Baltimore-Washington Parkway Widening Feasibility Study

Baltimore-Washington Parkway Widening Feasibility Study

Baltimore-Washington Parkway Widening Feasibility Study

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<strong>Baltimore</strong>-<strong>Washington</strong> <strong>Parkway</strong> <strong>Widening</strong> <strong>Feasibility</strong> <strong>Study</strong>Ownership and ManagementSection 1.4.5An impact that, in the professional judgment of the responsible NPS manager, would harm theintegrity of park resources or values, including the opportunities that otherwise would be presentfor the enjoyment of those resources or values.An impact to any park resource or value may, but does not necessarily, constitute animpairment. An impact would be more likely to constitute impairment to the extent that itaffects a resource or value whose conservation is:Necessary to fulfill a specific purpose identified in the establishing legislation orproclamation of the park orKey to the natural or cultural integrity of the park or to opportunities for enjoyment ofthe parkIdentified in the park NPS Planning document as being of “significance”.According to Section 1.4.5 of the Management Policies of 2006, a determination of impairment is basedon the impacts to park resources and value. This determination is left to the professional judgment ofthe responsible NPS manager of the park unit, which in this case would be the Park Superintendent ofthe B-W <strong>Parkway</strong>.According to Section 1.4.6 of the 2006 Policies, the park resources and values that are subject to thedetermination of impairment would include some of the following:“the park’s scenery, natural and historic objects, and wildlife and the processes and conditionsthat sustain them, including to the extent present in the park: the ecological, biological, andphysical processes that created the park and continue to act upon it; scenic features; naturalvisibility, both in daytime and in night; natural landscapes; natural soundscapes and smells;water and air resources; soils; geological resources; archaeological resources; culturallandscapes; paleontological resources; archaeological resources; cultural landscapes;ethnographic resources; historic and prehistoric sites, structures, and objects; museumcollections; and native plants and animals;”“appropriate opportunities to experience enjoyment of the above resources, to the extent thatcan be done without impairing them;”“the park’s role in contributing to the national dignity, the high public value and integrity, andthe superlative environmental quality of the national park system, and the benefit andinspiration provided to the American people by the national park system;”“any additional attributes encompassed by the specific values and purposes for which the parkwas established.”70 November 2012

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