :14 "So the Word becameflesh and resided among us,and we had a view of his glory,a glory such as belongs to anonly-begotten son from a father ."Had Jesus Been an IncarnationHe Would Not Have Needed Birthas a Child, but Could Have AssumedFlesh as AfterResurrectionLuke 1 :30, 31 "So the angelsaid to her : `Have no fear, Mary,for you have found favor withGod ; and, look! you will conceivein your womb and give birthto a son, and you are to call hisname Jesus .'"Luke 2 :6, 7 "The days came tothe full for her to give birth. Andshe gave birth to her son, thefirstborn, and she bound him withcloth bands and laid him in amanger ."John 20 :19 "Therefore, when itwas late on that day, the first ofthe week, and although out offear of the Jews the doors werelocked where the disciples were,Jesus came and stood in theirmidst ."Luke 24 :15, 16, 30, 31, 33-43"Now as they were conversingand discussing Jesus himself approachedand began travelingwith them ; but their eyes werekept from recognizing him . Andas he was reclining with themat the meal he took the loaf,blessed it, broke it and began tohand it to them . At that theireyes were fully opened and theyrecognized him ; and he disappearedfrom them . And in thatvery hour they rose and returnedto Jerusalem . . . . Now they themselvesdescribed the events on theroad and how he became knownto them by the breaking of theloaf . While they were speakingof these things he himself stoodin their midst . . . . But while theywere still not believing for sheerjoy and were wondering, he saidto them : 'Do you have somethingthere to eat?' And theyhanded him a piece of broiled

181fish ; and he took it and ate itbefore their eyes ."Peter Spoke of Himself as "inThis Tabernacle", Yet He WasNo Incarnation2 Pet. 1 :13, 14 "But I considerit right, as long as I am in thistabernacle, to rouse you up byway of reminding you, knowingas I do that the putting off ofmy tabernacle is soon to be ."Jesus Left Behind Things ofSpirit When Made a ManPhil . 2 :7, 8 "[Jesus] emptiedhimself and took a slave's formand came to be in the likenessof men . More than that, whenhe found himself in fashion as aman, he humbled himself andbecame obedient as far as death ."Heb . 2 :9 "We behold Jesus,who has been made a little lowerthan angels ."Jesus Had to Become All Fleshin Order to Provide CorrespondingPrice for Mankind's RansomHeb . 2 :14-17 "Therefore, sincethe 'young children' are sharersof blood and flesh, he also similarlypartook of the same things,. For he is really not assistingangels at all, but he is assistingAbraham's seed . Consequently hewas obliged to become like his'brothers' in all respects, . . . in orderto offer propitiatory sacrificefor the sins of the people ."Ex . 21 :23, 24 "Thou shalt givelife for life, eye for eye, tooth fortooth, hand for hand, foot forfoot ."See also "Ransom" .InterfaithInterfaithIf Jesus Had Combined Divinitywith Humanity He Could NotHave DiedRom . 5 :6 "For, indeed, Christ,while we were yet weak, died forungodly men at the appointedtime ."1 Pet. 3:18 "Why even Christdied once for all time concerningsins, a righteous person for unrighteousones, that he mightlead you to God, he being put todeath in the flesh, but beingmade alive in the spirit."1 Cor . 15 :3, 4 "Christ died forour sins according to the Scriptures,and that he was buried,yes, that he has been raised upthe third day according to theScriptures."Appearance of Prophets at Transfigurationof Jesus Was a Vision,Not an IncarnationMatt . 17 :1-3, 9 "Jesus took Peterand James and John hisbrother along and brought themup into a lofty mountain bythemselves . And he was transfiguredbefore them, and his faceshone as the sun, and his garmentsbecame brilliant as thelight. And, look! there appearedto them Moses and Elijah, conversingwith him . And as theywere descending from the mountain,Jesus commanded them,saying, 'Tell the vision to noone .' "See also "Jesus Christ", "Trinity,""Born Again ."DEFINITIONBelief in the "Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man",that all men are God's children and therefore have a common bondand union in Him however differently they may conceive Him . Thedoctrine that any belief in God is acceptable to Him if practicedsincerely ; and, therefore, <strong>org</strong>anizations having differing creeds can

Interfaith 182unite in order to accomplish a common purpose . A false, misleadingconception .ORIGINEffort was made to integrate false worship early in man's apostasy .Nimrod tried to unite men in a common cause as opposed to Noah'scommission from God to establish seventy patriarchal family unitsas a token fulfillment of the procreation mandate .Jehovah God Would Not SanctionInterfaith by Accepting BothCain's and Abel's WorshipGen . 4 :3-7 "And in process oftime it came to pass, that Cainbrought of the fruit of the groundan offering unto Jehovah . AndAbel, he also brought of thefirstlings of his flock and of thefat thereof . And Jehovah hadrespect unto Abel and to his offering: but unto Cain and to hisoffering he had not respect . AndCain was very wroth, and hiscountenance fell. And Jehovahsaid unto Cain, Why art thouwroth? and why is thy countenancefallen? If thou doest well,shall it not be lifted up? and ifthou doest not well, sin touchethat the door ; and unto thee shallbe its desire ; but do thou ruleover it ."Heb . 9:22 "Yes, nearly all thingsare cleansed with blood accordingto the Law, and unless blood ispoured out no f<strong>org</strong>iveness takesplace ."Cain Showed Religious Intoleranceby Murdering AbelGen . 4 :8 "And Cain told Abelhis brother. And it came to pass,when they were in the field, thatCain rose up against Abel hisbrother, and slew him ."1 John 3 :11, 12 "For this is themessage which you have heardfrom the beginning, that weshould have love for one another ;not like Cain, who originatedwith the wicked one and slaughteredhis brother. And for thesake of what did he slaughterhim? Because his own works werewicked, but those of his brotherwere righteous ."Jehovah God's Opposition to InterfaithDemonstrated in DeliveringTrue Worshipers fromDemon-worshiping EgyptEx . 8 :25, 26 "And Pharaohcalled for Moses and for Aaron,and said, Go ye, sacrifice toyour God in the land . And Mosessaid, It is not meet so to do ; forwe shall sacrifice the abominationof the Egyptians to Jehovahour God : lo, shall we sacrifice theabomination of the Egyptians beforetheir eyes, and will they notstone us?"Against the Nile godEx. 7:16-18 "And thou shalt sayunto him, Jehovah, the God ofthe Hebrews, hath sent me untothee, saying, Let my people go,that they may serve me in thewilderness : and, behold, hithertothou hast not hearkened . Thussaith Jehovah, In this thou shaltknow that I am Jehovah : behold,I will smite with the rod that isin my hand upon the waterswhich are in the river, and theyshall be turned to blood . And thefish that are in the river shalldie, and the river shall becomefoul ; and the Egyptians shallloathe to drink water from theriver ."Against Imhotep, god ofmedicineEx . 9 :1-3 "Then Jehovah saidunto Moses, Go in unto Pharaoh,and tell him, Thus saith Jehovah,the God of the Hebrews, Let mypeople go, that they may serveme . For if thou refuse to let themgo, and wilt hold them still, behold,the hand of Jehovah is uponthy cattle which are in the field,

1 83upon the horses, upon the asses,upon the camels, upon the herds,and upon the flocks : there shallbe a very grievous murrain ."Against Reshpu and Qetesh,gods of storm and battleEx . 9 :22, 23 °' And Jehovah saidunto Moses, Stretch forth thy1- and toward heaven, that theremay be hail in all the land ofEgypt, upon man, and upon beast,and upon every herb of the field,throughout the land of Egypt . AndMoses stretched forth his rod towardheaven : and Jehovah sentthunder and hail, and fire randown unto the earth ; and JehovahEgyptrained. "hail upon the land ofAgainst Thoth, god of the moonEx . 10:21-23 "And Jehovah said, .into Moses, Stretch out thyhand toward heaven, that theremay be darkness over the landof Egypt, even darkness whichmay be felt . And Moses stretchedforth his hand toward heaven ;and there was a thick darknessin all the land of Egypt threedays ; they saw not one another,neither rose any one from hispace for three days : but all thechildren of Israel had light intheir dwellings."See also "Animal Worship" .Brotherhood or Compromise withFalse Worshipers in PromisedLand Was Forbidden God's OwnChosen People IsraelDeut. 7 :1-6, 16, 25, 26 "WhenJehovah thy God shall bring theeinto the land whither thou goestto possess it, and shall cast outmany nations before thee . . . . thusshall ye deal with them : ye shallbreak down their altars, and dashin pieces their pillars, and hewdown their Asherim, and burntheir graven images with fire . Forthou art a holy people unto Jehovahthy God : Jehovah thy Godhath chosen thee to be a peoplefor his own possession, above allpeoples that are upon the face ofInterfaiththe earth . And thou shalt consumeall the peoples that Jehovahthy God shall deliver unto thee :thine eye shall not pity them :neither shalt thou serve theirgods ; for that will be a snareunto thee . The graven images oftheir gods shall ye burn withfire : thou shalt not covet thesilver or the gold that is on them,nor take it unto thee, lest thoube snared therein ; for it is anabomination to Jehovah thy God .And thou shalt not bring anabomination into thy house, andbecome a devoted thing like untoit : thou shalt utterly detest it,and thou shalt utterly abhor it ;for it is a devoted thing ."Interfaith Led to DisasterAmong IsraelitesJudg. 2 :1-3 "I made you to goup out of Egypt, and have broughtyou unto the land which I swareunto your fathers ; and I said, Iwill never break my covenant withyou : and ye shall make no covenantwith the inhabitants of thisland ; ye shall break down theiraltars . But ye have not hearkenedunto my voice : why have ye donethis? Wherefore I also said, Iwill not drive them out from beforeyou ; but they shall be asthorns in your sides, and theirgods shall be a snare unto you ."Israel's Wisest Human KingBrought Religious Peace toOwn Household Through Interfaith,but Failed in Peacewith God1 Ki . 11 :1-11 "Now king Solomonloved many foreign women,. . .And he had seven hundredwives, princesses, and three hundredconcubines ; and his wivesturned away his heart. For itcame to pass, when Solomon wasold, that his wives turned awayhis heart after other gods ; andhis heart was not perfect withJehovah his God, as was theheart of David his father. ForSolomon went after Ashtoreth thegoddess of the Sidonians, and af-

Interfaithter Milcom the abomination ofthe Ammonites . And Solomon didthat which was evil in the sightof Jehovah, and went not fullyafter Jehovah, as did David hisfather . Then did Solomon build ahigh place for Chemosh theabomination of Moab, in themount that is before Jerusalem,and for Molech the abominationof the children of Ammon . Andso did he for all his foreignwives, who burnt incense and sacrificedunto their gods . And Jehovahwas angry with Solomon,because his heart was turnedaway from Jehovah, the God ofIsrael, who had appeared untohim twice, and had commandedhim concerning this thing, thathe would not go after other gods :but he kept not that which Jehovahcommanded . Wherefore Jehovahsaid unto Solomon, Forasmuchas this is done of thee, andthou hast not kept my covenantand my statutes, which I havecommanded thee, I will surelyrend the kingdom from thee, andwill give it to thy servant ."As a "Jealous God" He ExactsExclusive DevotionDeut . 6 :5 "And thou shalt loveJehovah thy God with all thyheart, and with all thy soul, andwith all thy might ."Ps. 119 :113 "I hate them thatare of a double mind ; but thylaw do I love ."Ex . 20 :5 "Thou shalt not bowdown thyself unto them, norserve them ; for I Jehovah thyGod am a jealous God ."Indifferent Compromise Is"Fence-straddling"Rev. 3 :15, 16 "I know yourdeeds, that you are neither coldnor hot . I wish you were cold orelse hot . So, because you are lukewarmand neither hot nor cold,I am going to vomit you out ofmy mouth."184Uniting for a Common PurposeBrought No Real Unity to ReligiousSects of JewsActs 23 :6-10 "Now when Paultook note that the one part wasof Sadducees but the other ofPharisees, he proceeded to cryout in the Sanhedrin : 'Brothers,I am a Pharisee, a son of Pharisees.Over the hope of resurrectionof the dead I am beingjudged .' Because he said this adissension arose between thePharisees and Sadducees, andthe multitude was split. For Sadduceessay there is neither resurrectionnor angel nor spirit, butthe Pharisees publicly declarethem all. So there broke out aloud screaming, and some of thescribes of the party of the Phariseesrose and began contendingfiercely, saying : 'We find nothingwrong in this man ; but if aspirit or an angel spoke to him,- .'Now when the dissension grewgreat, the military commander becameafraid that Paul would bepulled to pieces by them, and commandedthe force of soldiers togo down and snatch him fromtheir midst and bring him intothe soldiers' quarters ."Jesus' Permitting Separate Worksin His Name Before PentecostNot Advocating Separate ReligiousOrganizationsMark 9:38-40 "John said tohim : 'Teacher, we saw a certainman expelling demons by the useof your name and we tried to preventhim, because he was not accompanyingus.' But Jesus said :'Do not try to prevent him, forthere is no one that will do apowerful work on the basis of myname that will quickly be ableto revile me ; for he that is notagainst us is for us.'"Not all believers in Jesus workedalong with apostlesMark 5:18-20 "Now as he wasboarding the boat the man thathad been demon-possessed beganentreating him for permission to

1 85continue with him . However, hedid not let him, but said to him :`Go home to your relatives, andreport to them all the thingsJehovah has done for you andthe mercy he had on you .' Andhe went away and started to proclaimin the Decapolis all thethings Jesus did for him, and allthe people began to wonder ."Jesus not at that time buildingcongregations; commissioned followersonly to preach, going intosynagogues and private homesLuke 4 :15, 16 "Also he began toteach in their synagogues, beingheld in honor by all . However,he came to Nazareth, where hehad been reared, and accordingto his custom on the sabbath dayhe entered into the synagogue,and he stood up to read aloud ."Matt. 10 :1, 5-7, 12-14 "So hesummoned his twelve disciplesand gave them authority over uncleanspirits, in order to expelthese and to cure every kind ofdisease and every kind of ailment. These twelve Jesus sentforth, giving them these orders :'Do not go off into the road ofthe nations, and do not enterinto a Samaritan city ; but, instead,go continually to the lostsheep of the house of Israel . Asyou go, preach, saying, "The kingdomof the heavens has drawnnear." When you are enteringinto the house, greet the household; and if the house is deserving,let the peace you wishit come upon it ; but if it is notdeserving, let the peace from youreturn upon you. Wherever anyonedoes not take you in or listento your words, on going out ofthat house or that city shake thedust off your feet .' "Luke 10 :1, 2, 16 "After thesethings the Master designated seventyothers and sent them forthby twos in advance of him intoevery city and place to whichhe himself was going to come .Then he began to say to them :`The harvest, indeed, is great,Interfaithbut the workers are few. Thereforebeg the Master of the harvestto send out workers into hisharvest . He that listens to youlistens to me too . And he thatdisregards you disregards me too .Moreover, he that disregards medisregards also him that sent meforth .' "Jesus Did Not Accept and Overlook"Differences" as Petty, butThoroughly Condemned TemMatt . 23 :1-3, 23, 24, 33 "ThenJesus spoke to the crowds andto his disciples, saying : `Thescribes and the Pharisees haveseated themselves in the seat ofMoses. Therefore all the thingsthey tell you, do and observe, butdo not do according to theirdeeds, for they say but do notperform . Woe to you, scribes andPharisees, hypocrites! because yougive the tenth of the mint andthe dill and the cummin, but youhave disregarded the weightiermatters of the Law, namely,judgment and mercy and faithfulness.These things it was bindingto do, yet not to disregardthe other things. Blind guides,who strain out the gnat but gulpdown the camel! Serpents, offspringof vipers, how are you toflee from the judgment of Gehenna?'"Jesus Would Not Recognize ReligiousLeaders as "Brothers"John 8 :42-44 "Jesus said tothem : 'If God were your Father,you would love me, for from GodI came forth and am here . Neitherhave I come of my owninitiative at all, but that Onesent me forth. Why is it youdo not know what I am speaking?Because you cannot listen to myword . You are from your fatherthe Devil and you wish to do thedesires of your father.'"Heb . 12 :4-11 "It is for disciplineyou are enduring . God is dealingwith you as with sons . For whatson is he that a father does notdiscipline? But if you are with-

Interfaithout the discipline of which allhave become partakers, you arereally illegitimate children, andnot sons . Furthermore, we used tohave fathers who were of ourflesh to discipline us and we usedto give them respect. Shall wenot much more subject ourselvesto the Father of our spirituallife and live?"Early Christians Resisted Effortsof "Interfaith" by Emperor2 Cor . 6 :14-18 "Do not becomeunevenly yoked with unbelievers .For what partnership do righteousnessand lawlessness have?Or what fellowship does lighthave with darkness? Further,what harmony is there betweenChrist and Belial? Or what portiondoes a faithful person havewith an unbeliever? And whatagreement does God's templehave with idols? For we are thetemple of the living God ; justas God said : `I shall reside amongthem and walk among them, andI shall be their God, and theywill be my people .' `Therefore getout from among them, and separateyourselves,' says Jehovah,`and quit touching the uncleanthing,' `and I will take you in .''And I shall be a father to you,and you will be sons and daughtersto me,' says Jehovah theAlmighty .""Many Roads, One Destiny" aFalse Religious PrincipleProved disastrous to those nottrue Christians, white sincereconverts took right courseActs 19 :13-20 "But certain onesof the traveling Jews who practicedthe casting out of demonsalso undertook to name the nameof the Lord Jesus over those havingthe wicked spirits, saying : `Isolemnly charge you by Jesuswhom Paul preaches .' Now therewere seven sons of a certainSceva, a Jewish chief priest, doingthis . But in answer the wickedspirit said to them : 'I know Jesusand I am acquainted with Paul ;186but who are you?' With that theman in whom the wicked spiritwas leaped upon them, got themastery of the two of them, andprevailed against them, so thatthey fled naked and woundedout of that house . This becameknown to all, both the Jews andthe Greeks that dwelt in Ephesus,and a fear fell upon themall, and the name of the LordJesus went on being magnified .And many of those who had becomebelievers would come andconfess and report their practicesopenly . Indeed, quite a number ofthose who practiced magical artsbrought their books together andburned them up before everybody.And they calculated togetherthe prices of them andfound them worth fifty thousandpieces of silver. Thus in a mightyway the word of Jehovah keptgrowing and prevailing ."Merely taking name of God notsufficient for approvalMatt. 7 :20-23 "Really, then, bytheir fruits you will recognizethose men . Not everyone sayingto me, `Master, Master,' will enterinto the kingdom of the heavens,but the one doing the will ofmy Father who is in the heavenswill . Many will say to me in thatday, `Master, Master, did we notprophesy in your name, and expeldemons in your name, andperform many powerful works inyour name?' And yet then I willconfess to them : I never knewyou at all . Get away from me,you workers of lawlessness ."Matt . 25 :40, 45 "And in replythe king will say to them : `TrulyI say to you, to the extent thatyou did it to one of the leastof these my brothers, you did itto me .' Then he will answer themwith the words : `Truly I say toyou, To the extent that you didnot do it to one of these leastones, you did not do it to me .'"Matt . 12 :30 "He that is not onmy side is against me, and he

1 87that does not gather with mescatters."Christ opposed to mingling offaiths; was building a new systemthat was no part of religioussystem of JewsLuke 5 :33-39 "They said tohim : `The disciples of John fastfrequently and offer supplications,and so do those of the Pharisees,but yours eat and drink .' Jesussaid to them : `You cannot makethe friends of the bridegroom fastwhile the bridegroom is withthem, can you? Yet days willcome when the bridegroom willindeed be taken away from them ;then they will fast in those days .'Further he went on to give anillustration to them : 'No one cutsa patch from a new outer garmentand sews it onto an oldouter garment ; but if he does,then both the new patch tearsaway and the patch from the newgarment does not match the old .Moreover, no one puts new wineinto old wineskins ; but if he does,then the new wine will burst thewineskins, and it will be spilledout and the wineskins will beruined . But new wine must beput into new wineskins . No onethat has drunk old wine wantsnew ; for he says, "The old isnice." ' "Matt . 15 :14 "Let them be . Blindguides is what they are . If, then,a blind man guides a blind man,both will fall into a pit ."Matt . 16 :6-12 "Jesus said tothem : `Be on the alert and watchout for the yeast of the Phariseesand Sadducees .' So they began toreason among themselves, saying: 'We did not take any loavesalong.' Knowing this, Jesus said :`Why are you doing this reasoningamong yourselves, because youhave no loaves, you with littlefaith? . . . How is it you do notdiscern that I did not talk toyou about loaves? But watch outfor the yeast of the Pharisees andSadducees .' Then they graspedthat he said to watch out, not forInterfaiththe yeast of the loaves, but forthe teaching of the Pharisees andSadducees ."Gal . 5 :9, 10 "A little yeast fermentsthe whole lump . I am confidentabout you who are in unionwith the Lord that you will notcome to think otherwise ; but theone who is disturbing you willbear his judgment, no matter whohe may be ."Paul showed unity of thinkingamong Christians was essential1 Cor . 1 :10-13 "Now I exhortyou, brothers, through the nameof our Lord Jesus Christ thatyou should all speak in agreement,and that there should notbe divisions among you, but thatyou may be fitly united in thesame mind and in the same lineof thought . For the disclosure wasmade to me about you, my brothers,by those of the house ofChloe, that dissensions existamong you . What I mean is this,that each one of you says : `Ibelong to Paul,' `But I to Apollos,'`But I to Cephas,' `But I toChrist .' Does the Christ exist divided?Paul was not impaled foryou, was he? Or were you baptizedin the name of Paul?"Only two roads to follow-aright and a wrongMatt. 7 :13, 14 "Go in throughthe narrow gate ; because broadand spacious is the road leadingoff into destruction, and manyare the ones going in through it ;whereas narrow is the gate andcramped the road leading off intolife, and few are the ones findingit . ,,Luke 13 :24 "Exert yourselvesvigorously to get in through thenarrow door, because many, Itell you, will seek to get in butwill not be strong enough ."Prov . 16 :25 "There is a waywhich seemeth right unto a man,but the end thereof are the waysof death,"

JehovahDEFINITIONGreatest Personality in the universe, distinguished by that exclusivename . The Great Theocrat, the Unfailing Purposer, the True andLiving God, Creator and Supreme Sovereign of the universe . Nota triune god, which false doctrine would deny his almighty supremacy.A translation of God's name in Hebrew, 7m7i,His NameEx. 6 :3 "And I appeared untoAbraham, unto Isaac . and untoJacob, as God Almighty ; but bymy name Jehovah I was notknown to them ."Ps. 83 :18 "That they may knowthat thou alone, whose name isJehovah, art the Most High overall the earth ."Isa. 42 :8 "I am Jehovah, thatis my name ; and my glory will Inot give to another, neither mypraise unto graven images ."Principal AttributesLove1 John 4 :8 "God is love ."WisdomJob 12 :13 "With God is wisdomand might ."Rom . 11 :33 "Oh the depth ofGod's riches and wisdom andknowledge ! "JusticePs. 97 :2 "Righteousness andjustice are the foundation of histhrone."Ps. 93 :2 "Thy throne is establishedof old : thou art from everlasting."1 Tim . 1 :17 "Now to the Kingof eternity, incorruptible, invisible,the only God, be honor andglory for ever and ever ."Jer . 10 :10 "But Jehovah is thetrue God ; he is the living God,and an everlasting King ."Job 36 :26 "Behold, God is great,and we know him not ; the numberof his years is unsearchable ."Is One PersonJohn 8 :17, 18 "The witness oftwo men is true . I am one thatbears witness about myself andthe Father who sent me bearswitness about me ."Heb. 10 :38 "But my righteousone will live by reason of faith . . . .if he shrinks back, my soul hasno pleasure in him ."Deut . 6 :4 "Hear, 0 Israel : Jehovahour God is one Jehovah ."Has an Incorruptible Body, withQualities of Sight, Hearing, etc .Isa. 45 :9 "Shall the clay sayto him that fashioneth it, WhatPowermakest thou? or thy work, HePs. 62 :11 "Power belongeth unto hath no hands?"God ."Ps. 94 :9 "He that planted theJob 37 :23 "The Almighty . . . . ear, shall he not hear? He thathe is excellent in power ."formed the eye, shall he notsee?"The Happy God1 Cor . 15 :44 "If there is a physicalbody, there is also a spiritual1 Tim . 1 :11 "According to theglorious good news of the happy one ."God."2 Chron. 16 :9 "The eyes of Jehovahrun to and fro throughoutWithout Beginning or End ofExistencethe whole earth, to show himselfstrong in the behalf of themPs . 90:2 "From everlasting to whose heart is perfect towardeverlasting, thou art God ." him ."188

1 891 Tim . 1 :17 "Now to the Kingof eternity, incorruptible, invisible,the only God, be honor andglory for ever and ever . Amen."Supreme Sovereign of theUniverseActs 4 :24 "Sovereign Lord, youare the One who made the heavenand the earth and the seaand all the things in them ."1 Pet . 5 :11 "To him be themight forever . Amen ."1 Cor. 15 :28 "When all thingswill have been subjected to him,then the Son himself will alsosubject himself to the one whosubjected all things to him, thatGod may be all things to everyone."Isa . 33 :22 "Jehovah is our judge,Jehovah is our lawgiver, Jehovahis our king ; he will save us ."Impossible to Be Seen withHuman Eyes1 John 4 :12 "At no time hasanyone beheld God ."Ex . 33 :20 "He said, Thou canstnot see my face ; for man shallnot see me and live ."1 John 3 :2, 3 "Beloved ones,now we are children of God, butas yet it has not been made manifestwhat we shall be . We doknow that whenever he is mademanifest we shall be like him,because we shall see him just ashe is ."1 Tim . 1 :17 "Now to the Kingof eternity, incorruptible, invisible,. . . be honor ."Has Made Manifestations of HisExistence by Means of Angelsor VisionsIsa . 6 :5 "Then said I, Woe isme! for I am undone ; becauseI am a man of unclean lips, andI dwell in the midst of a peopleof unclean lips : for mine eyeshave seen the King, Jehovah ofhosts ."Ex . 33 :11, 22, 23 "Jehovah spakeunto Moses face to face, as aman speaketh unto his friend .And it shall come to pass, whilemy glory passeth by, that I willJehovahput thee in a cleft of the rock,and will cover thee with my handuntil I have passed by : and I willtake away my hand, and thoushalt see my back ; but my faceshall not be seen ."Ex . 24 :10, 11 "They saw theGod of Israel ; and there wasunder his feet as it were a pavedwork of sapphire stone, and asit were the very heaven for clearness. And upon the nobles of thechildren of Israel he laid not hishand : and they beheld God, anddid eat and drink ."Isa . 63 :9 "In all their afflictionhe was afflicted, and the angel ofhis presence saved them : in hislove and in his pity he redeemedthem ."Gal. 3:19 "Why, then, the Law?It was added to make transgressionsmanifest, until the seedshould arrive to whom the promisehad been made, and it wastransmitted through angels by thehand of a mediator ."Heb . 2 :2 "The word spokenthrough angels became certain ofexecution, and every transgressionand disobedient act received aretribution in harmony with justice."Dan . 7 :7, 9, 13 "I saw in thenight-visions, . and one thatwas ancient of days did sit : hisraiment was white as snow, andthe hair of his head like purewool ; his throne was fiery flames,and the wheels thereof burningfire . I saw in the night-visions,and, behold, there came with theclouds of heaven one like untoa son of man, and he came evento the ancient of days ."Rev . 4 :2, 3 "A throne was inits position in heaven, and thereis one seated upon the throne .And the one seated is, in appearance,like a jasper stone."Impossible to Make Likeness orComparison to HimIsa. 40 :18, 25 "To whom thenwill ye liken God? or what likenesswill ye compare unto him?To whom then will ye liken me,

Jehovahthat I should be equal to him?saith the Holy One."Deut . 4 :15, 16 "Take ye thereforegood heed unto yourselves ;for ye saw no manner of formon the day that Jehovah spakeunto you in Horeb out of themidst of the fire ; lest you corruptyourselves, and make you agraven image in the form of anyfigure ."Num . 4 :5, 6 "When the campsetteth forward, Aaron shall goin, and his sons, and they shalltake down the veil of the screen,and cover the ark of the testimonywith it, and shall putthereon a covering of sealskin,and shall spread over it a clothall of blue ."Knows Everything About HisCreationHeb . 4:13 "There is not a creationthat is not manifest to hissight, but all things are nakedand openly exposed to the eyesof him with whom we have anaccounting ."Rom . 14 :12 "Each of us willrender an account for himself toGod."God of the Free and the OnlyLiberator2 Cor . 3 :17 "Now Jehovah isthe spirit ; and where the spiritof Jehovah is, there is freedom ."John 8 :31-38 "Jesus went on tosay to the Jews that had believedhim : 'If you remain in myword, you are really my disciples,and you will know the truth, andthe truth will set you free . . . .Therefore if the Son sets youfree, you will be actually free . . . .What things I have seen withnay Father I speak .'"Rom. 8 :21 "The creation itselfTiso will be set free from enslavementto corruption and have theglorious freedom of the childrenof God,"Jas. 1 :25 "He who peers intothe perfect law that belongs tofreedom and who persists in it,this man . . . will be happy."190Isa . 58 :6 "Is not this the fastthat I have chosen : to loose thebonds of wickedness, to undo thebands of the yoke, and to let theoppressed go free, and that yebreak every yoke?"Isa. 61 :1-3 "The spirit of theLord Jehovah is upon me ; becauseJehovah hath anointed me. he hath sent me . . . to proclaimliberty to the captives, andthe opening of the prison to themthat are bound ."Also : Luke 4 :18 .Isa . 49:9, AV "Say to the prisoners,Go forth ."Isa. 42 :7 "To open the blindeyes, to bring out the prisonersfrom the dungeon, and them thatsit in darkness out of the prisonhouse."Obedience the Governing Principleof His OrganizationRom . 13 :1 "Let every soul be insubjection to the superior authorities,for there is no authority exceptby God ; the existing authoritiesstand placed in their relativepositions by God ."Acts 3 :23 "Indeed, any soulthat does not listen to thatProphet will be completely destroyedfrom among the people ."1 Sam . 15 :22, 23 "Hath Jehovahas great delight in burntofferingsand sacrifices, as in obeyingthe voice of Jehovah? Behold, toobey is better than sacrifice, andto hearken than the fat of rams .For rebellion is as the sin ofwitchcraft, and stubbornness isas idolatry and teraphim ."Acts 5 :29 "Peter and the otherapostles said : 'We must obey Godas ruler rather than men .' "2 Thess . 1 :8 "He [Jesus] bringsdue punishment upon those whodo not know God and those whodo not obey the good news aboutour Lord Jesus ."1 Pet. 4 :17, 18 "What will thecomplete end be of those who arenot obedient . . . if the righteousman is being saved with difficulty,where will the ungodly man andthe sinner make a showing?"

191Does Not Gain from HisCreaturesActs 17 :24, 25 "The God thatmade the world and all thethings in it . . . does not dwell inhandmade temples, neither is heattended to by human hands asif he needed anything, becausehe himself gives to all personslife and breath and all things ."Job 41 :11 "Who hath first givenunto me, that I should repayhim? Whatsoever is under thewhole heaven is mine ."Isa . 40 :15-17 "Behold, the nationsare as a drop of a bucket,and are accounted as the smalldust of the balance : . . . And Lebanonis not sufficient to burn, northe beasts thereof sufficient fora burnt-offering . All the nationsare as nothing before him ; theyare accounted by him as less thannothing, and vanity ."Rom . 11 :35 "Who has first givento him, so that it must berepaid to him?"Life Comes by Knowing,Praising HimJohn 17 :3 "This means everlastinglife, their taking in knowledgeof you, the only true God,and of the one whom you sentforth, Jesus Christ ."Rom . 6 :23 "The wages sin paysis death, but the gift God givesis everlasting life by Christ Jesusour Lord."John 6 :57, 63 "I live because ofthe Father . . . . The sayings that Ihave spoken to you are spirit andare life ."Phil . 2 :10, 11 "So that in thename of Jesus every knee shouldbend of those in heaven and thoseon earth and those under theground, and every tongue shouldopenly confess that Jesus Christis Lord to the glory of God theFather ."Also : Psalm 148 .Always Reasonable, Cannot LieIsa . 1 :18 "Come now, and letus reason together, saith Jehovah."JehovahJas . 3 :17 "The wisdom fromabove is first of all chaste, thenpeaceable, reasonable, ready toobey, full of mercy and goodfruits, not making partial distinctions,not hypocritical ."Heb . 6 :18 "It is impossible forGod to lie ."Titus 1 :2 "God, who cannotlie."Not Omnipresent, but Power ExtendsEverywhereMatt . 23 :9, 22 "One is yourFather, the heavenly one . Andhe that swears by heaven isswearing by the throne of Godand by him that is sitting on it ."1 Ki. 8:30 "When they shallpray toward this place : yea, hearthou in heaven thy dwellingplace."Job 22 :12 "Is not God in theheight of heaven?"Ps. 102 :19 "He hath lookeddown from the height of hissanctuary ; from heaven did Jehovahbehold the earth ."Ps . 11 :4 "Jehovah is in his holytemple ; Jehovah, his throne isin heaven."Ps . 14 :2 "Jehovah looked downfrom heaven upon the childrenof men ."Amos 9 :2 "Though they dig intoSheol, thence shall my handtake them ; and though theyclimb up to heaven, thence willI bring them down ."Isa . 43:13 "Yea, since the daywas I am he ; and there is nonethat can deliver out of my hand :I will work, and who can hinderit?"Isa . 50 :2, 3 "Is my handshortened at all, that it cannotredeem? or have I no power todeliver? . . . I clothe the heavenswith blackness, and I make sackcloththeir covering ."Isa . 59 :1 "Behold, Jehovah'shand is not shortened, that itcannot save ; neither his earheavy, that it cannot hear ."

JehovahCan Never Be Fully Searched OutRom . 11 :33, 34 "Oh the depthof God's riches and wisdom andknowledge! How unsearchable hisjudgments are and past tracingout his ways are! For 'who hascome to know Jehovah's mind, orwho has become his counselor?' "Isa . 40 :28 "There is no searchingof his understanding ."Job 36 :26 "Behold, God is great,and we know him not ."Job 37 :23 "Touching the Almighty,we cannot find him out ."Christ His IntimateMatt . 11 :27 "All things havebeen delivered to me by my Father,and no one fully knows theSon but the Father, neither doesanyone fully know the Father butthe Son and anyone to whom theSon is willing to reveal him ."Cannot Be Blocked in HisPurposesMatt. 19 :26 "With God allthings are possible ."Isa . 46 :11 "I have spoken, Iwill also bring it to pass ; I havepurposed, I will also do it ."Isa . 55 :11 "So shall my word bethat goeth forth out of mymouth : it shall not return untome void, but it shall accomplishthat which I please, and it shallprosper in the thing whereto Isent it."Job 41 :10 "Who then is he thatcan stand before me?"Does Not Tempt Anyone to Sinor Create WickednessJas . 1 :13, 14 "When under trial,let no one say : 'I am being triedby God.' No ; for with evil thingsGod cannot be tried nor does hehimself try anyone . But eachone is tried by being drawn outand enticed by his own desire ."Deut. 32 :4, 5 "All his ways arejustice : a God of faithfulnessand without iniquity, just andright is he ."Hab . 1 :13 "Thou that art ofpurer eyes than to behold evil,192and that canst not look on perverseness."Ezek . 28 :12-15 "Thou sealestup the sum, full of wisdom, andperfect in beauty. Thou wast inEden, the garden of God . . . . Thouwast the anointed cherub thatcovereth : and I set thee, so thatthou wast upon the holy mountainof God . . . . Thou wast perfectin thy ways from the day thatthou wast created, till unrighteousnesswas found in thee ."His Vindication the MostImportant ThingRom . 3 :4 "As it is written :'That you [God] might be vindicatedin your words and mightwin when you are being judged .'"See: Ps . 51 :4 .Matt . 6 :9 "Our Father in theheavens, let your name be sanctified."Rom . 9 :17 "For the Scripturesays to Pharaoh : 'For this verypurpose I have let you remain,that in connection with you Imay demonstrate my power andthat my name may be publishedthroughout all the earth .'"Also : Ex . 9 :16 .Prov. 27 :11 "My son, be wise,and make my heart glad, thatI may answer him that reproachethme ."Job 32 :2 "Then was kindled thewrath of Elihu . . . against Job . . .because he justified himself ratherthan God ."Isa. 63 :12-14 "That caused hisglorious arm to go at the righthand of Moses? . . . to make himselfan everlasting name? . . . sodidst thou lead thy people, tomake thyself a glorious name ."Ps. 111 :9 "Holy and reverend ishis name ."Now Rules as King ThroughChristRev . 19 :6 "Praise Jah, you people,because Jehovah our God,the Almighty, has begun to ruleas king ."Rev . 11 :15 "Loud voices occurredin heaven saying : 'The

193 Jehovah's Witnesseskingdom of the world has become as king for ever and ever .'"the kingdom of our Lord and See: Matthew 24 and Revelaofhis Christ, and he will rule tion 6 .Jehovah's WitnessesDEFINITIONServants of Jehovah, the Almighty God, and active witnesses tohis sovereign supremacy . Since the time of Christ Jesus they areChristian ministers, doing the will of God by following the courseexemplified by Christ their Leader . The name Jehovah meaning "ThePurposer", his witnesses declare him as the only true God, who isnow working out his purpose of vindicating his name and sovereigntyand blessing all faithful mankind through his kingdom . Not a sector cult that follows or adulates human leaders or rites and ceremonies .Jesus Christ the Chief Witnessof JehovahRev . 1 :5 "Jesus Christ, 'theFaithful Witness,' `The firstbornfrom the dead,' and `The Rulerof the kings of the earth' ."Rev. 3 :14 "These are the thingsthe Amen says, the faithful andtrue witness, the beginning of thecreation by God ."John 18 :37 "Jesus answered :. . For this purpose I have beenborn and for this purpose I havecome into the world, that Ishould bear witness to the truth .Everyone that is on the side ofthe truth listens to my voice.' "John 17 :6, 26 "I have madeyour name manifest to the menyou gave me out of the world . . . .And I have made your nameknown to them and will make itknown."John 14 :9 "He that has seen mehas seen the Father also ."The name "Jesus" means "Jehovahis salvation" .Abel the First of an UnbrokenLine of Jehovah's Witnesses onEarthHeb . 11 :1-40 ; 12 :1 "By faithAbel offered God a sacrifice ofg_ eater worth than Cain, throughwhich faith he had witness borneto him that he was righteous,God bearing witness respectinghis gifts . . . . the time will fail meif I go on to relate about Gideon,Barak, Samson, Jephthah, Davidas well as Samuel and the otherprophets. . . . we have so great acloud of witnesses surroundingus . ,,God Has Raised Up Witnesseswith a Special Warning DuringEach Judgment PeriodJer. 44 :4 "I sent unto you allmy servants the prophets, risingup early and sending them ."Amos 3 :7 "Surely the Lord Jehovahwill do nothing, except hereveal his secret unto his servantsthe prophets ."Preflood worldHeb . 11 :7 "By faith Noah, afterbeing given divine warning ofthings not yet beheld, showedgodly fear and constructed anark for the saving of his household,and through this faith hecondemned the world, and hebecame an heir of the righteousnesswhich is according to faith ."1 Pet. 3:20 "The patience ofGod was waiting in Noah's days,while the ark was being constructed,in which a few people,that is, eight souls, were carriedsafely through the water ."2 Pet. 2 :5 "He did not holdback from punishing an ancient

Jehovah's Witnessesworld, but kept Noah, a preacherof righteousness, safe with sevenothers when he brought a delugeupon a world of ungodly people."See : Genesis, chapters 6, 7 .EgyptEx . 3 :15 "And God said moreoverunto Moses, Thus shalt thousay unto the children of Israel,Jehovah, the God of your fathers,the God of Abraham, the God ofIsaac, and the God of Jacob, hathsent me unto you : this is myname for ever, and this is mymemorial unto all generations ."Kingdom of JudahJer . 1 :4-10 "To whomsoever Ishall send thee thou shalt go,and whatsoever I shall commandthee thou shalt speak . . . . Behold,I have put my words in thymouth : see, I have this day setthee over the nations and overthe kingdoms, to pluck up and tobreak down and to destroy andto overthrow, to build and toplant ."Ezek. 3 :17 "Son of man, I havemade thee a watchman unto thehouse of Israel : therefore hearthe word at my mouth, and givethem warning from me ."Jewish systems of thingsJohn 12 :31 "Now there is ajudging of this world ; now theruler of this world will be castout ."Present system of thingsMatt. 24 :14 "And this goodnews of the kingdom will bepreached in all the inhabitedearth for the purpose of a witnessto all the nations, and thenthe accomplished end will come ."Matt . 25 :31-33 "When the Sonof man arrives in his glory andall the angels with him, then hewill sit down on his gloriousthrone . And all the nations willbe gathered before him, and hewill separate people one fromanother, just as a shepherd separatesthe sheep from the goats .And he will put the sheep on his194right hand, but the goats on hisleft ."Scriptural Names Such as "Christian","Church of Christ,""Church of God" and OthersApplying to Christian CongregationAre Proper NowActs 11 :26 "It was first in Antiochthat the disciples were bydivine providence called 'Christians'."1 Pet. 4 :16 "But if he suffersas a Christian, let him not feelshame, but let him keep on glorifyingGod in this name ."Acts 26 :28, 29 "But Agrippasaid to Paul : 'In a short timeyou would persuade me to becomea Christian .' At this Paulsaid : 'I could wish to God thatwhether in a short time or in along time not only you but alsoall those who hear me todaywould become men such as I alsoam, with the exception of thesebonds .' "Acts 20 :28 "Shepherd the congregationof God, which he purchasedwith the blood of his own[Son] ."1 Tim . 3 :15 "God's household,which is the congregation of theliving God."Matt. 16 :17, 18 "In responseJesus said to him : ' . . . on thisrock-mass I will build my congregation.'"Ancient Faithful Israel Wasan Entire Nation ofJehovah's WitnessesEx . 6 :7 "I will take you to mefor a people, and I will be to youa God ; and ye shall know that Iam Jehovah your God, who bringethyou out from under the burdensof the Egyptians ."Ex . 19 :5, 6 "If ye will obey myvoice indeed, and keep my covenant,then ye shall be mine ownpossession from among all peoples: for all the earth is mine :and ye shall be unto me a kingdomof priests, and a holy nation."

1952 Sam . 7 :23 "And what onenation in the earth is like thypeople, even like Israel, whomGod went to redeem unto himselffor a people, and to make him aname, and to do great things foryou, and terrible things for thyland, before thy people, whomthou redeemedst to thee out ofEgypt, from the nations and theirgods?"Christian Congregation UnderChrist Is the Present-Day"Nation" of Jehovah'sWitnessesRev. 14 :1-3 "And I saw, andlook! the Lamb standing upon themount ion, and with him a hundredand forty-four thousandhaving his name and the nameof his Father written on theirforeheads . . . . And they are singingas if a new song . . . and noone was able to master thatsong but the hundred and fortyfourthousand, who have beenpurchased from the earth ."1 Pet. 2 :9 "On the other hand,you are 'a chosen race, a royalpriesthood, a holy nation, a peoplefor special possession, thatyou should declare abroad theexcellencies' of the one thatcalled you out of darkness intohis wonderful light ."Ps . 33 :12 "Blessed is the nationwhose God is Jehovah."Acts 15 :14 "Symeon has relatedthoroughly how God for the firsttime turned his attention to thenations to take out of them apeople for his name."Matt . 21 :43 "The kingdom ofGod will be taken from you andbe given to a nation producingits fruits ."Eph. 3 :14, 15 "I bend my kneesto the Father, to whom everyfamily in heaven and on earthowes its name ."Jehovah, Not Man, Is theFounder of His Witnessesand Giver of NameIsa . 43 :9-12 "Let all the nationsbe gathered together, and let theJehovah's Witnessespeoples be assembled : who amongthem can declare this, and showus former things? let them bringtheir witnesses, that they maybe justified ; or let them hear,and say, It is truth . Ye are mywitnesses, saith Jehovah, and myservant whom I have chosen ; thatye may know and believe me, andunderstand that I am he : beforeme there was no God formed, neithershall there be after me . I,even I, am Jehovah ; and besidesme there is no saviour . I havedeclared, and I have saved, andI have showed ; and there was nostrange god among you : thereforeye are my witnesses, saith Jehovah,and I am God ."Isa. 44 :8 "Fear ye not, neitherbe afraid : have I not declaredunto thee of old, and showed it?and ye are my witnesses . Is therea God besides me? yea, there isno Rock ; I know not any ."1 Cor . 3 :7 "So that neither ishe that plants anything nor ishe that waters, but God whomakes it grow ."Christ, Not Any Man, Is theLeader and Ever-living Head ofJehovah's WitnessesMatt . 23 :10 "Neither be called'leaders', for your Leader is one,the Christ ."Isa . 55 :4 "Behold, I have givenhim for a witness to the peoples,a leader and commander to thepeoples."Acts 3:23 "Indeed, any soulthat does not listen to thatProphet will be completely destroyedfrom among the people ."Eph. 5 :23 "Christ also is headof the congregation, he being asavior of this body ."Col . 1 :18 "He is the head ofthe body, the congregation ."Not a Sect or Cult, as MenCall ThemActs 24 :14 "According to theway which they call a 'sect', inthis manner I am rendering sacredservice to the God of myforefathers."

Jehovah's WitnessesJohn 4:24 "God is a Spirit,and those worshiping him mustworship with spirit and truth."Not a Part of This WorldJohn 17 :16, 17 "They are nopart of the world just as I amno part of the world. Sanctifythem by means of the truth ;your word is truth ."Jas . 4 :4 "Adulteresses, do younot know that the friendship withthe world is enmity with God?Whoever, therefore, wants to be afriend of the world is constitutinghimself an enemy of God ."Not Seeking to Establish aPolitical Government2 Pet . 3 :13, 14 "But there arenew heavens and a new earththat we are awaiting accordingto his promise, and in these righteousnessis to dwell . Hence, belovedones, since you are awaitingthese things, do your utmost to befound finally by him spotless andunblemished and in peace ."1 Pet . 4 :15 "However, let noneof you suffer as a murderer or athief or an evildoer or as a busybodyin other people's matters ."I Tim . 2 :1, 2 "I therefore exhortfirst of all that supplications,prayers, intercessions, offerings ofthanks, be made concerning allkinds of men, concerning kingsand all those who are in high station,in order that we may go onleading a calm and quiet life withfull godly devotion and seriousness."Only 144,000 Followers of ChristWill Go to HeavenLuke 12 :32 "Have no fear, littleflock, because your Father hasapproved of giving you the kingdom."Rev . 14 :1-3 "I saw, and look!the Lamb standing upon themount ion, and with him a hundredand forty-four thousand . . .And I heard a sound out of heaven. . . and the sound that I heardwas as of singers . . . . And they aresinging as if a new song beforethe throne . . . and no one was196able to master that song but thehundred and forty-four thousandwho have been purchased fromthe earth ."Other Witnesses Have Hopes ofEverlasting Life on EarthJohn 10 :16 "I have other sheep,which are not of this fold ; thosealso I must bring, and they willlisten to my voice, and they willbecome one flock, one shepherd ."Matt. 25 :31-46 "The king willsay to them [the sheep] : `TrulyI say to you, To the extent thatyou did it to one of the leastof these my brothers, you did itto me.' . . . the righteous ones [willdepart] into everlasting life."Members of "Other Sheep" ClassAre Also Properly Termed Jehovah'sWitnesses Because ofTheir Work, in Harmony withthe Heavenly ClassRev . 7 :4, 9-15 "I heard thenumber of those who were sealed,a hundred and forty-four thousand. . . . After these things I saw,and, look! a great crowd, whichno man was able to number, outof all nations and tribes and peoplesand tongues, standing beforethe throne and before the Lamb,. . .And they keep on crying witha loud voice, saying : `Salvationwe owe to our God, who is seatedon the throne, and to the Lamb .'. . .`they are rendering him sacredservice day and night .'"Rev. 22 :17 "And the spirit andthe bride keep on saying, `Come!'And let anyone hearing say,`Come!' And let anyone thirstingcome ; let anyone that wishestake life's water free ."Isa . 56 :6-8 "Also the foreignersthat join themselves to Jehovah,to minister unto him, andto love the name of Jehovah,to be his servants, everyone that keepeth the sabbathfrom profaning it, and holdethfast my covenant ; even them willI bring to my holy mountain, andmake them joyful in my house ofprayer : their burnt-offerings and

197their sacrifices shall be acceptedupon mine altar ; for my houseshall be called a house of prayerfor all peoples . The Lord Jehovah,who gathereth the outcastsof Israel, saith, Yet will I gatherothers to him, besides his ownthat are gathered."Heb . 12 :1 "So, then, because wehave so great a cloud of witnessessurrounding us, let us also put offevery weight ."Active Service, Not Ritual, ComprisesTheir Worship ; TheyMust PreachLuke 3 :8, 9 "Produce fruits thatbefit repentance. . every tree,therefore, not producing fine fruitis to be cut down and throwninto the fire ."Luke 19 :40 "I tell you, If theseremained silent, the stones wouldcry out ."Isa . 6 :9, 11 "And he said, Go,and tell this people, . . . Untilcities be waste without inhabitant,and houses without man, and theland become utterly waste ."Ezek . 3 :10, 11 "Moreover hesaid unto me, Son of man, allmy words that I shall speak untothee receive in thy heart, andhear with thine ears . And go,get thee to them of the captivity,unto the children of thy people,and speak unto them, and tellthem, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah; whether they will hear, orwhether they will forbear ."Matt. 28 :19, 20 "Go thereforeand make disciples of people ofall the nations, . . . teaching themto observe all the things I havecommanded you ."Ezek . 33 :8, 9 "When I say untothe wicked, 0 wicked men, thoushalt surely die, and thou dostnot speak to warn the wickedfrom his way ; that wicked manshall die in his iniquity, but hisblood will I require at thy hand .Nevertheless, if thou warn thewicked of his way to turn fromit, and he turn not from his way ;he shall die in his iniquity, butthou hast delivered thy soul ."Jehovah's WitnessesEach Witness Is a Minister ; OneNot Preaching Is Not One ofJehovah's WitnessesActs 2 :46, 47 "Day after daythey were in constant attendanceat the temple with one accord,. . . praising God and finding acceptancewith all the people ."Acts 5 :42 "And every day in thetemple and from house to housethey continued without letupteaching and declaring the goodnews about the Christ, Jesus ."1 Pet . 2 :21 "In fact, to thiscourse you were called, becauseeven Christ suffered for you, leavingyou a model for you to followhis steps closely."Each Anointed Witness Is anAmbassador of God's Kingdom2 Cor . 5 :20 "We are thereforeambassadors substituting forChrist, as though God were makingentreaty through us . As substitutesfor Christ we beg : 'Becomereconciled to God .' "Eph. 6 :19, 20 "The good news,for which I am acting as an ambassadorin chains, that I mayspeak in connection with it withboldness as I ought to speak ."National, Racial, Social, LingualStatus No Divisive BarriersRev . 7 :9 "I saw, and, look! agreat crowd, which no man wasable to number, out of all nationsand tribes and peoples andtongues, standing before thethrone and before the Lamb ."Gal . 3 :28 "There is neither Jewnor Greek, there is neither slavenor freeman, there is neither malenor female ; for you are all one inunion with Christ Jesus ."Love for God and Preaching theKingdom Message theUnifying TieMark 12 :30, 31 "'You must loveJehovah your God with yourwhole heart and with your wholesoul and with your whole mindand with your whole strength.'. . .'You must love your neighboras yourself .' "

Jehovah's WitnessesMatt . 6:33 "Keep on, then,seeking first the kingdom and hisrighteousness, and all these otherthings will be added to you ."Luke 18 :29, 30 "Truly I say toyou, There is no one who hasleft house or wife or brothers orparents or children for the sakeof the kingdom of God that isnot certain to get many timesmore in this period of time andin the coming system of thingseverlasting life."John 13 :35 "By this all willknow that you are my disciples,if you have love among yourselves."Their Preaching Results in Salvationto Themselves and Others1 Tim. 4 :16 "Pay constant attentionto yourself and to yourteaching . Stay by these things,for by doing this you will saveboth yourself and those who listento you ."Prov . 14 :25 "A true witness deliverethsouls ."Dan . 12 :3 "And they that arewise shall shine as the brightnessof the firmament ; and theythat turn many to righteousnessas the stars for ever and ever."Many More to Join with Jehovah'sWitnesses in KingdomProclamationeph . 2 :2, 3 "Before the decreebring forth, before the daypass as the chaff, before thefierce anger of Jehovah come uponyou . . . . Seek ye Jehovah, allye meek of the earth, that havekept his ordinances ; seek righteousness,seek meekness : it maybe ye will be hid in the day ofJehovah's anger."Isa . 60 :8, 22 "Who are thesethat fly as a cloud, and as thedoves to their windows? The littleone shall become a thousand, andthe small one a strong nation :I. Jehovah, will hasten it in itstime ."ech. 2:4 "Jerusalem shall beinhabited as villages withoutwalls, by reason of the multitudeof men and cattle therein ."198Isa. 2 :2-4 "And it shall cometo pass in the latter days, thatthe mountain of Jehovah's houseshall be established on the top ofthe mountains, and shall be exaltedabove the hills ; and all nationsshall flow unto it . Andmany peoples shall go and say,Come ye, and let us go up to themountain of Jehovah, to thehouse of the God of Jacob ; andhe will teach us of his ways,and we will walk in his paths : forout of ion shall go forth thelaw, and the word of Jehovahfrom Jerusalem . And he willjudge between the nations, andwill decide concerning many peoples; and they shall beat theirswords into plowshares, and theirspears into pruning-hooks ; nationshall not lift up sword againstnation, neither shall they learnwar any more ."ech . 8 :20-23 "Thus saith Jehovahof hosts : It shall yet cometo pass, that there shall comepeoples, and the inhabitants ofmany cities ; and the inhabitantsof one city shall go to another,saying, Let us go speedily to entreatthe favor of Jehovah, andto seek Jehovah of hosts : I willgo also. Yea, many peoples andstrong nations shall come to seekJehovah of hosts in Jerusalem,and to entreat the favor of Jehovah.Thus saith Jehovah ofhosts : In those days it shallcome to pass, that ten men shalltake hold, out of all the languagesof the nations, they shall takehold of the skirt of him that isa Jew, saying, We will go withyou, for we have heard that Godis with you."John 10 :16 "I have other sheep,which are not of this fold ; thosealso I must bring, and they willlisten to my voice, and they willbecome one flock, one shepherd."Acts 2 :47 "At the same timeJehovah continued to join tothem daily those being saved."Also : Matthew 25, illustrationof sheep and goats.

19 9Jehovah's Witnesses Will DefeatPersecution and Be Delivered intothe New World ofRighteousnessRom . 8 :31, 35-39 "If God is forus, who will be against us? . . .Who will separate us from thelove of the Christ? Will tribulationor distress or persecution orhunger or nakedness or dangeror sword? . . . To the contrary, inall these things we are coiningoff completely victorious throughhim that loved us . For I am convincedthat neither death norlife nor angels nor governmentsnor things here nor things tocome nor powers nor height nordepth nor any other creation willbe able to separate us from God'slove that is in Christ Jesus ourLord."2 Tim . 4 :18 "The Lord will deliverme from every wicked workand will save me for his heavenlykingdom."Isa . 54 :17 "No weapon that isformed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shallrise against thee in judgmentthou shalt condemn . This is theheritage of the servants of Jehovah,and their righteousnesswhich is of me, saith Jehovah ."Prov . 18:10 "The name of Jehovahis a strong tower ; therighteous runneth into it, and issafe."Prov. 29:25 "The fear of manbringeth a snare ; but whoso puttethhis trust in Jehovah shall besafe ."Isa. 26 :20 "Come, my people,enter thou into thy chambers,and shut thy doors about thee :hide thyself for a little moment,until the indignation be overpast."ORGANI ATION OFJEHOVAH'S WITNESSESJehovah and Christ Their SuperiorAuthorities and Lawmakers,JudgesRom . 13 :1 "Let every soul bein subjection to the superiorauthorities, for there is no author-Jehovah's Witnessesity except by God ; the existingauthorities stand placed in theirrelative positions by God ."Isa. 33 :22 "For Jehovah is ourjudge, Jehovah is our lawgiver .Jehovah is our king : he will saveus ."Jude 25 "To the only God ourSavior through Jesus Christ ourLord, be glory, majesty, might andauthority for all past eternityand now and into all eternity .Amen ."Rom . 9 :5 "God who is over allbe blest forever."1 Tim . 1 :17 "Now to the Kingof eternity, incorruptible, invisible,the only God, be honor andglory for ever and ever. Amen ."1 Tim. 6:14-16 "Our Lord JesusChrist . . . . the King of those whorule as kings and Lord of thosewho rule as lords, the one alonehaving immortality."1 Pet. 2 :17 "Be in fear of God,have honor for the king ."Rev . 19 :16 "And upon his outergarment, even upon his thigh, he[Christ] has a name written,King of kings and Lord of lords ."John 5 :22 "For the Fatherjudges no one at all, but he hascommitted all the judging to theSon ."Their Constitution Is the BiblePs . 119 :105 "Thy word is alamp unto my feet, and lightunto my path ."John 8 :31, 32 "If you remainin my word, you are really mydisciples, and you will know thetruth, and the truth will set youfree ."Isa. 8 :20 "To the law and tothe testimony! if they speak notaccording to this word, surelythere is no morning for them."John 17 :17 "Sanctify them bymeans of the truth ; your wordis truth ."Theocratic Organization NowRestored as in Days of theApostlesActs 3 :20, 21 "That he maysend forth the Christ appointed

Jehovah's Witnessesfor you, Jesus, whom heaven, indeed,must contain within itselfuntil the times of restoration ofall things of which God spokethrough the mouth of his holyprophets ."Matt . 24:31 "And he will sendforth his angels with a greattrumpet-sound and they willgather his chosen ones togetherfrom the four winds, from oneextremity of the heavens to theirother extremity ."Isa . 60 :17 "For brass I willbring gold, and for iron I willbring silver, and for wood brass,and for stones iron . I will alsomake thy officers peace, and thineexactors righteousness ."Isa . 32 :1 "Behold, a king shallreign in righteousness, and princesshall rule in justice."Eph . 4 :11-13 "He gave some asapostles, . . . prophets, . missionaries. . . . for the building upof the body of the Christ, untilwe all attain to the oneness inthe faith . . . to a full-grownman."Anointed Remnant of Christ'sBody Compose "Faithful andDiscreet Slave"Matt . 24 :45-47 "Who really isthe faithful and discreet slavewhom his master appointed overhis domestics to give them theirfood at the proper time? Happyis that slave if his master on arrivingfinds him doing so . TrulyI say to you that he will appointhim over all his belongings ."Acts 2 :17 "'And in the lastdays,' God says, 'I shall poursome of my spirit out upon everykind of flesh, and your sons andyour daughters will prophesy andyour young men will see visionsand your old men will dreamdreams .'"1 Thess . 4 :16, 17 "Those whoare dead in union with Christwill rise first. Afterward we theliving who are surviving will to-200gether with them be caught awayin clouds to meet the Lord in theair ; and thus we shall always bewith the Lord ."Receive Counsel on OrganizationThrough Representative Membersof "Slave" Class, a "VisibleGoverning Body"-ItsAuthority and DutiesActs 2 :42 "And they continueddevoting themselves to the teachingof the apostles ."Acts 16 :4, 5 "Now as they traveledon through the cities theywould deliver to those there forobservance the decrees that hadbeen decided upon by the apostlesand older men who were in Jerusalem. Therefore, indeed, the congregationscontinued to be madefirm in the faith and to increasein number from day to day ."2 Cor. 11 :28 "Besides thosethings of an external kind, thereis what rushes in on me fromday to day, the anxiety for allthe congregations ."Heb . 13 :17 "Be obedient tothose who are governing you andbe submissive, for they are keepingwatch over your souls asthose who will render an account,that they may do this with joyand not with sighing, for thiswould be damaging to you ."1 Tim . 6 :17 "Give orders tothose who are rich in the presentsystem of things not to be arrogant,and to rest their hope, noton uncertain riches, but on God,who furnishes us all things richlyfor our enjoyment ."Taking the lead in actualpreaching workActs 6 :2, 4 "So the twelve calledthe multitude of the disciples tothem and said : 'It is not pleasingfor us to abandon the word ofGod to distribute food to tables .. but we shall devote ourselvesto prayer and to the ministry ofthe word.'"

201Acts 8 :25 "Therefore, when they[Peter and John] had given thewitness thoroughly and had spokenthe word of Jehovah theyturned back to Jerusalem, andthey went declaring the goodnews to many villages of the Samaritans."Acts 10 :42 "Also he ordered usto preach to the people and togive a thorough witness that thisis the One decreed by God tobe judge of the living and thedead ."Acts 20 :20 "While I did nothold back from telling you any ofthe things that were profitablenor from teaching you publiclyand from house to house ."1 Cor . 9 :16 "If, now, I am declaringthe good news, it is noreason for me to boast, for necessityis laid upon me . Really,woe is me if I did not declarethe good news!"Making decisions, issuing counselon doctrinal mattersActs 15:6-31 "And the apostlesand the older men gathered togetherto see about this affair .. . . 'For the holy spirit and weourselves have favored adding nofurther burden to you, exceptthese necessary things, to keepyourselves free from things sacrificedto idols and from bloodand from things killed withoutdraining their blood and fromfornication . If you carefully keepyourselves from these things, youwill prosper . Good health toyou!' "1 Corinthians, chapter 7, andother written admonition by theapostles and their associates .Reproving, correcting, settlingdisputes on <strong>org</strong>anizationalmatters, directing conductof <strong>org</strong>anization1 Tim . 5 :19-22 "Do not admitan accusation against an olderman, except only on the evidenceof two or three witnesses . Reprovebefore all onlookers personswho practice sin, that the restJehovah's Witnessesalso may have fear . . . . Never layyour hands hastily upon any man ;neither be a sharer in the sinsof others ; preserve yourself pure ."1 Pet. 2 :13, 15-17 "For theLord's sake subject yourselves toevery human creation : whetherto a king as being superior orto governors as being sent byhim to inflict punishment on evildoersbut to praise doers of good.For so the will of God is, thatby doing good you may muzzle theignorant talk of the unreasonablemen . Be as free people, and yetholding your freedom, not as ablind for moral badness, but asslaves of God . Honor men of allkinds, have love for the wholeassociation of brothers, be in fearof God, have honor for the king ."Jas. 2 :1-4 "My brothers, youare not holding the faith of ourLord Jesus Christ, our glory, withacts of favoritism, are you? For,if a man with gold rings on hisfingers and in splendid clothingenters into your assembly, but apoor man in filthy clothing alsoenters, yet you look with favorupon the one wearing the splendidclothing and say : 'You takethis seat here in an honorableplace,' and you say to the poorone : 'You keep standing,' or 'Takethat seat there beside my footstool,'you have class distinctionsamong yourselves and you havebecome judges rendering corruptdecisions, is that not so?"Gal . 2 :11-14 "However, whenCephas came to Antioch, I resistedhim face to face, becausehe stood condemned . For beforethe arrival of certain men fromJames he used to eat with peopleof the nations ; but when theyarrived, he went to withdrawingand separating himself, in fearof those of the circumcised class.The rest of the Jews also joinedhim in putting on this pretense,so that even Barnabas was ledalong with them in their pretense .But when I saw they were notwalking straight according to thetruth of the good news, I said

Jehovah's Witnessesto Cephas before them all : 'Ifyou, though you are a Jew, liveas the nations do, and not asJews do, how is it that you arecompelling people of the nationsto live according to Jewish practice?'"Heb . 13 :7, 24 "Remember thosewho are governing you, who havespoken the word of God to you,and as you contemplate how theirconduct turns out imitate theirfaith . Give my greetings to allthose who are governing you andto all the holy ones . Those inItaly send you their greetings ."Making appointments to specialservice positions in congregationsActs 6 :1-6 "So the twelve calledthe multitude of the disciples tothem and said : ` . brothers,search out for yourselves sevencertified men from among you,full of spirit and wisdom, that wemay appoint them over this necessarybusiness ; . . .'And the thingspoken was pleasing to the wholemultitude, and they selectedStephen . . . . and Philip . . . andthey placed them before theapostles, and after having prayedthese laid their hands uponthem ."Acts 14:23 "They [Paul andBarnabas] appointed older mento office for them in the congregation."Acts 15 :22, 23 "Then the apostlesand the older men togetherwith the whole congregation favoredsending chosen men fromamong them to Antioch ."Dividing territory, making territoryand missionaryassignmentsGal . 2 :7-10 "When they sawthat I had entrusted to me thegood news for those who are uncircumcised,just as Peter had itfor those who are circumcised- . James and Cephas andJohn, the ones who seemed to bepillars, gave me and Barnabasthe right hand of joint participation,that we should go to the202nations, but they to those whoare circumcised ."Acts 8 :14 "When the apostlesin Jerusalem heard that Samariahad accepted the word of God,they dispatched Peter and Johnto them ."Directing defense of the goodnews before courts andlegal bodiesActs 4:19, 20 "But in reply Peterand John said to them [theSanhedrin] : `Whether it is righteousin the sight of God to listento you rather than to God, makeyour decision. But as for us, wecannot stop speaking about thethings we have seen and heard .'"Acts 5 :29-32 "In answer [to theSanhedrin] Peter and the otherapostles said : 'We must obeyGod as ruler rather than men .' "Acts 25 :7-14 "But Paul said indefense : . . . `I am standing beforethe judgment seat of Caesar,where I ought to be judged . . . . Iappeal to Caesar!"'Acts 26 :32 "Agrippa said toFestus : `This man could havebeen released if he had not appealedto Caesar.'"Acts 28 :19 "But when the Jewskept speaking against it, I wascompelled to appeal to Caesar,but not as though I had anythingof which to accuse mynation ."Acts 16:35-39 "When it becameday, the civil magistrates dispatchedthe constables to say :`Release those men.' . . . But Paulsaid to them [the constables] :`They flogged us publicly uncondemned,men who are Romans,and threw us into prison ; andare they now throwing us outsecretly? No, indeed! but let themcome themselves and bring usout .' "Phil. 1 :7, 12-14 "All of youbeing sharers with me in the undeservedkindness both in myprison bonds and in the defendingand legally establishing ofthe good news . Now I desire youto know, brothers, that my af-

20 3fairs have turned out for theadvancement of the good newsrather than otherwise, . . andmost of the brothers in the Lord,feeling confidence by reason ofmy prison bonds, are more thanoutdoing themselves in courage tospeak the word of God fearlessly ."Directing relief work to benefitthe needy among the entireChristian congregationActs 11:29, 30 "So those of thedisciples determined, each ofthem according as anyone couldafford it, to send a relief ministrationto the brothers dwellingin Judea ; and this they did, dispatchingit to the older men bythe hand of Barnabas and Saul ."1 Cor. 16 :1-4 "Concerning thecollection which is for the holyones, just as I gave orders to thecongregations of Galatia, do thatway also yourselves . Every firstday of the week let each of youat his own house set somethingaside in store as he may be prospering,so that when I arrive collectionswill not take place then .But when I get there, whatevermen you approve of by letters,these I shall send to carry yourkind gift to Jerusalem ."2 Cor . 9 :5-7 "I thought it necessaryto encourage the brothersto come to you in advance andto get ready in advance yourbountiful gift previously promised,that thus this might be readyas a bountiful gift and not assomething extorted . . . . Let eachone do just as he has resolvedin his heart, not grudgingly orunder compulsion, for God lovesa cheerful giver ."Supervising cleanness of the<strong>org</strong>anization1 Cor . 5 :1-5 "I for one, althoughabsent in body but present inspirit, have certainly judged already,as if I were present, theman who has worked in such away as this, . when you aregathered together . . . . hand sucha man over to Satan for the de-Jehovah's Witnessesstruction of the flesh, in orderthat the spirit may be saved inthe day of the Lord ."2 Cor. 2 :5-11 "This rebuke givenby the majority is sufficientfor such a man, so that, on thecontrary now, you should kindlyf<strong>org</strong>ive and comfort him, thatsomehow such a man may not beswallowed up by his being overlysad."3 John 9, 10 "I wrote somethingto the congregation, but Diotrephes,who likes to have the firstplace among them, does not receiveanything from us with respect. That is why, if I come,I will call to remembrance hisworks which he goes on doing,chattering about us with wickedwords ."1 Tim . 1 :20 "Hymenaeus andAlexander belong to these, and Ihave handed them over to Satanthat they may be taught by disciplinenot to blaspheme ."Rom . 16 :17 "Now I exhort you,brothers, to keep your eye onthose who create divisions andcauses for stumbling contrary tothe teaching which you havelearned, and avoid them ."2 Thess. 3 :6-15 "Now we aregiving you orders, brothers, in thename of the Lord Jesus Christ,to withdraw from every brotherwalking disorderly and not accordingto the tradition you receivedfrom us . . . . But if anyoneis not obedient to our wordthrough this letter, keep this onemarked, stop associating with him,that he may become ashamed .And yet do not be consideringhim as an enemy, but continueadmonishing him as a brother ."2 John 10, 11 "If anyone comesto you and does not bring thisteaching, never receive him intoyour homes or say farewell tohim . For he that says farewell tohim is a sharer in his wickedworks ."Jude, entire letter.

Jehovah's WitnessesSome powers, such as makingservice appointments, territoryassignments, disfellowshipingdisobedient, may be delegatedto special servantsTitus 1:5 "For this reason I leftyou in Crete, that you might correctthe things that were defectiveand might make appointmentsof older men in city aftercity, as I gave you orders ."1 Cor. 5 :13 "Remove the wickedman from among yourselves."1 Tim . 3 :8-10 "Ministerial servantsshould . . . be tested as to fitnessfirst, then let them serve asministers ."1 Tim . 5 :19-22 "Do not admitan accusation against an olderman, except only on the evidenceof two or three witnesses . Reprovebefore all onlookers persons whopractice sin, that the rest alsomay have fear . . . . Never lay yourhands hastily upon any man ; neitherbe a sharer in the sins ofothers ; preserve yourself pure ."Members of the Other SheepMay Hold Service Positions UnderGoverning BodyIsa . 61 :5 "And strangers shallstand and feed your flocks, andforeigners shall be your plowmenand your vinedressers ."Ex. 18 :13-26 "Moses' father-inlaw[not a Jew] said unto him,The thing that thou doest is notgood . Thou wilt surely wear away,both thou, and this people thatis with thee : for the thing is tooheavy for thee ; thou art notable to perform it thyself alone .Hearken now unto my voice, Iwill give thee counsel, and Godbe with thee : . . . thou shalt provideout of all the people ablemen . . . . and place such over them,to be rulers of thousands, rulersof hundreds, rulers of fifties, andrulers of tens : . . . So Moses hearkenedto the voice of his fatherin-law,and did all that he hadsaid ."Num . 10 :29-31 "Moses said untoHobab, the son of Reuel theMidianite, Moses' father-in-law,204We are journeying unto the placeof which Jehovah said, I willgive it you : come thou with us,and we will do thee good . . . .Leave us not, I pray thee ; forasmuchas thou knowest how weare to encamp in the wilderness,and thou shalt be to us insteadof eyes ."Each Congregation Has MatureMinisters as OverseersPhil . 1 :1 "Paul and Timothy,slaves of Christ Jesus, to all theholy ones in union with ChristJesus who are in Philippi, alongwith overseers and ministerialservants."Acts 20 :17, 28 "However, fromMiletus he sent to Ephesus andcalled for the older men of thecongregation . ` . . . Pay attentionto yourselves and to all the flock,among which the holy spirit hasappointed you overseers, to shepherdthe congregation of God,which he purchased with theblood of his own [Son] .'"1 Pet. 5 :1-11 "To the oldermen among you I give this exhortation. . . . Shepherd the flockof God in your care, not undercompulsion, but willingly, neitherfor love of dishonest gain, buteagerly, neither as lording it overthose who are God's inheritance,but becoming examples to theflock ."Traveling Ministers, "CircuitServants," Aid CongregationsRom . 15 :19 "From Jerusalemand in a circuit as far as IllyricumI have thoroughly preachedthe good news about the Christ ."3 John 10, 13 "That is why,if I come, I will call to remembrancehis works which he goeson doing, chattering about uswith wicked words . Also, notbeing content with these things,neither does he himself receivethe brothers with respect, andthose who are wanting to receivethem he tries to hinder and tothrow out of the congregation .I had many things to write you,

20 5yet I do not wish to go on writingyou with ink and pen ."1 Sam. 7 :16 "And he [Samuel]went from year to year in circuitto Beth-el, and Gilgal, andMizpah ; and he judged Israel inall those places."Gal . 2 :8 "For He who gavePeter powers necessary for anapostleship to those who are circumcisedgave powers also to mefor those who are of the nations ."Each Congregation Meets Regularlyfor Study in Homesor HallsHeb . 10:25 "Not forsaking thegathering of ourselves together,as some have the custom, butencouraging one another, andall the more so as you behold theday drawing near ."Matt. 18 :20 "For where there aretwo or three met together in myname, there I am in their midst ."Acts 28 :30, 31 "So he remainedfor an entire two years in his ownhired house, and he would kindlyreceive all those who came into him, preaching the kingdom ofGod to them ."Rom . 16 :5 "And greet the congregationthat is in their house."Acts 20 :8 "So there were quitea few lamps in the upper chamberwhere we were gathered together."Service Meetings to ConsiderPreaching MethodsLuke 10 :1-16 "Then he beganto say to them : ` . . . Do not carrya purse, nor a food-pouch, norsandals, and do not embrace anybodyin greeting along the road .Wherever you enter into a housesay first : "May this house havepeace." And if a friend of peaceis there, your peace will rest uponhim . But if no such one isthere, it will turn back to you .So stay in that house, eating anddrinking the things they provide,for the worker is worthy of hiswages . Do not be transferringfrom house to house . Also, whereveryou enter into a city andthey receive you, eat the thingsJehovah's Witnessesset before you, and cure the sickones in it, and go on tellingthem : "The kingdom of God hascome near to you ." But whereveryou enter into a city and they donot receive you, go out into itsbroad ways and say : "Even thedust that got stuck to our feetfrom your city we wipe off againsty ou ." , "Acts 4 :23-31 "After being releasedthey went to their ownpeople and reported what thingsthe chief priests and the oldermen of influence had said tothem . Upon hearing this theywith one accord raised theirvoices to God . . . . And when theyhad made supplication, the placein which they were assembledwas shaken, and they were oneand all filled with the holy spiritand were speaking the word ofGod with boldness ."Acts 6 :1-7 "So the twelve calledthe multitude of the disciples tothem . . . . And the thing spokenwas pleasing to the whole multitude,and they selected Stephen ."Acts 11 :1-18 "So when Petercame up to Jerusalem, those insistingon circumcision began tocontend with him If, therefore,God gave the same free giftto them as he also did to uswho have believed upon the LordJesus Christ, who was I that Ishould be able to hinder God?'Now when they heard thesethings, they acquiesced, and theyglorified God, saying : 'Well, then,God has granted repentance forthe purpose of life to people ofthe nations also .'"Acts 15 :6-32 "And the apostlesand the older men gathered togetherto see about this affair .. At that the entire multitudebecame silent, and they beganto listen to Barnabas and Paulrelate the many signs and wondersthat God did through themamong the nations. . . .'We havecome to a unanimous accord andhave favored choosing men tosend to you together with our belovedBarnabas and Paul .'"

