From the Heart of Kurdistan Region - Kurdish Globe

From the Heart of Kurdistan Region - Kurdish Globe

From the Heart of Kurdistan Region - Kurdish Globe

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The<strong>Kurdish</strong><strong>Globe</strong> No. 370, Tuesday, October 02, 2012 4 The<strong>Kurdish</strong><strong>Globe</strong> No. 370, Tuesday, October 02, 2012 5PM laid <strong>the</strong> cornerstone <strong>of</strong>Duhok International AirportThe KRG Prime Minister Nerchirvan Barzani pays a visit to Duhok andpresents strategic projects to <strong>the</strong> provinceOn <strong>the</strong> first day <strong>of</strong>his visit, The PrimeMinister NechirvanBarzani, with <strong>the</strong>presence <strong>of</strong> manymembers <strong>of</strong> localbusiness anddiplomaticcommunities, KRGministers and o<strong>the</strong>r<strong>of</strong>ficials, laid <strong>the</strong>cornerstone <strong>of</strong>Duhok InternationalAirport on 24th <strong>of</strong>September 2012.The Prime Minister announcedthat Duhok willbe ano<strong>the</strong>r bridge between<strong>Kurdistan</strong> <strong>Region</strong>and <strong>the</strong> outside world,and described <strong>the</strong> projectas a ‘strategic’ and importantgate. “Airports for aclosed region like <strong>Kurdistan</strong>are alternatives forseaports” said NechirvanBarzani at <strong>the</strong> groundbreakingceremony <strong>of</strong>Duhok International Airport.He said that <strong>the</strong> airportwill not only serve Duhokand <strong>Kurdistan</strong> <strong>Region</strong>people, but will serveNinawa and probablyborder areas in Syria andTurkey as well. Barzanirevealed that this projectis <strong>the</strong> stage number one<strong>of</strong> a series <strong>of</strong> strategicprojects in Duhok andpromised that <strong>the</strong> cornerstone<strong>of</strong> a strategic oilrefinery project will belaid in <strong>the</strong> province in <strong>the</strong>near future.Duhok InternationalAirport, which had beendecided on in <strong>the</strong> FifthCabinet, will be <strong>the</strong> thirdairport in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Kurdistan</strong><strong>Region</strong> to which travelerswill have direct accessto <strong>the</strong> province after it’scompletion in 2015. Theo<strong>the</strong>r two airports are inErbil and Slemani, whichalready provide directflights to more than 25destinations in Europe,Asia, and <strong>the</strong> MiddleEast.Academics and businessmenin Duhok regardthis project a crucial factorin booming tradingand tourism sectors inDuhok and <strong>the</strong> <strong>Region</strong>.“The airport will be ashortcut to tourists as wellas <strong>the</strong> investors who seekinvestment in <strong>the</strong> area.”said Ubaidallah Dawood,<strong>the</strong> General Director <strong>of</strong>Tourism in Duhok province,adding that peoplewill have an easier wayto travel around <strong>the</strong> worldthrough <strong>the</strong> airport.The airport buildingfacilities have been designedby <strong>the</strong> LebaneseDar Al-Handasa Engineeringand ADPI <strong>of</strong>France. The Turkish Makyolis <strong>the</strong> constructioncompany which is supervisedby a team fromSouth Korea’s IncheonInternational Airport onbehalf <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> KRG.The KRG has allocatedUS 400$ million on a 21square kilometer land in<strong>the</strong> west <strong>of</strong> Duhok city.It’s planned to be completedin two and a halfyears.KRG will renovateLalish TempleOn <strong>the</strong> same day, <strong>the</strong>Prime Minister visitedLalish Temple in Shekhandistrict and promisedthat <strong>the</strong> KRG will renovateLalish Temple, <strong>the</strong>sacred place <strong>of</strong> <strong>Kurdish</strong>Ezidies minority. “TheKRG sees serving Lalishas a duty.” said NechirvanBarzani in his meetingwith Mir TahseenBag, <strong>the</strong> Mir <strong>of</strong> Ezidies,and Spiritual Council <strong>of</strong>Ezidies, reiterating that<strong>the</strong>ir demands will certainlybe met.Mir Tehseen Bag, mir <strong>of</strong>Ezidies showed his andall Ezidies’ appreciationsto <strong>the</strong> Prime Minister forpaying this visit <strong>the</strong> Lalishand making this decisionregarding <strong>the</strong> renovation<strong>of</strong> Lalish Temple.The KRG will allocateUS $28 million in twophases for renovating <strong>the</strong>temple. In <strong>the</strong> first stage<strong>Kurdish</strong> Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani delivers a speech on <strong>the</strong> occasion <strong>of</strong> inaugurating a residentialproject for martyrs' families in Duhok, September 25, 2012.