Baltimore-Washington Parkway Widening Feasibility Study

Baltimore-Washington Parkway Widening Feasibility Study

Baltimore-Washington Parkway Widening Feasibility Study

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<strong>Baltimore</strong>-<strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Parkway</strong> <strong>Widening</strong> <strong>Feasibility</strong> <strong>Study</strong>Ownership and ManagementAny impact would not necessarily be considered impairment. As such, an official determination must bemade. The NPS is required to complete this non-impairment determination for any action selected priorto the signing of a FONSI or ROD associated with the appropriate NEPA document.Thus, for the feasibility of widening of the B-W <strong>Parkway</strong>, a determination of impairment cannot be madeat this time. However, if this feasibility study progresses and an environmental document according toNEPA is prepared, then the NPS is required to complete a determination of non-impairment prior to thesigning of a FONSI or a ROD. If under such assessment, a determination of impairment is made, thisdetermination, which will be appended to the FONSI or ROD, could result in the B-W <strong>Parkway</strong> beingremoved as a listed property from the NRHP and the enabling legislation granting the <strong>Parkway</strong> statuscan be reversed. Thus, the B-W <strong>Parkway</strong> would no longer be under the jurisdiction of the NPS. Thepossibility that the entire parkway could come under the management and ownership of the MarylandSHA will then have to be considered.71 November 2012

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