Jehovah's WitnessesService meeting programs to containvarious presentations orspeaking features by matureservants for upbuilding ofcongregation1 Cor. 14 :26 "What is to bedone, then, brothers? When youcome together, one has a psalm,another has a teaching, anotherhas a revelation, another has atongue, another has an interpretation. Let all things take placefor upbuilding ."Ministry Schools for Training inPublic Preaching1 Tim . 4:13-15 "While I amcoming, continue applying yourselfto public reading, to exhortation,to teaching. Do not be neglectingthe gift in you . . . . Ponderover these things, be absorbed inthem, that your advancementmay be manifest to all persons ."1 Sam. 19 :20 "They saw thecompany of the prophets prophesying,and Samuel standing ashead over them, the spirit ofGod came upon the messengersof Saul, and they also prophesied."2 Tim . 2 :15, 24, 25 "Do yourutmost to present yourself approvedto God, a workman withnothing to be ashamed of, handlingthe word of the truth aright .. . . But a slave of the Lord doesnot need to fight, but needs to betactful toward all, qualified toteach, keeping himself restrainedunder evil, instructing with mildnessthose not favorably disposed."No Membership Roll Kept2 Tim . 2:19 "Jehovah knowsthose who belong to him ."Heb. 12 :23 "The congregationof the firstborn who have beenenrolled in the heavens ."Record of Work Done by EachMinister Kept so Preaching MayBe Properly Directed andIndividuals Aided1 Cor . 14 :33 "For God is a God,not of disorder, but of peace ."2061 Tim . 1 :18 "This mandate Icommit to you, child, Timothy,in accord with the predictionswhich led directly on to you,that by these you may go onwaging the right warfare ."Ezek . 9 :11 "And, behold, theman clothed in linen, who hadthe inkhorn by his side, reportedthe matter, saying, I have doneas thou hast commanded me ."Acts 2 :41 "Therefore those whoembraced his word heartily werebaptized, and on that day aboutthree thousand souls were added ."Acts 4 :4 "Many of those whohad listened to the speech believed,and the number of themen became about five thousand ."Acts 15 :36 "Now after sanedays Paul said to Barnabas :'Above all things, let us returnand visit the brothers in everyone of the cities in which wepublished the word of Jehovah tosee how they are,'"1 Pet . 5 :2 "Shepherd the flockof God in your care, not undercompulsion, but willingly, neitherfor love of dishonest gain, buteagerly."District, National, InternationalAssemblies Held2 Chron . 30 :1, 10, 11, 13, 23,26, 27 "And Hezekiah sent to allIsrael and Judah, and wrote lettersalso to Ephraim and Manasseh,that they should come tothe house of Jehovah at Jerusalem,to keep the passover untoJehovah, the God of Israel . . . .So the posts passed from cityto city through the country ofEphraim and Manasseh, even untoebulun : but they laughed themto scorn, and mocked them. Neverthelesscertain men of Asherand Manasseh and of ebulunhumbled themselves, and came toJerusalem. And there assembledat Jerusalem much people tokeep the feast of unleavenedbread in the second month, avery great assembly. And thewhole assembly took counsel to

20 7keep other seven days ; and theykept other seven days with gladness. So there was great joy inJerusalem ; for since the timeof Solomon the son of David kingof Israel there was not the likein Jerusalem. Then the prieststhe Levites arose and blessed theFirst-born Son of God, a SpiritRev. 3 :14 "These are the thingsthe Amen says, the faithful andtrue witness, the beginning of thecreation by God ."Col. 1 :15-17 "He is the imageof the invisible God, the firstbornof all creation, because by meansof him all other things werecreated in the heavens and uponthe earth, the things visible andthe things invisible, no matterwhether they are thrones or lordshipsor governments or authorities. All other things have beencreated through him and for him .Also he is before all other thingsand by means of him all otherthings were made to exist ."John 1 :1-3 "Originally the Wordwas, and the Word was withGod, and the Word was a god .This one was originally with God .All things came into existencethrough him, and apart from himnot even one thing came intoexistence."Prov. 8 :22, 27-30 (mar .) "Jehovahformed me as the beginningof his way, the first of hisworks of old. When he establishedJesus ChristJesus Christpeople : and their voice was heard,and their prayer came up to hisholy habitation, even unto heaven."See "Jehovah", "Jesus Christ,""Superior Authorities," . Congregationof God," "Minister of God,""Friendship with the World ."DEFINITIONJesus, the Christ, a created individual, is the second greatest Personageof the universe . Jehovah God and Jesus together constitutethe Superior Authorities (Rom . 13 :1, NW) toward all creation . Hewas formed countless millenniums ago as the first and the only directcreation by his Father, Jehovah, and, because of his proved, faultlessintegrity, was appointed by Jehovah as his Vindicator and the ChiefAgent of life toward mankind . Christ, one of his titles, means "TheMessiah", "The Anointed ." Jesus or Jeshua is the shortened form ofthe Hebrew Jehoshua, meaning "Jehovah is the Savior" .the heavens, I was there : whenhe set a circle upon the face ofthe deep, when he made firm theskies above, when the fountainsof the deep became strong, whenhe gave to the sea its bound,that the waters should not transgresshis commandment, when hemarked out the foundations ofthe earth ; then I was by him, asa master workman ."Also : John 6 :62 ; 8 :23, 58 ;17 :4, 5 .Lesser than JehovahPhil . 2 :5-8 "Christ Jesus, who,although he was existing in God'sform, gave no consideration to aseizure [scorned a thing to beseized, mar.], namely, that heshould be equal to God . No, buthe emptied himself and took aslave's form and came to be inthe likeness of men . More thanthat, when he found himself infashion as a man, he humbledhimself and became obedient asfar as death, yes, death on atorture stake ."1 Cor . 11 :3 "But I want you toknow that the head of every man

Jesus Christis the Christ ; in turn, the headof a woman is the man ; in turn,the head of the Christ is God ."John 14 :28 "I am going my wayto the Father, because the Fatheris greater than I am ."Luke 22 :42 "Let, not my will,but yours take place ."Also "Trinity" .Born as a Human Son of GodOctober, 2 B. CGal. 4:4, 5 "But when the fulllimit of the time arrived, Godsent forth his Son, who was producedout of a woman and whocame to be under law, that hemight release by purchase thoseunder law ."John 1 :14 "So the Word becameflesh and resided among us,and we had a view of his glory,a glory such as belongs to anonly-begotten son from a father,and he was full of undeservedkindness and truth ."Luke 1 :30-35 "The angel saidto her : 'Have no fear, Mary, foryou have found favor with God ;and, look! you will conceive inyour womb and give birth to ason, and you are to call his nameJesus . . . . Holy spirit will come uponyou, and power of the MostHigh will overshadow you. Forthat reason also what is bornwill be called holy, God's Son .'"Luke 2 :10-14 "The angel saidto them : 'Have no fear, for, look!I am declaring to you good newsof a great joy that all the peoplewill have, because there was bornto you today a Savior, who isChrist the Lord, in David's city .''Glory in the heights above toGod, and upon earth peace amongmen of good-will .'"Became the Messiah Seedin Fall, A .D . 29Gen. 22 :15-18 "And the angelof Jehovah called unto Abraham. . . and said, By myself have Isworn, saith Jehovah, becausethou hast done this thing, andhast not withheld thy son, thineonly son, that in blessing I will208bless thee. . . . and thy seed shallpossess the gate of his enemies ;and in thy seed shall all the nationsof the earth be blessed ."Gal. 3 :16 "Now the promiseswere spoken to Abraham and tohis seed. It says, not, 'And toseeds,' as in the case of manysuch, but as in the case of one,'And to your seed,' who is Christ ."Dan . 9 :24-27 "Seventy weeks[of years, AT] are decreed uponthy people. . Know thereforeand discern, that from the goingforth of the commandment to restoreand to build Jerusalem untothe anointed one [Messiah, AV],the prince, shall be seven weeks,and threescore and two weeks ."Luke 3 :21-23 "Jesus also wasbaptized and, as he was praying,the heaven was opened up andthe holy spirit in bodily shapelike a dove came down upon him,and a voice came out of heaven :'You are my Son, the beloved ;I have approved you.' Furthermore,Jesus himself, when hecommenced his work, was aboutthirty years old ."Acts 10 :38 "Jesus who was fromNazareth, how God anointed himwith holy spirit and power, andhe went through the land doinggood and healing all those oppressedby the Devil, because Godwas with him."Also : Gen . 3 :15 ; Deut . 18 :18,19 ; 1 Chron . 17 :11-14 ; Acts 3 :20-23 ; Luke 1 :32, 33 .Died on Stake as Ransomerin Spring, A.D. 33Matt . 20 :28 "Just as the Sonof man came, not to be ministeredto, but to minister and togive his soul [life, AV] a ransomin exchange for many ."John 1 :29 "The next day hebeheld Jesus coming toward him,and he said : 'See, the Lamb ofGod that takes away the sin ofthe world!'"Heb. 2 :9 "We behold Jesus,who was made a little lower thanangels, crowned with glory andhonor for having suffered death,

20 9that he by God's undeservedkindness might taste death forevery man ."Also : Vss . 14-17.Col . 1 :19-23 "God saw good forall fullness to dwell in him andthrough him to reconcile again tohimself all other things by makingpeace through the bloodhe shed on the torture stake,no matter whether they are thethings upon the earth or thethings in the heavens . Indeed,you who were once alienatedand enemies because your mindswere on the works that werewicked, he now has again reconciledby means of that one'sfleshly body through his death,in order to present you holy andunblemished and open to no accusationbefore him, provided, ofcourse, that you continue in thefaith ."Resurrected Immortal onThird DayJohn 10 :17, 18 "I surrender mysoul, in order that I may receiveit again . No man has taken itaway from me, but I surrender itof my own initiative. I haveauthority to let go of it, and Ihave authority to receive it again .The commandment on this I receivedfrom my Father ."1 Pet . 3 :18, 21, 22 "Christ diedonce for all time concerning sins,a righteous person for unrighteousones, that he might lead youto God, he being put to deathin the flesh, but being made alivein the spirit . . . . through the resurrectionof Jesus Christ . He is atGod's right hand, for he went hisway to heaven, and angels andauthorities and powers were madesubject to him ."Rom . 1 :4 "Who with power wasdeclared God's Son according tothe spirit of holiness by meansof resurrection from the dead ."Rom. 6 :4, 9 "Christ was raisedup from the dead through theglory of the Father . . . . For weknow that Christ, now that hehas been raised up from the dead,Jesus Christdies no more ; death is masterover him no more ."Acts 13 :33 "God . . . resurrectedJesus ; even as it is written in thesecond Psalm, 'You are my son,I have become your Father thisday.' "Also : Vss . 34-37 .Rev. 1 :5, 17, 18 "Jesus Christ,'the Faithful Witness,' 'The firstbornfrom the dead,' and 'TheRuler of the kings of the earth .'. . . 'I am the First and the Last,and the living one ; and I becamedead, but, look! I am living forever and ever.' "Alive Forever Over All CreationHeb . 4 :15 "For we have as highpriest, not one who cannot sympathizewith our weaknesses, butone who has been tested in allrespects like ourselves, but withoutsin ."Luke 1 :30, 32, 33 "The angelsaid to her : ' . . . This one will begreat and will be called Son ofthe Most High, and Jehovah Godwill give him the throne of Davidhis Father, and he will be kingover the house of Jacob forever,and there will be no end of hiskingdom .'"John 5 :22, 23 "For the Fatherjudges no one at all, but he hascommitted all the judging to theSon, in order that all may honorthe Son just as they honor theFather ."Rev. 19 :11, 15 "And I saw theheaven opened, and, look! a whitehorse . And one seated upon it iscalled Faithful and True, and hejudges and carries on war inrighteousness . And out of hismouth there protrudes a sharplong sword, that he may smitethe nations with it, and he willshepherd them with a rod ofiron ."Eph. 1 :20-23 "He has operatedin the case of the Christ when heraised him up from the dead andseated him at his right hand inthe heavenly places, far aboveevery government and authorityand power and lordship and every

Jews' Return to Palestinename named, not only in thissystem of things, but also in thatto come . He also subjected allthings under his feet, and madehim head over all things to thecongregation, which is his body,the fullness of him who fills upall things in all ."Phil . 2 :9, 10 "For this veryreason also God exalted him to asuperior position and kindly gavehim the name that is above everyother name, so that in the nameof Jesus every knee should bendof those in heaven and those onearth and those under the ground,and every tongue should openlyconfess that Jesus Christ is Lordto the glory of God the Father ."Isa. 9 :6, 7 "The governmentshall be upon his shoulder : andhis name shall be called Wonderful,Counsellor, Mighty God, EverlastingFather, Prince of Peace .Of the increase of his governmentand of peace there shall beno end ."Christ as King of New WorldJohn 18 :36 "Jesus answered :`My kingdom is no part of thisworld. If my kingdom were partof this world, my attendantswould have fought that I should210not be delivered up to the Jews .But, as it is, my kingdom is notfrom this source .' "1 Tim . 6 :14, 15 " . . . our LordJesus Christ . This manifestationthe happy and only Potentate willshow in its own appointed times,he the King of those who ruleas kings and Lord of those whorule as lords ."Ps. 2 :6, 7, Mo "The Eternal's[Jehovah's, AS] edict let me tell :'I, I have installed my king onSion, on my sacred hill .'"Dan. 7 :13, 14 "I saw in thenight-visions, and, behold, therecame with the clouds of heavenone like unto a son of man, andhe came even to the ancient ofdays, and they brought him nearbefore him . And there was givenhim dominion, and glory, and akingdom, that all the peoples, nations,and languages should servehim : his dominion is an everlastingdominion, which shall notpass away, and his kingdom thatwhich shall not be destroyed ."Rev. 11 :15 "The kingdom ofthe world has become the kingdomof our Lord and of hisChrist, and he will rule as kingfor ever and ever ."Jews' Return to PalestineDEFINITIONThe Bible foretells a restoration of Israel . The false representationof such restoration prophecies is to the effect "that Israel [meaningnatural Jews] will be restored to its own land in unbelief, and beafterward converted by the appearance of Christ on its behalf" .-See the magazine Current Opinion for February, 1918 .The Bible itself shows the restoration prophecies had a literalfulfillment in a miniature way upon natural Israel in the sixthcentury B .C ., which was to serve as an exact pattern of a final fulfillmentof these same prophecies in the last days . The return of thefleshly nation of Israel to God's favor is impossible, since Jesusuttered the irrevocable divorce decree of Jehovah God against thefleshly nation A.D . 33 . Hence prophecies of restoration apply in thelast days in a spiritual sense and refer to the "Israel of God" or thenew nation of both individual Jews and Gentiles born of the spirit

211 Jews' Return to Palestineof God and therefore spiritual Israelites . The restoration of thisnation is part of the composite sign pointing to the beginning ofChrist's reign and the end of Satan's rule .First Desolation of Jerusalem andJudah in Israel Occurred inFulfillment of Prophecy in607 B .C .Ezek . 21 :25-27, 30-32 "And thou,O deadly wounded wicked one,the prince of Israel, whose day iscome, in the time of the iniquityof the end, thus saith the LordJehovah : Remove the mitre, andtake off the crown ; this shall beno more the same ; exalt thatwhich is low, and abase thatwhich is high. I will overturn,overturn, overturn it : this alsoshall be no more, until he comewhose right it is ; and I will giveit him . . . . In the place wherethou wast created, in the land ofthy birth, will I judge thee. AndI will pour out mine indignationupon thee ; I will blow upon theewith the fire of my wrath ; and Iwill deliver thee into the hand ofbrutish men, skilful to destroy .Thou shalt be for fuel to the fire ;thy blood shall be in the midst ofthe land ; thou shalt be no moreremembered : for I, Jehovah, havespoken it ."Jer. 52 :4-14 "Nebuchadrezzarking of Babylon came, he and allhis army, against Jerusalem, andencamped against it ; and theybuilt forts against it round about .. . . Then they took the king, andcarried him up unto the king ofBabylon. . . . And he put out theeyes of edekiah ; and the kingof Babylon bound him in fetters,and carried him to Babylon, andput him in prison till the dayof his death. . . . And he burnedthe house of Jehovah, and theking's house ; and all the housesof Jerusalem, even every greathouse, burned he with fire . Andall the army of the Chaldeans,that were with the captain of theguard, brake down all the wallsof Jerusalem round about ."Restoration Foretold to Come in537 B .C . After 70 Years'DesolationEzek . 34:12-15, 23, 24, 29-31 "Asa shepherd seeketh out his flockin the day that he is among hissheep that are scattered abroad,so will I seek out my sheep ; andI will deliver them out of allplaces whither they have beenscattered in the cloudy and darkday . And I will bring them outfrom the peoples, and gatherthem from the countries, and willbring them into their own land ;and I will feed them upon themountains of Israel, by the watercourses,and in all the inhabitedplaces of the country . I will feedthem with good pasture ; andupon the mountains of the heightof Israel shall their fold be : thereshall they lie down in a goodfold ; and on fat pasture shallthey feed upon the mountains ofIsrael . I myself will be the shepherdof my sheep, and I willcause them to lie down, saith theLord Jehovah . And I will set upone shepherd over them, and heshall feed them, even my servantDavid ; he shall feed them, andhe shall be their shepherd. And I,Jehovah, will be their God, andmy servant David prince amongthem ; I, Jehovah, have spokenit . And I will raise up unto thema plantation for renown, and theyshall be no more consumed withfamine in the land, neither bearthe shame of the nations anymore . And they shall know thatI, Jehovah their God, am withthem, and that they, the houseof Israel, are my people, saiththe Lord Jehovah. And ye mysheep, the sheep of my pasture,are men, and I am your God,saith the Lord Jehovah ."Ezek . 36 :4, 7-10, 22-24, 37, 38"Therefore, ye mountains of Israel,hear the word of the Lord

Jews' Return to PalestineJehovah : thus saith the Lord Jehovahto the mountains and tothe hills, to the watercourses andto the valleys, to the desolatewastes and to the cities that areforsaken, which are become aprey and derision to the residueof the nations that are roundabout . Therefore thus saith theLord Jehovah : I have sworn, saying,Surely the nations that areround about you, they shall beartheir shame. But ye, 0 mountainsof Israel, ye shall shoot forthyour branches, and yield yourfruit to my people Israel ; for theyare at hand to come . For, behold,I am for you, and I willturn unto you, and ye shall betilled and sown ; and I will multiplymen upon you, all the houseof Israel, even all of it ; and thecities shall be inhabited, and thewaste places shall be builded .Therefore say unto the house ofIsrael, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: I do not this for yoursake, 0 house of Israel, but formy holy name, which ye haveprofaned among the nations,whither ye went. And I will sanctifymy great name, which hathbeen profaned among the nations,which ye have profaned in themidst of them ; and the nationsshall know that I am Jehovah,saith the Lord Jehovah, when Ishall be sanctified in you beforetheir eyes . For I will take youfrom among the nations, andgather you out of all the countries,and will bring you into yourown land. Thus saith the LordJehovah : For this, moreover, willI be inquired of by the house ofIsrael, to do it for them : I willincrease them with men like aflock . As the flock for sacrifice,as the flock of Jerusalem in herappointed feasts, so shall thewaste cities be filled with flocks ofmen ; and they shall know that Iam Jehovah ."Jer . 29 :10 "For thus saith Jehovah,after seventy years are accomplishedfor Babylon, I willvisit you, and perform my good212word toward you, in causing youto return to this place ."Second Desolation a CompleteDispossession of the LandA.D . 70, as ForetoldDeut . 28 :63-67 "And it shallcome to pass, that, as Jehovah rejoicedover you to do you good,and to multiply you, so Jehovahwill rejoice over you to cause youto perish, and to destroy you ;and ye shall be plucked from offthe land whither thou goest into possess it . And Jehovah willscatter thee among all peoples,from the one end of the eartheven unto the other end of theearth ; and there thou shalt serveother gods, which thou hast notknown, thou nor thy fathers, evenwood and stone. And among thesenations shalt thou find no ease,and there shall be no rest forthe sole of thy foot : but Jehovahwill give thee there a tremblingheart, and failing of eyes, andpining of soul ; and thy life shallhang in doubt before thee ; andthou shalt fear night and day,and shalt have no assurance ofthy life . In the morning thoushalt say, Would it were even!and at even thou shalt say, Wouldit were morning! for the fear ofthy heart which thou shalt fear,and for the sight of thine eyeswhich thou shalt see ."Luke 19:43, 44 "Because thedays will come upon you whenyour enemies will build aroundyou a fortification with pointedstakes and will encircle you anddistress you from every side, andthey will dash you and your childrenwithin you to the ground,and they will not leave a stoneupon a stone in you, because youdid not discern the time of yourbeing inspected."Luke 21 :20-24 "Furthermore,when you see Jerusalem surroundedby encamped armies,then understand that the desolatingof her has drawn near. . . .because these are days for metingout justice that all the things

213written may be fulfilled . . . . andthey will fall by the edge of thesword and be led captive into allthe nations, and Jerusalem willbe trampled on by the nations,until the appointed times of thenations are fulfilled ."Second Restoration, According toPattern of First, Not Fulfilled inModern Israeli Government1 Cor. 10 :11 "Now these thingswent on befalling them as examplesand they were written for awarning to us upon whom the accomplishedends of the systemsof things have arrived ."Rom . 15 :4 "For all the thingsthat were written aforetime werewritten for our instruction, thatthrough our endurance andthrough the comfort from theScriptures we might have hope ."Repossessed land not uninhabitedas in 537 B. C .Jer . 33 :10, 12 "Thus saith Jehovah: Yet again there shall beheard in this place, whereof yesay, It is waste, without man andwithout beast, even in the citiesof Judah, and in the streets ofJerusalem, that are desolate, withoutman and without inhabitantand without beast . Thus saithJehovah of hosts : Yet again shallthere be in this place, which iswaste, without man and withoutbeast, and in all the cities thereof,a habitation of shepherdscausing their flocks to lie down ."Jer . 32 :43 "And fields shall bebought in this land, whereof yesay, It is desolate, without manor beast ; it is given into the handof the Chaldeans ."No modern government took thelead to decree or financerehabilitation movementEzra 6 :3-5 "In the first year ofCyrus the king, Cyrus the kingmade a decree : Concerning thehouse of God at Jerusalem, letthe house be builded, the placewhere they offer sacrifices, and letthe foundations thereof be stronglylaid ; the height thereof three-Jews' Return to Palestinescore cubits, and the breadththereof threescore cubits ; withthree courses of great stones, anda course of new timber : and letthe expenses be given out of theking's house. And also let thegold and silver vessels of thehouse of God, which Nebuchadnezzartook forth out of the templewhich is at Jerusalem, andbrought unto Babylon, be restored,and brought again untothe temple which is at Jerusalem,every one to its place ; and thoushalt put them in the house ofGod."Ezra 6 :8-12 "Moreover I make adecree what ye shall do to theseelders of the Jews for the buildingof this house of God : thatof the king's goods, even of thetribute beyond the River, expensesbe given with all diligenceunto these men, that they be nothindered. And that which theyhave need of, both young bullocks,and rams, and lambs, for burntofferingsto the God of heaven ;also wheat, salt, wine, and oil,according to the word of thepriests that are at Jerusalem, letit be given them day by daywithout fail ; that they may offersacrifices of sweet savor unto theGod of heaven, and pray for thelife of the king, and of his sons .. I Darius have made a decree ;let it be done with all diligence ."Ezra 7 :1-6, 10-15 "Now afterthese things, in the reign of Artaxerxesking of Persia, Ezra theson of Seraiah . . . went up fromBabylon. And he was a readyscribe in the law of Moses, whichJehovah, the God of Israel, hadgiven ; and the king granted himall his request, according to thehand of Jehovah his God uponhim . For Ezra had set his heartto seek the law of Jehovah, andto do it, and to teach in Israelstatutes and ordinances. Now thisis the copy of the letter that theking Artaxerxes gave unto Ezrathe priest . . . . I make a decree,that all they of the people of Israel,and their priests and the

Jews' Return to PalestineLevites, in my realm, that areminded of their own free will togo to Jerusalem, go with thee . . . .and to carry the silver and gold,which the king and his counsellorshave freely offered unto theGod of Israel, whose habitationis in Jerusalem ."Neh . 2 :5-8 "And I said unto theking, If it please the king, and ifthy servant have found favor inthy sight, that thou wouldestsend me unto Judah, unto thecity of my father's sepulchres,that I may build it . And theking said unto me (the queen alsositting by him), For how longshall thy journey be? and whenwilt thou return? So it pleasedthe king to send me ; and I sethim a time . Moreover I said untothe king, If it please the king,let letters be given me to thegovernors beyond the River, thatthey may let me pass throughtill I come unto Judah ; and aletter unto Asaph the keeper ofthe king's forest, that he maygive me timber to make beamsfor the gates of the castle whichappertaineth to the house, andfor the wall of the city, and forthe house that I shall enter into .And the king granted me, accordingto the good hand of myGod upon me ."Modern repatriation not to rebuildtemple . (Old temple sitenow occupied by Moslemmosque)Ezra 1 :1-5 "Jehovah stirred upthe spirit of Cyrus king of Persia,so that he made a proclamationthroughout all his kingdom, andput it also in writing, saying,Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia,All the kingdoms of the earthhath Jehovah, the God of heaven,given me ; and he hath chargedme to build him a house in Jerusalem,which is in Judah. Whosoeverthere is among you of allhis people, his God be with himand let him go up to Jerusalem,which is in Judah, and build thehouse of Jehovah, the God of Is-214rael (he is God), which is inJerusalem . . . . Then rose up theheads of fathers' houses of Judahand Benjamin, and the priests,and the Levites, even all whosespirit God had stirred to go upto build the house of Jehovahwhich is in Jerusalem ."Ezra 6 :14, 15 "And the eldersof the Jews builded and prospered,through the prophesying ofHaggai the prophet and echariahthe son of Iddo . And theybuilded and finished it, accordingto the commandment of the Godof Israel, and according to the decreeof Cyrus, and Darius, andArtaxerxes king of Persia . Andthis house was finished on thethird day of the month Adar,which was in the sixth year ofthe reign of Darius the king."True worship not restored evenaccording to Moses' lawEzra 3 :1-3 "And when the seventhmonth was come, and thechildren of Israel were in thecities, the people gathered themselvestogether as one man toJerusalem. . . . and builded the altarof the God of Israel, to offerburnt-offerings thereon, as it iswritten in the law of Moses theman of God. And they set thealtar upon its base ; for fear wasupon them because of the peoplesof the countries : and theyoffered burnt-offerings thereonunto Jehovah, even burnt-offeringsmorning and evening ."True priesthood could not be restoredtoday since genealogiesdestroyedEzra 6 :18-20 "And they set thepriests in their divisions, and theLevites in their courses, for theservice of God, which is at Jerusalem; as it is written in the bookof Moses . And the children of thecaptivity kept the passover uponthe fourteenth day of the firstmonth . For the priests and theLevites had purified themselvestogether ; all of them were pure :and they killed the passover for

2 1 5all the children of the captivity,and for their brethren the priests,and for themselves ."Also : Ezra 8 :15-30 .Rejection of Jesus by Nation ofNatural Jews Alienated Themfrom God . Only a RemnantAcceptedMatt . 21 :5, 9, 15, 42 "Tell thedaughter of ion, 'Look! yourKing is coming to you, mildtempered,and mounted upon anass, yes, upon a colt, the offspringof a beast of burden .' Asfor the crowds, those going aheadof him and those following keptcrying out : 'Save, we pray, theSon of David! Blessed is he thatcomes in Jehovah's name! Savehim, we pray, in the heightsabove!' When the chief priestsand the scribes saw the marvelousthings he did and the boysthat were crying out in the templeand saying, 'Save, we pray,the Son of David!' they becameindignant . . . . Jesus said to them :'Did you never read in the Scriptures,"The stone that the buildersrejected is the one that has becomethe chief cornerstone. FromJehovah this has come to passand it is marvelous in oureyes"?'' ,Matt. 27 :22, 24, 25 "Pilate saidto them : 'What, then, shall I dowith Jesus the so-called "Christ"?'They all said : 'Let him be impaled!'Seeing that it did no goodbut, rather, an uproar was arising,Pilate took water and washedhis hands before the crowd, saying: 'I am innocent of the bloodof this man . You must see to it .'At that all the people said inanswer : 'His blood come uponus and upon our children .'"Rom. 11 :7, 8 "The very thingIsrael is earnestly seeking he didnot obtain, but the ones chosenobtained it . The rest had theirsensibilities blunted ; just as it iswritten : 'God has given them aspirit of stupor, eyes so as notto see and ears so as not to hear,down to this very day .'"Jews' Return to PalestineJesus Entered God's IrrevocableDivorce Decree Against NationMatt . 23 :37-39 "Jerusalem, Jerusalem,the killer of the prophetsand stoner of those sent forthto her,-how often I wanted togather your children together .the way a hen gathers her chickstogether under her wings! Butyou people did not want it . Look!your house is abandoned to you .For I say to you, You will by nomeans see me from henceforthuntil you say, 'Blessed is he thatcomes in Jehovah's name!'"Deut . 24 :1-4 "When a man taketha wife, and marrieth her .then it shall be, if she find nofavor in his eyes, because he hathfound some unseemly thing inher, that he shall write her abill of divorcement, and give itin her hand, and send her outof his house . And when she isdeparted out of his house, shemay go and be another man'swife . And if the latter husbandhate her, and write her a bill ofdivorcement, and give it in herhand, and send her out of hishouse ; or if the latter husbanddie, who took her to be his wife ;her former husband, who senther away, may not take her againto be his wife, after that she isdefiled ; for that is abominationbefore Jehovah : and thou shaltnot cause the land to sin, whichJehovah thy God giveth thee foran inheritance ."No Sign to Be Given FaithlessNation Except Resurrection ofJesus . (Sign Already Rejectedfor Centuries)Matt . 16 :1-4 "Here the Phariseesand Sadducees approachedhim and, to tempt him, theyasked him to display to them asign from heaven . In reply hesaid to them : ' . . . You know howto interpret the appearance of thesky, but the signs of the timesyou cannot interpret . A wickedand adulterous generation keepson seeking for a sign, but no signwill be given it except the sign

Jews' Return to Palestineof Jonah .' With that he wentaway, leaving them behind ."Matt. 12 :38-42 "Then as an answerto him some of the scribesand Pharisees said : 'Teacher, wewant to see a sign from you .'In reply he said to them : 'Awicked and adulterous generationkeeps on seeking for a sign, butno sign will be given it except thesign of Jonah the prophet . Forjust as Jonah was in the belly ofthe huge fish three days andthree nights, so the Son of manwill be in the heart of the earththree days and three nights . Menof Nineveh will rise up in thejudgment with this generationand will condemn it ; because theyrepented at what Jonah preached,but, look! something more thanJonah is here . The queen of thesouth will be raised up in thejudgment with this generationand will condemn it ; because shecame from the ends of the earthto hear the wisdom of Solomon,but, look! something more thanSolomon is here .' "Only Sign Jesus Promised forSecond Restoration Period AlsoRejected by ModernNatural IsraelMatt. 24 :30 "And then the signof the Son of man will appearin heaven, and then all the tribesof the earth will go to wailing andthey will see the Son of man comingon the clouds of heaven withpower and great glory ."Rev. 12 :1-5 "And a great signwas seen in heaven, a woman arrayedwith the sun, and themoon was beneath her feet, andon her head was a crown of twelvestars, and she was pregnant . . . .And she gave birth to a son, amale, who is destined to shepherdall the nations with an iron rod .And her child was caught awayto God and to his throne ."See "Sign of Last Days" .216Modern Israeli Government HasMade League with World GovernmentsContrary to God'sCommandmentsDeut . 7 :2 "And when Jehovahthy God shall deliver them up beforethee, and thou shalt smitethem ; then thou shalt utterlydestroy them : thou shalt makeno covenant with them, nor showmercy unto them ."Judg. 2 :1, 2 "And the angel ofJehovah . . . said, I made you togo up out of Egypt, and havebrought you unto the land whichI sware unto your fathers ; and Isaid, I will never break my covenantwith you : and ye shallmake no covenant with the inhabitantsof this land : ye shallbreak down their altars ."Isa. 52 :11 "Depart ye, departye, go ye out from thence, touchno unclean thing ; go ye out ofthe midst of her ; cleanse yourselves,ye that bear the vessels ofJehovah ."Isa. 31 :1 "Woe to them thatgo down to Egypt for help, andrely on horses, and trust in chariotsbecause they are many, andin horsemen because they arevery strong, but they look not untothe Holy One of Israel, neitherseek Jehovah!"Isa. 30 :1 "Woe to the rebelliouschildren, saith Jehovah, that takecounsel, but not of me ; and thatmake a league, but not of myspirit, that they may add sin tosin ."Jas . 4:4 "Adulteresses, do younot know that the friendship withthe world is enmity with God?Whoever, therefore, wants to bea friend of the world is constitutinghimself an enemy of God ."True Nation of Restoration Is"New Nation" Founded onNew CovenantJer. 31 :31-34 "Behold, the dayscome, saith Jehovah, that I willmake a new covenant with thehouse of Israel, and with thehouse of Judah : not according tothe covenant that I made with

2 1 7their fathers in the day that Itook them by the hand to bringthem out of the land of Egypt ;which my covenant they brake,although I was a husband untothem, saith Jehovah . But this isthe covenant that I will makewith the house of Israel afterthose days, saith Jehovah : I willput my law in their inward parts,and in their heart will I write it ;and I will be their God, andthey shall be my people . And theyshall teach no more every manhis neighbor, and every man hisbrother, saying, Know Jehovah ;for they shall all know me, fromthe least of them unto the greatestof them, saith Jehovah : forI will f<strong>org</strong>ive their iniquity, andtheir sin will I remember nomore ."See "Congregation of God" .New Priesthood to Be Foundedon Christ Jesus, the GreaterCyrus, Who Is the One toBuild God's TemplePs . 110 :4 "Jehovah hath sworn,and will not repent : Thou art apriest for ever after the order ofMelchizedek."ech. 6 :12, 13 "Thus speakethJehovah of hosts, saying, Behold,the man whose name is theBranch : and he shall grow upout of his place ; and he shallbuild the temple of Jehovah ; evenhe . . . shall bear the glory, andshall sit and rule upon his throne ;and he shall be a priest upon histhrone ; and the counsel of peaceshall be between them both ."New Nation Established Pentecost,A.D. 33, When God PouredOut His Spirit upon FaithfulJewish RemnantActs 2 :1-42 "Now while the dayof the feast of Pentecost was inprogress they were all togetherat the same place. . . . And tonguesas if of fire became visible andwere distributed to them, andone sat upon each one of them,and they all became filled withholy spirit . . . . But Peter stood upJews' Return to Palestinewith the eleven and raised hisvoice and made this utteranceto them : 'Men of Judea and allyou inhabitants of Jerusalem, letthis be known to you and giveear to my sayings . . . . this is whatwas said through the prophetJoel, "And in the last days," Godsays, "I shall pour some of myspirit out upon every kind offlesh, and your sons and yourdaughters will prophesy and youryoung men will see visionsand your old men will dreamdreams ; and even upon my menslaves and upon my women slavesI will pour out some of my spiritin those days, and they willprophesy." . . . Men of Israel, hearthese words : Jesus the Nazarene,a man publicly shown by God toyou through powerful works andwonders and signs which Goddid through him in your midst,This Jesus God resurrected, ofwhich fact we are all witnesses .Therefore because he was exaltedto the right hand of God andreceived the promised holy spiritfrom the Father, he has pouredout this which you see and hear .. Therefore let all the house ofIsrael know for a certainty thatGod made him both Lord andChrist, this Jesus whom you impaled. . . . Repent, and let eachone of you be baptized in thename of Jesus Christ for f<strong>org</strong>ivenessof your sins, and you willreceive the free gift of the holyspirit . For the promise is to youand to your children and to allthose afar off, just as many asJehovah our God may call tohim .' "True Jews of Promise Are ThoseWhose Heart Is RightToward GodDeut . 10 :16 "Circumcise thereforethe foreskin of your heart,and be no more stiffnecked."Deut. 30 :6 "And Jehovah thyGod will circumcise thy heart,and the heart of thy seed, tolove Jehovah thy God with all thy

Jews' Return to Palestineheart, and with all thy soul, thatthou mayest live."Jer . 4 :4 "Circumcise yourselvesto Jehovah, and take away theforeskins of your heart, ye men ofJudah and inhabitants of Jerusalem; lest my wrath go forthlike fire, and burn so that nonecan quench it, because of theevil of your doings ."Rom . 2 :28, 29 "For he is not aJew that is one on the outside,nor is circumcision that whichis on the outside upon the flesh .But he is a Jew that is one onthe inside, and his circumcisionis that of the heart by spirit, andnot by a written code. The praiseof that one comes, not from men,but from God ."Also : Rom . 4 :3-12 .New Nation Is "Israel of God"Composed of Individual Jewsand Gentiles, Which Is Abraham'sSeed of Promise and aSpiritual NationGal. 6 :13-16 "For not even dothose who are getting circumcisedkeep the Law themselves, butthey want you to be circumcisedthat they may have cause forboasting in your flesh . Never mayit occur that I should boast, exceptin the torture stake of ourLord Jesus Christ, through whomthe world has been impaled tome and I to the world . For neitheris circumcision anything noris uncircumcision, but a newcreation is something . And allthose who will walk orderly bythis rule of conduct, upon thembe peace and mercy, even uponthe Israel of God."Gal . 3 :8, 9, 16, 28, 29 "Now theScripture, seeing in advance thatGod would declare people of thenations righteous due to faith,declared the good news beforehandto Abraham, namely : 'Bymeans of you all the nationswill be blessed.' Consequently .those who adhere to faith arebeing blessed together with faithfulAbraham . Now the promiseswere spoken to Abraham and to218his seed . It says, not, `And toseeds,' as in the case of manysuch, but as in the case of one,`And to your seed,' who is Christ .There is neither Jew nor Greek,there is neither slave nor freeman,there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in unionwith Christ Jesus . Moreover, ifyou belong to Christ, you arereally Abraham's seed, heirs withreference to a promise ."1 Pet . 2 :5 "You yourselves alsoas living stones are being builtup a spiritual house for the purposeof a holy priesthood, to offerup spiritual sacrifices acceptableto God through Jesus Christ ."See "Born Again" .New Spiritual Nation, AdvancingTrue Worship, Restored toGod's Favor in Fulfillment ofRestoration PropheciesJer . 32 :37 "Behold, I will gatherthem out of all the countries,whither I have driven them inmine anger, and in my wrath,and in great indignation ; and Iwill bring them again unto thisplace, and I will cause them todwell safely ."ech. 8 :20-23 "Thus saith Jehovahof hosts : It shall yet cometo pass, that there shall comepeoples, and the inhabitants ofmany cities . . . . Yea, many peoplesand strong nations shallcome to seek Jehovah of hostsin Jerusalem, and to entreat thefavor of Jehovah . Thus saith Jehovahof hosts : In those days itshall come to pass, that ten menshall take hold, out of all thelanguages of the nations, theyshall take hold of the skirt of himthat is a Jew, saying, We willgo with you, for we have heardthat God is with you ."Heb . 12 :22-24 "But you haveapproached a mount ion and acity of the living God, heavenlyJerusalem, and myriads of angels,in general assembly, and the congregationof the firstborn whohave been enrolled in the heavens,and God the Judge of all,

219 Judgment Daysand the spiritual lives of right- of a new covenant, and the bloodeous ones who have been made of sprinkling which speaks in aperfect, and Jesus the mediator better way than Abel's blood ."judgment DaysDEFINITIONJudgment Days are periods of time during which the SupremeCourt in heaven sits to render judgment . The heavenly court is madeup of the Supreme Judge, Jehovah God, and his associate Judge,Jesus Christ . (Isa . 33 :22) Judgment means the act of determiningwhat is conformable to law, or, Scripturally, God's expressed will .Judgments with God are righteous and according to his own highstandards of justice . Once pronounced they are never subject to reversal. They can be either judgments of divine favor or judgments ofdivine condemnation . The resulting favor or condemnation may extendindividually or to an entire family, community or nation, dependingon the nature of the offenses . In all judgment periods, past, presentand future, the death sentence always means everlasting destructionwith no hope of resurrection .Jehovah's Judgments Are Righteousand Occasions to RejoicePs. 96 :10-13 "Say among thenations, Jehovah reigneth : theworld also is established that itcannot be moved : he will judgethe peoples with equity . Let theheavens be glad, and let the earthrejoice . . . . He will judge the worldwith righteousness, and the peopleswith his truth ."Isa . 26 :9 "With my soul haveI desired thee in the night ; yea,with my spirit within me will Iseek thee earnestly : for when thyjudgments are in the earth, theinhabitants of the world learnrighteousness ."Rom. 11:33 "Oh the depth ofGod's riches and wisdom andknowledge! How unsearchable hisjudgments are and past tracingout his ways are!"Edenic Judgment Day (c .4025B .C .) Brought Condemnation toAdam and Eve and Disabilitiesto Their OffspringGen . 3:8-21 "And unto Adamhe said, Because thou hast hearkenedunto the voice of my wife,and hast eaten of the tree, ofwhich I commanded thee, saying,Thou shalt not eat of it : cursedis the ground for thy sake ; intoil shalt thou eat of it all thedays of thy life ; thorns also andthistles shall it bring forth tothee ; and thou shalt eat the herbof the field ; in the sweat of thyface shalt thou eat bread, tillthou return unto the ground ; . . .for dust thou art, and unto dustshalt thou return ."1 Tim . 2 :14 "Also Adam was notdeceived, but the woman wasthoroughly deceived and came tobe in transgression ."Rom . 5 :12, 16 "That is why,just as through one man sin enteredinto the world and deaththrough sin, and thus deathspread to all men because theyhad all sinned- . . . For the judgmentresulted in condemnationfrom one trespass ."Judgment of Noah's Day (Ending2370 B .C .) a Pattern ofEnd of WorldLuke 17 :26, 27 "Moreover, justas it occurred in the days ofNoah, so it will be also in thedays of the Son of man : they

Judgment Dayswere eating, they were drinking,men were marrying, women werebeing given in marriage, untilthat day when Noah entered intothe ark, and the flood arrived anddestroyed them all ."Gen . 6 :5, 7, 9, 13, 18, AT "TheLORD saw that the wickedness ofman on the earth was great, andthat the whole bent of his thinkingwas never anything but evil .[Jehovah determined :] 'I will blotthe men that I have created offthe face of the ground, both menand animals, reptiles, and birdsof the air ; for I regret that I evermade them .' . . . Noah alone amonghis contemporaries was a piousand exceedingly good man ; Noahwalked with God . . . . 'I have resolvedon the extermination ofall mortals ; for the earth is fullof wrong-doing through them ; Iam going to exterminate themfrom the earth . But with you Iwill make a covenant ; you shallenter the ark, accompanied byyour sons, your wife, and yoursons' wives.' "2 Pet. 2 :5 "And he did not holdback from punishing an ancientworld, but kept Noah, a preacherof righteousness, safe with sevenethers when he brought a delugeupon a world of ungodly people ."Judgment Day of Sodom and Gomorrah(a .1919 B. C .) Also ForetellsFinality of JudgmentLuke 17 :28-30 "Likewise, just asit occurred in the days of Lot :they were eating, they were drinking,they were buying, they wereselling, they were planting, theywere building . But on the daythat Lot came out of Sodom itrained fire and sulphur fromheaven and destroyed them all .The same way it will be on thatday when the Son of man is tobe revealed."Gen. 19 :24, 25, 29 "Then Jehovahrained upon Sodom and uponGomorrah brimstone and fire fromJehovah out of heaven ; and heoverthrew those cities, and allthe Plain, and all the inhabitants220of the cities, and that whichgrew upon the ground. And itcame to pass, when God destroyedthe cities of the Plain, that Godremembered Abraham, and sentLot out of the midst of the overthrow,when he overthrew thecities in which Lot dwelt ."2 Pet . 2 :6-9 "And by reducingthe cities Sodom and Gomorrahto ashes he condemned them,setting a pattern for ungodly personsof things to come, and hedelivered righteous Lot . . . . Jehovahknows how to deliver peopleof godly devotion out of trial, butto reserve unrighteous people forthe day of judgment to be cutoff ."Rom . 9:29 "Also just as Isaiahhad said aforetime : `Unless Jehovahof hosts had left a seedto us, we should have become asSodom and we should have beenmade just like Gomorrah.'"Also : Jude 7 .Fleshly Israel's Day of JudgmentA . D . 29-70Matt . 3 :10-12 "Already the axis lying at the root of the trees ;every tree, then, that does notproduce fine fruit is to be cutdown and thrown into the fire .I, on the one hand, baptize youwith water because of your repentance; but the one coming afterme is stronger than I am . . . .and will gather his whe t intothe storehouse, but the chaff hewill burn up with fire that cannotbe put out."John 4 :35-38 "You say, do younot, that there are yet fourmonths before the harvest comes?Look! I say to you : Lift up youreyes and view the fields, thatthey are white for harvesting . Alreadythe reaper is receiving areward and gathering fruit foreverlasting life."John 9 :39-41 "And Jesus said :`For this judgment I came intothis world : that those not seeingmight see and those seeing mightbecome blind . . If you wereblind, you would have no sin . But

221now you say, "We see ." Your sinremains.'"Heb . 9 :26 "He has manifestedhimself once for all time at theconsummation of the systems ofthings to put sin away throughthe sacrifice of himself ."Matt . 23 :33 "Serpents, offspringof vipers, how are you to fleefrom the judgment of Gehenna?"Acts 13 :45-48 "Paul and Barnabassaid : 'It was necessary forthe word of God to be spokenfirst to you . Since you are thrustingit away from you and do notjudge yourselves worthy of everlastinglife, look! we turn to thenations . In fact, Jehovah has laidcommandment upon us in thesewords, "I have appointed you aslight of nations, for you to bea salvation to the most distantpart of the earth ." ' "Christ Jesus Thoroughly Qualifiedas JudgeJohn 5 :21, 22, 26-30 "For justas the Father raises the dead upand makes them alive, so the Sonalso makes those alive whom hewants to . For the Father judgesno one at all, but he has committedall the judging to the Son.. And he has given him authorityto do judging, because Son ofman he is. . . . I cannot do a singlething of my own initiative ; justas I hear, I judge, and the judgmentthat I render is righteous,because I seek not my own willbut the will of him that sentme ."Acts 10 :42 "Also he ordered usto preach to the people and togive a thorough witness that thisis the One decreed by God to bejudge of the living and the dead ."Isa . 11 :1-4 "And there shallcome forth a shoot out of thestock of Jesse, and a branch outof his roots shall bear fruit . Andthe spirit of Jehovah shall restupon him . . . . the spirit of knowledgeand of the fear of Jehovah. And his delight shall be inthe fear of Jehovah ; and he shallnot judge after the sight of hisJudgment Dayseyes, neither decide after thehearing of his ears ; but withrighteousness shall he judge thepoor, and decide with equity forthe meek of the earth ; and heshall smite the earth with therod of his mouth ; and with thebreath of his lips shall he slaythe wicked ."Also : Matt . 12 :18-21 ; John8 :16 .Jesus' Death of Integrity BroughtDivine Condemnation to Satanand His Old WorldJohn 14:30 "I shall not speakmuch with you any more, forthe ruler of the world is coming. And yet he has no hold onme."John 16 :11 "Concerning judgment,because the ruler of thisworld has been judged."John 12 :31-33 "Now there isa judging of this world ; now theruler of this world will be castout . And yet I, if I am lifted upfrom the earth . . . . This he wasreally saying to signify what sortof death he was about to die ."1 Cor. 11 :32 "When we arejudged, we are disciplined by Jehovah,that we may not becomecondemned with the world ."144,000 Associate JudgesAfter 19181 Cor. 6 :2 "Do you not knowthat the holy ones will judge theworld?"Rev. 20 :4 "And I saw thrones,and there were those who satdown on them, and power ofjudging was given them. . . . Andthey came to life and ruled askings with the Christ for a thousandyears ."Judgment Day for God's House,Spiritual Israel, BeginsA . D . 19181 Pet . 4:17, 18 "For it is theappointed time for the judgmentto start with the house of God .

Judgment DaysNow if it starts first with us,what will the complete end be ofthose who are not obedient to thegood news of God? 'And if therighteous man is being saved withdifficulty, where will the ungodlyman and the sinner make ashowing?'"2 Tim. 4:6-8 "I have fought theright fight, I have run the courseto the finish, I have observed thefaith . From this time on there isreserved for me the crown ofrighteousness, which the Lord,the righteous judge, will give meas a reward in that day, yet notonly to me, but also to all thosewho have loved his manifestation."1 John 4:17 "This is how lovehas been made perfect with us,that we may have freeness ofspeech in the day of judgment,because, just as that one is, soare we ourselves in this world ."Also: Ps . 50 :3-6 ; Mal . 3 :1-6 ;Rom. 2 :2-11 ; 1 Cor . 4 :2-5 ; Rev .11 :15-19 .Judgment Day for the Peoplesof the Nations Since 1918Matt. 24 :14, 21, 22 "And thisgood news of the kingdom willbe preached in all the inhabitedearth for the purpose of a witnessto all the nations, and thenthe accomplished end will come."John 3 :19 "Now this is the basisfor judgment, that the light hascome into the world ."Luke 19 :40 "I tell you, If theseremained silent, the stones wouldcry out ."Isa. 55 :11 "So shall my wordbe that goeth forth out of mymouth : it shall not return untome void, but it shall accomplishthat which I please, and it shallprosper in the thing whereto Isent it."eph . 3 :8, 9 "Therefore waitye for me, saith Jehovah, untilthe day that I rise up tothe prey ; for my determination is222to gather the nations, that I mayassemble the kingdoms, to pourupon them mine indignation,even all my fierce anger ; for allthe earth shall be devoured withthe fire of my jealousy ."Matt . 25 :31, 32, 46 "When theSon of man arrives in his gloryand all the angels with him,then he will sit down on hisglorious throne . And all the nationswill be gathered before him,and he will separate people onefrom another, just as a shepherdseparates the sheep from thegoats . And these will depart intoeverlasting cutting-off, but therighteous ones into everlastinglife ."Also : Ezek. 9 :4-6 ; Joel 3 :9-13 ;Acts 24 :25 .Judgment of Condemnation Enforcedat Armageddon, Resultingin Annihilation1 Tim . 5 :24 "The sins of somemen are publicly manifest, leadingimmediately to judgment, butas for other men their sins alsobecome manifest later ."Matt . 12 :31, 32 "On this accountI say to you, Every kind of sinand blasphemy will be f<strong>org</strong>ivenmen, but the blasphemy againstthe spirit will not be f<strong>org</strong>iven . Forexample, whoever speaks a wordagainst the Son of man, it will bef<strong>org</strong>iven him ; but whoever speaksagainst the holy spirit, it willnot be f<strong>org</strong>iven him, no, not inthe present system of things norin that to come ."Num . 35 :31 "Moreover ye shalltake no ransom for the life of amurderer, that is guilty of death ;but he shall surely be put todeath.'Ps . 145:20 "Jehovah preservethall them that love him ; but allthe wicked will he destroy ."Prov. 10 :7 "The memory of therighteous is blessed ; but the nameof the wicked shall rot ."Jer . 51 :57 "And they shall sleepa perpetual sleep, and not wake,

223saith the King, whose name isJehovah of hosts ."Also: Rom. 2 :1-3 ; Heb. 10 :26,27 ; Jas . 2 :13 .Family or Community CondemnationIncludes Children withWicked ParentsEzek . 9 :5, 6 "Let not your eyespare, neither have ye pity ; slayutterly the old man, the youngman and the virgin, and littlechildren and women ; but comenot near any man upon whom isthe mark ."Num . 16 :23-33 "And Dathanand Abiram came out, and stoodat the door of their tents, andtheir wives, and their sons, andtheir little ones . . . . And it cameto pass, as he made an end ofspeaking all these words, that theground clave asunder . andswallowed them up . . . and theearth closed upon them, and theyperished from among the assembly."Josh. 7 :24-26 "And Joshua, andall Israel with him, took Achanthe son of erah, and the silver,and the mantle, and the wedgeof gold, and his sons, and hisdaughters, and his oxen, and hisasses, and his sheep, and his tent,and all that he had : and theybrought them up unto the valleyof Achor . And Joshua said, Whyhast thou troubled us? Jehovahshall trouble thee this day . Andall Israel . . . stoned them withstones."Meritorious Favor of RighteousParents Extends to DependentChildren2 Sam. 21 :7 "But the kingspared Mephibosheth, the son ofJonathan, the son of Saul, becauseof Jehovah's oath that wasbetween them, between David andJonathan the son of Saul ."Josh . 2 :12-14 "Now therefore, Ipray you, swear unto me by Jehovah,since I have dealt kindlywith you, that ye also will dealkindly with my father's house,and give me a true token ; andthat ye will save alive my father,Judgment Daysand my mother, and my brethren,and my sisters, and all that theyhave, and will deliver our livesfrom death . And the men saidunto her, Our life for yours, if yeutter not this our business ; andit shall be, when Jehovah givethus the land, that we will dealkindly and truly with thee ."1 Cor. 7 :14 "For the unbelievinghusband is sanctified in relationto his wife, and the unbelievingwife is sanctified in relationto the brother ; otherwise, yourchildren would really be unclean,but now they are holy ."Parents Not Responsible forCourse of Children Who HaveReached Age of IndividualAccountabilityGen . 19 :12-14 "And the mensaid unto Lot, Hast thou here anybesides? son-in-law, and thysons, and thy daughters, andwhomsoever thou hast in thecity, bring them out of the place :for we will destroy this place . . . .And Lot went out, and spake untohis sons-in-law, who married hisdaughters, and said, Up, get youout of this place ; for Jehovahwill destroy the city . But heseemed unto his sons-in-law asone that mocked."Ezek . 18 :20 "The soul that sinneth,it shall die : the son shallnot bear the iniquity of thefather, neither shall the fatherbear the iniquity of the son ; therighteousness of the righteousshall be upon him, and the wickednessof the wicked shall be uponhim ."Num. 26 :9-11 "And the earthopened its mouth, and swallowedthem up together with Korah,when that company died ; whattime the fire devoured two hundredand fifty men, and they becamea sign . Notwithstanding, thesons of Korah died not ."Community, National, RulerResponsibilityEx . 17 :8, 14, 16 "Then cameAmalek, and fought with Israel

Judgment Daysin Rephidim . And Jehovah saidunto Moses, Write this for a memorialin a book, and rehearseit in the ears of Joshua : that Iwill utterly blot out the remembranceof Amalek from underheaven . And he said, Jehovahhath sworn : Jehovah will havewar with Amalek from generationto generation ."2 Sam . 21:1 "And there was afamine in the days of Davidthree years, year after year ; andDavid sought the face of Jehovah .And Jehovah said, It is for Saul,and for his bloody house, becausehe put to death the Gibeonites."2 Sam . 24 :10-17 "And David'sheart smote him after that hehad numbered the people. AndDavid said unto Jehovah, I havesinned greatly in that which Ihave done : but now, 0 Jehovah,put away, I beseech thee, the iniquityof thy servant ; for I havedone very foolishly . . . . So Jehovahsent a pestilence upon Israel fromthe morning even to the time appointed; and there died of thepeople from Dan even to Beershebaseventy thousand men ."2 Chron . 21 :11-15 "Becausethou hast not walked in the waysof Jehoshaphat thy father, norin the ways of Asa king of Judah,but hast walked in the ways ofthe kings of Israel, and hast madeJudah and the inhabitants ofJerusalem to play the harlot, likeas the house of Ahab did, andalso hast slain thy brethren ofthy father's house, who were betterthan thyself : behold, Jehovahwill smite with a great plague thypeople, and thy children, and thywives, and all thy substance ."Matt . 10 :14, 15 "Wherever anyonedoes not take you in or listento your words, on going out ofthat house or that city shake thedust off your feet. Truly I sayto you, It will be more endurablefor the land of Sodom and Gomorrahon Judgment Day thanfor that city."224Rom. 5 :18, 19 "So, then, asthrough one trespass the result tomen of all kinds was condemnation,likewise also through oneact of justification the result tomen of all kinds is a declaringof them righteous for life . Forjust as through the disobedienceof the one man many were constitutedsinners, likewise alsothrough the obedience of the oneperson many will be constitutedrighteous ."Also: Josh . 7 :5, 13-21 ; Ex . 5 :1,2 ; 9 :13-16 ; 1 Sam . 8 :4-22 ; Gen .12 :17 ; 20 :9, 17 ; 26 :10 ; Deut .13 :12-18 .Jehovah Sets Judgment PeriodsHeb . 9 :27 "And as it is reservedfor men to die once for all time,but after this a judgment ."Acts 17:30, 31 "True, God hasoverlooked the times of such ignorance,yet now he is tellingmankind that they should alleverywhere repent . Because hehas set a day in which he purposesto judge the inhabited earthin righteousness by a man whomhe has appointed, and he hasfurnished a guarantee to allmen in that he has resurrectedhim from the dead ."Ps . 72 :4, 7, 8 "He will judgethe poor of the people, he willsave the children of the needy,and will break in pieces the oppressor. In his days shall therighteous flourish, and abundanceof peace, till the moon be nomore . He shall have dominionalso from sea to sea, and from theriver unto the ends of the earth ."1,000-Year Day of Test ComesAfter ArmageddonRev . 20 :1-3, 11-13 "And I sawan angel coming down out ofheaven with the key of the abyssand a great chain in his hand .And he seized the dragon, theoriginal serpent, who is the Deviland Satan, and bound him for athousand years. And he hurledhim into the abyss and shut itand sealed it over him, that he

225might not mislead the nationsany more until the thousand yearswere ended . After these thingshe must be let loose for a littlewhile . And I saw a great whitethrone and the one seated on it .From before him the earth andthe heaven fled away, and noplace was found for them . And Isaw the dead, the great and thesmall, standing before the throne,. . . and they were judged."2 Pet. 3 :8 "However, let thisone fact not be escaping yournotice, beloved ones, that oneday is with Jehovah as a thousandyears and a thousand yearsas one day ."Comes upon Those on Earth inNew World After ArmageddonHeb . 2 :5 "For it is not toangels that he has subjected theinhabited earth to come, aboutwhich we are speaking ."2 Tim . 4:1 "I earnestly begyou before God and Christ Jesus,who is destined to judge theliving and the dead, and by hismanifestation and his kingdom ."Rev. 20 :12 "And I saw the dead,the great and the small, standingbefore the throne, and scrollswere opened ."John 5 :28, 29 "Do not marvelat this, because the hour is comingin which all those in the memorialtombs will hear his voiceand come out, those who didgood things to a resurrection oflife, those who practiced vilethings to a resurrection of judgment."Favorable Judgment Based onRight Stand on KingdomIssue NowLuke 17 :29-35 "But on the daythat Lot came out of Sodom itrained fire and sulphur fromheaven and destroyed them all .The same way it will be on theday when the Son of man is tobe revealed . . Remember thewife of Lot . . . . I tell you, In thatnight two men will be in one bed ;the one will be taken along, butthe other will be abandoned .Judgment DaysThere will be two women grindingat the same mill ; the onewill be taken along, but theother will be abandoned ."Matt . 25 :34-40 "Then the kingwill say to those on his right :`Come, you who have my Father'sblessing, inherit the kingdom preparedfor you from the world'sfoundation . For I became hungryand you gave me something toeat, I got thirsty and you gaveme something to drink. I wasa stranger and you receivedme hospitably ; naked, and youclothed me . I fell sick and youlooked after me . I was in prisonand you came to me. . . . To theextent that you did it to one ofthe least of these my brothers,you did it to me .'"Individually Judged as to ThoseWorks They Perform Accordingto Requirements During ThatTest DayEzek . 18 :20-23 "The soul thatsinneth, it shall die : the son shallnot bear the iniquity of the father,neither shall the father bearthe iniquity of the son ; the righteousnessof the righteous shall beupon him, and the wickedness ofthe wicked shall be upon him .But if the wicked turn from allhis sins that he hath committed,and keep all my statutes, and dothat which is lawful and right,he shall surely live, he shall notdie . None of his transgressionsthat he hath committed shall beremembered against him : in hisrighteousness that he hath donehe shall live. Have I any pleasurein the death of the wicked?saith the Lord Jehovah ; and notrather that he should returnfrom his way, and live?"Rev . 20 :12, 13 "And I saw thedead, the great and the small,standing before the throne, andscrolls were opened . But anotherscroll was opened ; it is the scrollof life . And the dead were judgedout of those things written in thescrolls according to their deeds .And the sea gave up those dead

Kingdomin it, and death and Hades gaveup those dead in them, and theywere judged individually accordingto their deeds ."Final Test When Satan Releasedat End of 1,000 YearsRev . 20 :7-10 "Now as soon asthe thousand years have beenended, Satan will be let loose outof his prison, and he will go out,to mislead those nations in thefour quarters of the earth, Gogand Magog, to gather them togetherfor the war . The numberof these is as the sand of thesea . And they advanced over thebreadth of the earth and encircledthe camp of the holy onesand the beloved city . But firecame down out of heaven anddevoured them. And the Devilwho was misleading them washurled into the lake of fire andsulphur, where both the wildbeast and the false prophet alreadywere ; and they will be tormentedday and night for everand ever."Faithful Given Reward of EverlastingLife, but All OthersDestroyedLuke 20 :35, 36 "But those whohave been counted worthy ofKingdomDEFINITIONThe Kingdom of God is a Sovereign-empowered theocratic governmentunder an administration of divinely appointed Kings . Jehovahhimself is the great Everlasting King . (1 Tim . 1 :17 ; Rev. 15 :3 ;Jer . 10 :10) He has taken into association as co-regent his Son ChristJesus. God has purposed the Kingdom as the capital or ruling partof his universal <strong>org</strong>anization . It is comprised of the King Christ Jesusand 144,000 associate kings taken from among men . It is entirelyheavenly, having no earthly part . All becoming members must beresurrected and given spirit bodies . At times the term "kingdom" isapplied to the one (in the Scriptures, Christ) who has the rank,quality, attributes and authority of a king . The term also is usedto refer to the realm over which the Kingdom government exercisescontrol . This Kingdom began operation in full power with the enthronementof Christ in the heavens, A .D . 1914 .226gaining that system of things andthe resurrection from the deadneither marry nor are given inmarriage. In fact, neither canthey die any more, for they arelike the angels, and they areGod's children by being childrenof the resurrection ."Isa. 65 :20, Le "There shall nomore come thence an infant offew days, nor an old man thatshall not have the full length ofhis days ; for as a lad shall notdie a hundred years old ; and asa sinner shall be accursed he who(dieth) at a hundred years old ."Rev . 20 :5, 14, 15 "(The rest ofthe dead did not come to lifeuntil the thousand years wereended .) And death and Hadeswere hurled into the lake of fire .This means the second death,the lake of fire . Furthermore,whoever was not found writtenin the book of life was hurledinto the lake of fire ."Rom. 6 :23 "For the wages sinpays is death, but the gift Godgives is everlasting life by ChristJesus our Lord."

227The Kingdom Is the GreatestTruth Taught in the BibleJesus opened his preachingcampaign with the announcementof the Kingdom and spoke of theKingdom over 110 times, in thefour Gospels .Eph . 1 :8-10 "He made known tous the sacred secret of his will .It is according to his good pleasurewhich he purposed in himselffor an administration at the fulllimit of the appointed times,namely, to gather all things togetheragain in the Christ, thethings in the heavens and thethings on the earth ."Phil. 2 :9-11 "For this very reasonalso God exalted him to asuperior position and kindly gavehim the name that is aboveevery other name, so that in thename of Jesus every knee shouldbend of those in heaven and thoseon earth and those under theground, and every tongue shouldopenly confess that Jesus Christis Lord to the glory of God theFather."1 Cor. 15 :24, 25 "Next, the accomplishedend, when he handsover the kingdom to his God andFather, when he has destroyedall government and all authorityand power . For he must rule asking until God has put all enemiesunder his feet ."Isa . 9 :6, 7 "For unto us a childis born, unto us a son is given ;and the government shall be uponhis shoulder : and his name shallbe called Wonderful, Counsellor,Mighty God, Everlasting Father,Prince of Peace. Of the increaseof his government and of peacethere shall be no end, upon thethrone of David, and upon hiskingdom, to establish it, and touphold it with justice and withrighteousness from hencefortheven for ever . The zeal of Jehovahof hosts will perform this ."Heb . 12 :25-28 "See that you donot implore him not to speak . Forif they did not escape who imploredhim not to give divinewarning upon earth, much moreKingdomshall we not if we turn awayfrom him who speaks from theheavens . At that time his voiceshook the earth, but now he haspromised, saying : `Yet once moreI will set not only the earth butalso the heaven in commotion .'Now the expression `Yet oncemore' signifies the removal ofthe things being shaken as thingsthat have been made, in orderthat the things not being shakenmay remain . Wherefore, seeingthat we are to receive a kingdomwhich cannot be shaken, let uscontinue to have undeserved kindness,through which we may acceptablyrender God sacred servicewith godly fear and awe ."Rom . 8 :19 "For the eager expectationof the creation is waitingfor the revealing of the sonsof God."Matt . 24:14 "And this goodnews of the kingdom will bepreached in all the inhabitedearth for the purpose of a witnessto all the nations, and thenthe accomplished end will come ."Matt . 6 :10, 33 " `Let your kingdomcome . Let your will come topass, as in heaven, also uponearth .' . . . Keep on, then, seekingfirst the kingdom and his righteousness,and all these otherthings will be added to you ."Foretold, Foreordained BeforeFoundation of New WorldGen . 3 :15 "And I will put enmitybetween thee and the woman,and between thy seed andher seed : he shall bruise thyhead, and thou shalt bruise hisheel ."Eph . 1 :4 "Just as he choseus in union with him beforethe world's foundation, that weshould be holy and withoutblemish before him in love ."Luke 22 :29 "And I make acovenant with you, just as myFather has made a covenant withme, for a kingdom ."Rom. 9 :23, 24 "in order that bemight make known the riches ofhis glory upon vessels of mercy,

Kingdomwhich he prepared beforehandfor glory, namely, us, whom hecalled not only from among Jews,but also from among nations."Foundation of New World Laidat Christ's Death, Resurrectionand AscensionRev . 13 :8 "The Lamb who wasslaughtered from the world'sfoundation ."1 Cor . 3 :11 "For no man canlay any other foundation thanwhat is laid, which is JesusChrist."Heb. 9 :26 "Otherwise, he wouldhave to suffer often from theworld's foundation . But now hehas manifested himself once forall time at the consummation ofthe systems of things to put sinaway through the sacrifice ofhimself."Foreshadowed in David and HisSon Solomon2 Sam. 7 :12-16 "I will set upthy seed after thee, that shallproceed out of thy bowels, and Iwill establish his kingdom . Heshall build a house for my name,and I will establish the throneof his kingdom for ever . . . . butmy lovingkindness shall not departfrom him, as I took it fromSaul, whom I put away beforethee . And thy house and thykingdom shall be made sure forever before thee : thy throne shallbe established for ever ."1 Chron . 17 :11-14 "I will setup thy seed after thee, who shallbe of thy sons ; and I will establishhis kingdom . He shall buildme a house, and I will establishhis throne for ever . . . . but I willsettle him in my house and inmy kingdom for ever ; and histhrone shall be established forever."1 Chron . 22 :10 "He shall builda house for my name ; and heshall be my son, and I will behis father ; and I will establishthe throne of his kingdom overIsrael for ever ."228Jesus the Natural Heir (ThroughHis Mother), and Legal Heir(Through His Foster Father)Matt . 1 :2-16 "Abraham . . . Judah. . . David . . . Jacob was thefather of Joseph the husband ofMary, who was the mother ofJesus, who is called `Christ' ."Luke 3:23-34 "Jesus himself,when he commenced his work,was about thirty years old, beingthe son, as the opinion was, of Joseph,the son of Hell . . . . the sonof David, . . . the son of Judah, . . .the son of Abraham."Comprised of Christ and 144,000Associate Kings in Heaven-the"Seed" OrganizationGen . 22 :17, 18 "In blessing Iwill bless thee, and in multiplyingI will multiply thy seed as thestars of the heavens, and as thesand which is upon the seashore ;and thy seed shall possess thegate of his enemies ; and in thyseed shall all the nations of theearth be blessed."Gal . 3 :29 "Moreover, if you belongto Christ, you are reallyAbraham's seed, heirs with referenceto a promise ."Rev . 14 :1-3 "And I saw, andlook! the Lamb standing upon themount ion, and with him a hundredand forty-four thousandhaving his name and the name ofhis Father written on their foreheads. And I heard a sound outof heaven . . . . And they are singingas if a new song before thethrone and before the four livingcreatures and the persons ofadvanced age ; and no one wasable to master that song but thehundred and forty-four thousand,who have been purchased fromthe earth ."Rev . 7 :4-9 "And I heard thenumber of those who were sealed,a hundred and forty-four thousand,sealed out of every tribeof the sons of Israel : . . . Afterthese things I saw, and, look! agreat crowd, which no man wasable to number."

229Luke 12 :32 "Have no fear, littleflock, because your Father hasapproved of giving you the kingdom."Isa . 66 :1 "Thus saith Jehovah,Heaven is my throne, and theearth is my footstool ."Those Associate Kings Are theFootstep Followers of Christ,Taken from Among MenRev . 5 :9, 10 "And they sing anew song, saying : 'You are worthyto take the scroll and openits seals, because you were slaughteredand with your blood youbought persons for God out ofevery tribe and tongue and peopleand nation, and you madethem to be a kingdom and prieststo our God, and they will rule askings over the earth.' "Rev . 14:4, 5 "These are the onesthat did not defile themselveswith women ; in fact, they are virgins. These are the ones thatkeep following the Lamb no mat-,ter where he goes . These werepurchased from among mankindas a firstfruits to God and to theLamb, and no falsehood wasfound in their mouths ; they arewithout blemish ."1 Pet . 1 :4 "To an incorruptibleand undefiled and unfading inheritance. It is reserved in theheavens for you ."1 Pet. 2 :4, 5 "Coming to him asto a living stone, rejected, it istrue, by men, but chosen, precious,with God, you yourselvesalso as living stones are beingbuilt up a spiritual house for thepurpose of a holy priesthood, tooffer up spiritual sacrifices acceptableto God through JesusChrist ."Jas . 2 :5 "Listen, my belovedbrothers . God chose the ones whoare poor respecting the world tobe rich in faith and heirs of thekingdom which he promised tothose who love him, did he not?"2 Tim . 2 :12 "If we go on enduring,we shall also rule togetheras kings ; if we deny, he also willdeny us."KingdomRev . 20 :4, 6 "And I saw thrones,and there were those who satdown on them, and power ofjudging was given them. Yes, Isaw the souls of those executedwith the ax for the witness theybore to Jesus and for speakingabout God, and those who hadworshiped neither the wild beastnor its image and who had notreceived the mark upon theirforehead and upon their hand .And they came to life and ruledas kings with the Christ for athousand years . Happy and holyis anyone having part in the firstresurrection ; over these the seconddeath has no authority, butthey will . . . rule as kings withhim for the thousand years ."Is a Theocratic GovernmentIsa . 33 :22 "For Jehovah is ourjudge, Jehovah is our lawgiver,Jehovah is our king ; he willsave us ."Dan . 2 :44 "And in the days ofthose kings shall the God ofheaven set up a kingdom whichshall never be destroyed, nor shallthe sovereignty thereof be leftto another people ; but it shallbreak in pieces and consume allthese kingdoms, and it shall standfor ever ."Kingdom Is the Capital or RulingOrganization Over God'sEntire UniverseHeb . 1 :6 "But when he againbrings his Firstborn into the inhabitedearth, he says : `And letall God's angels worship him .'"Heb . 12 :22-24 "But you haveapproached a mount ion and acity of the living God, heavenlyJerusalem, and myriads of angels,in general assembly, and the congregationof the firstborn whohave been enrolled in the heavens,and God the Judge of all, andthe spiritual lives of righteousones who have been made perfect,and Jesus the mediator ofa new covenant, and the bloodof sprinkling which speaks in abetter way than Abel's blood ."

KingdomPhil . 2 :9, 10 "For this very reasonalso God exalted him to asuperior position and kindly gavehim the name that is above everyother name, so that in the nameof Jesus every knee should bendof those in heaven and those onearth and those under theground ."Eph . 1 :19-23 "It is according tothe operation of the mightinessof his strength, with which hehas operated in the case of theChrist when he raised him upfrom the dead and seated him athis right hand in the heavenlyplaces, far above every governmentand authority and powerand lordship and every namenamed, not only in this system ofthings, but also in that to come .He also subjected all things underhis feet, and made him head overall things to the congregation,which is his body, the fullnessof him who fills up all things inall ."Col . 2 :10 "And so you are possessedof a fullness by means ofhim, who is the head of all governmentand authority ."1 Cor. 6 :2, 3 "Or do you notknow that the holy ones willjudge the world? And if the worldis to be judged by you, are youunfit to try very trivial matters?Do you not know that we shalljudge angels? Why, then, notthings of this life?"1 Pet. 3 :22 "He is at God'sright hand, for he went his wayto heaven, and angels and authoritiesand powers were made subjectto him ."Will Destroy Satan and His Organization,Delivering RighteousMankindRev . 19 :19-20 :3, 11 "And I sawthe wild beast and the kings ofthe earth and their armies gath ..ered together to wage the war withthe one seated on the horse andwith his army. And the wild beastwas caught, and along with it thefalse prophet that performedin front of it the signs withwhich he misled those who re-230ceived the mark of the wild beastand those who render worship toits image . While still alive, theyboth were hurled into the fierylake that burns with sulphur . Butthe rest were killed oil with thelong sword of the one seated onthe horse and which proceededout of his mouth . And all thebirds were filled from the fleshyparts of them . And I saw anangel coming down out of heavenwith the key of the abyss and agreat chain in his hand . And heseized the dragon, the originalserpent, who is the Devil andSatan, and bound him for a thousandyears . And he hurled himinto the abyss and shut it andsealed it over him . . . . And I sawa great white throne and the oneseated on it . From before him theearth and the heaven fled away,and no place was found for them ."Will Vindicate and EternallyEstablish Jehovah God's UniversalSovereignSupremacyPhil . 2 :10, 11 "So that in thename of Jesus every knee shouldbend of those in heaven andthose on earth and those underthe ground, and every tongueshould openly confess that JesusChrist is Lord to the glory ofGod the Father ."1 Chron . 29 :11 "Thine, 0 Jehovah,is the greatness, and thepower, and the glory, and thevictory, and the majesty : for allthat is in the heavens and in theearth is thine ; thine is the kingdom,0 Jehovah, and thou artexalted as head above all ."1 Cor. 15 :24-28 "Next, the accomplishedend, when he handsover the kingdom to his God andFather, when he has destroyedall government and all authorityand power . For he must rule asking until God has put all enemiesunder his feet . As the lastenemy, death is to be destroyed .For God 'subjected all thingsunder his feet' . But when he saysthat 'all things have been subjected',it is evident that it is

231with the exception of the onewho subjected all things to him .But when all things will havebeen subjected to him, then theSon himself will also subject himselfto the one who subjected allthings to him, that God may beall things to everyone."Matt. 6 :9, 10 "You must pray,then, this way : `Our Father inthe heavens, let your name besanctified . Let your kingdom come .Let your will come to pass, as inheaven, also upon earth .' "Kingdom a Real Authority, Havinga Territory and Subjects,Not Merely a Spiritual State ofMorality, "in One's Heart"Isa . 60 :12 "For that nation andkingdom that will not serve theeshall perish ; yea, those nationsshall be utterly wasted ."Ps. 72 :8 "He shall have dominionalso from sea to sea ."Ps. 2 :8, 9 "Ask of me, and Iwill give thee the nations forthine inheritance, and the uttermostparts of the earth for thypossession . Thou shalt break themwith a rod of iron ; thou shaltdash them in pieces like a potter'svessel ."1 Cor . 15 :50 "However, this Isay, brothers, that flesh and bloodcannot inherit God's kingdom,neither does corruption inheritincorruption."Matt . 21 :43, 44 "This is why Isay to you, The kingdom of Godwill be taken from you and begiven to a nation producing itsfruits . Also, the person fallingupon this stone will be shattered .As for anyone upon whom it falls,it will pulverize him ."Rev. 5 :10 "And you made themto be a kingdom and priests toour God, and they will rule askings over the earth ."Faithful Men of Old and "GreatCrowd" Will Be Earthly SubjectsUnder the KingdomMatt. 11 :11 "Truly I say to youpeople, Among those born ofwomen there has not been raisedup a greater than John the Bap-Kingdomtist ; but a person that is a lesserone in the kingdom of the heavensis greater than he is ."Ps. 45 :16 "Instead of thy fathersshall be thy children, whomthou shalt make princes in allthe earth."Rev . 7 :9, 10 `After these thingsI saw, and, look! a great crowd,which no man was able to number,out of all nations and tribesand peoples and tongues, standingbefore the throne and beforethe Lamb . dressed in white robes,and there were palm branchesin their hands . And they keep oncrying with a loud voice, saying :`Salvation we owe to our God,who is seated on the throne, andto the Lamb .'"Realm of the Kingdom, with ItsBlessings, Is What AllOther Sheep EnterJohn 10 :16 "And I have othersheep, which are not of this fold ;those also I must bring, and theywill listen to my voice, and theywill become one flock, one shepherd."Matt. 6 :10 "Let your kingdomcome . Let your will come to pass,as in heaven, also upon earth ."Matt . 25 :34 "Then the king willsay to those on his right : `Come,you who have my Father's blessing,inherit the kingdom preparedfor you from the world's foundation.'"Luke 23 :42, 43 "And he wenton to say : `Jesus, remember mewhen you get into your kingdom .'And he said to him : `Truly I tellyou today, You will be with mein Paradise .'"1 Ki . 4 :20, 21 "Judah and Israelwere many as the sand whichis by the sea in multitude, eatingand drinking and making merry .And Solomon ruled over all thekingdoms from the River untothe land of the Philistines, andunto the border of Egypt : theybrought tribute, and served Solomonall the days of his life ."Isa . 11 :6-9 "And the wolf shalldwell with the lamb, and theleopard shall lie down with the

Kingdomkid ; and the calf and the younglion and the fatling together ; anda little child shall lead them . Andthe cow and the bear shall feed ;their young ones shall lie downtogether ; and the lion shall eatstraw like the ox . And the suckingchild shall play on the holeof the asp, and the weaned childshall put his hand on the adder'sden . They shall not hurt nordestroy in all my holy mountain ;for the earth shall be full of theknowledge of Jehovah, as the waterscover the sea ."Isa . 35 :1, 5, 6 "The wildernessand the dry land shall be glad ;and the desert shall rejoice, andblossom as the rose . Then theeyes of the blind shall be opened,and the ears of the deaf shallbe unstopped. Then shall thelame man leap as a hart, andthe tongue of the dumb shallsing ; for in the wilderness shallwaters break out, and streams inthe desert."Isa . 65 :17, 19-24 "For, behold,I create new heavens and a newearth ; and the former thingsshall not be remembered norcome into mind. And I will rejoicein Jerusalem, and joy in mypeople ; and there shall be heardin her no more the voice of weepingand the voice of crying . Thereshall be no more thence an infantof days . . . . And they shallbuild houses, and inhabit them ;and they shall plant vineyards,and eat the fruit of them . Theyshall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, andanother eat : for as the days ofa tree shall be the days of mypeople, and my chosen shall longenjoy the work of their hands .They shall not labor in vain, norbring forth for calamity ; for theyare the seed of the blessed ofJehovah, and their offspring withthem . And it shall come to passthat, before they call, I will answer; and while they are yetspeaking, I will hear ."Ps . 115 :16 "The heavens arethe heavens of Jehovah ; but the232earth hath he given to the childrenof men ."Rev . 21 :3, 4 "With that I hearda loud voice from the thronesay : 'Look! the tent of God iswith humankind, and he willreside with them, and they willbe his peoples . And God himselfwill be with them. And he willwipe out every tear from theireyes, and death will be no more,neither will mourning nor outcrynor pain be any more . The formerthings have passed away .' "Luke 2 :14 "Glory in the heightsabove to God, and upon earthpeace among men of good-will ."Will Administer Blessings of Lifeto All Obedient Mankind . Jesusand 144,060 as Priests Have"Gift of Life"John 5 :26 "For just as the Fatherhas in himself the gift oflife, so he has granted to the Sonto have also in himself the giftof life."John 6 :53 "Accordingly Jesussaid to them : 'Most truly I sayto you, Unless you eat the fleshof the Son of man and drink hisblood, you have no life in you .'"Peaceful Rule of Kingdom, UpliftingMan to Perfection Lasts1,000 YearsRev . 20 :2, 3, 6 "And he seizedthe dragon, the original serpent,who is the Devil and Satan, andbound him for a thousand years .And he hurled him into the abyssand shut it and sealed it overhim, that he might not misleadthe nations any more until thethousand years were ended . Afterthese things he must be let loosefor a little while . Happy and holyis anyone having part in the firstresurrection ; over these the seconddeath has no authority, butthey will be priests of God andof the Christ, and will ruleas kings with him for the thousandyears ."1 Cor . 15 :24-26 "Next, the accomplishedend, when he handsover the kingdom to his God andFather, when he has destroyed

233all government and all authorityand power . For he must rule asking until God has put all enemiesunder his feet . As the lastenemy, death is to be destroyed ."The Kingdom Is Not Static, butBrings Unheard-of Increases ofBlessings to All EternityIsa. 9 :7 "Of the increase of hisgovernment and of peace thereshall be no end, upon the throneof David, and upon his kingdom,to establish it, and to uphold itwith justice and with righteousnessfrom henceforth even forever. The zeal of Jehovah of hostswill perform this ."1 Cor . 2 :9 "Eye has not seenand ear has not heard, neitherhave there been conceived in theheart of man the things whichGod has prepared for those wholove him ."1 Ki . 10 :7 "Howbeit I believednot the words, until I came, andmine eyes had seen it : and, behold,the half was not told me ;thy wisdom and prosperity exceedthe fame which I heard ."Ps. 145 :16 "Thou openest thyhand, and satisfiest the desire ofevery living thing ."Isa . 25 :6 "And in this mountainwill Jehovah of hosts make untoall peoples a feast of fat things,a feast of wines on the lees, offat things full of marrow, ofwines on the lees well refined ."Prov . 29 :2 (mar .) "When therighteous are in authority, thepeople rejoice ."Kingdom Preached as Present inthe Person of Jesus Christ theKing-designate While He Wason EarthMatt . 3 :1, 2 "In those days Johnthe Baptist came preaching inthe wilderness of Judea, saying :'Repent, for the kingdom of theheavens has drawn near .'"Matt . 4 :17 "From that time onJesus commenced preaching andsaying : 'Repent, for the kingdomof the heavens has drawn near.'"Luke 17 :21 "Look! the kingdomof God is in your midst ."KingdomMatt . 10:7 "As you go, preach,saying, 'The kingdom of the heavenshas drawn near .' "Luke 10 :8-11 "Also, whereveryou enter into a city and theyreceive you, eat the things set beforeyou, and cure the sick onesin it, and go on telling them :'The kingdom of God has comenear to you . . . . keep this in mind,that the kingdom of God hascome near .'"Message of Kingdom as PresentNot Preached from Jesus' DeathUntil A.D. 1914Acts 3 :19-21 "Repent, therefore,and turn around so as to get yoursins blotted out, that seasons ofrefreshing may come from theperson of Jehovah and that hemay send forth the Christ appointedfor you, Jesus, whomheaven, indeed, must containwithin itself until the times ofrestoration of all things of whichGod spoke through the mouth ofhis holy prophets of old time."Rev. 12:10 "And I heard a loudvoice in heaven say : 'Now havecome to pass the salvation andthe power and the kingdom of ourGod and the authority of hisChrist, because the accuser of ourbrothers has been hurled down,who accuses them day and nightbefore our God!'"Matt . 24 :3-14 "While he wassitting upon the mount of Olives,the disciples approached him privately,saying : 'Tell us, Whenwill these things be, and whatwill be the sign of your presenceand of the consummation of thesystem of things?' And in answerJesus said to them : ' . . . Andthis good news of the kingdomwill be preached in all the inhabitedearth for the purpose of awitness to all the nations, andthen the accomplished end willcome .'"Christ King of Christian CongregationSince First PresenceActs 15:14-18 "Symeon has relatedthoroughly how God for

Kingdomthe first time turned his attentionto the nations to take out ofthem a people for his name . Andwith this the words of the Prophetsagree, just as it is written,'After these things I shall returnand rebuild the royal palace ofDavid that has fallen down, andI shall rebuild its ruins and erectit again, in order that those whoremain of the men may earnestlyseek Jehovah, together withpeople of all the nations, peoplewho are called by my name, saysJehovah, who is doing these thingswhich he has known from ofold .' "Col . 1 :13 "He delivered us fromthe authority of the darkness andtransplanted us into the kingdomof the Son of his love."1 Pet . 2 :17 "Honor men of allkinds, have love for the wholeassociation of brothers, be infear of God, have honor for theking ."Kingdom in Sovereign PowerNot Established at Pentecost,A.D . 33Acts 2 :19, 20 "And I will producewonders in heaven aboveand signs on earth below, bloodand fire and smoke mist ; the sunwill be turned into darkness andthe moon into blood before thegreat and illustrious day of Jehovaharrives ."1 Cor. 4 :8 "You men alreadyhave your fill, do you? You arerich already, are you? You havebegun ruling as kings without us,have you? And I wish indeedthat you had begun ruling askings, that we also might rulewith you as kings."2 Thess . 2 :1-3 "However, brothers,respecting the presence ofour Lord Jesus Christ and ourbeing gathered together to him,we request of you not to bequickly shaken from your reasonnor to be excited either throughan inspired expression or througha verbal message or through aletter as though from us, to theeffect that the day of Jehovah is234here . Let no one seduce you inany manner, because it will notcome unless the falling awaycomes first and the man of lawlessnessgets revealed, the sonof destruction ."Christ Waited to Receive theKingdomHeb . 10 :12, 13 "But this manoffered one sacrifice for sins perpetuallyand sat down at theright hand of God, from then onawaiting until his enemies shouldbe made a stool for his feet ."Ps. 110 :1 "Jehovah saith untomy Lord, Sit thou at my righthand, until I make thine enemiesthy footstool ."Luke 19 :11, 12 "While theywere listening to these things hespoke in addition an illustration,because he was near Jerusalemand they were imagining that thekingdom of God was going todisplay itself instantly . Thereforehe said : 'A certain man of noblebirth traveled to a distant landto secure kingly power for himselfand to return .'"Became King of World at Timeof His Second Presence, A .D . 19142 Tim . 4 :1 "I earnestly begyou before God and Christ Jesus,who is destined to judge the livingand the dead, and by hismanifestation and his kingdom ."Rev . 11 :15 "And the seventhangel blew his trumpet . And loudvoices occurred in heaven saying :`The kingdom of the world hasbecome the kingdom of our Lordand of his Christ, and he willrule as king for ever and ever . , 11Rev . 12 :5 "And she gave birthto a son, a male, who is destinedto shepherd all the nations withan iron rod . And her child wascaught away to God and to histhrone ."Dan . 2 :44 "And in the days ofthose kings shall the God ofheaven set up a kingdom whichshall never be destroyed, nor shallthe sovereignty thereof be left toanother people ; but it shall break

235in pieces and consume all thesekingdoms, and it shall stand forever ."Dan . 7:14 "And there was givenhim dominion, and glory, and akingdom, that all the peoples, nations,and languages should servehim : his dominion is an everlastingdominion, which shall notpass away, and his kingdom thatwhich shall not be destroyed ."See "Return of Christ", "Signof Last Days."Now Established in Full Power,but Permits Enemies to Exist fora While During Day of Judgmentof NationsPs . 110 :2 "Jehovah will sendforth the rod of thy strengthout of ion : rule thou in themidst of thine enemies ."Rev. 12 :10, 12 "And I heard aloud voice in heaven say : `Nowhave come to pass the salvationand the power and the kingdomof our God and the authority ofhis Christ, because the accuserof our brothers has been hurleddown, who accuses them day andnight before our God! On thisaccount be glad, you heavens andyou who reside in them! Woe forthe earth and for the sea, becausethe Devil has come downto you, having great anger, knowinghe has a short period oftime.'"The Good News Now to BePreached Is That of Jehovah'sEstablished KingdomMatt . 24 :14 "And this goodnews of the kingdom will bepreached in all the inhabitedearth for the purpose of a witnessto all the nations, and thenthe accomplished end will come ."Rev. 14 :6, 7 "I saw anotherangel flying in midheaven, and hehad everlasting good news to declareas glad tidings to those whodwell on the earth, and to everynation and tribe and tongue andpeople, saying in a loud voice :`Fear God and give him glory,Kingdombecause the hour of the judgmentby him has arrived .'"Kingdom Soon to "Come" in DestructiveFury Against Satan'sOrganization at ArmageddonMatt . 6 :10 "Let your kingdomcome . Let your will come to pass,as in heaven, also upon earth ."Dan . 2 :34, 35 "Thou sawest tillthat a stone was cut out withouthands, which smote the imageupon its feet that were of ironand clay, and brake them inpieces . Then was the iron, theclay, the brass, the silver, andthe gold, broken in pieces together,and became like the chaffof the summer threshing-floors ;and the wind carried them away,so that no place was found forthem : and the stone that smotethe image became a great mountain,and filled the whole earth ."Battle of Armageddon to BeFought over the KingdomIssueRev . 16 :14-16 "They are, infact, expressions inspired by demonsand perform signs, andthey go forth to the kings of theentire inhabited earth, to gatherthem together to the war of thegreat day of God the Almighty .. . . And they gathered them togetherto the place that is calledin Hebrew Har-Magedon ."Matt. 24:9 "Then people willdeliver you up to tribulation andwill kill you, and you will behated by all the nations on accountof my name ."Ps . 83 :17, 18 "Let them be putto shame and dismayed for ever ;yea, let them be confounded andperish ; that they may know thatthou alone, whose name is Jehovah,art the Most High over allthe earth ."All Selected for Kingdom MustDie in Order to Enter It1 Cor . 15 :36-38, 50-53 "You unreasonableperson! What you sowis not made alive unless first itdies ; and as for what you sow,

Kingdomyou sow, not the body that willdevelop, but a bare grain, itmay be, of wheat or any one ofthe rest ; but God gives it a bodyjust as it has pleased him, andto each of the seeds its own body .However, this I say, brothers,that flesh and blood cannotinherit God's kingdom, neitherdoes corruption inherit incorruption. Look! I tell you a sacredsecret : We shall not all fallasleep in death, but we shall allbe changed, in a moment, in thetwinkling of an eye, during thelast trumpet . For the trumpetwill sound, and the dead will beraised up incorruptible, and weshall be changed. For this whichis corruptible must put on incorruption,and this which ismortal must put on immortality ."Kingdom Heirs Enter into JointParticipation in Kingdom WhenResurrected to Heaven1 Cor . 15 :40-44, 48, 49 "Andthere are heavenly bodies, andearthly bodies ; but the glory ofthe heavenly bodies is one kind,and that of the earthly bodiesis a different kind . The gloryof the sun is one kind, and theglory of the moon is another,and the glory of the stars isanother ; in fact, star differs fromstar in glory . . . . As the one madeof dust is, so those made of dustare also ; and as the heavenly oneis, so those who are heavenly arealso . And just as we have bornethe image of the one made ofdust, we shall bear also the imageof the heavenly one ."Rev. 20 :6 "Happy and holy isanyone having part in the firstresurrection ; over these the seconddeath has no authority, butthey will be priests of God andof the Christ, and will rule askings with him for the thousandyears ."Col. 1 :5 "Because of the hopethat is being reserved for you inthe heavens . This hope you heardof before by the telling of thetruth of that good news ."236Phil . 3 :20 "As for us, our citizenshipexists in the heavens,from which place also we areeagerly waiting for a savior, theLord Jesus Christ ."Integrity of Those Entering theKingdom Must Be Testedto the LimitRev. 2 :10 "Prove yourself faithfuleven with the danger ofdeath, and I will give you thecrown of life."Matt . 24 :13 "But he that hasendured to the finish is the onethat will be saved."2 Tim . 2 :12 "If we go on enduring,we shall also rule togetheras kings ; if we deny, healso will deny us ."Christendom Is Not God'sKingdom Through ChristJer. 25 :29 "Lo, I begin to workevil at the city which is calledby my name ."Ps . 2:2-6 "The kings of theearth set themselves, and therulers take counsel together,against Jehovah, and against hisanointed, saying, Let us breaktheir bonds asunder, and castaway their cords from us . Hethat sitteth in the heavens willlaugh : the Lord will have themin derision . Then will he speakunto them in his wrath, and vexthem in his sore displeasure : yetI have set my king upon my holyhill of ion ."Matt . 7 :21-23 "Not everyone sayingto me, `Master, Master,' willenter into the kingdom of theheavens, but the one doing thewill of my Father who is in theheavens will. Many will say tome in that day : `Master, Master,did we not prophesy in yourname, and expel demons in yourname, and perform many powerfulworks in your name?' And yetthen I will confess to them : Inever knew you at all . Get awayfrom me, you workers of lawlessness."

237Luke 6 :46 "Why, then, do youcall me 'Master! Master!' but donot do the things I say?"Luke 19 :12-27 "Therefore hesaid : 'A certain man of noblebirth traveled to a distant landto secure kingly power for himselfand to return . . . . But hiscitizens hated him and sent outa body of ambassadors after him,to say : "We do not want this manto become king over us ." Eventuallywhen he arrived home afterhaving secured the kingly power,he commanded to be called tohim these slaves to whom he hadgiven the silver money, in orderto ascertain what they had gainedby business activity . .Moreover,these enemies of mine thatdid not want me to become kingover them bring here and slaughterthem before me ." ' "Christ Has No Vicegerent onEarth, Nor DivinelyAppointed KingsJohn 18 :36 "Jesus answered :'My kingdom is no part of thisworld. If my kingdom were partof this world, my attendantswould have fought that I shouldnot be delivered up to the Jews .But, as it is, my kingdom is notfrom this source.' "1 Cor. 4 :8 "You men alreadyhave your fill, do you? You arerich already, are you? You havebegun ruling as kings without us,have you? And I wish indeed thatyou had begun ruling as kings,that we also might rule with youas kings ."LawEzek. 21 :26, 27 "Thus saith theLord Jehovah : Remove the mitre,and take off the crown ; thisshall be no more the same ; exaltthat which is low, and abase thatwhich is high . I will overturn,overturn, overturn it : this alsoshall be no more, until he comewhose right it is ; and I will giveit him ."Ps . 2 :2, 9 "The kings of theearth set themselves, and therulers take counsel together,against Jehovah, and against hisanointed . . . . Thou shalt breakthem with a rod of iron ; thoushalt dash them in pieces like apotter's vessel ."Ps. 110 :5 "The Lord at thyright hand will strike throughkings in the day of his wrath ."Rev. 12 :5 "And she gave birthto a son, a male, who is destinedto shepherd all the nations withan iron rod . And her child wascaught away to God and to histhrone ."Ps. 24 :3, 4 "Who shall ascendinto the hill of Jehovah? Andwho shall stand in his holy place?He that hath clean hands, and apure heart ; who hath not liftedup his soul unto falsehood, andhath not sworn deceitfully ."Isa . 34 :2 "For Jehovah hathindignation against all the nations,and wrath against all theirhost : he hath utterly destroyedthem, he hath delivered them tothe slaughter."See "Return of Christ", "Jehovah'sWitnesses," "Sign of LastDays," "Superior Authorities,""Life ."LawDEFINITIONThe Law as generally used in the Bible refers to the Law covenantgiven by Jehovah God to the nation of Israel at the hands of Mosesas mediator . For this reason it is sometimes called the Mosaic Law,although no part of the law was made or given by Moses himself .False religion claims the law was divided into two parts : (1) God's

Law 238law, a moral law, written by Him, and (2) Moses' law, a ceremoniallaw, written by him . It is unscripturally claimed that the ceremoniallaw was abolished, but not the moral law contained in the TenCommandments . According to the Scriptures, the entire Law covenant,namely, the Ten Commandments as well as all sacrificial and ceremonialfeatures pertaining to the law, was fulfilled by Jesus Christand abolished by being nailed to Christ's torture stake A .D . 33 .Christians are therefore not under any part of the law, including theTen Commandments .Law Given Only to Nation of ly f<strong>org</strong>ave us all our trespassesIsrael, Thereby Separating Them and blotted out the handwrittenPs . 147 :19, 20 "He showeth his document against us which conwordunto Jacob, his statutes and sisted of decrees and which washis ordinances unto Israel . He in opposition to us, and He hashath not dealt so with any na- taken it out of the way by nailtion; and as for his ordinances, ing it to the torture stake."they have not known them ." Paul Showed Law Jehovah Abol-Deut. 4 :8 "And what great ished Was God's Law (Includingnation is there, that hath statutes "Sabbath Sign") Which Hadand ordinances so righteous as all Separated Jews from Gentilesthis law, which I set before you Eph. 2 :11-16 "Therefore keepthis day?"bearing in mind that formerlyEx . 31 :16, 17 "Wherefore the you were people of the nations aschildren of Israel shall keep the to flesh ; `uncircumcision' you weresabbath, to observe the sabbath called by that which is calledthroughout their generations, for 'circumcision' made in the flesha perpetual covenant . It is a sign with hands-that you were atbetween me and the children of that particular time withoutIsrael for ever ."Christ, alienated from the stateMoses Served as Mediator of Israel and strangers to theJohn 1 :17 "Because the law covenants of the promise, andwas given through Moses, the un- you had no hope and were withdeservedkindness and the truth out God in the world . But nowcame to be through Jesus Christ ." in union with Christ Jesus youLaw to Serve Only Until Messiah who were once far off have comeShould Cometo be near by the blood of theGal. 3:19, 24 "Why, then, the Christ . For he is our peace, heLaw? It was added to make who made the two parties onetransgressions manifest, until the and destroyed the wall in betweenseed should arrive to whom the that fenced them off . By meanspromise had been made, and it of his flesh he abolished thewas transmitted through angels hatred, the Law of commandbythe hand of a mediator . Consequently,, the Law has become ments consisting in decrees, thatour tutor leading to Christ, that he might create the two peopleswe might be declared righteous in union with himself into onedue to faith ."new man and make peace, andJehovah Nailed Law to Jesus' that he might fully reconcile bothTorture Stake, Putting It peoples in one body to GodOut of Waythrough the torture stake, be-Col. 2 :13, 14 "God made you cause he had killed off the hatredalive together with him . He kind- by means of himself ."