$17m will be allocatedand <strong>the</strong> renovation processwill be carried by aspecialist company andsupervised by a consultativecommittee. In <strong>the</strong>second stage <strong>the</strong> KRGwill allocate US $11 millionto begin installing<strong>the</strong> basic services in <strong>the</strong>temple.Lalish Temple is fewkilometers north <strong>of</strong> Shekhandistrict, 60 Km north<strong>of</strong> Mosul. It is <strong>the</strong> mostsacred place to <strong>Kurdish</strong>Ezidies in <strong>Kurdistan</strong> regionand Iraq. Hundreds<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m all around <strong>Kurdistan</strong><strong>Region</strong> and Iraqvisit it during <strong>the</strong>ir pilgrimageseason in April.And now it’s consideredas one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> importantreligious sights in The<strong>Kurdistan</strong> <strong>Region</strong> towhich even non Ezidieshave regular visits.Important decisionsin ZakhoOn <strong>the</strong> second day,Nechirvan Barzani paid avisit to Zakho district andheld a meeting with <strong>the</strong>district <strong>of</strong>ficials and inspectedsome underwayprojects. He reiteratedthat giving more authorityto districts and subdistricts paves <strong>the</strong> wayto present better servicesGLOBE PHOTOand projects.The Prime Minister visitedBarzan InternationalStadium project, 50% <strong>of</strong>which is completed s<strong>of</strong>ar. The stadium will beable to host internationalmatches after its completionand will obtain <strong>the</strong>international certificatefor this purpose. BarzanStadium is designed accordingto developed andinternational standardsand is now being constructedby some specialistcompanies and willhave seating capacity <strong>of</strong>22,000.Regarding <strong>the</strong> renovationprocess <strong>of</strong> DalalBridge and Zakho citadel,Nechirvan Barzanireiterated that any renovationprocess <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> historicalsights should beunder <strong>the</strong> supervision <strong>of</strong>UNISCO. During a visitto Zakho University, ThePrime Minister showed<strong>the</strong> KRG’s readiness toprovide <strong>the</strong> new universitywith <strong>the</strong> equipments<strong>the</strong>y need and decided toallocate a sum <strong>of</strong> moneyfor improving <strong>the</strong> universitycampus.Ground watershould not be usedany moreIn <strong>the</strong> last stage <strong>of</strong> hisvisit to Duhok province,The Prime MinisterNechirvan Barzani visitedBardarash district andheld a meeting with <strong>of</strong>ficialsand <strong>the</strong> people <strong>of</strong>district, and decided onseveral strategic projectsin <strong>the</strong> area.Nechirvan Barzani reiteratedin <strong>the</strong> meeting thatagricultural lands andplains must not be usedfor residential buildings,but <strong>the</strong> enlarging process<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> town should gotowards <strong>the</strong> hills in <strong>the</strong>eastern <strong>of</strong> Bardarash district.Barzani promised<strong>the</strong> people that <strong>the</strong> governmentwill present betterservices to <strong>the</strong> area.