MTRNNを用いた階層的言語構造の創発 - 奥乃研究室 - 京都大学

MTRNNを用いた階層的言語構造の創発 - 奥乃研究室 - 京都大学

MTRNNを用いた階層的言語構造の創発 - 奥乃研究室 - 京都大学

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RJ2002PCA1PCA2151050-5-10-1.6-1.8-2-2.2-2.4-2.6-2.8-3transitive verbpunchtouchkickrunjumpwalkintransitive verbthearticleaadjectiveredsmalladverbbigyellow-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5PCA2blueslowlyquicklyballboxnounFig.4 Cf NonexistencePresenceof AdverbExistenceSimplicity of sentencesSimplicity ofobjectival phrases: sentence with itv: sentence with tv and 0 adj: sentence with tv and 1 adj: sentence with tv and 2 adj: existence of adverbitv = intransitive verbtv = transitive verbadj = adjective-15-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10PCA1Fig.5 Cs • CfCf .1. , .2. , .3. , ., Cf , . Fig. 4 , Cf (40 ) , ., 1 (. “run” “red”) (1) . , , , (2), (3) .• CsCs .1. , .2. .3. , ., Cs , . Fig. 5 , Cs (11 ) , . , 1 , (1), (2) . , , , , (3) .6. , MTRNN . MTRNN MTRNN MTRNN “” “” “” , . MTRNN - MTRNN 2 MTRNN JST 19GS0208 (B)21300076[1] K. D. Bot, W. Lowie, M. Verspoor: “A dynamicsystems theory approach to second language acquisition,”Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, vol.10,pp. 7–21, 2007.[2] S. Lawrence and C. L. Giles: “Natural LanguageGrammatical Inference with Recurrent Neural Networks,”IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering,vol.12, no.1, pp. 126–140, 2000.[3] Y. Sugita, J. Tani: “Learning semantic combinatorialityfrom the interaction between linguistic and behavioralprocesses,” Adaptive Behavior, vol.13, no.1,2005.[4] N. Chomsky: “Barrier,” MIT Press, 1986.[5] N. Chomsky: “Rules and Representations,” ColumbiaUniversity Press, 2005.[6] J. B. Pollack: “The induction of dynamical recognizers,”Machine Learning, vol.7, no.2–3, pp. 227–252,1991.[7] J. L. Elman: “Language as a dynamical system,”Mind as Motion: Explorations in the Dynamics Cognition,MIT Press, pp. 195–223, 1995.[8] T. Ogata et al.: “Two-way Translation of CompoundSentences and Arm Motions by Recurrent Neural Networks,”IROS, pp. 1858–1863, 2007.[9] J. Tani and M. Ito: “Self-Organization of BehavioralPrimitives as Multiple Attractor Dynamics: A RobotExperiment,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and CyberneticsPart A: Systems and Humans, vo.33, no.4,pp. 481-488, 2003.[10] Y. Yamashita and J. Tani: “Emergence of FunctionalHierarchy in a Multiple Timescale Neural NetworkModel: a Humanoid Robot Experiment,” PLoS Comput.Biol., vol.4, no.11, 2008.[11] D. E. Rumelhart, G. E. Hinton, and R. J. Williams:“Learning internal representations by error propagation,”MIT Press., Ch. 8, pp. 318–362, 1986.28 日 本 ロッ 術 講 (200 年 22 日 〜24 日

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