2 39In His Sermon- on the MountJesus Referred to Other Partsof Law as Well as Ten Commandments,Thus Showing AllOne LawGifts for attarMatt. 5 :23, 24 "if, then, youare bringing your gift to the altarand you there remember thatyour brother has somethingagainst you, leave your gift therein front of the altar, and goaway ; first make your peace withyour brother, and then, whenyou have come back, offer upyour gift ."Compare Deut. 16 :16, 17 .DivorceMatt. 5 :31 "Moreover it wassaid, 'Whoever divorces his wife,let him give her a certificate ofdivorce .' "Compare Deut. 24 :1 .False swearingMatt . 5 :33 "Again you heardthat it was said to those of ancienttimes, 'You must not swearwithout performing, but you mustpay your vows to Jehovah .' "Compare Num. 30 :2 .Law of retaliationMatt . 5 :38 "You heard that itwas said, 'Eye for eye and toothfor tooth .' "Compare Ex . 21 :23-25 .Love of neighborMatt . 5 :43 "You heard thatit was said : 'You must love yourneighbor and hate your enemy .' "Compare Lev . 19 :18 .Jesus Did Not Destroy the Lawbut Kept It Perfectly, as Exampleto the JewsGal . 4 :4 "But when the fulllimit of the time arrived, Godsent forth his Son, who was producedout of a woman and whocame to be under law ."Lev . 18 :5 "Ye shall thereforekeep my statutes, and mine ordinances; which if a man do, heshall live in them,"LawMatt . 5 :17, 19, 20 "Do not thinkI came to destroy the Law or theProphets . I came, not to destroy,but to fulfill . Whoever, therefore,breaks one of these least com-m andments and teaches mankindto that effect, he will be calledeast' in relation to the kingdomof the heavens . As for anyonewho does them and teachesthem, this one will be called'great' in relation to the kingdomof the heavens . For I sayto you that if your righteousnessdoes not abound more than thato the scribes and Pharisees, youwill by no means enter into thekingdom of the heavens ."Jesus Demonstrated PhariseesWere Lawbreakers ThroughTheir Traditions, HenceWould Be Excludedfrom KingdomMatt . 15 :1-3, 6 "Then therecame to Jesus from JerusalemPharisees and scribes, saying :'Why is it your disciples overstepthe tradition of the men of formertimes?' . . . In reply he saidto them : 'Why is it you also overstepthe commandment of Godbecause of your tradition? . . . Andso you have made the word ofGod invalid because of yourtradition .'' ,Matt. 21 :43, 45 "'This is whyI say to you, The kingdom ofGod will be taken from you andbe given to a nation producingits fruits.' Now when the chiefpriests and the Pharisees hadheard his illustrations they tooknote that he was speaking aboutthem ."Jesus Fulfilled Law by Bringingin the Realities, Those ThingsPictured by the LawMatt . 5 :17, 18 "Do not thinkI came to destroy the Law or theProphets . I came, not to destroy .but to fulfill ; for truly I say toyou that sooner would heavenand earth pass away than forthe smallest letter or one particleof a letter to pass away from

Lawthe Law by any means and notall things take place ."Col . 2 :16, 17 "Therefore let noman judge you in eating anddrinking or in respect of a feastday or of an observance of thenew moon or of a sabbath, forthose things are a shadow of thethings to come, but the realitybelongs to the Christ ."Heb . 10:1, 2 "For since the Lawhas a shadow of the good thingsto come, but not the very substanceof the things, men cannever with the same sacrificesfrom year to year which theyoffer continually make thosewho approach perfect . Otherwise,would the sacrifices not havestopped being offered?"Jesus Came as Perfect Sacrificefor Removal of SinHeb . 10:8-10 "After first saying,`You did not desire nor didyou approve of sacrifices andofferings and whole burnt-offeringsand sin offering'-sacrificeswhich are offered according tothe Law-then he actually says,`Look! I am come to do yourwill .' He does away with what isfirst that he may establish whatis second . By the said `will' wehave been sanctified through theoffering of the body of JesusChrist once for all time."Scriptures Show Jesus HimselfWas the Reality of thePassover LambEx . 12 :5, 21 "Your lamb shallbe without blemish, a male ayear old : ye shall take it fromthe sheep, or from the goats .Then Moses called for all theelders of Israel, and said untothem, Draw out, and take youlambs according to your families,and kill the passover ."1 Cor. 5 :7 "For, indeed, Christour passover has been sacrificed ."1 Pet. 1 :19 "But it was withprecious blood, like that of anunblemished and spotless lamb,even Christ's."240Rev . 5 :12 "The Lamb that wasslaughtered is worthy to receivethe power and riches and wisdomand strength and honor and gloryand blessing ."Other Features of Law CovenantEnded to Permit Realitiesto BeginHeb . 9 :1-3, 9, 10, 24 "For itspart, then, the former covenantused to have ordinances of sacredservice and its holy placeupon this earth. For there wasconstructed a first tent compartmentin which were the lampstandand also the table andthe display of the loaves ; and itis called `the Holy Place' . Butbehind the second curtain wasthe tent compartment called `theMost Holy' . This very tent is anillustration for the appointedtime that is now here, and inkeeping with it both gifts andsacrifices are offered . . . . Theywere legal requirements pertainingto the flesh and were imposeduntil the appointed time to setthings straight . For Christ entered,not into a holy place madewith hands which is a copy ofthe reality, but into heaven itself,now to appear before theperson of God for us ."Command to Keep the SabbathForever Did Not Mean TenCommandments Would Applyfor All Time to ComeEx . 31 :16, 17 "Wherefore thechildren of Israel shall keep thesabbath, to observe the sabbaththroughout their generations, fora perpetual [`o-lam'] covenant. Itis a sign between me and thechildren of Israel for ever [l'o-lam']."Same Hebrew Expressions Usedin Connection with Lawon SacrificesEx . 40 :15 "Their anointing shallbe to them for an everlasting['o-lam'] priesthood throughouttheir generations ."

241Lev . 6 :18, 22 "Every maleamong the children of Aaronshall eat of it, as his portion forever ['d-lam'] throughout yourgenerations, from the offerings ofJehovah made by fire : . . . Andthe anointed priest that shall bein his stead from among hissons shall offer it : by a statutefor ever ['o-lam'] it shall be whollyburnt unto Jehovah ."Paul Shows Priesthood and SacrificesDefinitely Ended, HenceTen Commandments AlsoHeb . 7 :11, 12, 18, 19 "If, then,perfection were really throughthe Levitical priesthood, (for withit as a feature the people weregiven the Law,) what furtherneed would there be for anotherpriest to arise . . . ?For since thepriesthood is being changed, therecomes to be of necessity a changealso of the law . Certainly, then,there occurs a setting aside of thepreceding commandment on accountof its weakness and ineffectiveness. For the Law madenothing perfect, but the bringingin besides of a better hope did,through which we are drawingnear to God."Law Covenant Replaced by NewCovenant Mediated by ChristJesus Through His Sacrifice2 Cor . 3 :5, 6, 12-14 "Our beingadequately qualified issues fromGod, who has indeed adequatelyqualified us to be ministers of anew covenant, not of a writtencode, but of spirit ; for the writtencode condemns to death, butthe spirit makes alive . Therefore,as we have such a hope, we areusing great freeness of speech,and not doing as when Moseswould put a veil upon his face,that the sons of Israel might notgaze intently at the end of thatwhich was to be done away with .But their mental perceptionswere dulled. For to this presentday the same veil remains unliftedat the reading of the oldcovenant, because it is done awaywith by means of Christ ."LawHeb . 8 :6, 13 "But now Jesushas obtained a more excellentpublic service, so that he is alsothe mediator of a correspondinglybetter covenant, which hasbeen legally established uponbetter promises . In his saying 'anew covenant' he has made theformer one obsolete . Now thatwhich is made obsolete and growingold is near to vanishingaway ."Christians Still Live by PrinciplesEmbodied in LawMatt . 5 :21, 22 "You heard thatit was said to those of ancienttimes, 'You must not murder .'. . . However, I say to you thateveryone who continues angrywith his brother will be accountableto the court of justice ; butwhoever addresses his brotherwith an unspeakable word of contemptwill be accountable to theSupreme Court ; whereas whoeversays, 'You despicable fool!'will be liable to the fiery Gehenna."Matt. 5 :27, 28 "You heard thatit was said, 'You must not commitadultery.' But I say to youthat everyone that keeps on lookingat a woman so as to have apassion for her has already committedadultery with her in hisheart ."Matt . 5 :43-47 "You heard thatit was said : 'You must love yourneighbor and hate your enemy .'However, I say to you : Continueto love your enemies and to prayfor those persecuting you. . . . Forif you love those loving you, whatreward do you have? are not alsothe tax collectors doing the samething? And if you greet yourbrothers only, what extraordinarything are you doing? Are not alsothe people of the nations doingthe same thing?"Force That Moves to ObedienceIs Righteous Active Force of God ;More Powerful than Sanctions ofthe Law2 Cor . 3 :15-18 "In fact, downtill today whenever Moses is read,

.idolatry ."Lifea veil lies upon their hearts . Butwhen there is a turning to Jehovah,the veil is taken away .Now Jehovah is the spirit ; and"here the spirit of Jehovah is,there is freedom . And all of us,while w e with unveiled faces reflectlike mirrors the glory ofJehovah, are transformed into thesame image from glory to glory,spiritexa-ctly as done by Jehovah theGal . 5 :18, 22 "Furthermore, ifyou are being led by spirit, youare not under law . . . . the fruitageof the spirit is love, joy, peace,longsuffering, kindness, goodness,faith, mildness, self-control .Against such things there is nolaw ."Although Christians Not UnderTen Commandments, Proper toQuote Them as SupportingProofEph. 6 :1-3 "Children, be obedientto your parents in unionwith the Lord, for this is righteous: 'Honor your father andmother' ; which is the first commandwith a promise : 'That itmay go well with you and youmay endure a long time on theearth .'"Compare Deut . 5 :16 .Rom . 13 :8-10 "Do not be owinganybody a single thing, exceptto love one another ; for he thatloves his fellow man has fulfilledthe law . For the law code, 'Youmust not commit adultery, Youmust not murder, You must notLifeDEFINITIONThe condition that distinguishes animals and plants from in<strong>org</strong>anicobjects and dead <strong>org</strong>anisms . The distinguishing manifestations oflife are growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power ofadaptation to environment through changes originating internally .In the fullest Scriptural sense, as applied to intelligent persons,life is existence with the right thereto . It may be in heaven or onearth . Life is brought about by the "life principle" or "life force"2 4 2steal, You must not covet,' andwhatever other commandmentthere is, is summed up in thisword, namely, 'You must loveyour neighbor as yourself .' Lovedoes not work evil to one's neighbor; therefore love is the law'sfullfillment ."Compare Ex . 20 :13-15, 17 ; Lev .19 :18 .Laws Against Idolatry Restatedto Christians as a Requirementfor Them1 Cor . 10 :14 "Therefore, mybeloved ones, flee from idolatry ."Gal . 5 :19, 20 "Now the worksof the flesh are manifest, andthey are fornication ionCol . 3 :5 "Deaden, therefore,your body members which are uponthe earth as respects . . . covetousness,which is idolatry ."1 John 5 :21 "Little children,guard yourselves from idols ."Christians Not Under Law ofMoses but Are Saved by FaithThrough God's UndeservedKindnessRom . 6 :14 "For sin must notbe master over you, seeing thatyou are not under law but underundeserved kindness ."Eph . 2 :8, 9 "By this undeservedkindness, indeed, you have beensaved through faith ; and this notowing to you, it is God's gift. No,it is not owing to works, in orderthat no man should have groundsfor boasting ."See also "Sabbath" .

243 Life(spirit) that originates with God, activating a physical or spiritualbody.Divine : Life of the highest order, like that of the Divine Being,Jehovah God himself, Reserved only for Christ Jesus and his 144,000Kingdom ruling associates .-Acts 17 :29 ; 1 John 3 :1-3 .Immortality: Deathlessness, that is, the life principle of the personpossessing it cannot be taken away by anyone except the Almightyhimself . Dependent only upon Jehovah, but not on any created thing .Incorruptibility : Referring to the <strong>org</strong>anism that cannot deteriorate,or be hurt or injured by any except Jehovah God .Incorruptibility and immortality are inseparably linked with theKingdom . No others besides the Kingdom members in heaven receivethese qualities of life .Everlasting life : Life in a perfect <strong>org</strong>anism, fleshly for humanswho gain life on earth, spiritual for faithful angels who continue tolive in heaven . No other creature can justly take such gift away. Godthrough his <strong>org</strong>anization protects the life of such individual for alleternity . Such a person, by his very creation, is dependent upon food,subject to God's laws governing created things .Jehovah Has Immortal Life, Incorruptibility; Therefore Life life and breath and all things .he himself gives to all personsHas Always Existed And he made out of one man1 Tim . 1 :17 "Now to the King every nation of men, to dwell uponthe entire surface of the earth,of eternity, incorruptible, invisible,the only God, be honor and and he decreed the appointedglory for ever and ever . Amen ." seasons and the set limits of thePs. 90 :2 "Before the mountains dwelling of men . Seeing, therefore,that we are the progeny ofwere brought forth, or ever thouhadst formed the earth and the God, we ought not to imagineworld, even from everlasting to that the Divine Being is likeeverlasting, thou art God ."gold or silver or stone, like somethingsculptured by the art andJer. 10:10 "But Jehovah is thetrue God ; he is the living God, the contrivance of man ."and an everlasting King : at his Ps . 104:29, 30 "Thou takestwrath the earth trembleth, and away their breath, they die, andthe nations are not able to abide return to their dust . Thou sendesthis indignation."forth thy spirit, they are created ."Jehovah the Source and Giver Job 12 :9, 10 "Who knoweth notof Life.that the hand of Jehovah . . .in whose hand is the soul of everyPs . 36 :9 "For with thee is the living thing, and the breath offountain of life : in thy light shall all mankind?"we see light ."Jas. 1 :17 "Every good gift andLife Comes to Obedient MankindThrough Christ Jesusevery perfect present is fromabove, for it comes down from 1 John 2 :2 "And he is a propitiatorysacrifice for our sins,the Father of the celestial lights,and with him there is not a yet not for ours only but also forvariation of the turning of the the whole world's ."shadow ."John 3 :16 "For God loved theActs 17 :25, 26, 29 "Neither is he world so :much that he gave hisattended to by human hands as only-begotten Son, in order thatif he needed anything, because everyone exercising faith in him

Lifemight not be destroyed but haveeverlasting life ."John 5 :26 "For just as the Fatherhas in himself the gift oflife, so he has granted to the Sonto have also in himself the giftof life ."John 6 :51 "I am the livingbread that came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this breadhe will live forever ; and, for afact, the bread that I shall giveis my flesh in behalf of the lifeof the world ."Roan . 6 :23 "For the wages sinpays is death, but the gift Godgives is everlasting life by ChristJesus our Lord."John 14 :6 "Jesus said to him :'I am the way and the truth andthe life. No one comes to theFather except through me .' "Adam and Eve Had ConditionalRight by Virtue of TheirPerfectionGen . 1 :27-31 "And God createdman in his own image, in theimage of God created he him ;male and female created he them .And God blessed them : and Godsaid unto them, Be fruitful, andmultiply, and replenish the earth,and subdue it ; and have dominionover the fish of the sea, andover the birds of the heavens,and over every living thing thatmoveth upon the earth . . . . AndGod saw everything that he hadmade, and, behold, it was verygood."Deut . 32 :4 "The Rock, his workis perfect ; for all his ways arejustice : a God of faithfulnessand without iniquity, just andright is he."Gen . 2 :9, 17 "And out of theground made Jehovah God togrow every tree that is pleasantto the sight, and good for food ;the tree of life also in the midstof the garden, and the tree ofthe knowledge of good and evil ..but of the tree of the knowledgeof good and evil, thou shaltnot eat of it : for in the daythat thou eatest thereof thoushalt surely die ."244This Right Forfeited Forever byAdam and EveGen . 3 :17-19 "And unto Adamhe said, Because thou hast hearkenedunto the voice of thy wife,and hast eaten of the tree, ofwhich I commanded thee, saying,Thou shalt not eat of it :cursed is the ground for thy sake ;in toil shalt thou eat of it allthe days of thy life ; thorns alsoand thistles shall it bring forthto thee ; and thou shalt eat theherb of the field ; in the sweat ofthy face shalt thou eat bread,till thou return unto the ground ;for out of it wast thou taken :for dust thou art, and unto dustshalt thou return ."1 Tim . 2 :14 "Also Adam wasnot deceived, but the woman wasthoroughly deceived and came tobe in transgression ."Heb. 6 :4-6 "For it is impossibleas regards those who have oncefor all been enlightened and whohave tasted the heavenly freegift and who have become partakersof holy spirit and whohave tasted the right word of Godand powers of the coming systemof things, but who have fallenaway, to revive them again torepentance, because they impalethe Son of God afresh for themselvesand expose him to publicshame."Heb . 10 :26, 27 "For if we practicesin willfully after having receivedthe accurate knowledge ofthe truth, there is no longer anysacrifice for sins left, but thereis a certain fearful expectationof judgment and there is a fieryjealousy that is going to consumethose in opposition ."All Men Born Without the Rightto LifePs . 51 :5 "Behold, I was broughtforth in iniquity ; and in sin didmy mother conceive me ."Matt. 7 :18 "A good tree cannotbear bad fruit, neither can arotten tree produce fine fruit ."

2 45Heb. 9:27 "And as it is reservedfor men to die once for all time,but after this a judgment."Mankind Considered Deadby GodLuke 9 :60 "But he said tohim : `Let the dead bury theirdead, but you go away and declareabroad the kingdom ofGod .' "Eph. 2 :1 "Furthermore, it isyou God made alive though youwere dead in your trespasses andsins ."1 Tim . 5 :6 "But the one thatgoes in for sensual gratificationis dead though she is living ."God Does Not Owe Anyone LifeRom. 9 :14-24 "What shall wesay, then? Is there injustice withGod? Never may that become so!For he says to Moses : 'I willhave mercy upon whomever I dohave mercy, and I will show compassionto whomever I do showcompassion .' So, then, it depends,not upon the one wishing norupon the one running, but uponGod, who has mercy . For theScripture says to Pharaoh : `Forthis very purpose I have let youremain, that in connection withyou I may demonstrate my powerand that my name may be publishedthroughout all the earth .'So, then, upon whom he wisheshe has mercy, but whom hewishes he hardens . You will thereforesay to me : `Why does he yetfind fault? For who has withstoodhis express will?' 0 man,who, then, really are you to beanswering back to God? Shall thething molded say to him thatmolded it, `Why did you make methis way?' What? Does not thepotter have authority over theclay to make from the same lumpone vessel for an honorable use,another for a dishonorable use?If, now, God, although havingthe will to demonstrate his wrathand to make his power known,tolerated with much longsufferingvessels of wrath made fit forLifedestruction, in order that hemight make known the riches ofhis glory upon vessels of mercy,which he prepared beforehand f<strong>org</strong>lory . . . . what of it?"The Vast Majority of Men NowWill Not Get Everlasting LifeMatt . 7 :13, 14 "Go in throughthe narrow gate ; because broadand spacious is the road leadingoff into destruction, and manyare the ones going in through it ;whereas narrow is the gate andcramped the road leading off intolife, and few are the onesfinding it ."Christ's Ransom Sacrifice ProvidesOpportunity for LifeMatt. 20 :28 "The Son of mancame, not to be ministered to,but to minister and to give hissoul a ransom in exchange formany ."1 Tim . 2 :5, 6 "For there is oneGod, and one mediator betweenGod and men, a man Christ Jesus,who gave himself a correspondingransom for all-thisis what is to be witnessed to atits own particular times ."1 John 2 :2 "And he is the propitiatorysacrifice for our sins,yet not for ours only but alsofor the whole world's ."Heb . 9 :26 "Otherwise, he wouldhave to suffer often from theworld's foundation. But now hehas manifested himself once forall time at the consummationof the systems of things to putsin away through the sacrifice ofhimself ."Those Accepting Christ Consideredas LivingJohn 5 :24 "Most truly I say toyou, He that hears my word andbelieves him that sent me haseverlasting life, and he does notcome into judgment but haspassed over from death to life ."Rom . 8 :6 "For the minding ofthe flesh means death, but theminding of the spirit means lifeand peace."

LifeLuke 20 :38 "He is a God, notof the dead, but of the living, forthey are all living from hisstandpoint ."Future Life or Life Right inGod's Sight More Important thanPresent Life and Its BenefitsMatt. I0 :28. 39 "And do notbecome fearful of those who killthe body but can not kill thesoul ; but rather be in fear ofhim that can destroy both souland body in Gehenna . He thatands his soul will lose it, andlie that loses his soul for my sakewill find it ."Matt . 18 :8 "If, then, your handor your foot is making youstumble, cut it off and throw itaway from you ; it is finer foryou to enter into life maimed orlame than to be thrown with twohands or two feet into the everlastingfire ."Matt . 6 :25 "On this account Isay to you : Stop being anxiousabout your souls as to what youwill eat or what you will drink,or about your bodies as to whatyou will wear . Does not the soulmean more than food and thebody than clothing?"1 Pet. 1 :24 "'All flesh' is asvegetation . . . . the vegetation becomeswithered, and the flowerfalls off ."Ps . 144:4 "Man is like to vanity: his days are as a shadowthat passeth away."Jas. 4 :14 "Whereas you do notknow what your life will be tomorrow. For you are a mist appearingfor a little while andthen disappearing."Ps . 102 :11 "My days are liker 5 . shadow that declineth ; and Iam withered like grass ."Eccl . 8 :13 "But it shall not be-, , -, ell with the wicked, neithershall he prolong his days, which.re as a shadow ; because hefeareth not before God ."Luke 14 :26 "if anyone comesto me and does not hate hisfather and mother and wife andchildren and brothers and sisters,246yes, and even his own soul, hecannot be my disciple ."Christ Granted Immortal Lifefor His Faithful Course1 Tim . 6:16 "The one alonehaving immortality, who dwellsin unapproachable light, whomnot one of men has seen or cansee . To him be honor and mighteverlasting. Amen ."Heb . 7 :15, 16 "And it is stillmore abundantly clear that witha similarity to Melchizedek therearises another priest, who hasbecome such, not according tothe law of a commandment dependingupon the flesh, but accordingto the power of an indestructiblelife ."Eph. 1 :19-21 "It is according tothe operation of the mightinessof his strength, with which hehas operated in the case of theChrist when he raised him upfrom the dead and seated him athis right hand in the heavenlyplaces, far above every governmentand authority and powerand lordship and every namenamed, not only in this system ofthings, but also in that to come ."Rom . 6 :9 "For we know thatChrist, now that he has beenraised up from the dead, diesno more ; death is master overhim no more."Life and Incorruptibility Broughtto Light by Christ2 Tim . 1 :10 "Our Savior, ChristJesus, who has abolished deathbut has shed light upon life andincorruption through the goodnews ."Rom . 7 :18-25 "For I know thatin me, that is, in my flesh, thereresides nothing good ; for abilityto wish is present with me, butability to work out what is rightis not present . For the good thatI wish I do not do, but the badthat I do not wish is what Ipractice . . . . I behold in my membersanother law warring againstthe law of my mind and leadingme captive to sin's law that is

24 7in my members . Miserable manthat I am! Who will rescue mefrom the body undergoing thisdeath? Thanks to God throughJesus Christ our Lord!"Eph . 2 :12 "You were at thatparticular time without Christ,alienated from the state of Israeland strangers to the covenants ofthe promise, and you had no hopeand were without God in theworld ."Immortal Life Given to Christ'sBody Members for FaithfulnessUntil DeathRom . 2 :7 "Everlasting life tothose who are seeking glory andhonor and incorruptibleness byendurance in work that is good ."Jas . 1 :12 "Happy is the manthat keeps on enduring trial, becauseon becoming approved hewill receive the crown of life,which Jehovah promised to thosewho continue loving him ."1 John 2 :25 "Furthermore, thisis the promised thing which hehimself promised us, the life everlasting."Rev. 2 :7, 10 "To him that conquersI will grant to eat of thetree of life, which is in the paradiseof God . . Prove yourselffaithful even with the danger ofdeath, and I will give you thecrown of life ."1 John 3 :2 "We do know thatwhenever he is made manifestwe shall be like him, because weshall see him just as he is ."Apart from God and ChristImmortal Life Limited to 144,060Persons ; Only for Heavenly,Divine PersonsRev. 7 :4-8 "And I heard thenumber of those who were sealed,a hundred and forty-four thousand,sealed out of every tribeof the sons of Israel."Rev. 14 :1-3 "And I saw, andlook! the Lamb standing uponthe mount ion, and with him ahundred and forty-four thousandhaving his name and the nameof his Father written on theirforeheads. And I heard a soundLifeout of heaven . . . . And they aresinging as if a new song . . . andno one was able to master thatsong but the hundred and fortyfourthousand ."Angels Do Not Have Immortalityand Incorruptibility2 Pet . 2 :4 "God did not holdback from punishing the angelsthat sinned, but, by throwingthem into Tartarus, deliveredthem to pits of dense darknessto be reserved for judgment ."Jude 6 "And the angels thatdid not keep their original positionbut forsook their own properdwelling-place he has reservedwith eternal bonds under densedarkness for the judgment ofthe great day ."Heb . 2 :14 "Therefore, since the`young children' are sharers ofblood and flesh, he also similarlypartook of the same things, thatthrough his death he might destroythe one having the meansto cause death, that is, the DeviL"Isa . 14 :12, 15 "How art thoufallen from heaven, 0 day-star,son of the morning ' how artthou cut down to the ground .that didst lay low the nations!Yet thou shalt be brought downto Sheol, to the uttermost partsof the pit ."Ezek . 28 :17-19 "Thou hast corruptedthy wisdom by reason ofthy brightness : . . . thou hast profanedthy sanctuaries ; thereforehave I brought forth a fire fromthe midst of thee ; it hath devouredthee, and I have turnedthee to ashes upon the earth inthe sight of all them that beholdthee . . . . thou shalt nevermorehave any being ."1 Pet . 3 :19, 20 "He went hisway and preached to the spiritsin prison, which had once beendisobedient .""Divine Nature" for Christ and144,000 in Heaven2 Pet . 1 :4 "Through these thingshe has freely given us the preciousand very grand promises, that

Lifethrough these you may becomesharers in divine nature, escapingfrom the corruption that isin the world through lust ."1 Cor . 15 :40-50 "And thereare heavenly bodies, and earthlybodies ; but the glory of the heavenlybodies is one kind, and thatof the earthly bodies is a differentkind . . . . So also is the resurrectionof the dead . It is sown incorruption, it is raised up in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor,it is raised up in glory . It issown in weakness, it is raised upin power . It is sown a physicalbody, it is raised up a spiritualbody. . . . we shall bear also theimage of the heavenly one . However,this I say, brothers, thatflesh and blood cannot inheritGod's kingdom, neither does corruptioninherit incorruption ."Life in Spirit Organism forAngelsHeb. 2 :6, 14, 16 " `What is manso that you are mindful of him,or the son of man so that youlook after him?' Therefore, sincethe `young children' are sharersof blood and flesh, he also similarlypartook of the same things .. For he is really not assistingangels at all, but he is assistingAbraham's seed ."Heb . 1 :4, 5 "He has becomebetter than the angels to the extentthat he has inherited a namemore excellent than theirs. Forexample, to which one of theangels did he ever say : `You aremy Son ; today I have becomeyour Father'?""Human Nature" for Those Livingon Earth1 Cor . 15 :45-49 "'The first manAdam became a living soul .' . . .the first is, not that which isspiritual, but that which is physical. . . . The first man is out ofthe earth and made of dust . . . .As the one made of dust is, sothose made of dust are also ; . . .we have borne the image of theone made of dust ."248Resurrection Change to ImmortalLife for 144,0001 Cor. 15 :51, 52 "Look! I tellyou a sacred secret : We shall notall fall asleep in death, but weshall all be changed, in a moment,in the twinkling of aneye, during the last trumpet . Forthe trumpet will sound, and thedead will be raised up incorruptible,and we shall be changed ."1 Thess . 4 :16 "Those who aredead in union with Christ willrise first."Some Living May Never DieJohn 11 :26 "He that exercisesfaith in me, even though he dies,will come to life, and everyonethat is living and exercises faithin me will never die at all ."Resurrection Provides Opportunityfor Life for OthersJohn 5 :28, 29 "The hour iscoming in which all those inthe memorial tombs will hear hisvoice and come out, those whodid good things to a resurrectionof life, those who practiced vilethings to a resurrection of judgment."Acts 24 :15 "There is going tobe a resurrection of both therighteous and the unrighteous ."Everlasting Life Granted toTested Persons on EarthAfter the End of Christ's1,000-Year ReignRev. 20 :5, 7-12 "(The rest ofthe dead did not come to lifeuntil the thousand years wereended .) . . . Now as soon as thethousand years have been ended,Satan will be let loose out of hisprison, and he will go out tomislead those nations in the fourquarters of the earth, Gog andMagog, to gather them togetherfor the war . The number of theseis as the sand of the sea . . . . AndI saw the dead, the great and thesmall, standing before the throne,and scrolls were opened. Butanother scroll was opened ; it isthe scroll of life . And the dead

2 49were judged out of those thingswritten in the scrolls accordingto their deeds ."Luke 20 :35, 36 "But those whohave been counted worthy ofgaining that system of things andthe resurrection from the deadneither marry nor are given inmarriage . In fact, neither canthey die any more, for they arelike the angels, and they areGod's children by being childrenof the resurrection ."Life Not Possible by the Law,Nor Can It Be Legislatedinto People2 Cor . 3 :6 "Who has indeedadequately qualified us to beministers of a new covenant, notof a written code, but of spirit ;for the written code condemnsto death, but the spirit makesalive ."Gal . 3 :21 "If a law had beengiven which was able to give life,righteousness would actually havebeen by means of law ."Life for All Persons Dependenton Jehovah ForeverJohn 17:3 "This means everlastinglife, their taking in knowledgeof you, the only true God,and of the one whom you sentforth, Jesus Christ ."Ps. 27 :4 "One thing have Iasked of Jehovah, that will Iseek after : that I may dwell inthe house of Jehovah all thedays of my life, to behold thebeauty of Jehovah, and to inquirein his temple ."Dedication Essential to Start onRoad to LifeHeb . 10 :7 "Then I said, 'Look!I am come (in the roll of thebook it is written about me) todo your will, 0 God .'"Mark 1 :9-11 "In the course ofthose days Jesus came from Nazarethof Galilee and was baptizedin the Jordan by John . And immediatelyon coming up out ofthe water he saw the heavensbeing parted, and, like a dove, theLifespirit coming down upon him ;and a voice came out of the heavens: 'You are my Son, the beloved; I have approved you.'"Matt . 28 :19 "Go therefore andmake disciples of people of allthe nations, baptizing them inthe name of the Father and ofthe Son and of the holy spirit ."Progress to Maturity MustBe MadeHeb. 6 :1-3 "For this reason,now that we have left the elementarydoctrine about theChrist, let us press on to maturity,not laying a foundation again,namely, repentance from deadworks, and faith toward God,the teaching on baptisms and thelaying on of the hands, the resurrectionof the dead and everlastingjudgment . And this wewill do, if God indeed permits ."1 Cor . 14 :20 "Brothers, do notbecome young children in powersof understanding, but be babes asto evil ; yet become full-grown inpowers of understanding."Heb . 5 :12-14 "For, indeed, althoughyou ought to be teachersin view of the time, you againneed someone to teach you fromthe beginning the first principlesof the sacred pronouncements ofGod, and you have become suchas need milk, not solid food . Foreveryone that partakes of milkis unacquainted with the wordof righteousness, for he is a babe .But solid food belongs to maturepeople, to those who through usehave their perceptive powerstrained to distinguish both rightand wrong ."Heb . 10 :38, 39 "'But my righteousone will live by reason offaith,' and, 'if he shrinks b ack .m y soul has no pleasure in him .'Now we are not the kind thatshrink back to destruction, butthe kind that have faith to thepreserving alive of the soul ."See "Soul", "Ransom," "Death .""Kingdom ."

LoveDEFINITIONThe quality God has implanted in us which expresses itself (1) inour complete, unbreakable attachment to him and to his theocratic<strong>org</strong>anization and (2) in our unselfish deeds to other creatures andour active concern for their eternal welfare . Love is a fruitage ofGod's spirit .Jehovah God the Personificationand Source of Love1 John 4 :8, 16, 19 "God is love .. God is love, and he that remainsin love remains in unionwith God and God remains inunion with him . As for us, welove because he first loved us."2 Tim. 1 :7 "For God gave usnot a spirit of cowardice, but thatof power and of love and ofsoundness of mind ."Eph . 2 :4, 5 "But God, who isrich in mercy, for his great lovewith which he loved us, madeus alive together with the Christ ."See "Jehovah-Principal Attributes".Loving Obedience the RulingPrinciple in God'sOrganizationMatt . 9 :13 "Go, then, and learnwhat this means, 'I want mercy,and not sacrifice .' "Hos . 6 :6 "For I desire goodness,and not sacrifice ; and theknowledge of God more thanburnt-offerings ."Heb . 1 :9 "You loved righteousnessand hated lawlessness . Thatis why God, your God, anointedyou with the oil of great joymore so than your partners ."1 Sam . 15 :22 "Hath Jehovahas great delight in burnt-offeringsand sacrifices, as in obeying thevoice of Jehovah? Behold, to obeyis better than sacrifice, and tohearken than the fat of rams ."Song of Solomon 2 :4 "His bannerover me was love ."250Love Fulfills God's PerfectKingly LawMatt . 22 :36-40 "'Teacher, whichis the greatest commandment inthe Law?' He said to him : 'Youmust love Jehovah your God withyour whole heart and with yourwhole soul and with your wholemind .' This is the greatest andfirst commandment . The second,like it, is this : 'You must loveyour neighbor as yourself .' Onthese two commandments thewhole Law hangs, and the Prophets."Rom . 13 :8-10 "Do not be owinganybody a single thing, exceptto love one another ; for he thatloves his fellow man has fulfilledthe law . For the law code, 'Youmust not commit adultery, Youmust not murder, You must notsteal, You must not covet,' andwhatever other commandmentthere is, is summed up in thisword, namely, 'You must loveyour neighbor as yourself .' Lovedoes not work evil to one's neighbor; therefore love is the law'sfulfillment ."Jas . 2 :8 "If, now, you practicecarrying out the kingly law accordingto the Scriptures, 'Youmust love your neighbor as yourself,'you are doing quite well ."Love Brings God's Protectionand BlessingPs . 145 :20 "Jehovah preservethall them that love him ; but allthe wicked will he destroy ."Rom . 8 :28 "Now we know thatGod makes all his works cooper-

251ate together for the good of thosewho love God, those who are theones called according to his purpose."1 Cor . 2 :9 "But just as it iswritten : `Eye has not seen andear has not heard, neither havethere been conceived in the heartof man the things which God hasprepared for those who lovehim .Jas. 1 :12 "Happy is the manthat keeps on enduring, trial, becauseon becoming approved hewill receive the crown of life,which Jehovah promised to thosewho continue loving him ."Jas. 2 :5 "Listen, my belovedbrothers . God chose the ones whoare poor respecting the world tobe rich in faith and heirs of thekingdom which he promised tothose who love him, did he not?"Implanted in the OriginalHuman PairGen . 1 :26, 27 "And God said,Let us make man in our image,after our likeness : . . . And Godcreated man in his own image,in the image of God created hehim ; male and female created hethem ."Love Is a Fruitage of God's SpiritGal . 5:22, 23 "On the otherhand, the fruitage of the spiritis love, joy, peace, longsuffering,kindness, goodness, faith, mildness,self-control ."Love Has to Be Cultivated2 Pet. 1 :5-7 "Yes, for this veryreason, by your contributing inresponse all painstaking effort,supply to your faith virtue, toyour virtue knowledge, to yourknowledge self-control, to yourself-control endurance, to yourendurance godly devotion, to yourgodly devotion brotherly affection,to your brotherly affection love ."1 Tim. 6 :11 "Pursue righteousness,godly devotion, faith, love,endurance, mildness of temper ."1 Cor. 14 :1 "Pursue love ."Col . 3 :14 "But, besides all thesethings, clothe yourselves withLovelove, for it is a perfect bond ofunion."2 Tim . 2 :22 "So flee from thedesires incidental to youth, butpursue righteousness, faith, love .peace, along with these who callupon the Lord out of a cleanheart ."1 Pet . 4 :3 "Above all things,have intense love for one another .because love covers a multitude ofsins .'Christ the Channel ThroughWhich God's Love Is Expressedto UsRom . 8 :38, 39 "For I am convincedthat neither death nor lifenor angels nor governments northings here nor things to comenor powers nor height nor dept .nor any other creation will beable to separate us from God'slove that is in Christ Jesus ourLord ."Eph. 2 :7 "That in the comingsystems of things there mightbe demonstrated the surpassin °riches of his undeserved kindnessin his graciousness toward us inunion with Christ Jesus ."John 14 :21 "in turn, he thatloves me will be loved by myFather, and I will love him andwill plainly show myself to him."Love Expresses Itself in ActionJohn 3:16 "For God loved theworld so much that lie gave hisonly-begotten Son, in order thateveryone exercising faith in hinmight not be destroyed but haveeverlasting life ."John 14 :21 "He that hasmy commandments and observethem, that one is he who lovesme1 John 5 :3 "For this is whatthe love of God means, that weobserve his commandments ; andyet his commandments are notburdensome ."2 John 6 "And this is whatlove means, that we go on walkingaccording to his commandments. This is the commandmentjust as you people have heard

Lovefrom the beginning, that youshould go on walking in it ."Description of Love ; How It Acts1 Cor . 13 :4-7 "Love is longsufferingand obliging. Love isnot jealous, it does not brag,does not get puffed up, does notbehave indecently, does not lookfor its own interests, does notbecome provoked. It does not keepaccount of the injury . It does notrejoice over unrighteousness, butrejoices with the truth . It bearsall things, believes all things,hopes all things, endures allthings ."1 Cor. 8 :1 "Knowledge puffs up,but love builds up ."Love Is Not Sentimentality ; IncludesDiscipline, CorrectionMatt. 10:37 "He that hasgreater affection for father ormother than for me is not worthyof me ; and he that has greateraffection for son or daughterthan for me is not worthy of me."Prov . 3 :12 "For whom Jehovahloveth he reproveth ; even as afather the son in whom he delighteth."Prov. 13 :24 "He that sparethhis rod hateth his son ; but hethat loveth him chasteneth himbetimes ."Heb. 12 :6 "For whom Jehovahloves he disciplines, in fact hescourges everyone whom he receivesas a son ."Ps. 141 :5 "Let the righteoussmite me, it shall be a kindness ;and let him reprove me, it shallbe as oil upon the head ; let notmy head refuse it ."Love Seeks the Welfare of AllPersons, Especially God'sPeopleLuke 6 :27 "But I say to youwho are listening, Continue tolove your enemies, to do good tothose hating you ."John 21 :15-17 "When, now,they had breakfasted, Jesus saidto Simon Peter : 'Simon son ofJohn, do you love me more thanthese?' He said to him : 'Yes, Mas-252ter, you know I have affectionfor you .' He said to him : 'Feedmy young lambs .' Again he saidto him, a second time : 'Simonson of John, do you love me?'He said to him : 'Yes, Master, youknow I have affection for you .'He said to him : 'Shepherd mylittle sheep.' He said to him thethird time : 'Simon son of John,do you have affection for me?'Peter became grieved that he saidto him the third time : 'Do youhave affection for me?' So he saidto him : 'Master, you know allthings ; you are aware that Ihave affection for you .' Jesus saidto him : 'Feed my little sheep .' "Those Having Love HateUnrighteousnessPs . 97 :10 "0 ye that love Jehovah,hate evil."Ps . 119 :163 "I hate and abhorfalsehood ; but thy law do I love ."To Know God Is to Love, Imitate,Obey HimJohn 17 :3 "This means everlastinglife, their taking in knowledgeof you, the only true God,and of the one whom you sentforth, Jesus Christ ."1 John 4 :7, 8, 16 "Beloved ones,let us continue loving one another,because love is from God, andeveryone who loves has been bornfrom God and gains the knowledgeof God . He that does notlove has not come to know God,because God is love . And we ourselveshave come to know andhave believed the love God hasin our case . God is love, and hethat remains in love remains inunion with God and God remainsin union with him ."All-essential to GainingEternal Life1 Cor . 13 :1-3 "If I speak in thetongues of men and of angelsbut do not have love, I have becomea sounding piece of brassor a clashing cymbal . And if Ihave the gift of prophesying andunderstand all the sacred secretsand all knowledge, and if I have

253all the faith so as to transplantmountains, but do not have love,I am nothing . And if I give allmy belongings to feed others, andif I hand over my body, that Imay boast, but do not have love,I am not profited at all ."Love Is the Way to OvercomeFear1 John 4:18 "There is no fearin love, but perfect love throwsfear outside, because fear exercisesa restraint . Indeed, he thatis under fear has not been madeperfect in love ."Love Is the "Surpassing Way"Far Greater than MiraculousGifts1 Cor . 12 :31 "But keep strivingafter the greater gifts . And yetI show you a surpassing way ."1 Cor . 13 :8, 13 "Love neverfails. But whether there are giftsof prophesying, they will be doneaway with ; whether there aretongues, they will cease ; whetherthere is knowledge, it will bedone away with . Now, however,there remain faith, hope, love,these three, but the greatest ofthese is love."Love Is an Identification Markof the Christian CongregationJohn 13 :35 "By this all willknow that you are my disciples,if you have love among yourselves."1 John 4 :20 "If anyone makesthe statement 'I love God' and yetMarriageis hating his brother, he is a liar .For he who does not love hisbrother, whom he has seen, cannotbe loving God, whom he hasnot seen ."Eph. 4 :16 "From him all thebody, by being harmoniouslyjoined together and being madeto cooperate through every jointwhich gives what is needed, accordingto the functioning ofeach respective member in duemeasure, makes for the growthof the body for the building upof itself in love ."Today, in Time of Maturity ofChristian Congregation, Love Isthe Foremost Quality1 Cor. 13 :8-12 "Love neverfails. But whether there are giftsof prophesying, they will be doneaway with ; whether there aretongues, they will cease ; whetherthere is knowledge, it will bedone away with . For we havepartial knowledge and we prophesypartially ; but when that whichis complete arrives, that which ispartial will be done away with .When I was a babe I used tospeak as a babe, to think as ababe, to reason as a babe ; butnow that I have become a man,I have done away with the traitsof a babe . For at present we seein hazy outline by means of ametal mirror, but then it willbe face to face . At present I knowpartially, but then I shall knowaccurately even as I am accuratelyknown."MarriageDEFINITIONMarriage is a mutual agreement (contract) of a man and a womanto live together in the relation and under the duties of husband andwife, sharing each other's lot or portion for good or bad untilparted by death . Marriage imposes on the husband the general legalduty of supporting his wife and children, maintaining a home, teachingand training his children and protecting his wife and familyfrom injury or insult . The wife owes to the husband the duty of living

Marriage 254with him where he decides and seeking to promote his interests andhappiness . She has the duty of performing domestic service in thehome and caring for her children .ORIGINInstituted by Jehovah upon Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden .-Gen . 1 :27, 28 ; 2 :22-24.Proper for Christians to Marry Deut . 7 :3, 4 "Neither shalt thouI Cor . 7 :9, 28, 36 "If they do make marriages with them [heanothave self-control, let them then in Canaan] ; thy daughtermarry. . . . if you did marry, you thou shalt not give unto his son,would commit no sin . . . . let him nor his daughter shalt thou takedo what he wants ; he does not unto thy son . For he will turnsin . Let them marry."away thy son from following me,that they may serve other gods :Heb . 13 :4 "Let marriage be so will the anger of Jehovah behonorable among all, and the kindled against you ."marriage bed be without defilement."Judg . 14 :3 "His father and hismother said unto him, Is there1 Cor . 9 :5 "We have authority never a woman among the daughtolead about a sister as a wife, ters of thy brethren, or amongeven as the rest of the apostles all my people, that thou goest toand the Lord's brothers and take a wife of the uncircum-Cephas, do we not?"cised Philistines?"Matt . 8 :14 "On coming into Gen . 26 :34, 35 "Esau . . . tookPeter's house Jesus saw his to wife [heathen women] : andmother-in-law lying down and they were a grief of mind untosick with fever ." Isaac and to Rebekah ."Acts 21 :8, 9 "Philip the mis- 2 Cor . 6 :14 "Do not become unsionary. . . had four daughters, evenly yoked with unbelievers .virgins, that prophesied ."For what partnership do right-Lev . 21 :10, 13 "He that is the eousness and lawlessness have?"high priest . . . shall take a wife Also : 1 Ki . 11 :1-9 .in her virginity ."Unmarried Christians Less Dis-Polygamy Prohibited toChristianstracted from Kingdom Interests1 Tim . 3 :2-4, 12 "The overseer1 Cor. 7 :32-34 "The single manshould therefore be irreprehen- is anxious for the thingsthesible, a husband of one wife . . .how he may gain theLord's mana man presiding over his house-.appovalapproval . But thehold in a right manner, having is anxious fof thechildren in subjection . . Let world, how he s themay thingsgain the a sministerial servants be husbands proval of his wife, and heisof one wife, presiding in a rightdivided."manner over children and their Matt. 19 :11, 12 "[Jesus] saidown households."to them : `Not all men make roomChristians Marry Only for the saying, but only thoseChristians who have the gift . . . . there are1 Cor . 7 :39 "A wife . . . if hereunuchs that have made themhusbandshould fall asleep in selves eunuchs because of thedeath . . . is free to be married to kingdom of the heavens . Let himwhom she wants, only in the that can make room for it makeLord ." room for it.'"

255Married Christians ShouldRemain Married1 Cor. 7 :10-16 "To the marriedpeople I give instructions, yet notI but the Lord, that a wifeshould not depart from her husband; but if she should actuallydepart, let her remain single orelse make up again with her husband; and a husband should notleave his wife . . . . If any brotherhas an unbelieving wife, and yetshe is agreeable to dwelling withhim, let him not leave her ; anda woman who has an unbelievinghusband, and yet he is agreeableto dwelling with her, let her notleave her husband."Matt. 19 :4-6 "Did you not readthat he who created them at thebeginning made them male andfemale and said : `For this reasona man will leave his father andhis mother and will stick to hiswife, and the two will be oneflesh'? So that they are no longertwo, but one flesh . Therefore,what God has yoked together letno man put apart ."1 Cor. 7 :15 "But if the unbelievingone proceeds to depart,let him depart ; a brother or asister is not in servitude undersuch circumstances, but God hascalled you to peace ."Death Severs Marriage Contract1 Cor. 7 :39 "A wife is boundduring all the time her husbandis alive."Rom . 7 :2, 3 "A married womanis bound by law to her husbandwhile he is alive ; but if her husbanddies, she is discharged fromthe law of her husband. So, then,while her husband is living, shewould be styled an adulteress ifshe became another man's. Butif her husband dies, she is freefrom his law, so that she is notan adulteress if she becomesanother man's ."Christian Grounds for DivorceMatt . 5:31, 32 "I say to you thateveryone divorcing his wife excepton account of fornicationMarriagemakes her a subject for adultery,seeing that whoever marries adivorced woman commits adultery."Matt. 19 : 8, 9 "Moses, out of regardfor your hardheartedness,made the concession to you ofdivorcing your wives, but suchhas not been the case from thebeginning . I say to you thatwhoever divorces his wife excepton the grounds of fornicationand marries another commitsadultery ."Mark 10 :11, 12 "Whoever divorceshis wife and marries anothercommits adultery againsther, and if ever a woman, afterdivorcing her husband, marriesanother, she commits adultery ."Also : Luke 16 :18 .Wrong to Forbid Marriage1 Tim . 4 :1-3 "In later periodsof time some will fall away fromthe faith, paying attention to misleadinginspired utterances andteachings of demons, . . . forbiddingto marry ."Christian Duties of the Husband1 Cor. 11 :3 "I want you toknow that the head of every manis the Christ ; in turn, the headof a woman is the man ; in turn,the head of Christ is God ."Eph . 5 :22-33 "Let wives be insubjection to their husbands as tothe Lord, because a husband ishead of his wife as the Christalso is head of the congregation,.so let wives also be to theirhusbands [subject] in everything .Husbands, continue loving yourwives, just as the Christ alsoloved the congregation . . . . In thisway husbands ought to be lovingtheir wives as their own bodies .He who loves his wife loves himself,. . . let each one of you individuallyso love his wife as hedoes himself ; on the other hand,the wife should have deep respectfor her husband ."Christian Duties of the Wife1 Pet. 3 :1-7 "You wives, be insubjection to your own husbands,

Marriagein order that, if any are not obedientto the word, they may bewon without a word through theconduct of their wives, because ofhaving been eyewitnesses of yourchaste conduct together with deeprespect . . . . You husbands, continuedwelling in like mannerwith them according to knowledge,assigning them honor as toa weaker vessel, the feminine one,since you are also heirs withthem of the undeserved favor oflife, in order for your prayersnot to be hindered ."Col . 3 :18 . 19 "You wives, be insubjection to your husbands, as itis becoming in the Lord . You husbands,keep on loving your wivesand do not be bitterly angry withthem ."Children of Christians HighlyFavored1 Cor . 7 :14 "The unbelievinghusband is sanctified in relationto his wife, and the unbelievingwife is sanctified in relation tothe brother : otherwise, your childrenwould really be unclean, butnow they are holy ."Acts 2 :39 "For the promise isto you and to your children andto all those afar off, just as manyas Jehovah our God may callto him ."Children Obedient to ChristianParentsEph . 6 :1-3 "Children, be obedientto your parents in unionwith the Lord, for this is righteous: `Honor your father andmother .' . . .And you, fathers, donot be irritating your children,but go on bringing them up inthe discipline and authoritativeadvice of Jehovah ."Titus 1 :6 "If there is any manfree from accusation, a husbandof one wife, having believingchildren that were not under acharge of debauchery nor unruly."1 Tim . 3 :4, 5, 12 "A man presidingover his own household ina right manner, having children256in subjection with all seriousness ;(if indeed any man does not knowhow to preside over his ownhousehold, how will he take careof God's congregation?) Let ministerialservants be husbands ofone wife, presiding in a rightmanner over children and theirown households ."Col . 3 :20, 21 "You children, beobedient to your parents in everything,for this is well-pleasing inthe Lord . You fathers, do notbe exasperating your children, sothat they do not become downhearted."Prov. 6:20-23 "My son, keep thecommandment of thy father, andforsake not the law of thymother ."Also : Heb . 12 :9-11 .Parents' Duty to Train ChildrenProv . 22:6 "Train up a childin the way he should go, andeven when he is old he will notdepart from it ."Deut . 6 :6, 7 "These words,which I command thee this day,shall be upon thy heart ; and thoushalt teach them diligently untothy children, and shalt talk ofthem when thou sittest in thyhouse, and when thou walkestby the way, and when thou liestdown, and when thou risest up ."Prov . 23 :13, 14 "Withhold notcorrection from the child ; for ifthou beat him with the rod, hewill not die . Thou shalt beat himwith the rod, and shalt deliverhis soul from Sheol ."2 Tim. 1 :5 "I recollect the faithwhich is in you without any hypocrisy,and which dwelt first inyour grandmother Lois and yourmother Eunice, but which I amconfident is also in you ."Acts 16 :1 "Timothy, the son ofa believing Jewish woman but ofa Greek father."Prov . 22 :15 "Foolishness isbound up in the heart of a child ;but the rod of correction shalldrive it far from him ."Luke 18 :16 "Jesus called theinfants to him, saying, `Let the

257young children come to me anddo not try to stop them . For thekingdom of God belongs to suchkind of persons .'"Also : Prov. 29 :19, 21 .Children to Attend Studies,MeetingsMatt . 14 :21 [At one of Jesus'sermons] "Those eating comprisedabout five thousand men,besides women and young children."Dent. 31 :12, 13 "Assemble thepeople, the men and the womenand the little ones . . . . that theymay hear, and that they maylearn, and fear Jehovah yourGod, and observe to do all thewords of this law ; and that theirchildren, who have not known,may hear, and learn to fearJehovah your God ."Neh . 8 :2, 3, 7, 8 "Ezra the priestbrought the law before the assembly,both men and women,and all that could hear with understanding,. . . And he readtherein before the broad placethat was before the water gatefrom early morning until midday,in the presence of the menand the women, and of those thatcould understand ; and the earsof all the people were attentiveMassunto the book of the law . . . . Also. the Levites, caused the peopleto understand the law. . . . Andthey read in the book, in thelaw of God, distinctly ; and theygave the sense, so that they understoodthe reading ."Child Delinquency, Last Days'Sign, Results in Death2 Tim . 3 :1-5 "Know this, thatin the last days critical timeshard to deal with will be here .For men will be lovers of themselves,lovers of money, selfassuming,haughty, blasphemers,disobedient to parents, withoutgratitude, with no loving-kindness,having no natural affection,. . . from these turn away."Ezek. 9 :5, 6, 10 "He said . . . . Goye through the city . . . and smite :let not your eye spare, neitherhave ye pity ; slay utterly the oldman, the young man and thevirgin, and little children andwomen ; but come not near anyman upon whom is the mark ."Rom. 1:28-32 "They did notapprove of holding God in accurateknowledge, . . . disobedientto parents, without understanding,false to agreements . . . . merciless. . . . those practicing suchthings are deserving of death."MassDEFINITIONA doctrine of false religion . "The Mass is the unbloody renewalof the Sacrifice of Our Lord upon the Cross . In it the priest, as therepresentative of Christ, offers to God the bread and wine, which hechanges into the Body and Blood of Our Lord [transubstantiation] ."(National Catholic Almanac of 1948, p . 244) It is further claimed,"Our divine Saviour said the first Mass, at the Last Supper, the nightbefore He died ."-A Catechism of Christian Doctrine, 1949 edition,Question 365 .The Scriptures clearly reveal that Jesus offered his own sacrificeonce for all time and which never needs renewing . Jesus' words "body"and "blood" symbolically represent that those eating and drinkingare sharing in his congregational body and his death under the newcovenant .

Mass 258ORIGINThe "unbloody sacrifice" had its origin in ancient Babylonish worshipwith evidences of its practice in Assyria, Cyprus and Phoenicia,and was adopted by apostate Christians during the fourth century .The thin round wafer of the "Mass" originated in Egypt as a symbolof the "sun" and "the Son" . (Hislop's The Two Babylons) Althoughaccepting money for masses began during the seventh or eighth century,it did not become universal until the twelfth century .Doctrine of the "Mass" DeniesJesus Who Bought Them withHis Shed Blood2 Pet . 2 :1, Dy "But there werealso false prophets among thepeople, even as there shall beamong you lying teachers whoshall bring in sects of perditionand deny the Lord who boughtthem : bringing upon themselvesswift destruction."1 Cor. 6 :20, Dy "For you arebought with a great price . Glorifyand bear God in your body ."Impaling Christ Afresh Is SinningAgainst LightHeb . 6 :4-6, Dy "For it is impossiblefor those who were onceilluminated, have tasted also theheavenly gift and were madepartakers of the Holy Ghost, havemoreover tasted the good word ofGod and the powers of the worldto come, and are fallen away : tobe renewed again to penance,crucifying again to themselvesthe Son of God and making hima mockery ."Jesus Made One Sacrifice,Which Never Needs a"Renewal"Rom . 6 :9, 10, Dy "Knowing thatChrist, rising again from thedead, dieth now no more . Deathshall no more have dominionover him . For in that he died tosin, he died once : but in that heliveth, he liveth unto God."Heb. 7 :24, 25, 27, Dy "But this,for that he continueth for ever,hath an everlasting priesthood :whereby he is able also to savefor ever them that come to Godby him ; always living to makeintercession for us . Who needethnot daily (as the other priests)to offer sacrifices, first for hisown sins, and then for the people's: for this he did once, inoffering himself ."Offered Often Makes Sacrifice NoBetter than Typical SacrificesHeb. 10 :1-4, Dy "For the law,having a shadow of the goodthings to come, not the veryimage of the things, by the selfsamesacrifices which they offercontinually every year, can nevermake the comers thereunto perfect,For then they would haveceased to be offered : because theworshippers once cleansed shouldhave no conscience of sin anylonger. But in them there ismade a commemoration of sinsevery year : for it is impossiblethat with the blood of oxen andgoats sin should be taken away ."Renewing Sacrifice Would AlsoMean New Covenant NeededRenewingLuke 22 :20, Dy "In like manner,the chalice also, after he hadsupped, saying : This is the chalice,the new testament in myblood, which shall be shed foryou ."Heb . 9 :17-20, Dy "For a testamentis of force after men aredead : otherwise it is as yet ofno strength, whilst the testatorliveth . Whereupon neither wasthe first indeed dedicated withoutblood . For when every commandmentof the law had been readby Moses to all the people, hetook the blood of calves and goats,with water and scarlet wool andhyssop : and, sprinkled both thebook itself and all the people .

2 59Saying : This is the blood of thetestament which God hath enjoinedunto you ."Prophecy Shows Christ in HeavenUntil God's Due Time, NotBrought Down Daily in Sacrificeof MassPs . 109 :1-4, Dy [Ps . 110 :1-4,AV] "The Lord said to my Lord :Sit thou at my right hand : untilI make thy enemies thy footstool. The Lord will send forththe sceptre of thy power out ofSion : rule thou in the midst ofthy enemies . With thee is theprincipality in the day of thystrength, in the brightness ofthe saints : from the womb beforethe day star I begot thee . TheLord hath sworn, and he willnot repent : Thou art a priest forever according to the order ofMelchisedech ."Christ Needs No Priestly Representativeas Mediator1 Tim . 2 :5, 6, Dy "For thereis one God : and one mediatorof God and men, the man ChristJesus who gave himself a redemptionfor all, a testimony indue times ."Heb . 7 :17, 22-25, Dy "For hetestifieth : Thou art a priest forever according to the order ofMelchisedech . By so much is Jesusmade a surety of a bettertestament . And the others indeedwere made many priests, becauseby reason of death they were notsuffered to continue : but thisfor that he continueth for ever,hath an everlasting priesthood :whereby he is able also to savefor ever them that come to Godby him ."InTypical Nation Only HighPriest Made Atonement inMost HolyHeb . 9 :3, 7, 9, 11, 12, Dy "Andafter the second veil, the tabernaclewhich is called the Holyof Holies : but into the second,the high priest alone, once ayear : not without blood, whichhe offereth for leis own and theMasspeople's ignorance . Which is aparable of the time present : . . .But, Christ, being come an highpriest of the good things to come,by a greater and more perfecttabernacle, not made with hand,that is . not of this creation : neitherby the blood of goats or ofcalves, but by his own blood, enteredonce into the Holies, havingobtained eternal redemption ."Offering as an Unbloody SacrificeCould Not Remit SinsHeb . 9 :22, Dy "And almost allthings, according to the law, arecleansed with blood : and withoutshedding of blood there is no remission."At Lord's Supper Jesus Said,"This Is My Body," Not,"My Flesh"Luke 22 :19, Dy "And takingbread, he gave thanks and brakeand gave to them, saying : Thisis my body, which is given foryou ."Jesus' "Flesh" Refers to His Humanity,Not Church "Body"John 1 :14, Dy "And the Wordwas made flesh and dwelt amongus (and we saw his glory, theglory as it were of the only begottenof the Father), full ofgrace and truth ."1 John 4 :2, Dy "By this is thespirit of God known . Every spiritwhich confesseth that JesusChrist is come in the flesh is ofGod ."2 John 7, Dy "For many seducersare gone out into theworld who confess not that JesusChrist is come in the flesh . Thisis a seducer and an antichrist ."Manifest in flesh1 Tim . 3 :16 . Dy "Great is themystery of godliness, which wasmanifested in the flesh,"Born of fleshly IsraelRom . 9 :4, 5, Dy "Who are Israelites: to whom belongeth theadoption as of children and the

Massglory and the testament and thegiving of the law and the serviceof God and the promises : whoseare the fathers and of whom isChrist, according to the flesh ."Son of DavidRom . 1 :3, Dy "Concerning hisSon, who was made to him of theseed of David, according to theflesh ."SufferedHeb . 5 :7, Dy "Who in the daysof his flesh, with a strong cry andtears, offering up prayers andsupplications to him that wasable to save him from death,was heard for his reverence ."1 Pet. 4 :1, Dy "Christ thereforehaving suffered in the flesh,be you also armed with the samethought ."Rested while alive in hopeActs 2 :26, Dy "For this myheart hath been glad, and mytongue hath rejoiced : moreovermy flesh also shall rest in hope ."Put to death1 Pet. 3 :18, Dy "Because Christalso died once for our sins, thejust for the unjust : that hemight offer us to God, being putto death indeed in the flesh, butenlivened in the spirit ."Flesh not corruptedActs 2 :31, Dy "Forseeing this,he spoke of the resurrection ofChrist . For neither was he leftin hell : neither did his flesh seecorruption."Not known as fleshly since death2 Cor . 5 :16, Dy "Whereforehenceforth, we know no man accordingto the flesh . And if wehave known Christ according tothe flesh : but now we know himso no longer."First came as sin offeringRoan . 8 :3, Dy "For what thelaw could not do, in that it wasweak through the flesh, God,sending his own Son in the likenessof sinful flesh and of sin,hath condemned sin in the flesh ."260Second coming, flesh not neededHeb . 9 :28, Dy "So also Christwas offered once to exhaust thesins of many . The second timehe shall appear without sin tothem that expect him unto salvation."Followers reconciled by fleshCol . 1 :22, Dy "Yet now he hathreconciled in the body of hisflesh through death, to presentyou holy and unspotted andblameless before him."Flesh opens way to GodHeb . 10 :19, 20, Dy "Havingtherefore, brethren, a confidencein the entering into the holies bythe blood of Christ : a new andliving way which he hath dedicatedfor us through the veil,that is to say, his flesh ."Expression "Flesh and Blood"Often Used to DenoteHuman NatureMatt . 16 :15-17, Dy "Jesus saithto them : But whom do you saythat I am? Simon Peter answeredand said : Thou art Christ,the Son of the Living God . AndJesus answering, said to him :Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona : because flesh and bloodhath not revealed it to thee, butmy Father who is in heaven .""Flesh and Blood" Contrastedwith God's SpiritJohn 1 :12, 13, Dy "But as manyas received him, he gave thempower to be made the sons ofGod, to them that believe in hisname . Who are born, not ofblood, nor of the will of the flesh,nor of the will of man, but ofGod .""Flesh and Blood" Contrastedwith Wicked SpiritsEph . 6 :12, Dy "For our wrestlingis not against flesh andblood : but against principalitiesand powers, against the rulers ofthe world of this darkness, againstthe spirits of wickedness in thehigh places ."

261Jesus on Earth as "Flesh andBlood"Heb . 2 :14, Dy "Therefore becausethe children are partakersof flesh and blood, he also himselfin like manner hath beenpartaker of the same : that,through death, he might destroyhim who had the empire ofdeath, that is to say, the devil ."Jesus Not in Heaven as "Fleshand Blood"1 Cor . 15 :50, Dy "Now this Isay, brethren, that flesh andblood cannot possess the kingdomof God : neither shall corruptionpossess incorruption."Gal. 1 :15, 16, Dy "But whenit pleased him who separated mefrom my mother's womb andcalled me by his grace, to revealhis Son in me, that I mightpreach him among the Gentiles :immediately I condescended notto flesh and blood."Jesus Spoke of Flesh as "Manna",Not "Unleavened Bread" ofPassoverJohn 6 :49-52, 59, Dy "Yourfathers did eat manna in thedesert : and are dead . This isthe bread which cometh downfrom heaven : that if any maneat of it, he may not die. I amthe living bread which camedown from heaven. If any maneat of this bread, he shall livefor ever : and the bread that Iwill give is my flesh, for thelife of the world. This is thebread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers did eatmanna and are dead . He thateateth this bread shall live forever."His Humanity Given for Life ofSinful MankindJohn 6 :54-57, Dy "Then Jesussaid to them : Amen, amen, I sayunto you : except you eat theflesh of the Son of man anddrink his blood, you shall nothave life in you . He that eatethmy flesh and drinketh my bloodMasshath everlasting life : and I willraise him up in the last day .For my flesh is meat indeed : andmy blood is drink indeed . He thateateth my flesh and drinketh myblood abideth in me : and I inhim .""Flesh" and "Body" Not AlwaysUsed SynonymouslyCol. 1 :23, 24, Dy "I Paul ammade a minister . Who now rejoicein my sufferings for youand fill up those things that arewanting of the sufferings ofChrist, in my flesh, for his body,which is the church ."Col. 1 :18, 22, Dy "And he isthe head of the body, the church :. yet now he hath reconciledin the body of his flesh throughdeath .""Body of Christ" Is His ChurchEph. 1 :22, 23, Dy "Hath madehim head over all the church,which is his body ."Eph. 5 :23, Dy "Because the husbandis the head of the wife, asChrist is the head of the church .He is the saviour of his body ."Eph. 4:12, Dy "For the perfectingof the saints, for the workof the ministry, for the edifyingof the body of Christ ."Rom . 12 :5, Dy "So we, beingmany, are one body in Christ ;and every one members one ofanother."Jesus Referred to Church withWords, "This Is My Body"Matt . 26 :26, Dy "And whilstthey were at supper, Jesus tookbread and blessed and broke andgave to his disciples and said :Take ye and eat . This is mybody ."1 Cor . 12 :12-14, 27, Dy "For asthe body is one and hath manymembers ; and all the membersof the body, whereas they aremany, yet are one body : so alsois Christ . For in one spirit werewe all baptized into one body,whether Jews or Gentiles, whetherbond or free : and in one spiritwe have all been made to drink .

MassFor the body also is not onemember, but many . Now you arethe body of Christ and membersof member."1 Cor. 11 :29, Dy "For he thateateth and drinketh unworthilyeateth and drinketh judgment tohimself, not discerning the bodyof the Lord ."Rom . 12 :5, Dy "So we, beingmany, are one body in Christ ;and every one members one ofanother ."Eph. 3 :6, Dy "That the Gentilesshould be fellow heirs andof the same body : and copartnersof his promise in Christ Jesus,by the gospel ."Eph. 4:4, Dy "One body andone spirit : as you are called inone hope of your calling ."Jesus Showed God's Will forHim Was Death, Symbolized byDrinking the CupMark 10 :38, Dy "And Jesussaid to them : . . . Can you drinkof the chalice [cup] that I drinkof or be baptized with the baptismwherewith I am baptized?"Matt. 26 :39, 42, Dy "And goinga little further, he fell upon hisface, praying and saying : MyFather, if it be possible, let thischalice pass from me . Nevertheless,not as I will but as thouwilt . Again the second time, hewent and prayed, saying : My Father,if this chalice may not passaway, but I must drink it, thywill be done."John 18 :11, Dy "Jesus thereforesaid to Peter : Put up thysword into the scabbard . Thechalice which my father hathgiven me, shall I not drink it?"Jesus Showed God's Will forHis Followers Was to ShareHis DeathMatt . 26 :27, Dy "And takingthe chalice, he gave thanks andgave to them, saying : Drink yeall of this ."Mark 10 :39, Dy "And Jesussaid: to them : You shall indeeddrink of the chalice that I drink262of ; and with the baptism wherewithI am baptized you shall bebaptized."Baptism into Christ Means SharingHis Death and ResurrectionRom . 6 :3-5, Dy "Know you notthat all we who are baptized inChrist Jesus are baptized in hisdeath? For we are buried togetherwith him by baptism intodeath : that, as Christ is risenfrom the dead by the glory of theFather, so we also may walk innewness of life . For if we havebeen planted together in the likenessof his death, we shall bealso in the likeness of his resurrection."Phil . 3 :8-11, Dy "I count allthings to be but loss . . . That Imay know him and the powerof his resurrection and the fellowshipof his sufferings : beingmade conformable to his death,if by any means I may attainto the resurrection which is fromthe dead."2 Tim. 2 :11, 12, Dy "A faithfulsaying : for if we be dead withhim, we shall live also with him.If we suffer, we shall also reignwith him . If we deny him, hewill also deny us."Taking of Bread and Wine atLast Supper Meant Sharingwith ChristI Cor. 10:16, 17, Dy "The chaliceof benediction which we bless,is it not the communion of theblood of Christ? And the breadwhich we break, is it not thepartaking of the body of theLord? For we, being many, areone bread, one body : all thatpartake of one bread ."Jesus Did Not Change Bread andWine into Literal Flesh andBlood as a "Saying of theFirst Mass"Jesus spoke of commemoration,not sacrificeLuke 22 :19, Dy "And takingbread, he gave thanks and brakeand gave to them, saying : Thisis ["means," NW] my body,

2 63which is given for you . Do thisfor a commemoration of me ."Jesus showed liquid in chalice(cup) was still wineMatt . 26 :27-29, Dy "And takingthe chalice, he gave thanks andgave to them, saying : Drink yeall of this . For this is ["means,"NW] my blood of the new testament,which shall be shed formany unto remission of sins . AndI say to you, I will not drink fromhenceforth of this fruit of thevine until that day when I shalldrink it with you new in thekingdom of my Father ."Symbolic language1 Cor. 10 :4, Dy "And all drankthe same spiritual drink : (andthey drank of the spiritual rockthat followed them : and the rockwas Christ.)"Since "Mass" Is a Fraud andDenies True Provision of God,It Profanes God's NameMal . 1 :7, 12, Dy "To you, 0priests, that despise my name andMinister of GodDEFINITIONLiterally, a servant (Gr ., diakonos, "through the dust") . A publicservant of Jehovah, the Almighty God, and ordained by him ; onewho follows the footsteps of Jesus Christ and preaches the goodnews of Jehovah's established kingdom by Christ ; one who carriesout divine commands and commissions originating with the SovereignGod-Ruler of the universe .Ordination : Appointment to service .Jesus Christ God's ChiefMinisterRom . 15 :8 "I say that Christactually became a minister ofthose who are circumcised in behalfof God's truthfulness ."Heb . 8:2 "A public servant ofthe holy place and of the trueMinister of Godhave said : Wherein have we despisedthy name? You offer pollutedbread upon my altar andyou say : Wherein have we pollutedthee? In that you say : Thetable of the Lord is contemptible .And you have profaned it in thatyou say : The table of the Lordis defiled ; and that which is laidthereupon is contemptible, withthe fire that devoureth it ."Is a Sharing with Demons1 Cor . 10 :20, 21, Dy "The thingswhich the heathens sacrifice, theysacrifice to devils and not to God .And I would not that you shouldbe made partakers with devils .You cannot drink the chalice ofthe Lord and the chalice of devils: you cannot be partakers ofthe table of the Lord and of thetable of devils ."An Abomination to GodProv. 21 :27, Dy "The sacrificesof the wicked are abominable, becausethey are offered of wickedness."tent, which Jehovah set up, andnot man."Rom . 13 :4 "It is God's ministerto you for your good ."Other Servants of God, Beginningwith Abel, Were MinistersHeb . 11 :4, 32 "By faith Abeloffered God a sacrifice of greater

Minister of Godworth than Cain, through whichfaith he had witness borne to himthat he was righteous, God bearingwitness respecting his gifts,. . . the time will fail me if I goon to relate about Gideon, Barak,Samson, Jephthah, David as wellas Samuel and the other prophets."2 Pet . 2 :5 "Noah, a preacherof righteousness ."I Pet . 1 :12 "It was revealed tothem [the prophets] that, not tothemselves, but to you, they wereministering ."Every Christian Must Be aMinisterRom . 10:10-15 "For with theheart one exercises faith forrighteousness, but with themouth one makes public declarationfor salvation . . . . For 'anyonethat calls upon the name of Jehovahwill be saved' . However,how will they call upon him inwhom they have not put faith?How, in turn, will they put faithin him of whom they have notheard? How, in turn, will theyhear without someone to preach?How, in turn, will they preachunless they have been sent forth?Just as it is written : 'How beautifulare the feet of those whodeclare good news of goodthings!'"John 21 :15-17 "When, now,they had breakfasted, Jesus saidto Simon Peter : 'Simon son ofJohn, do you love me more thanthese?' He said to him : 'Yes,Master, you know I have affectionfor you.' He said to him :'Feed my young lambs.' Again hesaid to him, a second time : 'Simonson of John, do you loveme?' He said to him : 'Yes, Master,you know I have affection foryou .' He said to him : 'Shepherd264my little sheep .' He said to himthe third time : 'Simon son ofJohn, do you have affection forme?' Peter became grieved thathe said to him the third time :'Do you have affection for me?'So he said to him : 'Master, youknow all things ; you are awarethat I have affection for you .'Jesus said to him : 'Feed my littlesheep .' "Ordination Comes from GodThrough ChristIsa . 61 :1-3 "The spirit of theLord Jehovah is upon me ; becauseJehovah hath anointed meto preach good tidings unto themeek ; he hath sent me to bindup the broken-hearted, to proclaimliberty to the captives, andthe opening of the prison to themthat are bound ; to proclaim theyear of Jehovah's favor, and theday of vengeance of our God ; tocomfort all that mourn ; to appointunto them that mourn inion, to give unto them a garlandfor ashes, the oil of joy formourning, the garment of praisefor the spirit of heaviness ; thatthey may be called trees of righteousness,the planting of Jehovah,that he may be glorified."1 Cor . 12 :18 "But now God hasset the members in the body,each one of them, just as hepleased ."John 15 :16 "You did not chooseme, but I chose you, and I appointedyou to go on and keepbearing fruit and that your fruitshould remain, in order that nomatter what you ask the Fatherin my name he might give it toyou ."No Man or Organization CanOrdain God's MinistersGal . 1 :1, 12 "Paul, an apostle,neither from men nor through a

2 6 5man, but through Jesus Christand God the Father . . . . for neitherdid I accept it from man,nor was I taught it, exceptthrough revelation by JesusChrist."No Certificate of OrdinationNecessary2 Cor . 3 :1-3 "Do we, perhaps,like some men, need letters ofrecommendation to you or fromyou? You yourselves are our letter,inscribed on our hearts andknown and being read by allmankind . For you are shown tobe a letter of Christ written byus as ministers, inscribed notwith ink but with spirit of theliving God, not on stone tablets,but on fleshly tablets, on hearts ."Theological Seminary TrainingNot NecessaryJohn 7 :15 "Therefore the Jewsfell to wondering, saying : 'Howdoes this man have a knowledgeof letters, when he has notstudied at the schools?' "Acts 4 :13 "Now when they beheldthe outspokenness of Peterand John, and perceived thatthey were men unlettered andordinary, they got to wondering .And they began to recognizeabout them that they used to bewith Jesus ."Dedication Must PrecedeOrdinationMatt. 16 :24 "Then Jesus saidto his disciples : 'If anyone wantsto come after me, let him disownhimself and pick up his torturestake and follow me continually .'"Heb . 10 :7 "Then I said, 'Look!I am come (in the roll of thebook it is written about me) todo your will, 0 God .'"Baptism a Symbol of SuchDedication to Be God'sMinisterMatt . 28 :19 "Go therefore andmake disciples of people of allMinister of Godthe nations, baptizing them inthe name of the Father and ofthe Son and of the holy spirit ."Matt . 3 :13-17 "Then Jesus camefrom Galilee to the Jordan toJohn in order to be baptized byhim . But the latter tried to preventhim, saying : 'I am the oneneeding to be baptized by you,and are you coming to me?' Inreply Jesus said to him : 'Let itbe, this time, for in that wayit is suitable for us to carryout all that is righteous .' Thenhe quit preventing him . Afterbeing baptized Jesus immediatelycame up from the water ; and,look! the heavens were openedup, and he saw descending likea dove God's spirit coming uponhim. Look! also, there was avoice from the heavens that said :'This is my Son, the beloved,whom I have approved .'"Women May Be MinistersActs 2 :17, 18 "'And in thelast days,' God says, 'I shall poursome of my spirit out upon everykind of flesh, and your sons andyour daughters will prophesy andyour young men will see visionsand your old men will dreamdreams ; and even upon my menslaves and upon my women slavesI will pour out some of my spiritin those days, and they willprophesy.'"Acts 21 :9 "This man had fourdaughters, virgins, that prophesied."Rom . 16 :1 "I recommend to youPhoebe our sister, who is a ministerof the congregation whichis in Cenchreae ."Titus 2 :3 "Likewise let the agedwomen be reverent in behavior,not slanderous, neither enslavedto a lot of wine, teachers of whatis good ."Gal . 3 :28 "There is neither Jewnor Greek, there is neither slave

Minister of Godnor freeman, there is neithermale nor female ; for you are allone in union with Christ Jesus ."John 4 :28-30, 39-42 "The woman,therefore, left her water-jarand went off into the city andtold the men : 'Come here, seea man that told me all thethings I did . This is not perhapsthe Christ, is it?' They went outof the city and began coming tohim . Now many of the Samaritansout of that city put faithin him on account of the wordof the woman who said in witness: 'He told me all the thingsI did .' Therefore when the Samaritanscame to him, they beganasking him to stay withthem : and he stayed there twodays . Consequently many morebelieved on account of what hesaid, and they began to say tothe woman : 'We do not believeany longer on account of yourtalk ; for we have heard for ourselvesand we know that thisman is for a certainty the saviorof the world .' "Child MinistersLuke 2 :42, 46, 47, 49 "Andwhen he became twelve yearsold, they went up according tothe custom of the feast . Well,after three days they found himin the temple sitting in the midstof the teachers and listening tothem and questioning them . Butall those listening to him were inconstant amazement at his understandingand his answers . Buthe said to them : 'Why did youhave to go looking for me? Didyou not know that I must be inthe house of my Father?' "2 Tim. 3 :15 "And that frominfancy you have known the holywritings which are able to makeyou wise for salvation through thefaith in connection with ChristJesus ."1 Tim . 4 :12 "Let no man everlook down on your youth ."Jer. 1 :6, 7 "Then said I, Ah,Lord Jehovah! behold, I knownot how to speak ; for I am a266child . But Jehovah said unto me,Say not, I am a child ; for towhomsoever I shall send theethou shalt go, and whatsoever Ishall command thee thou shaltspeak ."1 Sam . 2 :18 "But Samuel ministeredbefore Jehovah, being achild, girded with a linen ephod ."Ps . 148 :12, 13 "Both young menand virgins ; old men and children: let them praise the nameof Jehovah ."Eccl . 12 :1 "Remember also thyCreator in the days of thy youth,before the evil days come, andthe years draw nigh, when thoushalt say, I have no pleasure inthem."Ps . 8 :2 "Out of the mouth ofbabes and sucklings hast thouestablished strength ."Acts 2 :17 "I shall pour someof my spirit out upon every kindof flesh, and your sons and yourdaughters will prophesy and youryoung men will see visions ."Matt . 21 :16 "Jesus said tothem : 'Yes . Did you never readthis : "Out of the mouth of babesand sucklings you have furnishedpraise"?' "Luke 10 :21 "I publicly praiseyou, Father, Lord of heaven andearth, because you have carefullyhidden these things fromwise and intellectual ones, andhave revealed them to babes ."Matt. 19 :14 "Jesus, however,said : 'Let the young childrenalone, and stop hindering themfrom coming to me, for the kingdomof the heavens belongs tosuch kind of persons .' "Job 32 :4-9 "Now Elihu hadwaited to speak unto Job, becausethey were elder than he .And when Elihu saw that therewas no answer in the mouth ofthese three men, his wrath waskindled . And Elihu the son ofBarachel the Buzite answered andsaid, I am young, and ye arevery old ; wherefore I held back,

2 67and durst not show you mineopinion. I said, Days shouldspeak, and multitude of yearsshould teach wisdom . But thereis a spirit in man, and the breathof the Almighty giveth them understanding. It is not the greatthat are wise, nor the aged thatunderstand justice ."Ordination Must Be Followed byWorks of Preaching1 Pet . 2 :21 "In fact, to thiscourse you were called, becauseeven Christ suffered for you, leavingyou a model for you to followhis steps closely ."2 Tim . 4 :2, 5 "Preach the word,be at it urgently in favorableseason, in troublesome season, reprove,reprimand, exhort, with alllongsuffering and art of teaching. You, though, keep your balancein all things, suffer evil,do missionary work, thoroughlyaccomplish your ministry ."1 Cor. 9 :16 "If, now, I am declaringthe good news, it is noreason for me to boast, for necessityis laid upon me . Really,woe is me if I did not declarethe good news!"Heb. 13 :15 "Through him letus always offer to God a sacrificeof praise, that is, the fruit of lipswhich make public declarationto his name ."No Retirement for God'sMinisters2 Tim . 2 :3, 4 "As a right kindof soldier of Christ Jesus takeyour part in suffering evil . Noman serving as a soldier involveshimself in the commercial businessesof life, in order that hemay meet the approval of theone who enrolled him as asoldier ."Matt . 24 :13 "But he that hasendured to the finish is the onethat will be saved ."Eccl. 8 :8 "There is no dischargein war."Rev. 2 :10 "Do not be afraid ofthe things you are destined tosuffer. Look! the Devil will keepMinister of Godon throwing some of you intoprison that you may be fully putto the test, and that you mayhave tribulation ten days . Proveyourself faithful even with thedanger of death, and I will giveyou the crown of life ."Philem. 9 "I am exhorting yourather on the basis of love, seeingthat I am such as I am, Paulan aged man, yes, now also aprisoner for the sake of ChristJesus ."2 Tim . 4 :7 "I have fought theright fight, I have run the courseto the finish, I have observed thefaith ."Rev . 1 :9 "I John, your brotherand a sharer with you in thetribulation and kingdom and endurancein company with Jesus,came to be in the isle which iscalled Patmos for speaking aboutGod and bearing witness to Jesus."Luke 9 :62 "Jesus said to him :'No man that has put his handto a plow and looks at the thingsbehind is well fitted for the kingdomof God.'"1 Sam. 7 :15 "And Samueljudged Israel all the days of hislife ."The Flock Is God's, Notthe Minister'sJohn 21 :15-17 "When, now, theyhad breakfasted, Jesus said toSimon Peter : 'Simon son of John,do you love me more than these?'He said to him : 'Yes, Master, youknow I have affection for you .'He said to him : 'Feed my younglambs .' Again he said to him, asecond time : 'Simon son of John,do you love me?' He said to him :'Yes, Master, you know I haveaffection for you .' He said to him :'Shepherd my little sheep .' Hesaid to him the third time : 'Simonson of John, do you haveaffection for me?' Peter becamegrieved that he said to him thethird time : 'Do you have affectionfor me?' So he said to him :'Master, you know all things ; youare aware that I have affection

Minister of Godfor you .' Jesus said to him : 'Feedmy little sheep.'"1 Pet . 5 :2, 3 "Shepherd theflock of God in your care, notunder compulsion, but willingly,neither for love of dishonest gain,but eagerly, neither as lording itover those who are God's inheritance,but becoming examples tothe flock ."Acts 20 :28 "Pay attention toyourselves and to all the flock,among which the holy spirit hasappointed you overseers, to shepherdthe congregation of God,which he purchased with theblood of his own [Son] ."John 10 :16 "And I have othersheep, which are not of this fold ;those also I must bring, and theywill listen to my voice, and theywill become one flock, one shepherd."Further Appointment to SpecialService Duties Made ThroughChristian OrganizationActs 6 :2, 3 "So the twelve calledthe multitude of the disciples tothem and said : 'It is not pleasingfor us to abandon the wordof God to distribute food totables . So, brothers, search outfor yourselves seven certified menfrom among you, full of spirit andwisdom, that we may appointthem over this necessary business.'"Acts 14 :23 "Moreover, they appointedolder men to office forthem in the congregation and,offering prayer with fastings, theycommitted them to Jehovah inwhom they had become believers ."Titus 1 :5 "For this reason Ileft you in Crete, that you mightcorrect the things that were defectiveand might make appointmentsof older men in city aftercity, as I gave you orders .""Laying On of Hands" DesignatesAppointment, Either byPersonal Word or Contact, byLetter, or ThroughRepresentatives1 Tim . 5 :22 "Never lay yourhands hastily upon any man ;268neither be a sharer in the sinsof others ; preserve yourself pure ."Acts 6 :3, 6 "So, brothers, searchout for yourselves seven certifiedmen from among you, fullof spirit and wisdom, that wemay appoint them over this necessarybusiness ; and they placedthem before the apostles, andafter having prayed these laidtheir hands upon them."Acts 13 :2, 3 "As they werepublicly ministering to Jehovahand fasting, the holy spirit said :'Of all persons set Barnabas andSaul apart for me for the workto which I have called them .'Then they fasted and prayed andlaid their hands upon them andlet them go ."2 Tim. 4:11 "Luke alone is withme . Take Mark and bring himwith you, for he is useful to mefor ministering ." [By letter]Acts 1 :26 "So they cast lotsover them, and the lot fell uponMatthias, and he was reckonedalong with the eleven apostles ."Matt . 3 :17 "Look! also, therewas a voice from the heavensthat said : 'This is my Son, thebeloved, whom I have approved .' "John 15 :16 "You did not chooseme, but I chose you, and I appointedyou to go on and keepbearing fruit and that your fruitshould remain, in order that nomatter what you ask the Fatherin my name he might give it toyou ."Acts 22 :10 "At that I said :'What shall I do, Lord?' TheLord said to me : 'Rise, go yourway into Damascus, and thereyou will be told about everythingit is appointed for you to do .'"Method of PreachingHouse-to-house preachingActs 20 :20 "I did not hold backfrom telling you any of thethings that were profitable norfrom teaching you publicly andfrom house to house ."Acts 5 :42 "Every day in thetemple and from house to housethey continued without letup

26 9teaching and declaring the goodnews about the Christ, Jesus ."Return visits and home BiblestudiesActs 15 :36 "Now after somedays Paul said to Barnabas :`Above all things, let us returnand visit the brothers in everyone of the cities in which wepublished the word of Jehovahto see how they are .' "1 Cor . 3 :6 "1 planted, Apolloswatered, but God kept makingit grow ."Gal . 6 :6 "Let anyone who isbeing orally taught the wordshare in all good things with theone who gives such oral teaching."Acts 17 :11, 12 "Now the latterwere more noble-minded thanthose in Thessalonica, for theyreceived the word with the greatestreadiness of mind, carefullyexamining the Scriptures dailyas to whether these things wereso . Therefore many of them becamebelievers ."Matt. 18 :20 "Where there aretwo or three met together inmy name, there I am in theirmidst ."Isa. 28 :24-26 "Doth he thatploweth to sow plow continually?doth he continually open andharrow his ground? When hehath levelled the face thereof,doth he not cast abroad thefitches, and scatter the cummin,and put in the wheat in rows,and the barley in the appointedplace, and the spelt in the borderthereof? For his God doth instructhim aright, and doth teachhim."Preaching in streets and publicplacesActs 17 :17 "Consequently hebegan to reason in the synagoguewith the Jews and the otherpeople who worshiped God andevery day in the market-placewith those who happened to beon hand."Jer . 19 :2 "Go forth unto thevalley of the son of Hinnom,Minister of Godwhich is by the entry of thegate Harsith, and proclaim therethe words that I shall tell thee ."Ezek . 4 :3, 4 "This shall be asign to the house of Israel . Moreoverlie thou upon thy left side,and lay the iniquity of the houseof Israel upon it ; according tothe number of the days that thoushalt lie upon it, thou shalt beartheir iniquity ."Delivering public sermonsMatt . 5 :1, 2 "When he saw thecrowds he went up into themountain ; and after he sat downhis disciples came to him ; andhe opened his mouth and beganteaching them ."Matt. 13 :1-3 "On that day Jesus,having left the house, wassitting by the sea ; and greatcrowds gathered to him, so thathe went aboard a boat and satdown, and all the crowd wasstanding on the beach . Then hetold them many things by illustrations."Mark 6 :34, 44 "On getting out,he saw a great crowd . . . . And hestarted to teach them manythings . . . . Those who ate of theloaves were five thousand men ."Mark 8 :9 "Yet there wereabout four thousand men . Finallyhe sent them away ."Acts 17 :22 "Paul now stood inthe midst of the Areopagus andsaid : `Men of Athens, I beholdthat in all things you seem tobe more given to the fear of thedeities than others are .' "Acts 20 :7 "Paul began discoursingto them . . . . and he prolongedhis speech until midnight ."Missionary work-2 Tim . 4 :5 "You, though, keepyour balance in all things, sufferevil, do missionary work, thoroughlyaccomplish your ministry ."Acts 21 :8 "We entered into thehouse of Philip the missionary ."Eph . 4 :11 "He gave some asapostles, some as prophets, someas missionaries, some as shepherdsand teachers ."