“This area is an old areaand was one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> oldestsub districts in Iraq”he said.In ano<strong>the</strong>r part <strong>of</strong> hisword, The Prime Ministersaid that ground watershould never be used anymore in <strong>the</strong> area. “O<strong>the</strong>rsources <strong>of</strong> water shouldbe found” he said.Bardarash district islocated between <strong>the</strong> tworivers <strong>of</strong> Xazir in <strong>the</strong>west, and Upper Zap in<strong>the</strong> east, but is still usingground water for drinkingand agriculture purposes.The <strong>Kurdish</strong> <strong>Globe</strong>Shvan GoranDuhokGLOBE PHOTO/Safin HamidMarkets serve asoutward moneytransfer machinesDuring <strong>the</strong> past decade<strong>Kurdistan</strong> <strong>Region</strong> haswitnessed a dramatic economicand social development.Significant increasein <strong>the</strong> personal incomeand in <strong>the</strong> trade volume in<strong>the</strong> region has led to <strong>the</strong>increase <strong>of</strong> consumption,which is mainly feed byimports.Hogir Mohammed, ayoung local man, wasleaving a supermarketinside Erbil with a largebasket <strong>of</strong> everyday itemshe just purchased. Checking<strong>the</strong> basket, everythingo<strong>the</strong>r than one domestics<strong>of</strong>t drink bottle was imported.“I always prefer domesticproducts, but I have noo<strong>the</strong>r choice when I can’tfind <strong>the</strong>m,” said Mohammed.In ano<strong>the</strong>r part <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>city, people were buyinglarger amounts <strong>of</strong> stuff atano<strong>the</strong>r mall that had putall its products on a bigsale. It was, however, notto close down due to badmarket situation, but ra<strong>the</strong>rto renovate <strong>the</strong> buildingand add couple morefloors to it.Despite all its shortcomings,<strong>Kurdistan</strong> <strong>Region</strong>’sshare in <strong>the</strong> Iraqi annualbudget has increased tradeactivities in <strong>the</strong> regionduring <strong>the</strong> past few years.This has made <strong>Kurdistan</strong>an important business centerin <strong>the</strong> whole region.Supermarkets and shoppingmalls play as a balancingmechanism fortaking out all <strong>the</strong> moneythat pours into this smallregion.In 2003, <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong>supermarkets would notexceed two or three, not tomention <strong>the</strong> fact that <strong>the</strong>idea <strong>of</strong> shopping malls,hypermarkets and marketchains was not introducedat all.However, nowadays inaddition to <strong>the</strong> numerousmalls and hypermarkets,<strong>the</strong>re are much larger number<strong>of</strong> smaller markets inevery neighborhood <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>city and on all <strong>the</strong> streets,almost all <strong>of</strong> which sellimported goods.This shows <strong>the</strong> route <strong>of</strong>all <strong>the</strong> oil revenues thatcome to <strong>Kurdistan</strong>. Ra<strong>the</strong>rthan going into developing<strong>the</strong> infrastructure and<strong>the</strong> economy it goes into<strong>the</strong> pockets <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rcountries, and especially<strong>the</strong> neighboring countries,thus making little good to<strong>the</strong> region itself.Turkey and Iran jointlyhave a trade volume <strong>of</strong>more than USD 10 billionwith <strong>Kurdistan</strong> <strong>Region</strong>,which is almost <strong>the</strong> sameas <strong>the</strong> region’s annual budgetshare from Baghdad.Swara Aziz, directorgeneral <strong>of</strong> planning andfollow-up at <strong>the</strong> Tradeand Industry Ministry <strong>of</strong><strong>Kurdistan</strong> <strong>Region</strong>al Government(KRG), says <strong>the</strong>region’s economic policyhas been successful ineconomic developmentand market activity buthas failed to keep <strong>the</strong> balancebetween non-oil exportsand imports in foreigntrade.According to Aziz <strong>the</strong>factor behind this inequalityis <strong>the</strong> inequality between<strong>the</strong> technology andknowhow used in <strong>the</strong> foreigncountries compared towhat is used in <strong>Kurdistan</strong>.This, according to him,makes local industry noncompetitive.Hence importingready-made goodswould have less headacheand cost, something whichmakes domestic productionmore difficult.In 2010 <strong>Kurdistan</strong> hadimported a value <strong>of</strong> USD11 billion while, <strong>the</strong> nonoilexport