Minister of GodThe Minister's Congregation2 Cor . 5 :18, 19 "God, who reconciledus to himself throughChrist and gave us the ministryof the reconciliation, namely,that God was by means of Christreconciling a world to himself ."Matt . 13 :38 "The field is theworld ."His assigned territory2 Cor. 10 :13-16 "For our part,we will boast, not outside ourassigned boundaries, but accordingto the boundary of the territorywhich God apportioned tous by measure, making it reacheven as far as you . . . . No, we arenot boasting outside our assignedboundaries in the labors of someoneelse, but we entertain hopethat, as your faith is being increased,we may be made greatamong you with reference to ourterritory . Then we will aboundstill more, to declare the goodnews to the countries beyond you,so as not to boast in someoneelse's territory where things arealready prepared."Matt . 15:24 "[Jesus] said : `Iwas not sent forth to any butto the lost sheep of the house ofIsrael .' "Matt. 10 :5, 6 "These twelve Jesussent forth, giving them theseorders : 'Do not go off into theroad of the nations, and do notenter into a Samaritan city ; but .instead, go continually to the lostsheep of the house of Israel .'His Bible studies and good-willpersons2 Cor. 3 :1-3 "You yourselvesare our letter, inscribed on ourhearts and known and beingread by all mankind . For you areshown to be a letter of Christwritten by us as ministers ."The local congregation, in whichhe may be a specially appointedservantRom . 12 :8 "He that presides,let him do it in real earnest ."2701 Tim . 5 :17 "Let the older menwho preside in a right way bereckoned worthy of double honor,especially those who work hardin speaking and teaching ."1 Pet . 5 :1-3 "To the oldermen among you I give this exhortation. . . . Shepherd the flockof God in your care, not . . . aslording it over those who areGod's inheritance, but becomingexamples to the flock."Acts 20 :28 "Pay attention toyourselves and to all the flock .among which the holy spirit hasappointed you overseers, to shepherdthe congregation of God,which he purchased with theblood of his own [Son] ."Publishing Can Include Use ofLiterature2 Tim. 4:13 "When you come,bring the cloak I left at Troaswith Carpus, and the scrolls, especiallythe parchments."Isa . 52 :7 "How beautiful uponthe mountains are the feet ofhim that bringeth good tidings,that publisheth peace, that bringethgood tidings of good, thatpublisheth salvation, that saithunto ion, Thy God reigneth!"Ps. 68 :11 "The Lord giveth theword : the women that publishthe tidings are a great host ."Acts 17 :11 "They received theword with the greatest readinessof mind, carefully examining theScriptures daily as to whetherthese things were so ."Scope of Ministerial Field andShortness of Time Make ModernMethods EssentialMatt . 24 :14 "And this goodnews of the kingdom will bepreached in all the inhabitedearth for the purpose of a witnessto all the nations, and thenthe accomplished end will come ."Matt. 28 :19, 20 "Go thereforeand snake disciples of people ofall the nations, . . . teaching themto observe all the things I havecommanded you."

271Dan . 11 :33 "And they that arewise among the people shall instructmany."Isa . 60 :22 "The little one shallbecome a thousand, and the smallone a strong nation : I, Jehovah,will hasten it in its time ."Jer. 51 :6 "Flee out of the midstof Babylon, and save every manhis life ; be not cut off in heriniquity : for it is the time ofJehovah's vengeance ; he will renderunto her a recompense ."Matt . 24 :15-20, 34 "When youcatch sight of the disgustingthing that causes desolation, . . .begin fleeing to the mountains .Let the man on the housetopnot come down to take the goodsout of his house ; and let the manin the field not return to thehouse to pick up his outer garment.. . . Keep praying that yourflight may not occur in wintertimenor on the sabbath day .Truly I say to you that this generationwill by no means passaway until all these things occur ."Eph . 5 :16 "Buying out the opportunetime for yourselves, becausethe days are wicked ."eph . 2 :2, 3 "Before the decreebring forth, before the day passas the chaff, before the fierceanger of Jehovah come upon you,Seek ye Jehovah, all ye meekof the earth . . . . it may be ye willbe hid in the day of Jehovah'sanger ."Receipt of Contributions Proper1 Cor. 9 :7-14 "Who is it thatever serves as a soldier at hisown expense? Who plants a vineyardand does not eat of itsfruit? Or who shepherds a flockand does not eat some of the milkof the flock? . . . `You must notmuzzle an ox when it is treadingout the grain .' . . . If we havesown spiritual things to you, isit something great if we shallreap things for the flesh fromyou? . . . Do you not know that themen performing sacred duties eatthe things of the temple, andthose constantly attending at thealtar have a portion for them-Minister of Godselves with the altar? In this way,too, the Lord ordained for thoseproclaiming the good news tolive by means of the good news ."Rom . 15 :27 "If the nations haveshared in their spiritual things,they also owe it to minister publiclyto these with things for thephysical body ."Phil . 4:16, 17 "Even in Thessalonica,you sent something to meboth once and a second time formy need . Not that I am earnestlyseeking the gift, but that I amearnestly seeking the fruitagethat brings more credit to youraccount ."Luke 10 :6, 7 "If a friend ofpeace is there . . . . stay in thathouse, eating and drinking thethings they provide, for theworker is worthy of his wages .Do not be transferring fromhouse to house ."Matt. 19 :29 "Everyone thathas left houses or brothers orsisters or father or mother orchildren or lands for the sake ofmy name will receive many timesmore and will inherit everlastinglife."The Minister Is Not Commercial,nor a Peddler2 Cor. 2 :17 "We are not peddlersof the word of God as manymen are, but as out of sincerity,yes, as sent from God, underGod's view, in company withChrist, we are speaking ."Some Ministers Have SecondaryOccupations to Provide NeedsActs 18 :2-4 "He found a certainJew named Aquila . . . . andPriscilla his wife . . . . and on accountof being of the same tradehe stayed at their home, and theyworked, for they were tentmakersby trade . However, he would givea talk in the synagogue everysabbath and would win overJews and Greeks ."Col. 4 :14 "Luke the belovedphysician sends you his greetings."See "Jehovah's Witnesses","Baptism."

NeW-WOrld LivingDEFINITIONThe Scripturally outlined course of conduct for true Christiansespecially in the time of the end . Not an effort at "character development",it requires accurate knowledge of God's basic principles andrighteous requirements for those of his new world with an honestdesire and earnest effort to live by them, coupled with a sincerelove of God and neighbor. It recognizes the need for the operation ofGod's active force in one's life, since many righteous qualities arethemselves actually fruits of the spirit . It means a completely changedthinking process from that of the former course in Satan's systemof things, a development of a new life pattern by daily strengtheningof proper habits, leanings and mental attitude .God Foretold a New WorldFashioned According to HisRighteous PrinciplesIsa . 65 :17 "For, behold, I createnew heavens and a new earth ;and the former things shall notbe remembered, nor come intomind ."2 Pet . 3 :13 "But there are newheavens and a new earth that weare awaiting according to hispromise, and in these righteousnessis to dwell ."Isa . 11 :5 "And righteousnessshall be the girdle of his waist,and faithfulness the girdle of hisloins ."Those of New World Society AreTaught According to HisRevealed WillIsa . 54 :13 "And all thy childrenshall be taught of Jehovah ; andgreat shall be the peace of thychildren ."Isa . 55 :8, 9 "For my thoughtsare not your thoughts, neitherare your ways my ways, saithJehovah . For as the heavens arehigher than the earth, so aremy ways higher than your ways,and my thoughts than yourthoughts ."Members of That Society AreCertain to Be EstablishedIsa . 66 :1, 22 "Thus saith Jehovah,Heaven is my throne, andthe earth is my footstool : . . . Foras the new heavens and the newearth, which I will make, shallremain before me, saith Jehovah,so shall your seed and yourname remain ."Eve's Mind Corrupted and BentAway from True Religion2 Cor . 11 :3, 14 "But I am afraidthat somehow, as the serpentseduced Eve by its craftiness, yourminds might be corrupted awayfrom the sincerity and the chastitythat are due the Christ . Andno wonder, for Satan himselfkeeps transforming himself intoan angel of light ."Continued Evil Bent of ThinkingBrought FloodGen. 6 :5, 13 "And Jehovah sawthat the wickedness of man wasgreat in the earth, and thatevery imagination of the thoughtsof his heart was only evil continually. And God said untoNoah, The end of all flesh is comebefore me ; for the earth is filledwith violence through them ; and,behold, I will destroy them withthe earth ."Fallen Man's Mind Bent TowardEvil from YouthGen . 8 :21 "And Jehovah smelledthe sweet savor ; and Jehovahsaid in his heart, I will not again272

273curse the ground any more forman's sake, for that the imaginationof man's heart is evil fromhis youth ; neither will I againsmite any more everything living,as I have done ."Continued Wrong ThinkingForeseenDeut . 31 :21 "And it shall cometo pass, when many evils andtroubles are come upon them,that this song shall testify beforethem as a witness ; for it shallnot be f<strong>org</strong>otten out of themouths of their seed : for I knowtheir imagination which theyframe this day, before I havebrought them into the land whichI sware ."Further Evil Bent of Man's Mindin Last Days ForetoldMatt . 24 :37 "For just as thedays of Noah were, so the presenceof the Son of man will be ."2 Tim. 3 :1, 8 "But know this,that in the last days critical timeshard to deal with will be here .Now in the way that Jannes andJambres resisted Moses, so thesealso go on resisting the truth,men completely corrupted inmind, disapproved as regards thefaith."Rom . 1 :22, 28, 29 "Althoughasserting they were wise, theybecame foolish . And just as theydid not approve of holding Godin accurate knowledge, God gavethem up to a disapproved mentalstate, to do the things not fitting,filled as they were with all unrighteousness."Satan, God of This World, IsResponsible for Wrong ThinkingRev . 12 :9 "So down the greatdragon was hurled, the originalserpent, the one called Devil andSatan, who is misleading the entireinhabited earth ; he washurled down to the earth, and hisangels were hurled down withhim ."2 Cor . 4 :4 "Among whom thegod of this system of things hasblinded the minds of the un-New-World Livingbelievers, that the illumination ofthe glorious good news about theChrist, who is the image of God,might not shine through ."Satan Feeds Man's Mind onWrong Things According toHis System of ThingsCol . 1 :21 "Indeed, you whowere once alienated and enemiesbecause your minds were on theworks that were wicked, he nowhas again reconciled ."Eph . 2 :2, 3 "You at one timewalked according to the systemof things of this world, accordingto the ruler of the authorityof the air, the spirit that nowoperates in the sons of disobedience. Yes, among them we allat one time conducted ourselvesin harmony with the desires ofour flesh, doing the things theflesh and the thoughts willed ."Harmony with God's New WorldArrangement Requires CompletelyChanged Course of Thinking2 Cor. 3 :16-18 "But when thereis a turning to Jehovah, the veilis taken away. Now Jehovah isthe spirit ; and where the spiritof Jehovah is, there is freedom .And all of us, while we with unveiledfaces reflect like mirrorsthe glory of Jehovah, are transformedinto the same image fromglory to glory, exactly as done byJehovah the spirit."Rom . 12 :2 "And quit beingfashioned after this system ofthings, but be transformed bymaking your mind over, that youmay prove to yourselves the goodand acceptable and complete willof God."Active Force of God Needed toEffect a Change in Thinkingand ConductTitus 3 :3-6 "For even we wereonce senseless, disobedient, beingmisled, being slaves to variousdesires and pleasures, carrying onin maliciousness and envy, hateful,hating one another . However,when the kindness and the lovefor man on the part of our

New-World LivingSavior, God, was manifested, owingto no activities in righteousnessthat we had performed, butaccording to his mercy he savedus through the bath that broughtus to life and through the makingof us new by holy spirit . Thisspirit lie poured out richly uponus through Jesus Christ ourSavior ."1 Cor . 2 :10, 12 "For it is to usGod has revealed them throughhis spirit, for the spirit searchesinto all things, even the deepthings of God . Now we received,not the spirit of the world, butthe spirit which is from God,that we might know the thingsthat have been kindly given usby God ."Must Be in Sincerity of HeartPs . 51:10, 11 "Create in me aclean heart, 0 God ; and renewa right spirit within me . Castme not away from thy presence ;and take not thy holy spirit fromme ."God's Written Word Able toSearch Out Man's InmostThoughts and Direct HisCoursePs . 119 :9 "Wherewith shall ayoung man cleanse his way? Bytaking heed thereto according tothy word ."Heb . 4 :12, 13 "For the word ofGod is alive and exerts powerand is sharper than any twoedgedsword and pierces even tothe dividing of the soul andspirit, and of the joints and theirmarrow, and is able to discernthe thoughts and intentions ofthe heart . And there is not acreation that is not manifest tohis sight, but all things are nakedand openly exposed to the eyesof him with whom we have anaccounting ."New World Living Means Becominga New PersonalityEph . 4 :22-24 "That you shouldrut away the old personalitywhich conforms to your former274course of conduct and which isbeing corrupted according to hisdeceptive desires ; but that youshould be made new in the forceactuating your mind, and shouldput on the new personality whichwas created according to God'swill in true righteousness andloving-kindness ."Law of Sin Through Adam WarsAgainst Law of This New MindGal . 5 :16, 17 "But I say, Keepwalking by spirit and you willcarry out no fleshly desire at all .For the flesh is against the spiritin its desire, and the spiritagainst the flesh, for these areopposed to each other, so thatthe very things that you wouldlike to do you do not do ."Rom . 7 :21-25 "I find, then, thislaw in my case : that when Iwish to do what is right, whatis bad is present with me . I reallydelight in the law of God accordingto the man I am within,but I behold in my membersanother law warring against thelaw of my mind and leading mecaptive to sin's law that is inmy members. . . . So, then, withmy mind I myself am a slaveto God's law, but with my fleshto sin's law ."Failure to Renew Mind Leadsinto Corrupted Mental State1 Tim . 6 :3-5 "If any manteaches other doctrine and doesnot assent to healthful words,those of our Lord Jesus Christ,nor to the teaching that accordswith godly devotion, he ispuffed up with pride, not understandinganything, but beingmentally diseased over questioningsand debates about words .From these things spring envy,strife, abusive speeches, wickedsuspicions, violent disputes abouttrifles on the part of men corruptedin mind and despoiled ofthe truth, thinking that godlydevotion is a means of gain ."

275The End of Wrong ThinkingIs DeathPhil. 3 :18, 19 "For there aremany, I used to mention themoften but now I mention themalso with weeping, who are walkingas the enemies of the torturestake of the Christ, and theirfinish is destruction, and theirgod is their belly, and their gloryconsists in their shame, and theyhave their minds upon things onthe earth ."Mind Must Be Trained in RightProcesses of ThinkingProv . 23 :26 "My son, give methy heart ; and let thine eyes delightin For, "observe," footnote]my ways ."Rom . 8 :5-8 "For those whoare in accord with the flesh settheir minds on the things of theflesh, but those in accord withthe spirit on the things of thespirit . For the minding of theflesh means death, but the mindingof the spirit means life andpeace ; because the minding ofthe flesh means enmity with God,for it is not under subjection tothe law of God, nor, in fact,can it be . So those who are inharmony with the flesh cannotplease God ."Love of God EssentialMatt. 22 :37 "He said to hire :`You must love Jehovah your Godwith your whole heart and withyour whole soul and with yourwhole mind .' "Being of a Double Mind Is FatalPs . 119 :113 "I hate them thatare of a double mind ; but thylaw do I love ."Rev . 3 :16 "So, because you arelukewarm and neither hot norcold, I am going to vomit youout of my mouth ."Positive Thinking Required,Considering ForwardlookingPlansPhil. 3 :13-16 "F<strong>org</strong>etting thethings behind and stretchingNew-World Livingforward to the things ahead, Iam pursuing down toward thegoal for the prize of the callingabove and which God extends inChrist Jesus . Let us, then, asmany of us as are mature, be ofthis mental attitude ; and if youare mentally inclined otherwisein any respect, God will revealthe above attitude to you . At anyrate, to what extent we havemade progress, let us go on walkingorderly in this same routine ."Phil . 2 :5 "Keep this mentalattitude in you which was alsoin Christ Jesus."Must Get Truth into Mind andHeart, Making It One's MotivatingForce, Not Being Overburdenedwith Cares of This WorldLuke 8 :5-8, 11, 13-15 "A sowerwent out to sow his seed . Well,as he was sowing, some of it . . .landed upon the rock-mass, and,after sprouting, it dried up becauseof not having moisture .Some other fell among the thorns,and the thorns that grew upwith it choked it off. Some otherfell upon the good soil, and,after sprouting, it produced fruita hundredfold . . . . Now the illustrationmeans this : The seed isthe word of God. Those uponthe rock-mass are the ones who,when they hear it, receive theword with joy, but these have noroot ; they believe for a season,but in a season of testing theyfall away . As for that which fellamong the thorns, these are theones that have heard, but, ibeing carried away by anxietiesand wealth and pleasures of thislife, they are completely chokedand bring nothing to perfection .As for that on the right soil,these are the ones that, afterhearing the word with a rightand good heart, retain it andbear fruit with endurance ."Accurate Knowledge of God'sRequirements NecessaryCol . 3 :2, 9, 10 "Keep yourminds fixed on the things ahove,

New-World Livingnot on the things upon the earth .. . . Strip off the old personalitywith its practices, and clotheyourselves with the new personalitywhich through accurateknowledge is being renewed accordingto the image of the onewho created it ."Requirements of God Extendinto Daily Living1 Tim. 6 :13, 14 "In the sight ofGod who preserves all thingsalive and of Christ Jesus, whoas a witness made the right publicdeclaration in the audience ofPontius Pilate, I give you ordersthat you observe the commandmentin a spotless and irreprehensibleway until the manifestationof our Lord Jesus Christ ."Jas . 1 :27 "The form of worshipthat is clean and undefiledfrom the standpoint of our Godand Father is this : to care fororphans and widows in theirtribulation, and to keep oneselfwithout spot from the world ."Everyday Affairs of Life ShouldBe Governed by Mental AttitudeToward Christ1 Pet . 1 :13-16 "Hence brace upyour minds for activity, keepcompletely balanced and set yourhope upon the undeserved kindnessthat is to be brought to youat the revelation of Jesus Christ .As obedient children, quit beingfashioned according to the desiresyou formerly had in yourignorance, but, in accord with theholy one who called you, do youalso become holy yourselves inall your conduct, because it iswritten : `You must be holy, becauseI am holy .'"Gossip and Backbiting, Thoughtless,Tactless and UnkindRemarks AvoidedJas . 1 :26 "If any man seemsto himself to be a formal worshiperand yet does not bridlehis tongue, but goes on deceivinghis own heart, this man's formof worship is futile ."276Jas. 3 :6, 8-10 "The tongue isa fire . The tongue is constituteda world of unrighteousness amongour members, for it spots up allthe body and sets the wheel ofnatural life aflame and it isset aflame by Gehenna . . Anunruly injurious thing, it is fullof death-dealing poison. With itwe bless Jehovah, even the Father,and yet with it we cursemen who have come into existence'in the likeness of GodIt is not proper, my brothers, forthese things to go on occurringthis way ."Prov. 16 :28 "A whisperer separatethchief friends."Uninvited Meddling in Others'Personal Affairs Condemned1 Tim . 5 :13 "At the same timethey also learn to be unoccupied,gadding about to the houses, yes,not only unoccupied, but alsogossipers and meddlers in otherpeople's affairs, talking of thingsthey ought not ."1 Pet . 4 :15 "However, let noneof you suffer as a murderer ora thief or an evildoer or as abusybody in other people's matters."Disagreements and StrifeF<strong>org</strong>otten1 Cor . 3 :3 "For you are yetfleshly . For whereas there arejealousy and strife among you,are you not fleshly and are younot walking as men do?"Maliciously Criticizing Others'Shortcomings ImproperGal . 6 :1 "Brothers, even thougha man takes some false step beforehe is aware of it, you whohave spiritual qualifications tryto restore such a man in a spiritof mildness, as you each keepan eye on yourself, for fear youalso may be tempted ."Closeness of Family Relationshipin Congregation Requires ContinuedUnited Effort Aboundingin LoveCol . 3 :12-14 "Accordingly, asGod's chosen ones, holy and loved,

277clothe yourselves with the tenderaffections of compassion, kindness,lowliness of mind, mildnessand longsuffering . Continue puttingup with one another andf<strong>org</strong>iving one another freely ifanyone has a cause for complaintagainst another. Even as Jehovahfreely f<strong>org</strong>ave you, so doyou also . But, besides all thesethings, clothe yourselves withlove, for it is a perfect bond ofunion ."Phil. 1 :27, 28 "Only behave ina manner worthy of the goodnews about the Christ . . . standingfirm in one spirit, with . onesoul fighting side by side for thefaith of the good news, and inno respect being frightened byyour opponents . This very thingis a proof of destruction for them,but of salvation for you ; andthis indication is from God ."Gal. 6 :2 "Go on carrying theburdens of one another, and thusfulfill the law of the Christ ."Personal Family Dissensions,Contentiousness Should BeOvercomeCol. 3 :18-21 "You wives, be insubjection to your husbands, asit is becoming in the Lord . Youhusbands, keep on loving yourwives and do not be bitterlyangry with them . You children,be obedient to your parents ineverything, for this is well-pleasingin the Lord. You fathers,do not be exasperating your children,so that they do not becomedownhearted ."Balanced Viewpoint MaintainedThrough Proper Moderation inEating, DrinkingPhil . 4 :5, 6 "Let your reasonablenessbecome known to allmen. . . . Do not be anxious overanything, but in everything byprayer and supplication alongwith thanksgiving let your petitionsbe made known to God ."Prov . 23 :20, 21 "Be not amongwinebibbers, among gluttonousNew-World Livingeaters of flesh : for the drunkardand the glutton shall come topoverty ; and drowsiness willclothe a man with rags ."1 Tim. 5 :23 "Do not drinkwater any longer, but use a littlewine for the sake of your stomachand your frequent cases of sickness."1 Tim . 3 :8 "Ministerial servantsshould likewise be serious, notdouble-tongued, not giving themselvesto a lot of wine ."Rom . 14 :21 "It is well not toeat flesh or to drink wine or doanything over which your brotherstumbles ."Individual Decision Necessary asto Choice of Entertainment, RememberingChrist Is ModelCol . 3 :17 "And whatever it isthat you do in word or in work,do everything in the name of theLord Jesus, thanking God theFather through him."1 Cor. 10 :31 "Therefore, whetheryou are eating or drinking ordoing anything else, do all thingsfor God's glory ."1 Pet . 2 :21 "In fact, to thiscourse you were called, becauseeven Christ suffered for you,leaving you a model for you tofollow his steps closely ."One's Own Conscience, Trainedin God's Word, to DetermineChoice as to Work and OtherSuch ActivitiesActs 24:16 "In this respect, indeed,I am exercising myself continuallyto have a consciousnessof committing no offense againstGod and men ."Rom. 14 :4 "Who are you tojudge the house servant ofanother? To his own master hestands or falls . Indeed, he willbe made to stand, for Jehovahcan make him stand ."1 Cor . 10 :29, 30 "Why shouldit be that my freedom is judgedby another person's conscience?If I am partaking with thanks,why am I to bespoken of abusivelyover that for which I givethanks?"

New-World Living1 Tim . 3 :9 "Holding the sacredsecret of the faith with a cleanconscience ."Not to Cheat Employer but GiveFull Day's WorkCol . 3 :22-25 "You slaves, beobedient in everything to thosewho are your masters in a fleshlysense, not with acts of eyeservice,as men-pleasers, but withsincerity of heart, with fear ofJehovah . Whatever you are doing,work at it whole-souled as toJehovah, and not to men, for youknow that it is from Jehovah youwill receive the due reward of theinheritance . You are slaves tothe Master Christ. Certainly theman that is doing unrighteousnesswill receive back what heunrighteously did, and there isno partiality ."Godly Conduct Outside the OrganizationImperative1 Tim . 6 :1 "Let as many asare slaves under a yoke keep onconsidering their owners worthyof full honor, that the name ofGod and the teaching may neverbe spoken of injuriously ."1 Tim . 3 :7 "Moreover, heshould also have a favorable testimonyfrom people on the outside,in order that he might notfall into reproach and a snareof the Devil ."Must Be Example of New-WorldLiving, Not Compromising withUncleanness Just to Appear"Good Fellow"Eph . 5 :1, 3, 4 "Therefore, becomeimitators of God, as belovedchildren . Let fornication and uncleannessof every kind or greedinessnot even be mentionedamong you, just as it befits holypeople, neither shameful conductnor foolish talking nor obscenejesting, things which are not becoming,but rather the giving ofthanks."1 Pet. 4 :3-5 "For the time thathas passed by is sufficient for youto have worked out the will of278the nations when you proceededin deeds of loose conduct, lusts,excesses with wine, revelries,drinking matches, and idolatriesthat are without legal restraint.Because you do not continue runningwith them in this courseto the same low sink of debauchery,they are puzzled andgo on speaking abusively of you .But these people will render anaccount to the one ready to judgethose living and those dead ."1 Pet. 3 :16, 17 "Hold a goodconscience, so that in the particularin which you are spokenagainst they may get ashamedwho are speaking slightingly ofyour good conduct in connectionwith Christ . For it is better tosuffer because you are doing good,if the will of God wishes it, thanbecause you are doing evil ."Compromising Righteous PrinciplesIs Beginning of ApostasyCol. 1 :23 "Continue in thefaith, established on the foundationand steadfast and not beingshifted away from the hope ofthat good news which you heard,and which was preached in allcreation that is under heaven ."1 Tim. 1 :18-20 "Go on wagingthe right warfare, holding faithand a good conscience, whichsome have thrust aside and haveexperienced shipwreck concerningtheir faith . Hymenaeus and Alexanderbelong to these, and I havehanded them over to Satan thatthey may be taught by disciplinenot to blaspheme ."2 Tim . 2 :18, 19 "These verymen have deviated from thetruth, saying that the resurrectionhas already occurred, andthey are subverting the faith ofsome . For all that, the solid foundationof God stays standing,having this seal, `Jehovah knowsthose who belong to him,' and,`Let everyone mentioning thename of Jehovah renounce unrighteousness.'"

2'79Mind Must Be Continually Filledwith Right MattersPhil . 4 :8 "Finally, brothers,whatever things are true, whateverthings are of serious concern,whatever things are righteous,whatever things are chaste, whateverthings are lovable, whateverthings are well spoken of,whatever virtue there is andwhatever praiseworthy thingthere is, continue consideringthese things ."Requires Constant Self-Disciplinein Even the SmallestMatters of Daily Living, asChildren Receive Correctionfrom a FatherHeb . 12 :5, 6, 11-17 "'My son,do not belittle the discipline fromJehovah, neither give out whenyou are corrected by him ; forwhom Jehovah loves he disciplines,in fact he scourges everyonewhom he receives as a son .'True, no discipline seems for thepresent to be joyous, but grievous ;yet afterward to those who havebeen trained by it it yields peaceablefruit, namely, righteousness .Hence lift up the hands thathang down and strengthen theenfeebled knees, and keep makingstraight paths for your feet, thatwhat is lame may not be putout of joint, but rather that itmay be healed . Pursue peacewith all people, and the sanctificationwithout which no manwill see the Lord, carefully watchingthat no one may be deprivedof the undeserved kindness ofGod ; that no poisonous root mayspring up and cause trouble andmany be defiled by it ; that theremay be no fornicator nor anyonenot appreciating sacred things,like Esau, who in exchange forone meal gave away his rightsas firstborn . For you know thatafterward also when he wantedto inherit the blessing he wasrejected, for, although he earnestlysought a change of mindwith tears, he found no placefor it ."New-World LivingContinued Personal StudyNecessary1 Tim . 4 :6 "By giving theseadvices to the brothers you willbe a right kind of minister ofChrist Jesus, one nourished withthe words of the faith and of theright teaching which you havefollowed closely ."2 Tim. 2 :15 "Do your utmostto present yourself approved toGod, a workman with nothing tobe ashamed of, handling theword of the truth aright ."Regular Attendance at CongregationalMeetings Essential toReceive Full Direction ofHoly Spirit2 Pet. 1 :20, 21 "No prophecy ofScripture springs from any privaterelease [or, "comes out ofprivate disclosure," footnote] . Forprophecy was at no time broughtby man's will, but men spokefrom God as they were bornealong by holy spirit ."Acts 2:46, 47 "And day afterday they were in constant attendanceat the temple with one accord,and they took their mealsin private homes and partook ofnourishment with great rejoicingand sincerity of heart, praisingGod and finding acceptance withall the people . At the same timeJehovah continued to join tothem daily those being saved ."Heb. 10:25 "Not forsaking thegathering of ourselves together,as some have the custom, butencouraging one another, and allthe more so as you behold theday drawing near ."Association in a Social Way withThose Outside the TruthIs Dangerous1 Cor . 15 :33 "Do not be misled .Bad associations spoil useful habits."2 Cor . 6 :14 . 15 "Do not becomeunevenly yoked with unbelievers .For what partnership do righteousnessand lawlessness have?Or what fellowship does lighthave with darkness? Further,

Prayerwhat harmony is there betweenChrist and Belial? Or what portiondoes a faithful person havewith an unbeliever?"Associate with Christian Brothers; Help, Edify One AnotherActs 2 :42 "And they continueddevoting themselves to the teachingof the apostles and to associationtogether, to taking ofmeals and to prayers ."1 Thess . 5 :11 "Therefore keepcomforting one another andbuilding one another up, just asyou are in fact doing ."Luke 24 :32 "And they said toeach other : `Were not our heartsburning as he was speaking tous on the road, as he was fullyopening up the Scriptures tous?' "Heb . 2 :17 "Consequently he wasobliged to become like his 'brothers'in all respects, that he mightbecome a merciful and faithfulhigh priest in things pertainingto God, in order to offer propitiatorysacrifice for the sins ofthe people."Heb . 3 :13 "Keep on exhortingone another each day, as long asit may be called `Today' ."Modern Assembly of New WorldSociety of Far Greater Significanceand Awe-inspiring Splendorthan Assembly of Israelat Mt . SinaiPs. 68 :8 "The earth trembled,the heavens also dropped rain atthe presence of God : yon Sinaitrembled at the presence of God,the God of Israel ."Ex. 19 :18, 19 "And mount Sinai,the whole of it, smoked, be-PrayerDEFINITIONTrue prayer is an earnest petition, offered to the right one, in theright manner, and on right matters . Prayers of the Christian areoffered only to Jehovah God as the Right One, the Supreme One ofthe universe . Prayer is therefore offered reverently, with proper280cause Jehovah descended uponit in fire ; and the smoke thereofascended as the smoke of a furnace,and the whole mountquaked greatly. And when thevoice of the trumpet waxedlouder and louder, Moses spake,and God answered him by avoice ."Heb . 12 :18, 19, 22-24 "For youhave not approached that whichcan be felt and which has beenset aflame with fire, and a darkcloud and thick darkness and atempest, and the blare of atrumpet and the voice of words,on hearing which voice the peopleimplored that no word shouldbe added to them . But you haveapproached a mount ion and acity of the living God, heavenlyJerusalem, and myriads of angels,in general assembly, and the congregationof the firstborn whohave been enrolled in the heavens,and God the Judge of all,and the spiritual lives of righteousones who have been madeperfect, and Jesus the mediatorof a new covenant, and the bloodof sprinkling which speaks in abetter way than Abel's blood ."Full and Complete Giving ofSelf Certain to BringGod's RewardMal. 3 :10 "Bring ye the wholetithe into the store-house, thatthere may be food in my house,and prove me now herewith, saithJehovah of hosts, if I will notopen you the windows of heaven,and pour you out a blessing, thatthere shall not be room enoughto receive it."

281 Prayerrecognition of the supremacy of the one being addressed and theinferiority of the one praying. The right manner of approach is onlythrough and in the name of Jesus Christ . Prayers are recognizedonly in request for those things that are right matters as authorizedby Jehovah himself . Failure in any one of the three essentials willrender the prayer unacceptable . Only prayers of the righteous areanswered .Prayer Properly Directed Onlyto Jehovah GodPs . 5 :1, 2 "Give ear to mywords, 0 Jehovah, consider mymeditation . Hearken unto thevoice of my cry, my King, andmy God ; for unto thee do Ipray."Ps. 65 :1, 2 "Praise waiteth forthee, 0 God, in ion ; and untothee shall the vow be performed .O thou that hearest prayer, untothee shall all flesh come ."Ps . 143 :1 "Hear my prayer,O Jehovah ; give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulnessanswer me, and in thy righteousness."Matt . 6 :9 "You must pray, then,this way : 'Our Father in theheavens .' "Phil . 4 :6 "Do not be anxiousover anything, but in everythingby prayer and supplication alongwith thanksgiving let your petitionsbe made known to God."Not to Idols, "Saints" orCreaturesPs . 115 :4-6 "Their idols aresilver and gold, the work of men'shands . . . . They have ears, butthey hear not ."1 Cor . 8 :4-6 "Now concerning. foods offered to idols, we knowthat an idol is nothing in theworld and that there is no Godbut one . For even though thereare those who are called 'gods',whether in heaven or on earth,just as there are many 'gods' andmany 'lords', there is actually tous one God the Father ."Isa . 45 :20 "They have no knowledgethat carry the wood of theirgraven image, and pray unto agod that cannot save."1 Tim. 2 :5 "For there is oneGod, and one mediator betweenGod and men, a man ChristJesus ."Prayer to God Directed OnlyThrough and in Name ofJesus ChristJohn 14 :6, 14 "Jesus said tohim : 'I am the way and thetruth and the life . No one comesto the Father except through me .If you ask anything in my name,I will do it .' "John 16 :23-27 "In that dayyou will ask in my name, and Ido not say to you that I shallmake request of the Father concerningyou . For the Father himselfhas affection for you, becauseyou have had affection for meand have believed that I cameout as the Father's representative."Rom . 16 :27 "To God wise alonebe the glory through Jesus Christforever . Amen ."Properly Closed with "Amen"1 Cor. 14:16 "Otherwise, if youoffer praise with a gift of thespirit, how will the man occupyingthe seat of the ordinary personsay Amen to your giving ofthanks?"Rev. 5 :14 "And the four livingcreatures went to saying, 'Amen!'and the persons of advanced agefell down and worshiped ."1 Chron . 16:36 "Blessed be Jehovah,the God of Israel, fromeverlasting even to everlasting .And all the people said, Amen,and praised Jehovah ."Ps . 72 :19, 20 "And blessed behis glorious name for ever ; andlet the whole earth be filled withhis glory . Amen, and Amen. The

Prayerprayers of David the son of Jesseare ended ."Also : Deut . 27 :14-26 ; Ps. 41 :13 ;89 :52 ; Gal . 6 :18 ; Jude 25 .Jehovah's Power to Hear andAnswer Prayer UnlimitedIsa . 65:24 "And it shall cometo pass that, before they call, Iwill answer ; and while they areyet speaking, I will hear."Eph . 3 :20, 21 "Now to the onewho can, according to his powerwhich is operating in us, do morethan superabundantly beyond allthe things we ask or conceive, tohim be the glory."Great Prayer Test Shows Jehohovah'sSuperiority in Hearingand Answering Prayer1 Ki . 18 :20-40 "And they tookthe bullock which was given them,and they dressed it, and calledon the name of Baal from morningeven until noon, saying, 0Baal, hear us. But there was novoice, nor any that answered .And they leaped about the altarwhich was made . . . . And theycried aloud, and cut themselvesafter their manner with knivesand lances, till the blood gushedout upon them . . . . but there wasneither voice, nor any to answer,nor any that regarded . . . . And itcame to pass at the time of theoffering of the evening oblation .that Elijah the prophet camenear, and said . . . . Hear me, 0 Jehovah,hear me, that this peoplemay know that thou, Jehovah,art God, and that thou hastturned their heart back again .Then the fire of Jehovah fell,and consumed the burnt-offering,and the wood, and the stones, andthe dust, and licked up the waterthat was in the trench . Andwhen all the people saw it, theyfell on their faces : and they said,Jehovah, he is God ."Prayer Should Be Reverent, inSpirit and TruthJohn 4 :23 "On the contrary,the hour is coining, and it isnow, when the genuine wor-282shipers will worship the Fatherwith spirit and truth ."Ps . 145 :18 "Jehovah is nigh untoall them that call upon him,to all that call upon him intruth .'Practice of Using Rosaries andSimilar "Aids" in RepetitionForbiddenMatt . 6 :7, 8 "But when praying,do not say the same things overand over again, just as the peopleof the nations do, for theyimagine they will get a hearingfor their use of many words . So,do not make yourselves like them,for God your Father knows whatthings you are needing beforeever you ask him ."Acts 19 :34 "When they recognizedthat he was a Jew, onecry arose from them all as theyshouted for about two hours :'Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!'"Manner of Posture in Prayer NotPrescribed or Limited2 Chron . 6 :12, 14 "And he [Solomon]stood before the altar ofJehovah in the presence of allthe assembly of Israel, and spreadforth his hands and he said, 0Jehovah, the God of Israel, thereis no God like thee, in heaven,or on earth."1 Sam . 1 :12, 13 "And it cameto pass, as she continued prayingbefore Jehovah, that Eli markedher mouth . Now Hannah, shespake in her heart ; only herlips moved, but her voice was notheard ."Neh. 8 :6 "And Ezra blessedJehovah, the great God ; andall the people answered, Amen,Amen, with the lifting up of theirhands : and they bowed theirheads, and worshipped Jehovahwith their faces to the ground ."Dan . 6 :10 "Daniel . kneeledupon his knees three times a day,and prayed, and gave thanks beforehis God ."Matt . 26 :39 "And going a littleway forward, he fell upon hisface, praying ."

283Mark 11 :25 "When you standpraying, f<strong>org</strong>ive ."Luke 22:41 "And he himselfdrew away from them about astone's throw, and bent his kneesand began to pray."John 11 :41 "Now Jesus raisedhis eyes heavenward and said :'Father, I thank you that youhave heard me .'"Eph. 6 :18 "While with everyform of prayer and supplicationyou carry on prayer on everyoccasion in spirit ."1 Tim. 2 :8 "Therefore I desirethat in every place the men carryon prayer, lifting up hands ofloving-kindness ."When Leading in Prayer WomenShould Have Head Covered ;Men, Head Uncovered1 Cor. 11 :4, 5, 7, 10, 16 "Everyman that prays or prophesieshaving something on his headshames the one who is his head ;but every woman that prays orprophesies with her head unveiledshames the one who is her head,for it is one and the same as ifshe were a woman with a shavedhead . For a man ought not tohave his head veiled, as he isGod's image and glory ; but thewoman is man's glory . That iswhy the woman ought to havea sign of authority upon herhead because of the angels . However,if any man seems to disputefor some other custom, wehave no other, neither do thecongregations of God ."Perseverance in PrayerEncouragedCol . 4 :2 "Be persevering inprayer, remaining awake in itwith thanksgiving ."Luke 18 :1-8 "Then he went onto tell them an illustration withregard to the need for them alwaysto pray and not to give up,. . .'Certainly, then, shall not Godcause justice to be done to hischosen ones who cry aloud to himday and night, even though he islongsuffering toward them?'"PrayerRom. 12 :12 "Rejoice in thehope ahead . Endure under tribulation. Persevere in prayer ."Hypocritical Public PrayersCondemnedMatt. 6 :5, 6 "Also when youpray, you must not be as thehypocrites ; because they like topray standing in the synagoguesand on the corners of the broadways to be visible to men . TrulyI say to you, They are havingtheir reward in full . You, however,when you pray, go into yourprivate room and, after shuttingyour door, pray to your Fatherwho is in secret ; then your Fatherwho looks on in secret willrepay you."Luke 18 :9-14 "Two men wentup into the temple to pray, theone a Pharisee and the other atax collector . The Pharisee stoodand began to pray these thingsto himself : '0 God, I thank youI am not as the rest of men,extortioners, unrighteous, adulterers,or even as this tax collector. I fast twice a week, I givethe tenth of all things I acquire .'"Mark 12 :40 "They are the onesdevouring the houses of the widowsand for a pretext makinglong prayers ; these will receivea heavier judgment ."Congregational PrayersAcceptableActs 1 :14 "With one accordall these were persisting in prayer .together with some women andMary the mother of Jesus andwith his brothers ."Acts 4 :23-31 "Upon hearing thisthey with one accord raised theirvoices to God and said : 'SovereignLord, you are the One whomade the heaven and the earthand the sea and all the things inthem,' . . . And when they hadmade supplication, the place inwhich they were assembled wasshaken, and they were one andall filled with the holy spirit andwere speaking the word of Godwith boldness ."

PrayerActs 20 :36 "And when he hadsaid these things, he kneeleddown with all of them andprayed."1 Ki . 8 :22, 23 "And Solomonstood before the altar of Jehovahin the presence of all the assemblyof Israel, and spread forthhis hands toward heaven ; andhe said, 0 Jehovah, the God ofIsrael, there is no God like thee,in heaven above, or on earthbeneath ."Jesus Showed Order of Importanceof Right MattersMatt. 6 :9-13 "Our Father in theheavens, let your name be sanctified.Let your kingdom come .Let your will come to pass, asin heaven, also upon earth . Giveus today our bread for this day ;and f<strong>org</strong>ive us our debts, as wealso have f<strong>org</strong>iven our debtors .And do not bring us into temptation,but deliver us from thewicked one ."Other Right Matters and Occasionsfor PrayerFor foodProv . 30 :7-9 "Two things haveI asked of thee ; . . . give me neitherpoverty nor riches ; feed mewith the food that is needfulfor me : lest I be full, and denythee, and say, Who is Jehovah?or lest I be poor, and steal ."For f<strong>org</strong>ivenessMark 11 :25 "And when youstand praying, f<strong>org</strong>ive whateveryou have against anyone, in orderthat your Father who is inthe heavens may also f<strong>org</strong>iveyou your trespasses."Against temptationMatt . 26 :41 "Keep on the watchand praying, that you may notenter into temptation ."To know God's willPs . 25 :4, 5 "Show me thy ways,O Jehovah ; teach me thy paths .Guide me in thy truth, and teachme ."284For knowledgePs . 119 :66 "Teach me goodjudgment and knowledge ; for Ihave believed in thy commandments."For understanding1 Ki . 3 :7, 9 "0 Jehovah myGod. . . . Give thy servant thereforean understanding heart tojudge thy people, that I may discernbetween good and evil ."In praiseDan . 2 :23 "I thank thee, andpraise thee, 0 thou God of myfathers, who hast given me wisdomand might ."In thanksgiving1 Thess . 5 :17, 18 "Pray Incessantly. In connection with everythinggive thanks."At mealsLuke 24 :30 "As he was recliningwith them at the meal hetook the loaf, blessed it, broke itand began to hand it to them ."At Memorial1 Cor . 11 :23, 24 "The Lord Jesusin the night in which he wasgoing to be handed over took aloaf and, after giving thanks, hebroke it and said : 'This meansmy body .'"For congregationNum . 21 :7 "And the peoplecame to Moses, and said, Wehave sinned, because we havespoken against Jehovah, andagainst thee ; pray unto Jehovah,that he take away the serpentsfrom us. And Moses prayed forthe people ."For familyJob 1 :5 "Job . . . rose up earlyin the morning, and offered burntofferingsaccording to the numberof them all : for Job said, It maybe that my sons have sinned, andrenounced God in their hearts ."

285For friendsJob 42 :10 "And Jehovah turnedthe captivity of Job, when heprayed for his friends."For theocratic ministersRom. 15 :30-32 "Now I exhortyou, brothers, through our LordJesus Christ and through thelove of the spirit, that you exertyourselves with me in prayersto God for me, that I may bedelivered from the unbelievers inJudea and that my ministrywhich is for Jerusalem may proveto be acceptable to the holyones."For persecutedActs 12 :5 "Consequently Peterwas being kept in the prison ; butprayer to God for him was beingcarried on intensely by the congregation."For peace of <strong>org</strong>anizationPs . 122 :6 "Pray for the peaceof Jerusalem : they shall prosperthat love thee ."For spiritually sickJas . 5 :13-15 "Is there anyonesuffering evil among you? Lethim carry on prayer . . . . Is thereanyone sick among you? Let himcall the older men of the congregationto him, and let thempray over him ."For persecutorsMatt . 5 :44 "However, I say toyou : Continue to love your enemiesand to pray for those persecutingyou ."For deliverancePs . 143 :9 "Deliver me, 0 Jehovah,from mine enemies : I fleeunto thee to hide me ."For destruction of wickedPs . 59 :5, 13 "0 Jehovah Godof hosts, the God of Israel, ariseto visit all the nations : be notmerciful to any wicked transgressors. Consume them in wrath,consume them, so that they shallbe no more ."PrayerPrayers for World Affairs UnansweredSince Asked AmissJohn 17 :9 "I make request concerningthem ; I make request,not concerning the world, butconcerning those you have givenme ."Jas . 4 :3, 4 "You do ask, andyet you do not receive, becauseyou are asking for a wrong purpose,that you may expend itupon your cravings for sensualpleasure. Adulteresses, do you notknow that the friendship withthe world is enmity with God?"Isa . 1 :15 "And when ye spreadforth your hands, I will hide mineeyes from you ; yea, when yemake many prayers, I will nothear : your hands are full ofblood ."Prayers for Rulers' FavorableAction Toward MinistryAuthorized1 Tim . 2 :1-4 "I therefore exhortfirst of all that supplications,prayers, intercessions, offerings ofthanks, be made concerning allkinds of men, concerning kingsand all those who are in highstation, in order that we maygo on leading a calm and quietlife with full godly devotion andseriousness . This is right and acceptablein the sight of ourSavior ."Jer. 29 :7 "And seek the peaceof the city whither I have causedyou to be carried away captive,and pray unto Jehovah for it ;for in the peace thereof shall yehave peace ."Ezra 6 :1-10 "That they mayoffer sacrifices of sweet savor untothe God of heaven, and prayfor the life of the king, and ofhis sons ."Neh . 1 :11-2 :8 "0 Lord, I beseechthee, let now thine earbe attentive to the prayer of thyservant . . . . and prosper, I praythee, thy servant this day, andgrant him mercy in the sight ofthis man ." "Now I was cupbearerto the king . . . . Then the kingsaid unto me, For what dost thou

Purgatorymake request? So I prayed to theGod of heaven. And I said untothe king . . . . And the king grantedme, according to the good handof my God upon me ."Acts 26:28-32 "At this Paul said[to King Agrippa] : 'I could wishto God that whether in a shorttime or in a long time not onlyyou but also all those who hearme today would become men suchas I also am, with the exceptionof these bonds .' And the kingrose . . . saying : `This man practicesnothing deserving death orbonds.'"Col . 4:3 "At the same timepraying also for us, that Godmay open a door of utterance tous, to speak the sacred secretabout the Christ ."Also : Esther 4 :16 : 5 :2 .Prayers of Wicked UnansweredProv . 15 :29 "Jehovah is farfrom the wicked ; but he heareththe prayer of the righteous ."Prov . 28 :9 "He that turnethaway his ear from hearing thelaw, even his prayer is an abomination."Mic . 3 :4 "Then shall they cryunto Jehovah, but he will not answerthem ; yea, he will hide hisface from them at that time, accordingas they have wrought evilin their doings ."ech. 7 :12, 13 "Yea, they madetheir hearts as an adamant stone,lest they should hear the law,and the words which Jehovah ofhosts had sent by his spirit bythe former prophets : thereforethere came great wrath from Jehovahof hosts. And it is come topass that, as he cried, and theywould not hear, so they shall cry,PurgatoryDEFINITION"Purgatory (Lat ., purgare, to make clean, to purify) in accordancewith Catholic teaching is a place or condition of temporal punishmentfor those who, departing this life in God's grace, are not en-286and I will not hear, said Jehovahof hosts ."Only Righteous Ones Among"Strangers" or "Dedicated"Ones Are Heard in PrayerProv. 15:8 "The sacrifice ofthe wicked is an abomination toJehovah ; but the prayer of theupright is his delight ."1 Pet. 3 :12 "For Jehovah's eyesare upon the righteous and hisears are toward their supplication,but Jehovah's face is againstthose doing injurious things ."Ps . 34 :15, 17 "The eyes of Jehovahare toward the righteous,and his ears are open unto theircry . The righteous cried, and Jehovahheard, and delivered themout of all their troubles ."Isa . 56 :6, 7 "Also the foreignersthat join themselves to Jehovah,to minister unto him, and to lovethe name of Jehovah, to be hisservants, . . . even them will Ibring to my holy mountain, andmake them joyful in my houseof prayer ."Acts 10 :30, 31 "AccordinglyCornelius said : `Four days agocounting from this hour I waspraying in my house at the ninthhour, when, look! a man in brightraiment stood before me andsaid : "Cornelius, your prayer hasbeen favorably heard." ' "1 John 3 :22 "Whatever we askwe receive from him, because weare observing his commandmentsand are doing the things thatare pleasing in his eyes ."Prov . 15 :8 "The sacrifice ofthe wicked is an abomination toJehovah ; but the prayer of theupright is his delight ."Also : Jer . 29 :12, 13 ; Matt. 7 :8 .

287 Purgatorytirely free from venial faults, or have not fully paid the satisfactiondue to their transgressions . . . . The souls therein detained are helpedby the suffrages of the faithful, but principally by the acceptablesacrifice of the altar ." (The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XII)A false doctrine.ORIGIN"Whatever the views of some Church fathers on the subject, as adoctrine [purgatory] was unknown in the Christian Church for thefirst 600 years, and it does not appear to have been made an article offaith until the 10th century Purgatory as a burning-away of sins,'said Doellinger at the Bonn Conference of Old Catholics in 1875, `wasan idea unknown in the East as well as the West till Gregory theGreat [pope 595-6041 introduced it . . . . Gregory the Great added theidea of a tormenting fire .'" (McClintock and Strong's Cyclopcedia,Volume VIII, 1879 edition) Nowhere in any Catholic Bible translationis "purgatory" named . No Scripture text makes mention of a soulin "purgatory".Traditions of Men No Authority being more abundantly zealousas to Truthfulness of a Doctrine ; for the traditions of my fathers ."God's Word the Bible Is Col . 2 :8, Dy "Beware lest anythe True Guideman cheat you by philosophy andMatt . 15 :1-9, Dy "Then came to vain deceit ; according to the trahimfrom Jerusalem scribes and dition of men, according to thePharisees, saying : Why do thy elements of the world and notdisciples transgress the tradition according to Christ."of the ancients? For they wash John 8 :31, 32, Dy "Then Jesusnot their hands when they eat said to those Jews who believedbread . But he answering, said to him : If you continue in my word,them : Why do you also trans- you shall be my disciples indeed,gress the commandment of God And you shall know the truth,for your tradition? . . . Hypocrites, and the truth shall make youwell hath Isaias prophesied of free ."you, saying : This people honour- Isa . 8:20, Dy "To the law rathethme with their lips : but their er, and to the testimony, And ifheart is far from me. And in vain they speak not according to thisdo they worship me, teaching word, they shall not have thedoctrines and commandments of morning light."men ."No Soul Is Conscious AfterGal . 1 :10-16, Dy "I give you to Death tounderstand, brethren, that thetory" Tormented ingospel which was preached by meP . Hence theis not according to man . For nei-Payers Prayers forther did I receive it of man, norDeaddid I learn it but by the revelahNothingtion of Jesus Christ. For you Ezek . 18 :4, Dy "Behold allplishhave heard of my conversation in souls are mine : as the soul oftime past in the Jews' religion : the father, so also the soul ofhow that, beyond measure, I per- the son is mine : the soul thatsecuted the church of God and sinneth, the same shall die ."wasted it . And I made progress Eccl . 9 :10, Dy "Whatsoever thyin the Jews' religion above many hand is able to do, do it earnestofmy equals in my own nation, ly : for neither work, nor reason,

Purgatorynor wisdom, nor knowledge, shallbe in hell, whither thou arthastening ."Isa . 38 :18, Dy "For hell shallnot confess to thee, neither shalldeath praise thee : nor shall theythat go down into the pit lookfor thy truth ."Also see "Soul" .If Souls Were Already Alive andCleansed by "Purgatory", Resurrection(or Raising Up Againto Life) Would Not BeNecessaryJohn 5 :28, 29, Dy "Wonder notat this : for the hour cometh,wherein all that are in the gravesshall hear the voice of the Sonof God. And they that have donegood things shall come forthunto the resurrection of life : butthey that have done evil, untothe resurrection of judgment ."Matt. 22 :31, 32, Dy "And concerningthe resurrection of thedead, have you not read thatwhich was spoken by God, sayingto you : I am the God ofAbraham and the God of Isaacand the God of Jacob? He is notthe God of the dead but of theliving."John 11 :25, 26, Dy "Jesus saidto her : I am the resurrectionand the life : he that believethin me, although he be dead, shalllive : and every one that livethand believeth in me shall not diefor ever."Man's Sins Must Be F<strong>org</strong>ivenWhen Alive, Because WhetherDead in Christ or Asleep inDeath, Sin Is AccountedInactiveRom . 6 :6, 7, Dy "Knowing this,that our old man is crucified withhim, that the body of sin maybe destroyed, to the end that wemay serve sin no longer . For hethat is dead is justified from sin ."[NW : "Because we know thatour old personality was impaledwith him, that our sinful bodymight be made inactive, that we288should no longer go on beingslaves to sin . For he who has diedhas been acquitted from his sin ."]Acts 13 :38, 39, Dy "Through[Jesus] f<strong>org</strong>iveness of sins ispreached to you : and from all thethings from which you couldnot be justified by the law ofMoses . In him every one thatbelieveth is justified ." [NW :"Through this One a f<strong>org</strong>ivenessof sins is being publishedto you ; and that from all thethings from which you could notbe declared guiltless by means ofthe law of Moses, everyone whobelieves is declared guiltless bymeans of this One."]Sins of Mankind Cleansed CompletelyOnly by the Bloodof JesusIsa . 1 :18, Dy "And then comeand accuse me, saith the Lord . Ifyour sins be as scarlet, they shallbe made as white as snow : and ifthey be red as crimson, they shallbe white as wool ."Apoc. 7 :9, 14, Dy "After this,I saw a great multitude . . . . standingbefore the throne and insight of the Lamb, clothed withwhite robes . . . . These are theywho . . . have washed their robes,and have made them white in theblood of the Lamb."Heb. 9 :22, Dy "And almost allthings, according to the law, arecleansed with blood : and withoutshedding of blood there is noremission ."1 John 1 :7, 9, Dy "But if wewalk in the light, as he also isin the light, we have fellowshipone with another : and the bloodof Jesus Christ his Son cleansethus from all sin. If we confess oursins, he is faithful and just, tof<strong>org</strong>ive us our sins and to cleanseus from all iniquity."

289"Cleansing Fire" Used Symbolicallyto Show Testing of Faithand Integrity in Perfecting God'sServants for Service, Not Justfor the Sake of Their OwnF<strong>org</strong>ivenessIsa . 6 :5-9, Dy "And I said :Woe is me, because I have heldmy peace ; because I am a manof unclean lips, and I dwell inthe midst of a people that hathunclean lips, and I have seenwith my eyes the King the Lordof hosts . And one of the seraphimsflew to me : and in hishand was a live coal, which hehad taken with the tongs off thealtar. And he touched my mouth,and said : Behold this hathtouched thy lips, and thy iniquitiesshall be taken away, andthy sin shall be cleansed . AndI heard the voice of the Lord,saying : Whom shall I send, andwho shall go for us? And I said :Lo, here am I . Send me. Andhe said : Go."Mal . 3 :1-3, Dy "The Lord whomyou seek, and the angel of thetestament whom you desire shallcome to his temple. Behold hecometh, saith the Lord of hosts .And who shall be able to thinkof the day of his coming? andwho shall stand to see him? forhe is like a refining fire and likethe fuller's herb. And he shall sitrefining and cleansing the silver,and he shall purify the sons ofLevi and shall refine them as goldand as silver : and they shall offersacrifices to the Lord in justice ."Heb . 9:14, Dy "How much moreshall the blood of Christ, who bythe Holy Ghost offered himselfunspotted unto God, cleanse ourconscience from dead works, toserve the living God?""Cleansing Fire" Is Shown toTest Man's Works and Faithand Purify Him When Living,Not After Death. SomeScarcely Saved from "Fireof Destruction"1 Cor. 3 :11-15, Dy "For otherfoundation no man can lay, butPurgatorythat which is laid : which isChrist Jesus. Now, if any manbuild upon this foundation, gold,silver, precious stones, wood, hay,stubble : every man's work shallbe manifest. For the day of theLord shall declare it, because itshall be revealed in fire . And thefire shall try every man's work,of what sort it is . If any man'swork abide, which he hath builtthereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work burn,he shall suffer loss : but he himselfshall be saved, yet so as byfire ."1 Pet . 1 :7, Dy "That the trialof your faith (much more preciousthan gold which is tried bythe fire) may be found untopraise and glory and honour atthe appearing of Jesus Christ ."[NW : "In order that the testedquality of your faith, of muchgreater value than gold thatperishes despite its being provedby fire, may be found a causefor praise and glory and honor atthe revelation of Jesus Christ ."]Jude 22, 23, Dy "And some indeedreprove, being judged : butothers save, putting them out ofthe fire ." [NW : "Also continueshowing mercy to some that havedoubts ; save them by snatchingthem out of the fire ."]Amos 4 :11, Dy "I destroyedsome of you, as God destroyedSodom and Gomorrha, and youwere as a firebrand plucked outof the burning : yet you returnednot to me, saith the Lord .""Fire of Persecution" MeansSharing with Christ inHis Suffering1 Pet . 4 :12, 13, Dy "Dearly beloved,think not strange the burningheat which is to try you : asif some new thing happened toyou . But if you partake of thesufferings of Christ, rejoice that,when his glory shall be revealed,you may also be glad with exceedingjoy ." [NW : `Beloved ones,do not be puzzled at the burningamong you which is happening to

Faces of Mankind 290you for a trial, as though a the sufferings of the Christ, thatstrange thing were befalling you . you may rejoice and be over-On the contrary, go on rejoicing joyed also during the revelationforasmuch as you are sharers in of his glory ."]Races of MankindDEFINITIONAll humankind, creatures of Jehovah God, with their distinctivevariations of skin color, shape of head, size of skeleton, facial features,etc ., but all of one created family "kind", generated from the onefather, Adam, who was originally created by God . All may freely andwithout difficulty intermarry and reproduce, thus proving they are ofone "kind", from one father .Created by Jehovah GodGen . 1 :26, 28 "God said, Let usmake man [Heb ., adam] in ourimage, after our likeness : . . . andGod said unto them, Be fruitful,and multiply, and replenish theearth, and subdue it ; and havedominion over the fish of the sea,and over the birds of the heavens,and over every living thingthat moveth upon the earth ."Gen . 2 :7, 21, 22 "And JehovahGod formed man of the dust ofthe ground, and breathed intohis nostrils the breath of life ;and man became a living soul .And Jehovah God caused a deepsleep to fall upon the man, andhe slept ; and he took one of hisribs, and closed up the flesh insteadthereof : and the rib whichJehovah God had taken from theman made he a woman, andbrought her unto the man ."Acts 17 :29 "We are the progenyof God ."Gen . 5 :1, 2 "God created man,in the likeness of God made hehim : male and female createdhe them, and blessed them, andcalled their name Adam, in the(lay when they were created ."Genesis, Chapters 1, 2, Are Recordsof One Creation, NotSeparate CreationsMatt . 19 :4, 5 "Did you not readthat he who created them at thebeginning made them male andfemale [Gen . 1 :27] and said : `Forthis reason a man will leave hisfather and his mother and willstick to his wife, and the twowill be one flesh'?" [Gen . 2 :24]Gen . 2 :2-4 "And on the seventhday God finished his work whichhe had made ; and he rested onthe seventh day from all his workwhich he had made."Heb . 4:3, 4 "His works werefinished from the foundation ofthe world. For in one place hehas said of the seventh day asfollows : `And God rested on theseventh day from all his works .' "1 Cor. 15:45-49 "It is even sowritten : `The first man Adambecame a living soul .' The lastAdam became a life-giving spirit .Nevertheless, the first is, not thatwhich is spiritual, but that whichis physical . . . . The first man isout of the earth and made ofdust ; . . . As the one made of dustis, so those made of dust are also ;. And just as we have bornethe image of the one made ofdust, we shall bear also the imageof the heavenly one ."All:Mankind Sprang fromAdam and EveGen. 3 :20 "And the man calledhis wife's name Eve ; because shewas the mother of all living ."Acts 17 :26 "And he made outof one man every nation of men

291to dwell upon the entire surfaceof the earth."Cain Married One of His SistersGen . 5 :4 "And the days ofAdam after he begat Seth wereeight hundred years : and he begatsons and daughters ."Gen . 4 :16, 17 "And Cain wentout from the presence of Jehovah,and dwelt in the land ofNod, on the east of Eden . AndCain knew his wife ; and she conceived,and bare Enoch."All Present Mankind Descendedfrom Noah's Three Sons andTheir WivesGen . 9 :18, 19 "And the sons ofNoah, that went forth from theark, were Shem, and Ham, andJapheth : and Ham is the fatherof Canaan. These three were thesons of Noah : and of these wasthe whole earth overspread ."1 Pet . 3 :20 "The ark inwhich a few people, that is, eightsouls, were carried safely throughthe water ."All Came from 70 Original Familiesor Patriarchal SocietiesSpread Abroad After theDelugeGenesis, chapter 10, names 70family or tribal heads fromNoah's three sons (Nimrod, whowas childless, not counted) .Gen . 10 :32 "These are the familiesof the sons of Noah aftertheir generations, in their nations: and of these were the nationsdivided in the earth afterthe flood ."Gen . 10 :25 "And unto Eberwere born two sons : the name ofthe one was Peleg ; for in his dayswas the earth divided ."Gen . 11 :8 "So Jehovah scatteredthem abroad from thence uponthe face of all the earth : andthey left off building the city ."All "races" Due to HereditaryFactors in Original Pair"Man, with a set of twenty-fourchromosomes, has perhaps 100,-000 genes, each one able to af-Races of Mankindfeet in some way the size of thehuman body, the shape of theskull, the texture of skin, slantof eye, color of hair and so on .The genes were placed in thespecies [kinds] by the Creatorat creation, together with a definitemechanism or orderly processby which they could at differenttimes reveal their effects. . . If there are, as is practicallycertain, multiple factors for colorof skin in man, and if Adam andEve were mulattos-a shade amixture of black, white, red, andyellow-it is easy for geneticiststo see how their color genes couldbecome grouped and selected byclimatic influences so as to formthe various colors of the races ."-After Its Kind, by Byron C .Nelson (1931) ."In the human species [kind]there are variations in the skin,hair and eye colors, in the shapeand distribution of hair, in theform of the head, nose and lips,in stature, in body proportions,in the chemical composition ofthe blood, in psychological traits,and so on . Each of these traits isinfluenced by several or by manygenes . To be conservative, let usassume that the human species[kind] has only 1,000 genes andthat each gene has only two variants.Even on this conservativebasis, Mendelian segregation andrecombination would be capableof producing 2` 1 different genecombinations in human beings ."The number 210°° is easy towrite but is utterly beyond comprehension."-Theodosius Dobzhansky,professor of zoology, ColumbiaUniversity, in ScientificAmerican, January, 1950 .Black "Race" Not from Curse onCanaan, Whose DescendantsWere White . Black "Race"from Cush, Canaan'sBrotherActs 17 :26 "And he made outof one man every nation of men,to dwell upon the entire surfaceof the earth ."

Races of MankindGen . 10 :6 "And the sons ofHam : Cush, and Mizraim, andPut, and Canaan ."Gen . 9 :25 "And he [Noah] said,Cursed be Canaan ."Gen . 10 :7 "And the sons ofCush : Seba [Egypt and Ethiopia],and Havilah, and Sabtah, andRaamah, and Sabteca ."Gen . 10 :15-19 "And Canaan begatSidon his first-born, and Heth,and the Jebusite, and the Amorite,and the Girgashite, and theHivite, and the Arkite, and theSmite, and the Arvadite and theemarite, and the Hamathite : . . .And the border of the Canaanitewas from Sidon, as thou goesttoward Gerar, unto Gaza ; as thougoest toward Sodom and Gomorrahand Admah and eboiim,unto Lasha ."Fact that All Are Sinners andCan Be Ransomed by One ManProves All Descended from OneMan, Through Whom Sin CameRom. 5 :12, 14, 17-19 "That iswhy, just as through one man sinentered into the world and deaththrough sin, and thus deathspread to all men because theyhad all sinned- . Nevertheless,death ruled as king from Adamdown to Moses, even over thosewho had not sinned after thelikeness of the transgression byAdam. . . . For if by the trespassof the one man death ruled asking through that one. . . . So,then, as through one trespass theresult to men of all kinds wascondemnation, . For just asthrough the disobedience of theone man many were constitutedsinners, likewise also through theobedience of the one person manywill be constituted righteous."Ps . 51 :5 "Behold, I was broughtforth in iniquity ; and in sin didmy mother conceive me ."No Nation Is a "Super Race"or Superior Before GodRom . 10 :12 "For there is nodistinction between Jew andGreek, for there is the same Lord292over all, who is rich to all thosecalling upon him ."Rom . 15 :10-12 (also Ps . 117 :1)" `Be glad, you nations, with hispeople.' And again : `Praise Jehovah,all you nations, and let allthe peoples praise him therewill be one arising to rule nations; on him nations will resttheir hope .' "Luke 3 :8 "Do not start sayingwithin yourselves, 'As a fatherwe have Abraham .' For I say toyou that God has power to raiseup children to Abraham fromthese stones ."Rom . 3 :9-12 "Are we in a betterposition? Not at all! For abovewe have made the charge thatJews as well as Greeks are allunder sin ; just as it is written :`There is not a righteous man,not even one ; there is not a onethat understands, there is not aone that seeks for God . All menhave deflected, all of them togetherhave become worthless ;there is not a one that does good,there is not so much as one .' "Rom . 11 :20, 21, 23 "All right!For their lack of faith theywere broken off, but you arestanding by faith . Quit havinglofty ideas, but be in fear . Forif God did not spare the naturalbranches, neither will he spareyou . They also, if they do notremain in their lack of faith,will be grafted in ; for God isable to graft them in again ."Gen . 6 :4, 13 "The Nephilimwere in the earth in those days,and also after that, when thesons of God came in unto thedaughters of men, and they barechildren to them : the same werethe mighty men that were of old,the men of renown. And Godsaid unto Noah, The end of allflesh is come before me ; for theearth is filled with violencethrough them ; and, behold, I willdestroy them with the earth ."

2 93Nations Practicing GenocideCondemnedEx . 1 :8-10, 16, 22 "Now therearose a new king over Egypt, whoknew not Joseph . And he saidunto his people, Behold, the peopleof the children of Israel aremore and mightier than we :come, let us deal wisely withthem, lest they multiply, and itcome to pass, that, when therefalleth out any war, they alsojoin themselves unto our enemies,and fight against us, and getthem up out of the land . And hesaid, When ye do the office of amidwife to the Hebrew women,and see them upon the birthstool; if it be a son, then yeshall kill him ; but if it be adaughter, then she shall live .And Pharaoh charged all his people,saying, Every son that isborn ye shall cast into the river,and every daughter ye shall savealive.'Ps . 83 :4, 6-8, 17 "They havesaid, Come, and let us cut themoff from being a nation ; that thename of Israel may be no morein remembrance. The tents ofEdom and the Ishmaelites ; Moab,and the Hagarenes ; Gebal, andAmmon, and Amalek ; Philistiawith the inhabitants of Tyre : Assyriaalso is joined with them ;they have helped the children ofLot . Let them be put to shameand dismayed for ever ; yea, letthem be confounded and perish ."RansomRansomJehovah's Nation and ThoseBlessed with It Are Composedof Men of All Kinds and ofPeoples of All NationsPs . 33 :12 "Blessed is the nationwhose God is Jehovah ."Gal . 3 :28 "There is neither Jewnor Greek, there is neither slavenor freeman, there is neithermale nor female ; for you are allone in union with Christ Jesus ."Gen . 12 :3 "I will bless themthat bless thee, and him thatcurseth thee will I curse : and inthee shall all the families of theearth be blessed ."Gen . 22 :18 "In thy seed shallall the nations of the earth beblessed ."Ps . 117 :1 "Oh praise Jehovah,all ye nations ; laud him, all yepeoples ."1 Tim. 2 :3, 4 "God, whose willis that all kinds of men shouldbe saved and come to an accurateknowledge of truth ."Rev. 7 :9 "After these things Isaw, and, look! a great crowd,which no man was able to number,out of all nations and tribesand peoples and tongues, standingbefore the throne and beforethe Lamb."Rev . 21 :3 "Look! the tent ofGod is with humankind, and hewill reside with them and theywill be his peoples ."John 4 :21, 23 "The hour iscoming when neither in thismountain nor in Jerusalem willyou people worship the Father .On the contrary, the hour iscoming, and it is now, when thegenuine worshipers will worshipthe Father with spirit and truth ."DEFINITIONRansom as an act means "to redeem from captivity, slavery, punishment,or the like, by paying a price ; to buy out of bondage ; to deliver,as from sin, its penalty, or the like ; to be the redeemer of" . (Webster'sNew International Dictionary) In the Bible a ransom means that

Ransom 294which buys back, loosens or releases, providing deliverance fromtrouble, distress and calamity, or, more especially, releasing frominherited sin and from prospects of eternal death as a result of sin .A true Bible doctrine .1 John 4 :9, 14 "By this thelove of God was made manifestin our case, because God sentforth his only-begotten Son intothe world that we might gainlife through him . In addition, weourselves have beheld and arebearing witness that the Fatherhas sent forth his Son as Saviorof the world ."John 17 :3 "This means everlastinglife, their taking in knowledgeof you, the only true God,and of the one whom you sentforth, Jesus Christ ."Exact Price Needed for HumanLife Rights LostRansom Releases from Troubleand DistressEx . 6 :6 "Say unto the childrenof Israel, I am Jehovah, and Iwill bring you out from underthe burdens of the Egyptians,and I will rid you out of theirbondage, and I will redeem youwith an outstretched arm, andwith great judgments ."Ps. 107 :2, 3 "Let the redeemedof Jehovah say so, whom he hathredeemed from the hand of theadversary, and gathered out ofthe lands, from the east andfrom the west, from the northand from the south ."Jer . 31 :10-12 "He that scatteredIsrael will gather him, and keephim, as a shepherd doth his flock.For Jehovah hath ransomed Jacob,and redeemed him from thehand of him that was strongerthan he."Man Needs a Ransom from InheritedSin and DeathPs . 51 :5 "Behold, I was broughtforth in iniquity ; and in sin didmy mother conceive me."Rom. 5 :12 "That is why, justas through one man sin enteredinto the world and death throughsin, and thus death spread toall men because they had allsinned ."Ps. 49 :6, 7 "They that trust intheir wealth, and boast themselvesin the multitude of theirriches ; none of them can byany means redeem his brother,nor give to God a ransom forhim ."God Makes Provision Accordingto His Expressed PurposeJohn 3 :16, 17 "God . . . gave hisonly-begotten Son, in order thateveryone exercising faith in himmight not be destroyed but haveeverlasting life . For God sentforth his Son into the world ."Ex . 21 :23, 24 "Then thou shaltgive life for life, eye for eye,tooth for tooth, hand for hand,foot for foot."Ezek . 34 :16 "I will seek thatwhich was lost and will bringthat which was driven away ."Luke 19 :10 "For the Son ofman came to seek and to savewhat was lost ."Rom . 5 :19 "For just as throughthe disobedience of the one manmany were constituted sinners,likewise also through the obedienceof the one person manywill be constituted righteous ."1 Tim . 2 :5, 6 "For there is oneGod, and one mediator betweenGod and men, a man Christ Jesus,who gave himself a correspondingransom for all."Perfect Human Life of JesusChrist Meets All RequirementsMatt . 1 :20, 21 "Mary . . . willgive birth to a son, and you mustcall his name `Jesus', for he willsave his people from their sins ."Acts 4 :12 "Furthermore, thereis no salvation in anyone else,for there is not another nameunder heaven that has been givenamong men by which we mustget saved."

2 95Phil . 2 :7, 8 "No, but he emptiedhimself and took a slave's formand came to be in the likenessof men . More than that, whenhe found himself in fashion as aman, he humbled himself and becameobedient as far as death,yes, death on a torture stake ."1 Pet . 1 :18, 19 "For you knowthat it was not with corruptiblethings, with silver or gold, as aransom that you were releasedfrom your fruitless form of conductreceived by tradition fromyour forefathers . But it was withprecious blood, like that of anunblemished and spotless lamb,even Christ's ."Isa . 53:12 "Therefore will I dividehim a portion with thegreat, and he shall divide thespoil with the strong ; because hepoured out his soul unto death,and was numbered with thetransgressors : yet he bare thesin of many, and made intercessionfor the transgressors ."Rev . 5 :9 "You were slaughteredand with your blood you boughtpersons for God out of everytribe and tongue and people andnation ."Heb. 9 :22, 24-26 "Yes, nearly allthings are cleansed with bloodaccording to the Law, and unlessblood is poured out no f<strong>org</strong>ivenesstakes place . For Christ entered,not into a holy place made withhands which is a copy of thereality, but into heaven itself,now to appear before the personof God for us . Neither is it inorder that he should offer himselfoften, as indeed the high priestenters into the holy place fromyear to year with blood not hisown. Otherwise, he would haveto suffer often from the world'sfoundation . But now he has manifestedhimself once for all timeat the consummation of the systemsof things to put sin awaythrough the sacrifice of himself ."Eph. 1 :7 "By means of him wehave the releasethrough the bloodyes, the f<strong>org</strong>ivenessbyofofransomthat one,our tres-Ransompasses, according to the richesof his undeserved kindness ."Available to All Kinds of Menof FaithRom. 5 :18 "So, then, as throughone trespass the result to men ofall kinds was condemnation, likewisealso through one act ofjustification the result to men ofall kinds is a declaring of themrighteous for life ."John 3 :36 "He that exercisesfaith in the Son has everlastinglife ; he that disobeys the Sonwill not see life, but the wrathof God remains upon him ."Restores Man to God's Favor andBrings Life EverlastingRom . 3 :23-25 "For all havesinned and fall short of the gloryof God, and it is as a free giftthat they are being declaredrighteous by his undeserved kindnessthrough the release by theransom paid by Christ Jesus . Godset him forth as an offering forpropitiation through faith in hisblood . This was in order to exhibithis own righteousness becausehe was f<strong>org</strong>iving the sinsthat occurred in the past whileGod was exercising forbearance ."Rom . 5:8, 10 "But God recommendshis own love to us inthat, while we were yet sinners,Christ died for us . For if, whenwe were enemies, we became reconciledto God through thedeath of his Son, much more,now that we have become reconciled,we shall be saved by hislife ."Rom . 6 :23 "For the wages sinpays is death, but the gift Godgives is everlasting life by ChristJesus our Lord ."Col. 1 :19, 20 "God saw good forall fullness to dwell in him andthrough him to reconcile again tohimself all other things by makingpeace through the blood h- ;shed on the torture stake ."Heb . 10 :19-22 "Therefore .brothers, since we have boldnessfor the way of entry into the

Religionholy place by the blood of Jesus,which he inaugurated for us as anew and living way through thecurtain, that is, his flesh . . . . letus approach with sincere heartsin the full assurance of faith,having had our hearts sprinkledfrom a wicked conscience and ourbodies washed with clean water ."Those Not Ransomed Dead Eternally,AnnihilatedMatt . 25 :45, 46 " `Truly I say toyou, to the extent that you didReligionDEFINITIONA system of worship, a form of worship . It may be true or falseworship. Religion may be either (1) natural religion or (2) revealedreligion.There Was Once Only One, theTrue Religion, c .4025 B .C.Gen . 1 :27-31 "And God createdman in his own image, in theimage of God created he him ;male and female created he them .And God blessed them : and Godsaid unto them, Be fruitful, andmultiply, and replenish the earth,and subdue it ; and have dominionover the fish of the sea, andover the birds of the heavens,and over every living thing thatmoveth upon the earth . . . . AndGod saw everything that he hadmade, and, behold, it was verygood ."Job 38 :4, 7 "Where wast thouwhen I laid the foundations ofthe earth? . . . When the morningstars sang together, and all thesons of God shouted for joy?"Adam Worshiped Without Formalism,with Simple Obedienceof a Son Doing a Father's Will,in Spirit and in TruthLuke 3 :38 "Adam, the son ofGod ."Gen . 2 :15, 19, 20 "And Jehovahtook the man, and put himinto the garden of Eden to dress296not do it to one of these leastones, you did not do it to me .'And these will depart into everlastingcutting-off, but the righteousones into everlasting life ."Prov. 10 :7 "The memory of therighteous is blessed ; but the nameof the wicked shall rot ."Jer. 51 :57 "They shall sleep aperpetual sleep, and not wake,saith the King, whose name isJehovah of hosts ."it and to keep it . And out of theground Jehovah God formedevery beast of the field, and everybird of the heavens ; and broughtthem unto the man to see whathe would call them : and whatsoeverthe man called every livingcreature, that was the namethereof . And the man gave namesto all cattle, and to the birds ofthe heavens, and to every beastof the field ."False Religion Originated, Introducedby Traitorous Angel2 Cor . 11 :3 "The serpent seducedEve."Rev. 12 :9 "The original serpent,the one called Devil and Satan,who is misleading the entire inhabitedearth ."John 8 :44 "You are from yourfather the Devil and you wish todo the desires of your father .That one was a manslayer whenhe began and he did not standfast in the truth, because truth isnot in him. When he speaks thelie, he speaks according to hisown disposition, because he is aliar and the father of the lie ."Ezek . 28 :14, 15 "Thou wast theanointed cherub that covereth :

297and I set thee, so that thou wastupon the holy mountain of God ;thou hast walked up and down inthe midst of the stones of fire .Thou wast perfect in thy waysfrom the day that thou wastcreated, till unrighteousness wasfound in thee ."False Religion Entered a SinlessUniverse by `Covering Cherub'Entertaining Idea of WrongCourse, Becoming CovetousEzek. 28 :16-18 "By the abundanceof thy traffic they filledthe midst of thee with violence,and thou hast sinned . . . . Thyheart was lifted up because of thybeauty ; thou hast corrupted thywisdom by reason of thy brightness. . . . By the multitude of thineiniquities, in the unrighteousnessof thy traffic, thou hast profanedthy sanctuaries ."Jas. 1 :14, 15 "But each oneis tried by being drawn out andenticed by his own desire . Thenthe desire, when it has becomefertile, gives birth to sin ; in turn,sin, when it has been accomplished,brings forth death ."Threefold Lying Claim InducedFirst Woman to PracticeFalse ReligionGen . 3 :4-6 "And the serpentsaid unto the woman, Ye shallnot surely die : for God dothknow that in the day ye eatthereof, then your eyes shall beopened, and ye shall be as God,knowing good and evil . And whenthe woman saw that the tree wasgood for food, and that it wasa delight to the eyes, and thatthe tree was to be desired tomake one wise, she took of thefruit thereof, and did eat ; andshe gave also unto her husbandwith her, and he did eat ."1 John 2 :16 "Because everythingin the world-the desireof the flesh and the desire ofthe eyes and the showy display ofone's means of life-does notoriginate with the Father, butoriginates with the world."ReligionFalse Religion Brought Deathto All HumankindRom . 5 :12-14 "Through oneman sin entered into the worldand death through sin, and thusdeath spread to all men becausethey had all sinned- . . . . deathruled as king from Adam downto Moses, even over those whohad not sinned after the likenessof the transgression by Adam ."Deut. 32 :5 "They have dealtcorruptly with him, they are nothis children, it is their blemish ;they are a perverse and crookedgeneration ."Ps. 51 :5 "Behold, I was broughtforth in iniquity ; and in sin didmy mother conceive me ."Abel Recommenced True Religionin the EarthHeb . 11 :4 "By faith Abel offeredGod a sacrifice of greater worththan Cain, through which faithhe had witness borne to him thathe was righteous, God bearingwitness respecting his gifts, andthrough it he, although he died,yet speaks ."False Religion Reached a PeakJust Prior to FloodGen . 4 :26 "And to Seth, to himalso there was born a son ; andhe called his name Enosh . Thenbegan men to call upon the nameof Jehovah." (Hypocritically)Gen. 6 :12, 13 "And God sawthe earth, and, behold, it wascorrupt ; for all flesh had corruptedtheir way upon the earth .And God said unto Noah, Theend of all flesh is come beforeme ; for the earth is filled withviolence through them ; and, behold,I will destroy them withthe earth ."False Religion Caused Destructionof Preflood World2 Pet . 2 :5 "He did not holdback from punishing an ancientworld, but kept Noah, a preacherof righteousness, safe with sevenothers when he brought a delugeupon a world of ungodly people ."