volume was onlyUSD 90 million. HenceKurds depend 99.2% onimports.Buyers walking through one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> largest hypermarkets in <strong>Kurdistan</strong>, Erbil, December 6, 2009.New consultancy clinicsto open in ErbilAs per a decision <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><strong>Kurdistan</strong> <strong>Region</strong>al Governmentnew subsidizedconsultancy health clinicswill be establishedin all <strong>the</strong> region’s provinces.These clinics will providemedical consultationsand medical checksat a 50% discount comparedto normal marketprices.As part <strong>of</strong> this project,5 clinics are to be establishedin Erbil.Dr. Rebin Barzinjee,Director <strong>of</strong> city centerclinics at Erbil’s HealthDirectorate says <strong>the</strong> newclinics will have variousCity’s police directorateto install 5,000 camerasin <strong>the</strong> public places in anear futureAbdulkhalaq Tallat,Director <strong>of</strong> Erbil ProvincePolice announcedthat in cooperation witha French company, <strong>the</strong>yhave finalized all <strong>the</strong>spcialized physicianswho will be available 4hours per day for consultations.“We are planning tohave 24 hour emergencyservice,” said Barzinjee.A visit ticket will costIQD 3,000 (approximatelyUSD 2.5). The physicianmay ask for some labtests for patients, 50% <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> costs <strong>of</strong> which will besubsidized.It is also argued that <strong>the</strong>prices are already lowerthan <strong>the</strong> average marketprices, and hence patientspay even less than 50%.Barzinjee also said that<strong>the</strong> clinics will also doPatients queuing in front <strong>of</strong> a health center in Erbil.preparation works relatedto <strong>the</strong> project are completedand <strong>the</strong>y are readyto install <strong>the</strong> cameras in<strong>the</strong> near future.Tallat said that 5000cameras will be installedin all <strong>the</strong> public placesand marketplaces in orderto protect <strong>the</strong> lives <strong>of</strong>small operations. However,large operations arereferred to large hospitals,where <strong>the</strong> governmentcovers 80% <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>costs.“We are planning tohave similar clinics in <strong>the</strong>districts and sub districtsas well.”Although <strong>the</strong> governmentwas mainly promoting<strong>the</strong> private sectorin developing health services,it is now returningfocus on improvingpublic health services aswell. This is thought topromote competition between<strong>the</strong> public and privatesector.Erbil to be controlled with security camsThe first group <strong>of</strong> studentscommenced <strong>the</strong>ircourses on SundaySeptember 23, 2012 in<strong>the</strong> Judicial Institute inErbil in <strong>the</strong> presence<strong>of</strong> <strong>Kurdistan</strong> <strong>Region</strong>alGovernment’s (KRG)Minister <strong>of</strong> JusticeSherwan Haidari, representingPrime MinisterNechirvan Barzani.The group consistedpeople.“The purpose or <strong>the</strong>cameras is for investigationsand assisting infinding pro<strong>of</strong>s in crimecases,” Tallat told <strong>the</strong><strong>Globe</strong>. “Additionally, itwould help reduce crimerate.”Judicial Institute started its first term<strong>of</strong> 42 students, 12% <strong>of</strong>whom are females.Minister Haidari announcedthat <strong>the</strong> instituteis a strategicinstitution and is complementaryto <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>rjudicial institutions.“The Institute wouldbe responsible for preparinga new generation<strong>of</strong> judges and members<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> public prosecutors,”Minister Haidarisaid. “No one or partyhas been allowed to interferein <strong>the</strong> admissionand testing processes.”The government hasallocated a plot <strong>of</strong> landand USD 27 million for<strong>the</strong> construction <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>institute’s building.GLOBE PHOTO/Safin Hamid

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