Religion2 Pet. 3 :6 "The world of thattime suffered destruction when itwas deluged with water ."Noah Instituted True Religionin Flood-cleansed Earth,2369 B .C .Gen. 8 :20 "And Noah buildedan altar unto Jehovah, and tookof every clean beast, and of everyclean bird, and offered burntofferingson the altar ."Heb . 11 :7 "By faith Noah, afterbeing given divine warning ofthings not yet beheld, showedgodly fear and constructed anark for the saving of his household,and through this faith hecondemned the world, and hebecame an heir of the righteousnesswhich is according to faith ."Nimrod Started False ReligiousSystem After FloodGen . 10 :8-12 "Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty onein the earth . He was a mightyhunter before Jehovah . . Andthe beginning of his kingdom wasBabel ."Gen . 11 :4, 9 "And they said,Come, let us build us a city, anda tower, whose top may reachunto heaven, and let us make usa name ; lest we be scatteredabroad upon the face of thewhole earth. Therefore was thename of it called Babel ; becauseJehovah did there confound thelanguage of all the earth : andfrom thence did Jehovah scatterthem abroad upon the face ofall the earth."Jewish Nation Had NationalWorship Under Theocracy ;Provided Prophetic Patternsof Christianity,1513-607 B .C .Ex . 19 :5, 6 "If ye will obey myvoice indeed, and keep my covenant,then ye shall be mine ownpossession from among all peoples: for all the earth is mine :and ye shall be unto me a kingdomof priests, and a holy nation."298Isa . 33 :22 "For Jehovah is ourjudge, Jehovah is our lawgiver,Jehovah is our king ; he will saveus."Heb . 8 :5 "Sacred service in atypical representation and ashadow of the heavenly things ;just as Moses, when about tomake the complete tent, was giventhe divine command : For sayshe, `See that you make all thingsaccording to the pattern that wasshown you in the mountain .'Heb . 10 :1 "The law has a shadowof the good things to come ."Jesus Christ Came in the Fleshto Reveal the True Religion,A . D . 29-33John 1 :14-18 "So the Word becameflesh and resided amongus, and we had a view of hisglory, a glory such as belongs toan only-begotten son from a father,and he was full of undeservedkindness and truth . . . . Becausethe law was given throughMoses, the undeserved kindnessand the truth came to be throughJesus Christ . No man has seenGod at any time ; the onlybegottengod who is in the bosomposition with the Father is theone that has explained him ."Heb . 1 :1, 2 "God, who longago spoke on many occasions andin many ways to our forefathersby means of the prophets, hasat the end of these days spokento us by means of a Son, whomhe appointed heir of all things,and through whom he made thesystems of things ."Isa . 42 :6 "1, Jehovah, havecalled thee in righteousness, andwill hold thy hand, and will keepthee, and give thee for a covenantof the people, for a light of theGentiles."Christendom Began with GreatFalling Away from TrueReligion2 Thess. 2 :6, 7 "And so now youknow the thing that acts as arestraint with a view to his beingrevealed in his own due time .

299True, the mystery of this lawlessnessis already at work ; but onlytill he who is right now actingas a restraint gets to be out ofthe way ."Acts 20 :29, 30 "I know thatafter my going away oppressivewolves will enter in among youand will not treat the flock withtenderness, and from among youyourselves men will rise and speaktwisted things to draw away thedisciples after themselves ."2 Pet . 2 :1 "However, there alsocame to be false prophets amongthe people, as there will also befalse teachers among you . Thesevery ones will quietly bring in destructivesects and will disowneven the owner that bought them,bringing speedy destruction uponthemselves ."Christendom Practices FalseReligionJer. 5 :30, 31 "A wonderful andhorrible thing is come to pass inthe land : the prophets prophesyfalsely, and the priests bear ruleby their means ; and my peoplelove to have it so : and what willye do in the end thereof?"Jer . 25 :29 "Lo, I begin to workevil at the city which is calledby my name ."False Religion Reaches Height ofCorruption in Last Days2 Tim . 3 :1-5 "But know this,that in the last days critical timeshard to deal with will be here .For men will be lovers of themselves,lovers of money, selfassuming,haughty, blasphemers,disobedient to parents, withoutgratitude, with no loving-kindness,having no natural affection,not open to any agreement, slanderers,without self-control, fierce,without love of goodness, betrayers,headstrong, puffed upwith self-esteem, lovers of pleasuresrather than lovers of God,having a form of godly devotionbut proving false to its power ."Rev . 18 :2 "She has fallen!Babylon the great has fallen, andReligionshe has become a dwelling-placeof demons and a lurking-placeof every unclean exhalation anda lurking-place of every uncleanand hated bird!"Followers of False Religion inGreat Danger TodayRev. 18 :4 "And I heard anothervoice out of heaven say : 'Get. outof her, my people, if you do notwant to share with her in hersins, and if you do not want toreceive part of her plagues .' "Jer . 51 :6 "Flee out of the midstof Babylon, and save every manhis life ; be not cut off in heriniquity : for it is the time ofJehovah's vengeance ; he will renderunto her a recompense ."1 Pet. 4 :17 . 18 "For it is theappointed time for the judgmentto start with the house of God .Now if it starts first with us .what will the complete end beof those who are not obedient tothe good news of God? And if therighteous man is being saved withdifficulty, where will the ungodlyman and the sinner make ashowing?"Only Safe Course Is to ForsakeFalse Religion, Learn, PracticeTrue Religioneph. 2:3 "Seek ye Jehovah, allye meek of the earth, that havekept his ordinances ; seek righteousness,seek meekness : it maybe ye will be hid in the day ofJehovah's anger."Prov . 18:10 "The name of Jehovahis a strong tower ; therighteous runneth into it, and issafe ."Matt. 24 :15-21 "Therefore,when you catch sight of the disgustingthing that causes desolation,as spoken of through Danielthe prophet, standing in aholy place, (let the reader usediscernment,) then let those inJudea begin fleeing to the mountains. Let the man on the housetopnot come down to take thegoods out of his house ; and letthe man in the field not return

Religionto the house to pick up his outergarment . Woe to the pregnantwomen and those suckling a babyin those days! Keep praying thatyour flight may not occur inwintertime nor on the sabbathday ; for then there will be greattribulation such as has not occurredsince the world's beginninguntil now, no, nor will occuragain ."1 Pet . 4 :19 "So, then, also letthose who are suffering in harmonywith the will of God keepon commending their souls to afaithful Creator while they aredoing good."False Religion, "Babylon," Triesto Control World, DestroyTrue ReligionRev. 17 :3-6, 12-14 "And Icaught sight of a woman sittingupon a scarlet-colored wild beastthat was full of blasphemousnames and that had seven headsand ten horns. And the womanwas arrayed in purple and scarlet,and was adorned with goldand precious stone and pearlsand had in her hand a golden cupthat was full of disgusting thingsand the unclean things of herfornication. And upon her foreheadwas written a name, a mystery,'Babylon the Great, themother of the harlots and of thedisgusting things of the earth .'And I saw that the woman wasdrunk with the blood of the holyones and with the blood of thewitnesses of Jesus. 'And the tenhorns that you saw mean tenkings, who have not yet receiveda kingdom, but they do receiveauthority as kings one hour withthe wild beast . . . . These will battlewith the Lamb, but, becausehe is Lord of lords and Kingof kings, the Lamb will conquerthem .' "False Religion's MultitudinousSects a Divided House1 Cor . 1 :12, 13 "Each one ofyou says : 'I belong to Paul,' 'ButI to Apollos,' 'But I to Cephas,'300'But I to Christ.' Does the Christexist divided? Paul was not impaledfor you, was he? Or wereyou baptized in the name ofPaul?"1 Cor. 3 :3 "You are yet fleshly .For whereas there are jealousyand strife among you, are younot fleshly and are you not walkingas men do?"False Religion to Be Destroyed ;True Religion Will SurviveLuke 11 :17 "Every kingdom dividedagainst itself comes to desolation,and a house dividedagainst itself falls ."Rev. 17 :1, 16 "Come, I willshow you the judgment upon thegreat harlot that sits on manywaters . . . . the ten horns that yousaw, and the wild beast, thesewill hate the harlot and willmake her devastated and naked,and will eat up her fleshy partsand will completely burn herwith fire."Jer. 25 :34, 35 "Wail, ye shepherds,and cry ; and wallow inashes, ye principal of the flock ;for the days of your slaughterand of your dispersions are fullycome, and ye shall fall like agoodly vessel . And the shepherdsshall have no way to flee, northe principal of the flock to escape."All Earth Will Again Have theOne True Religion ; Will ContinueThroughout EternityJohn 4 :23, 24 "The hour iscoming, and it is now, whenthe genuine worshipers will worshipthe Father with spirit andtruth, for, indeed, the Father islooking for such kind to worshiphim . God is a Spirit, and thoseworshiping him must worshipwith spirit and truth ."Rev. 21 :3, 4 "I heard a loudvoice from the throne say : 'Look!the tent of God is with humankind,and he will reside withthem, and they will be his peoples. And God himself will bewith them . And he will wipe out

301every tear from their eyes, anddeath will be no more, neitherwill mourning nor outcry nor painbe any more. The former thingshave passed away.'"Dan. 2 :44, 35 "In the days ofthose kings shall the God ofheaven set up a kingdom whichshall never be destroyed, norshall the sovereignty thereof beleft to another people ; but itshall break in pieces and consumeall these kingdoms, and it shallstand for ever . . . . And the stonethat smote the image became agreat mountain, and filled thewhole earth."True Revealed Religion BringsMankind Back to Glorious Statusof Free Sons of GodRom . 8 :21 "The creation itselfalso will be set free from enslavementto corruption and have theglorious freedom of the childrenof God ."Gal . 5 :1 "For such freedomChrist set us free . Thereforestand fast, and do not let yourselvesbe confined again in ayoke of slavery."2 Cor. 3 :17 "Now Jehovah isthe spirit ; and where the spiritof Jehovah is, there is freedom ."True Religion Is Revealed Religionfrom God Through His Son ;Natural Religion, a Study ofNature, Is Not Sufficient1 Cor. 2 :9, 10 "Just as it iswritten : 'Eye has not seen andear has not heard, neither havethere been conceived in the heartof man the things which Godhas prepared for those who lovehim.' For it is to us God hasrevealed them through his spirit,for the spirit searches into allthings, even the deep things ofGod ."Rom . 16 :25, 26 "The preachingof Jesus Christ, according to therevelation of the sacred secretwhich has been concealed forlong-lasting times but has nowbeen made manifest and has beenmade known through the pro-Religionphetic scriptures among all thenations ."Dan . 2 :22 "He revealeth thedeep and secret things ; he knowethwhat is in the darkness, andthe light dwelleth with him ."Amos 3 :7 "Surely the LordJehovah will do nothing, excepthe reveal his secret unto his servantsthe prophets ."Eph . 3 :4, 5 "You, when you readthis, can realize the comprehensionI have in the sacred secretof the Christ . In other generationsthis secret was not madeknown to the sons of men as ithas now been revealed to his holyapostles and prophets by spirit ."Rom . 1 :17 "God's righteousnessis being revealed by reason offaith and toward faith ."True Religion Honors Godand Christ1 Pet . 2 :17 "Be in fear of God,have honor for the king."Rev . 5 :12, 13 "The Lamb thatwas slaughtered is worthy to receivethe power and riches andwisdom and strength and honorand glory and blessing."Rev . 7 :12 "Amen! The blessingand the glory and the wisdomand the thanksgiving and thehonor and the power and thestrength be to our God for everand ever. Amen ."Rev. 19 :1, 6 "'Praise Jah, youpeople! The salvation and theglory and the power belong toour God .' 'Praise Jah, you people,because Jehovah our God, theAlmighty, has begun to rule asking.'"Ps. 150 :6 "Let everything thathath breath praise Jehovah ."True Religion Recognizes God'sWord as Supreme AuthorityJohn 17 :17 "Sanctify them bymeans of the truth ; your wordis truth."Isa . 8 :20 "To the law and tothe testimony! if they speak notaccording to this word, surelythere is no morning for them ."

ReligionRom. 3 :4 "Let God be foundtrue, though every man be founda liar ."True Religion Produces Fruitsof the Spirit, Deepens LoveCol . 1 :5, 6, 9, 10 "This hopeyou heard of before by the tellingof the truth of that good newswhich has presented itself to you,even as it is bearing fruit andincreasing in all the world justas it is doing also among you,from the day you heard andlearned to know the undeservedkindness of God in truth . Thatis also why we, from the day weheard of it, have not ceased prayingfor you and asking that youmay be filled with the accurateknowledge of his will in all wisdomand spiritual discernment,in order to walk worthily of Jehovahto the end of fully pleasinghim as you go on bearing fruitin every good work and increasingin the accurate knowledge ofGod ."Gal . 5 :22, 23 "The fruitage ofthe spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,kindness, goodness,faith, mildness, self-control ."2 Pet. 1 :8 "If these things existin you and overflow, they willprevent you from being eitherinactive or unfruitful regardingthe accurate knowledge of ourLord Jesus Christ."True Religion Transforms Mindto God's WayRom . 12 :2 "Quit being fashionedafter this system of things,but be transformed by makingyour mind over, that you mayprove to yourselves the good andacceptable and complete will ofGod ."Eph . 4 :23, 24 "You should bemade new in the force actuatingyour mind, and should put on thenew personality which wascreated according to God's will intrue righteousness and lovingkindness."302True Religion Frees, LiberatesJohn 8 :32 "The truth will setyou free ."Isa . 61 :1 "The spirit of theLord Jehovah is upon me ; becauseJehovah hath anointed meto preach good tidings unto themeek ; he hath sent me to bind upthe broken-hearted, to proclaimliberty to the captives, and theopening of the prison to themthat are bound ."Jas . 1 :25 "He who peers intothe perfect law that belongs tofreedom and who persists in it,this man, because he has become,not a f<strong>org</strong>etful hearer, but a doerof the work, will be happy in hisdoing it ."True Religion Has No Part withThis WorldJohn 15 :19 "If you were partof the world, the world would befond of what is its own . Now becauseyou are no part of theworld, but I have chosen you outof the world, on this account theworld hates you ."No Compromise of True Religionwith False Possible2 Cor . 6 :14-17 "Do not becomeunevenly yoked with unbelievers .For what partnership do righteousnessand lawlessness have?Or what fellowship does lighthave with darkness? Further,what harmony is there betweenChrist and Belial? Or what portiondoes a faithful person havewith an unbeliever? And whatagreement does God's templehave with idols? For we are thetemple of the living God ; justas God said : `I shall reside amongthem and walk among them,and I shall be their God, andthey will be my people .' ` "Thereforeget out from among them,and separate yourselves," saysJehovah, "and quit touching theunclean thing ." ' "1 Cor. 10 :21 "You cannot bedrinking the cup of Jehovah andthe cup of demons ; you cannot

303be partaking of the table of Jehovah'and the table of demons,"Luke 16 :26 "A great chasm hasbeen fixed between us and youpeople, so that those wanting togo over from here to you peoplecannot, neither may people crossover from there to us ."Mark 2 :21, 22 "Nobody sews apatch of unshrunk cloth upon anold garment ; if he does, its fullstrength pulls from it, the newfrom the old, and the tear becomesworse . Also nobody putsnew wine into old wineskins ; ifhe does, the wine bursts the skins,and the wine is lost as well asthe skins ."Christ the Perfect Exemplar ofTrue Religious Worship1 Pet. 2 :21 "In fact, to thiscourse you were called, becauseeven Christ suffered for you, leavingyou a model for you to followhis steps closely."Heb . 7 :26 "For such a highpriest as this was suitable for us,one of loving-kindness, guileless,undefiled, separated from the sinners,and become higher thanthe heavens ."Phil. 2 :5 "Keep this mental attitudein you which was also inChrist Jesus ."Description of True ChristianReligion ; It Means ActionJas . 1 :22, 26, 27 "Become doersof the word, and not hearersonly, deceiving yourselves withfalse reasoning . If any man seemsto himself to be a formal worshiperand yet does not bridlehis tongue, but goes on deceivinghis own heart, this man's formof worship is futile . The form ofworship that is clean and undefiledfrom the standpoint of ourGod and Father is this : to carefor orphans and widows in theirtribulation, and to keep oneselfwithout spot from the world ."True Religion the Only Bond ofUnityEph . 4 :3, 4, 13 "Earnestly endeavoringto observe the onenessReligionof the spirit in the uniting bondof peace . One body there is, andone spirit, . . . until we all attainto the oneness in the faith andin the accurate knowledge of theSon of God ."Phil. 1 :27 "You are standingfirm in one spirit, with one soulfighting side by side for the faithof the good news ."Col. 2 :19 "Holding fast to thehead, to the one from whom allthe body, being supplied andharmoniously joined together bymeans of its joints and ligaments .goes on growing with the growthwhich God gives."False Religion Honors Men,ThingsJohn 5:43 "I have come in thename of my Father, but you donot receive me ; if someone elsearrived in his own name, youwould receive that one ."2 Cor. 11 :4, 19, 20 "For, as itis, if someone comes and preachesa Jesus other than the one wepreached, or you receive a spiritother than what you received, <strong>org</strong>ood news other than what youaccepted, you easily put up withhim . For you gladly put up withthe unreasonable persons, seeingyou are reasonable. In fact, youput up with whoever enslaves you,whoever devours what you have,whoever grabs what you have,whoever exalts himself over you,whoever strikes you in the face ."Worship Paid by False ReligiousDevotees Really Paid to Demons1 Cor . 10 :20 "The things whichthe nations sacrifice they sacrificeto demons, and not to God ."Deut . 32 :17 "They sacrificedunto demons, which were noGod ."Ps. 96:5 "All the gods of thepeoples are idols ."False Religion Puts Traditionsof Men FirstMatt . 15 :3, 6-9 "He said tothem : `Why is it you also overstepthe commandment of God becauseof your tradition? . . . you

Religionhave made the word of God invalidbecause of your tradition .You hypocrites, Isaiah aptlyprophesied about you, when hesaid : "This people honors mewith their lips, yet their heartsare far removed from me . It isin vain that they keep paying respectto me, because they teachcommands of men as doctrines." ' "False Religion Produces Fruitsof the Flesh, DeepensSelfishnessGal . 5 :19, 20 "Now the worksof the flesh are manifest, andthey are fornication, uncleanness,loose conduct, idolatry, practiceof spiritism, hatreds, strife, jealousy,fits of anger, contentions,divisions, sects ."Gal. 6 :8 "He who is sowingwith a view to his flesh will reapcorruption from his flesh, but hewho is sowing with a view to thespirit will reap everlasting lifefrom the spirit ."False Religion Degrades, DebasesRom . 1 :21-32 "They did notglorify him as God nor did theythank him, but they becameempty-headed in their reasoningsand their unintelligent heart becamedarkened . Although assertingthey were wise, they becamefoolish and turned the glory ofthe incorruptible God into somethinglike the image of corruptibleman and of birds and fourfootedcreatures and creepingthings . Therefore God in keepingwith the desires of theirhearts gave them up to uncleanness,that their bodies might bedishonored among them, eventhose who exchanged the truthof God for the lie and veneratedand rendered sacred service tothe creation rather than the Onewho created, who is blessed forever.Amen . That is why Godgave them up to disgraceful sexualappetites . . . . And just as theydid not approve of holding God inaccurate knowledge, God gave304them up to a disapproved mentalstate, to do the things not fitting,filled as they were with all unrighteousness."Prov. 14 :34 "Righteousnessexalteth a nation ; but sin is areproach to any people ."False Religion EnslavesMatt . 6:24 "No one can be aslave to two masters ; for eitherhe will hate the one and lovethe other, or he will stick to theone and despise the other . Youcannot be slaves to God and toRiches ."Rom . 6 :16 "Do you not knowthat if you keep presenting yourselvesto anyone as slaves to obeyhim, you are slaves of him becauseyou obey him, either ofsin with death in view or of obediencewith righteousness inview?"2 Pet. 2 :19 "While they arepromising them freedom, theythemselves are existing as slavesof corruption . For whoever isovercome by another is enslavedby this one."Deut . 7 :16 "Neither shalt thouserve their gods ; for that willbe a snare unto thee ."Gal . 2 :4 "But because of thefalse brothers brought in quietly,who sneaked in to spy upon ourfreedom which we have in unionwith Christ Jesus, that theymight completely enslave us ."Stubbornness, Disobedience toGod Is False Religion1 Sam . 15 :22, 23 "Behold, toobey is better than sacrifice, andto hearken than the fat of rams .For rebellion is as the sin ofwitchcraft, and stubbornness isas idolatry and teraphim ."Matt. 9 :13 "Go, then, and learnwhat this means, 'I want mercy,and not sacrifice .' "Adoration of Men, Animals,Knowledge, Things, Is FalseReligionJob 32 :21, 22 "Let me not, Ipray you, respect any man's person; neither will I give flattering

305titles unto any man . For I knownot to give flattering titles ; elsewould my Maker soon take meaway ."Prov. 29 :25 "The fear of manbringeth a snare ."Matt . 10 :37 "He that hasgreater affection for father ormother than for me is not worthyof me ; and he that has greateraffection for son or daughter thanfor me is not worthy of me ."1 Tim . 6 :10 "The love of moneyis a root of all sorts of injuriousthings, and by reaching out forthis love some have been ledastray from the faith and havestabbed themselves all over withmany pains ."1 Tim . 6 :20, 21 "0 Timothy,guard what is laid up in trustwith you, turning away from theempty speeches that violate whatis holy and from the contradictionsof the falsely called 'knowledge'. For making a show of suchknowledge some have deviatedfrom the faith ."Col . 2 :20-23 "Why do you . . .further subject yourselves to thedecrees, 'Do not handle, nor taste,nor touch,' respecting things thatare all destined to destruction bybeing used up, in accordance withthe commands and teachings ofmen? Those very things are, indeed,possessed of an appearanceof wisdom in a self-imposed formof worship and mock humility, asevere treatment of the body, butthey are of no value in combatingthe satisfying of the flesh ."See also : Acts 17 :29 ; 1 John5 :21 ; Ex . 20 :3-5 .False Religion Loves This Worldand Is Part of ItMatt. 6 :1, 2, 5, 16, 19 "Takegood care not to practice yourrighteousness in front of men inorder to be observed by them ;otherwise you will have no rewardwith your Father who isin the heavens . Hence when youstart making gifts of mercy, donot blow a trumpet ahead of you,just as the hypocrites do in theReligionsynagogues and in the streets,that they may be glorified bymen . Truly I say to you, Theyare having their reward in full .Also when you pray, you mustnot be as the hypocrites ; becausethey like to pray standing in thesynagogues and on the corners ofthe broad ways to be visible tomen . . . . When you are fasting,stop becoming sad-faced like thehypocrites, for they disfiguretheir faces that they may appearto men to be fasting . . . .Stop storing up for yourselvestreasures upon the earth, wheremoth and rust consume, andwhere thieves break in andsteal ."Jas. 4 :4 "Adulteresses, do younot know that the friendshipwith the world is enmity withGod? Whoever, therefore, wantsto be a friend of the world isconstituting himself an enemy ofGod ."1 John 2 :15 "Do not be lovingeither the world or the thingsin the world. If anyone loves theworld, the love of the Father isnot in him."False Religion Always Persecutesthe TrueGen. 3 :15 "I will put enmitybetween thee and the woman,and between thy seed and herseed : he shall bruise thy head,and thou shalt bruise his heel ."1 John 3 :12 "Cain, who originatedwith the wicked one andslaughtered his brother . And forthe sake of what did he slaughterhim? Because his own workswere wicked, but those of hisbrother were righteous ."John 15 :18, 20 "If the worldhates you, you know that it hashated me before it hated you . . . .A slave is not greater than hismaster . If they have persecutedme, they will persecute you also ."Gal . 4 :29 "Just as then theone born in the manner of fleshbegan persecuting the one bornin the manner of spirit, so alsonow ."

ReligionGal. 1 :13 "You, of course, heardabout my conduct formerly inJudaism, that to the point ofexcess I kept on persecuting thecongregation of God and devastatingit ."False Religion's Collective Clergyand Supporters Are "Seed ofthe Serpent"Matt. 23 :29, 33 "Woe to you,scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!. Serpents, offspring of vipers,how are you to flee from thejudgment of Gehenna?"John 8 :44 "You are from yourfather the Devil and you wishto do the desires of your father ."1 John 3:10 "The children ofGod and the children of the Devilare evident by this fact : Everyonewho does not practice righteousnessdoes not originate with God,neither does he who does notlove his brother ."Matt . 13 :38, 39 "The field is theworld ; as for the right kind ofseed, these are the sons of thekingdom ; but the weeds are thesons of the wicked one, and theenemy that sowed them is theDevil ."All Non-Christian ReligionsAre FalseActs 3:23 "Indeed, any soulthat does not listen to thatProphet will be completely destroyedfrom among the people ."1 John 4 :3 "Every inspired expressionthat does not confessJesus does not originate withGod."John 3 :36 "He that exercisesfaith in the Son has everlastinglife ; he that disobeys the Sonwill not see life, but the wrathof God remains upon him ."Phil . 2 :10, 11 "In the name ofJesus every knee should bend ofthose in heaven and those onearth and those under the ground,and every tongue should openlyconfess that Jesus Christ is Lordto the glory of God the Father ."Acts 4 :12 "There is no salvationin anyone else, for there is not306another name under heaven thathas been given among men bywhich we must get saved ."So-called "Godless" CommunistRed Religion, Worshiping theState as God, Is FalsePs. 14:1 "The fool hath saidin his heart, There is no God .They are corrupt, they have doneabominable works ; there is nonethat doeth good ."Dan . 6 :7-24 "Whosoever shallask a petition of any god orman for thirty days, save of thee,0 king, he shall be cast into theden of lions . . . . And when Danielknew that the writing was signed,he went into his house (now hiswindows were open in his chambertoward Jerusalem) ; and hekneeled upon his knees threetimes a day, and prayed, andgave thanks before his God, ashe did aforetime . . . . And the kingcommanded, and they broughtthose men that had accusedDaniel, and they cast them intothe den of lions, them, theirchildren, and their wives ; andthe lions had the mastery ofthem, and brake all their bones inpieces ."Jer . 17 :5 "Thus saith Jehovah :Cursed is the man that trustethin man, and maketh flesh hisarm ."Acts 12 :21-23 "On a set dayHerod . . . began giving them apublic address . In turn, the assembledpeople began shouting :'A god's voice, and not a man's!'Instantly the angel of Jehovahstruck him, because he did notgive the glory to God ; and he becameeaten up with worms andexpired."Great Temples of Religion of NoValue in God's SightActs 7 :48, 49 "The Most Highdoes not dwell in houses madewith hands ; just as the prophetsays : 'The heaven is my throne,and the earth is my footstool .

307 RepentanceWhat kind of house will you build hovah, the temple of Jehovah, thefor me? Jehovah says. Or what is temple of Jehovah, are these ."the place for my resting?' " See "Jehovah's Witnesses",Jer . 7 :4 "Trust ye not in lying "Devil and Demons," "Idolatry,"words, saying, The temple of Je- "Spiritism ."RepentanceDEFINITIONRecognition and admission of a wrong condition or course of action,and a sincere sorrow with determination, motivated by a wholehearteddesire to conform to right principles, to turn forever fromsuch wrong course and take a course in harmony with God's will .Repentance that brings a right standing with God necessitates anaccurate knowledge of God's provisions and requirements and conformingoneself thereto by definite works of faith in harmony therewith. Sometimes repentance is used to mean a change from a favorableto an unfavorable action toward another .An Elementary ChristianTeachingHeb . 6 :1 "Now that we haveleft the elementary doctrine aboutthe Christ, let us press on to maturity,not laying a foundationagain, namely, repentance fromdead works, and faith towardGod."All Must Recognize Their InheritedSinful State and Needof a RedeemerRom. 5 :12 "Through one mansin entered into the world anddeath through sin, and thus deathspread to all men because theyhad all sinned ."Ps. 51 :5 "Behold, I was broughtforth in iniquity ; and in sin didmy mother conceive me ."Rom. 11 :32 "God has shut themall up together because of disobedience,that he might show allof them mercy."Repentance of Real Merit RequiresInstruction ; Leads toKnowledge, Service of God,Freedom2 Tim . 2 :25, 26 "Instructingwith mildness those not favorablydisposed, as perhaps Godmay give them repentance leadingto an accurate knowledge oftruth, and they may come backto their proper senses out fromthe snare of the Devil, seeingthat they have been caught aliveby him for the will of that one ."Required of All Persons WhoWill Be SavedPs . 34 :18 "Jehovah is nigh untothem that are of a brokenheart, and saveth such as areof a contrite spirit ."Isa . 57 :15 "For thus saith thehigh and lofty one that inhabitetheternity, whose name isHoly : I dwell in the high andholy place, with him also that isof a contrite and humble spirit,to revive the spirit of the humble,and to revive the heart of thecontrite ."Isa . 66 :2 "To this man will Ilook, even to him that is poorand of a contrite spirit, and thattrembleth at my word ."A Prerequisite to Dedication,Baptism, and Service of GodActs 2 :38 "Peter said to them :'Repent, and let each one of yoube baptized in the name of jesusChrist for f<strong>org</strong>iveness of yoursins, and you will receive the freegift of the holy spirit .'"

RepentanceActs 3 :19 "Repent, therefore,and turn around so as to get yoursins blotted out, that seasons ofrefreshing may come from theperson of Jehovah and that hemay send forth the Christ appointedfor you, Jesus ."God Blots Out, F<strong>org</strong>ets Sins ofRepentant Ones Who AcceptChristIsa . 1 :18 "Come now, and letus reason together, saith Jehovah: though your sins be asscarlet, they shall be as white assnow ; though they be red likecrimson, they shall be as wool ."Heb . 8 :12 "I shall be mercifulto their unrighteous deeds and Iwill by no means call their sinsto mind any more ."Rev . 7 :14 "These are the onesthat come out of the great tribulation,and they have washedtheir robes and made them whitein the blood of the Lamb ."True Repentance Brings God'sFavor2 Cor. 7 :10 "For sadness in agodly way makes for repentanceto salvation which is not to beregretted ."Luke 15 :7 "I tell you that thusthere will be more joy in heavenover one sinner that repents thanover ninety-nine righteous oneswho have no need of repentance ."Replaces Sorrow, Mourning, Distresswith Joy and HappinessMatt. 5 :3 "Happy are those whoare conscious of their spiritualneed, since the kingdom of theheavens belongs to them ."Isa . 61 :1-3 "The spirit of theLord Jehovah is upon me ; becauseJehovah hath anointed meto preach good tidings unto themeek ; . . . to appoint unto themthat mourn in ion, to give untothem a garland for ashes, theoil of joy for mourning, the garmentof praise for the spirit ofheaviness ."308True Repentance Manifests Itselfby Good Fruits ; DeathbedRepentance Unable to Do ThisLuke 3 :8 "Produce fruits thatbefit repentance ."2 Cor. 7 :11 "For, look! thisvery thing, your being saddenedin a godly way, what a greatearnestness it produced in you,yes, clearing of yourselves, yes,indignation, yes, fear, yes, longing,yes, zeal, yes, righting ofthe wrong!"Ezek. 33 :14, 15 "When I sayunto the wicked, Thou shalt surelydie ; if he turn from his sin,and do that which is lawful andright ; if the wicked restore thepledge, give again that which hehad taken by robbery, walk in thestatutes of life, committing noiniquity ; he shall surely live, heshall not die ."Matt. 21 :28-31 "'A man hadtwo children . Going up to thefirst he said : "Child, go worktoday in the vineyard." In answerthis one said : "I will, sir," butdid not go out . Approaching thesecond, he said the same. In replythis one said : "I will not ." Afterwardshe felt regret and wentout . Which of the two did thewill of his father?' They said :'The latter .' "Selfish Regret Is Not True Repentance,Brings No Favorfrom God2 Cor . 7 :10 "The sadness ofthe world produces death ."Matt . 27 :3-5 "Then Judas, whobetrayed him, seeing he had beencondemned, felt remorse andturned the thirty silver piecesback to the chief priests andolder men of influence, saying :'I sinned when I betrayed righteousblood .' . . . So he . . . went offand hanged himself ."Heb. 12 :17 "You know that afterwardalso when he [Esau]wanted to inherit the blessing hewas rejected, for, although heearnestly sought a change ofmind with tears, he found noplace for it."

309Persons Trying to Gain Life byFulfilling the Ten CommandmentsOverlook the Needof RepentanceRom . 3 :23 "All have sinnedand fall short of the glory ofGod ."Matt . 19 :17, 20, 21 "He said tohim : . . .'If, though, you want toenter into life, observe thecommandments continually .' Theyoung man said to him : 'I havekept all these ; what yet am Ilacking?' Jesus said to him : 'Ifyou want to be complete, go sellyour belongings and give to thepoor and you will have treasurein heaven, and come be my follower.' "Without Repentance One CannotAppreciate Need of Christ'sRansom SacrificeRom . 10 :3 "Because of notknowing the righteousness of Godbut seeking to establish their own,they [the Jews] did not subjectthemselves to the righteousnessof God ."John 9 :41 "Jesus said to them :'If you were blind, you wouldhave no sin . But now you say,"We see ." Your sin remains .'"Isa. 64 :6 "All our righteousnessesare as a polluted garment."Jews Needed Repentance fromNot Only Inherited Sins, butAlso Sins Against theLaw CovenantMatt . 3 :1, 2, 11 "In those daysJohn the Baptist came preachingin the wilderness of Judea, saying: 'Repent, for the kingdom ofthe heavens has drawn near .' 'I,on the one hand, baptize youwith water because of your repentance.'"Luke 3 :3 "He came into allthe country around the Jordan,preaching baptism of those repentingfor f<strong>org</strong>iveness of sins ."Gal. 3 :13 "Christ by purchasereleased us from the curse of theLaw by becoming a curse insteadof us ."RepentanceHaving Repented, One Must NotLook Back on Former LifeLuke 9 :62 "Jesus said to him :'No man that has put his handto a plow and looks at the thingsbehind is well fitted for thekingdom of God .'"Luke 17 :32 "Remember thewife of Lot ."Heb . 10 :39 "Now we are notthe kind that shrink back todestruction ."Eph. 4 :22 "You should putaway the old personality whichconforms to your former courseof conduct ."Having Repented, One Must NotBrood over Former SinsPhil . 3 :13, 14 "F<strong>org</strong>etting thethings behind and stretching forwardto the things ahead, I ampursuing down toward the goalfor the prize of the calling above ."ech . 7 :1-10 "They . . . sent . . .men . . . . saying, Should I weepin the fifth month, separatingmyself, as I have done these somany years? . . . Thus hath Jehovahof hosts spoken, saying, Executetrue judgment, and showkindness and compassion everyman to his brother."Neh . 8 :9-12 "This day is holyunto Jehovah your God ; mournnot, nor weep . For all the peoplewept when they heard the wordsof the law . . . . neither be yegrieved ; for the joy of Jehovah isyour strength . . . . And all the peoplewent their way to eat, and todrink, and to send portions, andto make great mirth, because theyhad understood the words thatwere declared unto them."No Repentance from "SinAgainst the Holy Spirit"PossibleMark 3 :28, 29 "All things willbe f<strong>org</strong>iven the sons of men, nomatter what sins and blasphemiesthey blasphemously commit . However,whoever blasphemes againstthe holy spirit has no f<strong>org</strong>ivenessforever, but is guilty of everlastingsin ."

RepentanceHeb . 6 :4-6 "For it is impossibleas regards those who have oncefor all been enlightened and whohave tasted the heavenly freegift and who have become partakersof holy spirit and whohave tasted the right word ofGod and powers of the comingsystem of things, but who havefallen away, to revive them againto repentance, because they impalethe Son of God afresh forthemselves and expose him topublic shame ."Willfully Wicked Are TooHardened to Repent1 Tim . 4 :1, 2 "In later periodsof time some will fall away fromthe faith, paying attention to misleadinginspired utterances andteachings of demons, by the hypocrisyof men who speak lies,marked in their conscience aswith a branding iron ."Heb . 10 :29 "Of how much moresevere a punishment, do youthink, will the man be countedworthy who has trampled uponthe Son of God and who hasesteemed as of ordinary valuethe blood of the covenant bywhich he was sanctified, and whohas outraged the spirit of undeservedkindness with contempt?"Ex . 7 :3, 14 ; 10 :1 "I will hardenPharaoh's heart, and multiplymy signs and my wonders in theland of Egypt. And Jehovah saidunto Moses, Pharaoh's heart isstubborn, he refuseth to let thepeople go ." "Go in unto Pharaoh: for I have hardened hisheart, and the heart of his servants,that I may show these mysigns in the midst of them ."We Must F<strong>org</strong>ive Our BrothersWho Express Repentancefor OffensesMatt. 6 :12-15 "'F<strong>org</strong>ive us ourdebts, as we also have f<strong>org</strong>ivenour debtors.' . . . For if you f<strong>org</strong>ivemen their trespasses, yourheavenly Father will also f<strong>org</strong>iveyou : whereas if you do not for-310give men their trespasses, neitherwill your Father f<strong>org</strong>ive yourtrespasses ."Luke 17 :3, 4 "If your brothercommits a sin give him a reproof,and if he repents f<strong>org</strong>ive him .Even if he sins seven times a dayagainst you and he comes back toyou seven times, saying, 'I repent,'you must f<strong>org</strong>ive him ."Matt . 18 :21, 22 "Then Petercame up and said to him : 'Master,how many times is mybrother to sin against me andam I to f<strong>org</strong>ive him? Up toseven times?' Jesus said to him :'I say to you, not, Up to seventimes, but, Up to seventy-seventimes,' "See also: Matt. 18 :23-35 ; Luke6 :37 .God Does Not Repent of Any ofHis Stated Purposes, or Turnfrom His Righteous PrinciplesMal . 3 :6 "I, Jehovah, changenot ."1 Sam. 15 :29 "The Strength ofIsrael will not lie nor repent ; forhe is not a man, that he shouldrepent ."Isa . 46 :11 "I have spoken, Iwill also bring it to pass ; I havepurposed, I will also do it ."Heb . 6 :17, 18 "God, when hepurposed to demonstrate moreabundantly to the heirs of thepromise the unchangeableness ofhis counsel, stepped in with anoath, in order that, through twounchangeable things in which itis impossible for God to lie, wewho have fled to the refuge mayhave strong encouragement to layhold on the hope set before us ."If One Turns Against God, GodWill "Repent", Turn AgainstHim1 Sam . 15 :10, 11, 26 "Thencame the word of Jehovah untoSamuel, saying, It repenteth methat I have set up Saul to beking ; for he is turned back fromfollowing me, and hath not performedmy commandments . . . .

311thou hast rejected the word ofJehovah, and Jehovah hath rejectedthee from being king ."God Changed Course from BeingMan's Creator and Benefactor toBeing His Destroyer atthe FloodGen . 6 :5-7 "And Jehovah sawthat the wickedness of man wasgreat in the earth, and that everyimagination of the thoughts ofhis heart was only evil continually. And it repented Jehovah thathe had made man on the earth,and it grieved him at his heart .And Jehovah said, I will destroyman whom I have created fromthe face of the ground ."Hope of Resurrection ClearlyTaught in ScripturesIsa. 25 :8 "He hath swallowedup death for ever ; and the LordJehovah will wipe away tearsfrom off all faces ; and the reproachof his people will lie takeaway from off all the earth : forJehovah hath spoken it."Heb . 6 :1, 2 "We have left theelementary doctrine . . . not layingResurrectionResurrectionGod May in Mercy Turn fromBringing Just Punishment if aPerson Changes from aWicked CourseJonah 3 :10 "And God saw theirworks, that they turned fromtheir evil way ; and God repentedof the evil which he said he woulddo unto them ; and he did itnot ."Jer . 18 :8 "If that nation, concerningwhich I have spoken,turn from their evil, I will repentof the evil that I thought to dounto them ."Ex . 32 :14 "And Jehovah repentedof the evil which he saidhe would do unto his people ."See "Confession", "Baptism ."DEFINITIONResurrection is a restoration to life of the nonexistent dead . TheGreek word, anastasis, means "a raising up". It is an act of God dependententirely upon God's marvelous power through Christ andupon His memory of the dead . It is the reactivating of the lifepattern of the creature, a transcription of which is on record withGod, and is referred to as being in His memory . Resurrection doesnot involve the restoring of the original identical body of the creature .The life pattern is the personal life-long record of the creaturebuilt up by his thoughts and by the experiences in the life he haslived resulting from certain habits, leanings, mental abilities, memoriesand history. It is also a register of the individual's intellectualgrowth and his characteristics, all of which make up one's personality. Hence, according to God's will for the creature, in a resurrectionone is restored or re-created in either a human or a spiritbody and yet retains his personal identity by the setting in motionagain of the distinctive life pattern of that individual .a foundation again, namely, . ,the resurrection of the dead ."Heb. 11 :17-19 "By faith Abraham,when he was tested, asgood as offered up Isaac, and theman that had gladly received thepromises attempted to offer urhis only-begotten son, althoughit had been said to him : 'Whatwill be called "your seed" willbe through Isaac .' But he reckonedthat God was able to raise

Resurrectionhim up even from the dead ; andfrom there he did receive himalso in an illustrative way ."Acts 24 :14, 15 "In this mannerI am rendering sacred service tothe God of my forefathers, as Ibelieve all the things set forthin the Law and written in theProphets and I have hope towardGod, which hope these menthemselves also entertain, thatthere is going to be a resurrectionof both the righteous andthe unrighteous ."Also : Matt . 28 :5-9, 16 ; Luke20 :37, 38 ; Acts 13 :29-37 .False Doctrine of Human ImmortalityDenies Resurrection,so Pagans Opposed ResurrectionDeut . 31 :16 "And Jehovah saidunto Moses, Behold, thou shaltsleep with thy fathers ."2 Sam . 7 :12 "When thy daysare fulfilled, and thou shalt sleepwith thy fathers, I will set upthy seed after thee, that shallproceed out of thy bowels, andI will establish his kingdom ."Acts 2 :14, 29, 34 "But Peterstood up with the eleven andraised his voice and made thisutterance to them : 'Men of Judeaand all you inhabitants of Jerusalem,let this be known to youand give ear to my sayings .Brothers, it is allowable to speakwith freeness of speech to youconcerning the family head David,that he both deceased andwas buried and his tomb isamong us to this day . ActuallyDavid did not ascend to theheavens, but he himself says, "Jehovahsaid to my Lord, 'Sit atmy right hand .'"'"Acts 17:18-34 "But certain onesof both the Epicurean and theStoic philosophers took to conversingwith him controversially,and some would say : 'What is itthis chatterer would like to tell?'Others : 'He seems to be a publisherof foreign deities .' Thiswas because he was declaring thegood news of Jesus and the resurrection. So they laid hold of312him and led him to the Areopagus,saying : 'Can we get to knowwhat this new teaching is whichis spoken by you? For you areintroducing some things that arestrange to our ears .' Paul .said : ' . . .Because he has set a dayin which he purposes to judgethe inhabited earth in righteousnessby a man whom he has appointed,and he has furnisheda guarantee to all men in thathe has resurrected him from thedead .' Well, when they heardof a resurrection of the dead,some began to mock, while otherssaid : 'We will hear you aboutthis even another time .' "God's Power of ResurrectionManifested in ResurrectionThrough ChristRom . 1 :4 "But who with powerwas declared God's Son accordingto the spirit of holiness bymeans of resurrection from thedead-yes, Jesus Christ ourLord ."1 Thess. 1 :9, 10 "You turnedto God . . . to wait for his Sonfrom the heavens, whom heraised up from the dead, namely,Jesus who delivers us from thewrath which is coming ."John 11 :25, 26 "Jesus said toher : 'I am the resurrection andthe life . He that exercises faithin me, even though he dies, willcome to life, and everyone thatis living and exercises faith inme will never die at all .'"John 5 :26 "For just as theFather has in himself the giftof life, so he has granted to theSon to have also in himself thegift of life ."Christ the First to Be Raised,Therefore Opened Wayfor Others1 Pet . 3 :21 "That which correspondsto this is also now savingyou, namely, baptism .through the resurrection of JesusChrist."Col . 1 :18 "And he is the headof the body, the congregation .

3 1 3He is the beginning, the firstbornfrom the dead, that he might becomethe one who is first in allthings ."1 Cor . 15 :20-22 "However, nowChrist has been raised up fromthe dead, the firstfruits of thosewho have fallen asleep in death .For since death is through a man,resurrection of the dead is alsothrough a man . For just as inAdam all are dying, so also inthe Christ all will be made alive ."Rev . 1 :17, 18 "I am the Firstand the Last, and the living one ;and I became dead, but, look!I am living for ever and ever,and I have the keys of death andof Hades ."More than 500 Witnesses of theResurrected Jesus Christ1 Cor . 15 :6, 7 "After that heappeared to upward of five hundredbrothers at one time, themost of whom remain to thepresent, but some have fallenasleep in death. After' that heappeared to James, then to allthe apostles."Acts 2 :31, 32 "He saw beforehandand spoke concerning theresurrection of the Christ, thatneither was he forsaken in Hadesnor did his flesh see corruption .This Jesus God resurrected, ofwhich fact we are all witnesses ."Life Pattern Is Identity of CreatureThat God Holds inMemoryJob 14 :13-15 (mar.) "Oh thatthou wouldest hide me in Sheol,that thou wouldest keep me secret,until thy wrath be past,that thou wouldest appoint me aset time, and remember me! Ifa man die, shall he live again?All the days of my warfare willI wait, till my release shouldcome . Thou shalt call, and I willanswer thee . Thou wouldest havea desire to the work of thyhands ."Prov . 23 :7 "For as he thinkethwithin himself, so is he ."ResurrectionMal . 3 :16 "Then they thatfeared Jehovah spake one withanother ; and Jehovah hearkened,and heard, and a book of remembrancewas written before him,for them that feared Jehovah,and that thought upon his name ."Jesus' Life Pattern (Memory,Mental Abilities, Leaning andHabits) Restored in Resurrection ;Recognized by His Personality,Not by His Various MaterializedBodiesLuke 24 :13-35 "Now as theywere conversing and discussingJesus himself approached and begantraveling with them ; buttheir eyes were kept from recognizinghim . . . . And commencingat Moses and all the Prophets heinterpreted to them things pertainingto himself in all theScriptures . . . . And as he was recliningwith them at the meal hetook the loaf, blessed it, broke itand began to hand it to them .At that their eyes were fullyopened and they recognized him ;and he disappeared from them .And they said to each other :'Were not our hearts burning ashe was speaking to us on theroad, as he was fully opening upthe Scriptures to us?' . Nowthey themselves described theevents on the road and how hebecame known to them by thebreaking of the loaf ."John 21 :4-7 "However, just asit was getting to be day, Jesusstood on the beach, but the disciplesdid not, of course, discernit was Jesus . . . . He said to them :'Cast the net on the right sideof the boat and you will findsomething .' Then they cast it,but they were no longer able todraw it in because of the multitudeof the fishes . Therefore thatdisciple whom Jesus used to lovesaid to Peter : 'It is the Master!' "John 20 :14, 16 "After sayingthese things, she turned back andviewed Jesus standing, but shedid not discern it was Jesus . Jesussaid to her : 'Mary!' Upon

Resurrectionturning around, she said to him,in Hebrew : `Rabboni!' (whichmeans `Teacher!') ."Jesus' Resurrection Not of SameBody ; He Merely MaterializedFlesh and Blood to Be Seenand Believed1 Cor . 15 :35-42, 45, 50 "Nevertheless,someone will say : `Howare the dead to be raised up?Yes, with what kind of body arethey coming?' You unreasonableperson! What you sow is notmade alive unless first it dies ;and as for what you sow, yousow, not the body that will develop,but a bare grain, it maybe, of wheat or any one of therest ; but God gives it a bodyjust as it has pleased him, andto each of the seeds its own body .Not all flesh is the same flesh,but there is one of mankind, andthere is another flesh of cattle,and another flesh of birds, andanother of fish . And there areheavenly bodies, and earthlybodies ; but the glory of the heavenlybodies is one kind, and thatof the earthly bodies is a differentkind. . . . So also is the resurrectionof the dead . . . . It is evenso written : `The first man Adambecame a living soul.' The lastAdam became a life-giving spirit .However, this I say, brothers, thatflesh and blood cannot inheritGod's kingdom, neither does corruptioninherit incorruption ."1 Pet . 3 :18 "Why, even Christdied once for all time concerningsins, a righteous person for unrighteousones, that he might leadyou to God, he being put to deathin the flesh, but being made alivein the spirit ."Acts 10 :40, 41 "God raised thisOne up on the third day andgranted him to become visible,not to all the people, but to witnessesappointed beforehand byGod, to us, who ate and drankwith him after his rising fromthe dead."Luke 24 :37-40 "But they wereterrified, and because they be-314came frightened they were imaginingthey beheld a spirit . So hesaid to them : `Why are youtroubled, and why is it doubtscome up in your hearts? See myhands and my feet, that it is Imyself ; feel me and see, becausea spirit does not have fleshand bones just as you beholdthat I have .' And as he said thishe showed them his hands andhis feet ."[Compare this appearance tothe experience of the discipleswhile Jesus was still alive in flesh(Matt. 14 :26, 27) .]Only Those in God's MemoryHave HopeJohn 5 :28, 29 "Do not marvelat this, because the hour is comingin which all those in thememorial tombs will hear hisvoice and come out ."Acts 2 :27-32 "David . . . saw beforehandand spoke concerningthe resurrection of the Christ,that neither was he forsaken inHades nor did his flesh see corruption. This Jesus God resurrected,of which fact we are allwitnesses ."Rev . 20 :13 "And the sea gaveup those dead in it, and deathand Hades gave up those dead inthem, and they were judged individuallyaccording to theirdeeds ."Wicked Will Never Be Rememberedfor ResurrectionProv . 21 :16 "The man thatwandereth out of the way of understandingshall rest in theassembly of the dead ."Prov . 10 :7 "The memory of therighteous is blessed ; but the nameof the wicked shall rot ."Obad . 16 "For as ye have drunkupon my holy mountain, so shallall the nations drink continually ;yea, they shall drink, and swallowdown, and shall be as thoughthey had not been ."Jer . 51 :57 "And they shall sleepa perpetual sleep, and not wake ."

3 15Isa. 26 :14 "They are dead, theyshall not live ; they are deceased,they shall not rise : therefore hastthou visited and destroyed them,and made all remembrance ofthem to perish ."Ps . 109 :15, 16 "Let them bebefore Jehovah continually, thathe may cut off the memory ofthem from the earth ."Matt. 25 :41, 46 "Then he willsay, in turn, to those on hisleft : 'Be on your way from me,you who have been cursed, intothe everlasting fire prepared forthe Devil and his angels .' Andthese will depart into everlastingcutting-off, but the righteous onesinto everlasting life."Resurrection Not a Transmigrationof Human Soul into NewlyBorn ChildJohn 3 :4 "How can a man beborn when he is old? He cannotenter into the womb of hismother a second time and beborn, can he?"Matt . 17 :10-13 "However, thedisciples put the question to him :`Why, then, do the scribes saythat Elijah must come first?' Inreply he [Jesus] said : `Elijah,indeed, is coming and will restoreall things . However, I sayto you that Elijah has alreadycome and they did not recognizehim but did with him the thingsthey wanted. In this way also theSon of man is destined to sufferat their hands.' Then the disciplesperceived that he spoke tothem about John the Baptist ."Luke 1 :13, 15 . 17 "You are tocall his name John . . . ;for hewill be great before Jehovah . . . .Also he will go before him withElijah's spirit and power ."144,000 Sharing in Christ's DeathRaised to Heaven to Share inFirst Resurrection1 Pet . 1 :3, 4 "God . . . gave usa new birth to a living hopethrough the resurrection of JesusChrist from the dead, to an incorruptibleand undefiled and un-Resurrectionfading inheritance . It is reservedin the heavens for you."2 Cor . 4 :14 "Knowing that hewho raised Jesus up will raiseus up also together with Jesusand will present us together withyou ."Rom . 6 :5 "For if we have becomeunited with him in the likenessof his death, we shall certainlyalso be united with him inthe likeness of his resurrection ."Phil . 3 :10, 11 "So as to knowhim and the power of his resurrectionand a sharing in his sufferings,submitting myself to hiskind of death, to see if I mayby any means attain to the earlierresurrection from the dead ."1 Cor. 15 :42, 44, 45, 53 "So alsois the resurrection of the dead .It is sown in corruption, it israised up in incorruption . It issown a physical body, it is raisedup a spiritual body . . . . It is evenso written : `The first man Adambecame a living soul .' The lastAdam became a life-giving spirit .For this which is corruptiblemust put on incorruption, andthis which is mortal must put onimmortality ."Luke 12 :32 "Have no fear, littleflock, because your Father hasapproved of giving you the kingdom."Rev. 20 :4-6 "And I saw thrones .and there were those who satdown on them, and power ofjudging was given them . Yes, Isaw the souls of those executedwith the ax for the witness theybore to Jesus . . . And they cameto life and ruled as kings withthe Christ for a thousand years .. This is the first resurrection.Happy and holy is anyone havingpart in the first resurrection ; overthese the second death has noauthority, but they will be priestsof God and of the Christ, and willrule as kings with him for thethousand years ."Rev . 14:1 "And I saw, and look!the Lamb standing upon themount ion, and with him ahundred and forty-four thousand

Resurrectionhaving his name and the name ofhis Father written on their foreheads."Earlier Ones of 144,000 Sleep inDeath Until Day of Christ'sManifestation A . D . 19181 Cor . 15 :22-24, 52 "In theChrist all will be made alive .But each one in his own rank :Christ the firstfruits, afterwardthose who belong to the Christduring his presence . Next, the accomplishedend. . . . For the trumpetwill sound, and the dead willbe raised up incorruptible, andwe shall be changed ."1 Thess. 4 :14, 16 "For if ourfaith is that Jesus died and roseagain, so, too, those who havefallen asleep in death throughJesus God will bring with him .Because the Lord himself willdescend from heaven with a commandingcall, with an archangel'svoice and with God's trumpet,and those who are dead in unionwith Christ will rise first."John 11 :23, 24 "Jesus said toher : 'Your brother will rise .' Marthasaid to him : 'I know he willrise in the resurrection on thelast day .'"2 Tim. 4 :7, 8 "I have foughtthe right fight, I have run thecourse to the finish, I have observedthe faith . From this timeon there is reserved for me thecrown of righteousness, which theLord, the righteous judge, willgive me as a reward in thatday, yet not only to me, but alsoto all those who have loved hismanifestation ."Also : John 6 :33, 38-40, 53-58 .Those of This Class Dying Since1918 Changed Immediately atTheir Death1 Cor . 15 :51, 52 "Look! I tellyou a sacred secret : We shall notall fall asleep in death, but weshall all be changed, in a moment,in the twinkling of an eye,during the last trumpet . For thetrumpet will sound, and the dead316will be raised up incorruptible,and we shall be changed."1 Thess . 4 :15-17 "For this iswhat we tell you by Jehovah'sword, that we the living who surviveto the presence of the Lordshall in no way precede thosewho have fallen asleep in death,. and those who are dead inunion with Christ will rise first .Afterward we the living who aresurviving will together with thembe caught away in clouds tomeet the Lord in the air ; andthus we shall always be with theLord ."144,000 Also Described as Havinga Spiritual AwakeningCol . 2 :12 "For you were buriedwith him in his baptism, and byrelationship with him you werealso raised up together throughyour faith in the operation ofGod, who raised him up from thedead."Col. 3 :1 "If, however, you wereraised up with Christ, go onseeking the things above, wherethe Christ is seated at the righthand of God."Rom . 6 :11-13 "Likewise alsoyou : reckon yourselves to be deadindeed with reference to sin butliving with reference to God byChrist Jesus. Therefore do not letsin continue to rule as king inyour mortal bodies that youshould obey their desires . Neithergo on presenting your membersto sin as weapons of unrighteousness,but present yourselves toGod as those alive from thedead."Eph. 2 :3-6 "Yes, among themwe all at one time conductedourselves in harmony with thedesires of our flesh, doing thethings the flesh and the thoughtswilled, and we were naturallychildren of wrath even as therest . But God, who is rich inmercy, for his great love withwhich he loved us, made us alivetogether with the Christ, evenwhen we were dead in trespasses-by undeserved kindness you

3 1 7have been saved-and he raisedus up together and seated ustogether in the heavenly placesin union with Christ Jesus ."Those Faithful Men of Old WhoProved Integrity Before JesusWill Be Raised to Life on EarthHeb . 11 :30-35 "Rahab . . . Gideon,Barak, Samson, Jephthah,David as well as Samuel and theother prophets, . . . stopped themouths of lions, stayed the forceof fire, escaped the edge of thesword . . . . Women received theirdead by resurrection ; but othermen were tortured because theywould not accept release by someransom, in order that they mightattain a better resurrection ."Isa . 26:19 "Thy dead shall live ;my dead bodies shall arise . Awakeand sing, ye that dwell in thedust ; for thy dew is as the dewof herbs, and the earth shallcast forth the dead ."Hos . 13 :14 "I will ransom themfrom the power of Sheol ; I willredeem them from death : 0death, where are thy plagues? 0Sheol, where is thy destruction?"Acts 17 :31 "Because he has seta day in which he purposes tojudge the inhabited earth inrighteousness by a man whom hehas appointed, and he has furnisheda guarantee to all men inthat he has resurrected him fromthe dead."Faithful Other Sheep Dying NowHave Hope of Resurrectionon EarthJohn 10 :16 "And I have othersheep, which are not of this fold ;those also I must bring,, . . andthey will become one flock, oneshepherd ."Matt . 25 :33, 34 "And he willput the sheep on his right hand,but the goats on his left . Thenthe king will say to those on hisResurrectionright : 'Come, you who have myFather's blessing, inherit thekingdom prepared for you fromthe world's foundation .'"Ps. 37 :9-11 "For evil-doers shallbe cut off ; but those that waitfor Jehovah, they shall inheritthe land . For yet a little while,and the wicked shall not be : yea,thou shalt diligently consider hisplace, and he shall not be . Butthe meek shall inherit the land,and shall delight themselves inthe abundance of peace."These Two Classes Likely to BeRaised Early After ArmageddonJob 14 :13 "That thou wouldestkeep me secret, until thy wrathbe past, that thou wouldest appointme a set time, and rememberme!"Dan . 12 :13 "For thou shalt rest,and shalt stand in thy lot, at theend of the days ."Rev . 20 :11, 12 "And I saw agreat_ white throne and the oneseated on it. From before him theearth and the heaven fled away,and no place was found for them .And I saw the dead, the greatand the small, standing beforethe throne ."All Three Groups, AccountedRighteous, Have Resurrectionof LifeJohn 5 :25-29 "Most truly I sayto you, the hour is coming, and itis now, when the dead will hearthe voice of the Son of God andthose who have given heed willlive. . . . and come out, those whodid good things to a resurrectionof life ."All Others in God's Memory,Reckoned Unrighteous, Raisedfor Judgment on EarthLuke 23 :40, 41, 43 "In reply theother rebuked him and said : 'Do

Resurrectionyou not fear God at all, nowthat you are in the same judgment?And we, indeed, justlyso, for we are receiving in fullwhat we deserve for things wedid ; but this man did nothingout of the way .' And he [Jesus]said to him : `Truly I tell youtoday, You will be with me inParadise.'"John 5 :25-30 "For just as theFather has in himself the giftof life, so he has granted to theSon to have also in himself thegift of life . And he has givenhim authority to do judging, becauseSon of man he is . . . . thosein the memorial tombs will hearhis voice and come out . . . . thosewho practiced vile things to aresurrection of judgment . . . . justas I hear, I judge, and the judgmentthat I render is righteous ."See "Judgment Days" .Awakening Must Wait UntilParadise Earth EstablishedAfter ArmageddonLuke 23 :42, 43 "And he wenton to say : `Jesus, remember mewhen you get into your kingdom .'And he said to him : `Truly I tellyou today, You will be with mein Paradise.'"Rev . 20 :11-13 "And I saw agreat white throne and the oneseated on it . From before him theearth and the heaven fled away,and no place was found for them .And I saw the dead, the greatand the small, standing beforethe throne, and scrolls wereopened . But another scroll wasopened; it is the scroll of life .And the dead were judged outof those things written in thescrolls according to their deeds .And the sea gave up those deadin it, and death and Hades gaveup those dead in them, and they318were judged individually accordingto their deeds ."All on Earth, Though AwakenedEarlier, Do Not Have Guaranteeof Life Until End of 1,000-YearReignRev. 20 :5, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15 "Therest of the dead did not cometo life until the thousand yearswere ended . . . . Now as soon asthe thousand years have beenended, Satan will be let loose outof his prison, and he will go outto mislead those nations in thefour quarters of the earth, Gogand Magog, to gather them togetherfor the war. The numberof these is as the sand of thesea . And the Devil who wasmisleading them was hurled intothe lake of fire and sulphur . . . .And death and Hades were hurledinto the lake of fire. This meansthe second death, the lake offire . Furthermore, whoever wasnot found written in the bookof life was hurled into the lakeof fire ."Luke 20:35, 36 "But those whohave been counted worthy ofgaining that system of things andthe resurrection from the deadneither marry nor are given inmarriage . In fact, neither canthey die any more, for they arelike the angels, and they areGod's children by being childrenof the resurrection ."1 Cor. 15 :57 "But thanks toGod, for he gives us the victorythrough our Lord Jesus Christ!"Rev . 21 :1-4 "And I saw a newheaven and a new earth, for theformer heaven and the formerearth had passed away . . . . Andhe will wipe out every tear fromtheir eyes, and death will beno more, neither will mourningnor outcry nor pain be any more .The former things have passedaway ."

Return of ChristDEFINITIONJesus of Nazareth became the Christ of God, the Messiah, theSeed of God's "woman" (<strong>org</strong>anization), upon his baptism in theJordan river A .D . 29 and thus his first official presence upon thisearth as Jehovah's faithful witness continued for three and one halfyears . Before leaving the earth Christ promised to return againaccording to God's purpose to establish his kingdom, to rule amidsthis enemies, to judge the nations and to bring salvation and deliveranceto faithful mankind . This second presence (par .ou.si'a) of Christthe Messiah was to be invisible and the unmistakable sign he gaveshows conclusively that this return of Christ began in the year 1914 .Since that time Christ has turned his attention toward earth's affairsand is dividing the peoples and educating the true Christiansin preparation for their survival during the great storm of Armageddon,when all unfaithful mankind will be destroyed from theface of the earth .Sign of Christ's First Presence ; Acts 10 :38-41 "Jesus who wasPictured by Jonah's Preaching, from Nazareth, how God anointedHis Being Swallowed Up 3 Days, him with holy spirit and power,and Restorationand he went through the landLuke 11:29, 30 "This generation doing good and healing all thoseis a wicked generation ; it looks oppressed by the Devil, becausefor a sign . But no sign will be God was with him. And we aregiven it except the sign of Jonah . witnesses of all the things heFor just as Jonah became a sign did both in the country of theto the Ninevites, in the same way Jews and in Jerusalem ; but theywill the Son of man be also to also did away with him by hangthisgeneration."ing him on a stake . God raisedJonah 3 :2; 1 :17 ; 2 :10 "Arise, go this One up on the third dayunto Nineveh, that great city, and granted him to become visiandpreach unto it the preaching ble, not to all the people, but tothat I bid thee ." "And Jehovah witnesses appointed beforehandprepared a great fish to swallow by God, to us, who ate and drankup Jonah ; and Jonah was in the with him after his rising frombelly of the fish three days and the dead ."three nights ." "And Jehovah Sign of Christ's Second Presencespake unto the fish, and it vom- the Coming in Clouds Whenited out Jonah upon the dryland ."Given Kingdom RuleFulfilled in Jesus' Preaching, HisDan . 7 :13, 14 "I saw in theBeing 3 Days in the Grave, andnight-visions, and, behold, thereHis Resurrectioncame with the clouds of heavenone like unto a son of man, andMatt . 12:40 "For just as Jonah he came even to the ancient ofwas in the belly of the huge fish days, and they brought him nearthree days and three nights, so before him . And there was giventhe Son of man will be in the him dominion, and glory, and aheart of the earth three days and kingdom, that all the peoples,three nights."nations, and languages should319

Return of Christserve him : his dominion is aneverlasting dominion, which shallnot pass away, and his kingdomthat which shall not be destroyed."At Jesus' Trial, A .D . 33, HighPriest Asks for This Sign ofChrist, but Jesus Testifies ItWill Come in the FutureMatt . 26 :63, 64 "So the highpriest said to him : 'By the livingGod I put you under oath totell us whether you are the Christthe Son of God!' Jesus said tohim : 'That was for you to say .Yet I say to you men, Fromhenceforth you will see the Sonof man sitting at the right handof power and coming on theclouds of heaven.' "Appearances of Jesus After HisResurrection Made in DifferentMaterialized BodiesJohn 20 :14-16 "After sayingthese things, she turned back andviewed Jesus standing, but shedid not discern it was Jesus . Jesussaid to her : 'Woman, why areyou weeping? Whom are youlooking for?' She, imagining itwas the gardener, said to him :'Sir, if you have carried him off,tell me where you have laid him,and I will take him away.' Jesussaid to her : 'Mary!' Upon turningaround, she said to him, inHebrew : 'Rabboni!' (which means'Teacher!') ."Luke 24:15, 16, 30, 31 "Now asthey were conversing and discussingJesus himself approachedand began traveling with them ;but their eyes were kept fromrecognizing him . And as he wasreclining with them at the mealhe took the loaf, blessed it, brokeit and began to hand it to them .At that their eyes were fullyopened and they recognized him ;and he disappeared from them ."See : Mark 16 :12 .320All His Appearances After HisResurrection Seen Only by HisDisciples, Not by the Public1 Cor. 15 :4-8 "And that he wasburied, yes, that he has beenraised up the third day accordingto the Scriptures, and thathe appeared to Cephas, then tothe twelve . After that he appearedto upward of five hundredbrothers at one time, the mostof whom remain to the present,but some have fallen asleep indeath. After that he appeared toJames, then to all the apostles ;but last of all he appeared alsoto me as if to one born prematurely."Angels Testified at Jesus' Ascensionas a Spirit that ChristWould Return in Like Manner,Quiet, Unobserved by thePublicActs 1 :9, 11 "And after he hadsaid these things, while they[only the disciples] were lookingon, he was lifted up and a cloudcaught him up from their vision .'Men of Galilee, why do youstand looking into the sky? ThisJesus who was received up fromyou into heaven will come thus inthe same manner as you havebeheld him going into heaven .'"Disciples Asked for Evidence ofChrist's Second PresenceMatt. 24:3 "While he was sittingupon the mount of Olives,the disciples approached him privately,saying : 'Tell us, When willthese things be, and what willbe the sign of your presence andof the consummation of the systemof things?"'Also : Mark 13 :4 ; Luke 21 :7 .See "Sign of Last Days" .Composite Sign Proves Fulfillmentof Second Presence in 1914Matt . 24 :7, 8, 30 "For nationwill rise against nation and kingdomagainst kingdom, and therewill be food shortages and earthquakesin one place after another .All these things are a beginning

321of pangs of distress . And thenthe sign of the Son of man willappear in heaven, and then allthe tribes of the earth will go towailing and they will see theSon of man coming on the cloudsof heaven with power and greatglory."Christ's Return Invisible, as HeTestified that Man Would NotSee Him Again in Human FormJohn 14 :19 "A little longer andthe world will behold me nomore .'Matt . 23:39 "For I say to you,You will by no means see mefrom henceforth until you say,'Blessed is he that comes in Jehovah'sname!'"Second Presence of Christ ProvedInvisible by His "Sheep" NotBeing Able to See Him withTheir Natural EyesMatt . 25 :37-40 "Then the righteousones will answer him withthe words : 'Lord, when did wesee you hungry and feed you,or thirsty, and give you somethingto drink? When did we seeyou a stranger and receive youhospitably, or naked, and clotheyou? When did we see you sickor in prison and go to you?'And in reply the king will say tothem : 'Truly I say to you, Tothe extent that you did it to oneof the least of these my brothersyou did it to me.'"Christ Also Invisible to His Enemies,the "Goats"Matt . 25 :44, 45 "Then they [thegoats] also will answer with thewords : 'Lord, when did we seeyou hungry or thirsty or a strangeror naked or sick or in prisonand did not minister to you?'Then he will answer them withthe words : 'Truly I say to you,To the extent that you did notdo it to one of these least ones,you did not do it to ine .'' ,Return of ChristNo Private Appearances of Christto Occur, as Claimed by SomeFalse PreachersMatt . 24:23-26 "Then if anyonesays to you, 'Look! here is theChrist,' or, 'There!' do not believeit . For false Christs andfalse prophets will arise and willgive great signs and wonders soas to mislead, if possible, eventhe chosen ones . Look! I haveforewarned you . Therefore, ifpeople say to you, 'Look! he is inthe wilderness,' do not go out ;'Look! he is in the inner chambers,'do not believe it ."Evidence of Invisible SecondPresence to Be Publicly Discerniblein Every Part of theEarth by All NationalitiesMatt . 24 :27 "For just as thelightning comes out of easternparts and shines over to westernparts, so the presence of the Sonof man will be ."Matt . 24 :31 "And he will sendforth his angels with a greattrumpet-sound and they willgather his chosen ones togetherfrom the four winds, from oneextremity of the heavens to theirother extremity."Early Christians ExpectedChrist's Return to Be Invisible. Paul Argued ThereWas Insufficient Evidencein Their Day2 Thess. 2 :1-3 "However, brothers,respecting the presence ofour Lord Jesus Christ and ourbeing gathered together to hin.,we request of you not to be quicklyshaken from your reason norto be excited either through aninspired expression or through averbal message or through a letteras though from us, to theeffect that the day of Jehovah ishere . Let no one seduce you inany manner, because it will notcome unless the falling awaycomes first and the man of lawlessnessgets revealed, the son ofdestruction."

Return of ChristSecond Presence Purpose of EffectingSalvation Contrasted toFirst Presence Purpose to Supplythe Ransom PriceHeb . 9 :27, 28 "And as it is reservedfor men to die once forall time, but after this a judgment,so also the Christ wasoffered once for all time to bearthe sins of many, and the secondtime that he appears it will beapart from sin and to thoseearnestly looking for him for theirsalvation ."At Christ's Second Presence HisKingdom Rule BeginsRev . 11 :15 "And loud voicesoccurred in heaven saying : 'Thekingdom of the world has becomethe kingdom of our Lordand of his Christ, and he willrule as king for ever and ever."'Rev . 12 :1, 2, 5, 10 "And a greatsign was seen in heaven, a womanarrayed with the sun, and themoon was beneath her feet, andon her head was a crown oftwelve stars, and she was pregnant.And she cries out in herpains and in her agony to givebirth. And she gave birth to ason, a male, who is destined toshepherd all the nations with aniron rod. And her child wascaught away to God and to histhrone. And I heard a loud voicein heaven say : 'Now have cometo pass the salvation and thepower and the kingdom of ourGod and the authority of hisChrist .'"Also : Dan. 2 :44 : Ps . 145 :13 .lie Comes Again to Receive HisFellow Kingdom Heirs intoHeavenJohn 14 :2-4 "In the house ofmy Father there are manyabodes . Otherwise, I would havetold you, because I am going myway to prepare a place for you .Also, if I go my way and preparea place for you, I am comingagain and will receive you hometo myself, that where I am you322also may be . And where I amgoing you know the way ."At Christ's Second Presence Resurrectionof the 144,000 Begins2 Tim . 4 :7, 8 "I have foughtthe right fight, I have run thecourse to the finish, I have observedthe faith . From this timeon there is reserved for me thecrown of righteousness, which theLord, the righteous judge, willgive me as a reward in thatday, yet not only to me, but alsoto all those who have loved hismanifestation ."1 Thess. 4:15-17 "For this iswhat we tell you by Jehovah'sword, that we the living who surviveto the presence of the Lordshall in no way precede thosewho have fallen asleep in death,because the Lord himself willdescend from heaven with a commandingcall, with an archangel'svoice and with God's trumpet,and those who are dead in unionwith Christ will rise first . Afterwardwe the living who are survivingwill together with thembe caught away in clouds to meetthe Lord in the air ; and thuswe shall always be with theLord."At Christ's Second Presence HeWill Rule Nations as with a Rodof Iron, to Their GriefRev . 1 :7 "Look! he is comingwith the clouds, and every eyewill see him, and those whopierced him ; and all the tribes ofthe earth will beat themselves ingrief because of him . Yes, Amen ."Ps . 2 :8 . 9 "Ask of me, and Iwill give thee [Christ Jesus] thenations for thine inheritance, andthe uttermost parts of the earthfor thy possession . Thou shaltbreak them with a rod of iron ;thou shalt dash them in pieceslike a potter's vessel."Time of Fear and Day of FearfulSights, but the Righteous toBe DeliveredLuke 21 :25-28 "Also there willbe signs in sun and moon and

323stars, and on the earth anguishof nations, not knowing the wayout because of the roaring of thesea and its agitation, while menbecome faint out of fear andexpectation of the things comingupon the inhabited earth ; for thepowers of the heavens will beshaken . And then they will seethe Son of man coming in acloud with power and great glory .But as these things start to occur,raise yourselves erect and liftyour heads up, because your deliveranceis getting near ."Christ's Second Presence BeginsTransition Period of WarningNotice to the PeopleMatt. 24 :14 "And this goodnews of the kingdom will bepreached in all the inhabitedearth for the purpose of a witnessto all the nations, and thenthe accomplished end will come ."Likened to Noah's Day Beforethe DelugeMalt. 24 :37-39 "For just as thedays of Noah were, so the presenceof the Son of man willbe . For as people were in thosedays before the flood, eating anddrinking, marrying and giving inmarriage, until the day that Noahentered into the ark ; and theytook no note until the flood cameand swept them all away, so thepresence of the Son of man willbe ."At Christ's Second Presence HeSeparates Good and Bad Peopleas Sheep and Goats, as Timeof Judgment Sets InMatt. 25 :31-33 "When the Sonof man arrives in his glory andall the angels with him, then hewill sit down on his gloriousthrone . And all the nations willbe gathered before him, and hewill separate people one fromanother, just as a shepherd separatesthe sheep from the goats .And he will put the sheep on hisright hand, but the goats on hisleft."Return of ChristRighteous Flee to God's MountainlikeOrganizationMatt. 24:16 "Then let those inJudea begin fleeing to the mountains."Angels Assist in This SiftingWorkMatt . 13 :49 "That is how itwill be in the consummation ofthe system of things : the angelswill go out and separate thewicked from among the righteous."Also : Matt . 24 :31 ; 25 :31 .Righteous Ones Taken Along toSafety at Christ's SecondPresenceMatt . 24 :40-42 "Then two menwill be in the field : one will betaken along and the other beabandoned ; two women will begrinding at the hand-mill : onewill be taken along and the otherbe abandoned . Keep on the watch,therefore, because you do notknow on what day your Masteris coming ."Also : Luke 17 :32-36 .Destiny-fixing Time forSalvationMatt . 24 :11-13 "And many falseprophets will arise and misleadmany ; and because of the increasingof lawlessness the loveof the greater number will cooloff. But he that has endured tothe finish is the one that willbe saved ."Christ's Second Presence Is aTime to Keep AwakeLuke 21,3-4.36 "But pay attentionto yourselves that yourhearts never become weighteddown with overeating and heavydrinking and anxieties of life.and suddenly that day be instantlyupon you as a snare . For itwill come in upon all those dwellingupon the face of all the earth .Keep awake, then, all the time

Sabbath 324making supplication that you may and to hold your position beforesucceed in escaping all these the Son of man ."things that are destined to occur, See "Resurrection" .Sabbaththem : 'My Father has kept workinguntil now, and I keep working.'"2 Cor . 5 :17 "Consequently, ifanyone is in union with Christ,he is a new creation ; the oldthings passed away, look! newthings have come into existence ."Gal . 6 :15 "For neither is circumcisionanything nor is uncir-DEFINITIONLiterally : "Sabbath," from Sha-bath', "to rest ; desist ." "Sabbathday," therefore, means "rest day" or a day of desisting from certainworks . A sabbath day is always sanctified, brings blessings to therighteous.Day : A definite period of time (not necessarily 24 hours) .The Different Sabbaths cumcision, but a new creation is1 . God's 7,000-year rest day of something ."creative week .Eph. 1 :19, 20 "It is according to2 . The weekly sabbath (God's the operation of the mightinesslaw to the Israelites) .of his strength, with which he3 . Other sabbath days of God's has operated in the case of thelaw to the Israelites .Christ when he raised him up4 . Sabbath years (seventh andfiftieth) of God's law to theIsraelites .5 . The 1,000-year "KingdomSabbath" under Christ as King.1 . Jehovah's 7,000-Year SabbathGen. 2 :2, 3 "On the seventh dayGod finished his work which hehad made ; and he rested on theseventh day from all his workwhich he had made . And Godblessed the seventh day, and hallowedit ; because that in it herested from all his work whichGod had created and made ."Ex . 31 :17 "In six days Jehovahmade heaven and earth, and onthe seventh day he rested, andwas refreshed ."God desisted only toward earthlycreative worksJohn 5 :17 "But he answeredfrom the dead and seated him athis right hand in the heavenlyplaces ."Length of God's six creative daysand the rest day not 24 hourseach, but many yearsGen . 2 :4 "These are the generationsof the heavens and of theearth when they were created, inthe day [Heb ., yom] that JehovahGod made earth and heaven ."God's creative rest day 7,000years longGod rested shortly after creatingAdam and Eve and givingthem his law and the procreationmandate ."And Gen Jehovah . 2 :7, 16, God 17, formed 22 ; 1 :28-31 man. . . and man became a living soul ..of the tree of the knowledgeof good and evil, thou shalt noteat of it : . . . and the rib . . . madehe a woman, and brought herunto the man ." "And God saidunto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,and replenish the earth,and subdue it ; and have dominionover the fish . . . birds . . . and overevery living thing . . I have givenyou every herb . . . and . . . fruit . . .for food : . . . And there was eve-

3 25ning and there was morning, thesixth day ."Seventh day not shown asending back there, as are theother six .-See Genesis 2 :1-4 .God's rest day still continues :Heb . 3 :9-4 :11 "So I swore inmy wrath : 'They [Israelites inthe wilderness] shall not enterinto my rest .'" "He again marksoff a certain day by saying afterso long a time in David's psalm'Today' ; . . . So there remains asabbath resting for the people ofGod."Also : Isa . 28 :12 .(1) Man's existence covers nearly6,000 years (4025 B .C . to over1,950 years A .D .) as shown byBible chronology .-Luke 3 :23-38 .(2) Armageddon and change insystem of things near-in thisgeneration-as shown by physicalfacts in fulfillment of Matthew,chapter 24, and other prophecies.Matt . 24:34 "Truly I say toyou that this generation will byno means pass away until allthese things occur ."(3) 1,000-year rule of Christimmediately follows Armageddon .Rev . 20 :1-6 "An angel . . . seizedthe dragon, the original serpent,who is the Devil and Satan, andbound him for a thousand years .. . . that he might not mislead thenations any more until the thousandyears were ended ."(4) God's rest day ends atthe end of the 1,000-year rule ofChrist as King, making the greatRest Day 7,000 years .1 Cor . 15 :24, 28 "Next, the accomplishedend, when he handsover the kingdom to his God andFather . . . . But when all thingswill have been subjected to him,then the Son himself will alsosubject himself to the one whosubjected all things to him, thatGod may be all things to everyone."SabbathSabbath set aside for vindicationof Jehovah as Creator, Purposer .Maintainer, of what is goodGen . 2 :3, "And God blessed theseventh day, and hallowed it ."Isa . 46 :10 "Declaring the endfrom the beginning, and from ancienttimes things that are notyet done ; saying, My counsel shallstand, and I will do all mypleasure."Isa . 48 :3 "I have declared theformer things from of old ; yea,they went forth out of my mouth,and I showed them : suddenly Idid them, and they came to pass ."Isa . 55 :11 "So shall my wordbe that goeth forth out of mymouth : it shall not return untome void, but it shall accomplishthat which I please, and it shallprosper in the thing whereto Isent it."Acts 15 :17, 18 "Jehovah, who isdoing these things which he hasknown from of old ."Works of self-interest to beavoided during God's rest dayHeb . 4 :10 "For the man thathas entered into God's rest hasalso himself rested from his ownworks just as God did from hisown ."Rom . 9 :31, 32 "But Israel, althoughpursuing a law of righteousness,did not attain to thelaw . For what reason? Becausehe pursued it, not by faith, butas by works."Rom . 10 :3 "For, because of notknowing the righteousness of Godbut seeking to establish theirown, they did not subject themselvesto the righteousness ofGod ."Job 32 :2 "Then was kindled thewrath of Elihu . . . against Job washis wrath kindled, because hejustified himself rather thanGod ."Jer. 10 :23 "O Jehovah, I knowthat the way of man is not inhimself ; it is not in man thatwalketh to direct his steps ."Col . 1:21 "Indeed, you whowere once alienated and enemies

Sabbathbecause your minds were on theworks that were wicked, he nowhas again reconciled."1 Cor. 5 :8 "Consequently, letus keep the feast, not with oldyeast, neither with yeast of injuriousnessand wickedness, butwith unfermented cakes of purityand truth ."Matt . 7 :22, 23 "Many will say tome in that day : 'Master, Master,did we not prophesy in your name,and expel demons in your name,and perform many powerfulworks in your name?' And yetthen I will confess to them : Inever knew you at all ."Isa . 58 :13 "If thou turn awaythy foot from the sabbath, fromdoing thy pleasure on my holyday. , 'Eccl . 4 :4, 6 "Then I saw alllabor and every skilful work, thatfor this a man is envied of hisneighbor . This also is vanity andstriving after wind . Better isa handful, with quietness, thantwo handfuls with labor andstriving after wind ."1 Tim . 6 :9 "However, thosewho are determined to be richfall into temptation and a snareand many senseless and hurtfuldesires which plunge men intodestruction and ruin."Christian's unselfish work, to bedone during God's rest day ;faith and obedienceJohn 6 :29 "In answer Jesussaid to them : 'This is the work ofGod, that you exercise faith inhim whom that One sent forth .'"Rom. 11 :6 "Now if it is byundeserved kindness it is nolonger due to works ; otherwise,the undeserved kindness no longerproves to be undeserved kindnessHeb . 4 :3, 6, 11 "For we whohave exercised faith do enter intothe rest . . . . those to whom thegood news was first declared didnot enter in because of disobedience. Let us therefore do ourutmost to enter into that rest,for fear anyone should fall in326the same example of disobedience."Isa . 56 :2 "Blessed is the manthat doeth this, and the son ofman that holdeth it fast ; thatkeepeth the sabbath from profaningit, and keepeth his handfrom doing any evil ."Satan, Adam and Eve violatedGod's rest by disobedience, bytrying to become judges, superiorauthorities, trying to buildworld of their own makingGen . 2 :17 ; 3 :4-6, 22 "Of thetree of the knowledge of good andevil, thou shalt not eat of it .""The serpent said . . . . Ye shallnot surely die : for God dothknow that in the day ye eatthereof, then your eyes shall beopened, and ye shall be as God,knowing good and evil . And whenthe woman saw that the treewas good for food, and that itwas a delight to the eyes, andthat the tree was to be desiredto make one wise, she took ofthe fruit . . . . And Jehovah Godsaid, Behold, the man is becomeas one of us, to know good andevil."Rom . 13 :1 "Let every soul bein subjection to the superior authorities."Rom . 5 :12, 19 "Through oneman sin entered into the worldand death through sin, . .through the disobedience of theone man many were constitutedsinners."2 Cor . 11 :14 "Satan himselfkeeps transforming himself intoan angel of light ."The nations have violated God'srest day by their own worthlessworksMatt . 6:31, 32 "So never beanxious and say : 'What are weto eat?' or, 'What are we todrink?' or, 'What are we to puton?' For all these are the thingsthe nations are eagerly pursuing ."Isa . 24 :5, 6 "The earth also ispolluted under the inhabitantsthereof ; because they have trans-

3 27gressed the laws, violated thestatutes, broken the everlastingcovenant. Therefore hath thecurse devoured the earth, andthey that dwell therein are foundguiltyIsa. 30 :1, 2 "Woe to the rebelliouschildren, saith Jehovah, thattake counsel, but not of me ; andthat make a league, but not ofmy spirit, that they may addsin to sin ; that set cut to godown into Egypt, and have notasked at my mouth ; to strengthenthemselves in the strength ofPharaoh, and to take refuge inthe shadow of Egypt!"Isa . 8 :9-13 "0 ye peoples, . . .gird yourselves, and be brokenin pieces. Take counsel together,and it shall be brought to nought ;. . . Say ye not, A conspiracy . . .neither fear ye their fear . . . . Jehovahof hosts, him shall yesanctify."Jer . 51 :58 "The peoples shalllabor for vanity, and the nationsfor the fire ; and they shallbe weary."Ps . 127 :1 "Except Jehovah buildthe house, they labor in vain thatbuild it : except Jehovah keep thecity, the watchman waketh butin vain ."Dan . 4:30 "The king spake andsaid . Is not this great Babylon,which I have built for the royaldwelling-place, by the might ofmy power and for the glory ofmy majesty?"Gen. 11 :4 "And they said,Come, let us build us a city, anda tower, whose top may reachunto heaven, and let us makeus a name."Earthly resurrection not a violationof rest day . Life pattern reproduced;no new humanscreatedJohn 5 :28, 23 "The hour iscoming in which all those in thememorial tombs will hear hisvoice and come out ."Job 14 :13-15 "Oh that thouwouldest hide me in Sheol, . . .that thou wouldest appoint me aSabbathset time, and remember me! Ifa man die, shall he live again?. . . Thou wouldest call, and Iwould answer thee : thou wouldesthave a desire to the work ofthy hands ."Ps . 119 :73 ; 139 :13, 15, 16 "Thyhands have made me and fashionedme." "For thou didst formmy inward parts : . . . My framewas not hidden from thee . . . . andin thy book they were all written ."Matt. 12 :11 "Who will be theman among you that has onesheep and, if this falls into a piton the sabbath, will not get holdof it and lift it out?"2 . Weekly SabbathGenesis, chapters 1, 2, 8, 9,although mentioning seven-daydivisions, do not command or indicatethese to end with a sabbathday .First instituted with IsraelitesEx . 16 :23, 26-30 "Jehovah hathspoken, Tomorrow is a solemnrest, a holy sabbath unto Jehovah: . Six days ye shallgather it [manna] ; but on theseventh day is the sabbath, init there shall be none. And itcame to pass on the seventh day,that there went out some of thepeople to gather, and they foundnone. And Jehovah said untoMoses, How long refuse ye to keepmy commandments and my laws?See, for that Jehovah hath givenyou the sabbath, therefore hegiveth you on the sixth day thebread of two days ; abide ye everyman in his place, let no man goout of his place on the seventhday . So the people rested onthe seventh day ."Ex . 20 :8-11 "Remember thesabbath day, to keep it holy ."Deut. 5 :2, 3, 12, 15 "Jehovahour God made a covenant withus in Horeb . Jehovah made notthis covenant with our fathers,but with us, even us, who are allof us here alive this day. . . . Thouwast a servant in the land ofEgypt, and Jehovah thy God

Sabbathbrought thee out thence by amighty hand and by an outstretchedarm : therefore Jehovahthy God commanded thee to keepthe sabbath day ."As a sign given only to the JewsAmos 3 :1, 2 "0 children ofisrael . . . . You only have I knownof all the families of the earth ."Ex. 31 :16, 17 "Wherefore thechildren of Israel shall keep thesabbath, to observe the sabbaththroughout their generations, fors perpetual covenant . It is asign between me and the childrenof Israel for ever ."Neh. 9 :13, 14 "Thou camestdown also upon mount Sinai, andspakest with them from heaven,and gayest them right ordinancesand true laws, good statutes . . .and commandest them commandments,and statutes, and a law, byMoses thy servant ."Ps . 147 :19, 20 "He showeth hisword unto Jacob, his statutesand his ordinances unto Israel .He hath not dealt so with anynation ; and as for his ordinances,they have not known them ."Good works of preaching andhelping others could be done onJewish sabbathLuke 14 :3, 4 "So in responseJesus spoke to those versed inthe Law and to the Pharisees,saying : `Is it lawful on the sabbathto cure or not?' But theykept silent . With that he tookhold of the man, healed him andsent him away ."Mark 1 :21 "No sooner was itthe sabbath than he entered intothe synagogue and began toteach."Mark 3 :4 "Next he said tothem : 'Is it lawful on the sabbathto do a good deed or to do an injury,to save or to kill a soul?' "Acts 13:42, 44 "Now when theywere going out, the people beganentreating for these matters tobe spoken to them on the followingsabbath . The next sabbathnearly all the city gathered to-328gether to hear the word of Jehovah."Acts 16 :13 "And on the sabbathday we went forth outside thegate beside a river where wewere thinking there was a placeof prayer, and we sat down andbegan speaking to the womenthat had assembled ."Acts 17 :2 "So according toPaul's custom he went inside tothem and for three sabbaths hereasoned with them from theScriptures ."Acts 18 :4 "However, he wouldgive a talk in the synagogueevery sabbath and would winover Jews and Greeks ."Weekly Sabbath Not Enjoinedupon ChristiansActs 15 :28, 29 "For the holyspirit and we ourselves have favoredadding no further burdento you, except these necessarythings, to keep yourselves freefrom things sacrificed to idolsand from blood and from thingskilled without draining theirblood and from fornication . Ifyou carefully keep yourselvesfrom these things, you will prosper."Gal. 4 :9-11 "How is it that youare turning back again to theweak and inadequate elementarythings and want to be slavesto them over again? You arescrupulously observing days andmonths and seasons and years ."Col . 2 :16 "Therefore let no manjudge you in eating and drinkingor in respect of a feast day orof an observance of the newmoon or of a sabbath ."Rom . 14 :5, 10 "One man judgesone day as above another ; anotherman judges one day as allothers ; let each man be fullyconvinced in his own mind . . . .why do you judge your brother?"3, 4. Other Sabbath Days andYears All Equally Binding uponthe IsraelitesLev. 16 :29, 31 "In the seventhmonth, on the tenth day of the

3 29month, . . . It is a sabbath ofsolemn rest unto you . . . . it is astatute for ever ."Lev. 23 :2, 3, 6-8, 15, 21, 24, 39"The set feasts of Jehovah, . . .on the seventh day is a sabbath. on the fifteenth day of the[first] month is the feast of unleavenedbread . . . ye shall do nose : vile work . . in the seventhday . ye shall do no servilework . And ye shall count untoyou from the morrow after thesabbath . . . . seven sabbaths . . . onthe selfsame day ; . . . ye shall dono servile work : . . . In the seventhmonth, on the first day ofthe month, shall be a solemn restunto you, . . .on the fifteenth dayof the seventh month . . . . ye shallkeep the feast of Jehovah sevendays : on the first day shall bea solemn rest, and on the eighthday shall be a solemn rest ."Lev . 25 :1-13 "When ye comeinto the land which I give you . . . .in the seventh year shall be asabbath of solemn rest for theland . . . . And ye shall hallow thefiftieth year."Jesus Did Not Destroy Law byBreaking It, but Fulfilled andCompleted It, for Moving It Outof the WayGal . 4:4, 5 "God sent forth hisSon, who was produced out ofa woman and who came to beunder law, that he might releaseby purchase those under law ."Matt. 5 :17 "Do not think Icame to destroy the Law or theProphets. I came, not to destroy,but to fulfill ."Eph. 2 :15 "By means of hisflesh he abolished the hatred,the Law of commandments consistingin decrees."Christ Considered the EntireLaw One, Not Divided into"Moral" and "Ceremonial"PartsMatt. 5 :21, 23, 27, 31, 33, 38, 43"'You must not murder .' [Ex .20 :13] . . . If, then, you are bringingyour gift to the altar [Deut .Sabbath16 :16, 17] . . .'You must not commitadultery .' [Ex . 20 :14]'Whoever divorces his wife, lethim give her a certificate of divorce.' [Deut . 24 :1] . . . 'You mustnot swear without performing .'[Num . 30 :2] . . .'Eye for eye andtooth for tooth .' [Ex . 21 :24] . . .'You must love your neighbor andhate your enemy.'" [Ex . 23 :4]Matt . 5 :18, 19 "Whoever, therefore,breaks one of these leastcommandments and teaches mankindto that effect, he will becalled 'least' in relation to thekingdom of the heavens ."Jas . 2 :10 "For whoever observesall the Law but makes a falsestep in one point, he has becomean offender against them all ."5 . Seventh-Day Sabbath a Shadowof 1.000-Year Rule of Christas Glorious King to Benefitof MankindMark 2 :27, 28 "So he went onto say to them : 'The sabbathcame into existence for the sakeof man, and not man for thesake of the sabbath ; hence theSon of man is Lord even of thesabbath .' 'ILuke 13 :16 "Was it not due,then, for this woman who is adaughter of Abraham, and whomSatan held bound, look! eighteenyears, to be loosed from thisbond on the sabbath day?"Matt . 12 :11, 12 "Who will bethe man among you that has onesheep and, if this falls into apit on the sabbath, will not gethold of it and lift it out? Allconsidered, of how much moreworth is a man than a sheep!"As Greater Noah (Meaning"Rest") His Kingdom SabbathWill Bring Rest andPeace to the EarthGen. 5:28 . 29 "And Lamechlived a hundred eighty and twoyears, and begat a son : and hecalled his name Noah, saying,This same shall comfort us inour work and in the toil of ourhands, which cometh because of

Salvationthe ground which Jehovah hathcursed ."ech . 9 :10 "And I will cut offthe chariot from Ephraim, andthe horse from Jerusalem ; andthe battle bow shall be cut off ;and he shall speak peace untothe nations : and his dominionshall be from sea to sea, andfrom the River to the ends ofthe earth ."Gatherings on First Day of theWeek Not an Observance of aSabbath Day (Resurrection ofChrist Did Not Change the Sabbathto First of Week)Acts 20 :7 "On the first day ofthe week, when we were gatheredtogether to have a meal, Paulbegan discoursing to them ."Compare : Acts 2 :46 "And dayafter day they were in constantattendance at the temple withone accord, and they took theirmeals in private homes ."1 Cor. 16 :2 "Every first dayof the week let each of you athis own house set something asidein store as he may be prospering,so that when I arrive collectionswill not take place then ."Christ would not add to orchange the Law :Matt . 15 :3 "in reply he saidto them : `Why is it you also over-SalvationDEFINITIONSalvation is the deliverance from the destructive power of sin, aredemption from the ultimate end of sin which is everlasting death,annihilation . It means a restoration to divine favor and perfectionafter having sinned or missed God's mark of perfection set forfaithful mankind. Salvation as referred to in the Bible may either be(1) the preserving of one alive from trouble or an impending immediatedisaster or (2) the opportunity to receive everlasting life ina state of peace, happiness and prosperity . Salvation is not an actof divine justice but rather an act of divine mercy . It is a justificationor a being declared righteous granted by God the Superior to a handicappedinferior. As an act of mercy it is the withholding (1) of theconsequences of disaster or (2) of the punishment of everlasting death3 30step the commandment of Godbecause of your tradition?' "Matt . 9 :16, 17 "Nobody sews apatch of unshrunk cloth upon anold garment ; for its full strengthwould pull from the garment andthe tear would become worse.Neither do people put new wineinto old wineskins ; but if they do,then the wineskins burst and thewine spills out and the wineskinsare ruined . But people put newwine into new wineskins, andboth things are preserved."Compare : Heb . 8 :13 "In hissaying 'a new covenant' he hasmade the former one obsolete .Now that which is made obsoleteand growing old is near to vanishingaway ."Deut. 4 :2 "Ye shall not addunto the word which I commandyou, neither shall ye diminishfrom it."No Sabbath Law Today BecauseNone Have Power to EnforceDeath Penalty for Sabbath Violations.Such Sanction Inseparablefrom Mosaic LawNum . 15 :32, 35 "They found aman gathering sticks upon thesabbath day, And Jehovah saidunto Moses, The man shall surelybe put to death ."

331 Salvation(annihilation) when either is justly due for failure to keep the divinelaw . Salvation that counts is not a self-salvation, a salvation byworks. a salvation by law or a universal salvation, as these are allunclean religious fallacies .Jehovah God a Savior fromDisaster and TroubleEx. 15 :2 "Jehovah is mystrength and song, and he is becomemy salvation : this is myGod, and I will praise him ."2 Sam . 22 :3 "God, my rock, inhim will I take refuge ; my shield,and the horn of my salvation,my high tower, and my refuge ;my saviour, thou savest me fromviolence ."Jehovah God a Savior to EverlastingLife1 Tim . 4 :8, 10 "But godly devotionis beneficial for all things,as it holds promise of the lifenow and that which is to come .For to this end we are workinghard and exerting ourselves, becausewe have rested our hope ona living God, who is a Savior ofall kinds of men, especially offaithful ones."Also : Jude 25 .A Merciful God, Jehovah AloneJustifies, Declares Righteous toSalvationDeut. 4 :31 "For Jehovah thyGod is a merciful God ."Rom . 8 :33 "God is the One whodeclares them righteous ."1 Pet . 1 :3, 5 "Blessed be theGod and Father of our Lord JesusChrist, for according to his greatmercy he gave us a new birth toa living hope . . . who are beingsafeguarded by God's powerthrough faith for a salvationready to be revealed in the lastperiod of time."God Provides the Chief Agentof Life, the Savior Jesus ChristActs 5 :30, 31 "The God of ourforefathers raised up jesus, whomyour hands had killed, hanginghim upon a stake . God exaltedthis one as Chief Agent and Saviorto his right hand, to give repentanceto Israel and f<strong>org</strong>ivenessof sins ."Luke 1 :68. 69 "Blessed be Jehovahthe God of Israel, becausehe has turned his attention andperformed deliverance toward hispeople . And he has raised up amighty savior for us in the houseof David his servant ."See also : Luke 2 :11 ; Eph . 5 :23 ;2 Tim. 1 :10 ; 2 Pet . 1 :11 ; Heb.2 :10 .Jesus Christ Becomes the Saviorof the New World ofRighteousnessJohn 4 :42 "We do not believeany longer on account of yourtalk ; for we have heard for ourselvesand we know that thisman is for a certainty the saviorof the world."1 John 4 :14 "We ourselves havebeheld and are bearing witnessthat the Father has sent forthhis Son as Savior of the world ."All Salvation Depends uponJesus ChristActs 4 :10, 12 "That in the nameof Jesus Christ . . . there is no salvationin anyone else, for thereis not another name under heaventhat has been given amongmen by which we must getsaved ."God's "Means of Saving", theRansom Sacrifice of the ManJesus, Must Be AcceptedLuke 2 :27-30 "And as theparents brought the young childJesus . . . he I Simeon] himself receivedit into his arms and blessedGod and said : 'Now, SovereignLord, you are letting your slavego free in peace according to yourdeclaration ; because my eyes haveseen your means of saving .'"Luke 3 :6 "All humanity willsee the saving means of God ."

SalvationActs 28 :28 "Therefore let it beknown to you that this the meansby which God saves has been sentout to the nations ; they will certainlylisten to it ."Mark 10 :45 "For even the Sonof man came, not to be ministeredto, but to minister and to givehis soul a ransom in exchange formany ."Salvation a Goal to Be Attained-Not `Once Saved AlwaysSaved'Phil . 3 :12-14 "Not that I havealready received it or am alreadymade perfect, but I ampursuing to see if I may also layhold on that for which I havealso been laid hold on by ChristJesus . Brothers, I do not yet considermyself as having laid holdon it ; but there is one thingabout it : F<strong>org</strong>etting the thingsbehind and stretching forward tothe things ahead, I am pursuingdown toward the goal for theprize of the calling above andwhich God extends in Christ Jesus."If `Once Saved Always Saved',Why Did God Reject IsraelWhom He Saved fromEgypt?Jude 5 "I desire to remind you,despite your knowing all thingsonce for all time, that Jehovah,although he saved a people outof the land of Egypt, afterwardsdestroyed those not showingfaith."Heb . 3 :17 "Moreover, withwhom did God become disgustedfor forty years? Was it not withthose who sinned, whose carcassesfell in the wilderness?"Salvation to Life Involves Timeand is Not Completed When OneBecomes a Christian1 Cor . 1 :18 "For the speechabout the torture stake is foolishnessto those who are perishing,but to us who are being savedit is God's power ."2 Tim . 4 :7, 8 "I have foughtthe right fight, I have run the332course to the finish, I have observedthe faith . From this timeon there is reserved for me thecrown of righteousness, which theLord, the righteous judge, willgive me as a reward in that day,yet not only to me, but also toall those who have loved hismanifestation ."Follow in the "Way of Salvation"Acts 16 :17 "These men areslaves of the Most High God, whoare publishing to you the way ofsalvation ."Full faith in Jesus as Ransomernecessary1 Pet. 1 :8, 9 "Though you neversaw him, you love him F ChristJesus] . Though you are not lookingupon him at present, yet youexercise faith in him and aregreatly rejoicing with an unspeakableand glorified joy, asyou receive the accomplished endof your faith, the salvation ofyour souls."Growth to salvation necessary1 Pet . 2 :2 "And, as newborninfants, form a longing for theunadulterated milk belonging tothe word, that through it youmay grow to salvation ."Soundness of mind and godlydevotion necessaryTitus 2 :11-14 "For the undeservedkindness of God whichbrings salvation to all kinds ofmen has been manifested, instructingus to repudiate ungodlinessand worldly desires and tolive with soundness of mind andrighteousness and godly devotionamid this present system ofthings . while we wait for thehappy hope and glorious manifestationof the great God andof our Savior Christ Jesus, whogave himself for us that by a ransomhe might release us fromevery kind of lawlessness ."Endure tribulation2 Cor. 1 :6 "Whether we are intribulation, it is for your comfortand salvation ."

33 3Embrace the good news as powerfor salvationRom . 1 :16 "For I am notashamed of the good news ; it is,in fact God's power for salvationto everyone having faith, to theJew first as well as to the Greek ."Share in making a public declarationof the good newsRom . 10 :10 "For with the heartone exercises faith for righteousness,but with the mouth onemakes public declaration for salvation,"Pray for salvationPhil . 1 :19 "For I know this willresult in my salvation throughyour supplication ."Rom . 10 :1 "Brothers, the goodwillof my heart and my supplicationto God for them are, indeed,for their salvation ."Obedience to Christ necessaryHeb . 5 :9 "He became responsiblefor everlasting salvation toall those obeying him."Repentance necessary for mistakesmade2 Cor. 7 :9, 10 "Now I rejoice,not because you were just saddened,but because you were saddenedinto repenting, for youwere saddened in a godly way,that you might suffer no damagein anything due to us . For sadnessin a godly way makes forrepentance to salvation which isnot to be regretted ."Keep Awake as Salvation NearsRom. 13 :11 "Do this, too, becauseyou know the season, thatit is already the hour for youto awake from sleep, for now oursalvation is nearer than at thetime when we became believers ."Keep Shielding the Mind withHope of Salvation1 Thess. 5 :8 "But as for us whobelong to the day, let us keepour senses and have on thebreastplate of faith and love andSalvationas a helmet the hope of salvation."Eph . 6 :17 "Also accept the helmetof salvation, and the swordof the spirit, that is, God's word ."Work Out Salvation with Fearand TremblingPhil. 2 :12 "My beloved ones . . .now much more readily duringmy absence, keep working outyour own salvation with fear andtrembling ."Study of Scriptures Necessaryfor Salvation2 Tim . 3 :15 "From infancy youhave known the holy writingswhich are able to make you wisefor salvation through the faith inconnection with Christ Jesus ."Self-Salvation or Self-RighteousnessImpossible, a FallacyRom . 3 :10 "There is not arighteous man, not even one ."Luke 16 :15 [Jesus speaking tothe Pharisees] "He said to them :`You are those who declare yourselvesrighteous before men, butGod knows your hearts ; becausewhat is lofty among men is adisgusting thing in God's sight .' "God Reproves Job for Self-RighteousnessJob 32 :1 ; 40 :6, 8 "So thesethree men ceased to answer Job,because he was righteous in hisown eyes ." "Then Jehovah answeredJob out of the whirlwind,and said . . . . Wilt thou condemnme, that thou mayest be justified?"Salvation or Righteousness byWorks of Character DevelopmentImpossible. This IsHypocrisyMatt . 23 :27, 28 "Woe to you,scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!because you resemble whitewashedgraves, which outwardlyindeed appear beautiful but insideare full of dead men's bonesand of every kind of uncleanness .In that way you also, outwardlyindeed, appear righteous to men,

Salvationbut inside you are full of hypocrisyand lawlessness ."Salvation or Being DeclaredRighteous by the Law ofMoses ImpossibleRom . 3 :19, 20 "Now we knowthat all the things the Law saysit addresses to those under theLaw, so that every mouth maybe stopped and all the world maybecome liable to God for punishment. Therefore by works of lawno flesh will be declared righteousbefore him, for by law is theaccurate knowledge of sin ."Universal Salvation Unscriptural,a FallacyNo salvation for the wickedPs . 119 :155 "Salvation is farfrom the wicked ; for they seeknot thy statutes ."Oblivion for the wickedProv. 10 :7 "The memory of therighteous is blessed ; but the nameof t' .-ie wicked shall rot."Prov. 21 :16 "The man thatwandereth out of the way of understandingshall rest in the assemblyof the dead ."Salvation's being a matter ofmercy, God extends it only tothose he desiresEx . 33 :17, 19 "And Jehovah saidunto Moses . . . . I will make all mygoodness pass before thee, andwill proclaim the name of Jehovahbefore thee ; and I will begracious to whom I will be gracious,and will show mercy onwhom I will show mercy ."Jesus' ransom only for the"many", not for everyonewho has livedMatt. 20 :28 "Just as the Sonof man came, not to be ministeredto, but to minister and to, givehis soul a ransom in exchangefor many."Only those exercising faith inJesus will be savedJohn 3:16 "For God loved theworld so much that he gave his334only-begotten Son, in order thateveryone exercising faith in himmight not be destroyed but haveeverlasting life ."The nonbelievers, the "goats",destined for everlasting death,annihilationMatt . 25 :45, 46 "Then he[Christ Jesus] will answer them[the goats] with the words :'Truly I say to you, To the extentthat you did not do it to oneof these least ones, you did notdo it to me .' And these will departinto everlasting cutting-off,but the righteous ones into everlastinglife ."Chasm of unalterable judgmentseparates the righteous from theirreformable wickedLuke 16 :26, 31 "And besides allthese things, a great chasm hasbeen fixed between us and youpeople, so that those wanting togo over from here to you peoplecannot, neither may people crossover from there to us . . . . If theydo not listen to Moses and theProphets, neither will they bepersuaded if someone rises fromthe dead."Salvation for "men of alt kinds",not every last one who has livedRom . 5 :15, 18 "But it is notwith the gift as it was with thetrespass. For if by one man'strespass many died, the undeservedkindness of God and hisfree gift with the undeservedkindness by the one man JesusChrist abounded much more tomany . So, then, as through onetrespass the result to men of allkinds was condemnation, likewisealso through one act of justificationthe result to men ofall kinds is a declaring of themrighteous for life ."False teaching of universal salvationvoids doctrine ofChrist's ransomHeb . 10 :29 "Of how much moresevere a punishment, do youthink, will the man be counted

3 3 5worthy who has trampled uponthe Son of God and who hasesteemed as of ordinary value theblood of the covenant by whichhe was sanctified, and who hasoutraged the spirit of undeservedkindness with contempt?"Makes void the purpose ofpreaching the good newsRom . 10 :13-15 "For 'anyonethat calls upon the name of Jehovahwill be saved' . However,how will they call upon him inwhom they have not put faith?How, in turn, will they put faithin him of whom they have notheard? How, in turn, will theyhear without someone to preach?How, in turn, will they preachunless they have been sentforth?"Makes void God's appointmentof preachers, ministers1 Cor . 9:16 "Really, woe is meif I did not declare the goodnews!"Ezek . 3 :18, 19 "When I say untothe wicked, Thou shalt surelydie ; and thou givest him notwarning, nor speakest to warnthe wicked from his wicked way,to save his life ; the same wickedman shall die in his iniquity ;but his blood will I require atthy hand . Yet if thou warn thewicked, and he turn not fromhis wickedness, nor from hiswicked way, he shall die in hisiniquity ; but thou hast deliveredthy soul ."Makes void the need to walkcircumspectly in the way ofsalvation1 Cor . 9 :26, 27 "Therefore, theway I am running is not uncertainly; the way I am directingmy blows is so as not to bestriking the air ; but I browbeatmy body and lead it as a slave,that, after I have preached toothers, I myself should not becomedisapproved somehow ."SalvationNo universal salvation, becauseGod's power to be displayed indestruction of the wickedRom . 9 :17, 22-24 "For theScripture says to Pharaoh : 'Forthis very purpose I have let youremain, that in connection withyou I may demonstrate my powerand that my name may be publishedthroughout all the earth .'If, now, God, although havingthe will to demonstrate his wrathand to make his power known,tolerated with much longsufferingvessels of wrath made fit fordestruction, in order that hemight make known the riches ofhis glory upon vessels of mercy,which he prepared beforehand f<strong>org</strong>lory . . . what of it?"No universal salvation, becauseSodom and Gomorrah eternallydestroyedJude 7 "So, too, Sodom andGomorrah and the cities aboutthem, after they in the samemanner as the foregoing ones hadcommitted fornication excessivelyand gone out after flesh for unnaturaluse, are placed before usas a warning example by undergoingthe judicial punishment ofeverlasting fire ."See also: 2 Pet . 2 :6 .No universal salvation, becauseunrighteous doomed to be cutoff in death2 Pet . 2 :9 "Jehovah knows howto deliver people of godly devotionout of trial, but to reserveunrighteous people for the day ofjudgment to be cut off ."No universal salvation, becausewicked angels are doomed todestructionJude 6 "And the angels thatdid not keep their original positionbut forsook their own properdwelling-place he has reservedwith eternal bonds under densedarkness for the judgment of thegreat day."See also : 2 Pet. 2 :4 .

SalvationNo universal salvation, becauseSatan himself is to be destroyedHeb . 2 :14 "Therefore, since the'young children' are sharers ofblood and flesh, he also similarlypartook of the same things, thatthrough his death he might destroythe one having the meansto cause death, that is, the Devil ."See also : Ezek . 28 :14-19 .Salvation is contrasted with destruction,thus demonstratinguniversal salvation not truePhil, 1 :28 "And in no respectbeing frightened by your opponents. This very thing is aproof of destruction for them,but of salvation for you ; and thisindication is from God."God selects those who receivesalvation . Others have no hopeof life2 Thess . 2 :13 "We are obligatedto thank God always for you,brothers loved by Jehovah, becauseGod selected you from thebeginning for salvation by sanctifyingyou with spirit and byyour faith in the truth ."1 Thess . 4 :13 "That you maynot sorrow just as the rest alsodo who have no hope."Paul Refers to a Salvation froma Sea DisasterActs 27 :34, 44 "'Therefore Iencourage you to take some food,for this is in the interest ofyour salvation ; for not a hair ofthe head of one of you willperish .' . And thus it cameabout that all were brought safelyto land."Prepare Now for Salvation fromthe Greatest Impending Disasterof Armageddoneph. 2 :2, 3 "Before the decreebring forth, before the day passas the chaff, before the fierceanger of Jehovah come upon you,before the day of Jehovah's anger336come upon you . Seek ye Jehovah,all ye meek of the earth, thathave kept his ordinances ; seekrighteousness, seek meekness : itmay be ye will be hid in the dayof Jehovah's anger ."Matt. 24 :8, 13 "All these thingsare a beginning of pangs of distress. But he that has enduredto the finish is the one that willbe saved ."Salvation from ArmageddonDisaster Based on a Baptisminto Christ Jesus, theGreater Noah-GoodConscience Necessary1 Pet . 3 :20, 21 "Which hadonce been disobedient when thepatience of God was waiting inNoah's days, while the ark wasbeing constructed, in which a fewpeople, that is, eight souls, werecarried safely through the water .That which corresponds to this isalso now saving you, namely, baptism,(not the putting away ofthe filth of the flesh, but therequest made to God for a goodconscience,) through the resurrectionof Jesus Christ ."To Jehovah the Savior-God BelongsAll Credit for Salvationfrom Disaster and Salvationto Life1 Tim . 1 :1 "Paul, an apostle ofChrist Jesus under command ofGod our Savior and of ChristJesus, our hope ."Rev. 7 :10 "And they keep oncrying with a loud voice, saying :'Salvation owe to our God,who is seated on the throne, andto the Lamb.' "Rev . 12 :10 "Now have come topass the salvation and the powerand the kingdom of our Godand the authority of his Christ ."Rev . 19 :1 "Praise Jah, you people!The salvation and the gloryand the power belong to ourGod ."

Sign of Last DaysDEFINITIONThe "last days" are the last days of Satan's rule over the earthand mankind . The sign is composed of happenings foretold as visibleevidence that the consummation of Satan's system of things hasbegun, that the uninterruptedness of Satan's rule of earth has ended .It is visible evidence that Christ Jesus has been enthroned in heavenas King and that he has begun the destruction of Satan's rule byousting Satan and his demons from heaven and that he has turnedhis invisible presence toward the earth to gather out all persons ofgood will toward God . It constitutes evidence that the transitionperiod between the rule of Satan and that of Christ has begun, andit precedes the complete destruction of Satan and his entire <strong>org</strong>anizationvisible and invisible in the accomplished end at Armageddon .Occurrence of one or even several happenings together is not sufficientto constitute evidence ; all must occur concurrently upon onegeneration in the foretold series or sequences to make up the onecomposite sign . At least 39 happenings comprise the sign .Visible Sign of Last Days and 2 . World WarsJesus' Invisible Presence Fore- Matt. 24told as Warning to Those:6, 7 "You are going toof Faithhear of wars and reports of wars ;see that you are not terrified .Matt . 24 :3, 4 "While he was For these things must take place,sitting upon the mount of Olives, but the accomplished end is notthe disciples approached him pri- yet . For nation will rise againstvately, saying : 'Tell us, when will nation and kingdom against kingthesethings be, and what will dom ."be the sign of your presence and Rev . 6 :4, 8 "And another cameof the consummation of the sys- forth, a fiery-colored horse, and totem of things?' And in answer the one seated upon it there wasJesus said to them : `Look out granted to take peace away fromthat nobody misleads you .' " the earth so that they should1 Thess . 5 :4, 5 "But you, broth- slaughter one another, and aers, you are not in darkness, so great sword was given him . . . .that that day should overtake And authority was given . . . toyou as it would thieves, for you kill with a long sword ."are all sons of light and sons Also : Dan . 11 :40 ; Mark 13 :7, 8 ;of day . We belong neither to Luke 21 :9, 10 .night nor to darkness ."3 . Widespread FaminesAlso : Mark 13 :3, 4, 5 ; Luke21 :7, 8Matt 24 :7 "And there will befood shortages ."1 . Many False Christian Rev . 6 :a, o, 8 `And I saw, and,Religionslook! a black horse, and the oneMatt . 24 :5, 11 "For many will seated upon it had a pair efcome on the basis of my name, scales in his hand . And I heardsaying : 'I am the Christ,' and will a voice as if in the midst of themislead many . And many false four living creatures say : 'A quartprophets will arise and mislead of wheat for a day's wage, andmany."three quarts of barley for a day'sAlso : Mark 13 :6 ; Luke 21 :8 . wage ; and do not harm the olive337

Sign of Last Daysoil and the wine .' . . . And authoritywas given . . . to kill with . . .food shortage ."Also : Mark 13 :8 ; Luke 21 :11 .4. Unusual Number ofEarthquakesMatt . 24 :7, 8 "And there will be. earthquakes in one place afteranother. All these things are abeginning of pangs of distress ."Also : Mark 13 :8 ; Luke 21 :11 .5 . Persecution of ChristiansLuke 21 :12-15 "But before allof these things people will laytheir hands upon you and persecuteyou, delivering you up tothe synagogues and prisons, youbeing haled before kings and governorsfor the sake of my name .It will turn out to you for thepurpose of a witness. Thereforesettle it in your hearts not to rehearsebeforehand how to makeyour defense, for I will give youforceful speech and wisdom whichall your opposers together willnot be able to resist or dispute ."Rev . 2 :10 "Do not be afraid ofthe things you are destined tosuffer . Look! the Devil will keepon throwing some of you intoprison that you may be fully putto the test, and that you mayhave tribulation ten days . Proveyourself faithful even with thedanger of death, and I will giveyou the crown of life ."Also : Matt . 24 :9 ; Mark 13 :9, 11 .6 . Christians Betrayed by Relativesand FriendsMatt. 24 :10 "Then, also, manywill be stumbled and will betrayone another and will hate oneanother ."Luke 21 :16 "Moreover, you willbe delivered up even by parentsand brothers and relatives andfriends, and they will put someof you to death ."Also : Matt . 10 :35, 36 ; Mark13 :12 .3387 . Christians Hated World-wideover Kingdom Issue and for UpholdingChrist's Exalted OfficeMatt . 24:9 "You will be hatedby all the nations on accountof my name ."Luke 21 :17-19 "And you willbe objects of hatred by all personsbecause of my name . Andyet not a hair of your headswill by any means perish . Byendurance on your part you willacquire your souls."Also : Mark 13 :13 .8 . Organized Opposition to KingdomWork by World LeadersRev . 13 :5-7 "And a mouthspeaking great things and blasphemieswas given it, and authorityto act forty-two months wasgiven it . And it opened its mouthin blasphemies against God, toblaspheme his name and his residence,even those residing inheaven . And there was grantedit to wage war with the holyones and conquer them ."Also : Dan. 11 :45 .9 . Increased LawlessnessMatt. 24 :12 "And because ofthe increasing of lawlessness ."Also : 2 Tim . 3 :2.10 . Many Forsaking ChristianityMatt . 24 :12, 13 "The love of thegreater number will cool off. Buthe that has endured to the finishis the one that will be saved ."11 . World-wide Preaching of theEstablished Kingdom as GoodNewsMatt . 24 :14 "And this goodnews of the kingdom will bepreached in all the inhabitedearth for the purpose of a witnessto all the nations, and thenthe accomplished end will come ."Also : Mark 13 :10 .12 . Formation of the League ofNations and the United Nationsto Stand in Place of EstablishedKingdom of GodMatt . 24 :15, 16 "Therefore,when you catch sight of the dis-

339gusting thing that causes desolation,as spoken of through Danielthe prophet, standing in aholy place, (let the reader usediscernment,) then let those inJudea begin fleeing to the mountains."Dan . 11 :31 "And forces shallstand on his part, and they shallprofane the sanctuary, even thefortress, and shall take awaythe continual burnt-offering, andthey shall set up the abominationthat maketh desolate ."League of Nations began 1920,went into inactivity 1939 ; revivedas United Nations 1945Isa . 8 :9 "Make an uproar . 0 yepeoples, and be broken in pieces ;and give ear, all ye of far countries: gird yourselves, and bebroken in pieces ; gird yourselves,and be broken in pieces ."Rev. 17 :8 "The wild beast thatyou saw was, but is not, and yetis destined to ascend out of theabyss, and it is to go off intodestruction . And when they seehow the wild beast was, but isnot, and yet will be present, thosewho dwell on the earth will wonderadmiringly, but their nameshave not been written upon thescroll of life from the world'sfoundation ."Constitutes an 8th world powerRev. 17 :3 "And he carried meaway under the spirit's powerinto a wilderness . And I caughtsight of a woman sitting upon ascarlet-colored wild beast thatwas full of blasphemous namesand that had seven heads andten horns ."Rev . 17 :9-11 "flee is wherethe intelligence that has wisdom: The comes seven inheadsmean seven mountains, where thewoman sits on top . And there areseven icings : five have fallen, oneis . the other has not yet arrived,but when he does arrive he mustremain a short while . Arid thewild beast that was but is not,it is also itself an eighth king,but owes its existence to theSign of Last Daysseven, and it goes off into destruction."Anglo-American empire as 7thworld power gives 8th powerlifeRev . 13:1, 11, 12, 15 "And Isaw a wild beast ascending outof the sea, with ten horns andseven heads, and upon its hornsten diadems, but upon its headsblasphemous navies . And I sawanother wild beast ascending outof the earth, and it had two hornslike a lamb, but it began speakingas a dragon . And it exercisesall the authority of the first wildbeast in its sight. And it makesthe earth and those who dwellin it worship the first wild beast,whose death-stroke got healed .And there was granted it to givebreath to the image of the wildbeast, so that the image of thewild beast should both speak andcause to be killed all those whowould not in any way worshipthe image of the wild beast ."13 . Earth-wide Tribulation onSatan's OrganizationMatt. 24 :21, 22 "For then therewill be great tribulation such ashas not occurred since the world'sbeginning until now, no, nor willoccur again . In fact, unless thosedays were cut short, no fleshwould be saved ; but on accountof the chosen ones those days willbe cut short ."Dan . 12 :1 "And at that timeshall Michael stand up, the greatprince who standeth for toe childrenof thy people ; and thereshall be a time of trouble, suchas never was since there was anation even to that same tune :and at that time thy people shallbe delivered, every one that shallbe found written in the book ."Also : Mark 13 :19, 20 .See "World Distress" .14 . Lying Signs and Great WondersPerformed in God's NameMatt . 24 :23-26 "Then if anyonesays to you, `Look! here is theChrist,' or, `There!' do not believe

Sign of Last Daysit. For false Christs and falseprophets will arise and will givegreat signs and wonders so asto mislead, if possible, even thechosen ones . Look! I have forewarnedyou . Therefore, if peoplesay to you, 'Look! he is in thewilderness,' do not go out ; 'Look!he is in the inner chambers,' donot believe it ."Rev . 13 :4 . 11, 13, 14 "And theyworshiped the dragon because hegave the authority to the wildbeast, and they worshiped thewild beast with the words : 'Whois like the wild beast, and whocan do battle with it?' And I sawanother wild beast ascending outof the earth . . . . And it performsgreat signs, so that it should evenmake fire come down out of heavento the earth in the sight ofmankind . And it misleads thosewho dwell on the earth, becauseof the signs that were granted itto perform ."Also: Mark 13 :22, 23 ; Luke17 :22, 23 .15 . Presence of Christ and ImpendingDoom of Satan DiscernibleUniversallyMatt. 24 :27, 28 "For just as thelightning comes out of easternparts and shines over to westernparts, so the presence of the Sonof man will be . Wherever thecarcass is . there the eagles willflock together ."Also: Luke 17 :24 .16 . "Sun" of Man's ProsperityDarkened by Economic DistressMatt. 24 :29 "Immediately afterthe tribulation of those days thesun will be darkened ."Rev . 6 :12 "And I saw whenhe opened the sixth seal, and agreat earthquake occurred, andthe sun became black as sackclothof hair ."17 . "Moon" of Enlightened Man-Rule Becomes Dictatorial, OppressiveRule of MenMatt. 24:29 "And the moon willnot give its light ."340Rev . 6 :12 "And I saw when heopened the sixth seal, . . . the entiremoon became as blood ."18 . Wisdom of World's StarlikeWise Ones PerishesMatt . 24 :29 "And the stars willfall from heaven."Rev . 6 :13 "And the stars ofheaven fell to the earth, as whena fig tree shaken by a high windcasts its early figs ."Also: Isa . 29 :14 ; Ezek . 32 :7, 8.19 . Nations Confused and Perplexedas to CourseLuke 21 :25 "And on the earthanguish of nations, not knowingthe way out because of theroaring of the sea and it agitation."20 . Men Becoming Faint Out ofWorld-wide FearLuke 21 :26 "While men becomefaint out of fear and expectationof the things coming upon the inhabitedearth ; for the powers ofthe heavens will be shaken ."21 . Restoration of TrueWorshipersMatt . 24 :31 "And he will sendforth his angels with a greattrumpet-sound and they willgather his chosen ones togetherfrom the four winds, from oneextremity of the heavens to theirother extremity ."Also : Mark 13 :27 .22 . Rapid Culmination of AllEvents on the One EvilGenerationMatt . 24:32-34 "Now learn fromthe fig tree as an illustrationthis point : Just as soon as itsyoung branch grows tender andit puts forth leaves, you knowthat summer is near . Likewisealso you, when you see all thesethings, know that he is nearat the doors . Truly I say to youthat this generation will by no

341means pass away until all thesethings occur ."Also : Mark 13 :28-30 ; Luke21 :29-32 .23 . People Overly Concernedwith Everyday Affairs of LifeMatt, 24 :37-39 "For just as thedays of Noah were, so the presenceof the Son of man willbe . For as people were in thosedays before the flood, eating anddrinking, marrying and givingin marriage, until the day thatNoah entered into the ark ; andthey took no note until the floodcame and swept them all away,so the presence of the Son ofman will be ."Also : Luke 17 :26 ; 21 :34 .24 . God's Choosing of ChristiansNot Dependent on Familyor Friendship TiesMatt . 24 :40, 41 "Then two menwill be in the field : one will betaken along and the other beabandoned ; two women will begrinding at the hand-mill : onewill be taken along and the otherbe abandoned ."Also : Luke 17 :34, 35 ; 1 Thess .4 :17 .25. Indifferent, Sleepy Conditionof World but Wakeful, StudiousAttitude of ChristiansMatt. 24 :42-44 "Keep on thewatch, therefore, because you donot know on what day yourMaster is coming. But know onething, that if the householderhad known in what watch thethief was coming, he would havekept awake and not allowed hishouse to be broken into . On thisaccount you, too, prove yourselvesready, because at an hourthat you do not think to be it,the Son of man is coming ."1 Thess . 5 :2, 6 "For you yourselvesknow quite well that Jehovah'sday is coming exactlyas a thief in the night . So, then,let us not sleep on as the rest do,but let us stay awake and keepour senses."Sign of Last DaysAlso : Mark 13 :32-37 ; Luke21 :34, 35.26 . One Organization Selectedby God as His FaithfulRepresentativeMatt . 24 :45-47 "Who really isthe faithful and discreet slavewhom his master appointed overhis domestics to give them theirfood at the proper time? Happyis that slave if his master onarriving finds him doing so .Truly I say to you, He will appointhim overall his belongings ."Also : Matt. 25 :6-10, 19-23 .27 . Unfaithful Ones Exposed,Separated and Punished asa ClassMatt. 24 :48-51 "But if that evilslave should say in his heart,`My master is delaying,' andshould start to beat his fellowslaves and should eat and drinkwith the confirmed drunkards,the master of that slave willcome on a day that he does notexpect and in an hour that hedoes not know, and will pun-shhim with the greatest severityand will assign him his partwith the hypocrites . There iswhere his weeping and thegnashing of his teeth will be ."Also : Matt. 25 :11-13, 24-30 ;Luke 12 :45-48 .28 . Separating the People of theNations into "Sheep"and "Goats"Matt . 25 :31-46 "When the Sonof man arrives in his glory anaall the angels with him, theyhe will sit down on his gloriousthrone . And all the nations willbe gathered before him, and hewill separate people one frozeanother, just as a shep, .rd sep- arates . the sheep from the goats UsAnd he will put the sheep onhis right hand, but the goats onhis left . Then the king will sayto those on his right : `Come,you who have my Father's blessing,inherit the kingdom preparedfor you from the world's foundation.' . . . Then he will say, in

Sign of Last Daysturn, to those on his left : 'Be onyour way from me, you who havebeen cursed, into the everlastingfire prepared for the Devil andhis angels .' And these will departinto everlasting cutting-off, butthe righteous ones into everlastinglife ."Also : Ezek. 9 :1-4 .29 . World-wide Expansion ofClean WorshipRev. 7 :9-17 "After these thingsI saw, and, look! a great crowd,which no man was able to number,out of all nations and tribesand peoples and tongues, standingbefore the throne and beforethe Lamb, dressed in white robes,and there were palm branches intheir hands . And they keep oncrying with a loud voice, saying :'Salvation we owe to our God,who is seated on the throne, andto the Lamb .'"Isa . 54 :2, 3 "Enlarge the placeof thy tent, and let them stretchforth the curtains of thy habitations; spare not : lengthen thycords, and strengthen thy stakes .For thou shalt spread abroadon the right hand and on theleft ; and thy seed shall possessthe nations, and make the desolatecities to be inhabited ."Isa . 60 :22 "The little one shallbecome a thousand, and thesmall one a strong nation : I,Jehovah, will hasten it in itstime."ech . 2 :4 ; 8 :20-23 "Jerusalemshall be inhabited as villageswithout walls, by reason of themultitude of men and cattletherein ." "It shall yet come topass, that there shall come peoples,and the inhabitants of manycities . . . . Yea, many peoples andstrong nations shall come to seekJehovah of hosts in Jerusalem,and to entreat the favor of Jehovah. Thus saith Jehovah of hosts :in those days it shall come topass, that ten men shall takehold, cut of Il the languages ofthe nations, they shall take holdof the skirt of him that is a Jew,342saying, We will go with you, forwe have heard that God is withyou."30 . Sore Pestilences and DiseasesLuke 21 :11 "And in one placeafter another pestilences."Rev . 6 :8 "And I saw, and, look!a pale horse, and the one seatedupon it had the name Death . AndHades was closely following him .And authority was given . . . tokill . . . with deadly plague."31 . Moral Degeneracy in Publicand Private Life2 Tim . 3 :1-4 "But know this,that in the last days criticaltimes hard to deal with will behere . For men will be lovers ofthemselves, lovers of money, selfassuming,haughty, blasphemers,. not open to any agreement,slanderers, without self-control,fierce, without love of goodness,betrayers, headstrong, puffed upwith self-esteem .'32. Widespread JuvenileDelinquency2 Tim . 3 :2, 3 "For men willbe . . . disobedient to parents,without gratitude, with no lovingkindness,having no natural affection."Also : Rom. 1 :30, 31 .33. Instability and InsecurityWorld-wide Despite Claimsof LeadersJer. 6 :14 "They have healedalso the hurt of my people slightly,saying, Peace, peace ; whenthere is no peace ."Ezek . 13 :10, 11 "Because, evenbecause they have seduced mypeople, saying, Peace ; and thereis no peace ; and when one buildethup a wall, behold, they daubit with untempered mortar ; sayunto them that daub it withuntempered mortar, that it shallfall : there shall be an overflowingshower ; and ye, 0 greathailstones, shall fall ; and astormy wind shall rend it ."

34334. Men Seek Relief in MakeshiftOrganizations, Clubs, InstitutionsRev . 6 :15-17 "And the kings ofthe earth and the top-rankingones and the military commandersand the rich and the strongones and every slave and freeperson hid themselves in the densand in the rock-masses of themountains . And they keep sayingto the mountains and to therock-masses : `Fall over us andhide us from the face of the oneseated on the throne and fromthe wrath of the Lamb, becausethe great day of their wrath hascome, and who is able to stand?' "35. Organized Clergy of Christendomand Evil Slave Manifestedin Open Disobedience2 Thess . 2 :3, 4 "Let no one seduceyou in any manner, becauseit will not come unless the fallingaway comes first and theman of lawlessness gets revealed,the son of destruction . He is setin opposition and lifts himself upover everyone who is called `god'or an object of reverence, so thathe sits down in the temple ofThe God, publicly showing himselfto be a god."2 Tim . 3 :1, 2, 4, 5 "But knowthis, that in the last days criticaltimes hard to deal with will behere . For men will be . . .loversof pleasures rather than loversof God, having a form of godlydevotion but proving false to itspower ; and from these turnaway."36 . Improper Restrictions Placedon Marriage and Eating of Food1 Tim . 4:1-3 "in later periodsof tune some will fall away fromthe faith, paying attention to misleadinginspired utterances andteachings of demons, by the hypocrisyof men who speak lies,forbidding to marry, commandingto abstain from foodswhich God created to be partakenof with thanksgiving bythose who have faith and accuratelyknow the truth ."Sign of Last Days37. Work of Jehovah's WitnessesStopped in 1918Rev . 11 :3, 7 "'And I will causemy two witnesses to prophesy athousand two hundred and sixtydays dressed in sackcloth .' Andwhen they have finished theirwitnessing, the wild beast thatascends out of the abyss willmake war with them and conquerthem and kill them."Public reproach during inactivityRev . 11 :8-10 "And their corpseswill be on the broad way of thegreat city which is in a spiritualsense called Sodom and Egypt .where their Lord was also impaled.And some persons of thepeoples and tribes and tonguesand nations will look at theircorpses for three and a half days,and they do not let their corpsesbe laid in a tomb . And thosedwelling on the earth rejoiceover them and enjoy themselves,and they will send gifts to oneanother, because these twoprophets tormented those dwellingon the earth."Witness work revived 1919 asenemy confusedRev . 11 :11, 12 "And after thethree and a half days spirit oflife from God entered into them,and they stood upon their feet,and great fear fell upon those beholdingthem. And they heard aloud voice out of heaven say tothem : `Come on up here.' Andthey went up into heaven in thecloud, and their enemies beheldthem ."38 . Many Will Ridicule SignThough Evidence Conclusive2 Pet . 3:3, 4 "For you knowthis first, that in the last daysthere will come ridiculers withtheir ridicule, proceeding accordingto their own desires mid saying: 'Where is this promised presenceof his? Why, from the dayour forefathers fell asleep indeath, all things are continuingexactly as from creation's beginning.'"

Sin 34439 . World Powers Say "Peace security!' then sudden destrucandSafety" as Final Event tion is to be instantly upon themjust as the pang of distress upon1 Thess . 5 :3 "Whenever it is a pregnant woman, and they willthat they are saying `Peace and by no means escape ."SinDEFINITIONJehovah God sets his own high standard of righteousness, the gloryof God, as a mark of perfection that all his creatures are expectedand required to maintain . Missing or failing to meet this mark iscalled sin . "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God ."(Rom . 3 :23) So the Scriptures further say of sin, "Everyone whopractices sin is also practicing lawlessness, and so sin is lawlessness .""All unrighteousness is sin ; and yet there is a sin that does not incurdeath ." (1 John 3 :4 ; 5 :17) Hence there are two kinds of sins, Scripturallyspeaking : 1 . Inherited, which "does not incur death", i .e.,from which there is hope of being released ; 2. Willful, which bringsa. sentence of everlasting destruction . The Greek word for sin originallymeant to miss, as to miss one's road, and later came to meanto fail of doing, as to miss one's point, to go wrong . The Hebrewword for sin also originally meant to miss, hence to fail ; for example,Judges 20 :16 ; Proverbs 8 :36 ; 19 :2, footnote .Adam Met Standard of PerfectionWhen CreatedGen . 1 :27, 31 "And God createdman in his own image, in theimage of God created he him ;male and female created hethem. And God saw everythingthat he had made, and, behold,it was very good . And there wasevening and there was morning,the sixth day ."Deut . 32 :4 "The Rock, his workis perfect ; for all his ways arejustice ."1 Cor . 11 :7 "For a man . . . isGod's image and glory ; but thewoman is man's glory ."God Set Mark of Perfection inEden, 4025 B .C .Gen . 2 :8, 16, 17 "And JehovahGod planted a garden eastwardin Eden ; and there he put theman whom he had formed . AndJehovah God commanded theman, saying, Of every tree of thegarden thou mayest freely eat :but of the tree of the knowledgeof good and evil, thou shalt noteat of it : for in the day thatthou eatest thereof thou shaltsurely die ."Adam and Eve's Sin a LiteralEating of Tree and Not an Actof Illicit IntercourseGen. 1 :28 "And God blessedthem : and God said unto them,Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenishthe earth, and subdue it ;and have dominion over the fishof the sea, and over the birdsof the heavens, and over everyliving thing that moveth uponthe earth ."Gen. 3 :6 "And when the womansaw that the tree was goodfor food, and that it was a delightto the eyes, and that thetree was to be desired to makeone wise, she took of the fruitthereof, and did eat ; and shegave also unto her husband withher, and he did eat."

345Disobedience Meant Refusing toHold to God's High Standardof GloryDeut. 32 :5 (footnote) "Theyhave corrupted themselves, theyare not his children, it is theirblemish ; they are a perverse andcrooked generation ."1 John 3 :8 "He who practicessin originates with the Devil, becausethe Devil has been sinningfrom when he began ."Rom. 1 :18-23 "For God's wrathis being revealed from heavenagainst all ungodliness and unrighteousnessof men who aresuppressing the truth in an unrighteousway, because what maybe known about God is manifestamong them, for God made itmanifest to them . For his invisiblequalities are clearly seen fromthe world's creation onward, becausethey are understood by thethings made, even his eternalpower and Godship, so that theyare inexcusable ; because, althoughthey knew God, they didnot glorify him as God nor didthey thank him, but they becameempty-headed in their reasoningsand their unintelligent heartbecame darkened ."Missing Mark Brought Deathupon All MankindRom . 5 :12 "That is why, justas through one man sin enteredinto the world and death throughsin, and thus death spread to allmen because they had allsinned."Rom . 6:23 "For the wages sinpays is death, but the gift Godgives is everlasting life by ChristJesus our Lord."Ps . 51 :5 "Behold, I was broughtforth in iniquity ; and in sin didmy mother conceive me ."Rom . 7 :15, 17, 18, 21-23 ; 8 :2"For what I am working out Ido not know . For what I wish,this I do not practice ; but whatI hate is what I do . But now theone working it out is no longerI, but sin that resides in me .For I know that in me, that is,Sinin my flesh, there resides nothinggood ; for ability to wish is presentwith me, but ability to workout what is right is not present .I find, then, this law in my case :that when I wish to do what isright, what is bad is presentwith me . I really delight in thelaw of God according to the manI am within, but I behold in mymembers another law warringagainst the law of my mind andleading me captive to sin's lawthat is in my members." "Thelaw of sin and of death ."Death Held Sway from Adamto Moses Without AccurateKnowledge of SinGen . 4:5-7 "But unto Cain andto his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth,and his countenance fell . AndJehovah said unto Cain, Why artthou wroth? and why is thycountenance fallen? If thou doestwell, shall it not be lifted up?and if thou doest not well, sincroucheth at the door ; and untothee shall be its desire ; but dothou rule over it ."Rom . 5 :13, 14 "For until theLaw sin was in the world, butsin is not charged against anyonewhen there is no law . Nevertheless,death ruled as king fromAdam."Rom . 2 :12-15 ; 3 :9-12 "For instance,all those who sinnedwithout law will also perish withoutlaw ; but all those whosinned under law will be judgedby law . For the hearers of laware not the ones righteous beforeGod, but the doers of lawwill be declared righteous ." "Forabove we have made the chargethat Jews as well as Greeks areall under sin ; just as it is written: `There is not a righteousman, not even one ; there is nota one that understands, thereis not a one that seeks forGod . All men have deflected, allof them together have becomeworthless ; there is not a one that

Sindoes good, there is not so muchas one .'"Law of Moses (1513 B . C .) AgainSet Mark, Revealed God's Standardof Perfect Obedience1 Tien . 1 :8-10 "Now we knowthat the Law is right providedone handles it lawfully in theknowledge of this fact, that lawis promulgated, not for a righteousman, but for persons lawlessand unruly, ungodly andsinners, lacking loving-kindness,and profane, murderers of fathersand murderers of mothers,manslayers, fornicators, men wholie with males, kidnapers of men,liars, false swearers, and whateverother thing is in oppositionto the healthful teaching ."Rom . 3:19, 20 "Now we knowthat all the things the Law saysit addresses to those under thelaw, so that every mouth may bestopped and all the world maybecome liable to God for punishment. Therefore by works of lawno flesh will be declared righteousbefore him, for by law is the accurateknowledge of sin ."2 Cor . 3 :7 "The code whichadministers death and which wasengraved in letters in stonescame about in a glory, so that thesons of Israel could not gaze intentlyat the face of Moses becauseof the glory of his face ."Law of Moses DemonstratedFleshly Jews land so All Men)Were Missing MarkGal_ 3 :19 'Why, then, the law?It was added to make transgressionsmanifest, until the seedshould arrive to whom the promisehad been made . 'Rein . 7 :7-13 "What, then, shallwe say? Is the Law sin? Nevermay that become so! Really Iwould not have come to knowsin if it had not been for theLaw, and, for example, I wouldnot have known covetousness ifthe Law had not said, `Youmust not covet .' But sin, receivingan inducement through346the commandment, worked out inme covetousness of every kind,for apart from law sin was dead .In fact, I was once alive apartfrom law ; but when the commandmentarrived, sin came tolife again, but I died . And thecommandment which was to life,this I found to be to death . Forsin, receiving an inducementthrough the commandment, seducedme and killed me throughit. Wherefore, on its part, the lawis holy, and the commandment isholy and righteous and good . Did,then, what is good become deathto me? Never may that happen!But sin did, that it might beshown as sin working out deathfor me through that which isgood ; that sin might become farmore sinful through the commandment."Only Jesus as a Perfect ManCould Meet God's High StandardLev . 18 :5 "Ye shall thereforekeep my statutes, and mine ordinances; which if a man do, heshall live in them : I am Jehovah."Gal . 4 :4, 5 "But when the fulllimit of the time arrived, Godsent forth his Son, who was producedout of a woman and whocame to be under law, that hemight release by purchase thoseunder law, that we in turn mightreceive the adoption as sons ."1 Pet . 1 :18, 19 ; 2 :22-24 "Foryou know . . . it was with preciousblood, like that of an unblemishedand spotless lamb, evenChrist's ." "He committed no sin,nor was deceit found in hismouth. When he was being reviled,he did riot go to revilingin return . When he was suffering,he did not go to threatening,but kept on committing himselfto the one who judges righteously. He himself by imputation boreour sins in his own body uponthe stake, in order that we mightbe done with sins and live torighteousness . And 'by his stripesyou were healed' ."

34 7Heb . 7 :26, 27 "For such a highpriest as this was suitable for us,one of loving-kindness, guileless,undefiled, separated from thesinners, . He does not needdaily, as those high priests do,to offer up sacrifices, first for hisown sins ."John 8 :46 "Who of you convictsme of sin?"Christ Jesus' Sacrifice of PerfectHuman Life Frees Mankind ofLaw of Sin and DeathHeb . 9 :24-26 "For Christ entered. . . into heaven itself, nowto appear before the person ofGod for us. . . . But now he hasmanifested himself once for alltime at the consummation of thesystems of things to put sin awaythrough the sacrifice of himself ."Rom . 8 :1, 2 "Therefore thosein union with Christ Jesus haveno condemnation . For the law ofthat spirit which gives life inunion with Christ Jesus has setyou free from the law of sin andof death ."Rom . 5 :18, 19 "So, then, asthrough one trespass the resultto men of all kinds was condemnation,likewise also through oneact of justification the result tomen of all kinds is a declaringof them righteous for life . Forjust as through the disobedienceof the one man many were constitutedsinners, likewise alsothrough the obedience of the oneperson many will be constitutedrighteous ."John 1 :29 "The next day he[John the Baptist] beheld Jesuscoming toward him, and he said :'See, the Lamb of God that takesaway the sin of the world!'"2 Cor. 5 :21 "The one who didnot know sin he made to be sin["a sin offering," footnote] forus, that we might become God'srighteousness by means of him ."See "Ransom" .SinJesus' F<strong>org</strong>iveness of Sins AccompaniedHealing; ModernImpostors Cannot DuplicateMark 2 :3-12 "And when Jesussaw their faith he said to theparalytic : 'Child, your sins aref<strong>org</strong>iven.' Now there were someof the scribes there, sitting andreasoning in their hearts : 'Whatis it this man is saying in thismanner? He is blaspheming. Whocan f<strong>org</strong>ive sins except one, God?'But Jesus, having discerned immediatelyby his spirit that theywere reasoning that way in themselves,said to them : 'Why areyou reasoning these things inyour hearts? Which is easier, tosay to the paralytic, "Your sinsare f<strong>org</strong>iven," or to say, "Getup and pick up your cot andwalk"? But in order for you mento know that the Son of man hasauthority to f<strong>org</strong>ive sins upon theearth,'-he said to the paralytic :'I say to you, Get up, pick upyour cot, and go to your home .'At that he did get up and immediatelypicked up his cot andwalked out in front of them a ll .s o that they were all simplycarried away and they glorifiedGod, saying : 'We never saw thelike of it .' "Acts 4 :12 "Furthermore, thereis no salvation in anyone else,for there is not another nameunder heaven that has been givenamong men by which we mustget saved ."Only Inherited Sins Excused byJesus' Sacrifice1 John 2 :1, 2 "My little children,I am writing you thesethings that you may not commitsin . And yet, if anyone doescommit a sin, we have a helperwith the Father, Jesus Christ, arighteous one. And he is a propitiatorysacrifice for our sins,yet riot for ours only but alsofor the whole world's."1 John 5 :16-19 "If anyonecatches sight of his brother sinninga sin that does not incurdeath, he will ask, and he will

Singive life to him, yes, to those notsinning so as to incur death .There is a sin that does incurdeath . It is concerning that sinthat I do not tell him to makerequest . All unrighteousness issin ; and yet there is a sin thatdoes not incur death. We knowthat every person that has beenborn from God does not practicesin, but the One born from Godwatches him, and the wicked onedoes not fasten his hold on him .We know we originate with God,but the whole world is lying inthe power of the wicked one ."Willful Sins Bring Penalty ofEverlasting DestructionJas . 1 :13-15 "When under trial,let no one say : 'I am being triedby God .' No ; for with evil thingsGod cannot be tried nor does hehimself try anyone. But eachone is tried by being drawn outand enticed by his own desire .Then the desire, when it has becomefertile, gives birth to sin ;in turn, sin, when it has been accomplished,brings forth death ."Ezek . 18 :4, 20 "Behold, all soulsare mine ; as the soul of the father,so also the soul of the sonis mine : the soul that sinneth,it shall die . . . the son shall notbear the iniquity of the father,. . . the righteousness of the righteousshall be upon him, and thewickedness of the wicked shall beupon him ."Jude 8, 11-13 "In like manner,notwithstanding, these men, too,indulging in dreams, are dealingthe flesh and disregarding lordshipand speaking abusively ofglorious ones . Too bad for them,because they have gone in theoath of Cain, and have rushedinto the erroneous course of Balaamfor reward, and have perishedin the rebellious talk ofKorah! These are . . stars withno set course, for which theblackness of darkness stands reservedforever ."Heb . 10 :26, 27 "For if we practicesin willfully after having348received the accurate knowledgeof the truth, there is no longerany sacrifice for sins left, butthere is a certain fearful expectationof judgment and thereis a fiery jealousy that is goingto consume those in opposition ."Mark 3 :29 "However, whoeverblasphemes against the holyspirit has no f<strong>org</strong>iveness forever .but is guilty of everlasting sin ."Also : Matt . 12 :32 ; John 8 :23,24 ; 2 Pet . 2 :9, 10 .No Collective F<strong>org</strong>iveness Possiblefor Satan's Wicked World-Only for IndividualsGal . 1 :3, 4 "He gave himselffor our sins that he might takeus out for himself from thepresent wicked system of thingsaccording to the will of our Godand Father ."John 15 :19 "If you were partof the world, the world would befond of what is its own . Now becauseyou are no part of theworld, but I have chosen you outof the world, on this account theworld hates you ."Rev . 18 :3-8 "For because of thepassion-arousing wine of her fornicationall the nations have fallenvictim, and the kings of theearth committed fornication withher, and the merchants of theearth became rich due to thepower of her shameless luxury .`Get out of her, my people,if you do not want to share withher in her sins, and if you donot want to receive part of herplagues . For her sins have massedtogether clear up to heaven, andGod has called her acts of injusticeto mind.' . . .That is whyin one day her plagues will come,death and mourning and famine,and she will be completely burnedwith fire, because Jehovah Godwho judged her is strong ."Sinless -Mankind W:11 ?feet Markof Perfection at Egad of1,000-Year ReignRev. 20 :5 "(The rest of thdead did not come to life untilthe thousand years were ended .) "

34 9Luke 20 :35, 36 "But those whohave been counted worthy ofgaining that system of thingsand the resurrection from thedead neither marry nor are givenin marriage . In fact, neither canthey die any more, for they arelike the angels, and they areGod's children by being childrenof the resurrection ."Rev . 21 :1-5 "With that I hearda loud voice from the throneSoulDEFINITIONA soul, heavenly or earthly, is a living, sentient (or sense-possessing,conscious, intelligent) creature or person . A soul, heavenly or earthly .consists of a body together with the life principle or life force actuatingit . An earthly soul is a living, breathing, sentient creature,animal or human . Earthly souls, human and animal, have an <strong>org</strong>anismof flesh kept living by means of blood circulating in their system .(Heb ., neph'esh ; Gr ., psyche')Jehovah Is the Greatest Soul, sons, and of the oxen, and ofa Heavenly Soul the asses, and of the flocks ."Rev . 8 :9 "And a third of thecreatures that are in the seawhich have souls [mar ., "lives"]died ."Matt. 12 :18 "Look! my servantwhom I chose, my beloved, whommy soul approved!"Heb . 10 :38 "'But my righteousone will live by reason of faith,'and, 'if he shrinks back, my soulhas no pleasure in him .' "Lev . 26 :11 "And I will set mytabernacle among you : and myRev . 16 :3 "And the second onepoured out his bowl into the sea .And it became blood as of adead man, and every living souldied, yes, the things in the sea ."soul shall not abhor you ." A Human Is a Soul . He DoesIsa . 1 :14 "Your new moonsNot Possess a Soul Separateand your appointed feasts myand Distinct from the Bodysoul hateth."Gen . 2 :7 "And Jehovah GodSee also : Judg . 10 :16 ; Isa . 42 :1 . formed man of the dust of theEarthly, Lower-Animal Soulsground, and breathed into hisnostrils the breath of life ; andGen . 1:30 (mar .) "To every man became a living soul."beast of the earth, and to everybird of the heavens, and to everythingthat creepeth upon theearth, wherein there is life (or,a living soul), I have givenevery green herb for food ."Num . 31 :28 "Levy a tribute untoJehovah of the men of warSoulsay : 'Look! the tent of God iswith humankind, and he will residewith them, and they will behis peoples . And God himself willbe with them . And he will wipeout every tear from their eyes,and death will be no more, neitherwill mourning nor outcrynor pain be any more . The formerthings have passed away .' "1 Cor . 15 :45 "It is even sowritten : 'The first man Adambecame a living soul .' The lastAdam became a life-giving spirit ."Immortality, Incorruptibility BelongPrimarily and Originallyto Jehovahthat went out to battle : one soul 1 Tim . 1 :17 "Now to the Kingof five hundred, both of the per- of eternity, incorruptible, invisi-

Soulble, the only God, be honor andglory for ever and ever . Amen."Ps . 90 :2 "Even from everlastingto everlasting, thou art God ."Jer . 10 :10 "But Jehovah is thetrue God ; he is the living God,and an everlasting King."Immortality, IncorruptibilityGiven as a Reward forFaithfulness to ChristRom . 6 :9 "For we know thatChrist, now that he has beenraised up from the dead, dies nomore .'1 Tim. 6 :14-16 "Our Lord JesusChrist . . . he the King of thosewho rule as kings and Lord ofthose who rule as lords, the onealone having immortality, whodwells in unapproachable light ."Only 144,000 Others, Body Membersof Christ, Get Immortality,Incorruptibility1 Cor. 9 :25 "Now they, ofcourse, do it that they may geta corruptible crown, but we anincorruptible one ."1 Cor . 15 :42, 52-54 "So also isthe resurrection of the dead . Itis sown in corruption, it is raisedup in incorruption . . For thetrumpet will sound, and the deadwill be raised up incorruptible,and we shall be changed. For thiswhich is corruptible must put onincorruption, and this which ismortal must put on immortality .But when this which is corruptibleputs on incorruption and thiswhich is mortal puts on immortality,then the saying will takeplace that is written : `Death isswallowed up forever .'"2 Pet . 1 :4 "Through thesethings he has freely given usthe precious and very grandpromises, that through these youmay become sharers in divinenature, escaping from the corruptionthat is in the worldthrough lust ."1 Pet . 1 :3, 4, 23 "Blessed be theGod and Father of our LordJesus Christ, for according to hisgreat mercy he gave us a new350birth to a living hope throughthe resurrection of Jesus Christfrom the dead, to an incorruptibleand undefiled and unfadinginheritance . It is reserved in theheavens for you . For you havebeen given a new birth, not bycorruptible, but by incorruptiblereproductive seed, through theword of the living and enduringGod ."Rom . 2 :7 "Everlasting life tothose who are seeking glory andhonor and incorruptibleness byendurance in work that is good ."2 Tim . 1 :10 "But now ithas been made clearly evidentthrough the manifestation of ourSavior, Christ Jesus, who hasabolished death but has shedlight upon life and incorruptionthrough the good news ."Rev. 14 :3, 4 ; 5:9, 10 "And theyare singing as if a new song beforethe throne and before thefour living creatures and the personsof advanced age ; and noone was able to master that songbut the hundred and forty-fourthousand, who have been purchasedfrom the earth . . . . Thesewere purchased from amongmankind as a firstfruits to Godand to the Lamb ." "And theysing a new song, saying : `Youare worthy to take the scroll andopen its seals, because you wereslaughtered and with your bloodyou bought persons for God outof every tribe and tongue andpeople and nation, and you madethem to be a kingdom and prieststo our God and they will ruleas kings over the earth .' "1 John 3 :2 "Beloved ones, nowwe are children of God, but asyet it has not been made manifestwhat we shall be . We doknow that whenever he is mademanifest we shall be like him,because we shall see him just ashe is ."Rev. 20 :4 . 6 "And I sawthrones, and there were thosewho sat down on them, andpower of judging was given them .Yes, I saw the souls of those

351executed with the ax for the witnessthey bore to Jesus and forspeaking about God, and thosewho had worshiped neither thewild beast nor its image and whohad not received the mark upontheir forehead and upon theirhand . And they came to lifeand ruled as kings with theChrist for a thousand years . Happyand holy is anyone havingpart in the first resurrection ;over these the second death hasno authority, but they will bepriests of God and of the Christ,and will rule as kings with himfor the thousand years ."Immortality Inseparably Linkedwith the Kingdom of Heaven ;Flesh-and-Blood Creatures CannotEnter It nor GetMatt . 11 :11 "Truly I say toyou people, Among those born ofwomen there has not been raisedup a greater than John the Baptist; but a person that is a lesserone in the kingdom of the heavensis greater than he is ."John 3 :3-5 "Jesus said to him :`Most truly I say to you, Unlessanyone is born again, he cannotsee the kingdom of God .' . . .`Mosttruly I say to you, Unless anyoneis born from water and spirit,he cannot enter into the kingdomof God .'"1 Cor . 15 :44, 50 "It is sown aphysical body, it is raised up aspiritual body . If there is a physicalbody, there is also a spiritualone . However, this I say, brothers,that flesh and blood cannot inheritGod's kingdom, neither doescorruption inherit incorruption ."Angels Are Mortal, Corruptible,DestructibleEzek . 23 :16-19 "By the abundanceof thy traffic they filled themidst of thee with violence, andthou hast sinned : therefore haveI cast thee as profane out of themountain of God ; and I havedestroyed thee, 0 covering cherub,from the midst of the stonesof fire . . . . thou hast corruptedSoulthy wisdom by reason of thybrightness : I have cast thee tothe ground ; I have laid thee beforekings, that they may beholdthee . . . . thou hast profaned thysanctuaries ; . . . thou art becomea terror, and thou shalt nevermorehave any being ."Isa . 14 :9, 15, 19, 20 "Sheol frombeneath is moved for thee tomeet thee at thy coming ; . . . Yetthou shalt be brought down toSheol, to the uttermost parts ofthe pit. But thou art cast forthaway from thy sepulchre like anabominable branch, clothed withthe slain, that are thrust throughwith the sword, that go down tothe stones of the pit ; as a deadbody trodden under foot . Thoushalt not be joined with themin burial, because thou hast destroyedthy land, thou hast slainthy people ; the seed of evil-doersshall not be named for ever ."Heb . 2 :14 "Therefore since the`young children' are sharers ofblood and flesh, he also similarlypartook of the same things, thatthrough his death he might destroythe one having the meansto cause death, that is, theDevil ."Rev. 20 :2, 3, 10, 14 "And heseized the dragon, the originalserpent, who is the Devil andSatan, and bound him for athousand years . And he hurledhim into the abyss and shut itand sealed it over him . . . . untilthe thousand years were ended .. . . And [at the end of the thousandyears] the Devil who wasmisleading them was hurled intothe lake of fire and sulphur,where both the wild beast andthe false prophet already were ;and they will be tormented dayand night for ever and ever . . . .This means the second death,the lake of fire ."Luke 4:33, 34 "Now in thesynagogue there was a man witha spirit, an unclean demon, andhe shouted with a loud voice :'Ah! what have we to do with

Soulyou, Jesus you Nazarene? Did youcome to destroy us?'"Luke 8:30, 31 "Jesus asked him :'What is your name?' He said :'Legion,' because many demonshad entered into him . And theykept entreating him not to orderthem to go away into theabyss."The Creature Soul (IncludingHuman Soul) Is Mortal, Destructible,CorruptibleMatt . 10 :28 "Do not becomefearful of those who kill the bodybut can not kill the soul ; butrather be in fear of him that candestroy both soul and body inGehenna ."Luke 6 :9 "Is it lawful on thesabbath to do good or to do injury,to save or to destroy asoul?"Isa . 53 :12 "He poured out hissoul unto death ."Ezek . 18 :4, 20 "Behold, allsouls are mine ; as the soul ofthe father, so also the soul of theson is mine : the soul that sinneth,it shall die ."Rom. 1 :23 "And turned theglory of the incorruptible Godinto something like the image ofcorruptible man and of birds andfour-footed creatures and creepingthings ."See also : Matt . 2 :20 ; 25 :38 ;Mark 14 :34 ; Luke 17 :33 ; .'as .5 :20 ; Rev . 8 :9 ; 12 :11 and NWAppendix under Matthew 2 :20 .Lower-Animal Souls NotCreated to Live Forever2 Pet . 2 :12 "But these men,like unreasoning animals bornnature liv to be caught and destroyed."Attributes, Qualities of a HumanSoulBreathesJosh . 11 :11 "They smote all thesouls that were therein with theedge of the sword, . . . there wasnone left that breathed ."352Can be boughtLev. 22 :11 "If a priest buy anysoul . . . . he shall eat of it ."Can be bound with a bondNum . 30 :2 "When a man . . .sweareth an oath to bind his soulwith a bond ."Can be cut off from his peopleNum . 9 :13 "The man that . . .forbeareth to keep the passover,that soul shall be cut off fromhis people ."Can be destroyedLev . 23 :30 "That soul will I destroyfrom among his people ."Can be dried awayNum . 11 :6 "Now our soul isdried away ; there is nothing atall save this manna to look upon."Can be endangered by the swordPs . 22 :20 "Deliver my soul fromthe sword ."Can be exposed to dangerof death from sicknessPhil. 2 :27, 30 "He fell sicknearly to the point of death ; . . .exposing his soul to danger ."Can go to the pitJob 33 :22 "Yea, his soul drawethnear unto the pit, and hislife to the destroyers ."Can go to hell, sheol, the gravePs . 16 :10 "Thou wilt not leavemy soul to Sheol ."Can have earthly things laid upfor its enjoymentLake 14 :13 "I will say to mysoul `Soul, you have many goodt' ings laid up for many years ;take your ease, eat, drink, enjoyyourself .' "Can be in prisonPs. 142 :7 "Bring my soul outof prison ."Can be lost or killed in the seaActs 27 :10 "Men, I perceivethat navigation is going to be

3 53with damage and great loss notonly of the cargo and the boatbut also of our souls."Can be smitten by the sword anddestroyed by itJosh . 10 :28-39 ; 11 :11 "Joshua . . .utterly destroyed them and allthe souls that were therein ; . . .he smote it with the edge of thesword, and all the souls thatwere therein ; . he utterly destroyedit, and all the souls thatwere therein ." "They smote allthe souls that were therein withthe edge of the sword, utterlydestroying them ."Can be tornPs. 7 :2 "Lest they tear mysoul like a lion, rending it inpieces, while there is none todeliver ."Can be uncleanNum . 19 :22 "The soul thattouches it shall be unclean untileven ."Can weary of lifeJob 10 :1 "My soul is weary ofmy life."DiesEzek . 18 :4, 20 "The soul thatsinneth, it shall die ."EatsLev. 7 :18 "Any of the flesh ofthe sacrifice . . . the soul that eatethof it shall bear his iniquity."Lev . 17 .12 "No soul of youshall eat blood ."Grieves1 Sam . 30 :6 "The soul of allthe people was grieved ."Is vexedJudg. 16 :16 "His soul wasvexed unto death ."LoathesNum . 21 :5 "Our soul loatheththis light bread ."Longs to eatDeut . 12:20 "When . thoushalt say, I will eat flesh, be-Soulcause thy soul desireth to eatflesh ; thou mayest eat flesh ."sinsNum . 15 :28 "The priest shallmake atonement for the soul that'erreth, when he sinneth unwit- ngly ."Si; anglesJob 7 :15 "My soul chooseth:strangling, and death ."SwearsLev. 5 :4 "If any one [Heb . .neph'esh, " soul"] swear rashly ."Touches thingsNum . 19:22 "The soul thattoucheth it shall be unclean untileven ."Human Souls Were Created toLive Forever if ObedientGen. 2 :9, 16, 17 ; 3:17-19 "Andout of the ground made JehovahGod to grow every tree . . . goodfor food ; the tree of life alsoin the midst of the garden, andthe tree of the knowledge ofgood and evil . And Jehovah Godcommanded the man, saying, Ofevery tree of the garden thoumayest freely eat : but of thetree of the knowledge of goodand evil, thou shalt not eat of it :for in the day that thou eatestthereof thou shalt surely die .""Unto Adam he said, Becausethou hast . . . eaten of the tree,of which I commanded thee, saying,Thou shalt not eat of it :. in the sweat of thy face shaltthou eat bread, till thou returnunto the ground ; for out of itwast thou taken : for dust thouart, and unto dust shalt thou return."Rom . 5 :12-19 `Through oneman sin entered into the worldand death through sin . . . . by oneman's trespass many died . . . . thejudgment resulted in condemnationfrom one trespass . . . . by thetrespass of the one man deathruled as king through that one .. . .through one trespass the resultto men of all kinds was con-

Souldemnation, . . through the disobedienceof the one man manywere constituted sinners ."Earth the Proper and OnlyDwelling Place forHuman SoulsIsa . 45:12, 18 "1 have madethe earth, and created man uponit : I, even my hands, havestretched out the heavens ; andall their host have I commanded .For thus saith Jehovah thatcreated the heavens, the Godthat formed the earth and madeit . that established it and createdit not a waste, that formed itto be inhabited ."Ps . 115 :16 "The heavens arethe heavens of Jehovah ; but theearth hath he given to the childrenof men."Ps . 37 :29 "The righteous shallinherit the land, and dwell thereinfor ever ."Prov . 2:21, 22 "For the uprightshall dwell in the land, and theperfect shall remain in it . Butthe wicked shall be cut off fromthe land, and the treacherousshall be rooted out of it."Prov . 10 :30 "The righteousshall never be removed ; but thewicked shall not dwell in theland."Human Souls Were Not Createdin Heaven and Brought Downinto Bodies on Earth(Gen . 2 :5, AV, misapplied,which reads : "And every plantof the field before it was in theearth, and every herb of thefield before it grew : for the LORDGod had not caused it to rainupon the earth, and there wasnot a man to till the ground .")Gen . 2 :5-7 "And no plant ofthe field was yet in the earth,and no herb of the field had yetsprung up ; for Jehovah God hadnot caused it to rain upon theearth : and there was not a manto till the ground . . . . And JehovahGod formed man of the dustof the ground, and breathed intohis nostrils the breath [Heb.,nesha .mah', "a puff, wind"] of354life ; and man became a livingsoul [Heb., neph'esh, "soul"] ."Eccl . 4 :3 "Yea, better than themboth did I esteem him that hathnot yet been, who hath not seenthe evil work that is done underthe sun ."Eccl . 6 :3-5 "If a F man's] . . .soul be not filled with good . . . .an untimely birth is better thanhe : for it cometh in vanity, anddeparteth in darkness, and thename thereof is covered withdarkness ; moreover it hath notseen the sun nor known it ['neitherhad any knowledge," mar .] ;this hath rest rather than theother ["it is better with this thanwith the other ." mar .] ."God Does Not "Put a Soul" intoEach Baby at Birth ; He Is NotResponsible for Birth of GreatMass of MankindGen . 6 :5-7 "And Jehovah sawthat the wickedness of man wasgreat in the earth, and thatevery imagination of the thoughtsof his heart was only evil continually.And it repented Jehovahthat he had made man onthe earth, and it grieved him athis heart . And Jehovah said, Iwill destroy man whom I havecreated from the face of theground ; . . . for it repenteth methat I have made them ."Deut . 32 :4, 5 (mar .) "TheRock, his work is perfect ; . . . aGod of faithfulness and withoutiniquity, just and right is he .They have corrupted themselves,they are not his children, it istheir blemish ; they are a perverseand crooked generation ."Ps . 51 :5 "Behold, I was broughtforth in iniquity ; and in sin didmy mother conceive me ."Eph . 2 :1 "It is you God madealive though you were dead inyour trespasses and sins ."Luke 20:38 "He is a God, notof the dead, but of the living ."Matt. 23 :33 "Serpents, offspringof vipers, how are you to fleefrom the judgment of Gehenna?"

3 55John 8 :44 "You are from yourfather the Devil ."1 Cor. 7 :14 "The unbelievinghusband is sanctified in relationto his wife, and the unbelievingwife is sanctified in relation tothe brother ; otherwise, your childrenwould really be unclean, butnow they are holy ."Ezek. 9 :6 "Slay utterly the oldman, the young man and thevirgin, and little children andwomen ; but come not near anyman upon whom is the mark ."(Also the examples of Dathanand Abiram, the Flood, Sodomand Gomorrah, where childrenwere slain with their parents whobrought them forth .)Power of Human Souls to ReproduceOther Human Souls inTheir Own Likeness Put Thereat Creation; God Not Involvedat Each BirthGen . 5 :3 "Adam lived a hundredand thirty years, and begata son in his own likeness, afterhis image ."Ex . 1 :5 "All the souls thatcame out of the loins of Jacobwere seventy souls."Gen . 12 :5 "Abram took Saraihis wife, and Lot his brother'sson, . . . and the souls [servants]that they had gotten in Haran ."Expression "Dead Soul" Used toDescribe That Which Was Oncea Living Soul, or That WhichRemains of a SoulNum . 6 :6 "He shall not comenear to a dead body [Heb.,neph'esh, "soul"] . -Num. 9 :6, 7, 10 "There werecertain men, who were uncleanby reason of the dead body of aroan."Num . 19:13 "Whosoever touchetha dead person [also vss . 11,16], the body of a man thathath died ."Soul Cannot Take Anythingwith It at DeathEccl. 5 :15, 16 "As he cameforth from his mother's womb,naked shall he go again as heSoulcame, and shall take nothingfor his labor, which he may carryaway in his hand . . . . in all pointsas he came, so shall he go ."I Tim . 6 :7 "We have broughtnothing into the world, and neithercan we carry anything out ."Spirit Is the Life Principle orLife Force That Actuates theSoul ; Applies to Man and BeastPs . 31 :5 "Into thy hand I commendmy spirit [Heb ., ru'ahh] ."Luke 23:46 "And Jesus calledwith a loud voice and said : 'Father,into your hands I entrustmy spirit [Or., pneu'ma] ."'Eccl . 3 :19-21 "That which befalleththe sons of men befallethbeasts ; even one thing befaileththem : as the one dieth,so dieth the other ; yea, they haveall one breath [mar ., "spirit"] ;and man hath no pre-eminenceabove the beasts : for all is vanity. All go unto one place ; allare of the dust, and all turn todust again . Who knoweth thespirit of man, whether it goethupward, and the spirit of thebeast, whether it goeth downwardto the earth?"Eccl. 8 :8 "There is no manthat hath power over the spirit[mar ., "wind"] to retain thespirit [mar ., "wind"] ."Eccl. 12 :7 "The dust returnethto the earth as it was, and thespirit [Heb ., ru'ahh] returnethunto God who gave it ."Gen . 6 :17 ; 7:15 "I do bring theflood of waters upon the earth,to destroy all flesh, wherein isthe breath [Heb ., ru'ahh, "spirit"]of life, from under heaven :everything that is in the earthshall die." "And they went in untoNoah [cattle, birds, etc ., andhumans] into the ark, two andtwo of all flesh wherein is thebreath [Heb., ru'ahh, "spirit"] oflife."Ps. 104 :29 "Thou hidest thyface, they are troubled ; thoutakest away their breath [Heb .,ru'ahh, "spirit"], they die, andreturn to their dust."

SoulSoul Distinguished from SpiritI Thess. 5 :23 "With soundnessin every part may the spirit andsoul and body of you brothersbe preserved ."Heb . 4 :12 "The word of God isalive and exerts power and issharper than any two-edgedsword and pierces even to thedividing of the soul and spirit,and of the joints and their marrow."Phil . 1 :27 "You are standingfirm in one spirit, with one soulfighting side by side ."Principle of Life ; CirculatingBlood Is the Food or LifeStream for the BodyLev. 17 :11, 14 "The life [mar . ."soul"] of the flesh is in theblood ; and I have given it to youupon the altar to make atonementfor your souls : for it is theblood that maketh atonement byreason of the life [mar., "soul"] .For as to the life of all flesh,the blood thereof is all one withthe life thereof : . . . the life ofall flesh is the blood thereof :whosoever eateth it shall be cutoff."Jer . 2 :34 "In thy skirts is foundshe blood of the souls of theinnocent poor ."Soul Sometimes Used with Referenceto Life as an IntelligentPerson, Whether Presentor FutureGen . 35 :18 "It came to pass,as her soul was departing (forshe died), that she called hisname Ben-oni."1 Ki . 17 :21 "He stretched himselfupon the child three times,and cried unto Jehovah, andsaid, 0 Jehovah my God, I praythee, let this child's soul comeinto him again ."Matt . 6 :25 "Stop being anxiousbout your souls . . . Does not thesoul mean more than food?"Mark 8 :36 "Really, of whatbenefit is it for a man to gainthe whole world and to forfeithis soul?"356John 10 :15 "I surrender mysoul in behalf of the sheep ."Heb . 6 :19 "This hope we haveas an anchor for the soul ."1 John 3 :16 "That one surrenderedhis soul for us ."(See New World Translationof the Christian Greek Scriptures,Appendix under Matthew2 :20 .)Soul Sometimes Used to DenoteEvery Fiber of One's ExistenceDeut . 4 :29 "Ye shall seek Jehovahthy God, . . . with all thyheart and with all thy soul ."I Sam. 1 :15 "I poured out mysoul before Jehovah ."Ps . 84:2 "My soul longeth, yea .even fainteth for the courts ofJehovah ."Soul, Life Pattern or Personality .Not Same Body, ResurrectedActs 2 :27 "You will not forsakemy soul in Hades, neither willyou grant your man of lovingkindnessto see corruption ."Luke 21 :19 "By endurance onyour part you will acquire yoursouls."I Pet . 4 :19 "Let those who aresuffering in harmony with thewill of God keep on commendingtheir souls to a faithful Creatorwhile they are doing good ."Rev . 20 :4 "I saw the souls ofthose executed . . . And they cameto life and ruled as kings withthe Christ for a thousand years ."1 Cor . 15 :35-38 "Someone willsay : `How are the dead to beraised up? Yes, with what kind ofbody are they coming?' You unreasonableperson! What yousow is not made alive unlessfirst it dies ; and as for what yousow, you sow, not the body thatwill develop, but a bare grain,it may be, of wheat or any oneof the rest ; but God gives it abody just as it has pleased him .and to each of the seeds its ownbody ."

357Preaching of Jehovah's EstablishedKingdom Now the OnlySoul-saving WorkProv . 14 :25 "A true witness deliverethsouls ."'Matt . 24:14 "This good newsof the kingdom will be preachedin all the inhabited earth forthe purpose of a witness to allthe nations, and then the accomplishedend will come ."Matt. 6 :33 "Keep on, then .seeking first the kingdom andhis righteousness, and all theseother things will be added toyou ."John 17 :3 "This means everlastinglife, their taking inknowledge of you, the only trueSpiritGod, and of the one whom yousent forth, Jesus Christ ."Heb . 11 :7 "Noah . showedgodly fear and constructed anark for the saving of his household. -1 Tim . 4 :16 "Pay constant attentionto yourself and to yourteaching . Stay by these things.for by doing this you will saveboth yourself and those wholisten to you ."Matt . 7 :21 "Not everyone sayingto me, `Master, Master,' willenter into the kingdom of theheavens, but the one doing thewill of my Father who is in theheavens will."See "Transmigration" .1 . Jehovah God, the Unseen, InvisibleSpirit, Source of VisibleCreated ThingsJohn 4 :24 "God is a Spirit, andthose worshiping him must worshipwith spirit and truth."2 Cor . 3 :17, 18 "Now Jehovah isthe spirit ; and where the spiritof Jehovah is, there is freedom .And all of us, while we with unveiledfaces reflect like mirrorsthe glory of Jehovah, are transformedinto the same image fromglory to glory, exactly as done byJehovah the spirit ."SpiritDEFINITIONSpirit, as translated from ru'ahh in the Hebrew and pneu'ma in theGreek : The simplest or elementary meanings of both original wordsare to describe something windlike, that is, something that is notvisible but which nevertheless produces visible or perceptible results .Both are drawn from root verbs meaning "to breathe" or "to blow" ."Spirit" as used in the Bible has at least seven different senses orapplications of meaning to describe something windlike, viz ., asapplying to (1) Jehovah God, (2) Christ Jesus, (3) angels, (4) lifeforce, (5) mental disposition, (6) inspired expression and (7) activeforce of God. This variety of applications is possible in that all arewindlike, all are invisible to the human eye and yet all produceeffects that are visible, as the elementary meaning of the originalwords indicates,2 . Christ Jesus as Spirit, the ExpressImage of God, Divine,Immortal, Unseen1 Cor . 15 :45 "It is even sowritten : `The first man Adam becamea living soul .' The lastAdam became a life-giving spirit ."1 Tim. 3:16 "Indeed, the sacredsecret of this godly devotionis admittedly great : 'He wasmade manifest in flesh, was declaredrighteous in spirit, appearedto angels, was preachedabout among nations, was be-

Spiritlieved upon in the world, wasreceived up in glory.' "1 Pet . 3 :18 "Christ died oncefor all time concerning sins, arighteous person for unrighteousones, that he might lead you toGod, he being put to death inthe flesh, but being made alivein the spirit ."3. Angels, Celestial Creatures,Higher and Mightierthan Men1 Ki . 22:21, 22 "And therecame forth a spirit, and stoodbefore Jehovah . and said, I willentice him . And Jehovah saidunto him, Wherewith? And hesaid, I will go forth, and will bea lying spirit in the mouth of allhis prophets . And he said, Thoushalt entice him, and shalt prevailalso : go forth, and do so ."Isa . 31 :3 "Now the Egyptiansare men, and not God ; and theirhorses flesh, and not spirit : andwhen Jehovah shall stretch outhis hand, both he that helpethshall stumble, and he that ishelped shall fall, and they allshall be consumed together ."Heb . 1 :7, 14 "Also with referenceto the angels he says :`And he makes his angels spirits,and his public servants a flameof fire .' Are they not all spiritsfor public service, sent forth tominister for those who are goingto inherit salvation?"See : Ps . 104 :4 .Though invisible, able to producevisible resultsJob 4 :15 "Then a spirit passedbefore my face ; the hair of myflesh stood up ."ech . 6 :5 "And the angel answeredand said unto me, Theseare the four winds ["spirits,"footnote ; also AV] of heaven,which go forth from standingbefore the Lord of all the earth ."Luke 24 :37-39 "But they wereterrified, and because they becamefrightened they were imaginingthey beheld a spirit . Sohe said to them : `Why are you358troubled . . . ?See my hands andmy feet, that it is I myself ; feelme and see, because a spirit doesnot have flesh and bones just asyou behold that I have .'"See also : Gen . 18 :1-8 ; 19 :1-3 .Refers also to wicked, rebelliousangels1 Sam. 28 :7, 8 "Then said Saulunto his servants, Seek me awoman that hath a familiarspirit, that I may go to her, andinquire of her . And his servantssaid to him, Behold, there is awoman that bath a familiarspirit at En-dor. And Saul . . .came to the woman by night :and he said, Divine unto me, Ipray thee, by the familiar spirit,and bring me up whomsoever Ishall name unto thee ."Matt . 8 :16 "But after it becameevening, people broughthim many demon-possessed persons; and he expelled the spiritswith a word, and he cured allwho were ailing."Eph . 6 :12 "We have a fight .not against blood and flesh, butagainst the governments, againstthe authorities, against theworld-rulers of this darkness,against the wicked spirit forces inthe heavenly places ."1 Pet . 3 :19, 20 "In this statealso he went his way andpreached to the spirits in prison,which had once been disobedientwhen the patience of Godwas waiting in Noah's days ."4. Life Force, in Earthly Creatures,the "Principle of Life"Sustained by BreathingJob 27 :3, 4 "(For my life isyet whole in me, and the spirit[ru'ahh, Heb .] of God is in mynostrils) ; surely my lips shallnot speak unrighteousness, neithershall my tongue utter deceit."Gen . 7 :22 "All in whose nostrilswas the breath of the spirit oflife, of all that was on the dryland, died."

359ech. 12 :1 "Thus saith Jehovah,who stretcheth forth theheavens, and layeth the foundationof the earth, and formeththe spirit of man within him ."Num . 16 :22 "And they fell upontheir faces, and said, 0 God,the God of the spirits of all flesh,shall one man sin, and wilt thoube wroth with all the congregation?"Num . 27 :16 "Let Jehovah, theGod of the spirits of all flesh,appoint a man over the congregation."Jas . 2 :26 "As the body withoutbreath [footnote, " spirit"] isdead, so also faith without worksis dead."Life energy vital to a livingsoul; life force invisible but animationvisible, producesintelligencePs. 31 :5 "Into thy hand I commendmy spirit : thou hast redeemedme, 0 Jehovah, thou Godof truth ."Ps. 76 :12 "He will cut off thespirit of princes : he is terribleto the kings of the earth ."Ps . 146 :4 "His breath [ru'ahh,Heb.] goeth forth, he returnethto his earth ; in that very dayhis thoughts perish ."Eccl . 3 :19-21 "For that whichbefalleth the sons of men befallethbeasts ; even one thingbefalleth them : as the one dieth,so dieth the other ; yea, they haveall one breath ["spirit," footnote]; and man hath no preeminenceabove the beasts : forall is vanity. All go unto oneplace ; all are of the dust, andall turn to dust again . Whoknoweth the spirit of manwhether it goeth upward, andthe spirit of the beast, whetherit goeth downward to the earth?"Eccl. 12 :7 "And the dust returnethto the earth as it was,and the spirit returneth untoGod who gave it ."SpiritLuke 23:46 "And Jesus calledwith a loud voice and said : 'Father,into your hands I entrustmy spirit .' "See also : Matt . 27 :50 ; Jas .2 :26 ; Rev . 11 :11 .5. Mental Disposition, the Attitudeof One's Mind, Frame ofMind, Temper ; Source Hiddenbut Impelling Visible EffectsPs . 34 :18 "Jehovah is nigh untothem that are of a brokenheart, and saveth such as areof a contrite spirit ."Eccl . 7 :8, 9 "Better is the endof a thing than the beginningthereof ; and the patient in spiritis better than the proud in spirit .Be not hasty in thy spirit tobe angry ; for anger resteth inthe bosom of fools ."Ex . 6 :9 "And Moses spake sounto the children of Israel : butthey hearkened not unto Mosesfor anguish of spirit, and forcruel bondage ."Judg . 9 :23 "And God sent anevil spirit between Abimelech andthe men of Shechem ; and themen of Shechem dealt treacherouslywith Abimelech ."Eccl . 10 :4 "If the spirit of theruler rise up against thee, leavenot thy place ; for gentleness allayethgreat offences ."Prov. 14 :29 "He that is slowto anger is of great understanding; but he that is hasty of spiritexalteth folly ."Prov. 17 :27, 28 "He that sparethhis words hath knowledge ;and he that is of a cool spiritis a man of understanding . Evena fool, when lie holdeth hispeace, is counted wise."Prov. 25 :28 "He whose spiritis without restraint is like acity that is broken down andwithout walls."Prov . 29 :11 "A fool uttereth allhis anger ["spirit," footnote] ;but a wise man keepeth it backand stilleth it ."

SpiritGen . 41 :8 "And it came to passin the morning that his spiritwas troubled ; . . and Pharaohtold them his dream ; but therewas none that could interpretthem unto Pharaoh ."Matt. 26 :41 "Keep on thewatch and praying, that you maynot enter into temptation . Thespirit, of course, is willing, butthe flesh is weak ."1 Cor. 2 :11 "For who amongmen knows the things of a manexcept the spirit of man that isin him? So, too, no one has cometo know the things of God, exceptthe spirit of God ."See also : 1 Sam . 16 :14-16, 23 ;Ps . 51 :17 ; Isa . 57 :15 ; 66 :2 ; Mal.2 :15 ; Rom . 12 :11 .6 . Inspired Expression, a PerceptibleMessage or an UtteranceOriginating with God orwith Satan, Invisible Sources1 Tim . 4 :1 "However, the inspiredutterance ["spirit," footnote]says definitely that in laterperiods of time some will fallaway from the faith, paying attentionto misleading inspired utterances["misleading spirits,"footnote] and teachings of demons."2 Thess. 2 :1 . 2 "We request ofyou not to be quickly shakenfrom your reason nor to be excitedeither through an inspiredexpression ["through a spirit,"footnote] or through a verbalmessage or through a letter asthough from us, to the effect thatthe day of Jehovah is here ."1 John 4:1-3 "Beloved ones, donot believe every inspired expression["every spirit," footnote],but test the inspired expressions["test the spirits," footnote] tosee whether they originate with:mod, because many false prophetshave gone forth into theworld . You gain the knowledgeof the inspired expression ["thespirit," footnote] from God bythis : Every inspired expression["every spirit," footnote] thatconfesses Jesus Christ as having360come in the flesh originates withGod, but every inspired expression["every spirit," footnote]that does not confess Jesus doesnot originate with God ."Rev. 16 :14 "They are, in fact .expressions inspired by ["in fact,spirits of," footnote] demons andperform signs, and they go forthto the kings of the entire inhabitedearth, to gather themtogether to the war of the greatday of God the Almighty ."Rev. 22 :6, 17 "And he said tome : 'These words are trustworthyand true ; yes, Jehovah the Godof the inspired expressions ["ofthe spirits," footnote] of theprophets sent his angel forth toshow his slaves the things thatmust shortly take place. And thespirit ["the inspired utterance,"footnote] and the bride keep onsaying, 'Come!' And let anyonehearing say, 'Come!' And letanyone thirsting come ; let anyonethat wishes take life's waterfree ."1 Cor. 12 :8-10 "For example, toone there is given through thespirit speech of wisdom, . . . toanother discernment of inspiredutterances F of spirits," footnote]."7 . Active ForceJehovah's invisible energizingforce (greater than atomic energy)that produces visible resultsin many manifestations experiencedby men .Creation. Visible manifestationof God's handiwork through invisible active force in theirformationGen . 1 :2 "And the earth waswaste and void ; and darknesswas upon the face of the deep :and the spirit of God moved uponthe face of the waters ."Job 33 :4 "The spirit of Godhath made me, and the breathof the Almighty giveth me life ."Ps . 104 :30 "Thou sendest forththy spirit, they are created ; andthou renewest the face of theground."

361Isa. 40 :12, 13 "Who hath measuredthe waters in the hollow ofhis hand, and meted out heavenwith the span, and comprehendedthe dust of the earth ina measure, and weighed themountains in scales, and thehills in a balance? Who hathdirected the spirit of Jehovah, orbeing his counsellor hath taughthim?"Miracles . Supernatural feats ormighty deeds visibly manifestedbut performed or brought aboutby invisible active forceMatt . 1 :18, 20 "Now JesusChrist was born this way . Duringthe time his mother Mary waspromised in marriage to Joseph,she was found to be pregnant byholy spirit before they wereunited. But after he [Joseph]had thought these things over,look! Jehovah's angel appearedto him in a dream, saying : 'Joseph,son of David, do not beafraid to take Mary your wifehome, for that which has beenbegotten in her is by holy spirit .' "Matt . 12 :28 "But if it is bymeans of God's spirit that I expelthe demons, the kingdom ofGod has really overtaken you ."Rom . 8 :11 "If, now, the spiritof him that raised up Jesus fromthe dead dwells in you, he thatraised up Christ Jesus from thedead will also make your mortalbodies alive through his spiritthat resides in you ."Rom. 15 :18, 19 "For I will notventure to tell one thing if itis not of those things whichChrist worked through me forthe nations to be obedient, bymy word and deed, with thepower of signs and wonders, withthe power of holy spirit ."1 Cor . 12 :7-10 "But the manifestationof the spirit is givento each one for a beneficial purpose. For example, to one thereis given through the spirit speechof wisdom, . . . to yet anotheroperations of powerful works ["ofmiracles," footnote] ."SpiritGal . 3 :5 "He, therefore, whosupplies you the spirit and performspowerful works ["performsmiracles," footnote] among you .does he do it owing to works oflaw or owing to obedient hearingby faith?"Gal . 4 :29 "But just as thenthe one born in the manner offlesh began persecuting the oneborn in the manner of the spirit .s o also now ."Demonstrations of God's power .Manifestations of visible featsof superiority in overcomingenemies and exploits of vindicationthrough God'sactive forceJudg. 3 :10 "And the spirit ofJehovah came upon him, andhe judged Israel ; and he wentout to war, and Jehovah deliveredCushan-rishathaim kingof Mesopotamia into his hand :and his hand prevailed againstCushan-rishathaim ."Judg. 6 :34 "But the spirit ofJehovah came upon Gideon ; andhe blew a trumpet ; and Abiezerwas gathered together after him .'Judg . 14 :6, 19 "And the spiritof Jehovah came mightily uponhim, and he rent him as hewould have rent a kid ; and hehad nothing in his hand : . . . Andthe spirit of Jehovah came mightilyupon him, and he went downto Ashkelon, and smote thirtymen of them, and took theirspoil, and gave the changes ofraiment unto them that declaredthe riddle ."Judg. 15 :14, 15 "When he cameunto Lehi, the Philistines shoutedas they met him : and the spiritof Jehovah came mightily uponhim, and the ropes that wereupon his arms became as flaxthat was burnt with fire, andhis bands dropped from off hishands . And he found a freshjawbone of an ass, and put forthhis hand, and took it, and smotea thousand men therewith ."Isa . 63 :11, 12 "Then he rememberedthe days of old, Moses and

Spirithis people, saying, Where is hethat brought them up out of thesea with the shepherds of hisflock? Where is he that put hisholy spirit in the midst of them?that caused his glorious arm togo at the right hand of Moses?that divided the waters beforethem, to make himself an everlastingname?"Judg. 11 :29, 33 "Then the spiritof Jehovah came upon Jephthah,and he passed over Gilead andManasseh, and passed overunto the children of Ammon . Ai;d Andhe smote them . . . with a verygreat slaughter ."Inspiration (Lit ., "breathing upon").Visible manifestationswhere servants of God havebeen moved by invisible activeforce to write, speak or performon behalf of God (pertaining tomatters then current, not future)Ex . 31 :3 "And I have filled himwith the spirit of God, in wisdom,and in understanding, and inknowledge, and in all manner ofworkmanship . -I Chron. 28 :11, 12 "Then Davidgave to Solomon his son thepattern of the porch of thetemple, and of the houses thereof,and of the treasuries thereof,and of the upper rooms thereof,and of the inner chambers thereof,and of the place of the mercyseat; and the pattern of all thathe had by the spirit ."2 Ki . 2 :14-16 "And he took themantle of Elijah that fell fromhim, and smote the waters, andsaid, Where is Jehovah, the Godof Eli jah? and when he also hadsmitten the waters, they were dividedhither and thither ; andElisha went over. And when thesons of the prophets that wereat Jericho over against him sawhim, they said . The spirit ofElijah doth rest on Elisha ."Isa. 11 :2 "And the spirit ofJehovah shall rest upon him, thespirit of wisdom and understanding,the spirit of counsel and362might, the spirit of knowledgeand of the fear of Jehovah ."Luke 1 :41, 42 "Well, as Elizabethheard the greeting of Mary,the infant in her womb leaped,and Elizabeth was filled withholy spirit, and she called outloudly and said : `Blessed are youamong women, and blessed is thefruit of your womb!'"Neh . 9 :20 "Thou gayest also thygood spirit to instruct them, andwithheldest not thy manna fromtheir mouth, and gayest themwater for their thirst ."Prophesying. Visible manifestationwhere future events areforetold by men moved by God'sinvisible active forceNum . 11 :25, 26 "And Jehovahcame down in the cloud, andspake unto him, and took ofthe spirit that was upon him,and put it upon the seventy elders: and it came to pass, that,when the spirit rested upon them,they prophesied, but they did sono more. But there remained twomen in the camp . . . . and thespirit rested upon them ; andthey were of them that werewritten, but had not gone outunto the Tent ; and they prophesiedin the camp ."Neh. 9 :30 "Yet many yearsdidst thou bear with them, andtestifiedst against them by thyspirit through the prophets : yetwould they not give ear : thereforegayest thou them into thehand of the peoples of the lands."Luke 1 :67 "And echariah itsfather was filled with holy spirit,and he prophesied, saying ."Ezek . 11 :5 "And the spirit ofJehovah fell upon me, and hesaid unto me, Speak, Thus saithJehovah ."Acts 1 :16 "Men, brothers, itwas necessary for the scripture tobe fulfilled which the holy spiritspoke beforehand by David'smouth about Judas ."Acts 2 :16, 17 "This is whatwas said through the prophetJoel, `And in the last days,' God

363says, 'I shall pour some of myspirit out upon every kind offlesh, and your sons and yourdaughters will prophesy .'"Acts 21 :10, 11 "But while wewere remaining quite a numberof days, a certain prophet namedAgabus came down from Judeaand he came to us and took upthe girdle of Paul, bound his ownfeet and hands and said : 'Thussays the holy spirit, "The man towhom this girdle belongs theJews will bind in this manner inJerusalem and deliver into thehands of people of the nations."'"1 Cor. 12 :8-10 "For example,to one there is given through thespirit speech of wisdom, . . . toanother prophesying ."2 Pet . 1 :20, 21 "For you knowthis first, that no prophecy ofScripture springs from any privaterelease ["comes out of privatedisclosure," footnote] . Forprophecy was at no time broughtby man's will, but men spokefrom God as they were bornealong by holy spirit ."ech . 7 :12 "Yea, they madetheir hearts as an adamant stone,lest they should hear the law,and the words which Jehovahof hosts had sent by his spiritby the former prophets : thereforethere came great wrath from Jehovahof hosts ."Also: Num . 24 :2, 3 ; 1 Sam .10 :10 ; Rev. 19 :10 .Tongues . Visible manifestationwhere men are moved by God'sinvisible active force to speak,in a foreign language to edifyActs 2 :4 "And they all becamefilled with holy spirit and startedto speak with different tongues,just as the spirit was grantingthem to make utterance ."Acts 10 :44, 46 "While Peter wasyet speaking about these mattersthe holy spirit fell upon allthose hearing the word . For theyheard them speaking with tonguesand glorifying God ."SpiritActs 19 :6 "And when Paul laidhis hands upon them, the holyspirit came upon them, and theybegan speaking with tongues ."1 Cor. 12 :8-10 "For example, toone there is given through thespirit speech of wisdom, . toanother different tongues ."interpretation . Visible manifestationwhere men borne alongby God's invisible active forceto make clear the meaning ofdreams and propheciesGen . 41 :25, 38, 39 "And Josephsaid unto Pharaoh, The dreamof Pharaoh is one : what God isabout to do he hath declaredunto Pharaoh . And Pharaoh saidunto his servants, Can we findsuch a one as this, a man inwhom the spirit of God is? AndPharaoh said unto Joseph, Forasmuchas God hath showedthee all this, there is none so discreetand wise as thou ."Dan . 4 :18 "This dream I, kingNebuchadnezzar, have seen ; andthou, 0 Belteshazzar [Daniel] .declare the interpretation, forasmuchas all the wise men ofmy kingdom are not able to makeknown unto me the interpretation; but thou art able ; for thespirit of the holy gods is inthee ."Dan . 5 :12 "An excellent spirit,and knowledge, and understanding,interpreting of dreams, andshowing of dark sentences, anddissolving of doubts, were foundin the same Daniel, whom theking named Belteshazzar ."1 Cor . 2 :10 "For it is to usGod has revealed them throughhis spirit, for the spirit searchesinto all things, even the deepthings of God ."Eph. . 1 :17 "That the Godour ford Jesus Christ, the Fatherof glory, may give you the spiritof wisdom and of revelation inthe accurate knowledge of him ."Eph . 3 :5 "In other generationsthis secret was not made known

Spiritto the sons of men as it has nowbeen revealed to his holy apostlesand prophets by spirit ."1 Pet . 1 :10-12 "The prophets . . .kept on investigating what particularseason or what kind ofseason the spirit in them was indicatingconcerning Christ whenit was bearing witness beforehandabout the sufferings forChrist and about the glories tofollow these. It was revealed tothem that, not to themselves, butto you, they were ministering thethings which have now been announcedto you through thosewho have declared the good newsto you with holy spirit sent forthfrom heaven ."Testimony, the Word of God . TheSacred Scriptures, perceptiblemanifestations of the sacredpronouncements of Godthrough his invisibleactive forceProv. 1 :23 "Turn you at myreproof : behold, I will pour outmy spirit upon you ; I will makeknown my words unto you ."Isa . 59 :21 "And as for me, thisis my covenant with them, saithJehovah : my spirit that is uponthee, and my words which Ihave put in thy mouth, shall notdepart out of thy mouth ."John 6 :63 "It is the spirit thatis life-giving ; the flesh is of nouse at all . The sayings that Ihave spoken to you are spirit andare life ."Rom . 8 :16, 26 "The spirit itselfbears witness with our spiritthat we are God's children . Inlike manner the spirit also joinsin with help for our weakness ;for the problem of what weshould pray for as we need to wedo not know, but the spirit itselfpleads for us with groaningsunuttered ."1 Cor. 2 :10, 13 "For it is tous God has revealed themthrough his spirit, for the spiritsearches into all things, even thedeep things of God. These things364we also speak, not with wordstaught by human wisdom, butwith those taught by the spirit,as we combine spiritual matterswith spiritual words ."Eph . 6 :17 "Also accept the helmetof salvation, and the swordof the spirit, that is, God's word ."Acts 1 :16 "Men, brothers, itwas necessary for the scriptureto be fulfilled which the holyspirit spoke beforehand by David'smouth about Judas ."Heb . 10 :15-17 "Moreover, theholy spirit also bears witness tous, for after it has said . . . . it saysafterwards."Helper ["paraclete," Gr . ; "helper"]. The invisible active forcevisibly manifesting itself as helper,guide, advocate and comforterof the congregation as an<strong>org</strong>anizational whole, inaddition to aid byangelsMark 13 :11 "But when they areleading you along to deliver youup, do not be anxious beforehandabout what to speak, but whateveris given you in that hour,speak this, for you are not theones speaking, but the holy spiriti s ."John 14 :16, 17, 26 "And I willrequest the Father and he willgive you another helper to bewith you forever, the spirit of thetruth, which the world cannotreceive, because it neither beholdsit nor knows it . You knowit, because it remains with youand is in you ."John 15 :26, 27 "When the helperarrives that I will send youfrom the Father, the spirit of thetruth which proceeds from theFather, that one will bear witnessabout me, and you, in turn,are to bear witness, because youhave been with me from when Ibegan ."John 16 :7-15 "For if I do notgo away, the helper will by nomeans come to you ; but if I dogo my way, I will send him toyou. And when that one arrives

365Spirithe will give the world convincing footnote] blows where it wantsevidence concerning sin and concerningrighteousness and con-but you do not know where itto, and you hear the sound of it,cerning judgment : . . . he will comes from and where it is going .guide you into all the truth, for So is everyone that has beenhe will not speak of his own impulse,but what things he hears See also "Born Again" .born from the spirit .' "he will speak, and he will declareto you the things coming . Baptism . The invisible activeThat one will glorify me, because force giving manifestation thathe will receive from what is mine one has been baptized into theand will declare it to you ." body of Christ, thus sharingActs 20 :28 "Pay attention to jointlylesswithof differingall membersofficesregard-yourselves and to all the flock,among which the holy spirit has Matt. 3 :11 "I, on the one hand .appointed you overseers, to shepherdthe congregation of God ." of your repentance ; but the onebaptize you with water becausecoming after me is stronger thanBegetting . Manifestation of evidenceto a member of the body fit to take off . That one willI am, whose sandals I am notof Christ that he has been born baptize you people with holyagain of water and spirit as anew creature . Active force implantsthe incorruptible seedspirit and with fire ."Also : Mark 1 :8 ; Luke 3 :16 .which gives hope of life in John 1 :33, 34 .spirit, bringing a conditionalright theretotized with water, but you will beActs 1 :5, 8 "John, indeed, bap-Matt. 3 :16, 17 "After beingbaptized in holy spirit not manybaptized Jesus immediately camedays after this . But you will receivepower when the holy spiritup from the water ; and, look!the heavens were opened up, andarrives upon you, and you will behe saw descending like a dovewitnesses of me both in Jerusalemand in all Judea and Sa-God's spirit coming upon him . maria and to the most distantLook! also, there was a voicefrom `This the is my heavens Son, the that beloved, said : part of the earth ."Eph . 4 :4, 5 "One body there is .whom I have approved .'"and one spirit, even as you wereJohn 3 :3-8 "In answer Jesuscalled in the one hope to whichsaid to him : `Most truly I say you were called ; one Lord, onefaith, one baptism ."to you, Unless anyone is bornagain, he cannot see the kingdomof God .' Nicodemus said to the body is one thing but has1 Cor. 12 :12, 13 "For just ashim : `How can a man be born many members, and all the membersof that body, although beingwhen he is old? He cannot enterinto the womb of his mother a many, are one body, so also issecond time and be born, can the Christ, For truly by onehe?' Jesus answered : `Most truly spirit we were all baptized intoI say to you, Unless anyone is one body, whether Jews orborn from water and spirit, he Greeks, whether slaves or free,cannot enter into the kingdom and we were all made to drinkof God. What has been born one spirit ."from the flesh is flesh, and what Anointing . Manifestation to ahas been born from the spirit is member of Christ's body that hespirit . Do not marvel because I has been commissioned to officetold you, You people must be bornas a preacheragain . The wind [pneu'ma, Gr.,elsewhere translated "spirit"Isa . 61 :1 "The spirit of the. Lord Jehovah is upon me ; be-

Spiritismcause Jehovah hath anointed meto preach good tidings unto themeek ."Also : Luke 4 :18.Matt . 3 :16 "After being baptizedJesus immediately came upfrom the water ; and, look! theheavens were opened up, and hesaw descending like a dove God'sspirit coming upon him ."1 John 2 :20 "And you have ananointing from the holy one ; allof you have knowledge ."Acts 2 :17 "'And in the lastdays,' God says, 'I shall poursome of my spirit out upon everykind of flesh, and your sons andyour daughters will prophesy .'"Acts 10 :38 "Namely, Jesus whowas from Nazareth, how Godanointed him with holy spiritand power, and he went throughthe land doing good and healingall those oppressed by the Devil,because God was with him ."See also "Minister of God ."Scaled . A token payment orauthoritative guarantee fromGod that a member of Christ'sbody has been called to a heavenlyheritage, with gifts as aforetaste thereof1 Cor . 12 :1 "Now concerningthe spiritual gifts, brothers, I donot want you to be ignorant ."3662 Cor . 1 :22 "He has also puthis seal upon us and has givenus the token of what is to come,that is, the spirit in our hearts ."Eph . 1 :11-14 "In union withwhom we were also assigned asheirs, in that we were foreordainedaccording to the purposeof him who operates all thingsaccording to the way his willcounsels, that we should servefor the praise of his glory, wewho have been first to hope inthe Christ. But you also hopedin him after you heard the wordof truth, the good news aboutyour salvation. By means of himalso, after you believed, you weresealed with the promised holyspirit, which is a token in advanceof our inheritance, for thepurpose of releasing by a ransomGod's own possession, to hisglorious praise ."Eph . 4 :30 "Also do not be grievingGod's holy spirit, with whichyou have been sealed for a dayof releasing by ransom ."Active Force, or holy spirit,not a third part of a "triune god"or "trinity" .See "Trinity".SpiritismDEFINITIONCommunication with demons, wicked spirit creatures (fallen angels),either directly or through human or other medium . These demonsoften impersonate dead humans . A false practice .ORIGINPracticed by ancient Babylonians, Egyptians and Assyrians .-Isa .47 :12, 13 ; Ex . 22 :18 .God's Word Forbidsthat have familiar spirits andIsa. 8 :19, 20 "When they shall unto the wizards that chirp andsay unto you, Seek unto them that mutter : should not a people

367seek unto their God? . . . To thelaw and to the testimony! If theyspeak not according to this word,surely there is no morning forthem ."Deut . 18 :111-12 "There shall notbe found with thee any one . . .that useth divination, one thatpractiseth augury, or an enchanter,or a sorcerer, or a charmer,or a consulter with a familiarspirit, or a wizard, or a necromancer."Lev. 19 :31 "Turn ye not untothem that have familiar spirits,nor unto the ,'ards seeknot out, to be defiled by them :I a am Jehovah your God."Lev. 20 :6, 27 "The soul thatturneth unto t ern that have familiarspirits, and unto the wizards,to play the harlot afterthem, I will even set my faceagainst that soul, and will cuthim off from among his people .A roan also or a woman thathath a familiar spirit . shallsurely be put to death ."Also : Mal . 3 :5 ; Dan . 1 :20 ;Acts 8 :9, 11 ; 13 :8-10 ; Mic . 5 :12 ;2 Ki . 21 :6 ; Rev . 9 :21 .Christendom Condemned forSuch PracticesRev . 18 :23 "No light of a lampwill ever shine in you again, . . .for by your spiritistic practiceall the nations were misled."1 Tim . 4 :1 "Some will fallaway from the faith, payingattention to misleading inspiredutterances and teachings of demons."Practice Brings DestructionGal . 5 :19-21 "Now the worksof the flesh are manifest, andthey are fornication, uncleanness,loose conduct, idolatry, practiceof spiritism, . . . As to thesethings I am forewarning you . . . .that those who practice suchthings will not inherit God'skingdom ."Rev . 21 :8 "But as for the . . .murderers and fornicators andthose practicing spiritism andSpiritismidolaters and all tive liars, theirportion will be in the lake thatburns with fire and sulphur. Thismeans the second death."Also : Rev . 22 :15 .Fortunetelling CondemnedMatt. 6 :34 "So, never be anxiousabout the next day, for thenext day will have its own anxieties."Jas . 4 :14 "Whereas you do notknow what your life will be tomorrow."Prov . 27 :1 "Boast not thyselfof tomorrow : for thou knowestnot what a day may bring forth ."Acts 16 :16-18 "A certain servantgirl with a spirit, a demonof divination . . . . used to furnishher masters with much gain bypracticing the art of prediction .. . . Paul . . . said to the spirit : 'Iorder you in the name of JesusChrist to cone out of her.' Andit came out that very hour ."Demonism CondemnedActs 19 :13-20 "Certain ones . . .who practiced the casting out ofdemons also undertook to namethe name of the Lord Jesus overthose having the wicked spirits .. . . But in answer the wickedspirit said to them : 'I know Jesusand I am acquainted with Paul ;but who are you?' With that theman in whom the wicked spiritwas leaped upon them, got themastery of the two of them . . .This became known to all. . . . anda fear fell upon them all, andthe name of the Lord Jesus wenton being magnified . . Indeed,quite a number of those whopracticed magical arts broughttheir books together and burnedthem up before everybody ."Also : 1 Sam. 28 :7-19 ; Isa. 2 :6 .Astrology CondemnedJer . 10 :2 "Thus saith Jehovah,Learn not the way of the nations,and be not dismayed at the signsof heaven ; for the nations aredismayed at there ."Job 31 :26-28 "if I have beheldthe sun when it shined, or the

Spiritismmoon walking in brightness, andmy heart hath been secretly enticed,and my mouth hath kissedmy hand : this also were an iniquityto be punished by thefudges ; for I should have deniedthe God that is above ."1 Tim . 6 :20 "0 Timothy, guardwhat is laid up in trust with you,turning away from the emptyspeeches that violate what is holyand from the contradictions ofthe falsely called 'knowledge' ."Astrologers, Tools of DemonsMatt . 2 :1-17 "After Jesus hadbeen born in Bethlehem of Judeain the days of Herod the king,look! astrologers from easternparts came to Jerusalem, saying :'Where is the one born king ofthe Jews? For we saw his star . . .and we have come to do himobeisance .' . . . Then Herod secretlysummoned the astrologers andcarefully ascertained from themthe time of the star's appearing.. Then Herod . . . had all theboys in Bethlehem . . . killed, fromtwo years of age and under ."Special Revelations Have Ceased1 Cor. 13 :8-13 "Gifts of prophesying,. tongues . . . . knowledge. . . . will be done away with .For we have partial knowledgeand we prophesy partially ; butwhen that which is complete arrives,that which is partial willbe done away with . . . . Now . . .remain faith, hope, love, thesethree, but the greatest of theseis love ."See also : Eph . 4 :11-14 .Gal. 1 :8 "Even if we or anangel out of heaven were to declareto you as good news somethingbeyond what we declaredto you as good news, let him beaccursed ."Testing Inspired Expressions1 John 4 :1, 2 "Do not believeevery inspired expression, buttest the inspired expressions tosee whether they originate withGod, because many false proph-368ets have gone forth into theworld . . . . Every inspired expressionthat confesses Jesus Christas having come in the flesh originateswith God ."Rev . 16 :13, 14 "I saw threeunclean inspired expressions .come out of the mouth of thedragon . . . the wild beast and . . .the false prophet . They are, infact, expressions inspired by demonsand perform signs ."God's Word Now Contains God'sComplete Revelations2 Tim . 3 :16, 17 "All Scriptureis inspired of God . . . . that theman of God may be fully competent,completely equipped forevery good work."Rev . 22 :18, 19 "If anyonemakes an addition to thesethings, God will add to him theplagues that are written in thisscroll ; and if anyone takes anythingaway from the words ofthe scroll of this prophecy, Godwill take his portion away fromthe trees of life and out of theholy city, things which are writtenabout in this scroll ."Dreams and Visions Not NowGivenDeut. 13 :1-5 "If there arise inthe midst of thee a prophet, ora dreamer of dreams, and hegive thee a sign or a wonder, andthe sign or the wonder come topass, whereof he spake unto thee,saying, Let us go after othergods, which thou hast not known .and let us serve them ; thou shaltnot hearken unto the words ofthat prophet, or unto thatdreamer of dreams ."Jer . 29 :8, 9 "Let not yourprophets that are in the midst ofyou, and your diviners, deceiveyou ; neither hearken ye to yourdreams which ye cause to bedreamed . For they prophesyfalsely unto you in my name : Ihave not sent them, saith Jehovah."Jer. 23 :25-32 "I have heardwhat the prophets have said, that

369prophesy lies in my name, saying,I have dreamed, I havedreamed . . . . The prophet thathath a dream, let him tell adream ; and he that hath myword, let him speak my wordfaithfully . What is the straw tothe wheat? saith Jehovah . Is notmy word like fire? Faith Jehovah; and like a hammer thatbreaketh the rock in pieces? . . .I am against them that prophesySuperior Authoritieslying dreams . . . . yet I sent themnot . . . . neither do they profit thispeople at all, saith Jehovah ."Ezek. 12 :24, 25 "There shall beno more any false vision norflattering divination within thehouse of Israel . For I am Jehovah; I will speak, and the wordthat I shall speak shall be p _formed."Also : Jer . 14 :13-16 ; Ezek . 13 :2,3, 6, 7 ; Mic . 3 :5-11 ; ech . 13 :3, 4,Superior AuthoritiesDEFINITIONIn the field of government there are two parties, (1) the superior,the one who makes the law or rules of action, and (2) the inferior,the one who is bound by the rules of the superior to obey them . Fordivine government God is the chief superior and man the inferior .Rom . 13 :1-4 "Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities[Jehovah God' and Christ Jesus'], for there is no authority exceptby God [only Christ Jesus and his theocratic <strong>org</strong>anization recognizedby God'] ; the existing authorities [not political governments'] standplaced in their relative positions by God [not `divine right of kings`] .Therefore he who ranges himself up against the authority [ChristJesus'] has taken a stand against the arrangement of God ; thosewho have taken a stand against it will receive judgment to themselves[annihilation from Christ Jesus'] ."Jehovah God Is Supreme AboveAll Superiors'Ps . 62 :11, Mo "There is onething God has said ; ay, twicehave I heard him say it : thatpower belongs to God."Job 37 :23, Mo "The Almightyis beyond our minds . Supreme inpower and rich in justice, heviolates no right ."Isa . 40 :13, 15 "Who hath directedthe spirit of Jehovah, orbeing his counsellor hath taughthim? Behold, the nations are asa drop of a bucket, and are accountedas the small dust of thebalance : behold, he taketh upthe isles as a very little thing ."Rom . 9 :20, 21 "0 man, who,then, really are you to be answeringback to God? Shall thething molded say to him thatmolded it, `Why did you makeme this way?' What? Does notthe potter have authority overthe clay to make from the samelump one vessel for an honorableuse, another for a dishonorableuse?"Heb . 12 :9 "Furthermore, weused to have fathers who were ofour flesh to discipline us and weused to give them respect. Shallwe not much more subject ourselvesto the Father of ourspiritual life and live?"Isa . 33 :22 "For Jehovah is ourjudge, Jehovah is our lawgiver,Jehovah is our king ; he will saveus ."Christ Jesus Is a Superior SecondOnly to Jehovah'John 17 :1, 2 "Jesus spoke thesethings, and, raising his eyes to

Superior Authoritiesheaven, he said : `Father, thehour has come ; glorify your son,that your son may glorify you,according as you have given hireauthority over all flesh, that, asregards the whole number whichyou have given him, he may givethem everlasting life.'"1 Pet . 3 :22 "He is at God'sright hand, for he went his wayto heaven, and angels andauthorities and powers weremade subject to him ."Phil. 2 :5, 9-11 "Keep this mentalattitude in you which wasalso in Christ Jesus . For thisvery reason also God exalted himto a superior position and kindlygave him the name that is aboveevery other name, so that in thename of Jesus every knee shouldbend of those in heaven andthose on earth and those underthe ground, and every tongueshould openly confess that JesusChrist is Lord to the glory ofGod the Father."Jehovah Empowers Only ThoseWho Rightly Use Authority3Eph . 1 :19-23 "And what thesurpassing greatness of his poweris toward us believers . It is accordingto the operation of themightiness of his strength, withwhich he has operated in thecase of the Christ when he raisedhim up from the dead and seatedhim at his right hand in theheavenly places, far above everygovernment and authority andpower and lordship and everyname named, not only in thissystem of things, but also in thatto come . He also subjected allthings under his feet, and madehim head over all things to thecongregation, which is his body,the fullness of him who fills u. .all things in alL"1 Cor . 12 :12, 18, 27, 28 "Forjust as the body is one thinbut has many members, and allthe members of that body, althoughbeing many, are one body,so also is the Christ. But nowGod has set the members in the370body, each one of them, just ashe pleased. Now you are Christ'sbody, and members individually .And God has set the respectiveones in the congregation, first,apostles ."2 Cor. 10:8 "For even if weshould boast a bit too muchabout the authority which theLord gave us to build you upand not to tear you down, Iwould not be put to shame ."2 Cor . 13 :10 "That is why Iwrite these things while absent,that, when I am present, I maynot act with severity accordingto the authority which the Lordgave me, to build up and notto tear down ."1 Cor. 9 :12, 13 "If other menshare in this authority over you,do we not much more so? Nevertheless,we have not made use ofthis authority, but we are bearingall things, in order that wemight not offer any hindrance tothe good news about the Christ .What, then, is my reward? Thatwhile declaring the good newsI may furnish the good newswithout cost, to the end thatI may not abuse my authority inthe good news ."2 Thess . 3 :9 "Not that we donot have authority, but in orderthat we might offer ourselves asan example to you to imitate us."Heb. 13 :7, 17, 24 "Rememberthose who are governing you, whohave spoken the word of Godto you, and as you contemplatehow their conduct turns out imitatetheir faith . Be obedient tothose who are governing you andbe submissive, for they are keepingwatch over your souls asthose who will render an account,that they may do thiswith joy and not with sighing,for this would be damaging toyou . Give my greetings to allthose who are governing you andto all the holy ones ."

371Worldly Rule (Pictured by"Beasts") Authorized by Satan,the Dragon, Notby God'Gen . 10 :8-10, AT "Cush wasthe father of Nimrod, who wasthe first person on the earth tobe a despot . . . . The nucleus ofhis kingdom was Babylon ."Dan . 7 :1-24 "Daniel spake andsaid, I saw in my vision by night,and, behold, the four winds ofheaven brake forth upon thegreat sea . And four great beastscame up from the sea, diverseone from another . . . . These greatbeasts, which are four, are fourkings, that shall arise out of theearth . . . . The fourth beast shallbe a fourth kingdom upon earth,which shall be diverse from allthe kingdoms, and shall devourthe whole earth, and shall treadit down, and break it in pieces ."Rev . 17 :3, 9, 10, 12 "1 caughtsight of a woman sitting upon ascarlet-colored wild beast thatwas full of blasphemous namesand that had seven heads andten horns . Here is where the intelligencethat has wisdom coniesin : The seven heads mean sevenmountains where the woman sitson top . And there are sevenkings : five have fallen, one is,the other has not yet arrived,but when he does arrive he mustremain a short while . And theten horns that you saw mean tenkings, who have not yet receiveda kingdom, but they do receiveauthority as kings one hour withthe wild beast ."Rev . 13 :2, 11, 12 "And thedragon gave the beast its powerand its throne and great authority.And they worshiped the dragonbecause he gave the authorityto the wild beast, and theyworshiped the wild beast withthe words : `Who is like the wildbeast, and who can do battle withit?' And I saw another wildbeast ascending out of the earth,and it had two horns . . . And itexercises all the authority of thefirst wild beast in its sight."Superior AuthoritiesJohn 12 :31 "Now there is ajudging of this world ; now theruler of this world will be castcut."Rev . 12 :9 "So down the greatdragon was hurled, the originalserpent, the one called Devil andSatan, who is misleading the entireinhabited earth ."2 Cor. 4:4 "Among whom thegod of this system of things hasblinded the minds of the unbelievers."1 John 5:19 "We know weoriginate with God, but the wholeworld is lying in the power ofthe wicked one."Ancient Rulers Who PicturedChrist as Ruler Do Not Stand asPrecedent for All OthersJer . 27 :5, 6, 8 "1 have made theearth, the men and the beaststhat are upon the face of theearth, by my great power andby my outstretched arm ; and Igive it unto whom it seemethright unto me . And now have Igiven all these lands into thehand of Nebuchadnezzar the kingof Babylon, my servant ; and thebeasts of the field also have Igiven him to serve him . And itshall come to pass, that the nationand the kingdom which willnot serve the same Nebuchadnezzarking of Babylon, and thatwill not put their neck underthe yoke of th king of Babylon,that nation will I punish, saithJehovah, with the sword, andwith the famine, and with thepestilence, until I have consumedthem by his hand ."2 Chron . 36 :22, 23 "Thus saithCyrus king of Persia, All thekingdoms of the earth hath Jehovah,the God of heaven, givenme ; and he hath charged me tobuild him a house in Jerusalem,which is in Judah . Whosoeverthere is among you of all hi;people, Jehovah his God be withhim, and let him go up."

Superior AuthoritiesAll Must Submit to SuperiorAuthority, Christ Jesus°Rom . 15 :12 `And again Isaiahsays : `There will be the root ofJesse, and there will be one arisingto rule nations ; on him nationswill rest their hope.'"Rev . 1 :5 "Jesus Christ, . . . `TheRuler of the kings of the earth .' "I Pet. 2:13, 14, 17 "For theLord's sake subject yourselves toevery human creation : whetherto a king as being superior orto governors as being sent by himto inflict punishment on evildoersbut to praise doers of good . Honormen of all kinds, have love forthe whole association of brothers,be in fear of God, have honorfor the king ."Matt. 28 :18 "And Jesus approachedand spoke to them, saying: `All authority has been givenme in heaven and on theearth .'Those Who Show Works of Faithin Christ's Position ReceiveFavorRom . 13 :3, 4 "For those rulingare an object of fear, not to thegood deed, but to the evil . Do you,then, want to have no fear ofthe authority? Keep doing good,and you will have praise fromit ; for it is God's minister to youfor your good . But if you aredoing evil, be in fear : for it isnot without purpose that it bearshe sword ; for it is God's minister,an avenger to express wrathupon the one practicing evil ."Matt . 10 :22 "And you will behated by all people on account ofmy name ; but he that has enduredto the end is the one thatwill be saved ."Matt. 24 :9 "Then people willdeliver you up to tribulation and372will kill you, and you will behated by all the nations on accountof my name."Matt . 25 :34 . 40 "Then the kingwill say to those on his right :`Come, you who have my Father'sblessing, inherit the kingdomprepared for you from the world'sfoundation . . . . Truly I say to you,To the extent that you did it toone of the least of these mybrothers, you did it to me .' "Those Who Hold to Other Superiorsas Supreme Must Perishat Christ's Hand'Rom . 13 :4 "But if you aredoing evil, be in fear : for it isnot without purpose that it bearsthe sword ; for it is God's minister,an avenger to express wrathupon the one practicing evil ."Luke 12 :4, 5 "Moreover I sayto you, my friends, Do not fearthose who kill the body and afterthis are not able to do anythingmore . But I will indicate to youwhom to fear : Fear him whoafter killing has authority tothrow into Gehenna ."Rev . 19 :15 "And out of hismouth there protrudes a sharplong sword, that he may smitethe nations with it, and he willshepherd them with a rod ofiron. He treads, too, the pressof the wine of the anger of thewrath of God the Almighty ."Matt. 25 :45, 46 "Then he willanswer them with the words :`Truly I say to you, To the extentthat you did not do it to oneof these least ones, you did notdo it to me .' And these will departinto everlasting cutting-off,but the righteous ones into everlastinglife ."See "Caesar's Things to Caesar ."

Ten "Lost Tribes"DEFINITIONThe false teaching that the ten tribes who revolted with Jeroboambecame lost after their captivity to Assyria . Some claim they migratedto America and constituted the American Indian tribes :"everlasting hills" (Genesis 49) claimed to be mountains of westernAmerica. Others say the ten tribes became the Anglo-AmericansRepresentatives of All TwelveTribes Lived in Judah'sKingdom2 Chron . 11 :13-17 "And thepriests and the Levites that werein all Israel resorted to him outof all their border . For the Levitesleft their suburbs and theirpossession, and came to Judahand Jerusalem : for Jeroboam andhis sons cast them off, thatthey should not execute thepriest's office unto Jehovah . . . .And after them, out of all thetribes of Israel, such as set theirhearts to seek Jehovah, the Godof Israel, came to Jerusalem tosacrifice unto Jehovah, the Godof their fathers. So they strengthenedthe kingdom of Judah ."2 Chron . 15 :9 "And he gatheredall Judah and Benjamin,and them that sojourned withthem out of Ephraim and Manasseh,and out of Simeon : forthey fell to him out of Israel inabundance, when they saw thatJehovah his God was with him ."A Remnant Composed of AllTwelve Tribes Returned toPalestineEzek . 37 :19-28 "Thus saith theLord Jehovah : Behold, I willtake the stick of Joseph, whichis in the hand of Ephraim, andthe tribes of Israel his companions; and I will put them withit, even with the stick of Judah,and make them one stick, andthey shall be one in my hand . . . .And say unto them, Thus saiththe Lord Jehovah : Behold, I willtake the children of Israel from unto our God ."373among the nations, whither therare gone, and will gather themon every side, and bring theminto their own land : and I willmake them one nation in theland, upon the mountains ofIsrael ; and one king shall beking to them all ; and they shallbe no more two nations, neithershall they be divided into twokingdoms any more at all ; neithershall they defile themselvesany more with their idols . . . . norwith any of their transgressions ;but I will save them out of alltheir dwelling-places, whereinthey have sinned, and will cleansethem : so shall they be my people,and I will be their God ."Jer . 31 :21, 22 "Set thee upwaymarks, make thee guideposts; set thy heart toward thehighway, even the way by whichthou wentest : turn again, 0 virginof Israel, turn again to thesethy cities . How long wilt thou gohither and thither, 0 thou backslidingdaughter?"Bible Record Testifies that IsraelReturned, Speaking of All Israel .Heads of the Fathers'Houses, etc.Ezra 2 :70 "So the priests, andthe Levites, and some of thepeople, and the singers, and theporters, and the Nethinim, dweltin their cities, and all Israel intheir cities."Ezra 4 :3 `But erubbabel . andJeshua, and the rest of the headsof fathers' houses of Israel, saidunto them, Ye have nothing todo with us in building a house

Ten"Lost Tribes"See also: Ezra 2 :2, 59 ; 3 :1 ;4 :3 ; 7 :7, 10, 28 ; 8 :25, 29 ; 9 :1 ;10 :1, 2, 5, 10 ; Neh . 2 :10 ; 7 :7,61, 73 ; 9 :1, 2 ; 11 :3, 20 ; 12 :47 ;13 :3 ; Luke 1 :80 ; 7 :9 ; John 1 :31 ;3 :10 .Some of All Twelve Tribes Werein Palestine in the Days of Jesusani ApostlesActs 26 :7 "Our twelve tribesare hoping to attain to the fulfillmentof this promise by intenselyrendering him sacredservice night and day ."Isa . 8:14 "And he shall be fora sanctuary ; but for a stone ofstumbling and for a rock of offenceto both the houses of Israel,for a gin and for a snare to theinhabitants of Jerusalem ."Luke 2 :36 "Now there wasAnna a prophetess, Phanuel'sdaughter, of Asher's tribe."Acts 2 :36 "Therefore let all thehouse of Israel know for a certaintythat God made him bothLord and Christ, this Jesus whomyou impaled ."Jas . 1 :1 "James, a slave of Godand of the Lord Jesus Christ,to the twelve tribes that arescattered about ."Acts 13 :16, 17, 23, 24 "Paulrose, and motioning with hishand, he said : 'You Israelitesand you others that fear God,hear . The God of this peopleIsrael chose our forefathers, . . .God has brought to Israel a savior,Jesus, after John, in advanceof the entry of that One, hadpreached publicly to all the peopleof Israel the baptism of thoserepenting .''Luke 1 :16 "And many of thesons (if Israel will he [John theBapist] turn back to Jehovahtheir God ."Matt . 10 :6, 23 "Go continuallyo the lost sheep of the houseof Israel ."Matt . 15 :24 "In answer he said :'I was not sent forth to any butto the lost sheep of the houseof Israel .'"See also : Matt . 2 :20, 21 ; 8 :10 ;Acts 2 :22 ; 3 :12 ; 4 :27 ; 10 :36, 37 ;11 074Rom . 9 :31-33 ; 10 :1 ; 11 :1 ; Heb.8 :10 .Israelites Cast OFfi as God's Nation,A .D. 33 : All Peoples CouldThen Be of God's "Holy Nation"Gal . 3 :28 "There is neither Jewnor Greek, there is neither slavenor freeman, there is neithermale nor female ; for you are allone in union with Christ Jesus ."Gal . 6 :15, 16 "For neither iscircumcision anything nor is uncircumcision,but a new creationis something . And all those whowill walk orderly by this rule ofconduct, upon them be peace andmercy, even upon the Israel ofGod2 Cor. 5 :16, 17 "Consequently,from now on s e know no manaccording to the flesh . Even ifwe have known Christ accordingto the flesh, certainly we nowknow him so no more . Consequently,if anyone is in unionwith Christ, he is a new creation ;the old things passed away, look!new things have come into existence."1 Pet. 2 :9, 10 "You are 'achosen race, a royal priesthood,a holy nation, a people for specialpossession, that you shoulddeclare abroad the excellencies'of the one that called you out ofdarkness into his wonderful light .For you were once not a people,but are now God's people ; youwere those who had not beenshown mercy, but are now thosewho have been shown mercy ."[For the above reasons, the144,000 mentioned in Revelation7, from the twelve tribes,could not be literal Jews . The12,000 from each tribe shows impartialityand complete, balanced<strong>org</strong>anization .]Regathering in Last Days Is NotNationally, Politically (as Indians,Anglo-Americans), but aChristian Gathering from AllNations for True WorshipActs 15 :14 "Symeon has relatedthoroughly how God for

375the first time turned his attentionto the nations to take outof them a people for his name ."Rev. 7 :4-15 "And I heard thenumber of those who were sealed,a hundred and forty-four thousand,sealed out of every tribeof the sons of Israel : . . . Afterthese things I saw, and, look! agreat crowd, which no man wasable to number, out of all nationsand tribes and peoples andtongues, . And they keep oncrying with a loud voice, saying :`Salvation we owe to our God,who is seated on the throne, andto the Lamb .' . . . and they arerendering him sacred service dayand night in his temple ."Rev . 14 :1-4 "And I saw, andlook! the Lamb standing uponthe mount ion, and with him ahundred and forty-four thousand .. . . And they are singing as ifa new song . . . . These were purchasedfrom among mankind ."Rev . 5 :9, 10 "And they singa new song, saying : "You areworthy to take the scroll andopen its seals, because you wereslaughtered and with your bloodyou bought persons for God outof every tribe and tongue andpeople and nation, and you madethem to be a kingdom and prieststo our God, and they will rule askings over the earth .'"Isa. 35 :10 "And the ransomedof Jehovah shall return, andcome with singing unto ion ;and everlasting joy shall be upontheir heads : they shall obtaingladness and joy, and sorrowand sighing shall flee away."Vial . 3:4 "Then shall the offeringof Judah and Jerusalembe pleasant unto Jehovah, as inthe days of old, and as in ancientyears."Mic . 4 :1-3 "But in the latterdays it shall come to pass, thatthe mountain of Jehovah's houseshall be established on the topof the mountains, and it shall beexalted above the hills ; and peoplesshall flow unto it . And manyTen "Lost Tribes"nations shall go and say . Comeye, and let us go up to themountain of Jehovah . . . . and hewill judge between many peoples,and will decide concerning strongnations afar off : and they shallbeat their swords into plowshares,and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift upsword against nation, neithershall they learn war any more .""Everlasting Hills" Those ofPalestine Where Joseph (Ephraimand Manasseh) ReceivedHis InheritanceGen . 49 :25 "The blessings ofthy father have prevailed abovethe blessings of my progenitorsunto the utmost bound of theeverlasting hills : they shall beon the head of Joseph ."Josh . 17 :7-11 "And the borderof Manasseh was from Asher toMichmethath, which is beforeShechem ; and the border wentalong to the right hand, unto theinhabitants of En-tappuah . Theland of Tappuah belonged to Manasseh; but Tappuah on the borderof Manasseh belonged to thechildren of Ephraim . And theborder went down unto the brookof Kanah, southward of thebrook : these cities belonged toEphraim among the cities of Manasseh: and the border of Manassehwas on the north side ofthe brook, and the goings outthereof were at the sea ; southwardit was Ephraim's, andnorthward it was Manasseh's .and the sea was his border ; ani :they reached to Asher on thenorth, and to Issachar on theeast . And Manasseh had in Issacharand in Asher Beth-sheanand its towns, and Ibleam andits towns, and the inhabitants ofDor and its towns, and the inhabitantsof En-dor and itstowns, and the inhabitants ofTaanach and its towns, and theinhabitants of Megiddo and itstowns, even the three heights ."See "Jehovah's Witnesses" .

TithingDEFINITIONA giving of one tenth of one's possessions or gains . Since the numberten is used in the Scriptures as representing all, it is a token of thecomplete dedication of God's people, with all their possessions, to theservice of Jehovah .Abraham's Tithing to Melchize- be with me, and will keep me indek Showed Levitical Priesthood this way that I go, and will giveInferior to Christ'sme bread to eat, and raiment toGen . 14 :18-20 "And Melchize- put on, so that I come againdek king of Salem brought forth to my father's house in peace,bread and wine : and he was and Jehovah will be my God,priest of God Most High . And then this stone, which I have sethe blessed him, and said, Blessed up for a pillar, shall be God'sbe Abram of God Most High, house : and of all that thou shaltpossessor of heaven and earth : give me I will surely give theand blessed be God Most High, tenth unto thee ."who hath delivered thine enemies Tithes Paidinto thy hand . And he gave himby Israelites Underthe Lawa tenth of all ."Heb The main lithe-to the Levitesgreat . this 7 :4-10man" Behold, then how[Melchize,dek] Num. 18 :21 "And unto thewas to whom Abraham, the fam- children of Levi, behold, I haveily head, gave a tenth out of the given all the tithe in Israel forchief spoils . True, the men who an inheritance, in return forreceive their priesthood from the their service which they serve .sons of Levi have a command- even the service of the tent ofment to collect tithes from the meeting."people according to the Law, that The second tithe-to be usedis . from their brothers, even if to travel to Jerusalem or otherthese have issued from the loins divinely designated place for asofAbraham ; but the man who sembly there . What was left wasdid not trace his genealogy from to be eaten therethem took tithes from Abrahamand blessed him who had the su Deut . 14 :22-26 tithe all the "Thou shalt promises . Now without any disthyseed, that which comethItpute, greater the less is blessed by the forth from the field year by year .. And in the one that And thou shalt eat before Jehoreceivemen who are dying that Jeho vah thy God, in the place whichreceive tithes, but in the othcase it is a manh of whom it is s he shall choose, to cause hiswitnessed that name to dwell there, the tithe ofI Abraham use And, the expression, t thy grain, of thy new wine, andreceives of thine oil, and the firstlings oftithes has evenpaid Levitithes, whofor he wasas thy herd and of thy flock ; thatstill in the loins of his forefa- thou mayest learn to fear Jehotherwhen Melchizedek met him ." vah thy God always . And if theway be too long for thee, so thatJacob Vowed One Tenth (Not thou art not able to carry it, bebyLaw), Picturing Complete cause the place is too far fromDevotion of Christians Today thee, which Jehovah thy GodGen . 28 :20-22 "And Jacob shall choose, to set his namevowed a vow, saying, If God will there, when Jehovah thy God376

377shall bless thee ; then shalt thouturn it into money, and bind upthe money in thy hand . . . andthou shalt bestow the money forwhatsoever thy soul desireth, foroxen, or for sheep, or for wine,or for strong drink, or for whatsoeverthy soul asketh of thee ;and thou shalt eat there beforeJehovah thy God, and thou shaltrejoice, thou and thy household ."The poor tithe-on the third andsixth years of every seven-yearperiod, instead of thesecond titheDeut. 14 :28, 29 "At the end ofevery three years thou shaltbring forth all the tithe of thineincrease in the same year, andshalt lay it up within thy gates :and the Levite, because he hathno portion nor inheritance withthee, and the sojourner, and thefatherless, and the widow, thatare within thy gates, shall come,and shall eat and be satisfied ;that Jehovah thy God may blessthee in all the work of thy handwhich thou doest ."Tithe of Levites to the priests-a tithe of the titheNum . 18 :26, 28, 29 "Moreoverthou shalt speak unto the Levites,and say unto them, Whenye take of the children of Israelthe tithe which I have given youfrom them for your inheritance,then ye shall offer up a heaveofferingof it for Jehovah, a titheof the tithe. Thus ye also shalloffer a heave-offering unto Jehovah. . . of all the best thereof,even the hallowed part thereofout of it."To the king-taxes; this mightvary according to taxes levied1 Sam . 8 :15 "And he will takethe tenth of your seed, and ofyour vineyards, and give to hisofficers, and to his servants ."Tithing Not the Weightier Partof the LawMatt . 23 :23, 24 "Woe to you,scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!Tithingbecause you give the tenth ofthe mint and the dill and thecummin, but you have disregardedthe weightier matters ofthe Law, namely, judgment andmercy and faithfulness . Thesethings it was binding to do, yetnot to disregard the other things .Blind guides, who strain out thegnat but gulp down the camel!"Luke 18 :11-14 "The Phariseestood and began to pray thesethings to himself : '0 God, Ithank you I am not as the restof men, extortioners, unrighteous,adulterers, or even as this taxcollector . I fast twice a week,I give the tenth of all things Iacquire.' But the tax collectorstanding at a distance was notwilling even to raise his eyesheavenward, but kept beating hischest, saying : '0 God, be graciousto me a sinner.' I tell you, Thisman went down to his homeproved more righteous than thatman ; because everyone thatexalts himself will be humiliated,but he that humbles himself willbe exalted ."Jesus Upheld Tithing WhileJewish Law Was in ForceLuke 11 :42 "But woe to youPharisees, because you give thetenth of the mint and the rueand of every other vegetable, butyou pass by the justice and thelove of God! These things youwere under obligation to do, butthose other things not to omit ."Tithing Ended When Law Abolishedby God Through ChristCol. 2 :13, 14 "Furthermore,though you were dead in yourtrespasses and in the uncircumcisedstate of your flesh,God made you alive togetherwith him . He kindly f<strong>org</strong>ave usall our trespasses and blottedout the handwritten documentagainst us which consisted of decreesand which was in oppositionto us, and He has taken itout of the way by nailing it tothe torture stake ."

TithingGal . 3 :13 "Christ by purchasereleased us from the curse of theLaw by becoming a curse insteadof us, because it is written : 'Accursedis every man hanged upona stake.'"Eph . 2 :15 "By means of hisflesh he abolished the hatred, theLaw of commandments consistingin decrees ."Heb . 7 :18 "Certainly, then,there occurs a setting aside ofthe preceding commandment onaccount of its weakness and ineffectiveness."Heb. 7 :11, 12 "If, then, perfectionwere really through theLevitical priesthood, (for with itas a feature the people weregiven the Law,) what furtherneed would there be for anotherpriest to arise after the likenessof Melchizedek and not said tobe after the likeness of Aaron?"Christian Offerings Are FreeWill, "Gifts of Mercy," Notby Law nor Mandatory2 Cor . 9:5-7 "Therefore Ithought it necessary to encouragethe brothers to come to you inadvance and to get ready in advanceyour bountiful gift previouslypromised, that thus thismight be ready as a bountifulgift and not as something extorted. But as to this, he thatsows sparingly will also reapsparingly, and he that sowsbountifully will also reap bountifully.Let each one do just as hehas resolved in his heart, notgrudgingly or under compulsion,for God loves a cheerful giver ."Acts 24 :17 "So after quite anumber of years I arrived towring gifts of mercy to my nation,and offerings ."Rom . 15 :25-27 "But now I amabout to journey to Jerusalemto minister to the holy ones . Forthose in Macedonia and Achaiahave been pleased to share uptheir things by a contribution tothe poor of the holy ones in Jerusalem.True, they have beenpleased to do so, and yet they378were debtors to them ; for if thenations have shared in theirspiritual things, they also owe itto minister publicly to these withthings for the physical body ."Acts 4:34, 35 "In fact, therewas not one in need amongthem ; for all those who werepossessors of fields or houseswould sell them and bring thevalues of the things sold andthey would deposit them at thefeet of the apostles . In turn,distribution would be made toeach one just as he would havethe need ."Gal . 2 :10 "Only we should keepthe poor in mind . This verything I have also earnestly endeavoredto do ."No Mention to Christians ofGiving a Tenth1 Cor. 16 :2, 3 "Every first dayof the week let each of you athis own house set somethingaside in store as he may be prospering,so that when I arrivecollections will not take placethen . But when I get there, whatevermen you approve of by letters,these I shall send to carryyour kind gift to Jerusalem ."Christian's "Tithe" Is Giving ofAll to the Kingdom ServiceHeb . 10 :7 "Then I said, `Look!I a n come (in the roll of thebook it is written about me) todo your will, 0 God.'"Luke 18 :27-30 "Peter said :`Look! we have left our ownthings and followed you .' He saidto them : `Truly I say to you,There is no one who has lefthouse or wife or brothers orparents or children for the sakeof the kingdom of God that isnot certain to get many timesmore in this period of time andin the coming system of thingseverlasting life .' "Luke 12 :33 "Sell the things belongingto you and give themas gifts of mercy . Make pursesfor yourselves that do not wearout, a never-failing treasure in

379the heavens, where a thief doesnot get near nor moth consumes."Prov . 23 :26 "My son, give methy heart ."Heb . 13 :15, 16 "Through himlet us always offer to God asacrifice of praise, that is, thefruit of lips which make publicdeclaration to his name. Moreover,do not f<strong>org</strong>et the doing ofgood and the sharing of thingswith others, for with such sacrificesGod is well pleased ."Rom . 12 :8 "He that distributes,let him do it with liberality ."Rom . 13 :8 "Do not be owinganybody a single thing, except tolove one another ; for he thatloves his fellow man has fulfilledthe law."Acts 4 :32 "Moreover, the multitudeof those who had believedhad one heart and soul, and noteven one would say that any ofthe things he possessed was hisown, but they had all things incommon ."Christian Gifts of Mercy NotNecessarily Regularly Given tothe Congregation, or Its AppointedServants, but to RelieveNeedy Brothers andExpand Preaching WorkJas . 2 :15, 16 "If a brother ora sister is in a naked state andlacking the food sufficient forthe day, yet a certain one of yousays to them . 'Go in peace, keepwarm and well fed,' but you donot give them the necessities fortheir body, of what benefit isit?"Rom . 15 :26 "For those in Macedoniaand Achaia have beenpleased to share up their thingsby a contribution to the poor ofthe holy ones in Jerusalem ."Phil . 4 :14-17 "Nevertheless, youacted well in becoming sharerswith me in my tribulation . Infact, you Philippians, also knowthat at the start of declaringthe good news, when I departedfrom Macedonia, not a congregationtook a share with me inTithingthe matter of giving and receiving,except you alone, because,even in Thessalonica, you sentsomething to me both once and asecond time for my need . Notthat I am earnestly seeking thegift, but that I am earnestlyseeking the fruitage that bring',more credit to your account ."Christians Today Entrust "Faithfuland Discreet Slave" Societywith Material Means to Carryon Kingdom WorkActs 11:29, 30 "So those of thedisciples determined, each ofthem according as anyone couldafford it, to send a relief ministrationto the brothers dwellingin Judea ; and this they did, dispatchingit to the older men bythe hand of Barnabas and Saul ."2 Cor . 9 :1-5 "Now concerningthe ministry that is destined forthe holy ones it is superfluousfor me to write you, for I knowyour readiness of mind of whichI am boasting to the Macedoniansabout you, that Achaia hasstood ready now for a year, andyour zeal has stirred up the majorityof them . But I am sendingthe brothers, that our boastingabout you might not prove emptyin this respect, but that you mayreally be ready, just as I usedto say you would be. Otherwise,in some way, if Macedoniansshould come with me and findyou not ready, we-not to say you-should be put to shame inthis assurance of ours . ThereforeI thought it necessary to encouragethe brothers to come to youin advance and to get ready inadvance your bountiful gift previouslypromised, that thus thismight be ready as a bountifulgift and not as something extorted_"2 Cor . 9 :11-13 "In everythingyou are being enriched for everykind of generosity, which producesthrough us an expressionof thanks to God ; because theministry of this public serviceis not only to supply abundantly

Tongues, Speaking Inthe wants of the holy ones butalso to be rich with many expressionsof thanks to God .Through the proof that thisministry gives, they glorify Godbecause you are submissive to thegood news about the Christ, asyou publicly declare you are, andbecause you are generous in yourcontribution to them and to all ."I Cor . 16 :1-4 "Now concerningthe collection which is for theholy ones, just as I gave ordersto the congregations of Galatia,do that way also yourselves .Every first day of the week leteach of you at his own houseset something aside in store ashe may be prospering, so thatwhen I arrive collections willnot take place then . But when Iget there, whatever men you approveof by letters, these I shallsend to carry your kind gift toJerusalem . However, if it is fittingfor me to go there also, theywill go there with me ."Christians Today Set Aside Moneyto Attend Assemblies ; EnjoySpiritual Food ProvidedDeut. 14 :22-27 "Thou shaltsurely tithe all the increase ofthy seed, that which comethforth from the field year byyear . And thou shalt eat beforeJehovah thy God, in the placewhich he shall choose, to causehis name to dwell there, thetithe of thy grain, of thy newwine, and of thine oil, and thefirstlings of thy herd and of thyflock ; that thou mayest learn tofear Jehovah thy God always .And if the way be too long forthee, so that thou art not ableto carry it, because the place380is too far from thee, which Jehovahthy God shall choose, toset his name there, when Jehovahthy God shall bless thee ;then shalt thou turn it into money,and bind up the money inthy hand, and shalt go unto theplace which Jehovah thy Godshall choose : and thou shalt bestowthe money for whatsoeverthy soul desireth, for oxen, or forsheep, or for wine, or for strongdrink, or for whatsoever thy soulasketh of thee ; and thou shalteat there before Jehovah thyGod, and thou shalt rejoice, thouand thy household . And the Levitethat is within thy gates .thou shalt not forsake him ; forhe hath no portion nor inheritancewith thee ."Christendom, as Pictured byAncient Israel, Has Not BeenFully Devoted to God andClean WorshipMal . 3 :8, 9 "Will a man robGod? yet ye rob me . But ye say,Wherein have we robbed thee?In tithes and offerings. Ye arecursed with the curse ; for yerob me, even this whole nation ."God's Boundless Blessings NowPoured Out on His FaithfulPeople Today ; Increase TestifiesProsperityMal . 3:10 "Bring ye the wholetithe into the store-house, thatthere may be food in my house,and prove me now herewith, saithJehovah of hosts, if I will notopen you the windows of heaven,and pour you out a blessing, thatthere shall not be room enoughto receive it ."See "Charitable Works", "Law ."Tongues, Speaking InDEFINITIONThe special ability given through the holy spirit to some of thedisciples in the early congregation that enabled them to preach orotherwise glorify God in a tongue or tongues other than their own

381 Tongues, Speaking litnative tongue . Where the language was not understood by the congregation,the gift of interpretation might be given . Limited to theearly congregation, it was a sign to foreign unbelievers ; and, like allother special gifts of the holy spirit, was administered by Jesus Christthrough the twelve apostles . At the apostles' death it was impossibleto pass this special gift on to others, and therefore eventually itceased .Manifestation of Active Force asa Special Gift, the Eighth inRating1 Cor . 12 :4-11, 28 "Now thereare varieties of gifts, but thereis the same spirit ; . . . But the:manifestation of the spirit isgiven to each one for a beneficialpurpose . For example, to onethere is given through the spiritspeech of wisdom, . . . to anotherdifferent tongues, and to anotherinterpretation of tongues . But allthese operations the one and thesame spirit performs, making adistribution to each one respectivelyjust as it wills. And Godhas set the respective ones inthe congregation, first, apostles ;second, prophets ; third, teachers ;then powerful works ; then giftsof healings ; helpful services,abilities to direct, differenttongues ."Acts 10 :45 . 46 "The free giftof the holy spirit was beingpoured out also upon people ofthe nations . For they heard themspeaking with tongues and glorifyingGod."Ability Through Spirit Camefrom Christ JesusActs 2 :1-6, 32, 33 "Now whilethe day of the feast of Pentecostwas in progress they were all togetherat the same place, andsuddenly there occurred fromheaven a noise just like that ofa rushing stiff breeze, and itfilled the whole house in whichthey were sitting . And tonguesas if of fire became visible andwere distributed to them, and onesat upon each one of them, andthey all became filled with holyspirit and started to speak withdifferent tongues, just as thespirit was granting them to makeutterance . As it was, there weredwelling in Jerusalem Jews, reverentmen, from every nation ofthose under heaven . . . . each oneheard them speaking in his ownlanguage. `This Jesus God resurrected,of which fact we areall witnesses, Therefore becausehe was exalted to the right handof God and received the promisedholy spirit from the Father,he has poured out this which yousee and hear.' "Gifts Administered by Apostlesor in Their PresenceActs 19 :1-7 "In the course ofevents, while Apollos was in Corinth,Paul . . . found some disciples,and he said to them : `Didyou receive holy spirit when youbecame believers?' They said tohim : `Why, we have never heardwhether there is a holy spirit .'. . . And when Paul laid his handsupon them, the holy spirit cameupon them, and they beganspeaking with tongues and prophesying. All together, there wereabout twelve men ."Acts 8 :14-18 "When the apostlesin Jerusalem heard that Samariahad accepted the word ofGod, they dispatched Peter andJohn to them, and these wentdown and prayed for them to getholy spirit . For it had not yetfallen upon any one of them,but they had only been baptizedin the name of the Lord Jesus .Then they went to laying theirhands upon them, and they beganto receive holy spirit . Nowwhen Simon saw that throughthe laying on of the hands ofthe apostles the spirit was given .he offered them money ."

Tongues, Speaking InEnabled Witnessing of GoodNews to Those of AnotherLanguageActs 2 :7, 8, 11 "Indeed, theywere astonished and began towonder and say : `See here . allthese who are speaking are Galileans,are they not? And yet howis it we are listening each oneof us to his own language inwhich we were born? . . . we hearthem speaking in our tonguesabout the magnificent things ofGod .'Not All in Early CongregationHad GiftI Cor. 12 :27, 28, 30, 31 "Nowyou are Christ's body, and membersindividually . And God hasset the respective ones in thecongregation, . . . Not all speak intongues, do they? Not all aretranslators, are they? But keepstriving after the greater gifts ."Understanding of Witness theImportant ThingI Cor. 14 :5-9 "Now I wouldlike for all of you to speak intongues, but I prefer that youprophesy . Indeed, he that prophesiesis greater than he thatspeaks in tongues, unless, in fact,he translates, that the congregationmay receive upbuilding. Butat this time, brothers, if I shouldcome speaking to you in tongues,what good would I do you unlessI spoke to you either with a revelationor with knowledge or witha prophecy or with a teaching?. . .In the same way also, unlessyou through the tongue utterspeech easily understood, howwill it be known what is beingspoken? You will, in fact, bespeaking into the air ."If Tongue Was Unknown toCongregation, TranslationWas to Be Given AlsoI Cor. 14 :10-19 "It may be thatthere are so many kinds ofspeech-sounds in the world, andyet no kind is without meaning .If, then, I do not understand the382force of the speech-sound, I shallbe a foreigner to the one speakingand the one speaking willbe a foreigner to me . . . . Thereforelet the one who sneaks ina tongue pray that he may translate. For if I am praying in atongue, it is my gift of the spiritthat is praying, but my understandingis unfruitful . What isto be done, then? I will praywith the gift of the spirit, butI will also pray with my understanding. I will sing praise withthe gift of the spirit, but I willalso sing praise with my understanding.Otherwise, if you offerpraise with a gift of the spirit,how will the man occupying theseat of the ordinary person sayAmen to your giving of thanks,since he does not know whatyou are saying? True, you givethanks in a right way, but theother man is not being built up .I thank God, I speak in moretongues than all of you do. Nevertheless,in a congregation Iwould rather speak five wordswith my understanding, that Imight also instruct others verbally,than ten thousand words ina tongue."Intended to Operate as a Signto Unbelievers1 Cor . 14 :21-25 "In the Lawit is written : ' "With the tonguesof foreigners and with the lipsof strangers I will speak to thispeople, and yet not even thenwill they give heed to me," saysJehovah .' Consequently, tonguesare for a sign, not to the believers,but to the unbelievers,whereas prophesying is, not forthe unbelievers, but for the believers. Therefore, if the wholecongregation comes together toone place and they all speak intongues, but ordinary people orunbelievers come in, will theynot say that you are mad? But ifyou are all prophesying and anyunbeliever or ordinary person

383comes in, he is put right by themall, he is closely examined by all,the secrets of his heart becomemanifest, so that he will prostratehimself and worship God,declaring, 'God is really amongyou . , "Was Given to Edify, Not to Exaltthe Creature by a Displayof GiftI Cor . 14 :26-28 "What is to bedone, then, brothers? When youcome together, one has a psalm,another has a teaching, anotherhas a revelation, another has atongue, another has an interpretation.Let all things takeplace for upbuilding . And ifsomeone speaks in a tongue, letit be limited to two or three atthe most, and in turns, and letsomeone translate . But if therebe no translator, let him keepsilent in the congregation andspeak to himself and to God ."1 Cor. 13 :1 "If I speak in thetongues of men and of angelsbut do not have love, I havebecome a sounding piece of brassor a clashing cymbal ."Souls Do Not Mix ; They ReproduceAfter Their Own KindGen . 1 :24 "God said, Let theearth bring forth living creaturesafter their kind, cattle, andcreeping things, and beasts ofthe earth after their kind : andit was so ."Lev . 18 :23 "Thou shalt not liewith any beast to defile thyselfTransmigrationTransmigrationWas to Continue Only as Longas Congregation in EarlyDevelopment1 Cor. 13 :8, I1, 12 "Whetherthere are tongues, they will cease :, . When I was a babe, I usedto speak as a babe, to think asa babe, to reason as a babe ; butnow that I have become a man,I have done away with the trailsof a babe. For at present we seein hazy outline by means of ametal mirror, but then it willbe face to face . At present Iknow partially, but then I shallknow accurately even as I amaccurately known ."Passed Away as Gift AfterDeath of Apostles1 Cor . 13:8-10 "Love neverfails . But whether there are giftsof prophesying, they will be doneaway with ; whether there aretongues, they will cease ; . Forwe have partial knowledge andwe prophesy partially ; but whenthat which is complete arrives,that which is partial will be doneaway with ."See "Spirit", "Gifts from God ."DEFINITIONThe doctrine that the soul is separate and distinct from the bodyand passes at death into another body or (metempsychosis) the rebirthof the soul at death in another body either of human or animalform . A false doctrine .ORIGINBased on Satan's lie that the soul is immortal, stated to Eve inEden, c .4025 B .C . (Gen . 3 :4, 5) A pagan doctrine of the ancientBabylonians and Greeks. Believed by Hindus .therewith ; neither shall anywoman stand before a beast, tolie down thereto : it is confusion."Souls of All Beasts on Earth NotEquivalent to One Human SoulMatt . 12 :12 "All considered, ofhow much more worth is a manthan a sheep!"

TransmigrationMatt . 10:31 "You are worthmore than many sparrows ."Luke 12 :23, 24 "The soul isworth more than food . . . Of howmuch more worth are you thanbirds?"1 Cor . 9 :9, 10 "In the law ofMoses it is written : `You mustnot muzzle an ox when it istreading out the grain .' Is itoxen God is caring for? Or isit altogether for our sakes hesays it? Really for our sakes itwas written ."Isa. 40 :16 "Lebanon is not sufficientto burn, nor the beaststhereof sufficient for a burntoffering."Heb. 9 :13, 14 "For if the bloodof goats and of bulls and theashes of a heifer sprinkled onthose who have been pollutedsanctifies to the extent of cleannessof the flesh, how much morewill the blood of the Christ, whothrough an everlasting spiritoffered himself without blemishto God, cleanse our consciencesfrom dead works?"God's Permitting Animal Soulsto Be Slain by Man for Food,Clothing Denies that These MayBe Transmigrated Human SoulsGen. 9 :3 "Every moving thingthat liveth shall be food for you ."2 Pet . 2 :12 "These men, likeunreasoning animals born naturallyto be caught and destroyed."Acts 28 :4, 5 "The venomouscreature . . . he shook the venomouscreature off into the fire ."No Metempsychosis ; Not Transmigratedby Being Born AfterDeath to Other ParentsJohn 3 :4 "Nicodemus said tohim : `How can a man be bornwhen he is old? He cannot enterinto the womb of his mother asecond time and be born, canhe?'"Deut . 25 :5, 6 "If brethren dwelltogether, and one of them die,and have no son, the wife of thedead shall not be married with-384out unto a stranger : her husband'sbrother shall go in untoher, and take her to him to wife .and perform the duty of a husband'sbrother unto her . And itshall be, that the first-born thatshe beareth shall succeed in thename of his brother that is dead .that his name be not blotted outof Israel ."[Thus showing God recognizesthe right of parents to have theirown children and have themcarry on their own name.]Metempsychosis Would MakeHusbands Unnecessary ; AllCould Then Be VirginBirthsGen . 5 :3 "And Adam lived ahundred and thirty years, andbegat a son in his own likeness,after his image ."Gen . 2 :18 "And Jehovah Godsaid, It is not good that the manshould be alone ; I will makehim a help meet for [mar ., "answeringto"] him."1 Cor . 11 :3-11 "The head of awoman is the man ; . . . the womanis man's glory . For man is notout of woman, but woman out ofman ; and what is more, man wasnot created for the sake of thewoman, but woman for the sakeof the man . . . . Besides, in connectionwith the Lord neither iswoman without man nor manwithout woman ."Transmigration Would Make ItImpossible for All Souls to BeSinners Through One Man :Would Not Make a Son Subjectto Inheritance of Goodor Evil Tendencies fromHis Father or Stiffer Becauseof His Father'sSinsRom. 5 :12-19 "Just as throughone man sin entered into theworld and death through sin,and thus death spread to allmen because they had all sinned- . . by one man's trespassmany died, . . . by the trespass ofthe one man death ruled as king

385through that one, . . through onetrespass the result to men of allkinds was condemnation ."Ex. 20 :5 "I Jehovah thy Godam a jealous God, visiting theiniquity of the fathers upon thechildren, upon the third and uponthe fourth generation of themthat hate me."Ex . 34 :6, 7 "Jehovah . . . . thatwill by no means clear the guilty,visiting the iniquity of the fathersupon the children, and uponthe children's children, uponthe third and upon the fourthgeneration."Animal Souls Existed in ImmenseNumbers Thousands ofYears Before Humans. Then NoHuman Souls Existedto TransmigrateGen . 1 :20, 23, 26, 31 "And Godsaid, Let the waters swarm withswarms of living creatures [Heb .,"souls"], . . . a fifth day. . . . Let usmake man in our image, . . . thesixth day ."Jesus' Birth No Metempsychosis-His Life Pattern Not Superimposedupon Sperm of a Husbandof Mary, nor a Resurrection,but a Continuation ofExistenceJohn 8 :58 "Jesus said to them :'Most truly I say to you, BeforeAbraham came into existence, Ihave been.'"John 1 :1, 14 "Originally theWord was, and the Word waswith God, and the Word wasa god . So the Word became fleshand resided among us, and wehad a view of his glory, a glorysuch as belongs to an onlybegottenson from a father ."Matt . 1 :18-20, 23 "Now JesusChrist was born this way . Duringthe time his mother Marywas promised in marriage to Joseph,she was found to be pregnantby holy spirit before theywere united . However, Joseph herhusband, because he was righteousand did not want to makeTransmigrationher a public spectacle, intendedto divorce her secretly. But afterhe had thought these things over,look! Jehovah's angel appearedto him in a dream, saying : 'Joseph,son of David, do not beafraid to take Mary your wifehome, for that which has beenbegotten in her is by holy spirit .''Look! the virgin will becomepregnant and will give birth toa son, and they will call hisname "Immanuel" .' "Jesus Poured Out His Soul toDeath ; It Did Not TransmigrateIsa . 53:12 "He poured out hissoul unto death, and was numberedwith the transgressors ."Acts 2:25-27 "David says respectinghim, ' . you will notforsake my soul in Hades, neitherwill you grant your man ofloving-kindness to see corruption.'"Heavenly Resurrection NotTransmigration, but Recreationof Life Patternor Personality (IncludingMemory) in a New Organism; Similarly theEarthly Resurrection1 Cor. 15 :38, 45 "God gives ita body just as it has pleasedhim, and to each of the seedsits own body The first manAdam became a living soul .' Thelast Adam became a life-givingspirit."2 Cor. 5 :17 "If anyone is inunion with Christ, he is a newcreation ; the old things passedaway."Gal. 6 :15 "Neither is circumcisionanything nor is uncircumcision,but a new creation issomething ."See "Resurrection", "Death,""Born Again," "Kingdom,""Soul.'

TrinityDEFINITION"The Trinity is the term employed to signify the central doctrineof the Christian religion-the truth that in the unity of the Godheadthere are Three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,these Three Persons being truly distinct one from another ."- CatholicEncyclopedia, Vol . XV, p. 47 ."In this one God there are three distinct Persons, the Father,the Son, and the Holy Ghost, who are perfectly equal to each other .We believe that Jesus Christ . . . He is God of the substance of theFather."-The Faith of Our Fathers, by Cardinal Gibbons, p . 1 .A false, unbiblical doctrine .ORIGINAncient Babylonish paganism c .2200 B. C . Brought into the deflected"Christian church" about the second century, being especiallyestablished in the Nicene Creed, A . D . 325 . (See McClintock andStrong's Cyclopcedia, under "Trinity" ; The Two Babylons, pp . 16, 17 .)Texts Misapplied`Heb. 1 :8 ; 2John 14 :9, 10 ; Rom .9 :5 ; Titus 2 :13 ; 1 John 5 :7 ;'John 1 :1 ; Rev . 3 :14 ; 'John20 :28 ; 5John 8 :58 ; Rev . 1 :8, 11 ;21 :6 ; 22 :13 ; 'Col . 2 :9 ; John0 :30 ; 8Acts 20 :28 ; 'John 10 :18 ;Tim. 3 :16 ; 10John 2 :19 ; 11Matt.1 11 :23 ; 12 John 15 :26 ; 16 :13-15, AV,Dy.Jehovah One God, GreatestPerson'Deut. 6:4 "Jehovah our God isone Jehovah ."John 14 :28 "The Father isgreater than I am ."John 10 :29 (footnote) "My Father. is greater than allothers ."Ps. 83 :18 "Jehovah . . . [is] theMost High over all the earth,"1 Cor. 15 :28 "That God maybe all things to everyone ."Phil . 2 :11 "Every tongue shouldopenly confess that Jesus Christis Lord to the glory of God theFather."Isa . 42:8 "I am Jehovah, thatis my name ; and my glory willI not give to another ."386Heb. 1 :8 "With reference tothe Son : `God is your throneforever .' "Jehovah and Jesus DifferentPersons'John 8 :17, 18 "'The witness oftwo men is true .' I am one thatbears witness about myself andthe Father who sent me bearswitness about me ."1 John 5 :7, AV "For there arethree that bear record in heaven,the Father, the Word, and theHoly Ghost : and these three areone ."-This text spurious .See Appendix on 1 John 5 :7,NW .Rom. 9 :5 "God who is overall be blest forever. Amen."See Appendix, Romans 9 :5,NW .Titus 2 :13 "The . . . gloriousmanifestation of the great Godand of our Savior Christ Jesus ."See Appendix, Titus 2 :13, NW .The Son Created by God'John 1 :1 "Originally the Wordwas, and the Word was with God,and the Word was a god ."See Appendix, John 1 :1, NW

387Rev. 3 :14 "These are the thingsthe Amen says, the faithful andtrue witness, the beginning ofthe creation by God ."John 1 :18 "No man has seenGod at any time ; the onlybegottengod who is in the bosomposition with the Father is theone that has explained him ."Col. 1 :15, 16 "He is the imageof the invisible God, the firstbornof all creation, because by him allother things were created ."Prov. 8 :22-24 "Jehovah possessedme in the beginning ofhis way, before his works of old .I was set up from everlasting,from the beginning, before theearth was. When there were nodepths, I was brought forth ."-See marginal reading .Jesus Inferior to JehovahMatt . 12:18 (Isa . 42 :1) "Look!my servant whom I chose."Also : Isa . 53 :11 .Acts 3 :13, 26 "God . . . has glorifiedhis Servant, Jesus . . . .God, after producing his Servant,sent him forth ."Also : Acts 4 :27 ; Phil . 2 :7 ; Heb .2 :9 .John 8 :28 "I do nothing ofmy own initiative, but just as theFather taught me I speak thesethings ."John 5:19 "The Son cannot doa single thing of his own initiative,but only what he beholdsthe Father doing ."Mark 13 :32 "Concerning thatday or the hour nobody knows,neither . . . the Son, but the Father."Matt. 20 :23 "This sitting downat my right hand and at my leftis not mine to give, but it belongsto those for whom it has beenprepared by my Father ."Rev. 1 :1 "The revelation byJesus Christ, which God gavehim."Heb . 2 :17 "He . . . [became] a . . .faithful high priest in things pertainingto God ."TrinityHeb. 5 :6 ; 7 :17 "You are a priestforever after the likeness of Melchizedek."In Heaven Subject to GodJohn 8 :42 "From God I cameforth and am here. Neither haveI come of my own initiative atall, but that One sent me forth ."John 12 :49 "The Father himselfthat sent me has given me acommandment as to what to telland what to speak ."John 17 :4, 8, 23, 25 "I haveglorified you . . . having finishedthe work you have given me todo . . . . you sent me forth ."1 Cor . 15 :28 "But when allthings will have been subjectedto him, then the Son himselfwill also subject himself to theone who subjected all things tohim, that God may be all thingsto everyone."Ps. 110:1 "Jehovah saith untomy Lord, Sit thou at my righthand ."Jehovah Is Christ's God'John 20 :17 "I am ascending tomy Father and your Father andto my God and your God ."1 Pet . 1 :3 "Blessed be the Godand Father of our Lord JesusChrist."Also : Eph . 1, 3, 17 .Heb. 1 :8, 9 "But with referenceto the Son : ' . . . That is why God,your God, anointed you with theoil of great joy .' "Rev. 1 :6 "And he made us tobe a kingdom, priests to his Godand Father ."Rev. 3 :12 "The one that conquersI will make a pillar in thetemple of my God . . . I will writeupon him the name of my Godand the name of the city of myGod ."Luke 22 :41, 42 "[Jesus] beganto pray, saying : 'Father, if youwish, turn this cup aside fromme . Nevertheless, let, not my will,but yours take place.'"Mark 15 :34 "Jesus called outwith a loud voice, . . . 'My God, myGod, for what purpose have youforsaken me?'"

TrinitySee also : Matt. 26 :39 ; John17 :1 .Heb . 5 :7, 8 "In the days of hisflesh Christ offered up supplicationsand also petitions to theone who was able to save himout of death, with strong outcriesand tears, and he was favorablyheard for his godly fear . Althoughhe was a Son, he learnedobedience from the things hesuffered."Jehovah, "I Am," "Alpha andOmega'Rev. 1 :8 "'1 am the Alpha andthe Omega,' says Jehovah God,`the One who is and who wasand who is coming, the Almighty.'"Rev . 4 :8 "Holy, holy, holy isJehovah God, the Almighty, whowas and who is and who iscoming ."Isa . 44 :6; 48 :12 "Thus saithJehovah . . . . I am the first, andI am the last ; and besides methere is no God ."Also : Rev . 21 :6 ; 22 :13.Compare AV and NW at Rev.1 :11 . Note omission in NW .Ex . 3 :14 "And God said untoMoses, I AM THAT I AM : andhe said, Thus shalt thou say untothe children of Israel, I AM hathsent me unto you ." Contrast :John 8 :58 "Jesus said to them :'Most truly I say to you, BeforeAbraham came into existence, Ihave been.'" [See footnote.]God Is Head over Christ'1 Cor . 11 :3 "But I want youto know that the head of everyman is the Christ ; in turn, thehead of a woman is the man ;in turn, the head of the Christis God."Col. 2 :9 "Because it is in himthat all the fullness of the divinequality dwells for the body."John 3 :34 "For the one whomGod sent forth speaks the sayingsof God, for he does not givethe spirit sparingly ."388Unity of Father, Son andCongregation'John 17 :20-22 "I make request. concerning those putting faithin me . . . in order that they mayall be one, just as you, Father,are in union with me and I amin union with you, that they alsomay be in union with us . . . . inorder that they may be one justas we are one."John 10 :30 (footnote) " I andthe Father are at unity ."Impossible for God to Die butJesus in Grave for Three Days1 Tim . 1 :17 "Now to the Kingof eternity, incorruptible, invisible,the only God, be honor andglory for ever and ever . Amen ."Ps . 90 :2 "From everlasting toeverlasting, thou art God ."Jer. 10:10 "But Jehovah is thetrue God ; he is the living God,and an everlasting King ."Acts 10:39, 40 "But they alsodid away with him by hanginghim on a stake . God raised thisOne up on the third day andgranted him to become visible ."Christ's Blood Shed as Ransom,Not God's Blood'1 Cor. 15 :50 "Flesh and bloodcannot inherit God's kingdom ."Acts 20:28 "Shepherd the congregationof God, which he purchasedwith the blood of hisown [Son] ."See New World Appendix, Acts20 :28 .Heb . 9 :14 "How much morewill the blood of the Christ, who. offered himself without blemishto God, cleanse our consciences?"1 Pet. 1 :18, 19 "You were released. . . with precious blood . . .even Christ's ."God Resurrected Christ to aHigher Position thanBefore'Acts 2 :32, 33 "This Jesus Godresurrected, of which fact we areall witnesses . Therefore becausehe was exalted to the right hand

389of God and received the promisedholy spirit from the Father,he has poured out this whichyou see and hear ."Acts 13 :30, 37 "But God raisedhim up from the dead ; he whomGod raised up did not see corruption."Rom . 10 :9 "For if you publiclydeclare that `word in your mouth',that Jesus is Lord, and exercisefaith in your heart that Godraised him up from the dead,you will be saved ."2 Cor. 4 :14 "Knowing that hewho raised Jesus up will raise usup also together with Jesus ."Gal. 1 :1 "Paul, an apostle . . .through Jesus Christ and Godthe Father, who raised him upfrom the dead ."John 10:18 "No man has takenit away from me, but I surrenderit of my own initiative . I haveauthority to let go of it, and Ihave authority to receive it again .The commandment on this I receivedfrom my Father ."Also : Acts 17 :31 ; Rom. 8 :11 ;1 Cor . 6 :14 ; 15 :15 ; Eph . 1 :20 ;1 Pet . 1 :21 .God Began Raising of TempleBody (Congregation) on ThirdDay 1 .John 2 :19, 21, 22 "'Break downthis temple, and in three days Iwill raise it up .' But he wastalking about the temple of hisbody . When, though, he wasraised up from the dead, his disciplescalled to mind that heused to say this ."(For expression, "I will," seeEzekiel 43 :3 : "According to thevision that I saw when I came todestroy the city" ; also Isaiah6 :10 : "Make the heart of thispeople fat .")John 20 :1, 17 "On the firstday of the week Mary Magdalenecame to the memorial tomb earlyin the day, . . . Jesus said to her :'Stop clinging to me . . . . But beon your way to my brothers andsay to them, "I am ascending tomy Father." ' "TrinityChrist's Titles Show Inferior toGod"As to titles "Emmanuel" and"Jehovah our righteousness" :Jer . 33 :16 "Jerusalem shalldwell safely ; and this is the namewhereby she shall be called : Jehovahour righteousness ."Isa . 63:9 "The angel of hispresence saved them ."Joshua's name same as JesusHeb . 4 :8 "For if Joshua ["Jesus,"footnote] had led them intoa place of rest, God would notafterward have spoken of anotherday ."See also Matthew 1 :23 and Jeremiah23 :6, as to titles "Emmanuel"and "Jehovah our righteousness".Holy Spirit Not a Person ; Subjectto God 12John 15 :26 (footnote) "Whenthe helper arrives that I willsend you from the Father, thespirit of the truth which proceedsfrom the Father, that onewill bear witness about me ."Matt . 3 :16 "Jesus immediatelycame up from the water ; . . . andhe [John] saw descending like adove God's spirit coming uponhim ."Acts 2 :2-4, 17, 32, 33 "They allbecame filled with holy spirit . . .`And in the last days,' God says .'I shall pour some of my spiritout upon every kind of flesh .' . . .`Therefore because he [Christwas exalted to the right handof God and received the promisedholy spirit from the Father,he has poured out this which yousee and hear.'"Also : John 16 :7, 8, 13 (footnotes)Holy Spirit Not Shown at God'sThrone as a PersonRev. 7 :10 "Salvation we owe toour God, who is seated on thethrone and to the Lamb ."Acts 7 :55, 56 "But he [Stephen],being full of holy spirit,gazed into heaven and caught

World Distresssight of God's glory and of Jesusstanding at God's right hand,and he said : `Look! I behold theheavens opened up and the Sonof man standing at God's righthand ."'Rev. 4 :5 "And there are sevenlamps of fire burning before thethrone, and these mean the sevenspirits of God ."Rev. 5 :6 "And I saw standingin the midst of the throne andof the four living creatures andin the midst of the persons ofadvanced age a lamb as thoughit had been slaughtered, havingseven horns and seven eyes,which eyes mean the seven spiritsof God that have been sent forthinto the whole earth ."Identity of Jehovah and ofChrist No "UnexplainableMystery"John 17 :3 "This means everlastinglife, their taking in knowledgeof you, the only true God,and of the one whom you sentforth, Jesus Christ."Luke 10 :22 "Who the Son isno one knows but the Father, andwho the Father is, no one knowsbut the Son, and he to whomthe Son is willing to reveal him."Also : Matt . 11 :27 .World DistressDEFINITION(1) The tribulation brought upon Satan's world (heavens andearth) by Christ the King taking action to unseat Satan from hisposition as ruler of the earth. Note two things about this : (a) Actualcombat against Satan and his demon horde in heaven . This beganwith Christ's enthronement, A. D. 1914, and was cut short A .D . 1918,to be resumed at Armageddon against Satan and his invisible andvisible hosts . (b) In between, while this tribulation is cut short, thereis a work of proclaiming the Kingdom and its day of vengeance, andof exposing Satan's filthy <strong>org</strong>anization, interfering with his hold uponmankind and wasting the pastures of false religion, and bringingconfusion among the ranks of Satan's earthly <strong>org</strong>anization .(2) The anguish and sorrows brought upon the peoples of earthby reason of Satan's desperate all-out attempt to crush all truthand righteousness out of the earth and to turn all men against God390Matt . 13:11 "In reply he [Jesus]said : 'To you it is grantedto understand the sacred secretsof the kingdom of the heavens .'"Jehovah God Not Contradictory1 Cor . 14 :33 "For God is a God,not of disorder, but of peace ."Heb . 6 :18 "It is impossible forGod to lie ."Jas . 3 :17 "But the wisdomfrom above is . . . reasonable."God the Superior Blesses Christthe InferiorHeb . 7 :7 "Now without anydispute, the less is blessed by thegreater ."Ps . 21 :3-6 "For thou meetesthim with the blessings of goodness: thou settest a crown offine gold on his head . He askedlife of thee, thou gayest it him,even length of days for ever andever. His glory is great in thysalvation : honor and majestydost thou lay upon him. For thoumakest him most blessed forever : thou makest him glad withjoy in thy presence ."See also "Jehovah", "JesusChrist," "Spirit ."

391 World Distressbefore Armageddon, with a view to a depopulated earth . By playingupon man's sinfulness and selfishness, and by his oppressive demonicand visible <strong>org</strong>anization, Satan has whipped up violence and greatdistress.(la) Christ the King's Action inLiteral Warfare Against Satan'sWorld A. D. 1914-1918Rev . 12 :5-9 "And she gavebirth to a son, a male, who isdestined to shepherd all the nationswith an iron rod . . . . Andwar broke out in heaven : Michaeland his angels battled withthe dragon, and the dragon andits angels battled but it did notprevail, neither was a place foundfor them any longer in heaven .So down the great dragon washurled, the original serpent, theone called Devil and Satan, whois misleading the entire inhabitedearth ; he was hurled down to theearth, and his angels were hurleddown with him."Ps. 110 :2 "Jehovah will sendforth the rod of thy strength outof ion : rule thou in the midstof thine enemies."Luke 10 :18 "At that he saidto them : 'I began to behold Satanalready fallen like lightningfrom heaven .'"Rev. 18 :2 "He cried out witha strong voice, saying : `She hasfallen! Babylon the great hasfallen, and she has become adwelling-place of demons and alurking-place of every uncleanexhalation and a lurking-place ofevery unclean and hated bird!'"A time of rejoicing for allrighteous creaturesRev. 12 :10-12 "And I heard aloud voice in heaven say : `Nowhave come to pass the salvationand the power and the kingdomof our God and the authority ofhis Christ, because the accuser ofour brothers has been hurleddown, who accuses them day andnight before our God! . . . On thisaccount be glad, you heavens andyou who reside in them!'"Luke 21 :28 "But as thesethings start to occur, raise yourselveserect and lift your headsup, because your deliverance isgetting near ."This action temporarily haltedwhen Satan's <strong>org</strong>anization wascompletely cleaned out ofheavenMatt. 24 :7, 8, 21, 22, 14 "Fornation will rise against nationand kingdom against kingdom,and there will be food shortagesand earthquakes in one placeafter another. All these thingsare a beginning of pangs of distress.For then there will begreat tribulation such as has notoccurred since the world's beginninguntil now, no, nor willoccur again. In fact, unless thosedays were cut short, no fleshwould be saved ; but on accountof the chosen ones those dayswill be cut short. And this goodnews of the kingdom will bepreached in all the inhabitedearth for the purpose of a witnessto all the nations, and thenthe accomplished end will come."Heb. 12 :26, 27 "At that timehis voice shook the earth, butnow he has promised, saying :`Yet once more I will set not onlythe earth but also the heaven incommotion.' Now the expression`Yet once more' signifies the removalof the things being shakenas things that have beenmade, in order that the thingsnot being shaken may remain ."Mark 13 :20 "Unless Jehovahhad cut short the days, no fleshwould be saved. But on accountof the chosen ones that he haschosen he has cut short thedays."Allowing this interim is a greatmercy of God2 Pet. 3 :9, 15 "Jehovah is notslow respecting his promise, assome people consider slowness,

World Distressbut he is patient with you becausehe does not desire any tobe destroyed but desires all toattain to repentance . Furthermore,consider the patience ofour Lord as salvation ."Rev. 14:6, 7 "I saw anotherangel flying in midheaven andhe had everlasting good news todeclare as glad tidings to thosewho dwell on the earth, and toevery nation and tribe andtongue and people, saying in aloud voice : 'Fear God and givehim glory, because the hour ofthe judgment by him has arrived.'"Isa . 1 :9 "Except Jehovah ofhosts had left unto us a verysmall remnant, we should havebeen as Sodom, we should havebeen like unto Gomorrah ."Provides opportunity for remnantto be gathered andprove integrityLuke 13 :29 "Furthermore, peoplewill come from eastern partsand western, and from north andsouth, and will recline at thetable in the kingdom of God ."Matt. 24:45-47 "Who really isthe faithful and discreet slavewhom his master appointed overhis domestics to give them theirfood at the proper time? Happyis that slave if his master on arrivingfinds him doing so . TrulyI say to you, He will appoint himover all his belongings ."Luke 18 :7, 8 "Certainly, then,shall not God cause justice to bedone to his chosen ones who cryaloud to him day and night, eventhough he is longsuffering towardthem? I tell you, He will causejustice to be done to them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Sonof man arrives, will he really findthis faith on the earth?"Mal. 3 :1-3 "The Lord, whom yeseek, will suddenly come to histemple ; and the messenger ofthe covenant, whom ye desire,behold, he cometh, saith Jehovahof hosts. But who can abidethe day of his coining? and who392shall stand when he appeareth?for he is like a refiner's fire, andlike fullers' soap : and he will sitas a refiner and purifier of silver,and he will purify the sons ofLevi, and refine them as gold andsilver ; and they shall offer untoJehovah offerings in righteousness."Isa . 12 :1 "And in that day thoushalt say, I will give thanks untothee, 0 Jehovah ; for thoughthou wast angry with me, thineanger is turned away, and thoucomfortest me."Isa . 6 :5-8 "Then said I, Woe isme! for I am undone ; becauseI am a man of unclean lips, andI dwell in the midst of a peopleof unclean lips : for mine eyeshave seen the King, Jehovah ofhosts . Then flew one of the seraphimunto me, having a livecoal in his hand, which he hadtaken with the tongs from off thealtar : and he touched my mouthwith it, and said, Lo, this hathtouched thy lips ; and thine iniquityis taken away, and thy sinf<strong>org</strong>iven . And I heard the voiceof the Lord, saying, Whom shallI send, and who will go for us?Then I said, Here am I ; sendme ."Isa. 52 :11 "Depart ye, departye, go ye out from thence, touchno unclean thing ; go ye out ofthe midst of her ; cleanse yourselves,ye that bear the vesselsof Jehovah ."Matt. 24 :16-18 "Then let thosein Judea begin fleeing to themountains . Let the man on thehousetop not come down to takethe goods out of his house ; andlet the man in the field not returnto the house to pick up hisouter garment ."Isa. 45 :1 and Rev . 3:7 "Thussaith Jehovah to his anointed,to Cyrus, whose right hand I haveholden, to subdue nations beforehim, and I will loose the loins ofkings ; to open the doors beforehim, and the gates shall not beshut." "And to the angel ofthe congregation in Philadelphia

3 93write : These are the things hesays who is holy, who is true,who has the key of David, whoopens so that no one will shut,and shuts so that no one opens ."Allows other sheep to hear andbe savedJohn 10 :16 "And I have othersheep, which are not of this fold ;those also I must bring, and theywill listen to my voice, and theywill become one flock, one shepherd."Matt. 25:31-33 "When the Sonof man arrives in his glory andall the angels with him, thenhe will sit down on his gloriousthrone . And all the nations willbe gathered before him, and hewill separate people one fromanother, just as a shepherd separatesthe sheep from the goats .And he will put the sheep onhis right hand, but the goats onhis left ."Rev. 22 :17 "And the spirit andthe bride keep on saying, 'Come!'And let anyone hearing say,'Come!' And let anyone thirstingcome ; let anyone that wishestake life's water free ."War to be resumed and completedby Christ at ArmageddonIsa . 28 :21 "For Jehovah willrise up as in mount Perazim,he will be wroth as in the valleyof Gibeon ; that he may do hiswork, his strange work, and bringto pass his act, his strange act."Rev. 6 :2 "And I saw, and,look! a white horse, and the oneseated upon it had a bow, anda crown was given him, and hewent forth conquering and tocomplete his conquest ."2 Pet . 3:7, 10 "But by the sameword the heavens and the earththat are now are stored up forfire and are being reserved tothe day of judgment and of destructionof the ungodly men . YetJehovah's day will come as athief, in which the heavens willpass away with a hissing noise,but the elements being intenselyhot will be dissolved, and earthWorld Distressand the works in it will be discovered."1 Thess . 5 :3 "Whenever it isthat they are saying, 'Peace andsecurity!' then sudden destructionis to be instantly upon themjust as the pang of distress upona pregnant woman, and they willby no means escape ."Matt . 24 :20, 21 "Keep prayingthat your flight may not occurin wintertime nor on the sabbathday ; for then there will be greattribulation such as has not occurredsince the world's beginninguntil now, no, nor will occuragain ."(1b) Distress Brought on Satan'sOrganization Between 1918 andArmageddonLuke 21 :25 "Also there willbe signs in sun and moon andstars, and on the earth anguishof nations, not knowing the wayout because of the roaring of thesea and its agitation ."Rev. 1 :7 "Look! he is comingwith the clouds, and every eyewill see him, and those whopierced him ; and all the tribesof the earth will beat themselvesin grief because of him . Yes,Amen."Rev. 6 :15-17 "And the kingsof the earth and the top-rankingones and the military commandersand the rich and the strongones and every slave and freeperson hid themselves in thedens and in the rock-masses ofthe mountains . And they keepsaying to the mountains and tothe rock-masses : 'Fall over usand hide us from the face ofthe one seated on the throne andfrom the wrath of the Lamb, becausethe great day of theirwrath has come, and who is ableto stand?'' ,Rev . 16 :21 "And a great hailwith every stone about the weightof a talent descended out ofheaven upon the men, and yetthe men blasphemed God due tothe plague of hail, because theplague of it was unusually great ."

World DistressRev. 9:5, 6 "And it was grantedthe locusts, not to kill them, butthat these should be tormentedfive months, and the tormentupon them was as torment by ascorpion when it strikes a man .And in those days the men willseek death but will by no meansfind it, and they will desire todie but death keeps fleeing fromthem.'God's servants have part in thisproclamation work ; no physicalviolence used2 Cor. 10 :3-5 "For though wewalk in the flesh, we do notwage warfare according to whatwe are in the flesh. For theweapons of our warfare are notfleshly, but powerful by God foroverturning strongly entrenchedthings. For we are overturningreasonings and every lofty thingraised up against the knowledgeof God, and we are bringingevery thought into captivity tomake it obedient to the Christ ."Eph . 6 :12 "Because we have afight, not against blood and flesh,but against the governments,against the authorities, againstthe world-rulers of this darkness,against the wicked spirit forcesin the heavenly places ."False religionists and oppressorsof the people discomfited,bring opposition and persecutionto God's servantsJer . 25:36 "A voice of the cryof the shepherds, and the wailingof the principal of the flock! forJehovah layeth waste their pasture."Luke 13 :28 "There is whereyour weeping and the gnashingof your teeth will be, when yousee Abraham and Isaac and Jacoband all the prophets in thekingdom of God, but yourselvesthrown outside ."Many will come forth to standwith God's servants, to theirsalvationRev. 7 :9-17 "After these thingsI saw, and, look! a great crowd,394which no man was able to number,out of all nations and tribesand peoples and tongues, standingbefore the throne and beforethe Lamb, dressed in white robes,and there were palm branches intheir hands. And they keep oncrying with a loud voice, saying :`Salvation we owe to our God,who is seated on the throne, andto the Lamb .'. `These are theones that come out of the greattribulation, and they have washedtheir robes and made them whitein the blood of the Lamb . . . . becausethe Lamb who is in themidst of the throne will shepherdthem, and will guide them tofountains of waters of life .'"Mic. 4 :1-3 "But in the latterdays it shall come to pass, thatthe mountain of Jehovah's houseshall be established on the topof the mountains, and it shallbe exalted above the hills ; andpeoples shall flow unto it . Andmany nations shall go and say,Come ye, and let us go up to themountain of Jehovah, and to thehouse of the God of Jacob ; andhe will teach us of his ways, andwe will walk in his paths . Forout of ion shall go forth thelaw, and the word of Jehovahfrom Jerusalem ; and he willjudge between many peoples, andwill decide concerning strong nationsafar off : and they shall beattheir swords into plowshares, andtheir spears into pruning-hooks ;nation shall not lift up swordagainst nation, neither shall theylearn war any more ."ech. 8 :22, 23 "Yea, many peoplesand strong nations shallcome to seek Jehovah of hosts inJerusalem, and to entreat thefavor of Jehovah. Thus saithJehovah of hosts : In those daysit shall come to pass, that tenmen shall take hold, out of allthe languages of the nations,they shall take hold of the skirtof him that is a Jew, saying, Wewill go with you, for we haveheard that God is with you ."

395Jonah 3 :5, 10 "And the peopleof Nineveh believed God ; andthey proclaimed a fast, and puton sackcloth, from the greatestof them even to the least of them .And God saw their works, thatthey turned from their evil way ;and God repented of the evilwhich he said he would do untothem ; and he did it not ."(2) Woes upon People, Wickedness,All Caused by SatanIsa . 14:16, 17, 20 "They thatsee thee shall gaze at thee, theyshall consider thee, saying, Isthis the man that made theearth to tremble, that did shakekingdoms ; that made the worldas a wilderness, and overthrewthe cities thereof ; that let notloose .thou his prisoners to their home?hast destroyed thy land,thou hast slain thy people ; theseed of evil-doers shall not benamed for ever."Heb . 2 :14, 15 "Therefore, sincethe 'young children' are sharersof blood and flesh, he also similarlypartook of the same things,that through his death he mightdestroy the one having the meansto cause death, that is, the Devil,and might emancipate allthose who for fear of death weresubject to slavery all throughtheir lives."John 8 :44 "You are from yourfather the Devil and you wishto do the desires of your father .That one was a manslayer whenhe began, and he did not standfast in the truth, because truthis not in him. When he speaksthe lie, he speaks according tohis own disposition, because heis a liar and the father of thelie ."Acts 10 :38 "He went throughthe land doing good and healingall those oppressed by the Devil,because God was with him ."Increased now because Satanknows Armageddon nearRev . 12 :12 "On this account beglad, you heavens and you whoWorld Distressreside in them! Woe for the earthand for the sea, because the Devilhas come down to you, havinggreat anger, knowing he has ashort period of time ."Rev. 6 :4-8 "And another cameforth, a fiery-colored horse, andto the one seated upon it therewas granted to take peace awayfrom the earth so that theyshould slaughter one another,and a great sword was given him .And when he opened the thirdseal, I heard the third livingcreature say, 'Come!' And I saw,and, look! a black horse, and theone seated upon it had a pairof scales in his hand . And Iheard a voice as if in the midstof the four living creatures say :'A quart of wheat for a day'swage, and three quarts of barleyfor a day's wage ; and do notharm the olive oil and the wine .'And when he opened the fourthseal, I heard the voice of thefourth living creature say, 'Come!'And I saw, and, look! a palehorse, and the one seated uponit had the name Death . AndHades was closely following him .And authority was given themover the fourth part of the earth,to kill with a long sword andwith food shortage and withdeadly plague and by the wildbeasts of the earth ."Persecution to break Jehovah'switnesses Satan's main effortRev. 12 :13, 17 "Now when thedragon saw it was hurled downto the earth, it persecuted thewoman that gave birth to themale child . And the dragon grewwrathful at the woman, and wentoff to wage war with the remainingones of her seed, who observethe commandments of God andhave the work of bearing witnessto Jesus ."This permitted by Jehovah totest his servants and show Satan'sworld worthy ofdestructionRev. 2:10 "Do not be afraidof the things you are destined to

World Distresssuffer . Look! the Devil will keepon throwing some of you intoprison that you may be fully putto the test, and that you mayhave tribulation ten days. Proveyourself faithful even with thedanger of death, and I will giveyou the crown of life ."Prov. 27 :11 "My son, be wise,and make my heart glad, thatI may answer him that reproachethme ."Mark 13 :9 "As for you, lookout for yourselves ; people willdeliver you up to local courtsand you will be beaten in synagoguesand be put on the standbefore governors and kings formy sake for the purpose of awitness to them ."Ezek . 38:10-39 :4 "Thus saiththe Lord Jehovah : It shall cometo pass in that day, that thingsshall come into thy mind, andthou shalt devise an evil device :and thou shalt say, I will go upto the land of unwalled villages ;I will go to them that are atrest, that dwell securely, all ofthem dwelling without walls, andhaving neither bars nor gates ;to take the spoil and to take theprey ; to turn thy hand againstthe waste places that are nowinhabited, and against the peoplethat are gathered out of the nations,that have gotten cattle andgoods, that dwell in the middleof the earth . . . . and thou shaltcome up against my people Israel,as a cloud to cover theland : it shall come to pass inthe latter days, that I will bringthee against my land, that thenations may know me, when Ishall be sanctified in thee, 0 Gog,before their eyes ." "And I willturn thee about, and will leadthee on, and will cause thee tocome up from the uttermost partsof the north ; and I will bringthee upon the mountains of Israel; and I will smite thy bowout of thy left hand, and willcause thine arrows to fall out ofthy right hand. Thou shalt fallupon the mountains of Israel,396thou, and all thy hordes, and thepeoples that are with thee : I willgive thee unto the ravenous birdsof every sort, and to the beastsof the field to be devoured ."Satan tries to thwart God's purposeof gathering remnant ofChrist's body, and of havingearthly other sheep surviveArmageddon2 Thess . 2 :1 "Brothers, respectingthe presence of our Lord JesusChrist and our being gatheredtogether to him ."1 Pet . 5 :8 "Keep your senses,be watchful . Your adversary, theDevil, walks about like a roaringlion, seeking to devour someone ."Rev . 16 :14-16 "They are, infact, expressions inspired by demonsand perform signs, andthey go forth to the kings of theentire inhabited earth, to gatherthem together to the war of thegreat day of God the Almighty .`Look! I am coming as a thief .Happy is the one that staysawake and keeps his outer garments,that he may not walknaked and people look upon hisparts of shame.' And they gatheredthem together to the placethat is called in Hebrew Har-Magedon ."ech. 3 :1, 2 ; 4 :9 "And heshowed me Joshua the highpriest standing before the angelof Jehovah, and Satan standingat his right hand to be his adversary.And Jehovah said untoSatan, Jehovah rebuke thee, . . . isnot this a brand plucked out ofthe fire?" "The hands of erubbabelhave laid the foundation ofthis house ; his hands shall alsofinish it ; and thou shalt knowthat Jehovah of hosts hath sentme unto you ."Distress will increase until Armageddon;no world conversionpossible2 Tim . 3 :1-5, 13 "But knowthis, that in the last days criticaltimes hard to deal with willbe here. For men will be lovers of

3 9 7themselves, lovers of money, selfassuming,haughty, blasphemers,disobedient to parents, withoutgratitude, with no lovingkindness,having no natural affection,not open to any agreement,slanderers, without selfcontrol,fierce, without love ofgoodness, betrayers, headstrong,puffed up with self-esteem, loversof pleasures rather than lovers ofGod, having a form of godly devotionbut proving false to itspower ; and from these turnaway . . . wicked men and impostorswill advance from bad toworse, misleading and being misled."Matt. 24 :37 "For just as thedays of Noah were, so the presenceof the Son of man will be."Gen. 6:13 "And God said untoNoah, The end of all flesh iscome before me ; for the earthis filled with violence throughthem ; and, behold, I will destroythem with the earth ."Such distresses are a sign of thelast daysMatt. 24 :3-10, 33-35 "While hewas sitting upon the mount ofOlives, the disciples approachedhim privately, saying : 'Tell us,When will these things be, andwhat will be the sign of yourpresence and of the consummationof the system of things?' .Jesus said . . . 'For nation will riseagainst nation and kingdomagainst kingdom, and there willbe food shortages and earthquakesin one place after another.All these things are a beginningof pangs of distress .Then people will deliver you upto tribulation and will kill you,and you will be hated by all thenations on account of my name .Then, also, many will be stumbledand will betray one anotherWorld Distressand will hate one another. . .Truly I say to you that thisgeneration will by no means passaway until all these things occur .Heaven and earth will pass away,but my words will by no meanspass away.'"Luke 21 :25, 31 "Also there willbe signs in sun and moon andstars, and on the earth anguishof nations, not knowing the wayout because of the roaring of thesea and its agitation . . . . In thisway you also, when you see thesethings occurring, know that thekingdom of God is near ."Distress to end for all time atArmageddonNah . 1 :9 "What do ye deviseagainst Jehovah? he will make afull end ; affliction shall not riseup the second time."Rev. 11 :18 "But the nationsbecame wrathful, and your ownwrath came, and the appointedtime . . . to bring to ruin thoseruining the earth ."Ps . 72:4 "He will judge thepoor of the people, he will savethe children of the needy, andwill break in pieces the oppressor."Isa . 14:4 "How hath the oppressorceased! the golden cityceased!"Isa . 66 :23, 24 "And it shallcome to pass, that from one newmoon to another, and from onesabbath to another, shall all fleshcome to worship before me, saithJehovah. And they shall goforth, and look upon the deadbodies of the men that havetransgressed against me : fortheir worm shall not die, neithershall their fire be quenched ; andthey shall be an abhorring untoall flesh ."See also "Devil and Demons'"Sign of Last Days ."

(1) Jesus' Mother . Mary, Not"Immaculate" or Freed from InheritedSin . Only JesusHimself WasPs. 50:7, Dy [51 :5, AS] "Forbehold I was conceived in iniquities: and in sins did mymother conceive me ."Rom. 5 :12, Dy "Wherefore asby one man sin entered into thisworld and by sin death ; and sodeath passed upon all men, inwhom all have sinned."Rom . 3 :9, 10, Dy "What then?Do we excel them? No, not so .Worship of MaryDEFINITIONThe unscriptural practice based upon the false teachings (1) thatChrist Jesus' earthly mother, Mary, was born of `immaculate conception',that is to say, that, by the special grace of God, she was freedat the moment of conception from inheriting the "original sin" ofAdam ; (2) that she is the "mother of God" ; (3) that she is "evervirgin", never having borne any other children ; (4) that she is the"woman" mentioned at Genesis 3 :15 and will bruise the serpent'shead ; (5) that she is the "spiritual mother" of the "church" ; (6) thatprayers addressed to her as an intercessor or mediatrix are heardand answered by God ; (7) that she was "taken up body and soulinto heaven" in an "assumption" ; (8) and that honor and venerationare due her. A practice opposed to the Scriptures and that turnsattention and worship away from Jehovah God and Christ Jesus .ORIGINThe worship of Mary as an application of the false doctrine of theCommunion of Saints is not contained even in the earlier formsof the Apostles' Creed of apostate Christianity and was totallyunknown to true Christians. Although Tertullian (A.D. 155-222)was claimed to be among the first to imply the view that "martyrs"could obtain graces and blessings for others (Cath . Encycl ., Vol . XV,p. 459), "devotion to The Blessed Virgin" was not extensively taughtuntil probably well after the sixth century and did not reach fulldevelopment until the later Middle Ages. The pronouncement ofthe assumption of Mary as an infallible dogma of the Roman CatholicChurch was not made until 1950 . Such worship, especially of "motherand child", finds its real origin in pagan Babylon with Semiramis("queen of heaven") and Nimrod her son .398For we have charged both Jewsand Greeks, that they are all undersin . As it is written : Thereis not any man just ."Ps . 13 :1, Dy [14 :1, AS] "Theyare corrupt, and are becomeabominable in their ways : thereis none that doth good, no, notone ."Heb. 7 :26, Dy "For it was fittingthat we should have such ahigh priest, holy, innocent, undefiled,separated from sinners,and made higher than the heavens."

399"Special grace" of God to f<strong>org</strong>ivesins completely would notbe extended until after Jesus'blood was shed as ransom1 Cor . 15 :22, Dy "And as inAdam all die, so also in Christall shall be made alive ."Eph. 1 :7, Dy "In whom wehave redemption through hisblood, the remission of sins, accordingto the riches of hisgrace."Heb. 9 :22, 24, 26, 28, Dy "Andalmost all things, according tothe law, are cleansed with blood :and without shedding of bloodthere is no remission. For Jesusis not entered into the Holiesmade with hands, the patternsof the true : but into Heaven itself,that he may appear now inthe presence of God for us. . . .now once, at the end of ages, hehath appeared for the destructionof sin by the sacrifice ofhimself. So also Christ was offeredonce to exhaust the sinsof many."See "Ransom" .Mary fulfilled law of purificationafter Jesus' birth and alsooffered her sin offering, showingherself not without sinLuke 2 :22-24, Dy "And afterthe days of her purification, accordingto the law of Moses,were accomplished, they carriedhim to Jerusalem, to present himto the Lord : as it is written inthe law of the Lord : every maleopening the womb shall be calledholy to the Lord : and to offer asacrifice, according as it is writtenin the law of the Lord, apair of turtledoves or two youngpigeons ."Lev . 12 :6-8, Dy "And whenthe days of her purification areexpired, for a son, or for adaughter, she shall bring to thedoor of the tabernacle of thetestimony, a lamb of a year oldfor a holocaust, and a youngpigeon or a turtle for sin : andshall deliver them to the priest .Who shall offer them before theWorship of MaryLord, and shall pray for her : andso she shall be cleansed fromthe issue of her blood. This isthe law for her that beareth aman child or a maid child . Andif her hand find not sufficiency,and she is not able to offer alamb, she shall take two turtles,or two young pigeons, one for aholocaust, and another for sin :and the priest shall pray for her .and so she shall be cleansed ."(2) Mary Could Not Be "Motherof God", Since God Is WithoutBeginningPs . 89 :2, Dy [90 :2, AS] "Beforethe mountains were made, or theearth and the world was formed ;from eternity and to eternitythou art God ."Jer . 10 :10 . Dy "But the Lordis the true God : he is the livingGod and the everlasting king ."1 Tim . 1 :17, Dy "Now to theking of ages, immortal, invisible,the only God, be honour andglory for ever and ever ."Mary was born 75 generationsafter Adam, who was createdby GodLuke 3 :23-38, Dy "And Jesushimself was beginning about theage of thirty years : being (as itwas supposed) the son of Joseph,who was of Heli, who was ofMathat . . . . who was of Henos,who was of Seth, who was ofAdam, who was of God ."Gen . 2 :7, Dy "And the LordGod formed man of the slime ofthe earth, and breathed into hisface the breath of life ; and manbecame a living soul."Jesus had an existence long beforeMary. She admits Abrahamwas her forefather, and Jesustestifies that he existed beforeAbrahamLuke 1 :55 "Just as he oncesaid to our forefathers, to Abrahamand to his seed, forever ."John 8 :58 "Jesus said to them :`Most truly I say to you, BeforeAbraham came into existence, Ihave been .'"

Worship of MaryJesus was not God, but wasGod's Son and became subjectto the FatherLuke 1 :30-32, 35, Dy "Andthe angel said to her : Fearnot, Mary, for thou hast foundgrace with God . Behold thoushalt conceive in thy womb andshalt bring forth a son : and thoushalt call his name Jesus . Heshall be great and shall be calledthe Son of the Most High . . . .And the angel answering, said toher : The Holy Ghost shall comeupon thee and the power of theMost High shall overshadow thee .And therefore also the Holywhich shall be born of thee shallbe called the Son of God ."Luke 9 .35, Dy "And a voicecame out of the cloud, saying :This is my beloved son . Hearhim ."1 Cor . 15 :28, Dy "And whenall things shall be subdued untohim, then the Son also himselfshall be subject unto him thatput all things under him, thatGod may be all in all ."See "Incarnation" . "Trinity .""Mother of God" teaching sameas pagan "queen of heaven"Jer. 7 :18, Dy "The childrengather wood, and the fatherskindle the fire, and the womenknead the dough, to make cakesto the queen of heaven, and tooffer libations to strange gods,and to provoke me to anger ."[See Cath. Encycl ., Vol . XV,p . 460, for evidence that a sectof apostate Christians (4th century)was condemned for offeringcakes to Mary .](3) Mary Not Properly CalledEver Virgin", Since She BoreOther ChildrenMatt. 1 :25, Dy "And he knewher not till she brought forthher firstborn son : and he calledhis name Jesus ."Matt. 13:55, 56, Dy "Is not thisthe carpenter's son? Is not hismother called Mary, and hisbrethren James and Joseph and400Simon and Jude? And his sisters,are they not all with us?"Clear distinction shown betweenJesus' natural andspiritual brothersMatt . 12 :46-50, Dy "As he wasyet speaking to the multitudes,behold his mother and his brethrenstood without, seeking tospeak to him . And one said tohim : Behold thy mother and-thybrethren stand without, seekingthee . But he answering him thattold him, said : Who is mymother and who are my brethren?And stretching forth hishand towards his disciples, hesaid : Behold my mother andmy brethren . For whosoever shalldo the will of my Father that isin heaven, he is my brother, andsister, and mother ."John 2 :12, Dy "After this, hewent down to Capharnaum, heand his mother and his brethrenand his disciples ."John 7 :3, 5, 10, Dy "And hisbrethren said to him : Pass fromhence and go into Judea, thatthy disciples also may see thyworks which thou dost . For neitherdid his brethren believe inhim . But after his brethren weregone up, then he also went upto the feast, not openly, but, asit were, in secret ."Gal . 1 :19, Dy "But other ofthe apostles I saw none, savingJames the brother of the Lord ."(4) Woman of Genesis 3 :15 Is NotMary, but God's InvisibleOrganizationGen. 3 :15, Dy "I will put enmitiesbetween thee and thewoman, and thy seed and herseed : she shall crush thy head,and thou shalt lie in wait forher heel ."[Footnote, vs . 15, Douay : "Sheshall crush. So divers of the fathersread this place, conformablyto the Latin [though notto the original Hebrew] : othersread it ipsum, that is, the seed .. . . It is by her seed, Jesus Christ,

401that the woman crushes the serpent'shead ."]Gen. 3 :15, CB "I will put enmitybetween you and the woman,between your seed and her seed ;he shall crush your head, andyou shall lie in wait for his heel ."Isa . 54 :5, 13 "For thy Maker isthy husband ; Jehovah of hostsis his name : and the Holy Oneof Israel is thy Redeemer ; theGod of the whole earth shall hebe called . And all thy childrenshall be taught of Jehovah ; andgreat shall be the peace of thychildren ."Jesus as born of Mary was fleshand unable to kill SatanGal. 4 :4, Dy "But when thefulness of the time was come,God sent his Son, made of awoman, made under the law ."John 1 :14, Dy "And the Wordwas made flesh and dwelt amongus (and we saw his glory, theglory as it were of the only begottenof the Father) .'1 John 4 :2, 3, Dy "By this isthe spirit of God known . Everyspirit which confesseth that JesusChrist is come in the fleshis of God : and every spirit thatdissolveth Jesus is not of God .And this is Antichrist."Heb . 2:14, Dy "Therefore becausethe children are partakersof flesh and blood, he also himselfin like manner hath beenpartaker of the same : that,through death, he might destroyhim who had the empire ofdeath, that is to say, the devil."Jesus became God's spirit Sonthrough rebirthJohn 3 :5, 6, Dy "Jesus answered: Amen, amen, I say tothee, unless a man be born againof water and the Holy Ghost, hecannot enter into the kingdom ofGod. That which is born of theflesh is flesh : and that which isborn of the Spirit is spirit ."Luke 3 :21, 22, Dy "Jesus alsobeing baptized and praying, heavenwas opened : and the HolyWorship of MaryGhost descended in a bodilyshape, as a dove, upon him . Anda voice came from heaven : Thouart my beloved Son . In thee I amwell pleased ."See "Born Again"Jesus' spiritual mother (thewoman) is God's invisible<strong>org</strong>anization and mother ofhis spiritual brothersRom . 8 :29, Dy "For whom heforeknew, he also predestinatedto be made conformable to theimage of his Son : that he mightbe the firstborn amongst manybrethren ."Gal. 4 :22-26, Dy "Abraham hadtwo sons : the one by a bondwomanand the other by a free woman.But he who was of the bondwomanwas born according tothe flesh : but he of the freewoman was by promise . Whichthings are said by an allegory .For these are the two testaments .Agar . . . hath affinity to thatJerusalem which now is : and isin bondage with her children .But that Jerusalem which isabove is free : which is ourmother ."Apoc. 12 :1, 5, 17, Dy "And agreat sign appeared in heaven :A woman clothed with the sun,and the moon under her feet,and on her head a crown oftwelve stars. And she broughtforth a man child, who was torule all nations with an iron rod .And her son was taken up to Godand to his throne . And the dragonwas angry against the woman: and went to make war withthe rest of her seed, who keepthe commandments of God andhave the testimony of JesusChrist."Jesus is the spirit seed of theheavenly woman to crush theinvisible Serpent's headGal. 3:16, Dy "To Abrahamwere the promises made and tohis seed. He saith not : And to hisseeds, as of many . But as ofone : And to thy seed, whichis Christ ."

Worship of MaryGen. 22 :15-17, Dy "And theangel of the Lord called to Abraham. . . saying : By my own selfhave I sworn, saith the Lord : . . .Thy seed shall possess the gatesof their enemies ."1 John 3 :8, Dy "For this purposethe Son of God appeared,that he might destroy the worksof the devil ."Rom . 16 :20, Dy "And the Godof peace crush Satan under yourfeet speedily."Apoc. 12 :7-9, Dy "And therewas a great battle in heaven :Michael and his angels foughtwith the dragon, and the dragonfought, and his angels . And theyprevailed not : neither was theirplace found any more in heaven .And that great dragon was castout, that old serpent, who iscalled the devil and Satan ."Apoc. 20 :1-3, 7-9, Dy "And Isaw an angel coming down fromheaven, having the key of thebottomless pit and a great chainin his hand. And he laid hold onthe dragon, the old serpent,which is the devil and Satan, andbound him for a thousand years .And he cast him into the bottomlesspit and shut him up andset a seal upon him, that heshould no more seduce the nationstill the thousand years befinished. And after that, he mustbe loosed a little time . And whenthe thousand years shall be finished,Satan shall be loosed outof his prison and shall go forthand seduce the nations . . . Andthere came down fire from Godout of heaven and devoured them :and the devil, who seduced them,was cast into the pool of fireand brimstone ."(5) Mary Not Given SpecialPosition in Early Congregationas "Spiritual Mother"Acts 1:14, 15, Dy "All thesewere persevering with one mindin prayer with the women andMary the mother of Jesus, andwith his brethren . In those days,Peter, rising up in the midst of402the brethren, said (now the numberof persons together was aboutan hundred and twenty) ."1 Tim. 2:11-13, Dy "Let thewoman learn in silence with allsubjection . But I suffer not awoman to teach, nor to useauthority over the man : but tobe in silence . For Adam was firstformed : then Eve ."Gal. 4 :26, Dy "But that Jerusalemwhich is above is free :which is our mother."(6) Improper to Address Prayersto Mary as MediatrixJohn 14:6, 13, Dy "Jesus saithto him : I am the way, and thetruth, and the life . No mancometh to the Father, but by me .. and whatsoever you shall askthe Father in my name, thatwill I do ."1 Tim. 2 :1, 5, Dy "I desiretherefore, first of all, that supplications,prayers, intercessionsand thanksgivings be made forall men : for there is one God :and one mediator of God andmen, the man Christ Jesus ."See "Prayer" .(7) "Assumption" of Mary, orTaking Her Body and Soul intoHeaven, Unscriptural and Unreasonable.Flesh-and-BloodBodies Could Not Exist BeyondEarth's AtmosphereJohn 3 :3, 7, 8, Dy "Jesus answeredand said to him : Amen,amen, I say to thee, unless aman be born again, he cannotsee the kingdom of God . Wondernot that I said to thee : You mustbe born again . The spirit breathethwhere he will and thou hearesthis voice : but thou knowestnot whence he cometh andwhither he goeth . So is everyone that is born of the Spirit ."1 Cor . 15:42, 44, 45, 48-50, Dy"So also is the resurrection of thedead. It is sown in corruption :it shall rise in incorruption . Itis sown a natural body : it shallrise a spiritual body . If there bea natural body, there is also a

403spiritual body, as it is written :The first man Adam was madeinto a living soul : the last Adaminto a quickening spirit . Such asis the earthly, such also are theearthly : and such as is the heavenly,such also are they that areheavenly. Therefore, as we haveborne the image of the earthly,let us bear also the image of theheavenly . Now this I say, brethren,that flesh and blood cannotpossess the kingdom of God : neithershall corruption possess incorruption."(8) Scriptural References to Heras "Blessed", "Happy" or "HighlyFavored" Do Not Mean WorshipWas Her DueLuke 1 :28, 30, Dy "And theangel being come in, said untoher : Hail, full of grace ["highlyfavored one," NW], the Lord iswith thee : blessed art thouamong women . . Fear not,Mary, for thou hast found gracewith God."Luke 1 :41-48, Dy "Elizabethwas filled with the Holy Ghost .And she cried out with a loudvoice and said : Blessed art thouamong women and blessed is thefruit of thy womb . . . . And Marysaid : My soul doth magnify theLord. . .for behold from henceforthall generations shall callme blessed ["happy," NW] ."Same expressions used towardothersJudg . 5 :24, Dy "Blessed amongwomen be Jahel the wife ofHaber the Cinite : and blessed beshe in her tent ."Deut . 28 :1, 4, Dy "The Lordthy God will make thee higherthan all the nations that are onWorship of Marythe earth. Blessed shall be thefruit of thy womb, and the fruitof thy ground, and the fruit ofthy cattle, the droves of thyherds, and the folds of thysheep."Gen . 30 :9, 10, 13, Dy "Lia, perceivingthat she had left offbearing, gave elpha her handmaidto her husband . And whenshe had conceived and broughtforth a son, . . . Lia said : This isfor my happiness : for women willcall me blessed . Therefore shecalled him Aser."Mal . 3 :12, Dy "And all nationsshall call you blessed : for youshall be a delightful land, saiththe Lord of hosts."Jesus showed veneration ofMary was wrongLuke 11 :27, 28, Dy "And itcame to pass, as he spoke thesethings, a certain woman fromthe crowd, lifting up her voice,said to him : Blessed is the wombthat bore thee and the paps thatgave thee suck. But he said : Yearather, blessed are they who hearthe word of God and keep it ."John 2 :3, 4 "When the wineran short the mother of Jesussaid to him : 'They have no wine .'But Jesus said to her : 'Whathave I to do with you, woman?'See also Moffatt .John 2 :3, 4, AT "The winegave out, and Jesus' mother saidto him, 'They have no morewine!' Jesus said to her, 'Do nottry to direct me .' "John 19 :26, CB "When Jesus,therefore, saw his mother andthe disciple standing by, whomhe loved, he said to his mother,'Woman, behold thy son .'"

404 FOREWORD (Cont'd)satisfactorily and "make sure of all things" for your hearer'sbenefit . You will have to know your book, its themes, and itssubjects for study to put it to good use .Bible Studies : Always carry "Make Sure of All Things"with you to your home Bible studies . These small groupgatherings in private homes allow for full expression on thepart of everyone present. Maybe you will need additionalscriptures to help settle an idea in the mind of your student,or maybe his question is not fully answered in the paragraphof the publication you are studying . Or he may get off on aside issue that will need to be cleared up before you go on .This book may aid you to get the answer quickly, especiallyif you use the division of the book "Subjects for Study" .The Family Study : Jehovah admonishes you to trainyour children in the right way. The family study leader,whether it be the father or the mother, can teach the childrenfrom this book as well as from any other publication of theSociety. With the minds of the children so full of "whys",doubtless this book will help the children to put their fullconfidence in the highest authority, Jehovah's Word . Parentsmay have daily studies with their children in one of the Society'spublications, and this can also be done with this publicationby taking page after page and reading and discussingthe scriptures . Certainly if you train up a child in the way heshould go he will never depart from it. Train your childrento use their own Bible as you conduct your Bible study with"Make Sure of All Things" . Familiarity with the scripturesand their location in the Bible is very important to impressupon the minds of the children early in life, so they will knowthe importance of the Scriptures . Remember, your childrenare going to be ministers of God . Train them from theiryouth.Casual Witnessing : Why not carry this handy book withyou to work, when you go visiting, and on Bible studies?Have it with you in your everyday activities . When you starta conversation on almost any subject, you can quickly bringit around to something on the Bible . You can quickly startan acquaintance with someone while traveling by talkingabout present conditions, and then it will not be long beforeyou are in a discussion . "Make Sure of All Things" is smalland compact and always ready to help your memory .Talks : You never know when you will be called on togive a discourse . Scriptural material for the proof of yourarguments can easily be gathered with this aid . The speaker

FOREWORD (Cont'd) 405can either use the arrangement as set forth in the book orrearrange the material to suit his argument and presentation. The "Subjects for Study" division, which appears as anappendix to the book, will certainly help speakers in gatheringtheir material on almost any subject, even those notmentioned in the seventy themes . For example, "children,""Christian," "man," "thousand years" are not among thethemes, but are subjects of great importance .Informal Group Gatherings : Jehovah's witnesses assembletogether in informal groups from time to time, and"Make Sure of All Things" will prove to be a basis for newworldconversation . Often questions arise and you just talkabout them, but let "Make Sure of All Things" get into thediscussion with you . Or maybe as a helpful and instructiveentertainment a general knowledge quiz can be carried onby having one of the brothers use the book while the otherssee how many scriptures they can give to questions basedon the themes or the various subheadings . A very interestingevening can be spent this way and everyone will be takingin knowledge.Service Meetings : "Make Sure of All Things" will be ahandy aid in preparing demonstrations, particularly in showinghow interesting back-calls can be conducted . It can beshown how the book will help the publisher in his presentationand make it versatile . Demonstrations will help illustratehow it can be used on any of the above-mentioned subjects.All Christians need knowledge now . They must seek it .They need all the information they can get of Jehovah'sWord, so they may carry on true worship in holy array withall their fellow Christians . Jehovah's witnesses will neverstop taking in knowledge, for they know that Jesus said :"This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge ofyou, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth,Jesus Christ ." (John 17 :3) Having made sure of all thingswe will want to draw out this knowledge from within ourselvesto teach it to others also . There is much work yet tobe done in proclaiming this good news of Jehovah's kingdomin all the world for a witness, because "many nations shallgo and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain ofJehovah, and to the house of the God of Jacob ; and he willteach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths . For outof ion shall go forth the law, and the word of Jehovahfrom Jerusalem" .-Micah 4 :2 .

Subjects for StudyThis section is designed to help you to quickly find answersto many Bible questions and to "make sure of all things" .Become familiar with its use . The numbers listed refer topages where Bible texts are quoted that deal with the topic .These subjects are added to the seventy principal themesthat precede this section as an aid in your private Bible study,reference work and preparation of discourses . They will beof special help in connection with group Bible studies in thehome .AAbomination, idolatry is, 172mass is, 263Abyss(ed), demons will be . 108Devil cast into, 104symbolizes deathlike condition, 1)33Active force, moves to obedience, 241needed to change thinking, 273produces visible manifestations, 360Ancestor Worship, 9, 10Angels, assist in sifting work, 323created before earth, 79higher than men, 358not immortal, 247rebellious, 152Satan restrained by, 105vary in rank, 79See Devil and Demons, HeavensAnimal(s) . are souls, 349made subject to man, 11man forbidden unclean relations with, 13man's superiority to, 10 -no afterlife for, 13not to live forever, S6, 352not transmigrated souls, 384vicious, were to be killed, 11Worship, 10-13Anointed, 74, 95, 200Antichrist, 14-16Apostles, have no successors, 17not in heaven till Christ's coming, 20<strong>org</strong>anization restored as in days of, 199possessed miraculous gifts, 144transmitted gifts of spirit, 23, 138Apostolic Succession, 16-24Armageddon, 24-27antichrists destroyed at, 16Christ resumes war activities at, 393comes suddenly, 26fought over Kingdom issue . 235judgment enforced at, 222Kingdom to come in fury at, 235near, 395406procreation mandate to survivors of, 110Satan, demons abyssed at, 108side,, 24survivors, 261,000-year day of test follows, 224Assembl(ies, y), district, national, 206money set aside to attend, 380of New World society, 280See MeetingsAssociation with outsiders dangerous, 279Astrolog(ers, y), 167, 367, 368Atonement . 69, 259See RansomAuthenticity of the Bible, 44BBabylon, 14, 300Back-Calls, 1 .'39Baptism, 27-36does not wash away sins, 30in name of Father, Son, holy spirit, 31into Christ, 33into Christ's body, 34, 262into Christ's death, 34Jesus' 29John the Baptist's, 28, 29means complete immersion, 27necessary step of obedience, 30of infants unscriptural, 32repentance must precede, 30, 307symbolizes dedication, 30, 265with fire, destruction, 34, 35with holy spirit, 33, 34, 365Beasts, worldly rule pictured by, 371Beggar and rich man : see LazarusBible, 86-46authenticity of, 44constitution of Jehovah's witnesses, 199contains God's complete revelations, 368greatest truth of, is Kingdom, 227in harmony with true science, 43inspired by God, 39interpretation from God, 40

SUBJECTS FOR STUDY 407is true guide, 287not of human origin, 37preservation, 40studies, 139, 269, 270transmission of, 40true religion recognizes, 301versus tradition, 41Birth, God not responsible for every, 166of Christ, fall, 2 B .C ., 167Birthday not to be commemorated, 166"Bishop," a designation misapplied, 172Black race not from curse, 291Blood, "flesh and," 260is life stream, 356of Christ Jesus, 47 288, 388of Jesus denied in mass, 258Transfusion, 47, 48validated new covenant, 72wine not changed to, 262Body of Christ, a new creation, 82anointing as preachers, 365baptism into, 34, 365baptized with spirit, 33die sacrificial death, 88is the church, 261sealed, 366triumphs over death, 88See CongregationBook(s), "of nature ." 36, 79proper in publishing, 270Born, Again, 48-50by water and spirit, 48, 365mother in heaven, 49to heavenly hope, 50CCaesar cannot require man's worship, 53Caesar's Things to Caesar, 50-53Cain married his sister, 291Caste System, 54-57Charitable Works, 57-60Children, condemned with parents, 223delinquency of 257, 342God not responsible for birth of, 166ministers, 266not properly turned over to state, 66obedient to Christian parents, 256of Adam affected by corruptness, 11Sof Mary, 400parents' duty to train, 256receive favor with parents, 223to attend meetings, 257when parents not responsible for, 223Christ, as a Signal, 85as Rock, 16came to reveal true religion, 298death of, observed by Memorial, 166, 169first to be raised, 312foundation of new world, 228granted immortal fife, 246has divine nature, 247head of congregation, 18holds keys of death and hell, 22, 90is a spirit, 207, 357is a superior second to Jehovah, 369is God's chief minister, 263Judge, 221King of congregation, 233King of world, 234Kingdom rule begins, 322Levitical priests interior to, 376"name" is office, authority, 31not to be worshiped as on cruciflx, 84only mediator between God and men, OSperfect exemplar, 30"purposes of first, second presence, 322resurrection of, 312second presence proved invisible, 321sign of first presence, 319sign of second presence, 319the channel of God's love, 251validated new covenant with blood, 72Sec Jesus Christ, RansomChristian(s), ambassadors, 133betrayed, hated, 338children of, favored, 256congregation, 72, 74, 75conscience must be trained, 132do not let money-making hinder, 132idolatry forbidden to, 175live by principles in Law, 241marriage of, 254must be a minister, 264mot have some dealings with world, 131must love, be kind to all in world, 130must maintain integrity, 130must not take course of world, 129must speak truth uncensored, 134must stick to work of preaching, 134neutral, 133not to observe holidays, 165persecution of, 338recognize governments, 66recognize rights of others, 65religion means action, 303respect consciences of others, 133save money to attend assemblies, 380tithe of, 378weekly sabbath not enjoined upon, 328work of, during God's rest day, 326See Jehovah's WitnessesChristmas, 166Church : see CongregationCleanness of <strong>org</strong>anization, 7 ;, 20disobedience,343Clergy, in open'man of lawlessness," 14not authorized as elevated class, 56religious leaders not "brothers", 185responsible for communism, 64'seed of serpent," 386seek power and honor 15Comforter, 364Commandments : ere Ten Commandment :Commission to preach, 185Communism, 61-67as "red religion", 15, 306cannot bring peace, 63clergy responsible for, 64will suffer destruction, 64Community responsibility, 75, 223Conducting studies, 141Confession, 67-70public 09

408 SUBJECTS FOR STUDYto fellow Christians proper, 68to God through Christ, 68Congregation, Christ king of, 233cliques and classes forbidden in . 56early, not communistic, 65family relationship in, 276foundation of, 17governing body of, .58has overseers, 204helper as comforter of, 364is presentday "nation", 195love is identification mark of, 253may confess wrong course, 69meetings of, essential, 279meets for study, 205miraculous gifts to marine the, 137nation of israel the first, 70of God, 70-78of today is mature, 140prayers of, acceptable, 283relief to needy among, 203Scriptural names applied to, 72, 194structure of Christian, 75structure of Jewish, 71the minister's, 270unity of Father, Son and, 388See Body of ChristConscience, determines activities, 277laws kept by Christians for sake of, 53must be trained, 132of others respected. 133violation of, means God's disfavor, 133Consecration, 94, 95Contributions, receipt of, proper, 271Covenant : see Law, hew covenantCovering cherub, 97, 152Creation, 78-83Adam perfect in, 344beyond understanding completely, 82days of, not 24 hours, 224gives evidence of God, 62God desisted from earthly, 324God's works of, perfect, 81nian the highest, earthly, 116only-begotten Son the first, 79Cross, 83-86Jesus' death not on a, 84use in worship is idolatry, 84See StakeCurse not cause of black race, 291DDay(s), definition of, 824of creation not 24 hours, 324sabbath, 324, 3277,000-year rest, 324-,000-year test., 224"Deacon," aa designation misapplied, 172Death, 86-90baptism into Christ means sharing, 252child delinquency results in, 257done away with, 89equalizes mat and beast, 13false religion brought, 297forsaking Jehovah brought, 117freedom from, 125"gates of," 90hell associated with, 158is an enemy, 87is end of wrong thinking, 275"key of," 22nian', works not tested after, 289Memorial observes Christ's, 166, 169missing mark brought, 345no dread of, for animals, 116no fear of, for "other sheep", 90no resurrection front second, 89of Jesus was God's will, 262144,000 share in Christ's, 315result of sill, 86sacrificial, 88Satan caused, 87, 99severs marriage contract, 255soul not conscious after, 287used to denote change of condition 90Dedication, 91-97baptism a symbol of, 30cost calculated, 92essential for life, 249must precede ordination, 265repentance a prerequisite to, 307Delinquency, juvenile, 257, 342Demons, 106-108astrologers tools of, 368faith protects from, 122impersonate dead humans, 106<strong>org</strong>anization of, under Devil, 101, 102sentenced to death, 106worship paid to, 107, 303Devil, and Demons, 97-108appears as benefactor, 99cast into abyss at Armageddon, 104faith overcomes, 121is a person, 99names of, 98sentenced to death, 99Disfellowshiping, 204Disobedience, Adam's, 326is false religion, 304is refusing God's high standard . 345Divine right of kings, 172Divorce(d), Christian grounds for, 2)5decree against Jews, 215demons, by God, 106Devil, by God, 99Documents used to compile Genesis, 40Dominion over animals, 10, 111.Dreams, 39, 363, 368See VisionsEEarth, and Its Destiny, 108-112created, 81Devil's, 101inherited by meek, 62man to remain on, 82never depopulated, 110never destroyed, 108only dwelling place for humans, 334Easter, 168Eating meat sacrificed to idols, 175"Elder," designation misapplied, 172

SUBJECTS FOR STUDY 409Employer not to be cheated, 278End of world, 25survivors of, 110Entertainment, choice of, 277Everlasting life, 90, 105, 136, 226,243, 248, 295, 331Evil, bent of mind, 272"slave," 15, 343Evolution, 112-119Expansion, 342FFaith, 119-122a gift from God, 120based on knowledge, 91gives protection against demons, 122overcomes world, 121saves, 242tested, 121, 289true, founded on Christ, 120without proof for evolution, 119works of, follow baptism, 32"Faithful and discreet slave," 200, 379See RemnantFalse prophet(s), 14, 109Famil(Ies, y), condemnation, 223connections do not bring salvation, 56dissensions overcome, 277God made man as, 54God's choosing not dependent on, 341relationship fit congregation, 276seventy original, from Noah, 291Fear, a sign of last days, 340freedom from, 125overcome by love, 253Flag salute . 176F<strong>org</strong>iveness of sins, by disciples, 146by Jesus, 145, 347God the One to confess to for, 68no man can grant, 68not for world, 348Fortunetelling, 367Freedom, 122-126Jehovah enjoys absolute, 122man's, relative, 123Friendship with the World, 126-134GGehenna, 161, 162Gentiles, 19, 20, 30, 218Gift(s), cultivated, 136, 140from God, 135-144love greater than miraculous, 253miraculous, 137, 138of faith, 120of healing, 144, 145, 148, 149of holy spirit, 23, 381of mercy, 379of perfect language to man, 117of service with marriage, 142of singleness, 142of tongues, 381selfish, bring no favor, 58voluntary, 58Giv(e, Ing), freely without show, 58of spiritual things more important, 59voluntary, 58God, a jealous, 184does not repent of purposes, 310his power of resurrection, 312is head over Christ, 388Jehovah is one, 386man restored to favor of, 295no image of, possible, 174no nation superior before, 292not responsible for each birth, 166, 354Satan is a, 102the Creator, Jehovah, 79, 290Gossip, 276Governing body, 58, 65, 200authority and duties of, 200Government(s), Christians recognize . 66Israeli, 213, 216pictured by beast, false prophet, 109political, of the Devil, 62theocratic, 229Grave, as burying place, 157Jonah a sign of Jesus in, 319See HellGravedom : see dellHHades, 18, 22, 156"gates of," 90See HellHarlot : see BabylonHealing, 144-150easy as f<strong>org</strong>iving sins, 68gift not used on self, 148gift passed away after apostles, 149powers given as a sign, 147receiving money not permitted for, 149Heaven(s), 150-154God's dwelling place, 151God's invisible <strong>org</strong>anization, 151keys of, 18new, 110, 152Satan's invisible, 101, 152sky, 153starry, physical, 80, 153Hell, 154-164good, bad go there, 158hope for those in, 159means grave, gravedom, 156powerless against God's chosen, 159to be finally destroyed, 160wicked are abased to, 1 .59Higher Powers : see Superior AuthoritiesHolidays, 165-171Holy, days of Christendom abominable, 171nation, 96Holy spirit : see Active forceHonorary Titles, 171 . 172House-to-house work, 139, 268Husband, Christian ditties of, 255IIdolatry, 172-178a snare of Satan, 173brings punishment, 174forbidden, 173, 175stubbornness and rebellion are, 174worship of state powers is, 176

410SUBJECTS FOR STUDYImage(s), Christ in God's express, 357have no power to help, 173, 178man in God's, 122not needed in prayer, 178of animals forbidden, 12Immersion : see BaptismImmortal(ity), a reward, 136, 350angels do not have, 247Christ is, 209, 357doctrine of human, untruthful, 312given for faithfulness, 246, 247inseparably linked with Kingdom, 351limited to heavenly persons, 247new creation to be, 82primarily Jehovah's, 243, 349Incarnation, 179-181Jesus was not an, 180prophets at transfiguration not an, 181See MaterializedIncorruptibility, 243a reward for faithfulness, 350angels do not have, 247brought to light, 246is primarily Jehovah's, 349Inspiration, 39, 40, 362Inspired expressions, 360-368Integrity, 98, 100, 105, 130Interfaith, 181-187doctrinal differences not petty, 185forbidden, 183Jehovah in opposition to, 182resisted by early Christians, 186Interpretation, 363Inventions of man not creations, 82Israel, 211first congregation of God, 70judgment of fleshly, 220judgment of spiritual, 221"of God," 218payment of tithes by, 376regathering of true, not political, 374separated by Law covenant . 238Issue, Armageddon to be fought over, 235Christians hated over, 338to be settled forever, 100JJehovah, 188-193alone before creation . 78blesses people of all nations, 293his power extends everywhere, 191his power to hear, answer prayer, 282his spirit, active force, 350-366his vindication most important, 192is a person, 188, 386is a Savior, 331 . 336is a soul, 349is a spirit . 357is immortal, incorruptible, 243, 349is one God, 386is supreme above all superiors, 369is the "Alpha and Omega", 388is the source. giver of life, 243is the source of love, 250not omnipresent, 1917,000-year sabbath of, 324Jehovah's Witness(es), 193-207Abel, the first on earth, 193are ambassadors, 197Christ is Leader of, 195each is a minister, 197Jehovah is Founder, giver of name, 195Jesus is chief, 193persecuted by Satan, 395Jesus Christ, 207-210and Jehovah different persons, 386baptized at age of thirty, 167birth of, no metempsychosis, 385born c. October 1, 2 B .C., 167, 208Chief Agent of life, 331chief witness of Jehovah, 193commissioned followers to preach, 185flesh of, 259-261gives life to obedient mankind, 243had natural brothers, 400heir of Kingdom, 228inferior to Jehovah God, 387, 389, 390is seed of woman, 401kept Law perfectly, 239Law nailed to stake of, 238mass denies, 258materialized, 314, 320meaning of name, 207mediates new covenant, 241no incarnation, 180put to death on upright stake, 84religious leaders not brothers of, 185resurrection of, 313, 314, 319showed God's will for him was death, 262was flesh, 14, 180, 181See ChristJews, rejection of Jesus by, 215Return to Palestine, 210-219true, of promise, 217John, baptism by, 28, 29baptizing . A.D . 29, 167born, 2 B .C., 167Jubilee, 123Judgment, Days, 219-226Edenic, 219for peoples of the nations, 222of fleshly Israel, 220of God's house, 221of Noah's day, 219of Satan's world, 103of sheep and goats, 323of Sodom and Gomorrah, 220of 1,000-year day of test, 224witnesses raised up during, 193KKeys, of death and hell, 22, 90of heaven, 18King(s), 24, 210, 228, 229, 233, 234, 237Kingdom, 226-237ambassador of, 197Christ waited to receive the, 234Christendom is not God's, 236Christians hated over issue of, 338comes against Satan's <strong>org</strong>anization, 235flesh and blood cannot enter, 351God judges who is worthy to enter, 20

SUBJECTS FOR STUDY411immortality linked with, 351is "new heavens", 152knowledge of entering, 19lawbreakers excluded from, 239message and ministry of, 153, 197, 233no second death for members of, 90not 'in one's heart", 231preaching is only soul-saving work, 357realm of, 231rule begins at second presence . 322spirit-begotten members 49subjects of, 110, 231work opposed by world leaders, 338Knowledge, basis for faith, 91necessary for new-world living, 275needed to develop faith, 121of opportunity to enter Kingdom, 19repentance leads to, 307L"Last days," 257, 273, 299Law(s), 237-242Christians keep, 53covenant, 71covenant replaced by new covenant, 241fulfilled by love, 250fulfilled, moved out of way, 329given only to Israel, 238Jews freed from, 84life not possible by, 249-makers are Jehovah and Christ, 199"of freedom," 124"of mind," 274"of Moses" set mark, 346"of sin," 274, 347of tithes for Israel, 376, 377pictured realities, 239safeguarded against idolatry, 174salvation not possible by, 334sins against covenant, 28, 309to serve only until Messiah, 238Lazarus and rich man, 160League of Nations, 338, 339Lent, 170Life, 242-249a gift from God, 136a reward for proved integrity, 105Adam, Eve had conditional, 244administered by Christ and 144,000, 232all men born without right to, 244as an intelligent person, is soul, 356at end of 1,000 years, 90, 226, 248, 318brought to light by Christ, 246Chief Agent of, is Jesus, 331forever forfeited by Adam, Eve, 244future, more important, 246limited span of, for lower animals, 116pattern, 83, 313, 327, 356, 385principle or force, 355, 356, 358, 359ransom brings, to man. 295resurrection of, 317rights lost, exact price needed, 294Limbo, 160Literature, proper in publishing, 270Lord's return : see Return of ChristLord's supper, 259Love, 250-253for God unifies, 197MMale members teach In congregation, 141Man('s), angels higher than, 358bent of mind toward evil, 272, 273created perfect, 116created to live forever, 86created with God's attributes, 82degraded, not evolving, 117has life principle or force, 355has relative freedom, 123highest earthly creation 116is a soul, 349-kind sprang from Adam, Noah, 290, 291life given to obedient, 243made for earth, 82mind of, must be trained, 275missing marls brought death on, 345needs a ransom, 294not infallible, 21"of lawlessness," 14races of, created, 290meets mark at end of 1,000 years, 348"Many roads, one destiny," 186Mark, death brought by missing, 345Law proved men were missing, 346of perfection met, 348of perfection set in Eden, 344Marriage, 253-257gift of service with, 142improper restrictions on, 343requirements of law met, 51Mary, not "ever virgin", 400not "mother of God", 399, 400not woman of Gen . 3 : 15, 400Worship of, 398-403Mass, 257-263Materialized, 106, 313, 314, 320Mediator, Christ, 68, 241Christ needs no priestly, 259Moses, 238Meetings, attendance at, essential, 279children to attend, 257service, 205, 206Melchizedek, 376Memorial, 169See Lord's supperMen pray with head uncovered, 283Messiah : see ChristMetempsychosis, 384, 385Millennium : see Thousand year(s)Mind, attitude of, is spirit, 359bent toward evil, 272, 273Eve's, corrupted, 272fed wrong things by Satan, 273law of, 274must be trained, filled, 275, 279soundness of, needed for salvation . 332true religion transforms . 302Minister(s), child, 266congregation of, 270in Israel exempted, 133Jesus Christ is God's chief, 263mature, may be overseers, 204

412 SUBJECTS FOR STUDYno retirement for, 267not commercial, 271of God, 263-271ordination of, 264, 26'0record of work kept, 200Satan's, false, 154secondary occupations proper for, 271women may be, 265Miracles, by invisible active force, 361Miraculous gifts, 137, 138love greater than, 253no longer present, 138NNation(s), confused, perplexed, 340have violated God's rest day, 326new, 217, 218not any, a "super race", 292of israel cast off, 374of Jehovah blessed, 293peoples of all, blessed, 293practicing genocide condemned, 293ruled with rod of iron, 322Nature, balance in, 115"hook of," 79divine, 247human, 248Neutrality of Christians, 1 :1 :New covenant, 72, 73, 95, 216, 241, 23,New creation, 82New earth, 110New system(s) of things, 33, 73, 137, 187New World, 120, 199, 210, 225, 227,272, 273foundation laid at Christ's ascent, 225freedoms, 125Living, 272-280society, 110, 272, 2800Obedience, active force move, to. 241as a son . Adam's worship, 290is Christian's work, 326necessary for salvation, 333the governing principle, 190One Hundred and Forty-four Thousand, 24 .34, 49, 70, 82, 90, 95, 136, 150, 196,226, 228, 232, 247, 248, 315, 316,322, 350, 374Ordination, 264, 265Organization(s), capital, 229men seek relief in makeshift, 343of God, 94 . 99, 106, 122, 149, 131 .190, 82:3, '141 . 400, 401of Jehovah's witnesses, 199of Satan, 14, 101, 102, 104, 109, 124,152, 230, 235, 339, 391, 393of seed, 228"princes" in, 75special appointments made through, 26SOther sheep, 110, 393are Jehovah's witnesses, 196baptism necessary, 30benefits of new covenant for, 7 4have hope of earthly resurrection, 317may hold service positions, 204no :ear of death for, 90subjects of Kingdom, 2L1Overseer, 204See "Bishop"PParadise, 318Parents, duty to train children, 250,merit extends to children, 223respect for, proper, 9Peddler, minister not, 271Perfection, Adam had rights by, 244Kingdom uplifts man to, 232man meets, at end of 1,000 years, 348mark of, set in Eden, 344Permission of Devil's existence, 100Persecution, defeated, 199fire of, means sharing with Christ, 2 . .of Jehovah's witness e, 395of true religion by false, 305sign of last days, 338Personality, new, 274recognized in resurrection, 313resurrected, 356, 385Peter, did not rule congregation, 2 1no record, was in Rome, 22not infallible, 21not the "rock", 16use of keys by, 18, 20was married, 23Polygamy, 254Prayer(s), 280-286a protection against Satin, 104"amen" proper, 281during spiritual sickness, 146for dead accomplish nothing, 287for rulers, 131, 285for salvation, 333great test of, 282of congregation acceptable, 283of wicked unanswered, 286posture not prescribed, 282repetitions, forbidden, 282right matters, occasions for, 284to God only through Christ, 281to "saint," not authorized, 178, 281unanswered if asked amiss, 285Preach (ing), brings salvation, 198Jesus commissioned followers to, 183method of, 268of Christ's stake. 85of Jonah, a sign, 319of Kingdom as present. 233of Kingdom is soul-saving work, S -)7of Kingdom message unifies, 197of Kingdom world-wide a sign, 338proper on sabbath, 328public, 206, 269witnesses must, 197Presence of Christ, firstKing of congregation since, 21 :1sign of, 319to supply ransom, 322See Christ, Jesus ChristPresence of Christ, secondapostles not in heaven before, 20

SUBJECTS FOR STUDY 413for purpose of salvation, 322invisible, 321nations ruled with iron rod at, 322resurrection of 144,000 begins, 322sign of, 319, 320, 337See Christ, Jesus ChristPriest(hood), atonement by high, 259Christ's, 376consecration applies only to, 95in Israel not class distinction, 55Levitical, 376Princes, 75Propaganda of world deceptive, 128Prophesying, 362Prophet(s), 14, 109Public speaking, preaching, 140, 206, 269Purgatory, 286-290QQueen of heaven, 168, 400RRace(s), black, not from curse, 291distinctions no barrier, 197due to hereditary factors, 291Israel's favor not superiority of, 55of Mankind, 290-293Ransom, 293-296exact price needed for, 294faith in, leads to salvation, 120, 332Jesus provides, 245makes resurrection possible, 88not appreciated without repentance, 309provided only if Jesus all flesh, 181releases from trouble, 294supplied at first presence, 322those having faith in, alive, 88Redemption, 88, 123Registrations complied with, 52Reincarnation : see TransmigrationRelative worship forbidden, 177, 178Religion(s), 296-307Adam's, without formalism, 296Christendom began with falling away, 298Christians set free from false, 124Eve's mind bent away from true, 272false, induced by lying claim, 297false, permeated by demons, 107false, to be destroyed, 300how false originated, 98, 296, 297many false, sign of last days, 337ministers of false, 154"natural," not sufficient, 301true, is revealed, 301Remnant, 153, 200, 215, 217, 392Repentance, 307-311deathbed, cannot manifest itself, 308for sins against Law covenant, 28, 309leads to knowledge, 307must precede dedication, baptism, 30, 91none from sin against holy spirit, 309replaces sorrow with joy, 308required of all saved, 307requires instruction, 307Respect for rulers, 50, 172Responsibility, community, 223Resurrection, 311 .318after paradise established, 111, 318all prior to Christ awaiting, 88death triumphed over by, 88first, 315for judgment on earth, 317from the "gates of death", 90hope of, 311, 314is not a transmigration, 315, 385key of Hades used at time of, 22life pattern re-created in, 83, 313 . 327no second death for 144,000 after, 90none from second death, 89not a violation of God's rest, 327of faithful men of old, 317of Jesus a sign, 215of Jesus as immortal, 209of Jesus not in same body, 314of life, 317of 144,000, 248 . 315, 316, 322possible through ransom, 88provides entry into Kingdom, 236provides opportunity for life, 248wicked not remembered for, 314Return, or Christ, 319-324visits, 139, 269Revelations, God's Word contains, 368special, have ceased, 368Rich man and beggar : see LazarusRighteousness, by works impossible, 333self-, impossible, 333Rack, 16Rosary, forbidden in prayer, 282SSabbath, 324-330abolished with rest of Law, 238Christ's resurrection no change of, 330Jehovah's 7,000-year, 324not to be kept for all time, 240seventh-day, a shadow, 329weekly, 327, 328Sacrifice(s), of Jesus flees, 347of Jesus never needs renewal, 258typical, 258unbloody, do not remit sins . 259Saints, 96, 281Saluting flags Is idolatry, 176Salvation, 330-336depends upon Jesus, 331effected at second presence, 322not "once saved always saved", 332repentance required for, 307self-, impossible, 333through baptism into Greater Noah, 336through faith in ransom, 120through preaching work, 198universal, a fallacy, 334way of, 332Sanctification, 91, 95, 96by means of truth and holy spirit, 96must be maintained, 96Satan, brings woes upon people, 395cast out of heaven, 103destroyed, 104, 230, 336inspires expressions, 360

414SUBJECTS FOR STUDYIntroduced sin, death, 87is a god, 102is responsible for wrong thinking, 273no f<strong>org</strong>iveness for world of, 348protection against, 104proved a liar, 103released at end of 1,000 years, 226tries to thwart God's purpose, 396world of, condemned, 221See DevilSchool, ministry, 206Sects, 300Seed, 208, 228of Abraham, 218of serpent, 306of woman is Christ, 401Serpent : see Devil, SatanServant(s), assistant, 141cleansed as by fire, 289have been inspired, 362of God hated by world, 127of God use no violence, 394special, 204, 270See "Bishop", "Deacon"Service, appointments, 202, 204, 268meeting, 205, 206positions of other sheep, 204repentance a prerequisite to, 307Seventieth week, time of, 20Sheol, 156"gates of," 90See HellSign(s), healing and tongues as . 147, 382lying, performed in God's name, 339not given to faithless Jews, 215of Christ's first presence, 319of Christ's second presence, 319, 320of Last Days, 257, 337-344of sabbath to Jews, 238, 328Sin(s), 344-349against holy spirit, 309against Law covenant, 28, 309are accounted inactive in death, 288confession of, proper, 68f<strong>org</strong>iveness of, easy as healing, 68freedom from, 126introduced, 87, 97man freed from law of, 347no man can f<strong>org</strong>ive, 68not washed away by baptism, 30of Adam, 344of repentant ones f<strong>org</strong>otten, 308oily inherited, excused, 347results in death, 86slavery of, 123that incurs second death, 89those in, considered dead by God, 88unbloody sacrifice does not remit, 2,59willful, bring destruction, 348Social, legal distinctions, accepted, 52reforms not Christian's activity, 57status no barrier, 197Son of man, 124Soul(s), 349-357animals are, 349attributes, qualities of, 352"dead," 355human, is mortal, destructible, 352human, to live forever if obedient, 353no transmigration of, 315not conscious after death, 287reproduce after own kind, 383reproduce in own likeness, 355See TransmigrationSpeaking : see Public speakingSpIrit, 357-366active force of God is, 360angels are, 358distinguished from soul, 356fruitage of, 251gifts of, 142holy, not a person, 389inspired expressions are, 360Jehovah is, 357Jesus is, 357life principle is, 355, 358mental disposition is, 359poured out on Jewish remnant, 217true religion produces fruits of, 302Spiritism, 366-369Stake, a symbol of shame, reproach, 85boasting in, means bearing reproach, 86enemies of, are those denying ransom, 85Jesus' death on a, 84Law nailed to, 238preaching of, means preaching ransom, 85See CrossStones, in spiritual temple, 17Street work, 139, 269Stud(ies, y), children to attend, 257home Bible, 139, 269, 270personal, necessary, 279, 333Superior Authorities, 369-372Adam, Eve tried to become, 326Jehovah, Christ are, 199Superior(s), Christ jesus is a, 369Jehovah above all, 369no nation is, 292Suprem(acy, e), 92, 98, 100, 104, 189,230, 369System(s) of things, Jewish, 70, 71new, 33, 73, 137, 187Satan's, 102, 109, 273TTartar(os, us), 155, 164Taxes should be paid, 51Teaching, 141Temple(s), 214, 217, 306Tempt(ation), brought by Satan, 101Jehovah does not, 192Ten Commandments, not for all time, 240proper to quote as proof, 242trying to gain life by, 309Ten "Lost Tribes", 373-375Theocratic, government, 102, 229<strong>org</strong>anization, 199Thousand year(s), 22, 24, 35, 89, 90,104, 110, 112, 150, 232, 248, 318,324, 329, 348day of test, 224Satan bound for, 164

SUBJECTS FOR STUDY 415Time of 69' 1 and 70 weeks, 19, 20Tithing, 376-380Titles, Honorary, 171, 172Tongues, 363Speaking in, 380-383Tradition(s), 287, 303made lawbreakers of Pharisees, 239Transmigration, 383-385resurrection not, 315Transubstantiation, 257Trinity, 386-390UUnited Nations, 338, 339Unity of Father, Son, congregation, 388Universal salvation, 334-336VVaccination, 48Vindicat(e, ion), 104, 192, 230, 325, 361Visions, 39, 368WWar(s), Christ's, against Satan, 391, 393fomented by Satan, 107freedom from, 125of supernatural forces, 25world, a sign, 337Wickedness, not created by Jehovah, 192Wife, Christian duties of, 255Witness : see Jehovah's WitnessesWomen, lead prayer with head covered, 283may be ministers, 265Word of God, the Bible, 36contains complete revelations, 368searches man's thoughts, 274Work(ing, s), avoided in rest day, 325cleansing fire tests, 289during test day determine judgment, 225for governments not prohibited, 52God desisted from earthly creative, 324nations violated rest day by own, 326of "character development" . 333of faith, 32of God perfect, 81of Kingdom opposed, 338of preaching, 267of proclamation without violence, 394of Satan erased, 104soul-saving, 357World, controlled by Satan, 126course of action of, 127Distress, 390-397divine condemnation on, 221end of, 25, 219false religion is part of this, 305Friendship with the, 126-134Jehovah's witnesses not a part of, 196leaders oppose Kingdom work, 338no f<strong>org</strong>iveness for Satan's, 348of Satan judged, 103overcome by faith . 121powers, seventh and eighth, 339prayers for, unanswered, 285rule pictured by beasts, 371things loved by, 126thinking, out of harmony with God, 127wars, sign of last days, 337Worship(ers), active service, 197freedom of, 125new nation advancing true, 218of Adam was without formalism, 296of Easter egg, rabbit, 168of Jewish nation prophetic, 298of Mary, 398-403of state brings destruction, 63of state is idolatry, 176restoration of true, a sign, 340self-, 174use of cross in, is idolatry, 84world-wide expansion of clean, 342WATCHTOWER BIBLE EDITIONSAmerican Standard Version : Complete Bible, edition of1901 . Clear-faced, readable type . Contains cyclopedic concordanceand maps. Footnotes give alternate renderings . Size :7 " x 5 1 s" x 1 " . Bound in light-brown leatherette .Remit L50 .New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures :The Greek Scriptures, Matthew to Revelation, in modernEnglish, 800 pages . Contains an Appendix, thousands ofcross references and chain references . Copious footnotesfurnish critical apparatus and alternate renderings . Size :75 16" x 5" x 3 4" . Bound in green leatherette . Remit 1 .50 .See addresses on last page for ordering the above .

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